Invitation to a meeting of partners in network business. How to invite people to network business and what not to do. What to look for when holding a meeting

Epigraph: Stop running after people, let them run after you and find you themselves. .

- “Hi, I’ve started such a cool Internet business here,” you say to your friend Vasya, “Come with me, this is generally a thing, you won’t regret it.”

“Yes, what kind of business?” Vasya asks.

- “In general, listen, I found out about one company (project, business, opportunity), he (a) ..., in it we ..., and yet ..., and yet ..., and yet ... "... etc.

- “Clearly, this is all bullshit,” your friend Vasya tells you, and at that moment you get another dose of shit and a decrease in your self-esteem ...

In this article I will tell you why most of the Internet businessmen, no matter what, networkers, info-businessmen, etc., fail when developing their business, as well as why people leave the business and generally quit what they started in most cases.

Look here. You are doing business on the Internet, you really earn real money on the Internet, you are developing, improving, getting new knowledge every day, everything is fine with you, isn't it? STOP!!! No not like this.

You are engaged in Internet business, recently became a distributor of some network company, became a member of some Internet project, you want to open your own project, etc., in general, you don’t earn a lot of money, or you don’t earn any at all, but you know what , what you are doing is very promising, profitable in the future, that thanks to your business your life will change for the better and everything like that ... Your goal is to earn a lot of money in order to fulfill all your dreams and goals.

What's next? Since in most cases on the Internet a person’s income depends on the turnover (contribution) of funds of other participants, then, accordingly, this person needs other people for this, partners, investors, clients, etc. What to do? Correctly. Look for people in your business.

Let's, as an example, I'll take a regular MLM business in which the distributor's income depends on the group's cash flow in its structure. This is a common example, which I think is best suited to the essence of this article, but in general, any business, even a linear one, can be cited as an example.

Whoever thinks that MLM business is a sect, a pyramid, a scam, etc., then you don’t have to read the article further, but it’s better for you to forget the way to this blog altogether.

I won’t write about the fact that you don’t need to run after people, impose on them, etc., I wrote about this in my previous articles.

Now let's talk with you about how newcomers usually start selling their business, project, opportunity, etc., to their friends, relatives or acquaintances, in general, people they know and hope that soon they will also start engage in their business after they offer it to them.

Well, let's face it, and it turns out that almost every newcomer to the MLM business has a desire to TELL YOUR FRIENDS, RELATIVES AND ACQUAINTANCES ABOUT THE SUPER MEGA BUSINESS ASAP .

It is a fact! And there is. But do you understand that this newcomer? This is normal, I have had it too. That is, he will now run to them, will rub all the delights of his business, product, project, etc. so, what is next?

Again, in most cases, in front of his eyes, his relatives (not everyone) will twist a finger at his temple, saying that his whole business is complete crap, that this is a sect, a pyramid, a scam, pure deception, etc. etc., in general, the result is the same - your business sucks! This is the first option.

The second option is when his friends, relatives and acquaintances (do not mean everyone) will not say all these nasty things, but simply say, “This is not mine, I don’t want to do this, I don’t like it”, etc. That is, people are simply not interested, but they do not consider your occupation a bad thing. It is also an option.

So. What to do? Is it worth it to persuade people or convince them that your business is honest and profitable, that it can change lives for the better, that you can earn good money in your business, that you need to develop, improve, that you need to strive for something in life , and not live like a gray mouse in a mink and be like everyone and everything like that?

What do you think? I give you a clear answer to this question - DON'T!!!

In the first case, when your loved ones will tell you nasty things, and God forbid, they will mock you, I advise you to speak briefly - “Fuck everyone ......”. This is the best option, trust my experience. All! In simple and understandable language, - "I went to ...".

If a person is not interested in this, then why should he prove something, right, and if he is still interested, then he will definitely ask you, do not doubt it. Well, how is it, you, you understand, are engaged in business here, which means he is standing on the sidelines, not in order. =)

Remember one simple truth. A purposeful person is looking for opportunities, a loser is looking for excuses!

In the second case, when a person has nothing against your business, but simply does not want to do it, then in no case should you persuade him, God forbid you do this.

Friends, I myself used to work this way, in my environment there are a lot of friends, relatives and acquaintances, whom I look at and simply marvel at their inaction. Well, how can you live like this and not strive for anything, the day has passed and thank God, no plans, no goals, no dreams, etc., only work, home, sofa, etc ...

