We are engaged in the geography of transport presentation. Presentation on the topic "road transport". Assimilation of new knowledge

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Geography of transport

Transport is the third leading industry material production. Transport is the basis of the geographical division of labor. All means of communication, transport enterprises and vehicles together form the world transport system. Transport actively influences the location, contributing to the specialization and cooperation of enterprises and industries.

All types of transport are grouped not only according to their significance and level of development, but also according to their geographical areas of application. In this case, land (ground), water and air transport are distinguished.

Road transport can rightfully be called the transport of the 20th century. Length highways is growing all the time and has already exceeded 28 million km; about half of it is in five countries - the United States, India, Brazil, China, Japan, followed by Russia, Canada and France. In the world passenger turnover, the share of road transport - primarily due to personal cars- reaches 4/5.

Railways are available in 140 countries, more than ½ of their total length falls on the "top ten" countries: the USA, Russia, Canada, India, China, Germany, Argentina, Australia, France, and Mexico. Along with this, there are vast areas where the railway network is rare or non-existent.

Trubopro water transport developed primarily due to the rapid growth of oil production and natural gas and the territorial gap that exists between the main areas of their extraction and consumption. The length of the global network of main pipelines is about 2 million km. The longest of them are 4-5 thousand km, built in the CIS countries, Canada, the USA, the countries of the Middle East

Maritime transport is a very important component of the global transport system. Thanks to the development of maritime transport, the World Ocean no longer separates, but rather connects countries and continents. It serves about 4/5 of the entire international trade. The total length of sea routes is measured in millions of kilometers. Sea vessels they transport mainly bulk cargo - bulk (oil, oil products), bulk and bulk (coal, ore, grain, etc.) at a distance of 8-10 thousand km.

Air (air) transport is the youngest and most dynamic mode of transport. The network of scheduled airlines now encircles the entire globe, stretching for 10.5 million km. In terms of air travel, North America ranks first in the world, Europe ranks second, and the United States stands out among individual countries, followed by Japan, Great Britain, China, and France. The geography of air transport is determined by a network of airports, the number of which amounts to many thousands.

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Class: 10

Targets and goals:


  • develop ideas about the branches of the world economy;
  • develop the ability to characterize the main parameters of the World transport system, its problems and development prospects;
  • form an idea of ​​the differences in transport and its features in countries of different types;
  • to form knowledge about the geography of the main modes of transport.


  • to develop in students the ability to highlight the main, essential when working with text in the studied material; analyze and generalize the studied facts, logically express thoughts;
  • develop the ability to work in time and in groups;
  • develop students' creative abilities and cognitive interest;
  • develop the ability to perform tasks of an analytical nature;
  • develop the ability to work with thematic maps, with various sources of information.


To continue the formation of a system of moral relations:

a) to form in students a respectful attitude towards the opinions of other students;

b) to form in students such personal values ​​as the desire to learn new things about their homeland, the upbringing of a sense of responsibility for its present and future, feelings of patriotism.

During the lesson, students develop the following skills:

Educational and managerial:

  • determine the most rational sequence of actions for the collective fulfillment of the educational task;
  • independently assess their learning activities by comparing with the activities of other students, with their own activities in the past, with established standards;
  • evaluate the activities of classmates by comparing with established norms.

Educational and informational skills:

  • ability to work with written and oral texts;
  • ability to work with cartographic sources of information.

Educational and logical skills:

  • determine the components of the object under study;
  • carry out a qualitative and quantitative description of the components of the object;
  • carry out classification on the basis of establishing the features of the object.


Map “Transport of the World”, atlas for grade 10, maps, exhibition “ Modern views transport and transport of the future”, a video fragment “The impact of transport on the environment”, a graph projector, a set of tasks for each student (you can use a presentation of the main types of transport).

The main form of work is group work using advanced homework and multilevel assignments.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Teacher greeting.

Checking for absentees.

Check readiness for the lesson.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the branches of the world economy and talk about the transport of the world.

It is important for us to know this, because the topic of transport today is very important and relevant, because. transport performs the most important economic and social functions. Modern modes of transport have ensured the convergence of the most remote corners of the planet. There is a “compression” of geographical space. Today, thanks to transport, there is no concept of remoteness.

2. Preparation for active UPD at the main stage of the lesson.

Based on the great importance of transport, today in the lesson we should:

  1. get to know the world transport system.
  2. learn about the importance of transport, show its place and role in the global economy.
  3. describe the modes of transport.
  4. know about the peculiarities of transport in countries of different types.
  5. talk about the problems and prospects for the development of the transport system.

Goals are pinned on the board in the form of a poster.

The topic is not new for you, we talked about the transport of Russia in the 9th grade, but it is quite extensive. In order to achieve all the goals set, we will work in groups.

