8 psychotechnologies to help increase self-confidence. Proven ways to raise self-esteem: simple and clear. Choosing your path

7 tricks that will increase self-esteem
- 2 Powerful Self-Esteem Exercises
- 11 ways to increase self-confidence

1) Always remember your strengths.
For personal use only, make a list of your strengths and what you do really well. Be honest with yourself and avoid false modesty. Review this list every week and add new items if possible.

2) Watch your health.
If you are in good shape, you can achieve a lot. Regular physical exercise, which you enjoy doing, develops strength, perseverance and increases stress resistance. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. Breaks for rest, time for relaxation and time for yourself should become as integral a part of your daily routine as, for example, brushing your teeth. Enjoy the fact that you look good and try to take everything from life.

3) Keep calm and try to alleviate stress.
Avoid hustle and bustle. Develop stress resistance. Simple relaxation and stress management techniques will soothe your body and mind and become your lifeline. Find time for relaxation every day - at least five minutes. Practice mindfulness for at least a minute every day. Those few minutes will bring a big return.

4) Remember your rights.
Here are some of them: you have the right to your own opinion, to be treated with respect and as an equal, not to be insulted, to be listened to. You have the right to make a mistake, to fail, and to try again.

5) Plan, prioritize and be organized.
You need to know where you are now, where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Know exactly what you want. Weigh everything carefully and plan. Decide what your first step will be and take it. Be prepared to adjust your plan as needed. Whatever challenge you face, prepare for it. If possible, rehearse your actions in advance, such as giving a presentation. Pay due attention to this, and you will not only prepare for the upcoming event, but also increase your confidence and self-esteem.

6) Body language.
Move and speak confidently, and you will not only look like it, but actually feel like it. Raise your head, relax your shoulders and body, and make eye contact with the other person. Show calmness and confidence when you open the door and enter the room. Open posture, a firm handshake, a calm voice will show the interlocutor that you are glad to see him and communicate with him. Your speech should be clear, rhythmic, and infect with enthusiasm. Show your sincere interest and you can show yourself as a charismatic speaker!

7) Visualize.
One of the simplest and effective ways strengthening willpower is a visualization.
All you have to do is imagine a situation in which you want to feel more confident. Try to get a detailed image, then for a few minutes, work through the situation in your mind step by step, coping with any difficulties that you think may arise. The task may sound strange, but it is easy to complete, and the technique works.

- 2 Powerful Self-Esteem Exercises

Exercise 1: You as an asset. How to develop self-confidence and raise self-esteem based on previous experience.

People with low self-esteem and self-doubt do not value themselves, their experience, their knowledge, their past achievements, their skills. They say -
“Well, it happened by chance, I was just lucky”, “oh yes, this is nonsense.” Just remember that accidents are not accidental.

If you yourself do not appreciate yourself and your achievements, who else will appreciate you? First you learn to appreciate yourself, and then others around you will catch up.

Get a notebook that will be your "diary of success." By simply keeping a diary, you can achieve sustainable personal growth, develop the skill of analyzing situations, changing yourself, and forming the desired qualities of character.

Remember your past experience and life stages: work, youth, studying at a university, school in different classes. What successes, successes, victories, awards, achievements, skills, positive personal qualities did you have? What obstacles did you overcome to get them? Write it all down with your progress in your diary.

Write down everything you remember in your notebook. Consciousness is able to displace (forget) insignificant events. And such events are clearly underestimated in you. You will need several attempts to remember everything and do not require yourself to remember everything now. Just do this exercise for a few days. When you remember something, write it down.

Daily experience.
People tend to pay more attention to negative events and forget, belittle their dignity. It is recommended that every day, mentally go through the events of the day, remember what you did today. Remember your small daily victories that you did not notice during the day, good luck, new opportunities, qualities.

Do the exercise for several weeks or even months until you have a stable habit, a new habit of noticing and appreciating any of your small achievements, noticing even small opportunities.
You will be surprised how effective this will be for you. It is from such “small” achievements that strong self-confidence is formed, stable high self-esteem and a successful life are developed.

Exercise 2: Subconscious changes or how to gain self-confidence and raise self-esteem from deep within.

Do you have grievances, doubts?

Remember the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"? One of the main characters was constantly offended by the other: “I tell him - I have the flu, and he: - Get into the water, get into the water!” Because of this resentment, he forgot that he was forced to climb into the water to hide that very golden helmet. Which they could not remember where they hid and find, the whole movie.