I don’t understand this, and to be honest, at the beginning (when I started doing Internet business), I was just trying to persuade them that they needed to live differently in this life, and not the way they live now. I proved to everyone that you need to constantly develop, work on yourself, set goals, dream, and ultimately strive for something. Damn, now it's so funny to remember all this ... =), well, what can I say ...

Generally understood. In the first option, we send it farther and, most importantly, do not argue with the person, this is very important, in the second, we simply do not persuade. Why?

You see. Everything is simple here. If a person does not want, then his gates to his inner world are closed. Well, a person doesn’t want to change and that’s all, for example, he doesn’t want to quit smoking, drinking, he doesn’t want to play sports, lead a proper lifestyle, etc. etc., if a person is closed and it suits him, then you, as a purposeful, positive person, who always strives for something new, who wants to achieve big goals in life, etc., you will simply break your head about his gate.

You can already be rich, successful, a great motivator, a great speaker, a famous person, but still, the person you approach and offer your business to, he will simply refuse. IT IS NOT ON TO IT!!!

No matter how much you value your loved one, if he does not want, then you should not persuade him. Useless. And do not even look at lazy people, gouging, drunkards, loafers, etc., and do not approach them. DEFINITELY!!!

I will tell you one case. When I first started doing business at ISIF, I immediately began to work actively. In 2 months I made the Diamond qualification. This is actually a huge achievement. I reached a good INITIAL income from the business and understood that in a traditional business, entrepreneurs pray for the first year to recoup the money invested in the business, and I even earned more.

So, this is not about that, but about how much I wanted to help one of my good friends. His name is Sergei. A very good guy. Kind, sympathetic, responsible finally. I decided to offer him my business because I understood that he could really succeed in it.

Sergei lives with his parents, recently graduated from a technical school and works at a non-prestigious and low-paid job for a penny, I’ll even announce the figure of 6-8 thousand rubles. I don’t understand how you can live on that kind of money, so I decided to offer him this opportunity.

For 2 whole hours I sat at his house and explained to him the business opportunities at ISIF, about making money, about how this company will help him buy an apartment after some time, so that he can finally live separately from his parents in his own apartment, about how he will be able to get an excellent education, that he will be able to develop, improve, become better, that he will be able to travel the world, etc., in general, that I just didn’t tell him and as soon as I didn’t convince him - IT IS USELESS!!!

“I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to make a lot of money, I don’t like it,” is what I heard in response. Friends, my advice to you. NEVER ASK ANYONE! Another cut - Purposeful person - looking for opportunities, loser - looking for excuses!

If a person does not need anything, then everything suits him. And what will happen to you? Elementary. Your internal self-esteem will fall, that's all. When you try to get through to a person, to stir him up, you give him your inner energy, and when the energy you gave is not returned, you begin to lose heart...

Dozens, hundreds of such people can ruin you, believe me. And this is what happens in most cases. Why do you think the majority of motivated guys quit MLM business, various projects, start not to believe in themselves, etc.??? It's simple - these are the people (losers) just ruin them. The guys want the best, but they crash against the closed gates.

Friends Internet entrepreneurs, info-businessmen, MLM distributors (especially beginners) my advice to you - do not try to pull such people out of the swamp (comfort zone), they will ruin you. With each such person, you will believe less and less in yourself, in your business, project, idea, etc., you will become weaker...

Lazy, cynics, know-it-alls, idlers and losers, they will simply gobble up all your inner energy. I look at many of my partners in business, how their internal energy falls, how the desire to work gradually disappears, the desire to strive for what they aspired from the very beginning, etc.

All this is happening precisely because of those negative people who take energy from them. Just a month or two ago, in the eyes of my partners, a fire burned and a great desire to succeed in the business they started doing. They aspired, acted, went forward, fell, but got up and moved on... But gradually they began to give up and eventually gave up altogether.

Then excuses like: I realized that I didn’t need it, I was created for someone else, I realized a lot, I left because ......., because .. ...... because ..................., etc.!

Do not be fooled my dear former partners! You left because you failed!!! Negative people killed you. That's all!!! And in fact, I don’t blame any of my partners for leaving the business, on the contrary - THANK YOU to him for making me stronger.

If you know that, success in any business is 99% failure and 1% achievement!!! Thanks to those who left, I have experience, believe me friends, this is invaluable experience, this is knowledge, these are skills, etc. Now I'm writing articles about it and I have a lot more to write. I write, but someone does not know what to write on their blog. Why? Yes, because there is no knowledge, no experience, etc ...