I am sure that we will cope with all the tasks in the best way. If something does not work out - it's okay, we will take into account our shortcomings in future work. So - let's get started!

It is better to start by repeating the basic provisions familiar to us from the 9th grade. This is where Group 1 comes in handy. The boys had a task (Show diagram No. 1 on the board; see appendix): “Based on the 9th grade textbook, choose, in your opinion, the most important and essential transport of Russia from the topic.”

The result of their work was a kind of “hint” at number 1.

Class task: Take sheet 1 from the materials prepared for you. Listen to the performance of the guys, remembering the material covered earlier.

Presentation by students of the 1st group.

The first group finished their performance. Thank you! I believe that the guys coped with the task, and we remembered the material we needed in our future work.

3. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Now we turn to the study of a new topic “Transport of the world”.

The second group was asked to disclose the contents of the chapter "Transport - the third leading branch of material production."

The guys have prepared template No. 2, which you must fill out during their performance (see Appendix No. 2,). (Appendix No. 2.1)

Performance of students of the 2nd group.

And now let's check together that the template is filled in correctly (through an overhead projector or a computer). If there are errors or shortcomings, correct them.

During the presentation of group 2, we learned:

  1. on the importance of transport;
  2. about the main differences between the transport of economically developed and developing countries.

Mark these goals on the poster. Give a qualitative description of the activities of the group.

The third group is invited to introduce you to the main types of land transport.

Prepare sheets under number 3 "Main modes of transport." During the performance of the children of the third and fourth groups, you will have to perform various types of work: show the named objects on the atlas, enter the leading countries in the main modes of transport, fill in the diagrams. Be careful!

Performance of students of the 3rd group.

  1. Automobile transport.
  2. Railway transport.
  3. Pipeline transport.

During the performances, students use maps made by themselves.

  1. Provision of cars.
  2. Various railway configurations.
  3. The main conclusions to the topic “Transport of Russia”.

All named objects are shown at the board on the map "Transport of the World".

Group 3 finished their performance. Thank you!

The fourth group will introduce you to other modes of transport.

  1. Air (using the “Air transport of the world” map and magnets of the same color to indicate the largest airports in the world).
  2. Maritime (using magnets of different colors to designate the largest universal, container, oil loading ports).
  3. River (accompanied by a display of large navigable rivers, a system of canals and the main region of lake navigation).

Group 4 finished their performance. Thank you!

Give a qualitative description of the activities of the group.

In the course of interesting and voluminous reports by students of groups 3 and 4, we learned about the main types of transport, its geography and features, thus. reached another target.

Mark the target on the poster.

Group 5 will complete the conversation about transport.

Your task: listen carefully and write in your notebook:

  1. definition of the World Transport System;
  2. main environmental problems related to transport.

(You can use the textbook, p. 151)

  1. World transport system.
  2. Transport problems (using fragments in \ f, or presentations).
  3. Prospects for the development of transport (the story is accompanied by a display of the exhibition “Modern modes of transport and transport of the future”).

Mark the targets on the poster.

Give a qualitative description of the activities of the group.

As you can see, we achieved our goals.

4. Consolidation of knowledge.

Now let's see how we can realize the achieved goals.

Take the sheets with test tasks prepared for each (5 options) and within 1-2 minutes try to answer 5 questions correctly.

Swap sheets, check each other's work by marking the criteria and hand it over to me.

Mutual check of works and check by means of a codoscope.

5. Bottom line.

During the lesson, we got acquainted with the transport of the world, having fulfilled all the intended goals.

Give a qualitative description of the class activity, set marks.

It remains to fill out the Technological map of the lesson (see Appendix No. 3). (Appendix No. 3.1)

6. Homework.

1. Repeat topic 5 section 3 “Transport of the world”.

(Don't forget the additional material at the end of the section, the tables in the appendix, and the atlas maps.)

2. Apply to the contour map:

  • leading countries in terms of main modes of transport;
  • the largest ports and airports in the world;
  • main channels and straits;
  • major navigable rivers.

3. Be able to show the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Pan-American Highway.

When doing homework, use sheet No. 3 and atlas maps.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Geography of transport of the World 1. Transport is the third leading branch of material production and the basis of the geographical division of labor.