It's the same in life because of resentment, we concentrate on the bad, and lose sight of the opportunities. And over time, it hurts self-esteem.

Write down in your diary all the grievances that bother you in this moment and what you can remember. Then release everything on the list. Then record and release again and again until you release everything. Soon you will need exactly a couple of seconds to let go of resentment.

- 11 ways to increase self-confidence

1) Get ready. You can rely on impromptu only in unforeseen situations, in everything else you must carefully prepare. Confidence comes from preparation and knowing that you know enough.

2) Use correct body language. Do not stoop, look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, relax your body.

3) Pay attention to the voice. When you mumble or speak insecurely, then between you and the interlocutor there is a conversation on an intuitive level: you know that he knows that you are not confident in yourself. Which makes you even more uncomfortable. Don't be loud or quiet, don't chatter, control your voice.

4) Develop optimism and positive thinking. This means that you must develop a certain attitude towards your failures and mistakes. Once failure stops worrying you, half the job is done. Be persistent.

5) Vicarial learning. It is observing the achievements of others. This includes how to work with successful people, masters of their craft, and reading biographies. Don't skimp on any of these methods. This way you can see how people cope with the difficulties that you also face.

6) Verbal persuasion. Oddly enough, even the banal thought “Come on, you can do it” is much more effective than a train of thought that inspires fear. If you take the time to talk to yourself for at least a few minutes, the effect will be even stronger. At the same time, it is important to understand that such phrases should become a habit, and not be used occasionally.

7) Raise emotional intellect. A confident person will never experience inappropriate emotions. He is in complete control of what he feels and does not allow negative and destructive emotions to take him by surprise.

8) Action, action, action. Pull yourself together and start doing something. It doesn't really matter how valuable these actions are. When we are not confident in ourselves, we cannot get down to business and bring at least something to the end. You need things done, you need to show yourself that you can do it.

9) Know yourself. Before going into battle, a wise general carefully examines his enemy. You cannot defeat the enemy without knowing him. In developing your self-confidence main enemy- it's you yourself. Start listening to your thoughts. Start writing a journal about what you think, analyze the causes of negative thoughts. And then think about the good things about yourself, about what you can do better than many people, about what you like. Start reflecting on your limitations and whether they are real. Know yourself.

10) Focus on solving problems. If you are a complainer or problem-focused, change your focus. Focusing on solutions instead of problems is one of the best things you can do for confidence.

11) Clear workplace. It may seem insignificant, but just do it. Uncertainty comes from confusion, don't add it to your life even on a physical level.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Sooner or later, every person worries, especially if such moments and situations happen too often in his life that literally knock the ground out from under his feet due to a sudden change in the situation or conditions. If you notice such episodes of loss of confidence in yourself and your abilities, then such problems need to be addressed.

To achieve some results, first of all, it is worth stopping to look at yourself too closely, placing too much emphasis on failures and shortcomings. Learn to emphasize your dignity and accept the fact that there are no perfect people in the world in everything. Besides, no one is immune from mistakes! Of course, if possible, you need to get rid of your weaknesses and try to make others and, first of all, you yourself appreciate all your advantages and skills. Also, when evaluating your failures, try not to reproach yourself, but to find the reasons that led to mistakes in order to prevent them in the future. Thus, a “bad experience” can be as good as any other, helping to become better and gain self-confidence.

Also, for often it is necessary to reconsider some character traits. These may include, for example, suspiciousness, shyness, shyness. There is nothing good in a suppressed sense of confidence, as it creates a fairly serious obstacle to personal success in many areas of life.

You need to stop comparing yourself to someone who is better than you at certain things. In the end, everyone is good at something and not so good at something. Try to focus on your own realization, apply your talents, skills and positive sides where required. Taking advantage of your own strengths boosts self-esteem. Also, develop the habit of not reproaching yourself, but praising each victory, even if it is not so significant and is just a small step towards success. Do not let others lower your self-esteem and do not do it yourself, choose self-flagellation every time you experience some kind of failure.

Of course, plans also help in gaining self-confidence. Even if they are too bulky and complex, they can be divided into many small ones, making each of them a kind of small victory. Do not be afraid to try to achieve the impossible, to achieve success.