So I think you got the point of the article - no need to persuade people to strive for the best. A cat can't fly, it can lie on the couch, so don't teach it to fly, no matter how you train it, it won't be able to fly. Climb to the roof of the 5th floor and try to throw it down.

Yes, she will scratch your hands. It is the same with people who do not want anything in life, whose gates are closed, they will ruin you. Their nature is to lie on the couch, get fat, drink beer, sit back, go to bars, clubs, discuss economic problems, politics, etc. in a circle of their kind and complain about how bad everything is in the country, play computer games all day long, work for hire and spend all your salary on entertainment, or just live in abundance and not want anything else!

You don't need such people. Get away from those. You need birds, eagles, falcons, hawks, those people who look for opportunities in life, not excuses.

Here they will be your like-minded people. It is a pity that in most cases it happens that a person, having received 20-50-100 refusals in the offer of his business, well 1000 refusals, ceases to believe that these like-minded people exist at all, that there are still such people with whom he has there will be common goals, common interests, etc., people who will not mock him and twist a finger at his temple ...

Friends, there are such people and there are many of them!

Okay, we figured out why most people leave the business, abandon a project, idea, opportunity, etc., all this is due to the negative impact of people, and now I will tell you why most people break down and only a few stay and go beyond no matter what.

So. Why do most leave? It's simple - they do not know the value of money, they are in their comfort zone, and such people simply completely lack such a quality as determination.

If a person from an early age lived in abundance, if his parents dressed and shoes him well, if he ate delicious food, if he never needed money, if he does not know problems in life, if his parents constantly put money in his pockets, then why should he some kind of desire, why does he need some goals, etc.

Why does he need to strain, act, achieve something, he is fine without all this. If it doesn’t work out in one project, it will go to another, if it doesn’t work out, it will go to the next one, etc. Nothing terrible is going to happen, right? And so everything is fine.

But those guys who grabbed problems in life, who strive for something, who know the value of money and understand that their future and the future of their family depends only on them and that no one will bring them money on a silver platter, like some, then such the guys of course will never fall, they will achieve everything they want. Definitely! These people don't go out of business. They just have no choice!

This is where I end the article and, finally, I want to say my favorite catchphrase: “Either excuses or results, there is no third way.” Friends, if you are engaged in some kind of business, business, are running some kind of project, etc., if you have dreams and goals and you strive to achieve them, then whatever one may say, the result of all this will be either an excuse or a result, there will be no third.

Either you make excuses that something didn’t work out for you, it didn’t grow together, it didn’t work out, etc., or you show the result. Dot. And finally, to all those who did not watch 2 videos in the last article of my blog "", I advise you to definitely watch them. This will be a very good kick in the ass and motivation for today.

In general, wipe all your snot, get together, act and show the result. Justifying and whining is the easiest thing to do. I wish you more problems, difficulties, gestures and obstacles. Happy New Year!!!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

Good day, Dear Friends!

Today I will tell you:

"Where to start and how to move to success"

You have already read the previous three articles!
If not, here are links to them:

In previous articles, I told you about the varieties of Cold Contacts and Warm Contacts. We discussed with you the methods of working with your fears. We figured out - what is MLM business, what is its uniqueness.

Over the past 14 years of interaction with Faberlic, I have gone through different paths of becoming:

1) I was just a privileged buyer - I solved the problems of my face and every year I fell more and more in love with Faberlic products;

2) I was the Leader and gathered all the consultants of my city under “my own flags”, but still I built the business only on emotions and desires. There was no awareness and understanding of the principle of building a business at all. I had to do everything by the "poke" method.

At this stage, I passed "Fire, and Water, and Copper Pipes"! This path took me almost 8 years.

3) The next stage of becoming in MLM has become conscious and productive! Stage of construction: Business-relationships, Business-plans, Business-projects, Business-calculations! It is during these 4 years that I think over every step towards my Success!

Right now, I am implementing and bringing results - my three projects and several more at the startup stage!

You ask: “Why am I telling you about this?”

Because I am very sorry for the time that I missed.

The time when I was just getting "Fun" from working in MLM, not planning and not developing as fast as I could ...

And I do not want you to step on the same rake.

I didn’t just tell you about myself, I recommend that you think over from the first steps what you want to achieve in MLM?!

What results will satisfy ALL your desires and aspirations?!

Whom should you become on the way to achieve your goals?! What qualities and skills do you need to acquire?

Take your goals as a basis and it will become clear to you who you need to attract to your Team.

