Certificate of employment characteristics of the employee. Characteristics from the place of work (samples and examples of compilation). Example of a positive characteristic

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Any institution that a person has to deal with will always be interested in his capabilities, skills, abilities and other data that may be useful to him in the workplace. All these data are entered into a special document - a characteristic. The need for it is dictated by the fact that on the basis of these data, a decision is made on the satisfaction of applications and employment, study or, justified, refusal.

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The characteristic is usually written by the head of the enterprise, in any case, it is the head who endorses it, and bears responsibility too. But in practice, either a person appointed by the head, or the employee himself, who needs to draw up this document for himself, is working on the compilation. In any case, before signing, the information must be checked for compliance, since, after all, this is an official document.

The description succinctly describes:

  1. official (labor success, professional quality, reprimands, reprimands)
  2. human social activity
  3. business and moral qualities (leadership, relationships with colleagues).

Types of characteristics for employees

Characteristics are different, and the spelling depends on what and to whom this information needed. For example, a credit institution is completely uninterested in what success a person has achieved on the production front, as well as in higher education. educational institution it makes no sense to provide information about the creditworthiness of the person being characterized.

So what is the right way to write a characterization?

Everything, in fact, is not difficult. The characterization itself, in principle, is written quite naturally, like an autobiography, like an essay, the main thing is to adhere to the plan of the main sections.

Let's start by choosing the direction (where this document is required - inside the institution, or to external structures).

  1. An internal characteristic is needed to influence the employee within the organization (such as: rewarding, promotion, penalty, dismissal).
  2. An external characteristic is provided outside the organization ( potential employer when changing jobs, to banking institutions, to educational institutions, to law enforcement agencies, to the military registration and enlistment office). In this case, the document is simply obliged to contain the personal data of the employee, who must give his written consent to their use, processing and transfer to third parties.

Next, you need to know exactly where and why the characteristic will be provided. For example, if the goal says “at the place of requirement”, then this means “anywhere”, and naturally, the most general information can be indicated, without specific clarifications.

The main frame of any characteristic for an employee looks something like this:

  • At the top of the sheet, the name, date of compilation, outgoing number are indicated;
  • Questionnaire. Surname, name, patronymic characterized in the nominative case of the singular. His position, marital status, year of birth.
  • Stages of professional development of an employee. It is necessary to compile a chronology from the moment of hiring, production achievements, participation in projects, scientific or technological developments, contributions made to the development of the enterprise, and any activity of the employee to date;
  • Also in the characteristic it is necessary to indicate information about penalties and awards. For the objectivity of information, this section lists all titles, certificates, awards, reasons and methods of penalties. In fact, this information is included in work book(personal file) and the personnel department has free access to them, to whom the compilation of characteristics is usually prescribed.
  • It lists all the skills and abilities of the employee, his professional and team relationships, conflict, leadership qualities, and so on.
  • The purpose of the characteristic. This item does not need comments - it simply indicates where the document is provided.
  • At the bottom of the sheet are visas (with a transcript) of the responsible employee who made the description and the head, the round seal of the institution is required.

An example of a characteristic for an employee

Here we give an example of such a document. Please note that there is no special standard for it, and you can draw up a characteristic both based on an example with a strict standard (first sample) and in a free manner (second sample document).


Production Characteristic - Example

Production characteristic - another sample

How to write a description of an employee is a question that interests every employer. A characteristic is a business document that describes the professional qualities of an employee and a brief summary of its essence. professional duties. In the modern business world, characteristics have somewhat outlived their usefulness. First of all, because of its template. In their place, more and more letters of recommendation come.

The need for paperwork

Despite this, the essence of the characteristic and its purpose should be understood by every person of working age.

You should find out in what cases it is needed:

  • when changing positions or moving to another enterprise;
  • in the conditions of certification of workers;
  • when issuing a large loan;
  • in case of adoption;
  • in litigation;
  • when entering educational institutions.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of work

It is written in a free form, but in compliance with the structural parts.

