How to properly motivate employees? Levels of motivation. Effective methods of motivating employees What can motivate an employee to work

To work is equal to zero, or there is simply no desire to work. This happens both with an ordinary employee and with a top manager, both with an employee of a technical direction and with a creative person. This period is accompanied by thoughts about diversifying your life, about vacation, and even about changing jobs.

What is motivation?

We delve into ourselves and unconsciously look for an excuse for our condition. This is because our brain is looking for a “cure”, realizing that what is happening is not the norm.

For more than one year, HR managers have been dealing with the issue. Any self-respecting company has in its arsenal a set of motivations “for every taste”, as well as conduct tests and surveys regarding the motivation of employees. It is important to find an approach to each employee and apply in time right tool: raise salaries, praise in front of colleagues, present a diploma.

Causes of loss of motivation at work

Initially, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the loss of motivation. Why is this happening? Is there any pattern and connection with certain events, the nature of the employee, or are there any critical periods?

  1. Perform routine work from morning to evening. Work may not always be creative and out of the box, but think about what you could do to diversify your routine. It is worth asking your boss for some kind of experimental project, or offering your help to a colleague.
  2. Dissatisfaction with management. A fairly common and common reason for the loss of employee motivation. Dissatisfaction can be objective (express the opinion of the team regarding the actions and style of the leader) and subjective (express exclusively personal opinion and attitude towards the leader). Objective dissatisfaction will be resolved only if you convey the information to the leader himself and correctly, constructively resolve this issue. No one will solve subjective dissatisfaction for you (it’s not your boss’s fault that he looks like your ex or that he supports the wrong football team), so in this situation, work on yourself and try to restrain your emotions.
  3. The discrepancy between the salary and the professional level of the employee. We are talking about the case when the employee evaluates his professional merits higher than the employer.
  4. Divergence of values. This reason for the loss of motivation usually affects very ambitious employees. We are talking about the fact that the employee is dissatisfied with the fact that his opinion is not taken into account and his ideas are not accepted. Indeed, for many people the recognition of their specialists is a huge incentive to work. You need to weigh the pros and cons, and be the judge of your own life.

Problem recognition

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine the essence of the problem that a person is experiencing. Lack of motivation to work can be very closely intertwined with the personal life of an employee, especially if it is an emotional and sensitive person. The loss of motivation to work seems to us both the cause of the oppressed state and its consequence.

The main signs of loss of motivation to work for an employee:

  • the work that used to please does not bring pleasure;
  • there is no impulse to immediately solve the problem that has arisen (having the opportunity to solve it);
  • increasingly catch yourself thinking that the statements and suggestions of colleagues only cause you criticism;
  • The working day is very long and you are literally counting the minutes until it ends.

The main signs of loss of employee motivation for the employer:

  • the employee began to leave work more often;
  • the employee is late for work and does not stay after the end of the working day;
  • the employee does not enter into discussions on work topics;
  • the employee is idle at the workplace;
  • the employee stopped asking questions about work moments.

The most important and striking sign of a loss of motivation to work is the absence of a twinkle in the eyes. If earlier you were always distinguished by this spark that nourished all colleagues, awakened them to action and working spirit, or earlier you were the support and driving mechanism of the team, and today your eyes reflect only indifference, don’t wait a minute, gather your will into a fist and get out from this swamp.


A good company should be able to motivate employees, but let's also not forget that we are rational beings, and even without someone's help, we can cope with such a difficulty as losing motivation.

Most people have a personal recipe for getting back to normal work that has come to the rescue on more than one occasion. Let's look at the most common and effective tips:

  1. Financial incentives are the basis of employee motivation. Think about the purchases you made with the money you earned, imagine the purchases you have yet to make. Comfort and material possessions are the reason why we wake up with an alarm clock 5 days a week.
  2. Reward for the work done. Think of a reward that you will receive when doing a certain job: a purchase, a trip, gatherings with colleagues, a day off.
  3. Target visualization. Often employees have little idea why they go to work and what their final goal. Let it be something realistic that can be achieved in 1-2 years: a trip to the city of your dreams, buying a car, a new phone.
  4. Planning. Plan your work: working day, week, month. Make a list of what you need to do and by when. Remember the phrase of Leonard Bernstein: "To achieve something, you need to have two things: a plan and lack of time."
  5. Focus on the best. In any field of activity, there are people who have achieved success. Find information about them, find out how and why they have achieved heights.
  6. public promise. There is a certain phenomenon of public promises: what is said in public will be done much faster and better than what is planned only in thoughts. Some obligations assumed before the audience and the desire not to lose face in the dirt gives the desire to work.
  7. Self-development. Do not stop at the accumulated knowledge and the meager flow of incoming information, look for new things, study the topic you are working with in depth, sign up for courses on a topic of interest or attend a training. New skills and knowledge give rise to a desire to quickly apply them in life.
  8. Task filtering. If the assigned task does not correspond to your type of activity or position, be sure to inform the manager about it. You can take part in new job, but as an additional performer.
  9. Positive. Tune in to the positive, help create a positive atmosphere. Transform workplace family photo, home flower, favorite cup.

6 stages of demotivation

Modern psychologists distinguish the following stages of loss of employee motivation:

  1. Astonishment. At this stage, the employee is wary, surprised, confused. He is under stress. There are no external signs of deviation. The employee looks closely, asks a lot of questions: what is happening? Who is to blame for what is happening? What is wrong with me? What's wrong with leadership? The only sign that psychologists advise to pay attention to is that the employee is delayed at work unnecessarily. At this time, he seems to take an observant position and analyzes what is happening.
  2. Ignoring. Accompanied by dissatisfaction with the ambitions and the employee. We are talking about the case when the put forward idea or advice of the employee is not appreciated by the manager. It is this devaluation that demotivates the employee. This stage manifests itself at the verbal level: the employee ignores the instructions of the manager. The employee begins to avoid work for absurd reasons (had a headache, did not have time, forgot), doing it both consciously and unconsciously.
  3. Unconscious sabotage. At this stage, the employee is waiting for the failure of the leadership and management system. He waits for the next failure or problem to once again offer a solution and act as a rescuer. Under these conditions, the employee unknowingly goes to the so-called sabotage, resorting to hiding official information or the maximum distance from the management.
  4. Without hope. The employee finally lost hope for the restoration of the situation. And now his discontent is gaining new form- demonstration. He actively shows his dissatisfaction in the office, the head and in the smoking room to colleagues. At this stage of loss of motivation, the employee is already a pest for his company. Its effectiveness is reduced, it causes the loss of contracts, a decline in sales, etc.
  5. Italian strike. The phase of the complete separation of the employee from management and the company. The employee is still in the team, actively communicates with colleagues loyal to him, but is indifferent to the management and its opinion about him. Simulated humility and indifference are the main features of this stage. The employee accepts his leader only as a formal moment of his work. At this stage, the restoration of motivation is no longer possible.
  6. Voluntary hard labor. The employee becomes just a “body in the office”, in addition to losing interest in work, outright hatred appears. A man with horror imagines a working day. This stage is characterized by drowsiness at the workplace, constant conversations about vacations, shopping and any abstract topics.