Decide what position you will be in invite people to network marketing. Who will they be in your structure:

  • Preferred Buyers? How many will you have? The whole network or only 30-40%, how much?!
  • Sellers? Also, how many will there be? What volume will each of them do: 100, 200, 500, or maybe 1500 points? Doesn't happen - you say! It happens! I know them personally!
  • Leaders - Holders of structures? Again - how much and with what volumes ?! Who will they be in your team: Leaders, Vice-Directors - WHO?!
  • Partners, future Precious Directors?

What qualification do you want to achieve?

For example, "General Partner" - the highest bar in marketing - the Faberlic plan!

And who is this “General Partner”?!

Have you ever considered the "Ladder of Success" in Faberlic?

What are the qualifications? How do they differ from each other?

Let me help you!

"General Partner" is 24 "Diamond" structures under it!
Who then are these “Diamond” structures?

Who are they, what do they live, what do they breathe?!

You're probably starting to understand where I'm getting at?

Of course! To achieve the qualification of "General Partner", you need to find 24 - the same as you - thirsty, purposeful, "steadfast tin soldiers".

So, starting invite people to MLM always remember what your strategic goal is!

Of course, do not close the door to anyone!
But identify among them those 24 "Diamond" Partners!
And never stop there, never!

If you still stopped, then you have to catch up. There is a loss of time, energy and other resources in order to pick up the same speed again (I know this from my own experience)!

How to invite people to MLM?

1) It is necessary to figure out: WHO are you inviting and WHERE you are inviting!

2) Business cards, announcements, flyers and events should be clearly aimed at the target audience that you need!

— If these are Preferred Customers (PP), then everything is delicious about the product and about discounts;

- If these are Sellers, then tasty things about the product are mixed with earnings, with income from the Company, from Promotions and Discounts;

- If the Leadership position of the organizers of business groups (OBG), then all the previous is mixed with Marketing opportunities and Career Growth;

- If for an Affiliate position, then here it is necessary to show 90% - "Where the money is" and only 10% talk about the product!

All opportunities for Bonuses and Marketing - plan, for Privileges and Recognitions, for Strategic planning for achieving the highest results!

3) If different target audiences came to the event, then after the event, separate them and schedule the next meeting according to their “interests”!

Do not mix "everyone in a bunch", otherwise there will be no result! Some will get tired and disappointed, others will get scared and leave the network!

4) Tell EVERYONE about all the possibilities (read above), but let THEM choose what they want!

Thus, all those who come to MLM, after a while, can move from one target audience to another.

Usually this happens, only you have to offer them this transition. Otherwise, they will go to another Company or to another structure!

5) Transfer your regular Clients to the category of Consultants. They will either refuse themselves (they like that you serve them), or they will gladly agree! If you do not translate, they may go to another consultant in his structure.

These are the most basic rules for network marketing invitations.
Use them and make your invitation plan:

  • What activities will you be holding?
  • Which ones will be more, and which ones will be additional?
  • What type, method, technology will you use for invitation and recruiting?
  • What phrases will you have on leaflets and ads, who are they aimed at? Remember always - for which position you are inviting, from this and form an offer.
  • What will you talk about and what actions will you take when potential consultants come to you?
  • What will you "involve" them in after registration? What action plan will you develop for them?
  • What types of control and support will you talk about right away at the first meeting? What will be the agreements?

There is an indisputable rule of life: It is necessary to agree "on the shore" about the rules, tasks, rights and interaction between you before you set sail!

“Either you lead in the dance, or they will lead you ...”

Perhaps for someone I answered his question “How to invite people to MLM?”.
And for some, it only opened the veil of the necessary steps to this matter.

If you have more questions than answers on this topic, then I recommend you check out my powerful step-by-step video course:

In it, I give step-by-step actions for inviting to MLM, for accompanying different target groups in the structure, and for describing all the activities that are necessary for inviting and for training consultants in your Team!

This is a concentrate of all my knowledge and experience that led me to a high result!

This is where I will end my article.

My next article will focus on: « How to get interested in network marketing? »

Alexander Ivanov

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I am constantly asked how to be successful in the MLM business, how to promote in business, what a networker should do, and so on.

These questions are quite relevant. After all, many people drop out, give up, leave with the conviction that they are not created for this work, that nothing will come of them and their efforts are in vain.

How to be, so as not to waste time, but really achieve some success? Today we will talk about how to invite people to network business and what secrets you need to know.

Inviting people to the network business or, in other words, recruiting is the main task of a networker. You can learn about how to recruit via the Internet from. And today we will talk, first of all, about how to behave at a meeting.

