Criteria for mass layoffs of workers. In what case is a mass layoff of workers possible, how is it formalized? Features of mass reduction under the law

The criteria for the mass dismissal of workers are determined in industry and (or) territorial agreements (part 1 of article 82 of the Labor Code). This makes it possible to take into account the territorial and sectoral features of the development of the economy and the level of unemployment in the region. However, at present, until the issue of criteria in sectoral and (or) territorial agreements is resolved, the criteria for mass layoffs established by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation "On the organization of work to promote employment in conditions of mass layoffs" are applied. In accordance with this Decree, the main criteria for mass layoffs are the indicators of the number of dismissed employees in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the reduction in the number or staff of employees for a certain calendar period. These include:
a) liquidation of an enterprise of any legal form with 15 or more employees;
b) reduction in the number or staff of employees of the enterprise in the amount of:
50 people or more - within 30 calendar days;
200 people and more - within 60 calendar days;
500 people and more - within 90 calendar days;
c) dismissal of employees in the amount of 1% of the total number of employees due to the liquidation of the enterprise or reduction in the number or staff within 30 calendar days in regions with a total number of employees less than 5 thousand people.
Taking into account the situation developing in the labor market, the decision of employers on mass dismissal can be suspended for up to 6 months. Such a decision is made by the local government at the suggestion of the employment service and trade union bodies. The specific timing of the suspension of mass layoffs depends on the level of unemployed in the region.
Unemployment rate (in % of the number of employed in the region) Possible period
release suspension
3 – 5 1 month
5 – 7 2 months
7 – 9 3 months
9 – 11 4 months
over 11 6 months
If the unemployment rate in the region exceeds 11%, the phased release of workers can be carried out in the following terms:
employees (persons) Set term
phased release
50 and over 8 months
200 and more 10 months
500 and more 12 months

The article will touch on the main points related to the dismissal of a large number of employees. How to carry out the procedure and issue an order, what documentation will be needed - further.

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Very often, enterprises have problems related to their activities, for example, liquidation or reduction of staff. At the same time, most employees have to be laid off.

Few people know how to conduct the process and issue an order, what problems may arise in this case. In order to carry out everything without difficulties, it is necessary to take into account all the points.

General aspects

Sometimes it happens that the dismissal of employees entails trouble in the organization.

If the head of the enterprise wants to avoid problems, he needs to carefully study all the moments of the dismissal of a large number of employees.

The main reason for this process is bankruptcy. In case of declaring itself bankrupt, the company can avoid paying its debts.

The closure of an enterprise and the mass dismissal of workers are called a lockout. The reason for it may be a labor dispute or the closure of the enterprise.

As soon as the organization is liquidated, employees are subject to termination of the employment contract.

When selecting candidates for dismissal, the employer pays attention to the ability to work, performance indicators and qualifications.

If workers do not differ in parameters, then preference is given to people with families and children; disabled, an employee whose family no longer has employees.

It is also necessary to notify the trade union body, in writing. If the head does not inform the employees or not on time, then he faces administrative liability - a fine of 300 rubles to 500 rubles (for officials). For legal entities the fine is 3000-5000 rubles.

The trade union body is obliged to check the correctness of the application of the right to dismiss, namely, whether there are single mothers among the employees of pregnant women who are on leave with children.

Is it possible to avoid layoffs of a large number of employees? There are several options:

What it is

Collective dismissal - termination of labor agreements with employees due to the liquidation of the organization, termination entrepreneurial activity individual or downsizing.

The grounds for such dismissal are legal facts that are caused by reasons of an economic, technical or legal nature.

Mass dismissal is considered to be the reduction of more than 10 employees of the organization.