Geography lesson in 10th grade

1.Transport is the third leading branch of material production

  • The basis of the geographical division of labor
  • The volume and structure of transportation reflect:
  • Promotes specialization and cooperation of enterprises and industries
  • Contributes to the reduction of the territorial gap between production and consumer of goods and services

Level and structure



productive forces

Transport performance indicators

  • Cargo turnover.
  • Freight (carriage charge).
  • Cabotage (shipping between ports of one country).
  • Load capacity.
  • Air route (airline)

Transport Features

Transport network (thousand km)

Groups of countries by availability of transport

Environmental pollution environments

World transport

The global transport system is everything:
  • communication routes
  • transport companies
  • vehicles
Impact of scientific and technological revolution on railway transport
  • electrification railways;
  • arrival of trains air cushion;
  • magnetic suspension;
  • growth in the length of electrified railways;
  • increase in passenger traffic.
World transport system
  • number of employees - more than 100 million people
  • total length transport network-> 36 million km
  • cargo is transported - more than 100 billion tons
  • passengers are transported - more than 1 trillion people
DYNAMICS OF THE WORLD TRANSPORT NETWORK IN 1950-2000* Length and density of railways by countries of the world. Late 90s




Exercise. Analyze the chart data. Answer the following questions:

  • What type of transport prevails in cargo transportation, and which in the passenger turnover of the world?
  • What type of transport prevails in cargo transportation in Russia, Japan? Why?
  • Which type of transport is almost not involved in cargo transportation, and which in passenger transportation? Why do you think?

See the map in the atlas


Changes in the structure of freight turnover The impact of scientific and technological revolution on the global transport system

  • throughput increase
  • emergence of new vehicles
  • increase in capacity and volume of transported goods (containerization)
Cargo turnover late 90s.

Regional transport systems

  • North American
  • European
  • Latin American
  • African
  • South Asia


Analyze the map of shipping lines.

Of which ocean can one say: "Great

way of world trade? Between which

countries pass the main sea lines?

Which country is leading in terms of

major ports? What is the reason?

World rail transport

  • The first steam-powered railway was the Liverpool-Manchester line in England, opened in 1830. G.
  • In the same year, the first railroad in the United States was built, connecting the cities of Charleston and Augusta.
  • In 1833, the first railway appeared in France,
  • in 1835 - in Germany and Belgium.
  • And in Russia, the first railway St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo (26 km) was opened in 1837.
The impact of scientific and technological revolution on road transport
  • the advent of electric vehicles;
  • the advent of electric vehicles;
  • change in fuel types (on oxygen, hydrogen, diesel, gas, rapeseed oil);
  • increase in the length of paved roads;
  • increase in cargo turnover by 8%;

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Lesson objectives: to develop ideas about the branches of the World economy; develop the ability to characterize the main parameters of the World transport system, its problems and development prospects; form an idea of ​​the differences in transport and its features in countries of different types; to form knowledge about the geography of the main modes of transport.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

D \ W p. 3 "Geography of Transport" 2. Work on a c \ c. Show: on "3" 1. Transcontinental railways. 2. The largest airports (specify the name) (4) 3. The largest ports of the world (3) on "4" + The largest international river arteries. (5) (atlasMap.ru) to "5" + Main oil and gas pipelines. (3) (http://xreferat.ru/96/page88.html) (mir/map.ru)

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Lesson plan: 1. Quantitative indicators of transport work. 2. Transport network of the world. The structure of world transport. Regional transport systems. 3. The impact of scientific and technological revolution on the development of transport 4. Land transport of the world. 5. Water transport of the world. 6. Air transport of the world. 7. Conclusions 8. Consolidation of the material.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Structure of transport Railway, automobile pipeline Sea, River

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Freight turnover - the product of the amount of cargo transported (in tons) and the distance of transportation (in km) Cabotage - shipping between the ports of one country. Large cabotage - shipping between ports of different seas, for example, between the Baltic and Black. Small cabotage - shipping between the ports of one or two adjacent seas, for example, between the Black and Azov. 3) Carrying capacity of the vehicle - maximum weight load that it is capable of lifting, moving or transporting.

7 slide

Description of the slide:


8 slide

Description of the slide:

Regional transport systems HOWEVER WORLDWIDE FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAFFIC ARE GEOGRAPHICALLY DISTRIBUTED EXTREMELY UNEQUAL! RTS North America 30% of the total length of the MTS; 1st place in terms of cargo turnover; high level of automobilization. RTS of Foreign Europe 1st place in terms of traffic density and frequency; a high level of development of air and road transport. Commonwealth RTS Independent States 10% from MTS; high share of railway transport in freight turnover; high performance in terms of transportation distance.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

According to the level of development, the world transport system can be divided into two parts: transport of economically developed countries and transport of developing countries Transport in economically developed countries Transport in developing countries Lagging economic sector High technical level Interaction of various sub-sectors. The availability of the transport network, its density, and the mobility of the population are the highest. Immaturity transport systems. The predominance of one or two modes of transport: railway - India Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina; river - the countries of Tropical Africa To move goods, horse-drawn, pack transport, porters are still widely used. The transport mobility of the population is several times lower than the world average. These countries account for up to 80% of the total length of the global transport network. To move goods, horse-drawn, pack transport, porters are still widely used. .