The wider and more active your team, the more benefits you and your company will receive.

However, initially everyone should understand that he invites a person to a successful company, shares with him information about the possibilities and ways to achieve them, and does not “push” him (a product, service) for the exclusive benefit.

With the right attitude, working and attracting customers will become much easier and more efficient.

Let's start with the simplest steps.

First, you must have thorough information about your product, company, marketing plan, and other nuances. Forewarned - armed.

Having a complete understanding of how everything works in reality, we can clearly and in an understandable language explain to a person what we offer him and what he can get from it.

Of course, the obvious truth is a pleasant appearance, competent speech, the ability to formulate an idea, goodwill and restraint. After all, no one wants to devote even a minute of their time to an unsmiling, tense, and God forbid, unkempt person.

In order to win over you, you must demonstrate a successful, self-confident and educated businessman, and not a frightened, confused and uncollected slob.


Impressing someone when you're in a hurry is one way to grab a potential client's attention. And let it sound strange, but practice shows that the method is working and inexorably acts on the human subconscious.

When a person sees that you are in a hurry, he unconsciously begins to treat your time with more respect. The thinking and logic of your interlocutor at such moments is as follows - "You are in a hurry, but you took the time to communicate with him, which means that the information that you want to convey to him is very important and matters."

Remember, you probably also got into such a situation when someone is in a state of rush and tries to tell us about something, we begin to listen more carefully, while commenting briefly and to the point.

How to create such a situation? Very simple, you can start with the words:

  • "I'm in a hurry, but I want to discuss something important with you"
  • "Time's running out, but I'll still tell you something"
  • “I would really like to discuss this over a cup of coffee, but the time is only five minutes, so listen.”


Don't forget to compliment. We all know how they affect us. A person immediately turns into a pleasant and interesting interlocutor, and our mood is conducive to allocating as much time as necessary for a conversation.

However, do not pronounce banal phrases. The compliment must be sincere. This can make a person more open and accommodating:

  • If this person is familiar to you, say something about his work, success in business, excellent form.
  • If you attract a person through cold contact, notice his stylish watch, pay attention to his pleasant voice and delivered speech, which will be very useful to him if he accepts your offer.


To date, there are three ways to invite a person that they use.

Direct Approach

The direct approach is the type of invitation that is based on an offer to talk about earning opportunities.

Money and the opportunity to increase it is a temptation for everyone. However, you need to act subtly and competently. A person must understand that this income is a way to earn income without disturbing the usual way of life.

For example, you can start with the words:

  • “Have you thought about finding an additional source of income in addition to your current job?”
  • “I know a great way to multiply your income without any investments.”

Indirect approach

This tool is a powerful weapon in the hands of those who have mastered it. This method is based on a request for help.

Offering a product or service to a person must be done competently, this is a whole art. After all, everyone understands that this proposal is based on the benefit of the one who offers. And in fact it is true.

But the indirect approach makes it possible to approach a person without his obviously biased attitude and demonstrate his offer on behalf of a person who is not interested in attracting him.

For example:

  • “I think I found a successful company where you can get a good income. You have a lot of experience in marketing, could you review the materials and tell me what you think about this?

Well, a very indirect approach

This approach involves several psychological tricks at the same time.

You structure the conversation in such a way that the person understands that you are not at all interested in attracting him, but look for partners and want to know if he has interested people.

For example:

  • “There is a great opportunity to earn money, are there among your acquaintances those who are looking for additional income?”;
  • “I don’t think the business I’m currently working on will suit you, but do you know someone who would like to make a profit by working from the comfort of home?”

And if in most cases, with a direct approach, a person perceives network marketing with hostility and it becomes more difficult to capture his attention, then curiosity works here.

And before the interlocutor starts thinking about potential partners among his acquaintances, he will want to hear the details and will be extremely attentive. What's worse than that?)

There are many more effective tools and secrets for an MLM agent.

And, in my opinion, those companies that deserve the most attention are those that suit the majority of people who shop on the Internet, and which can be used as a main or additional direction, in parallel with one or another grocery business.

Among these, for example, I include the CashBack service Sweetips, the benefits of which I wrote

In order to master them, attend trainings, webinars, and also subscribe to my blog to find only the necessary and relevant information for yourself.

Subscribe to the Telegram channel of the blog -

In this post, we will touch on the topic of why so many people leave the business. It does not matter at all what kind of business it is: network marketing, regular business, etc. Why they fail when starting their business. How to invite people to the business, so that they would not leave?