Questionnaire. Here the personal data of the employee, the availability of education, academic degrees are indicated, educational institutions are listed.

The work activity of the employee. It indicates when and by whom the person worked, from what time and by whom he has been working in the current organization. It should be indicated whether the employee was transferred to other departments. This column indicates the labor "exploits" of the employee, what he did significant for the organization. You can characterize the personal qualities shown at work. In the case when the employee took courses, attended seminars, received additional professional education, it is required to designate in the document.

Information about the human qualities of the employee. This column indicates the professional qualities, knowledge, skills acquired by the employee during his stay in the labor institution. You can focus on the diligence of a person, his desire for personal and professional development.

Separately, you need to write about the communicative qualities of a person, his relationship with members of the team. Does the employee have authority among colleagues, how aggressive can he be, how does he resolve work conflicts. Attention should be focused on psychological qualities, the general level of culture and education. The same section includes possible awards, thanks and encouragement to the employee.

Conclusion. In this column, the purpose and place of the requirement for the characteristic should be indicated. The document is signed by the head. The person who draws up the characteristic is responsible for the information contained in it. The authority to draw up the document belongs either to the inspector of the personnel department or to the head of the enterprise. One copy of the characteristic is taken by the employee, the other by the organization.

There are two types of characteristics: internal and external. Therefore, there are several ways to write a characteristic from the place of work.

An internal characteristic is compiled for use in the organization itself. It may be required in several cases:

  • for the implementation of collections;
  • for reward or gratitude;
  • in the event of a promotion.

External is compiled for sending to other structures and organizations. Before drawing up such a document, the employee is required to take permission, fixed on paper.



to the psychologist of the Emergency Hospital

Sokolova Anna Nikolaevna

Sokolova Anna, born in 1984. In 2006 she graduated with honors from the State Medical Institute. She joined the organization in April 2008.

During the period of work, she carried out psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional, psychoeducational work with colleagues and patients. In my work I used modern technologies psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, carried out advisory work to assess the psychological state of patients, carried out the necessary rehabilitation procedures.

Sokolov A.N. executive and conscientious worker. She complies with the norms of behavior adopted in the work team. Colleagues are friendly and polite. Behave in a friendly and courteous manner. In the event of a conflict, he behaves diplomatically, prefers to search for solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties. In the process of communicating with colleagues and patients, he shows attentiveness and tact. She is distinguished by diligence and high efficiency. In difficult times for the organization, Sokolova A.N. supports the work in every possible way, sometimes staying overtime. The main qualities that distinguish an employee: a conscientious attitude to their work, the desire for self-improvement, professional excellence. Regularly attends various courses, seminars, trainings. There are no disciplinary actions.

Head physician N.Ya. Weinstein




on Pyotr Ivanovich Korotkov

bearing factory worker

the city of Tver

Petr Ivanovich has been a foreman for about 1.5 years. He joined the company in 2012. At the workplace, he behaves irresponsibly, negligently treats the performance of duties.

The work is done poorly, half-heartedly. In the work without initiative, requires guardianship and control. Korotkov P.I. he is slow, he remembers the instructions given to him badly.

Relations in the work team are conflicting, may show aggression. Warm, friendly relations are not maintained. Keeps aloof. AT corporate events does not participate.

Has disciplinary sanctions for absenteeism.

Differs in weak intellectual development, concrete thinking.

He was elected brigadier, but with official duties could not cope. Does not participate in the life of the plant. No awards or commendations.

Differs in regular violation of labor discipline, shows a tendency to an antisocial lifestyle.

Among the team and management does not enjoy authority.

The characteristic was issued for submission to vocational school No. 12 of the city of Tver.

