Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization's personnel motivation system. Criteria and limitations of the effectiveness of the system of material motivation. Labor costs

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system. General characteristics of the investigated enterprise JSC "MTS". Comprehensive analysis of the employee motivation system in the organization. Development of measures to improve staff incentives.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Tver State University"

Faculty of Management and Sociology

Department of Management


Subject "Personnel Management»

On the topic: "Features of the personnel motivation system(on prIn the name of the organization of MTS OJSC»)»

Completed by a student of 43 groups

Faculty of Management and Sociology

full-time department

Kulachkova Elena Alexandrovna


Ph.D. Chegrintsova Svetlana Vasilievna

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the study of staff motivation
  • 1.1 The essence of the concept of motivation
  • 1.2 The system of motivation of labor personnel
  • 1.3 Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system
  • Chapter 2. Study of the personnel motivation system of MTS OJSC
  • 2.2 Analysis of the motivation of employees of the enterprise of MTS OJSC
  • 2.3 Measures to improve the personnel motivation system of MTS OJSC
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Application
  • Introduction

Among the complex of management problems, the problem of improving the management of the company's personnel plays a special role. The task of this area of ​​management is to increase the efficiency of production through the comprehensive development and reasonable use of the creative forces of a person, to increase the level of his qualifications, competence, responsibility, and initiative.

Human resource management includes many components. Among them: personnel policy, relationships in the team, socio-psychological aspects of management. The key place is occupied by the definition of ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as to stimulate and motivate employees.

Imperceptible to an inexperienced eye, the process of losing an employee's interest in work, his passivity brings such tangible results as staff turnover; the leader suddenly finds that he has to delve into all the details of any business performed by subordinates, who, in turn, do not show the slightest initiative. The efficiency of the organization falls.

To prevent the loss of potential profits, the manager must achieve the maximum return from his subordinates. To effectively manage such an expensive resource as people, the manager needs to highlight certain parameters of the work assigned to subordinates, by changing which he can influence the psychological states of the performers, thereby motivating or demotivating them.

Any manager, if he wants to achieve the effective performance of his subordinates, must not forget about the incentives for them to work. Traditionally, it is believed that once an employee receives payment for his work, then he should be satisfied. In case of bad attitude official duties he can be fired. So he has incentives.

Every person strives for success. Success is the achieved goals, for the achievement of which the employee has made every effort. Success without recognition leads to disappointment, kills initiative. This will not happen if the manager has the necessary knowledge in the field of staff motivation and successfully applies them in practice.

Motivation of personnel is the main means of ensuring the optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources.

The relevance of motivation problems is one of the most acute in a modern enterprise, since not only an increase in the social and creative activity of a particular employee, but also the final results of the enterprise's activities depend on the clear development of an effective motivation system.

However, characteristic of many Russian companies is the limitation, and sometimes the lack of a modern system of motivation for highly efficient work. In most cases, the reason is that the motivation system does not take into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise. The motivation system of each enterprise should be developed taking into account its specifics and characteristics of the staff. Most employees do not seek to show initiative and creativity in their activities, to fully take responsibility for decisions made and implemented in practice. As you know, there are two types of attracting a person to perform a certain work - coercion and motivation. It is generally recognized that coercion is ineffective in solving the problems of management and achieving results. Therefore, especially in recent years, the motivational mechanism has been actively developing. For Russian firms, it is a determining factor in motivating staff to complete tasks.

The above circumstances determine the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work.

The object of the study is the department for work with partners of the Tver branch of MTS OJSC.

The subject of the study is the motivation of the personnel in the PIU of the Tver branch of MTS OJSC.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the current state of the motivation system and develop a motivation system that provides efficient operation PIU staff.

To achieve this goal, certain tasks must be solved.