Try to be a reliable friend, partner, colleague - this will allow you to realize yourself in all areas of your life, which will positively affect your self-esteem and make achieving what you want much easier. At the same time, you should not try to achieve any specific ideals, frameworks. It's best to focus on your own life, their ideals and styles.
If you are thinking about how you can increase your self-confidence, then tune in to positive thinking and optimism. Such people, who are prone to constant positive attitudes, know how to enjoy every moment of their lives and have certain ambitions. They have a habit not to waste time on empty doubts, but to constantly act and realize themselves where you feel “their place”. They are literally pursued by happiness, because constant subconscious positive attitudes tend to facilitate their achievement and they tend to "materialize" in the real world.

How to boost a woman's self-confidence

In order to work on self-improvement, a woman needs, first of all, to recognize and accept the problems of self-esteem. Regarding female psychology, low self-esteem is often the result of negative self-image. The fair sex is much more likely to underestimate themselves, their capabilities and real potential. But at the same time, psychologists have long confirmed that the events in our lives are actually directly related to our own beliefs and thoughts.
From this we can draw a simple conclusion: in order to improve your life, you need to change your attitude towards yourself and learn to think positively. In this regard, psychologists give several tips that are basic on the question of how to increase a woman's self-confidence:

1. Adopt a daily belief: “I am who I really am, and I like myself that way!”.
2. Use constant positive affirmations and attitudes: “I can!”, “I can do it!”, “I can!”.
3. Unlearn to always make excuses for your actions.
4. Gain confidence in the fidelity of your act, choice. Even if someone from the outside speaks negatively about them. Respect your choice.
5. Stop comparing yourself to other women. Everyone has talent in their field and a lack of it in another.
6. Put your wardrobe in order, try to follow the style, add new colors to it.
7. Accept yourself along with all the shortcomings and work on them, and do not beat yourself up for them. Always ignore and dismiss negative thoughts from your mind.

How to boost a girl's confidence

Considering the question of how to increase a girl's self-confidence, it is worth emphasizing the importance of personal effort and perseverance. A young girl needs to set a certain bar for herself regarding what worries her, and never lower herself. For example, set a goal to always follow the manicure and hair. There can be a lot of such “bars”, but such “development” of habits will allow you to always feel confident. At the same time, it is worth abandoning all bad habits, which also includes smoking, overeating, prolonged “hanging out” on social networks.
Try to develop comprehensively, follow your interests, get new information and education, watch your posture and appearance, go in for sports. Always tune in to a favorable outcome of any undertaking, and in case of defeat, remember that no one is ever immune from possible mistakes. Even from negative experience Benefit from analyzing what happened.

How to boost a man's confidence

Usually, the term “confidence” means some internal potential, a focus on achieving success, the belief that internal forces will always be enough to overcome emerging life problems. If a man often asks questions like: “Can I achieve this?”, “Am I worthy of what I want?” and others like them, then he definitely needs a boost in confidence and self-esteem.
If a man, on the contrary, is confident enough in himself and has adequate self-esteem, then he is actively acting. Always strive for the goal, is not afraid to turn to others with requests or demands, makes every effort and skill to achieve his own. At the same time, he is not afraid of possible failures, of becoming misunderstood or rejected. Usually, low confidence lingers since childhood, because it is based on negative life experience and inadequate family upbringing.

How to increase a man's self-confidence?

You can achieve this quickly enough if you stop your constant internal critic and accept the fact that you are able to build yourself instead of reproach and humiliate. Each man is his internal personal trainer, which adds motivation, internal reserves and strength. To build confidence in yourself. you should finally renounce all negative and derogatory thoughts, attitudes, beliefs.

The modern world is very hectic and full of troubles. In the whirlpool of everyday life and various events, we often forget about our inner thoughts and that they also require a certain order. Learn to think only positively, discard the beliefs that suppress you, and you will notice how your life will change only for the better.

In order to regain confidence as quickly as possible, in case you are unsettled, try a very simple exercise recommended by psychologists. Just close your eyes for a while and remember the things you do best. It can be anything from singing or drawing to even simple housework. If you don’t have time to close your eyes and concentrate, then you can just mentally imagine your favorite activity.

Every day we see a lot of information with advice from psychologists on how to increase our own self-esteem, practical advice and NLP practices to train your judgment steadily. But what is self-esteem, where to get it from and who, first of all, to influence to improve it. It turns out that the word itself contains a simple answer to this exciting question - it is an independent criterion for evaluating one's personality. Practical introspection of one's attitude to surrounding emotions.

Neither the reaction of the people around you nor right action, not even daily praises addressed to you are able to change the established attitude towards yourself until you want to do it yourself.

The formation of worthless attitude towards oneself comes from childhood.