Plant director (signature) V.P. Serafimko

How to write

  1. Degree of professionalism: experience, skills, knowledge of professional issues.
  2. Knowledge of professional responsibility.
  3. Knowledge of document management.
  4. Ownership modern methods and technologies.
  5. Ability to plan work, anticipate risks and prospects.
  6. Degree of performance.
  7. Attitude to work.
  8. Discipline and responsibility.
  9. Ability to support initiatives.
  10. The opportunity to spend personal time on troubleshooting.
  11. Punctuality.
  12. Organization, initiative, independence in the execution of instructions.
  13. Persistence.
  14. Modesty.
  15. Communicative qualities.
  16. Ability to resolve conflicts.
  17. Relationships in the team.
  18. Objectivity, exactingness.

The information provided in the reference is extremely important for the applicant, because it gives the employer an idea of ​​the competitiveness of a person, his personal and professional qualities.

From the place of work - very important document in any enterprise. He can talk about the quality of the employee's work, his personal qualities and behavior in the team.

The characteristic from the place of work is written in any form

This document may be required in almost all areas of life. For example, at the bank, if you are going to take it, or at the tax office.

Also, the characteristic of an employee is simply necessary when he moves to another position: a higher one or belonging to another department of the state. Further in the article, the features of the design of the document that should be taken into account will be considered.

How to write a description?

So what do you need to know about design? Landscape paper (A4) should be used. The speech must come from a third person, regardless of who draws up the document (employer or employee). That is, you need to use such forms of words as “works”, “has time”, etc.

At the head of the sheet, the word "characteristic" and the full name of the employee are written in capital letters. You can not replace the name and patronymic with initials, everything must be indicated in full. Next comes the data in the form of a questionnaire.

Then describe career worker. Most often, this is a labor path within the framework of only the company in which a person works in this moment. However, there are exceptions - if there are serious achievements before working at this enterprise, it is necessary to mention them in the description.

The most important ones include independent project management, participation in large-scale events, and a special contribution to the work of the team. The characteristic also contains information about additional courses, advanced training, second (third, fourth) education.

Now the professional skills and qualities of the employee are described. This includes knowledge foreign languages, company rules, behavior in conflict situations, communication with colleagues, stress resistance or its absence, organization, efficiency of work, etc.

The professional ones are followed by personality traits, psychological state, the level of sociability and culture, as well as empathy. Data on remuneration and are also indicated. At the end of the document, the destination of the characteristic is indicated. The characteristic from the place of work is signed by the management of the enterprise, the head of the personnel department and the head of the department to which the employee belongs at the moment.

Below is the date of compilation. Signatures must be certified by the seal of the organization. Here are the basic principles for designing a job description. Now consider the document on a specific sample.

Sample document


for junior accountant of OAO "Privet"
Petrov Ivan Akakievich

Petrov Ivan Akakievich Born on September 19, 1970, received higher education, graduated from Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University in the field of economics.

Petrov Ivan Akakievich has been working at OAO Privet since 2000 as a junior accountant. His duty is to calculate wages employees of the company, compiling staffing, preparation of reports to the tax office.

Working at OAO "Privet", Petrov Ivan Akakievich showed himself as a responsible, punctual, organized and skilled specialist. Able to make quick decisions at a critical moment and take responsibility for major projects.

Petrov Ivan Akakievich is a calm and laconic person. He is not very sociable, but he is very responsive and always supports colleagues in difficult periods, for which he is respected in the team.

The characteristic has been drawn up for submission to the court authorities.

General Director of OAO "Privet" V.V. Artamonov
Head of Personnel Department P.R. radionov

The design example presented above is used if the organization does not have a general reference form from the place of work. This happens most often, however, some enterprises have a single form of document. In this case, you must follow the requirements of the official form.

The nuances of compiling a characteristic

The characteristic from the place of work must be signed by the head (director)

An important point is the level of the specialist at which the characteristic is written. That is, if an employee applies for the same position, but in another organization, then it is necessary to emphasize in the characteristic such qualities as diligence, punctuality, unquestioning obedience to instructions.

If the employee is applying for a position that is higher than his current level, then it is necessary to describe for the most part the leadership aspects of the personality, initiative, ambition, the ability to organize the work of oneself and the team, and the ability to independently solve serious problems. As a rule, the characteristic is written from the point of view of the authorities.