1. Define the essence of the concept of motivation.

2. Analyze the system of labor personnel motivation.

3. To study methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system.

5. Give a general description of the enterprise under study of MTS OJSC.

6. Analyze the motivation of MTS OJSC employees.

7. Develop measures to improve the personnel motivation system of MTS OJSC.

To study the literature that reveals the essence of this topic.

To disclose the topic of the course work, the scientific works of Anisimov O.S., V. Vroom, Davydov A.V., Zaitseva O.A., Radugina A.A., Zinchenko V.P., Meshcheryakova B.G., Kabushkin N. .I., Komissarova T.I., Leont'eva A.N., Lekhin I.V., Milkovich D., Mintzberg G., Mikhailina G.I., Podoprigory M.G., Rudenko V.I., Rumyantseva Z P., Sagomatina N.A., Travina V.V., Dyatlova V.A., Fritsevich A.S., Frolova S.S., Tsvetaeva V.M.

Chapter 1 Theoretical approaches to the study of staff motivation

1.1 The essence of the concept of motivation

In modern conditions it is difficult to overestimate the role human factor in the activities of the organization. Even the most perfect management system will not lead to success if the staff of the organization does not consist of professionals dedicated to their work. To improve the efficiency of the functioning of the organization, a shift in emphasis occurs towards a specific person.

The highest art of a leader is to thoroughly understand a person, to understand what he loves, because, oddly enough, most people have no idea what kind of activity they are more inclined to and what their special gift is. When a person does what he loves, he is satisfied and happy, and if everyone is calm, joyful and friendly, this creates a special atmosphere in the company. The task of each manager is to create motivation for employees to work more and better, while motivation, related to the mental state of a person, determines the basis of his behavior, forms restrictive barriers to behavior.

The essence of motivation lies in the fact that the staff of the company performs work in accordance with the rights and duties delegated to it, in accordance with the adopted management decisions. Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of management: Proc. allowance / N.I. Kabushkin. - 6th ed., stereotype. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2007. P.336

The reforms being carried out in the country cannot be effectively implemented without creating effective incentives for work and entrepreneurship, combined with discipline and organization. The real effectiveness of any economic measures is determined by their impact on the attitude of people to work. Change people's attitudes towards work legislative order it is impossible, since this is a long evolutionary process, but it can be accelerated if a specific situation is soberly assessed and the reasons that gave rise to it are taken into account. Unfortunately, many modern leaders they rarely take into account the social consequences of their decisions, and the decisions themselves are often not complex, but purely economic or technocratic in nature.

Managers are always aware that it is necessary to encourage people to work for the organization, but at the same time they believe that simple material rewards are enough for this. In some cases, such a policy is successful, although in essence it is not correct.

When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly the organization he leads should do, who, how and when, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, then the manager gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many people and jointly realize the potential of a group of employees. Leaders put their decisions into action by putting into practice the basic principles of motivation. People working in modern organizations, are usually much more educated and well-to-do than in the past, so their work motives are more complex and difficult to influence. There is no single recipe for developing a mechanism for effectively motivating employees to work. The effectiveness of motivation, like other problems in management activities always associated with a particular situation.

Motivation can be defined in different ways. On the one hand, motivation is understood as the readiness of people to make efforts to achieve the goals of the organization in the name of satisfying their own individual needs; a set of internal and external influences that encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals. The concept of "motivation" includes issues of activation, management and implementation of purposeful human behavior. Motivation answers the question: why do this, and not otherwise? this person. Podoprigora M.G. Organizational behavior: a textbook for senior students and undergraduates. - Taganrog: Izd-vo TTI SFedU, 2008, p. 261 On the other hand, motivation is the process of a person's conscious choice of one or another type of behavior, determined by the complex influence of external (stimuli) and internal (motives) factors. In the process of production activity, motivation allows employees to satisfy their basic needs by fulfilling their job duties.

Labor motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management. - M.: Delo, 2000, S. 108

The author's definition of labor activity motivation is the process of satisfaction by employees of their needs and expectations in the work they have chosen, carried out as a result of the implementation of their goals, consistent with the goals and objectives of the enterprise and at the same time as a set of measures applied by the subject of management to improve the efficiency of employees' labor .