A high evaluation criterion, regardless of the manifestation, led to the development of anxiety in the future. Such a character trait as resentment developed from constant humiliation - this is not only physical, but also emotional pressure. Moral and verbal ridicule and lack of faith in any undertaking also leave an imprint.

Have you thought about what people think when they are around you? After a survey in one of the megacities of the country, psychologists said that people do not leave the thought of themselves and their problems. The percentage of the population that cares about your dirty shoes today or being overweight is so small that it gives a clear picture of the mindset of others.

No one wastes their time thinking about other people's problems, criticizing appearance because every person on Earth has his own worries and plans. If your thinking constantly swarms with a lot of thoughts about who and how thinks of you, you are a dependent person on the opinions of outsiders.

By the concept of “self-esteem” we mean our attitude towards ourselves. That is, by changing your own reaction, you change yourself and your vision of the world. There are various techniques to improve self-esteem.

There are two types of assessing a person as a person: dependent- when any events from the outside leave an imprint on your mood, and independent- despite the opinion of those who are nearby, you are confidently moving towards your goal.

Criteria that characterize dependent self-esteem:

  • What matters to you is what others think of you;
  • If no one laughs at your jokes, there is no emotional reaction to the story told the day before, the personal attitude towards oneself undoubtedly falls;
  • Any criticism heard nearby is taken in his address.

Sometimes, dependence on the opinions of others reaches the peak of self-destruction. After all, a person begins to live for the sake of a positive mark of others, and not for the pleasure of himself. The complex of such low self-esteem leads to a negative mood, apathy, loss of strength, lack of desire to work, to do anything in life.

Each person has their own list of positive qualities. By sticking to this set list, you can live happily, or you can constantly look for flaws in yourself, worry that they affect the opinions of others.

When you stumble, the reaction of someone dependent on the opinions of other people will be negative.

- "The ideal mother's children do not cry" - such a motto is pursued by mothers with babies, traveling shopping or walking on the playground. But as soon as the kid makes a remark, goes against his decision or forbids something, the whole district hears the terrible cry of the child.

In the subconscious of the parents of such a child, a negative reaction to itself arises. “I am a bad mother”, “I am a bad father” - after such emotional outbursts - you begin to fear a repetition of a similar situation.

Independent reaction to the opinions of others will make you happy.

It is your reaction to the situation that should determine the individual assessment of what is happening, any actions, mistakes and possible ways to succeed. While doing a specific thing, look only at your steps, and any negative from the outside should pass by consciousness. Only this method will act to achieve the cherished goal.

The main rules of independent self-assessment:

  • I do not look at the opinions of others about my plans, life or relationships.
  • Any emotions of strangers are only their reaction, you should not apply it to yourself.
  • By not allowing yourself to be manipulated, you put your values ​​first, showing others your commitment.

An adequate reaction to what is happening around you is for many people only a dream, the achievement of which seems so far away that a large percentage give up halfway through work on themselves.
A woman who looks at herself self-critically and constantly looks for negative aspects in her appearance, figure is very often lonely and unhappy.

And a man, having a low level of self-esteem, does not achieve the desired victories on his own. This leads to depression, alcoholism.

Each of us has a number of points, performing which, feels great. It can be concerns about appearance, or it can be practical, psychological qualities.

Depending on how strong the framework of your criteria for self-assessment, your condition will directly depend.

Self-esteem of you as a person should not depend on the points of the completed “conditional” plan of an ideal person. A clear awareness of yourself as a complete person with a set of qualities that make you stand out and make you unique is personal pride.

Self-esteem does not need to be raised. We need to make her independent!

Techniques to help you become confident

It is worth recalling that a low level of self-esteem is your impressionability from the reaction of strangers.

Even a successful lady, having well-behaved children, is a good career, in his appearance finds many negative flaws. Such a woman cannot feel completely happy, because every moment she remembers her shortcomings and begins to compare the behavior of others with her appearance.

The first method that will help show the best characteristics of a person is a familiar collage.

  • stock up on a bunch of unnecessary magazines with an expression of emotions, a rich life of successful people;
  • place your most beautiful photo in the center;
  • select ten best qualities that characterize you in a positive way;
  • arrange pictures with the image of the best virtues around the photo - these are your personality traits, thanks to which you differ from everyone;
  • now remember negative sides, what you want to get rid of, you feel complexes, it causes fear in you;
  • place the negative characteristics of your "I" according to the impact on your life;
  • and most importantly, every day look at your created art masterpiece and begin to say goodbye to what overshadows your life. Do not be afraid to say goodbye to old things, spend money on yourself - it is at these moments that your love for yourself rises to the top, where your judgment of yourself hides.