If it is necessary to draw up a characteristic for the manager himself, it is also necessary to describe the qualities of the employee from the point of view of the manager.

It is worth noting that the employee has the right to request a characteristic even after. A few tips for the compiler of this document:

  • Before starting to draw up a characteristic, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the employee for whom the document is being written for the processing of personal data and their transfer to third parties in writing certified by his signature.
  • In the characteristic from the place of work there should not be qualities or data that are not related to the professional side of the person, which are not important in the process of his work. These qualities include: housing conditions, nationality, religious and political positions, worldviews, etc.
  • When compiling a characteristic sent to external organizations, you need to find out about the availability of a single form of the document from the receiving party. If there is such a form, then it should be compiled only according to it.
  • If in doubt about emphasizing certain qualities and aspects of career growth, it is necessary to consult with the employee for whom the characteristic is drawn up and find out what is preferable for him to have in the document.
  • Most often, the characteristic is written in favor of the employee, and not against him. Most of the document must be submitted positive aspects employee, and not his negative qualities (if they do not harm the work of the enterprise). However, if the employee is a persistent violator of the company's rules, then this should be mentioned, as this is a serious point.

Thus, writing a characteristic does not present any particular difficulties. It is only important to know the sample design and the rules for drafting, as well as the purpose of the document. It is from the latter that one must build on when describing the qualities of an employee.

Any leader, like any employee of the personnel department, sooner or later faces the need to write a characterization of an employee of the institution. And of course, questions immediately arise - are there any regulatory requirements for compiling this document, what should be the volume and structure, etc. Today we will tell you what types of characteristics can be created at the enterprise, what are the features of these types, how to draw up a characteristic and what to look for attention in the preparation of this document.

The concept of characteristics. Kinds

Definitions of employee characteristics are in various dictionaries. Based on these definitions, we can say that a characteristic is a document containing a review of the activities (labor, social or other) of a particular person. Most often, a characteristic is required when a decision needs to be made regarding an employee (punish, encourage, reward, etc.), as well as at the request of various authorities - the traffic police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, courts, military registration and enlistment offices, etc. In this regard, the characteristics are divided into internal and external. In addition, the characteristic can be:

- production (may be needed when passing a medical and social examination, medical and labor commission or a professional examination);

- official (compiled at the request of higher authorities when resolving issues of transfer, application of incentives or penalties);

- attestation (compiled during the activities for the certification of employees and submitted to the certification commission).

It happens that the characteristic is addressed former employee who needs this document for employment in a new place. For example, on the basis of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 N 3132-1 "On the status of judges in Russian Federation"an applicant for the position of a judge must provide characteristics from the places of work (service) for the last five years of labor (service) experience, and in the case of work (service) during the specified period (in whole or in part) not in the legal specialty, also from the places of work (service) ) in law.

As you can see, the characteristics are varied. Their content depends on the type. For example, in production characteristics the main attention should be paid to the position of the employee, working conditions, indicate the amount of work per shift and determine the efficiency of labor, and in the service record - reflect the entire track record of the employee, length of service, qualifications and give other information about the employee as a specialist. For authorities in the characteristic, more emphasis is placed on personal qualities employee, and for the future employer - on business and professional.

Who is responsible for compiling the characteristics? We believe that the direct manager knows the employee best of all, and it is he who will be able to draw up the most accurate professional and personal portrait of the employee. But this is ideal, but in practice, often the characteristics are drawn up by personnel officers.

Quite often, those who draw up the characteristics take a formal attitude, but sometimes this document can play a significant role. So, in connection with the presence of a positive characteristic, the judge can mitigate the punishment, and if it is negative, on the contrary, appoint more severe measures.

The text of the characteristic can be conditionally divided into several blocks.

1. Header. The name of the document and the surname, name, patronymic of the employee for whom it is drawn up are indicated here. In practice, this part often indicates the year of birth and the title of the employee's position: "Characteristics for the chief specialist of the desk audit department Margarita Vladimirovna Zolotova, born in 1978."