How many people is this

The procedure for mass layoffs in Russia in 2019

With a quantitative reduction in staff, the employer must adhere to the following procedure:

Issue an order, while issuing a new one Evidence of the dismissal of the organization's staff is a decrease in the total number of employees of all categories or a certain specialty. Then it is necessary to notify the employment service authorities and the trade union in writing
Comply with the rights to leave in the organization It is important to clearly define the categories that can be reduced and which are not. Employees with more than highly qualified(must be documented)
Warning employees about upcoming layoffs There are several options. The first provides for notification of the employee in 2 months, against his receipt. The second is mutual consent to termination labor agreement and no notification is required. If the employee does not want to get acquainted with the notification, then it is sent to the home address by registered mail
Offer everyone who has been laid off to move to another job The employer may offer another position in the same organization or help to find a job in other enterprises. If there is no such vacancy (suitable for the qualification), then it is necessary to provide another, lower one. If the employee agrees, it is issued, in case of disagreement, a written refusal is issued
On the eve of termination of the employment contract It is necessary to familiarize employees with new vacancies that have appeared at the enterprise
Issue an order About termination of the employment contract
Familiarize with the order all those leaving It must be done within 3 days, under the personal signature of each
Register orders AT
Make a payment Salary and other severance benefits
Make a note in the work books of employees "Fired for redundancy"
On the day of dismissal Issue a work book to each dismissed employee and make payments

The procedure for the actions of the trade union body:

  1. Within a week after receiving a notification from the management of the organization, the trade union considers it and sends its decision in writing. If the trade union body does not make a decision within the specified period, then its opinion is not taken into account.
  2. Drafting a resignation letter.
  3. If the trade union does not agree, then consultations are held within 3 days and a protocol of disagreements is drawn up.
  4. The employer may disagree.
  5. Dissolved within a month.

Order formation

When reducing a large number of workers, the head of the organization is obliged to draw up an appropriate one, its form is arbitrary.

The document indicates the name of the organization, the number of dismissed employees and the date of their reduction.

When drawing up an order, it is important to remember the following:

The order must be assigned a serial number, indicate the place, date and reason for its preparation. It is also important to indicate the number of people laid off, their positions and the department in which they work.

The document is signed by the head of the enterprise. With the order it is necessary to familiarize each employee, under his signature.

A package of necessary documents

The mass layoff of employees must be confirmed by the following documents:

  • newly created state timetable;
  • order for its approval;
  • an order to dismiss employees;
  • action plan to notify employees;
  • an extract for each employee who was made redundant;
  • protocol of the commission group as a result of the consideration of the issue of the right to leave at the workplace;
  • signatures in the order after notification, be sure to put down the date of familiarization;
  • an act confirming the proposal to the staff to transfer to another job;
  • refusal act - in case of disagreement;
  • an act of consent to take a new position;
  • letter of notification to the trade union bodies;
  • protocol of consent or refusal of the trade union;
  • (in the presence of);
  • notice to the authorities of the employment center;
  • information about each employee who is subject to dismissal;
  • reduction order;
  • documents confirming the receipt of compensation payments by the employee.

How to make an action plan

The system of measures includes several stages - preparation for the procedure, notification of the relevant authorities and services, consultations.

At the first stage, the employer selects candidates for layoffs. On the second - there is a notification of the dismissed.

This can be done in writing, in the form of an order or instruction, individually. At the last stage, the employer helps the dismissed to find a new job, psychological assistance is provided.

What problems may arise

The term " lockout” is called the mass dismissal of employees from their positions.

Sometimes a situation arises at an enterprise when it is forced to get rid of a significant part of the hired work force. Sometimes the price of this is the very existence of the company, if it disappears, a large number of people lose their jobs.

  • How to determine if a layoff is massive?
  • How is it different from the usual?
  • What are the obligations of the employer towards employees and government agencies?

In the article, we consider all issues related to the lockout, and also provide step by step algorithm for an employer dismissing employees en masse, and a list of papers required for this.

When the lockout comes

The mass release of employees is not a very frequent phenomenon, however, it can take place under certain circumstances, usually unfavorable for the organization. Whatever the outcome, mass layoffs can result in one of two real reasons.

  1. Liquidation of an enterprise or organization, in connection with this, the dissolution of all personnel (paragraph 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code Russian Federation).
  2. Reducing the number or staff of the organization (clause 2, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

NOTE! For any of these reasons, dismissal can be both ordinary and massive.

Lockout or just a layoff?

Where to look for the answer

How to distinguish a standard dismissal from a mass one? This is clearly defined in the relevant documents - specific sectoral agreements, possibly also in territorial ones.

REFERENCE! At the end of 2016, about two dozen industry agreements were adopted and are in force, which also regulate the issues of mass layoffs.