It is important to understand that this model of stages is not a rule and not a law. People are individual, with their own genetic and social set. Not every employee will go through all the stages of demotivation and not necessarily in the specified sequence. You should familiarize yourself with the signs of these stages in order to restore motivation to work in a timely manner.

As Andrew Carnegie said, "People who are unable to motivate themselves should be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents." We often forget about our potential, that we ourselves are able to help ourselves, solve our problems and reach the desired heights. We place the responsibility on others, having an incomprehensible resource for self-help.

Let's get rid of the victim mindset and start asking ourselves the right questions, drawing constructive conclusions, and making informed decisions.

According to experts, non-material motivation increases the efficiency of employees' work no less than bonuses and bonuses. For example, the prospect of career growth encourages them to maximize their abilities, which ensures a stable dynamics of sales volumes. What else can motivate sales staff?

In this article you will read:

    How to motivate employees if they don't want to work

    Tips for material and non-material motivation

    What system of motivation for managers to apply in a particular area

How to motivate employees if they are apathetic and do not strive to develop the company? There are still discussions about whether sales managers need additional motivation schemes, in addition to financial ones. Despite the extreme practicality of the representatives of this profession, the non-material system of motivation of managers still affects the effectiveness of their work no less than bonuses and bonuses. For example, the prospect of career growth encourages them to maximize their abilities, which ensures a stable dynamics of sales volumes. What else can motivate sales staff?

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

Yefim Katz,

CEO, furniture factory "Maria"

Manager motivation system should include work focused not only on the specialists of the selling unit; in my opinion, all employees should be interested in the development of the company - then they will work for the overall result.

How to motivate employees? Assign them an adequate salary (at the market level) and issue a social package This is the basic motivation for any employee. We go a little further. In addition to good working conditions, we provide a package of benefits and benefits: from a personal loan broker (for assistance in obtaining loans) to medical insurance for special conditions. Employees have access to significant discounts on the company's products, training and advanced training are provided, support is guaranteed when moving from other cities, delivery by corporate transport to the place of work is offered.

  • Team building as a way of perfect personnel management

In addition, we take part in projects that promote team building, for example, for the third year in a row, we support the Podari Zhizn Foundation's campaign called "Charity instead of souvenirs." Corporate Policy social responsibility characterizes the attitude of the company to the people and organizations with which it interacts.

material motivation production and kitchen studio workers 1

In our experience, for the so-called first line of employees in contact with customers - design managers, measurers, kitchen installers - material incentives are the most effective. We are constantly improving the motivation system so that it is based on real market trends and meets business objectives.

When introducing new products into the product matrix, we focus on them financially (employees receive a higher percentage of bonuses for the sale of these positions) — this approach speeds up the entry of new products to the market as quickly as possible. Now there is a special motivation system for measurers: if, when visiting a client, an employee measures the parameters of a bathroom in addition to the main order, then the departure fee doubles. During the program, the number of additional measurements has doubled, which means that the level of customer interest in our bathroom furniture has increased.

1 Kitchen studios - kitchen furniture sales salons.

For production workers, the amount of remuneration depends both on the effectiveness of labor and on faultlessness. The second indicator is very important, because the client needs a quality product, and production employees should be interested in the product being just that.

Non-material motivation of office employees

For office workers, non-material motivation is of great importance. It is important that everyone feels part of the company, understands their importance and shares common goals. In addition, not last place the organization of labor plays in the system of motivation. In our case, it is very convenient that the production and the office are located in the same building; there is also a showroom where each employee can see the results of our joint work. The showroom is not designed to demonstrate products to customers (at least to end customers, although this is possible during a tour of the factory) - samples of kitchens are exhibited here, as the creators see them, for demonstration to partners and guests of the factory, which ultimately also affects volume of sales. A close-knit team charged with a common idea is the real sales engine.

Management motivation system: personal approach

Konstantin Efimov,

commercial director, Indever

Staff motivation in without fail requires an individual approach. Therefore, the motivation program must be flexible so that you can provide comfortable conditions for each employee and apply the best methods. The result in the form of sales growth will not keep you waiting.

I believe that a simple increase in salary briefly stimulates an employee: after about six months, he forgets that his salary was raised, they began to pay for gasoline or a telephone, and so on. He comes to the head and says: "I don't get much." What can be done to avoid such a situation?

I will not surprise anyone if I say that sales managers should be paid a salary and bonuses. At the same time, it is necessary to give employees the opportunity to earn a bonus that would be more than the salary. Managers must understand that material motivation (in its bonus part) has virtually no boundaries, that is, the level of their income depends only on their efforts.

Individual motivation

Non-material motivation- a very effective method, but it must be applied individually. For some, universal recognition is very important: having received it, the employee will be completely satisfied, and the efficiency of his work will increase. For others, direct communication with the leader and an attentive attitude to personal problems are necessary. Still others are waiting for encouragement in the form of prizes and gifts based on the results of their work.

You can choose the right motivation only by communicating with subordinates. It is clear that if the company is actively growing or is already large enough, then this is not easy to do. For example, I can independently motivate only direct subordinates - managing directors. I know when their birthdays are, what the situation is in the family, what hobbies they have, and so on, and depending on this, I try to influence their work in one way or another. To one I give the opportunity to offer more ideas and implement them, for another I formulate tasks more clearly, with a third I discuss my favorite sports teams.