2. General biographical information. This part of the characteristic is also called personal data. Information for her is taken from a personal card. This section indicates the place of birth, passage military service, education. Moreover, it is customary to write the names of educational institutions in full and indicating the terms of study. If there are several educational institutions, then all are listed with an indication of the specialty received (additionally, you can indicate merits in studies: a diploma with honors, an academic degree). In the same block, you can include information about marital status - the state of marriage, the presence of children, etc.

3. Information about labor activity. This section can be divided into two subsections, in the first of which to talk about labor activity before going to work, and in the second - about activities at the enterprise: from what year does the person characterized work and in what position did he start working in this organization, for what positions and in which units were transferred.

Expanded enumerate labor obligations an employee in the reference is necessary only if the employee himself, a lawyer or another person requesting the reference asks for it.

When presenting information about the current work activity, it is necessary to assess the business qualities of the employee, for example, using the assessments received by the employee during the next certification. Or you can simply list the business qualities of an employee, indicating in which area they manifest themselves best.

The indicators by which the assessment is carried out may be different. Particular attention should be paid to professional competence. When evaluating it, take into account the employee’s work experience, his knowledge of the profession, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts relating to his work. Indicate if the employee is interested foreign experience and apply it in their work.

Personal qualities are best manifested when communicating with colleagues. Usually in the description of these qualities such words as "benevolent", "responsible", "hardworking" are used.

Here are a few turns that can be used when describing professional competencies.


He has extensive and deep knowledge in his specialty, broad general erudition in official matters. Skillfully uses his knowledge in everyday work, can give valuable advice.

He has sufficient knowledge in his specialty, but he is less versed in other service issues.

Many issues related to his work, he cannot solve on his own, he needs some help, tips and instructions.

He successfully combines work with self-education in his specialty.

He often expresses his own opinion even on issues in which he is not very well versed.


In his work he constantly achieves good results, makes an important contribution to the work of the team.

He treats his work conscientiously (indifferently). In the work shows a high (sufficient, insufficient) intensity. He does not like his work, but he does it conscientiously.


Shows clarity, diligence, initiative in the performance of tasks, knows how to independently organize his work.

When performing tasks, he shows diligence, but needs outside help to organize more efficient work.

Perseverance and perseverance are not always enough to achieve your goal or understand the issue that has arisen.

He uses his working day very tightly, knows how to properly allocate time and effort to perform the assigned work.

The following phrases can be used to assess personal qualities:

Knows how to win over and find a common language with people.

He does not always know how to avoid conflicts, but his behavior does not give rise to quarrels in the team.

In personal behavior, he shows modesty, does not allow the use of his position for personal purposes.

In everyday life, he behaves modestly, is distinguished by moral stability.

By nature, a calm person, rarely shows irritability and restraint.

He perceives criticism in his address correctly, immediately takes measures to eliminate shortcomings.

Note. If the employee has any shortcomings, they should be reflected in the characteristic. A completely positive review may raise doubts about the objectivity of this document. The optimal ratio of disadvantages and positive qualities is 1:5.

In the same section, you must specify data on awards, promotions, disciplinary actions, for example: "There were gross violations discipline, however, under the educational influence, the correct conclusions were drawn and steps were taken to correct behavior", "Understood the requirements of service discipline correctly and fully complied with".

4. Other information. The characteristic sometimes provides other information about the employee, for example, about his social activities. When describing this aspect, it is necessary to indicate which public associations the employee is a member of, in which projects he took part (for example, "Does a lot and effectively community service and his social activities brings great benefit to the team"). Moreover, activities are taken into account not only within the organization, but also outside it.

At the end of the characteristic, they usually write for what purposes it is issued, for example: "This characteristic has been issued for presentation to the Avtozavodsky District Court of Nizhny Novgorod." If the document will be sent to several places, it can be noted that the characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

We draw up and issue a description

Some unified form for the characteristic is not legally established, therefore it is drawn up arbitrarily on sheets of A4 format. The text is written in the third person, using present or past tense verbs (graduated, worked, performs, has, etc.).