If such an agreement for the relevant industry or region has not been adopted or it lacks the necessary criteria, an older document will come to the rescue, valid in those parts that do not contradict labor laws. Such a document is the Regulations on the organization of work to promote employment in conditions of mass dismissal. It was approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 5, 1993 No. 99.

Lockout Criteria

Consider in what cases the release of employees will fall under the signs of mass layoffs. This takes into account:

  • the total number of employees in the enterprise;
  • the number of layoffs;
  • the percentage of released employees from their total number;
  • the time during which layoffs occur;
  • unemployment rate in a particular region.
  1. In the event of liquidation of an enterprise, no matter what legal form it belongs to, the dismissal will be considered massive if the organization had 15 or more employees.
  2. To reduce the number or staff, the mass character depends on the number of employees dismissed from their posts for a given time period:
    • fifty or more people were fired in a month;
    • over 2 hundred people lost their jobs in 2 months;
    • over 500 employees left their jobs in 3 months.
  3. For any of both reasons, the dismissal falls under the mass criterion, if in regions where no more than 5 thousand people are employed, 1% of the total number of employees lost their jobs within a month.

ATTENTION! If the unemployment rate in the region is especially high, more than 11%, then the issue of suspension of mass layoffs can be decided by local governments. They cannot be completely abolished, but it is allowed to slow down the process so that the employment service and trade unions can cope with such an “influx”. It is allowed to increase the layoff interval of 50 people up to 8 months, 200 or more employees can be fired within 10 months, and five hundred employees - for a period of at least a year.

What an Employer Shouldn't Forget

A lockout is a responsible process that must be carried out strictly in accordance with the law, and the legislation has many inviolable prescriptions in this regard. To do this, it is better to follow the established algorithm, acting strictly according to the protocol and not forgetting to notify the relevant authorities and correctly draw up all the necessary documents.

A step-by-step algorithm for a mass-laying employer

  1. Drawing up a written appeal to the trade union body of the organization and the regional employment service three months before the start of the event.
  2. Development of an updated staffing table taking into account the number of remaining employees (either throughout the organization or for some structural unit or certain categories of personnel). approval of this document.
  3. On the basis of the approved staffing table, the issuance of an order for the organization to reduce the number or staff.
  4. 2 months from the date of dismissal specified in the order, notify in writing the people who are subject to dismissal. If there are suitable vacancies in the firm or positions in branches, they should be offered to persons falling under the order. The employee must sign the notice of impending dismissal. If he refuses to endorse the notice, it must be sent by mail with a notification to the address indicated during employment, or the refusal should be recorded by an act signed by two witnesses.
  5. Preparing a letter of resignation. Familiarization with him by employees under personal signature. In case of refusal, actions similar to paragraph 4 are performed.
  6. Registration of entries in the work books of employees losing their positions. The entry indicates the reason for the dismissal (downsizing, liquidation of the enterprise, and possibly own wish or agreement of the parties), the relevant article of the Labor Code. Number and date of the order to dismiss.
  7. On the last working day, accruals are made to all departing employees due payments and compensation - wages, funds for unused vacations, severance pay due upon dismissal under articles 178 and 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  8. Submission to the employment service of this region of information about laid-off workers, because they may differ from those that were submitted three months ago, if, for example, some employees were transferred to other positions.

Employer risks

There are a number of points that the employer should in no case lose sight of during a mass layoff so that no one can make claims to him for violating the law.

  1. When reducing, it is necessary to take into account the categories of employees that fall under it, especially their qualifications.
  2. It is impossible to dismiss the preferential contingent for reduction, even if it is inferior in qualification to other employees, namely:
    • women expecting a baby;
    • single parents who take care of children under 14 years of age (and disabled people under 18 years of age);
    • adoptive parents, guardians of children under 14 years of age.
  3. Timely notification of the lockout of state and trade union bodies. If this is not done or the deadline established by law is missed, the employer will receive a serious administrative penalty in the form of a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. for a specific executive and from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. – for an organization (Article 19.7 of the Code of administrative offenses RF).