The creation of such an illustrated poster will be able to show how much good you contain in yourself, what you can do and what you can be proud of, and how few of those shortcomings that you attribute such importance turn out to be! They are simply lost among your virtues, all this will become clear when you arrange the collage.

Simply being aware of this fact will help you stop focusing on them. And if you want to move on, then every day it is worth working to improve one of the qualities present and get rid of what you are unhappy with.

The second set of simple steps will set the mind to a sense of harmony with itself without the influence of outsiders:

  • When talking to people, try to use phrases that denote a leader, this is an expression of one's own opinion from oneself. “I want to do, I suggest” - this style of communication will give an internal impetus to a new level of self-respect, will show in the team that you are determined.
  • You should not walk sad and gloomy, thus creating a formidable wall of impregnability. The easier you express your feelings, emotionally reacting to what is happening, the easier for people find with you mutual language. You must admit that it is more difficult to start a conversation with a secretive person, the uncertainty of his reaction to any proposal will force such a candidate to be bypassed.
  • In the case when you are against something, you should not silently stand still and wait for someone else, bolder, to object to the proposed news. It is worth showing your disagreement in the case when it is you who do not like what is happening. So you can always express true desires, needs without imposing strangers.
  • Accept a good attitude towards you with gratitude, without a sense of shame. If you have been complimented, know that you are worthy of these words. And let your cold coffee due to long gatherings and torn stockings remain a secret that no one should know.

Where does self-esteem begin to develop?

Low self-esteem is the result of the painstaking care of parents, teachers, surrounding the child with childhood. When the baby grows up, his curiosity begins to grow, and often he becomes not as convenient for relatives as we would like.

Comparing a fidget with a quiet neighbor boy, in adulthood, the guy feels shame at the sight of a stronger opponent. And if the reason is precisely in the uncertainty of his strength, he will silently step aside, giving the best to another.

Recall how the separation between you and your child happened in kindergarten, school. The frightened eyes of a little man, who is most afraid that no one will come for him. Stress, which not everyone can cope with at a young age, comes from your own “frightening” phrases: if you don’t obey, I’ll give it to my uncle, if you don’t take away the toys, I’ll leave forever. Manipulation of children's emotions based on affection and love for the closest person are the main mistakes of parents that lead to a drop in self-esteem below the baseboard.

If you begin to notice the fear of communicating with people around you, start immediately to engage with your beloved baby.

Ways to change the way you see yourself

How to increase self-esteem in five minutes a day - does it really happen? Yes, read the first way.

1. Autotraining

If you say a simple set of phrases to yourself every day, in a couple of months, your attitude towards yourself will change.

I confidently go to work (interview, date).

I have attractive features in appearance, I have a good character (you can make a list of your positive characteristics and not only repeat them, but also improve them).

I don't care what others think, because my actions will lead to a happy ending.

I can. I can handle. I'm brave (brave). It is easy for me to complete a complex, important assignment.

The female body reacts more emotionally to ongoing events, while the male body is fraught with everything. But for everyone, regardless of gender and age, self-support will allow you to believe in yourself. By pronouncing such short affirmations - short phrases that carry a semantic load, the girl becomes more confident, and for men, this self-hypnosis technique helps to raise the low level of personal self-esteem.

2. Learn to be yourself - because you are unique

It can be difficult, who except you knows all the negative aspects of life. Starting to compare yourself to a successful movie star, always smiling neighbor - fleetingly you begin to imitate, using antics and expressions in your speech.

Living your life with other people's emotions, dependence on the assessment of others grows a million times. After all, playing a role, they always expect applause at the end.

You should not create someone else's image of an idyll, it is better to turn yourself into someone who will be imitated and on whose assessment someone else's opinion will depend.

3. Love yourself - make others love you

Often we look for flaws in ourselves, comparing with the standard of beauty. But what prevents you from becoming an object of admiration and imitation?

Self Love Secrets:

  • Go to a beauty salon - you don't have to spend hundreds of thousands to create a beautiful wrapper. This month - a hairdresser, next plan a make-up, manicure.
  • Follow the successful and confident stars - this is to be envied. But they spend a lot in order to feel their attractiveness.
  • Accept any compliments with gratitude, do not rush to talk about how much this dress cost you - you are worthy of these words of admiration.
  • Learn to improve your positive qualities. It is by emphasizing the pros that much less attention will remain on the negative aspects. The ability to highlight your best character traits will help you minimize what you were so ashamed of. Constantly compare yourself to who you were before.
  • Forget about the fact that an inferior and shy person can be happy. Become successful through a positive self-image.