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the characteristics sent to various authorities and instances - it must be drawn up on the official letterhead of the institution and signed by the head, and then certified with a seal. If the characteristic is prepared for promotion, transfer, appointment and for other "internal" purposes of the institution, its head signs personnel service or the direct compiler, and there is no need to stamp the seal.

note! Since the characteristic is a document containing the employee's personal data, when compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of Ch. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the initiator of drawing up a characteristic intended to be provided outside the institution is an employee, the characteristic is issued to him against receipt. It is also necessary to take a receipt for obtaining the characteristics from the lawyer who receives this document in his hands. To record the fact of obtaining characteristics, it is best to start a journal in which to make notes about who, when and in how many copies the document was issued.

If it is necessary to send a characteristic by mail, this is also recorded in the journal, a copy is made of the document and placed in the employee's personal file.


To summarize all of the above - we will give a brief briefing on compiling a characteristic.

First of all, ask for all necessary information about an employee in the HR department. Break the text of the characteristic into several blocks, logically related to each other. Briefly indicate the personal data, year and place of birth, name the educational institutions that the employee graduated from, and the specialties received by him in the learning process. Then describe the work activity before the employee joined you.

The main text of the characteristic should contain a description of the business and personal qualities of the person being characterized: reflect the stages of the career, the range of issues addressed by the employee, the projects in which he took part.

Be mindful of the purpose of the testimonial and evaluate business and personal qualities briefly and accurately.

The fate of a person may depend on how the characteristic is drawn up. Thus, S. was found guilty of a crime by the Perovsky District Court of Moscow and she was sentenced to the maximum possible sentence. Disagreeing with such a harsh sentence, S. filed an appeal, which resulted in a reduction in the sentence. The appellate instance substantiated its position by the presence of mitigating circumstances - a confession, positive characteristics of S. from the place of residence and work (Determination of the Moscow City Court of 05/20/2013 in case N 10-3077 / 13).

Our whole life consists of documents that need to be submitted to various organizations. Most often, this is a photocopy of a passport or birth certificate. Also, many institutions request a marriage certificate, TIN or SNILS. But there are many places where you will be asked for a reference from your place of work or study. It is in the list of documents that are needed for adoption, guardianship, obtaining a mortgage, considering certain categories of cases in court, entering a university (then it is written at school for a graduate). And it may also be required when the device is on new job as a recommendation from a previous job or when passing certification. What kind of document is this and how to write a characterization for a person?

What is a characteristic?
Let's start with the feature being official document, which assesses the business, as well as personal qualities of a person. Make up a description:
  • in production - the head of the department where the employee works, or a specialist in the personnel department,
  • in a school (or other educational institution) - the class teacher (curator) or a representative of the administration of the educational institution.
At the same time, the one who compiled the characteristic is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the document.

The characteristic is drawn up in two copies: one is handed out to the employee or sent by mail at the request of a third-party organization, and the second is filed into the employee's documents (personal file).

Several people sign the characteristic: the one who compiled it (the head of the department or the class teacher), the employee of the personnel department and the head of the institution. The document is certified by the seal of the organization.

If the characteristic is required to a third-party organization and is sent by mail, then in the upper left corner you need to indicate the outgoing document number and the number of its registration.

What is the characteristic?
The characteristic can be:

  • Internal - one that will be used only in the organization where the person works (it is compiled for certification for compliance with the position held or when transferred to another department at a large enterprise). In such a document, the emphasis is on the labor qualities of the employee, his creative potential is assessed and recommendations are given on how to use this potential. The internal characteristic does not indicate the place of its provision, and such a document must be signed by the head of the department where the employee works, and the head of the organization.
  • External - such a document is compiled at the request of third-party organizations or the employee himself, and is intended for use outside the organization where the person works. Therefore, it is compiled most fully, with a reflection of all the data and an objective assessment of the person. At the same time, only the head of the institution can sign the document handed out to the employee (provided that a second copy remains in the office or personnel department signed not only by the head, but also by the head of the department where the person works, as well as an employee of the personnel department). And depending on where exactly the characteristic is required, the document can focus on personal or, conversely, business qualities ah man.
What is a characteristic?
The characteristic consists of four parts:
  • personal data of a person - this part of the characteristic is placed on the sheet in the center or in the upper right corner (column);
  • information about work or study (from what specific year he studies or works in this organization, how he relates to work or study, the level of professionalism, mastery of skills, achievements, etc.);
  • assessment of the business and moral (personal) qualities of a person, information about the available (if, of course, they are) awards, penalties, relationships in the team (does the person enjoy authority among colleagues, is he a leader, etc.);
  • indication of where the characteristic is submitted.
In the characterization, more attention can be paid to describing the emotional sphere of a person, his behavior in stressful or extreme situations. This is important if a document is required, for example, for registration of guardianship or obtaining a permit to carry a weapon. If we are talking about promotion or transfer to a managerial position, it should be indicated whether he is able to lead subordinates, make informed decisions and take responsibility. If we are talking about a characterization of a teenager, which is often requested by law enforcement agencies, then the main emphasis should be placed on his ability to build relationships in a team and with adults, be responsible for his actions, and also reflect in the document such traits as conflict, sociability, irascibility and other.

We write a description
To write a characterization for a person, you will need a standard A4 sheet (the document is drawn up using computer technology) on which you want to place all the information. Of course, it is better to fit into one page, but if the document is supposed to be voluminous (a person has a lot of regalia or a more detailed description of his business qualities is required), then the characteristic can be written on several sheets (then it is stitched together according to the rules of office work and document flow). Sections, as a rule, are not numbered, but simply written from a paragraph.

So, let's write a description:

  1. Heading: "Characteristic" is written in the center of the sheet in its upper part.
  2. Personal data. As mentioned above, personal data must be written in the center of the sheet under the heading or in the upper right corner. They must contain the following information: last name, first name, patronymic of a person, date of birth, position, education. We must not forget that the data on education must be indicated in full: which educational institution and when the employee graduated, what qualification (profession) he received. Existing academic degrees and titles should also be reflected in the questionnaire part.
  3. Information about labor activity. Here it should be indicated from what period a person has been working (studying) in an institution, in what position, what functions he performs or what duties he was assigned, the career growth of a person in an organization (if he, of course, was). If the employee was transferred within the organization to other positions, they must also be listed. You should also indicate the results of his activities: what projects he led, in which projects he participated, what work he performed independently, and so on.
  4. Evaluation of business and moral qualities. This part of the characteristic is the main one, since it reflects the assessment of both working and personal qualities. The level of creativity, responsibility, competence, professionalism and integrity of the employee must be indicated. It is also necessary to indicate the employee's ability to learn, his interest in foreign professional experience, knowledge of regulations and guidance documents, the ability to organize the workflow and create sustainable working relationships with colleagues. It is necessary to describe his relationship with the staff of the organization, the management team, and subordinates. If we are talking about the certification of an employee, then the characteristic should contain an assessment of his work at the moment: whether the employee corresponds to the position held or not.
  5. Final part. Here you need to specify what the characteristic is for. As a rule, the place of its provision is indicated: "The characteristic is compiled for submission to ....".
  6. Signatures, seals. The signatures of those responsible for compiling the characteristics, as well as the head of the organization, are placed under the text on the right (or in the center), and on the left, you need to indicate the date the document was compiled.
HR employees and managers structural divisions who are required to draw up characteristics for their subordinates, it should be remembered that a lot often depends on this document. Especially when it comes to providing a characteristic to a third-party organization (court, mortgage agency, bank, guardianship department, juvenile department, etc.), where a person will be evaluated based on this document and a decision will be made about his future fate. Therefore, in order to write a characterization of a person, you need to study his personal file and analyze his work (study). This is the only way to speak about the objectivity of the document.