The list of documents required by the employer

Necessity and legality of the perfect lockout, the entrepreneur can use the relevant documents, which include:

  • new staffing, certified and approved in the usual manner, or a court decision on the bankruptcy of the organization (for its liquidation);
  • an approved plan for the mass layoff process;
  • extracts from the personal files of candidates for layoffs;
  • extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the commission discussing candidates for layoffs;
  • an order for a company on mass dismissal with a list of names of those released and their signatures;
  • an act of proposed vacancies for transfer with resolutions on the consent or refusal of the employee;
  • confirmation that letters to the union and the employment office are sent on time (for example, a correspondence log, mail notification etc.);
  • document of the trade union organization with consent to the upcoming lockout;
  • final order for dismissal;
  • entries in personal cards;
  • financial documents confirming full settlement with employees.

When an organization is doing very badly, sooner or later the question of bankruptcy arises. In such an emergency situation, the employer is faced with a choice between mass layoffs or the liquidation of the organization. From this article you will learn what mass layoffs are and what are the nuances.

What is a mass layoff of workers

This is the release of jobs according to the criteria established by the relevant legislative act, based on the total number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period.

This act refers to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation dated 05.02.1993 No. 99 “On the organization of work to promote employment in the conditions of mass dismissal”, which, however, has not lost its relevance to this day.

How many layoffs are considered mass layoffs?

Let us analyze in more detail how many people should be fired to determine the mass character. Criteria for mass dismissal of workers are determined by sectoral or territorial agreements. If they are not, then the provisions of Decree No. 99 of 05.02.1993. They are the following:

  • upon liquidation of an organization with more than 15 employees:
    • if more than 50 people are fired in 30 days;
    • if more than 200 people are fired in 60 days;
    • if more than 500 people are fired in 90 days;
  • with a reduction of more than 1% of employees in areas with total number economically active population of less than 5,000 people.

mass layoff procedure

The decision to start this procedure is not an easy one for a manager and is associated with a large number of personnel work, as well as significant material costs. In addition, if you do not follow the sequence of certain actions, you may later face an appeal against the actions of the employer by the employee, communication with state supervisory authorities and an impressive fine, as well as other monetary losses for the employer.

The step by step procedure is as follows.

Step 1. The decision to start the mass dismissal procedure is made by the management of the organization or its founder (owner).

Step 2. Notifies the trade union (if any) and the employment center three months in advance.

Step 3. Issues a release order indicating the positions to be released.

Step 4 Approves the new staffing table.

Step 5. Determines the desired number of employees or a specific category.

Step 6. Decides who can be fired, agrees this moment with the union.

Step 7. Informs employees two months in advance of the upcoming reduction, offers all available vacancies (if any).

Step 8. If the employees agree, they transfer, if not, they draw up documents for dismissal.

Step 9. On the last working day, hands over to employees work books and makes the final payment.

Step 10. Pays out severance pay(for the first month). If the employee has not found a job within a month from the date of dismissal, he pays average earnings for the second month. By decision of the employment center (if the employee was registered within 2 weeks after the dismissal), he issues the average earnings for the third month.

What to do before making a mass layoff decision

Until a final decision is made, the following steps can be taken:

  • to inform the local administration about the difficult situation of the organization, which may contribute to solving the problem;
  • arrange an intra-organizational meeting to inform employees about the current situation and possible measures to correct it, which will help prevent tension within the team;
  • develop measures to prevent the collective release of employees;
  • discuss the possibility of changing the scope of the organization, also in order to avoid collective reduction;
  • temporarily stop accepting new employees for vacancies and refuse part-time employees in order to transfer employees subject to reduction to existing ones vacant positions;
  • introduce part-time work. That is working time will be less than the established norm, and wages, respectively, will decrease and will be charged for the time actually worked.

Also, some employers send their employees on unpaid leave in order to keep them workplace which, however, is illegal.

After the decision on mass reduction

When the issue of collective reduction is resolved, it remains to carry out the following actions:

  • determine which of the employees is subject to reduction, since not everyone can be fired in this way;
  • carry out the notification activities referred to above;
  • inform employees about the social guarantees provided by law;
  • to acquaint employees under signature with all documents related to the reduction;
  • draw up all documents properly, make entries in work books and ensure payment of the amounts due, namely: wages, including arrears on it, compensation unused vacation, severance pay (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It is important for the employer to remember that in addition to payments directly upon reduction, the employee retains the right, and the organization, accordingly, the obligation, if the person does not find a job within two months after the reduction, to pay due to the requirements of Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation average earnings for the second month. In cases where an employee applied to the employment service within 2 weeks after the reduction, but could not find suitable job within 2 months after dismissal, the period for receiving average earnings can be extended up to three months.