Let's take an example. You have your own business in the global network, you get good income from your business. You acquire more and more knowledge, skills, you are successful. Are you increasingly thinking about how to invite people to your business so that they don’t leave? And people come to you, everything is fine with you!

But in real life this is often not the case. You are engaged in some kind of business on the Internet, in a new network company, or you are a member of some project on the network. You have a desire to create your own project, to earn more money. You know that this type of business is promising and quite profitable. By doing this, you will change your whole life, you will have enough money. You have the opportunity to make your dreams come true!

Looks beautiful! But, everywhere there is, but. In a global network, profit often depends on the movement of money masses among the members of a system. From here, you need a lot of partners, clients and contributors! What needs to be done next? Next, you need to find partners for your business.

How to Invite People to an MLM Business

Like I said, take network marketing. In it, profit is directly dependent on the turnover of funds in a particular group. But the essence applies to regular business as well.

In our country, it so happened that most of the population considers such a business to be a scam, a pyramid, and so on. I will not write about how to invite people into business by persuasion, imposition, and so on.

We will start the conversation, as newcomers do in similar situations. They, in most cases, sell their project to people, starting with acquaintances, friends, relatives and all the people they know, in the hope that they will gladly accept their ideas and follow their path. Newcomers want to lure people to them quickly, quickly, talking about super income and so on.

But the truth looks different. For the most part, acquaintances will decide that a friend has moved a little, that his project is nonsense. He climbed into the pyramid, he is under the influence of a scam. So the first part of people thinks.

The second part will answer him: It's not for me, I'm not up to it, it's not mine! In other words, people are not interested in this business, although they do not think that it is!

Further, what to do, to persuade people that this project is excellent and will bring you a good income? That thanks to your business you can change your life for the better, improve yourself, earn a lot of money?

I'll tell you right away, you shouldn't do this

It is better not to pay attention to people from the first option, you should not listen to disgust and ridicule on their part. It will be better this way.

If your friend is not interested in this, you should not invite him to this type of business. No proof needed. If desired and interested on his part, he himself will ask you to tell him everything in detail.

Purposeful people need opportunities. Losers love to make excuses!

When you are dealing with the second type, then how do you invite people into the business? Again - no way! These people are not against such a project. He's just not interested in them. Persuasion will not help here, and you should not do this! They will not engage in uninteresting business. Some businessmen call such people - zombies. This applies not only to, but in general, to business on the Internet! If a person does not believe that the global network, believe he will never work in it!

I think you understand, do not pay attention to the people from the first option, but you should not beg the people from the second!

When a person does not want something, he will close himself from the outside world, he will rest, and you will not achieve anything!

In this case, how to invite people to business

If the person is sitting next to you, arms open, legs uncrossed, looking straight at you, you can continue the conversation. You should see the sparkle in his eyes, the interest.

The same applies to communication on Skype, pay attention to the pose. If he has his arms crossed, or even his legs, you will not achieve anything! It is closed from you, you will simply waste your energy and feel a breakdown, but you will not achieve your goal!

Chat with energetic people who believe in themselves! If you started communication and felt that the person does not need it, stop all persuasion! Do not smash your head against its impregnable wall!

When dealing with energetic people, you will feel a surge of energy, when dealing with stubborn people, a breakdown. Therefore, feeling that you are interested in a person, you can call him to you. If you persuade those who do not need it, you yourself may lose confidence in your abilities and quit your business, coming to the conclusion that it is not worth it. This has happened to many people. Therefore, believe in yourself, and you will have everything in chocolate!

To better understand how to invite people to a business, you need to have an understanding of the right negotiations. Know the psychology of the people you are going to invite. Know what customers need and don't need. How to start a conversation with a person so that he does not turn away from you and much more.

You can learn about this and other various subtleties of doing business by studying the video course of the famous information businessman, business coach, traveler Alexander Evstegneev "Contacts that bring money":

Any networker understands that MLM is built on people, but he has no idea how to invite people to the network business correctly. The vast majority of consultants have the same problem, how to get a person to sign up for their team.

Some pseudo-teachers argue that one must not give up, constantly work, be motivated, etc. Feeding one motivation without giving really needed advice.

It is much worse when a person gets into a company that will never take a leading position in your country. Here you need to learn. Otherwise, you will then have to run around companies and look for a better place.

Remember! A well-known brand attracts attention, and an unknown one is alarming. This statement is true for online business as well. And TV commercials are proof of that.