This definition combines two main areas that are usually taken by managers as an identity: motivation and stimulation. Often, setting a task for an employee, the manager says to the employee: "I will stimulate you" or "I will motivate you." At the same time, he thinks about the same thing, i.e. about remuneration of an employee for a job well done. In fact, motivation and stimulation are different things, although they serve to achieve a common goal - to increase the efficiency of an employee's work. The process of satisfaction, which is in the first place in the definition, is a motivational policy built by the management of the organization based on the needs and interests of employees known to them. A set of measures is the stimulation of labor, which always complements the motivational policy and is a means of meeting the specific needs of the employee, for the most part material.

Let's try to clarify, first of all, the difference between "stimulus" and "motive". Here are four definitions of stimulus.

The stimulus is a pointed stick used to drive animals.

Stimulus (lat. stimulus - goad, goad) - an external impulse to action, a push, a motivating reason. I.V. Lekhin and prof. F.N. Petrov, dictionary of foreign words, M.: UNVES, 1995, p.205

Stimulus is a physical agent (irritant) that acts on the sense organ (receptor). V.P. Zinchenko, B.G. Meshcheryakova, psychological dictionary, 2nd ed., M .: Pedagogy-Press, 1996, p.187

It can be seen from these definitions that a stimulus is something external to a person. Also, the stimulus is characterized by the ability to "irritate" the human senses, that is, the impact in the function of the stimulus must be carried out within the threshold of human sensitivity. Therefore, in a broad sense, a stimulus is such an impact by one person on another that induces him to a directed action, the necessary initiator of the impact. If the impact does not cause an incentive to a certain action, then such an incentive can be considered ineffective. The conclusion is that the stimulus is given to a person by someone from the outside (Fig. 1)

Unlike a stimulus, a motive is an ideal image in the inner plane of a person's consciousness. Also, this is not just an ideal representation, but an energetically saturated image of a necessary, need-significant object. Anisimov O.S. Methodological version of the categorical apparatus of psychology, Novgorod, 1990, p. 334 Needs are the source of the driving force of the motive. As Aleksey Nikolaevich Leontiev, a classic in the psychology of activity, rightly noted, only as a result of meeting a need with an object that meets it, it becomes capable of directing and regulating activity for the first time. “The meeting of a need with an object is an act ... of objectifying a need - filling it with content that is drawn from the surrounding world. This translates the need to the actual psychological level”, Leontiev Alexey Nikolaevich. Selected psychological works. Activity. Consciousness. Personality, vol. 2, M.: “Pedagogy”, 1983, p. 295, that is, in motive. So, motive formation is based on the human need system, in other words, it comes from within (Fig. 2)

Fig.1 Stimulating effect

Rice. 2 Motivation

Summing up, it should be noted that the way to good governance personnel lies through understanding their motivation. Only knowing what motivates a person, what prompts him to act, what motives underlie his behavior, you can try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing a person. To do this, it is necessary to know how certain motives arise, how and in what ways motives can be put into action, how people are motivated.

It is also necessary to know that the main components of effective labor incentives are the stimulation of the working person. In enterprises where people interact closely with each other, the use of incentives must take into account needs and their satisfaction, enterprise and interests of the individual, and even character and lifestyle. Then stimulation will be truly effective and personally significant.

1.2 The system of motivation of labor personnel

One of the main tasks of a modern company is the formation of an effective management system, in the implementation of which personnel management plays a huge role. At present, a rather difficult situation is developing in the economy, which can be described as a “staff shortage”. There is an acute shortage of highly qualified specialists in many industries. Every year this problem is complicated by the deteriorating demographic situation. Under these conditions, a well-built motivation system is an important element of the personnel management system, especially for fast-growing and dynamically developing companies. V. Vroom. Work and motivation. Jossey-Bass, 2011 p.404

There is a system of direct material motivation. Let's consider it and define the main characteristics and features, as well as answer the question: why is it necessary to build an effective system of direct material motivation of personnel in a modern dynamically developing company.