Accordingly, a person who got a job loses the right to receive average earnings.

Possible problems with mass layoffs and how to solve them

Naturally, such a responsible and time-consuming process as a mass layoff can create a number of problems for the employer. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to these nuances.

These exceptions are:

  • women who are pregnant;
  • single parents raising children under 14 years of age (and in cases where the child is disabled, then up to 18 years of age);
  • persons replacing parents to young children or children with disabilities.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the timely notification of the trade union and the employment center, since non-compliance with the procedure may contribute to the recognition of the reduction as unlawful, which, in turn, entails the imposition of penalties on the employer.

You also need to remember to offer all available vacancies, and they must be offered during the entire period preceding the reduction (notice period). All available vacancies are offered, in which employees can work for health reasons and by virtue of their qualifications.

In the orders for reduction and dismissal, as well as in the future in work books, there should be entries that meet the requirements of the law, with reference to the specific requirements of the law regarding the reduction, so that in the future there will be no disputes about the legality of the actions of the employer.

Ask questions, and we will supplement the article with answers and explanations!

Dismissal - the procedure is quite unpleasant. But it must be carried out legal order. Only under such conditions it is possible to guarantee the fulfillment of all obligations as an employer to its employees, and vice versa. This avoids misunderstandings in financial terms. Increasingly, business owners are forced to terminate employment contracts with employees. Unfavorable economic conditions, crisis, high taxes and problems with local authorities - all these criteria for mass layoffs are not uncommon today. But how to carry out this action without sad consequences?

What is meant by mass layoffs?

This is the definition in labor law is quite real. The fact that this concept was too inflated by means mass media, misleads some people, forcing them to think that the procedure does not bear any responsibility, and the criteria for mass dismissal are determined only by the decision of the employer. Yes, this practice is quite common, because it frees you from unnecessary explanations, but at the same time it is still in the legal field.

The criteria for the mass dismissal of workers are the root causes of this action. It implies a proportional reduction of employees relative to the total aggregate number of the workforce. The percentage of the ratio may depend on the total number of people in the enterprise. The concept of mass dismissal is also understood as the complete liquidation of the institution, which is accordingly accompanied by this process.

How the criteria for mass dismissal of workers are set depends both on the region in which the organization is located and on the “dimensions” of the firm. You can start talking about such a practice with a team of at least fifteen employees.

This definition also depends on the period in which it occurs. That is, a mass layoff can be called termination labor relations with fifty employees for a month. If the number of people reaches two hundred, then the term is doubled. Reduction of more than five thousand people is called massive if it was carried out within three months.

Dependence on the region is expressed in the fact that this concept can be discussed only when the number of laid-off is equal to one percent in relation to all working people in this area. But this is relevant only for those administrative units where up to five thousand inhabitants are employed.

What is the reason for this process?

One of the main advantages of this phenomenon for employers is that the criteria for mass layoffs do not need to be commented on to the general public. Some go to this critical and tough measure purposefully, others simply have no choice. The right to keep the secret of dismissal and the absence of publicity is enshrined even in the legislation of the Russian Federation. But often employees still want to know the reason for what is happening, and it can be due to the following factors:

  • crisis phenomena in the financial sector of the country;
  • lack of opportunities and prospects for business development in a particular area;
  • the arrival of a new leadership and a change in policy;
  • the need to replace the team;
  • translation manual labor to mechanized and automatic.

How is this procedure implemented in practice?

Regardless of how the criteria for the mass dismissal of workers are set and what they are due to, this procedure has certain steps in the same sequence. To begin with, it is necessary to approve a new work schedule that will ensure uninterrupted activities. This can either be formed in relation to the entire team, or relate to a separate category of workers.

Regarding this approved document, which states the new schedule, a decree is also being formed on the official reduction of personnel. The criteria for mass layoffs play an important role for trade union organizations. It is this structure that must be notified of the holding of such an event at least three months in advance. At the same time, the previous point must be carried out. Along with informing the trade union about this abbreviation should find out the employment center.

How does the procedure affect the team?