I know ordinary employees - sales managers - by name and, walking around the office, I can say hello to everyone, ask how things are going. Treat your subordinates the same way you treat your customers, because, in fact, you are selling them work in the company, the atmosphere in the team and a joint future. And if they are satisfied with these conditions, they will repay you with high sales rates.

We focus on the future

Ivan Kostenich,

Head of Compensation and Benefits, Ronova

How to motivate employees- a ruble or a word? Many managers face this dilemma when they need to give special rewards to an employee. We focus on the desire of employees for career growth and material development. This strategy allows you to maintain a stable growth in sales and competently motivate staff.

As a rule, the material motivation mechanism is used when there is no hierarchy of positions, and therefore, career growth opportunities are minimal: a specialist can work in one position for several years without promotion. The only thing such companies can offer as motivation is bonuses. However, in this case, the employee becomes dependent on the percentage promised for active work and attracting new customers.

Once having fulfilled the sales plan, he will feel a taste for money, and he will definitely have a need to receive a bonus a second and third time; but a “productive” month may be followed by a disastrous sales period, which will leave the specialist without a bonus. Small firms, working on the principle of “motivate with the ruble”, first of all think about the financial well-being of the company, and not the employee. When building a motivational policy, we take into account the wishes of employees regarding material development and professional implementation in this area. For example, for a manager commercial department was not left without bonuses, we do not accrue the variable part at a time, but distribute the payment to certain period. And those who distinguished themselves at the end of the year are awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.


With a competent combination of material and non-material motivation, which implies both an increase in payments and climbing career ladder, workers themselves are interested in moving up. We provide for the vertical growth of a specialist: a call center operator can move to the position of a middle manager and then apply for a managerial position. We did not arrive at such a system immediately; It took several years to understand the need to combine non-material and monetary motivation.

Of course, a successful career is impossible without advanced training. Adaptation to the cleaning industry is another advantage we provide to employees. In 1998, the company opened its own Training Center. Employee training begins immediately after hiring and consists of classroom training and practical assignments. An employee who has passed this stage receives the skills to work in the cleaning industry.

Evaluation of the results is carried out in each department - this is the main component of personnel certification, part of the non-material motivational scheme for the development and growth of a specialist. A mentoring system is also used to motivate staff: if an employee's performance deteriorates, he receives not only professional advice, but also the support of his immediate supervisor.

Working conditions and corporate culture

Professional development is inseparable from favorable conditions labor. An important factor is catering. We pay employees a fixed amount each month as food reimbursement. Another nice bonus for employees is the system of discounts for visiting a well-known network of fitness clubs - in fact, this is our contribution to the health of employees.

We appreciate and encourage employees who have made a great contribution to the formation and development of the company. Those who have worked in the organization for ten years receive diplomas and valuable gifts, such as engraved watches. Employees with five years of experience are awarded diplomas and gift certificates. Every year we have corporate events, the themes of which are carefully thought out. This year, on the day of the 20th anniversary of the company, we organized holiday program by inviting a photographer to the office for a corporate photo shoot.

  • The structure of the sales department: instructions for the head

Separately, it is worth noting the events for the commercial department. Every year we reward managers who have significantly exceeded the annual sales target: they are paid a special bonus, diplomas, symbolic figurines and gift cards.

Our company organizes offsite corporate events outside the city or in nature, where team building is held, attracts employees to the maximum extent possible to participate in industry events, competitions and charity events.

Each department makes a significant contribution to the well-being of the company, therefore it is in our interests to actively develop the corporate culture and stimulate each specialist with career prospects in order to maintain a balance between material and non-material motivation.


We increase the self-esteem of employees

Olivier Quesson, Commercial Director, Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS

I am firmly convinced that good manager in sales - it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman - the ego must be strongly developed. Successful managers love to compete, to prove their superiority, which is why monetary motivation alone is not enough for them. Financial incentives play an important role in increasing the self-esteem of employees, but no less attention should be paid to non-material incentives - those that raise the employee in the eyes of colleagues, make them feel respected.

A similar effect can be achieved in various ways, for example, by creating a “club of the best managers”. We also have such a "club", which the most qualified employees strive to get into. Membership gives you the opportunity to become part of the group the best specialists not only in their own country, but throughout the world. Among the special privileges are annual meetings at one of the world's most prestigious resorts.

Among other things, the "clubs of the elite" allow you to expand the competence of employees: becoming their members, managers can take additional advanced training courses. From the point of view of the employee-company relationship, this is very important. The employee sees that the employer is interested in his growth and development, and understands that in the future he can count on a higher position with a greater level of responsibility.

Yefim Katz Graduated from Saratov State University. Has been in business since 1993; started with trading household appliances and import of kitchen facades. Together with partners, he founded the Maria furniture factory.

Furniture factory "Maria" is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of kitchen furniture. Founded in 1999. Retail network, which includes 308 kitchen studios, covers 162 cities in three countries of the world. Currently, the company is actively developing new areas of activity - the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms and business facilities. Official website -

Konstantin Efimov graduated State University management. For nine years, he successfully worked at VimpelCom, where he worked his way up from a specialist in the customer support center to the head of the recruitment department. key clients. In 2012, he moved to Indever and actively developed the company.

IndeverRussian manufacturer menswear and accessories to order, providing services for individual tailoring. On the market since 2011. The company's studios are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Tyumen and Kazan. Official website -

Ivan Kostenich Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University. S. P. Queen. He worked as a marketing specialist at the Samara Oxygen Plant, and as an analyst at the Telesem-Samara company. With Ronova since 2011.

"Ronova"— one of the largest companies in the market of cleaning, outstaffing and technical operation of real estate. Has a 20‑year history. Staff - 20 thousand employees. The network of representations covers 79 cities of Russia. The company serves shopping centers, office buildings, airports, railway stations, industrial complexes. Official website -

Orange Business Services is a leading global communications solutions integrator working with large Russian and international companies. Offers a comprehensive package of services: basic telecommunications services, as well as integration and IT solutions (cloud computing, unified communications, video conferencing). Official website -

10 best motivations for sports

Even if you are far from a sports lifestyle, no, no, and you are thinking about morning jogging or a subscription to a fitness club. But not always these thoughts become material. What prevents you from starting to exercise regularly and not looking for reasons to skip workouts?