The system of direct material motivation of personnel consists of a base salary and bonuses.

Base salary is a fixed part of an employee's salary.

Bonuses are a variable part of an employee's salary that can be reviewed.

Thus, the system of direct material motivation is actually a system of remuneration.

An effective remuneration system (compensation system) plays a significant role in personnel management, namely, in attracting, motivating and retaining employees of appropriate qualifications in the company, encourages employees to increase labor productivity, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of human resource use and a reduction in search costs, selection and adaptation of newly hired company personnel.

An inefficient wage system, as a rule, makes an employee dissatisfied with the size and method of determining compensation for his work, which can provoke a decrease in productivity and quality of work, as well as a deterioration in labor discipline.

Each company currently uses its own remuneration system, based on the specifics of the business, the company's goals and management strategy.

An effective wage system is based on a compromise between the employer and the employee:

On the part of the employee: the amount of wages must exceed the amount of money necessary to restore the energy expended to perform their work (to meet individual needs). If the salary is insufficient to meet his individual needs and support his life, then the negative and dissatisfaction in the work of a specialist will increase, which will immediately affect the results of his work.

From the side of the employer: the amount of the employee's salary should be correlated with the results of his work.

The main problem in building an effective remuneration system is to find the optimal ratio in the above compromise between the employee and the employer in such a way that the salary of the staff becomes the real monetary equivalent of the result of the work of each employee and the cost of his labor force. Frolov S.S. Sociology of Organizations: Textbook. M.: Gardariki, 2006, p.384

There are two main forms of remuneration: time and piecework, as well as a number of their derivatives, transforming which in various ways, companies receive individual remuneration systems adapted to a specific business.

The technology of building a remuneration system is achieved by performing the following steps:

Job analysis (detailed analysis of the employee's job responsibilities, working conditions, etc.).

Monitoring studies conducted in the field of compensation policy in organizations with similar characteristics and indicators.

Development of principles for ranking positions depending on the complexity of the functions performed, responsibility, conditions, qualifications, work experience.

Creation of a tariff-qualification grid, in accordance with the principles of ranking the company's personnel.

Drawing up / optimization of the staffing table of the company, in accordance with the developed tariff and qualification scale.

Compilation / optimization of the bonus position of the company, where the methods of bonuses should be determined and key indicators work of each department/employee.

Direct implementation of the wage system.

An effective remuneration system is part of the company's management system, therefore it must be clearly formalized and regulated by internal company documents - the regulation (methodology) on the remuneration system, bonus position, staffing.

As the company grows and goes through various development cycles (start, growth, maturity, decline), the role of the remuneration system, as part of the company's management system, increases. It is necessary to form an effective payment system, in accordance with the company's strategy, at the earliest stages of business development.

The system of indirect material motivation is the so-called compensation package (social package) provided to the employee. A compensation package (social package) is a benefit provided to an employee of the company depending on the level of his position, professionalism, authority, etc.

In domestic practice, the system of indirect material incentives is an additional non-monetary compensation to employees, which can be divided into 2 blocks:

Mandatory benefits (regulated by labor law):

Payment of sick leaves;

Payment for annual leave;

Compulsory health insurance;

Deductions for obligatory pension insurance.