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Transport is the third leading branch of material production. QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS OF THE WORLD'S TRANSPORT SYSTEM: 140 MILLION EMPLOYED PEOPLE CARGO AND PASSENGER TURNOVER LENGTH OF COMMUNICATION WAYS LENGTH OF COMMUNICATION WAYS (in thousand km) 24000 Distribute modes of transport according to the length of communication routes? ?

11 slide

Description of the slide:

STRUCTURE OF THE WORLD CARGO AND PASSENGER TURNOVER SHARE IN CARGO TURNOVER SHARE IN PASSENGER TURNOVER Task. Analyze the chart data. Answer the following questions: 1. What type of transport prevails in cargo transportation, and which in the world's passenger traffic? How do you think, how to explain such differences in the participation of transport in the turnover? 2. What type of transport prevails in cargo transportation in Russia, Japan? Why? 3. What type of transport is almost not involved in cargo transportation, and which in passenger transportation? Why do you think?

12 slide

Description of the slide:

TRANSPORTATION AND THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION Conclusion: Find the answer in the textbook on page 136 (column 2), and also see additional text No. 18, 19 on page 151.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

PIPELINE The world's most powerful main oil and gas pipelines are located in the CIS: Druzhba Siyanie Severa Soyuz Developed due to the growth of oil and gas production and the territorial gap between production and consumption areas. The first oil pipeline was built in the USA in 1865 with a length of 6 km. According to their purpose, pipelines can be divided into the following groups: field pipelines - connecting wells with various facilities;

Objective: To continue to develop the skills to use information technologies in geography lessons Tasks: 1. To introduce the features of the transport of the world in the era of scientific - technical revolution; 2. Develop the ability to systematize information, analyze, highlight the essential in the material being studied; 3. Promote economic, environmental education.

Contents I. Introduction. II. Transport of the world in the era of scientific and technological revolution. 1. Indicators of the work of transport. 2. Types of transport. 3. Transport nodes. III. The impact of transport on the environment in the era of scientific and technological revolution.

The introduction of scientific and technological revolution is a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into the productive force of society. Transport is one of the leading sectors of the economy of any country.

Importance of transport: is the basis of the geographical division of labor; the geography of transport affects the location of industries; is the link between the consumer and the producer.

II. 1. Indicators of transport work Freight turnover. Freight (carriage charge). Cabotage (shipping between ports of one country). Load capacity. Air route (airline)

Influence of scientific and technological revolution on transport; increase in carrying capacity; increase in throughput; the emergence of new modes of transport; increase in capacity; increase in speed.

Change in the structure of freight turnover Modes of transport 1980 1990 2008 Road 7, 5 8 8, 3 Oil pipeline 3, 1 5 7, 2 Gas pipeline 1, 1 2, 3 3, 6 Marine 51, 9 62, 7 62, 8

Impact of scientific and technological revolution on railway transport - electrification of railways; the advent of hovercraft; magnetic suspension; growth in the length of electrified railways; increase in passenger traffic.

High speed rail (examples) UK: London-Glasgow line 300 km/h; 2. France: Paris-Leon line - 380 km/h; 3. Japan: Tokyo-Osako line - 250 km / h. one.

The impact of scientific and technological revolution on road transport; the emergence of electric vehicles; change in fuel types (on oxygen, hydrogen, diesel, gas, rapeseed oil); increase in the length of paved roads; increase in cargo turnover by 8%;

increase in passenger turnover by 80%; increase in the vehicle fleet (USA - 210 million, Japan 45 million, Russia 18 million); creation of gas turbine and rotary piston engines. increase in speed characteristics; increasing the load capacity of trucks.

Impact of scientific and technological revolution on water transport Hydrofoils; Hovercraft; bulk carriers; Ro-Ro players; Lighter carriers; Increase in cargo turnover by 8 times; Containerization.

Air transport It occupies the third place in the world's passenger turnover. The largest airports in the world: Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, Heathrow. The main purpose is the transportation of passengers.

Impact of scientific and technological revolution on air transport Supersonic passenger aircraft; 2. Increasing the carrying capacity; 3. Increase in passenger turnover by 74 times. one.

II. 3. Transport nodes are the intersection of a network of communication routes. Purpose of transport nodes: regulation of traffic flows of the regions in which they are located; - cargo sorting; - Providing passengers with the possibility of transfer and departure to the right direction. -

Global significance of transport hubs They are located on the banks (Rotterdam in the Netherlands). They can specialize in one mode of transport (Shenkow Airport City in Ireland). Can serve for transfer of passengers - holidaymakers ( Mineral water in Russia). They are used for transshipment of a certain type of cargo (timber piers on the rivers of the north of the European part of Russia).

III. The impact of transport on the environment in the era of scientific and technological revolution. Many countries have strict security measures in place. environment from pollution vehicles: - reduction of the share of lead in motor gasoline; - use of electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel; - gas fuel; - hovercraft trains.