Julia Piliguzova

Previously, showing off on the honor roll was the ultimate dream of every Soviet worker. Beautiful photo, from which the hero proudly smiled, having overfulfilled the plan - such a prospect was tantamount to a modern hit on the cover of Forbs magazine. Thus, they made it clear that the person worked for a reason, his work was noted, praised and ready to honor the hero of the editorial until his result overthrows the new factory Hercules. There were also “black” boards - pictures of shame, wall newspapers, where brawlers, truants, drunkards were hung for educational purposes, and of course, they tried to capture them on these photographs in the most obscene form.

Today, for some reason, the most popular way of non-material motivation has become obsessive corporate culture. Colleagues are gathered for trainings, they are forced to celebrate memorable dates together and mass cultural trips are organized. All this is good, but when an ever-depressing atmosphere reigns in the organization itself, rare corporate parties, even with cheerful songs by an invited favorite (boss) group, will not save. But the mood and motivation of employees need an eye and an eye!

Despite the fact that today the best motivation for employees is traditionally a generous bonus and corporate culture, managers who are not deprived of imagination manage to come up with new budgetary ways to motivate employees. After all, happiness is not always hidden at the bottom of an envelope with money, many owners highly paid professions suffer, for example, due to the fact that they were underestimated somewhere, they were not understood, they were not assigned an interesting task. Yes, even under the guise of a careerist, there can be a subtle mental organization that simply craves praise, attention, or an extraordinary vacation.

Plunging into the world of "high" leaders, you can find many interesting examples finding new means of how to make your employees happy. For example, the thoughts of the father of modern animation Walt Disney (Walt Disney) were busy not only with colorful cartoons. His imagination was also enough to come up with new ways to motivate the employees of his company. He perfectly understood the needs and requirements of workers and knew perfectly well that people, regardless of wage conditions, are always happy to run away from jobs where it is not prestigious to work. Therefore, he personally turned non-prestigious jobs into prestigious ones. For example, laundries at Disney amusement park hotels, less popular with employees, were renamed textile services, equating them in importance with marketing or customer service. At the same time, it was much easier to get a job in the textile service.

Philip Rosdale ( Philip Rosedale, the founder of the most famous three-dimensional social network Second Life, came up with the idea of ​​introducing an internal software platform in the company - a kind of aggregate for collecting feedback from employees about their colleagues. In this program, everyone could send notes of appreciation and encouragement to each other. All messages are posted in the public domain, so this system of collecting information about the work of employees has become a good tool for management in the labor assessment system.

And here is the marketing company Hime&Co, in turn, he gladly supports the spiritual impulses of his employees. For example, management freely allows employees to take walks for half of the working day, but only if there is the serious reason. Among these, by the way, is visiting seasonal sales. Of course, buying stylish new clothes for the new fashion season is a sacred thing, you can not even go to work. And if your partner suddenly leaves you (husband, boyfriend - it doesn’t matter), then you will be given time off for the whole day to heal a spiritual wound: to cry enough and come to your senses.

Perhaps in every big company there are special ideas on how to make employees happy.

Here are 10 ideas to motivate employees that you can try to implement in your company:

1. Publicly encourage the merits of a distinguished employee.

2. Unexpected gifts, pleasant gifts for employees, just in honor of the day of good mood.

3. Can't afford to pay the bonus - find a more budgetary way to reward merit. For example, give an employee an unscheduled day off.

4. Can install from time to time valuable employees free work schedule.

5. Instead of a cash bonus, let employees choose their own prize: say, dinner at a restaurant, a subscription to a fitness club, some kind of gift certificate.

6. Organize a corporate sports trip. This is not just a vacation, but the desire for sports victories and achievements. Today, corporate karting, yachting and football are especially in vogue. You can hold dance competitions.

7. Bonuses for those who take care of their health. For example, many Western companies pay employees annual bonuses for not being sick for a year and regularly visiting doctors.

8. Some companies not only reward the best, but playfully punish the worst. For example, they introduce the title "Turtle forever" or the "Get a Skunk" award into the company.

9. Caring for the employee's family. These can be vouchers for children to a wellness summer camp, preferential health insurance for the employee's family. Tickets for concerts, performances...

10. Motivation by entertainment. Look at the offices of world-famous corporations, all of them are equipped not only stylishly, but in such a way that employees can work and relax as comfortably as possible, so that they want to come to work and do not want to leave. In such offices, play areas, recreation and entertainment rooms are necessarily provided. 8 working hours would not be as effective if employees could not relax in time, relieve stress and simply change the environment to a more pleasant and informal one.

Yes, of course, any non-material rewards and incentives are unlikely to compete with Her Majesty's salary in the power of motivation. But the manager should always remember that people usually come to work for the sake of money and a career, but they leave the routine and bad management. Therefore, the creation of an adequate system of non-material motivation is an important thing, even a basic one for creating an effective corporate Dream Team.

Dmitry Cherednik, sales expert and head of SalesUp Consult, will tell you how to increase employee efficiency by 70-80%.

An effective motivation system is what makes employees work with extra effort, do more actions per unit of time with the desired result.

We are used to the fact that the motivation system in a company is:

  • percentage for sales managers;
  • annual bonuses for top management (a practically meaningless expense item);
  • 13th salary for operational positions.

However, if you approach motivation more deliberately, you can make employees even more productive, which means, as a result, increase the company's profits. How to build such a system of motivation?

In the sales department

In many companies, the system of motivation for the sales department is cut off: managers receive a fixed percentage of the amount they have earned for the company.

However, in my experience of building and developing sales departments in different companies, the most effective system is the one that consists of three blocks:

1.Fixed payment, which is divided into two parts: hard fix and soft fix. Hard fix is ​​the salary that the manager receives in any case, for example, 25,000 rubles. Soft fix - a bonus that depends on the fulfillment of the KPI plan at a minimum level. For example, if the plan is fulfilled by at least 80%, the manager receives another 35,000 rubles.

The final amount should be on average 20% higher than what is offered in the market, so that it would be profitable for result-oriented managers to work for you.

The main thing here is to choose the right KPI. The use of KPI as a tool for planning, control and motivation is necessary in any business where there are sellers. Only this will allow you to understand what your employees are doing, how well or poorly they are doing it, where are the problem areas and what needs to be done to remove these bottlenecks.

Separation fixed payment in two parts minimizes the company's risks of paying for unskilled work and encourages employees to work more efficiently. At the interview stage, such a division helps to unambiguously identify candidates who are ready to work for the result, because when they meet KPIs, they will receive more than in other companies.