Voluntary benefits (not regulated by the state and used by employers on a voluntary basis):

Voluntary medical insurance (an employee of the company is provided with a voluntary medical insurance policy for a certain amount, which he can use for various medical services);

Medical care for retired workers as their own full-time employees(providing them with a voluntary medical insurance policy, providing services of their own health center, etc.);

Pension accumulation mechanisms (the company pays additional pensions to an employee who has worked for a certain number of years in this organization);

Sickness pay (some companies allow employees to be absent up to a week a year due to illness, without providing them with a sick leave to the employer);

Life insurance of employees and / or members of their families (the company provides life insurance for employees and their families for a certain amount, free of charge for the employee);

Payment for additional days off (personal, children's) days (companies provide one paid day per month - the so-called personal or children's day);

Payment of additional vacation days for company employees;

Payment for training, additional education of employees (both full payment for training by the employer, and partial, within a certain amount, or interest-free lending to an employee for educational purposes);

For joint-stock companies - the possibility of acquiring shares by the company's shareholders;

Service reimbursement cellular communication;

Delivery of employees to the place of work and back by company vehicles or compensation for travel costs;

Payment of expenses for the improvement of employees (payment for vouchers - in full or in part);

Payment for meals

Payment for kindergartens for children of company employees;

Payment for visiting fitness clubs;

Issuance of loans and credits for the purchase of housing, a car, etc.

The system of benefits is not limited to the above list of compensations, but is adapted both for each specific company and for a specific employee.

The system of indirect material incentives has long been fruitfully used in the West, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as one of the methods for attracting and retaining highly qualified specialists. Unfortunately, in Tver, the practice of using the system of indirect material incentives is small and, as a rule, is actively used only in vertically integrated companies with Moscow management. In small local companies, the benefit system is limited to mandatory types of compensation regulated by labor legislation.

Consider what is a system non-material motivation personnel, define its main characteristics.

The system of non-material motivation is a set of external non-monetary incentives that are used in the company to encourage the effective work of employees.

Practical experience shows that the salary and the system of benefits used (social package) are not always the decisive factor in increasing the interest of employees to work in a particular company. A very important condition for solving this problem is the use of methods of non-material incentives.

What are the methods of non-material motivation in the practice of modern Russian companies? The following incentives can serve as examples of non-material motivation:

Traditional methods of non-material incentives:

Ensuring the career growth of employees career ladder"up", with an increase in the occupied status);

Flexible working hours (project work system);

Priority in planning the vacation of company employees;

Regular "horizontal" rotation of personnel;

Mentioning the name of the employee in the project / service / product implemented by him;

Provision of car parking space;

Priorities in obtaining new equipment, machinery, furniture, etc.

Verbal and / or written gratitude for the effective work of the work, the implemented project;

Conducting professional competitions among employees, with awarding diplomas;

Issuance of an internal newspaper with a description of the results of the work and placement of photographs of the best employees and informational notes about them;

Publication of booklets about the company with photos of the best employees of the company;

Rewarding departing employees with diplomas “for contribution to the development of the company”, maintaining friendly relations after employees transfer to another job;

Organization of corporate events.

Non-traditional methods of non-material incentives (rarely used in domestic practice):

Providing employees with additional days of rest (for example, an earlier start of vacation for an effectively implemented project, etc.);

Gifts to company employees for various holidays, based on their interests and hobbies, etc.

The above list is not the final version of non-financial incentive methods. The system of non-material motivation is developed individually for each company and is an addition to the system of remuneration and benefits (systems of direct material and indirect material motivation). Fritsevich A.S. Adoption management decisions in the organization // Economic Bulletin. - 2009. - No. 2 (12). P. 4-5.

When introducing a system of non-material incentives at an existing enterprise and choosing certain methods of influencing the performance of employees, it is necessary at the earliest stages to determine how each employee positions himself in relation to the company. Based on the diagnostic results, the following categories of employees can be identified:

An individualist employee does not identify his interests with the interests of the company, he is focused on maximum material motivation.

Employee-collectivist - considers himself a member of the team, identifies his interests with the interests of the company.

It will depend on which category a particular employee belongs to, which method of non-material incentives is the most effective for him. At the same time, we believe that it is impossible to create a single universal motivation system for all employees without exception, the system must be correctly ranked and take into account both the “value of a specialist”, in terms of the overall success of the company, and his individual achievements in his position.