Pierre Franck with the help of the training book " How to become self-confident"will teach you to love your shortcomings, and thanks to simple tricks - to live happily. The author is convinced that in order to increase self-esteem, it takes only six minutes a day.

The well-known psychological bestseller, which Rafael Santadreu called " How not to turn your life into a nightmare"- will be a discovery from the point of view of the Spanish psychotherapist. Practical exercises to restore personal self-esteem, how to get rid of the panic of loneliness and not succumb to the background of resentment for a rash marriage - all these nuances, analyzed in detail, will help you become happy without waiting for a new Monday.

Love reading!

Movies that can motivate you and believe in yourself

Check out the films in which the shy, over modesty succeed:

  • Eat Pray Love (2010)
  • life in pink
  • Road of Change (2008)
  • Mona Lisa smile
  • The Devil Wears Prada
  • Frida

Each film not only teaches to overcome difficulties, finding the way to happiness. They teach you to be happy internally, having what you have for a given period of time.

The psychotherapist, who is often so afraid to go to for help, always advises starting small. When following the recommendations in order to improve your attitude towards yourself, it is worth remembering the rule about the golden mean. An unstable narcissistic approach to self-love will turn into a new problem - selfishness towards others.

* when copying material, reference to the source of MirPozitiva is required

Ecology of life. Life hack: Self-confidence is one of the most desirable states that many people want to get. Self-confident people always have a huge impact on those around them. They get more resources, they achieve more results, they have a richer and interesting life etc.

If you want to succeed, keep believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you.

Abraham Lincoln

Self-confidence is one of the most desirable states that many people want to achieve. Self-confident people always have a huge impact on those around them. They get more resources, they achieve better results, they have richer and more interesting lives, and so on.

Fear and uncertainty arise from the thought that we do not or will not have enough resources to cope with the situation.

The cause of insecurity and low self-esteem can be:

1. As a child, your abilities, appearance, achievements were constantly criticized by parents and authority figures.

2. You are surrounded by negative people who constantly criticize and underestimate you.

3. You have failed in the past and have made this event very important.

4. You are constantly comparing yourself to people who are better than you in various ways.

Crocodile Gena walked near the railroad tracks. Suddenly, he heard the sound of an approaching train. "To cross or not to cross the road?" Gena thought. The train is getting closer. "To go or not to go? Will I succeed or not?" - Gena began to think feverishly. The train is even closer. Finally, when a beep sounded just above his ear, Gena rushed across the tracks. He looked back - and the tail was gone! Cut off by train. "Well, what, ass, fussed ?!" Crocodile Gena yelled in a voice that was not his own.

What can you do to boost your self-confidence?

Do you want to live with her all your life? Confidence is trained, just like any skill, with regular repetitions. The only difference is that developed confidence will have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

Below are 5 daily actions that are guaranteed to boost your self-confidence.

Action #1. Goal training

Set daily goals for the day and be sure to try to achieve them. Such training develops the confidence that you are capable of achieving what you want.

For convenience, use the principle (Minimum; 100%; Maximum). For example: Learn new English words (minimum - 3 words; 100% - 5 words; maximum - 10 words); Over time, the bar and the number of your daily goals will increase.

Action number 2. Do a "feat" every day

A feat is an action that goes beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone. And confidence is outside the comfort zone. For example, an early morning jog, dousing with cold water, overworking at work, etc. are all examples of mini-feats. Performing daily feats, you train your nervous system overcome fear and discomfort. Your strength is increased.

Action number 3. Speak louder than usual

Our voice is responsible for the level of personal strength and energy. Listen to confident people speak, their voices are loud and clear. Gradually, you will feel how your self-confidence will “tighten up” behind a louder voice.

Action number 4. Superhero Mode

All "superheroes" are very confident people. Their confidence helps other people get out of trouble. Feeling like a “superhero” fills a person with strength and confidence. Every day, notice people who need help and help them. Help can be completely different, from financial to a kind word of support. By doing good deeds and helping people, you increase your self-esteem and self-respect.

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Action number 5. Accumulate resources

Resources include finances, physical strength, positive emotions, contacts with people, knowledge and skills, experience, etc. With enough resources, you will literally feel "strong ground" under your feet. Resources serve as the basis for a sense of inner security and confidence. The more of these resources, the greater your confidence that you will cope with any life situation. published