2.Percentage of sales. In my experience, the most effective is the dynamic system of motivation. In this case, the implementation of the plan has certain gradations: up to 80%; from 80 to 95%; from 95 to 105%; from 105 to 120% and over 120%. Each of these thresholds is assigned its own percentage of profit or turnover, for example:

  • up to 80% - 0%;
  • from 80 to 95% - 5%;
  • from 95 to 105% - 7%;
  • 1 from 105 to 120% - 10%;
  • over 120% - 15%.

3.Additional motivation. We usually include in this block:

  • Partial or full payment for specialized education (seminars, trainings, master classes, etc.).
  • Providing extra vacation days.
  • Raising under the existing staffing or for a new one: the opening of offices, branches, representative offices, subdivisions.
  • Options. When an employee has an option, he has a personal interest in the success of the company. If you can sit out for a salary, then with the delivery of an option, there is much less motivation to sit out.
  • Dismissal, which can also be an element of the motivation system. Motivation is everything that allows you to increase the involvement of employees in work and the desire to be more efficient. And the risk of losing your job if you do not show results is an incentive for many to work better.

After the introduction of such a motivation system, we see results already in the second or third month.

In other departments

In business, numbers are the only measure of success for me. Understanding what numbers make up the results is the first step to building an effective motivation system. If for the sales department it is income or profit that managers bring, then in other departments usually not everything is so obvious.

I will give examples of motivation, which is based on the results of the work of different departments:

Accounting and financial service:

  • percentage of receivables received in pre-trial order for the unit that works with it (in the first weeks, the percentage is higher and decreases every week in order to stimulate getting debt faster);
  • bonuses for the implementation of the plan for the minimum number of corrected documents.


  • bonus for reducing the percentage of marriage;
  • bonus for the stability of production in the minimum tolerance according to GOST (manufacturers will understand);
  • increasing the speed of production with an acceptable level of quality;
  • making suggestions for improvement.


  • optimization of storage and loading below the standard turnover period of goods;
  • offer new more profitable (lower cost, lower transportation time, lower other costs) logistics routes;
  • receiving deferrals.

For each item, employees receive a percentage of the savings/earnings.

As a result, their income directly depends on the contribution to the results of the business as a whole.

In the process of building motivation systems, we usually describe the business processes and end results of each department. As a result, it is possible to reduce the number of staff, and redistribute the saved payroll in the form of bonuses to high-performing employees.

It is also useful to use additional methods of motivation. For example, one of our clients for young employees (under 25) writes Thanksgiving letters their parents, and employees with children are additionally rewarded with tickets to the circus and children's theaters.

Results are summed up monthly and quarterly to keep employees "in good shape" of efficiency.

The motivation system is on a par with the recruitment system for training and certification of personnel, the planning and reporting system, the system for automating sales processes and the system marketing tools Attracting, retaining and developing customers is very important.

It takes time to create, implement and configure it - and you will see the result in the coming months. It will become clear to you who and how the employees work. Some of the lazy people and loafers will leave on their own, some you will have to fire. The advantage will be cleaning the rows, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of each remaining employee, which sometimes reaches 70-80%!

High sales!

Dmitry Cherednik. managing partner

SalesUp Consult Construction, management and development of sales departments


25 ways to motivate employees

A few tips on how to better motivate contact center agents.

Translator's note. I hesitated for a long time whether to translate this article. Indeed, at first glance, this is not an article, but simply a collection of dazibao. But then I decided to translate. The fact is that, although each thesis individually looks familiar to everyone common place, but taken together, they unexpectedly give a complete clear picture of the non-material motivation of contact center employees. If leaders put into practice at least two-thirds of them, this will immediately allow them to make great progress in this direction.

1. Happy employees = happy customers

Create a good working environment, treat your employees the way you would like them to treat your customers. Why should they treat customers well when they themselves are treated badly at work?

Operators will be happy if you provide them with necessary training(both telephone etiquette skills and technical aspects). The real support of management is very important: when an employee deserves it, one should not skimp on praise, and when he is wrong, explain what his mistakes are and help correct them.

2. Top management evaluation

Staff motivation does not require you to spend a lot of money. Just one phone call from a manager with congratulations and thanks for a “great week” is often as effective as sending an employee to training or giving him a certificate for a gift.

There are times when you, unfortunately, cannot afford the costly material motivation of employees. All the more important is correct communication with them during this period so that they continue to feel their importance and value for your company.

3. Positive attitude

It is vital that managers, in the process of setting goals and objectives for their subordinates, take into account the current economic situation. For example, there are hard periods when it is very difficult to turn leads into real sales. Managers should set only realistic goals and try in every possible way to encourage and inspire their subordinates to achieve the set goals.

4. Proper organization of work

Whatever economic conditions you work in, for proper organization the work of personnel must follow three simple rules:

- find employees whose qualifications allow them to perform this work;

— provide them with all the necessary means and support to carry out this work;

- put in front of them real goals and deadlines.

Even in difficult times of crisis, one cannot stop investing in sales and marketing. In addition, it also shows employees that we understand the challenges facing them and provide them with a reliable rear.

5. Do not try to keep those who do not suit you.

In difficult economic times, leadership skills become even more important, you need to really stand at the head of your team. At the same time, it is important not to scatter. It is better to concentrate your efforts on those who really suit you. If you spend attention and resources on keeping those who are not suitable for this job, this can greatly demotivate the rest of the team.

6. Avoid routine

Any, even the most interesting and favorite work, can eventually become boring. And then there is fatigue and a feeling of monotony. This is especially true for contact centers. Therefore, try to avoid routine, come up with new rules of the game, new bonuses and incentives. You need to get your employees excited.

7. Two principles of rewarding: "instant prizes" and prizes based on individual preferences

Monthly and quarterly bonuses are always useful, but to motivate employees on a daily basis, it would be nice to introduce small pleasant rewards that work on the “here and now” principle. To do this, you can buy some inexpensive gifts that employees will receive as soon as they win them. They will be able to take these prizes home with them on the same day.

And more serious awards can be presented already on the basis of personal preferences of employees who deserve them. So, in one company, an employee was presented with tickets for the Champions League match Manchester City-Barcelona, ​​since it was known that he was a fan of Manchester.