It should be noted that the system of non-material incentives, as one of the components of the personnel motivation system, will be adequately perceived by employees and, therefore, work effectively only in cases where they receive a fair market wage, the amount of which the employee can influence independently, in according to the result of their work.

It is very important for modern employers to determine the main motives that make their specialists work efficiently and with full dedication to achieve the company's goals and create an appropriate system of staff motivation. Very often the question: “How do you motivate your employees?” business leaders find it difficult to answer. According to many psychologists, the enthusiasm of employees depends on the following factors:

The employee's confidence that he effective work will lead to the planned professional goal (successful implementation of the project, etc.);

The employee's confidence that his professional success will be appreciated and rewarded by the employer;

Employee confidence in the expected reward.

Based on these factors, a modern employer can build an effective personnel motivation system that will allow not only buying the time of employees, but buying an exclusively effective result of their work, as well as identifying possible demotivating causes in advance and minimizing their risks in personnel management.

The personnel motivation system in the modern interpretation is a set of systems of non-material and material incentives for employees.

One of the main reasons that encourages people to work is to receive material rewards for their work. At present, a significant part of the Russian population depends on employment as the main and only source of income. Therefore, building an effective system of material incentives is one of the important elements of the overall strategy of personnel management.

The personnel motivation system includes:

Direct material motivation system (remuneration system);

The system of indirect material motivation (the system of benefits);

The system of non-material motivation.

The system of direct material motivation is the material remuneration of an employee, consisting of a base salary and bonuses. The base salary is a fixed part of the employee's salary, which is rarely reviewed, or changes when the employee moves to another position. Bonuses are a variable part of an employee's salary, which can be revised monthly, quarterly, etc.

The system of indirect material motivation is the so-called compensation package (social package) provided to the employee. The compensation package (social package) is the benefits provided to the employee depending on the level of his position, professionalism, authority, etc. Traditionally, in the system of benefits, many modern companies include: health insurance (compulsory and voluntary health insurance), compensation for cellular communications, delivery by company vehicles, paid vouchers, paid training, well-equipped workplaces, etc. The system of indirect material motivation is adapted for each specific enterprise individually. D.Milkovich. The system of remuneration and methods of stimulating personnel. Vershina, 2009, p. 160

An effective system of material motivation should make the amount of material payments to employees of the company dependent on the status of their position, authority, performance, analysis of the labor market and the results of achieving the company's goals.

The system of non-material incentives includes such elements as: corporate culture, social politics, promotion with various diplomas, providing new opportunities ( career), creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.

A well-designed system of staff motivation, consisting of the three above components, will allow a modern employer to:

1. Clearly agree on the goals of the work of a particular employee, structural unit and the company as a whole, as well as ways to achieve them;

2. Solve problems with staff turnover and "staff shortage" by retaining highly qualified specialists "tailored" for a specific company;

3. Reduce time and financial costs for the search, selection and adaptation of personnel;

4. Form a close-knit team of like-minded people, maintain confidence in the professional demand on the part of the employer and the desire to work in this company efficiently, with full dedication, with motivation for results.

Ultimately, a well-built system of staff motivation is a tool that increases the value of the company - through increasing the efficiency of the entire team as a whole and a significant reduction in the cost of recruiting and adapting personnel (while reducing the turnover of the company's staff).

1.3 Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system

Staff motivation must be constantly improved and improved. To do this, you need to know in which direction to move, what changes and in what area of ​​the motivation system to carry out. The motivation system is an integral part of the personnel management system at the enterprise, therefore, methods for assessing the personnel management system can also be used to assess the effectiveness of the labor motivation system.