More about it in the video

We, as experienced mentors, noticed a certain trend. Even after giving detailed training on building a structure, people still manage to get null result. We thought for a long time why someone succeeds, and some, even with daily monitoring and help from a mentor, cannot get a positive result.

After analyzing this problem, we came to a banal and simple conclusion that failures haunt only those consultants who do not understand the essence of the network business, therefore they cannot effectively invite new partners.

The image of a successful networker

Network business- this is, first of all, communication, and the result will depend on how competently you manage to communicate with a potential partner.

And the most interesting thing is that today, you can communicate with partners, not only at a distance of thousands of kilometers, but also doing something else or even during sleep. But more on that later.

If you have to communicate with a potential partner personally, then this communication should be competent, answering all questions and even solving some problems. Therefore, in order to invite people to your business, you need to understand all the nuances and conditions of the marketing plan, the conditions for calculating payments, know the products, etc.

You should not have any questions at all, even in the slightest nuances. In other words, you need 100% competence in your field.

In our Internet project, we pay special attention to training and leading partners to the result. If you want to receive free training, then fill out the registration form and become our partner.

You need to be able to calculate your payments to the penny. You need to know where and how fast you are moving. Competent partners attract people, while ignoramuses, on the contrary, repel them.

There is a tale circulating on the Internet that 99% of networkers do not earn at all (as they thought, it is not clear), but illiterate networkers in all companies are really the vast majority who only plan to earn.

It is worth asking such “ignoramuses” a simple question: “And if my structure has such and such a turnover, then how much will I get?” The answer usually just kills: "Get about so much or from and to."

What does roughly mean?

In all network companies payments are calculated strictly according to a certain formula, where there are always deductions in the form of taxes, the variation in the construction of the structure also plays a role. Most importantly, the person must show you how he calculated this income.

From our experience, most networkers have no idea how to calculate payments for their marketing, so they operate with approximate numbers that are given to them by higher mentors.

Only after you have received and digested all the necessary information, you can proceed to the search and recruitment of newcomers.

In this article, we will not consider recruiting outside the Internet with all the ensuing actions, such as compiling a list of acquaintances, holding personal meetings, invitations to presentations, etc. The fact is that pestering friends and relatives does not give any significant results, and often you can get negative ones.

Acquaintances tend to end, in fact, like acquaintances of acquaintances, and friends can generally run away from annoying invitations.

Therefore, we will invite people to the network business from the Internet. And here we have only 3 methods:

  1. spam;
  2. Personal brand;
  3. Paid advertising.

Here you need to understand that there are no other methods. If someone tells you that he has a secret, working, better or some other way, then this is just one of the options for some method above.

But, in all these methods there are different recruiting options. Let's take it all in order.

How to Invite People to Your Business Using Spam

Spam is good because it practically does not require financial investments from the spammer, and makes it possible for a novice networker to understand his strengths and weaknesses in communicating with people. You can spam on forums, social networks, websites, etc., but the vast majority of the target audience of a network company is concentrated on social networks. networks.

If you think that spam is bad, unethical, intrusive, etc., then answer the question: “Are you offering people something harmful, unprofitable, illegal?” If the answer is yes, then you have clearly chosen the wrong company. If the answer is no, then you worry in vain, you just have to start and join the process.

Partners of each network company specific training materials have been created for spam: correspondence templates, objection handling templates, etc. All this gives the beginner to understand how to communicate with people, their fears and doubts. Further, experienced mentors, if a beginner more or less manages to work in this way, must together with him identify the target audience suitable for him. Only after that spam begins to produce significant results.

Working in network marketing and not understanding your target audience is a huge mistake. You will not have enough time and energy to reach all people and understand their desires, opportunities and needs. And not everyone will be interested in what you offer, for example, not everyone goes to McDonald's, and even discounts and promotions will not make them go there, no matter how beautifully you present all the benefits.

This method is good because by communicating with a large number of people, you start understand people's needs you will find out what questions they have, what doubts they are tormented by. And finally, by answering their questions, you yourself begin to better understand all the intricacies of your work. Therefore, all beginners are advised to first work in this way.

We develop a personal brand

Personal brand- this is positioning yourself as an expert in a certain area or several directions for a certain audience.

Not everyone, even seasoned partners of network companies, understand what a personal brand is. You need to understand that some value must come from you. People should look for you, not you people.

Sometimes it's funny to watch people who are illiterately trying to create a personal brand for themselves. They and the page in the social. networks "correctly" set up and "smart" posts taken in some well-known public, put on the page on their own behalf and ... and that's it)). And what to do next, where to get traffic (people), they have no idea and again go to spam, but from a very “beautiful” page.