8. Continuous learning

Conducting regular trainings is very important not only to improve the skills of employees, but also to motivate them. Employees feel that management is not only interested in the results of their work, but also helps them achieve them.

9. Good working conditions

You need to be sure that, in your contact center, employees are pleasant to work with. The premises must be clean, carpets must be free of dust, telephones and computers must be working. Not bad if you have several houseplants in bloom. All this also serves as a motivating factor for staff. People should like the space they work in and appreciate if management understands this.

10. Rewards for Good work

All people love it when their efforts do not go unnoticed. Therefore, rewarding for good work is the most important part of staff motivation, it is especially important for operators working on outgoing calls. Moreover, we are not talking about the usual monetary motivational schemes, bonuses and bonuses. It is important that, in addition to them, an incentive program (various awards and prizes for various achievements) be developed, which will be of interest to each member of the team.

The best and average performers can be motivated by different things, the main thing is to make sure that your incentive program provides for both.

11. Visible career ladder

Since contact centers are mostly young people, it is very important that they imagine what further development awaits them in your company. A visible, understandable career ladder is an excellent motivating factor. At each stage there are new opportunities, new responsibilities and new earnings.

PhotoBox, for example, regularly sends out e-mail contact center employees with a list of vacancies for which they can already apply.

12. Ability to exchange shifts

A rigid shift schedule in contact centers can cause serious inconvenience to employees in case of any unforeseen circumstances (christenings, funerals, etc.). Give them the opportunity to swap shifts with colleagues. Of course, this can make planning the workload a little more difficult, but it's still worth going for. employee loyalty is greatly increased.

13. Listen to your team

There is another simple but very effective way to motivate: just listen to your team. You need to know and understand what your agents are thinking and feeling. You don't have to agree with what they think, but you do need to understand why they think the way they do. If you know what is important to them, what problems they care about, what hopes they have, you will be able to motivate them much better and easier.

14. Clear parameters for success

It is very important that all operators have a clear idea of ​​what goals and indicators they need to strive for.

And to understand whether they have achieved them or not. It can be not only quantitative parameters, but quality indicators.

15. Immediate positive Feedback

Positive feedback should follow immediately. If an employee is worthy of praise and encouragement, you need to do this not once a week or a month - but daily, every shift, literally every minute. The immediate positive response from management strongly motivates employees to work even harder.

16. Five minutes at the beginning of the shift

A little five minutes before your shift can be very helpful. At this time, you can not only exchange important information but also to share jokes. In a way, a warm-up before a fight. This is much more effective than emailing newsletters every morning that few people read.

17. Carefully promote employees to managerial positions

One of the most common mistakes is when an excellent operator is promoted to managerial positions. This can lead to two negative consequences. First, another, much less successful employee may take his place. Secondly, an operator who is used to being responsible only for himself can experience great stress and inconvenience when he finds himself in the role of a manager. As a result, there are losses for the business on two points at once.

18. Make systems work right

One of the most effective ways To motivate employees is to get their opinion, ask for their advice. And above all, it concerns the systems with which they work. Inconvenient user interfaces, freezing and crashing systems can all frustrate operators and interfere with their work. Ask them what they would like to improve - and do it.

19. Use motivational games

Motivating games can also help break the daily routine that is so typical of working in a contact center. They enliven the working day, stimulate healthy competition among employees and, as a result, increase productivity.

20. Consider the role of the family

Contact center employees are real people, they have friends, relatives, families, and they want to share their rewards with them. This gives them a sense of significance and well-being. Take this into account when developing a system of rewards, prizes and incentives.

21. Find out what drives each employee

If you can find what motivates each individual employee the most, you will allow him to feel his special important role in overall success. It is important to find your "moment of truth" for each operator. Annual employee satisfaction surveys do little in this regard. It is best to do this on a regular basis with the help of special feedback programs.

22. Give thanks for a job well done.

When an employee works well, it is important that he sees that management understands and appreciates it. Cash bonuses, career advancement - all this, of course, is important. But, imagine, your kind words of gratitude are no less important.

Do not skimp on gratitude to employees, this is the strongest motivating factor for them. And it won't require a big budget from you.

23. Enter Regular Evaluation Sessions

It is necessary to introduce regular meetings with employees, during which you will discuss with them their work, strengths and weaknesses.

At the end of such a meeting, new goals and objectives should be set for the employee, which will help him work more efficiently and move up the career ladder more successfully.

24. Reward good appearance employees

While contact center employees don't meet customers face-to-face, it's still very important that they not only act, but look like professionals. Their clothes should have not only a neat, but also a business look. This sets the right mood and atmosphere in the contact center.

25. Color your workspace

Add some bright spots to your workspace. A few pictures, bright colors - whatever, your employees will tell you. Then the workspace will become more colorful and friendlier, and it will be much more pleasant to work in it. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference.

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Every ambitious leader wants his organization to flourish, profits to grow, and employees to appreciate and love their work. The development of an optimal motivation system can help in this, and this is relevant not only for sellers and sales managers, but also for all employees.

Reasons for losing motivation

When management is faced with the question of how to get employees to work when they lack motivation, one should understand what caused this situation:

  • loss of motivation due to the inconsistency of the proposed conditions with the declared(for example, the salary is less than promised, moving the office from the center to the outskirts, etc.),
  • it could be a loss of interest in work due to personal circumstances and characteristics of employees: mismatch of the position with the expectations of young professionals, professional burnout among experienced employees and other reasons,
  • another reason is the loss of interest in the work performed due to the lack of a proper motivational program: this especially applies to "salespeople".

If the first option became the reason for the loss of motivation, the management should only blame themselves.

If nothing is done to develop employees, and even more so to “deceive” them in some way, it will be very difficult to interest the staff.

The remaining two options can be solved with the help of an invited psychologist, trainer-consultant, or on your own with the involvement of the motivation department or the personnel development department.

What else is important to know about motivation?

How to regain interest in work?

If the interest of certain employees in work is lost due to their personal experiences, emotions, some difficult work situations or the lack of rest necessary for any person, it is important to properly solve this problem. Often in the course of such experiences, a person decides to leave his job or change it, which is not always the right thing for him and the company.

You can help such employees regain interest in work with personal consultations or training on motivation.