The interview method can be used to assess the system of labor motivation. Interview - a survey "face to face", obtaining information in personal communication. This is not an exchange of opinions, but the receipt of information from one person - the respondent. Unlike a conversation, the roles of interview participants are different: the respondent acts as an object of study, the other as a subject. G. I. Mikhailina, M.: Dashkov and Co., personnel management, 2006, p. 263 The essence of the method: interview questions are developed either for the workers of the enterprise, or for specialists acting as respondents. After the interview, conclusions are drawn about the labor incentive system and its impact. The considered methods are shown in Table 1

Table 1 Classification of methods for assessing staff incentives

Questioning is a system of logically consistent methodological and organizational and technical procedures interconnected by a single goal: to obtain objective reliable data about the object or process under study for their subsequent use in management practice. V. M. Tsvetaev, personnel management, M.: St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 126

Justification methods include the method of comparisons and the method of evaluation economic efficiency bonus systems in the enterprise.

The comparison method allows you to compare the existing system of labor incentives at the enterprise with a similar system of advanced organization of the relevant industry, with the normative state or state in the past period.

The effectiveness of the incentive system of the labor system can be judged by the effectiveness of the bonus system at the enterprise, which is the main form of its manifestation. Such a bonus system can be considered cost-effective, which forms the level of payment in accordance with the degree of fulfillment of the indicators and conditions of bonuses and ensures the achievement of an effect greater than the corresponding bonus part of the salary, or equal to this part.

When evaluating the effectiveness of the bonus system, it is necessary to give it quality assessment from the point of view of fulfilling its functional purpose. To do this, it is revealed: compliance of the established bonus indicators with the task of the enterprise; justification for the amount of the incentive. The bonus system does not have a stimulating effect if the bonuses are too low (less than 7 - 10% of the tariff rate, official salary). Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Sagomatin, R.Z. Akberdin and others, management of the organization: a textbook. M.: Unity - Dana, 2008, p.215

A quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the bonus system is given from the standpoint of the benefits of its bonuses for the employer. It involves: determination of the achieved level of performance of the bonus indicator during the period of performance evaluation (UD); comparing it with the level of performance of the indicator in the base period or some other level of performance of the indicator taken as the base (Ub), and determining the magnitude of the change in the indicator; determination of the effect in terms of money received from the change in bonus indicators (Ed); comparing the economic effect with the corresponding bonus payment and determining the absolute effectiveness of the bonus system. Under the absolute efficiency (Ae) of the bonus system in the period under review (Ed) and the value of the premiums paid (P) corresponding to this change, and is calculated by the formula (1): T. A. Komissarova, human resource management: a textbook. M.: Delo, 2008, p. 312

Ae \u003d Ed - P, (1)

where Ae - absolute efficiency; Ed - bonus indicator; P - the amount of premiums paid.

The absolute efficiency indicator is used to compare different bonus systems in terms of their profitability for the employer. The effect in monetary terms, obtained on the basis of a direct comparison of the achieved and the baseline level of indicators and is calculated according to the formula (2): See ibid.

Ed \u003d En \u003d Ud - Ub, (2)

where Ed, En - bonus indicator; Yd - the period of evaluation of efficiency; Ub - the level of performance of the indicator, taken as the base.

When calculating the economic effect of long-term bonus systems, it is most advisable to take average level fulfillment of the indicator in the base period. When calculating economic efficiency, the cost of bonuses must be taken together with deductions attributable to bonuses to off-budget federal funds (pension fund, social insurance fund, medical insurance).

Thus, according to the bonus system, one can judge the system of labor stimulation at the enterprise. If the bonus system is economically efficient (Ed is greater than zero, Ae is greater than zero), then the labor incentive system effectively fulfills its stimulating role and is effective from a material point of view]. T. A. Komissarova, human resource management: a textbook. M.: Delo, 2008, p. 321

The methods of analysis include: system analysis, functional-value analysis and expert-analytical method of assessment (method of expert assessments), the Pattern method.