The next stage is the most painful for the team. At this stage, management must communicate the decision to their subordinates. In order to bring people up to date and give them time to self-determination, management is required to make an appropriate message to employees at least two months in advance. For this entire period, which takes the countdown from the moment of announcement to the actual dismissal, it is the employer's responsibility to find new jobs for all those laid off. That is, people should have some kind of alternative, but to agree to it or not - it already depends on them.

How is this issue coordinated with state structures?

After that, the process is again considered in the trade union organization. This time, the institution needs to provide a draft, which includes all the upcoming orders to reduce staff. This is usually done a month before the dismissal. The deadline is ten days. Photocopies of papers supporting the decision must also be attached to the project. If you are an employer, select the mass layoff criterion defined by law. The trade union, called upon to protect the interests of workers, must express its opinion in relation to this event.

It does not matter whether his reaction is positive or negative - the organization is obliged to give a reasonable answer. In the event that there is any misunderstanding with this structure, the employer must resolve the issue in the next three days. It is necessary to consult and fix the disputed point in the form of a protocol.

The mass dismissal procedure is completed with the preparation of papers and documents, including work books. The accounting department prepares the calculation of personnel.

What are the criteria for mass layoffs in the capital?

This process is determined by various factors, including territorial ones. Therefore, the criteria for the mass dismissal of workers in Moscow have their own characteristics. Under this category processes reduction occurs if it covers a quarter of the total number of labor collective. Also, one of the reasons why this event may occur is the closure of the institution and the repurposing of its organizational and legal form. But the most common factor is the banal downsizing.

Since the occurrence of this phenomenon is most often due to crisis processes, the criteria for mass layoffs in Moscow also depend on the situation on the labor exchange and the level of inflation. To date, labor market indicators leave much to be desired, so the decision of employers on mass layoffs should be made public six months before the actual implementation.

In addition to the employer and the organization itself, the criteria for the mass dismissal of workers are also determined by local governments. In this regard, employment services and trade union structures are vested with such powers. Since they are responsible for the level of unemployment in the territory assigned to them, they can decide to start the process in any institution. If the inflation rate exceeds the threshold of eleven percent, then the phased dismissal of workers is carried out on completely different terms.

How is a downsizing done?

The criteria for mass layoffs are also determined by such a factor as sectoral reduction, i.e., the dismissal of workers in one field of activity. For example, for employees of scientific organizations, mass character can be judged by a reduction in staff by ten percent. The minimum frequency of this event should be three months.

How is the reduction in the forestry sector made?

Regarding this sector of the national economy, this concept characterizes two points:

  1. The closure of an institution with a staff of at least ten people.
  2. Dismissal of employees in the amount of twenty or more. In this case, the calculation of people should occur within one calendar month.

How are cuts made in healthcare?

The criteria for mass layoffs in healthcare are determined by indicators such as terms and staffing. The period characterizing this phenomenon is one month. If the number of staff is a thousand doctors, then if we calculate that at least twenty-five people will be fired, we can talk about mass character. For a smaller institution, with a staff of up to a thousand people, the number of dismissed people should be from twenty to twenty-four people.

Then, too, we can talk about mass character. For small medical organizations with a staff of three hundred to five hundred workers, the reduction of fifteen doctors gives the right to talk about the described phenomenon. If the institution employs less than three hundred people, then the amount of dismissed is expressed as a percentage and equals five percent of the total number of employees.

How is “mass” defined for this concept in other industries?

The criterion for recognizing a reduction as a mass one in such an area, for example, as construction, is the occurrence of the following situations:

  1. liquidation of the organization. The number of employees in the company must be at least fifteen people. This applies to enterprises of any organizational and legal form.
  2. Downsizing. The number should be reduced by at least fifteen percent.

If the issue concerns road workers or road transport, then a reduction of more than ten percent indicates mass character.

What difficulties may arise during the reduction process?

Since this process affects a large number of people, carelessness in the matter can lead to serious consequences, up to litigation. It is quite difficult to avoid problems with this procedure, but knowing the individual features, you can make it as painless as possible.

The main reason for potential difficulties are privileged categories of people. These include pregnant women, single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a disabled child under eighteen. This list also includes persons who are adoptive parents. With a mass reduction, these people should in no case be included in the lists of the dismissed.