Such trainings involve the following tasks:

  1. gives ways to assess motivation individual employee or team,
  2. brings awareness of the importance of motivation and realization of human needs,
  3. gives a charge of inspiration, fills the activity with “meaning”,
  4. expands horizons, shows new opportunities.

The energy charge is the most important in these trainings.

What types of motivation exist?

When the question arises of how to motivate employees to sell, the answer is most often the creation of an adequate stimulation system in the organization. In modern firms, entire departments dealing with the motivation of employees have long been introduced. An effective motivation system implies combination of material and non-material incentives. material motivation usually consists of:

  • employee's fixed salary
  • incentives in the form a certain percentage from concluded deals or sales,
  • bonuses for meeting or exceeding the plan.

Non-material motivation can be represented as:

  • competitions and contests for employees,
  • motivational meetings
  • assistance in personal matters of employees,
  • providing bonuses or discounts on services,
  • congratulations from management,
  • motivational meetings of middle managers,
  • incentive trips,
  • informing others about the achievements of a particular employee,
  • evaluations and recognition from colleagues,
  • general favorable environment at work, etc.

To ensure sales, each employee must clearly know about the product or services offered by the company, know the rules of communication with the customer, be customer-oriented and have other important competencies. To master these skills and knowledge, it is periodically necessary to organize certain training sessions or courses.

Proper development, training and adaptation of personnel contribute to improving attitudes towards work, and, accordingly, increasing motivation.

Trainings that will be useful

  1. Motivational training
  2. Customer orientation training
  3. Team building training
  4. Perhaps you need to change the general atmosphere at work

How successful a company is depends on the work of its employees and their attitude to their work. People should have an incentive, a desire to work. Therefore, a lot of attention should be paid to motivation. There are many ways to motivate subordinates.

We bring to your attention 17 most effective

Be interested in the results of the work of employees themselves

As you know, information is important in any business, including the issue of motivation. The more information you collect, the better you will be able to understand how to motivate your subordinates. Therefore, it will not be superfluous at all if you take an interest in the results of the work of your team. Ask employees questions that will make them think about the work done and tell you about concrete results. Thus, the exchange of information within the team is improved.

Find out if the subordinate is satisfied with his work

For your subordinates to work well, they must like what they do. Otherwise, even the most effective ways motivation won't help. Talk to employees. Ask if subordinates like their work, whether it suits them. It may happen that the tasks that you set for this or that employee do not correspond to his qualifications. In this case, you will need to slightly change the task or break it into smaller ones. Remember that it is better to explain something and support a person once again than to get a bad job from him.

Ask subordinates what they would like

In any team there are so-called performers who clearly fulfill the task assigned to them. But there are those who approach their work creatively. Such employees always have a lot of ideas and suggestions regarding their personal work and even the work of the company as a whole. The task of a good boss is to find such people and give them the opportunity to prove themselves. Believe me, the most best motivation for a person when he understands that they see a professional in him.

Ask questions in such a way that they can be answered in detail

The most common mistake many leaders make is asking people questions as if they were taking a test. Either the employee answers “yes” or he answers “no”, and nothing else. In fact, such questions are more suitable for statistics than for conversation. If you want to achieve a high level of motivation for your people, ask questions in such a way that their answer is detailed. This will show that you treat people with respect. This will increase their self-esteem, and hence motivation.

Recognize that employees can be motivated by more than just their job at the company.
The successful work of the company resembles a well-oiled mechanism. However, this mechanism is made up of living people. Everyone can have their own hobbies or interests that have nothing to do with working in a company. And you, as a good leader, must recognize this. Ask who is interested in what. Perhaps the help from the leadership will be very helpful. After all, if your employees succeed in their hobby, it will be a huge incentive for them to work well.

Bank of ideas as a tool of motivation

A good leader constantly communicates with the team and listens to everyone. Believe me, this is not a waste of time. After all, your subordinates always have some thoughts or ideas that they share only among themselves, believing that the authorities will not be interested. And among them there can be really competent and worthwhile proposals. The creation of a kind of “bank of ideas” will help to discover them. Keep a special folder or journal in which all the proposals of your employees will be recorded. And for yourself, develop the habit of filling out at least one page of the magazine a day. This will teach you to listen carefully to people and increase the trust of the team in you.

Knowledge motivation

A true professional is a person who is constantly improving, striving to achieve the best results in his profession. Therefore, the opportunity to learn and improve your level of knowledge is the most The best way motivation. A wise leader always uses the desire of his employees to learn. And there are many ways to do this. For example, trainings, trainings, conferences. At the same time, let the employee choose the course himself, and free training can serve as a reward for good work.

Teach subordinates to evaluate their work

Employees who constantly monitor their work are able to evaluate it correctly. They may have their own system by which they celebrate their successes and failures. But, if this does not happen, you must explain to employees that this is for their own good. And as an example, offer your version of the assessment of labor productivity in a team.

Set clear goals for your employees

If your subordinate does not clearly understand what he is doing, how good his work is, and how the company will benefit, there will be no effect. Therefore, set clear goals for your employees. Let them feel that their work is being assessed promptly, accurately and regularly.

Support positive communication among subordinates

A good motivating factor for employees is how their work is evaluated by colleagues. Positive feedback from colleagues significantly increases the level of motivation. But this is a kind of culture of relations in the team, which can and should be developed. Try to teach subordinates to recognize the merits of each other and come up with a reward program. As a result, the quality of your team's work will increase significantly.

Take care of strengthening the interaction between employees

The more often the company's management communicates with ordinary employees, the more positively it will affect the work as a whole. Therefore, we recommend holding events where both the management and subordinates can relax together and communicate freely. And the work itself can be built in such a way that there are as many contacts as possible between ordinary employees and managers.

Explain to employees how and for what you will reward them

Nothing motivates employees more than encouraging them to work. But chaotic rewards or rewards for anyone can lead to very different results. If you have your own reward system, explain it to employees and be sure to answer all questions. By doing this, you show respect for the team.

A motivated beginner is better than an unmotivated specialist

When hiring new employees, try to pay more attention to their attitude to work. The person who, as they say, "sick with the soul for the cause" is a person with a high intrinsic motivation. Even if the candidate does not have highly qualified, it will be easier to teach than to spend time motivating a specialist.