Sometimes in social networks you receive an application as a friend, and after you accept it, there is a template with an invitation. The most interesting thing is that in the invitation, that on the page of this person it is written: “I will teach you how to work in a network without spam.” A person is not even able to understand that what he is doing is spam. Such unfortunate mentors, in all seriousness, think that by adding them as friends, their proposal ceases to be spam.

Also, many already successful leaders of network companies create their own blogs and the same is taught to downstream partners. It looks like this. A multi-page or single-page site is created, and most often free, filled with information and then they sit waiting for people to come to the site. But people don't go!

We can conclude from this that expertise alone is not enough, setting up a landing page is not enough, and knowing and understanding your target audience is not enough. You need to be able to bring people to your sites (pages, websites, blogs, channels, etc.). But this is not so bad, it is also necessary to teach all this to your downstream partners.

As you can see, we know how to attract visitors to our sites. This allows us to build not only our structure, but also help our partners with real registrations. If you have a desire to earn money with us, then register.

We will not dwell on the methods of promoting your own brand on the Internet, since this is a very extensive topic that requires the study of search engine algorithms and popular sites. Everyone has their own experience and no one shares such secrets just like that. All this is taught individually.

Therefore, it is better to find a mentor or a project in advance, where partners understand where and how to look for people for their business. After all, it is traffic to your site, is the most important engine of any business. Most mentors simply do not have such knowledge, this conclusion was made based on competition in Yandex and YouTube. There are at least several millions of Russian-speaking networkers, and several dozens of literate ones.

The main advantage of creating a personal brand is that when you sleep, relax, do other things, at this time your brand works for you. That is, people come to your website, blog, YouTube channel, read and watch information, thereby there is a process of communication between you and a potential partner. Therefore, your knowledge is very important here, on which the literacy of the content and the interest in the information of potential colleagues will depend.

Paid advertising

This method of promotion is recommended for people who have already achieved some results by working with the two previous methods. Because you yourself understand that paid advertising requires financial investments and not everyone can afford to invest money at the initial stage.

In addition, in order to correctly place an advertisement, 100% knowledge of your company, marketing, all promotions, target audience, etc. is required. It is also necessary to scrupulously prepare the site to which the traffic is directed, so that the potential partner immediately understands what needs to be done. After all, if a person comes from advertising, he will demand from you those very attractive conditions that were promised.

Having extensive experience in setting up advertising, we are by no means we do not recommend for beginners to spend money on it, because it would be extremely inefficient. How to make paid advertising and where to publish it should help you with a competent mentor.

— Yandex.Direct;

— Google AdWords

— Thematic sites;

The undeniable advantage of this method, of course, with its proper use, is its effectiveness and increase in the growth rate in the company. But a significant disadvantage is that a certain amount of money is required, it can be a thousand rubles, or maybe tens of thousands.


Since in the network your income is postponed in time, many mentors, and sometimes entire projects, give only one version of work and without variations. Or vice versa, they give so much information that it is unrealistic to digest, and new consultants are dizzy, and they don’t know where to start and what to grasp at all.

It is clear that no outside motivation is needed for those who succeed. They are motivated by their own results. But those who really need help should be helped, and not told 100 times about how much everyone around is earning.

Usually, they are motivated by the fact that the newcomer allegedly works little and needs to work 2 or even 3 times more. But what about the promise that you will need to work 2-4 hours a day?

Actually there is two key mistakes, which prevent getting the result:

- insufficient amount of dedicated time, i.e. less than 2-3 hours, it depends on how fast you work, because all people have different productivity;

- incompetent communication with potential partners.

Having experience in networking, we note that people who really came to work devote a sufficient amount of time to recruiting, but at the initial stage they can simply “merge” potential partners and clients.

This problem can only be solved with individual consultations with a senior mentor. Many stand still because they are afraid to ask what actions they are doing wrong.

So, we can conclude that a person must motivate himself. Because you won’t be fed up with motivation from outside for a long time. You need to understand that career growth, money, cars, apartments, etc. need you, you came into business for this! So to get all this you need to act. In our country, half of the country wants to open their own business, not to work for their uncle, but at the same time they sit in offices and only dream about it and think about it later. And successful people differ in that they are used to acting, not dreaming.

Perhaps, after reading this section, someone recognized himself in it, understood some of his mistakes. You may not agree with something, we are always open to dialogue and hope that this information was useful to you and brought you closer to achieving success.