Small but frequent rewards are the way to quality work

In enterprises, it is most often customary to reward employees “on the occasion”. For example, the successful completion of a project or the end of the year is the occasion for a whole ceremony of presenting valuable gifts or large awards. However, such a system generates more interest in the gift itself than in improving the quality of work. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you reward your staff with more modest prizes, but more often. Thus, people will see the result of their work now, and this will serve as an incentive for improvement.

Don't Forget Individuals When Rewarding a Group

Any team is a team. Nevertheless, it often seems to people that their personal merits before the whole team or a separate group are simply not noticed. Rewarding the group, managers forget about its individual members, and this has a bad effect on the personal self-esteem of the staff. This situation can be corrected if the leaders or leaders of the groups give a weekly report on the progress of individual members.

Track the level of motivation

Improving motivation is impossible without tracking its level. Therefore, we recommend that you from time to time conduct surveys or tests that measure the level of motivation. So you will learn how to manage it and you will know when it needs to be increased and what methods are suitable in this or that case.

Motivate with control

Competent control over the team can improve the motivation of employees. What does it mean? This means that you allow employees to make independent decisions in matters for which centralized control is not needed. For example, if your subordinates somehow decorate their workplace, this will not bring harm to the company, and employees will feel more comfortable. The level of motivation will increase, which means that productivity will also increase.

Add your thoughts on employee motivation.

It also motivates the recognition of experienced employees of the moment that new personnel are doing their job perfectly. if you support such an approach to newcomers among employees, then as a result a friendly team will be formed. And there will be no constant staff turnover. Why leave a department where you are valued and respected?

Alexandra A.

I won’t discover America, but to rally the team and then demand feedback from people is helped by banal corporate parties, and not always only on holidays. A sense of comradeship, responsibility and a healthy atmosphere among employees will also manifest themselves on vacation when not at work, taking part in game competitions. We recently went to paintball at work - a lot of impressions and positive!

I believe that it is necessary to live the life of a team. Each team is a group of like-minded people. The main task of each leader is to direct this group in the right direction. Of course, it is easier and easier to work in a friendly, close-knit team, but the team must be united. regardless of being busy. Only at such meetings, in a relaxed atmosphere, you will be able to see your employees from the other side, here their qualities that you did not know about can be revealed.

I'll take note of something. but I don’t agree about corporate parties - there are people who work great, are in good standing with bosses and colleagues, but they don’t want / can’t “rally” with the team. these are, for example, mothers with children - most often they do not go on holidays with everyone. Well, everyone can remember their own examples.

raw, as a rule, most people limit their work and personal life, so they can not stand all sorts of trips and voluntary-compulsory events organized by their superiors. Moreover, as you rightly noted, there is a high percentage of family people who have their own affairs and worries.
The best way to motivate employees is competition and prospects. If a person realizes that he will earn more, have a higher status, and so on, then he will work more productively.

Motivation motivation! You can't talk too much with workers, but you can't be impudent either. Always look for the golden mean and everything wakes up normally!

Recalling my own experience of working in an office, I can say that the best motivation is money. All sorts of bonuses, potential salary growth. Because all the same, there comes a moment when everything gets you and you want to blame it on FIG. Well, the bosses should make it clear at least occasionally that a person is valued and, in general, give some kind of assessment to the work. This is especially important for beginners - sometimes you come to work, but they don’t tell you anything - right or wrong you perform your duties, what should be changed or everything is ok and so.

Mario, well, about career do not forget, otherwise even if the salary is high, and there are no development prospects, the employee will eventually start doing it carelessly, messing around at the workplace, and so on. Of course, you can hold him accountable for this - reprimand him, deprive him of bonuses, and other options, but it’s better to motivate him to productive activities, providing growth prospects.

My company is quite small: 4 people, plus me. But all four have been working with me for more than 3 years! And I motivate them simply: I pay wages on time, I don’t offend them with additional days off and bonuses, sometimes I let them go home early - in a word, I do everything that is called “humane treatment of a person.” And of course, since I can’t provide career growth for people (there’s simply nowhere to grow!), I regularly, once every six months, raise (not in words, but in reality) wages!

Bonus at the end of the month, but not for everyone, but for the best, excellent motivation for employees, the staff of their business. Although if the business is small and you have, for example, 2 sellers, a floor cleaner, a watchman and a stoker, how to determine which of them is the best ?!

After each regular corporate party, topics for gossip and gossip appear in our team: Who ate how much, who drank how much, who danced how, who behaved in general, what they said, and so on. After that, grievances appear and disputes arise. So it also depends on the members of the team.

Only an idea that the management will bring to each employee can unite and motivate the team. The employee must clearly understand what he must do in order for the organization as a whole to become more competitive. The employee must feel like a part of a single whole. It must be created ideal conditions for effective work. And corporate parties, deprivation of bonuses, ratings for the best employee, as a rule, do not bring the expected effect.

We are more united during some sporting events or various competitions, KVNs, where everyone feels the shoulder of the other. And you can also get closer during joint agricultural work (we still practice voluntary-compulsory trips to the field). As the famous cartoon said: "Joint work - it unites."

If you have one department receives a larger bonus than the other (and this often happens at enterprises), then I don’t think that the team will unite during outdoor sports events or competitions.

Perhaps I am in many ways an egoist and a materialist, but I believe that very often economic reasons are at the heart of it. It is impossible to make big differences in one position in wages, that is, everyone who performs a certain amount of work should receive the same salary, and you should not especially treat your sympathies at work with colleagues.

In the USSR, everything is approximately the same as the author of the previous post described, and it was. The consequences were very deplorable, and they were reflected in the minuses of the command-market economy, visible to everyone. And this kind of motivation is only suitable for command-and-control systems!

Now, in order to motivate any employee to work, it is enough to say that you will give a small bonus, or an increase in salary, this method of motivation always works, and 99% without fail, since everyone loves money, and they will do what they are told.

Yes, salary is very important. But there are people who love their specialty, there are many people who are lonely in their personal lives and are realized at work, so the team still needs to be united. if the manager does not motivate his employees, he himself may eventually lose his chair. If the leader is a professional, you can arrange interesting educational presentations in interactive rooms, at dinner. we went with the school several times, very cool!

But the quality of the work will be very low, as the employee will try to do as much work as possible in the hope of getting a bonus. Then, for example, poor quality products go to the consumer, who, having bought it once, will not buy it again, which means that the manufacturer will have problems with sales and, as a result, the company will simply fly out of the pipe ...