The systematic approach directs the researcher to the study of the system of labor stimulation as a whole and its components: goals, functions, structure, means (methods) of stimulation, information; to identify the types of connections of these components between themselves and the external environment

(other subsystems, for example, the wage system, the quality system) and bringing them together into a single holistic picture. T. A. Komissarova. Human Resource Management: A Study Guide. M.: Delo, 2008, p. 74 The essence of the method is as follows. A systematic analysis of the state of the labor incentive system has several goals:

Determination of the present provision of the incentive system;

Identification of changes in the state of the incentive system in the spatial and temporal context;

Identification of the main factors causing changes in the state of the incentive system;

Forecast of the main trends in the future state of the incentive system.

This assessment method is based on the analysis of certain indicators that characterize the labor incentive system, such as labor productivity, wage growth in the enterprise, their ratio, staff turnover, an indicator of the qualitative composition of workers (by age, education, length of service), discipline. After analyzing the compliance of these indicators with the required level, a conclusion is made about the labor incentive system as a whole. The more inconsistencies and discrepancies, the less effective the incentive system is. The advantages of this assessment method are that its implementation does not require the direct participation of the workers of the enterprise, therefore, there are less costs, it is only necessary to analyze the documentation on the indicators.

Functional and cost analysis of the incentive system (FSA) is a method of feasibility study of the functions of the incentive system at the enterprise, aimed at finding ways to improve and reduce the cost of organizing the incentive system in order to increase its efficiency. T. A. Komissarova. Human Resource Management: A Study Guide. M.: Delo, 2008, p. 71

The expert-analytical method is one of the most common methods for assessing not only the system of labor incentives. This assessment method is based on rational arguments and on the intuition of highly qualified specialists - experts. Davydov AV Motivation and wages in a market economy. M.: Novosibirsk, 2007, p.175

The pattern method, which consists of the first letters of English words meaning planning assistance through the quantitative evaluation of technical data, was developed in 1962-1964. The following steps go through the process of applying this method:

The problem under study is divided into a number of sub-problems, individual tasks and elements subject to expert evaluation;

Problems, sub-problems, tasks, their elements are arranged in a "decision tree";

The coefficients of importance of each task, each element are determined;

Estimates put forward by individual experts are subject to open discussion.

As an example of another method for assessing the effectiveness of a staff incentive system, one can cite an assessment formula that takes into account the effects that arise when labor productivity increases, staff turnover decreases and when staff is trained with the subsequent combination of several professions. First, individual performance indicators are determined by the formulas (3, 4, 5):

The effect of reducing staff turnover (monthly) is calculated

according to formula (3):

Et \u003d Zn x R (Kt1 - Kt2), (3)

where Zn - the cost of a beginner; Zot - the cost of personnel selection; Roth - the number of selected candidates; P - the average number of employees; Kt - the turnover rate is equal to the number of laid-off workers Ruv / R.

The effect of training with the subsequent combination of professions

calculated by formula (4):

Goiter \u003d Zzp x Rep x N - Goiter, (4)

where Zzp - wage costs per employee per month; Rep - the number of workers trained in related professions; N is the calendar period for which the efficiency is calculated; Goiter - training costs.

The effect of increasing labor productivity (per month) is calculated by formula (5):

Ep \u003d P x Dm x (P2 - P1), (5)

where P is the number of employees; Dm - the number of working days worked by them per month; P - labor productivity as the ratio of sales per day to the number of employees.

The effect of the impact of the employee training program on labor productivity and product quality can be determined by the following formula (6): О.А. Zaitseva, A.A. Radugin, K.A. Radugin and others. Fundamentals of management. M.: Unity, 2006, p.298

E=P x N x V x K - N x Z, (6)

where P is the duration of the training program on labor productivity and other performance factors; N is the number of trained workers; V - value assessment of the difference in labor productivity between the best and average workers performing the same work; K is a coefficient characterizing the effect of training employees (for example, an increase in labor productivity, expressed in shares); Z - the cost of training one employee.

Each of the considered approaches to assessing economic efficiency has its own positive aspects and difficulties in implementation. The most acceptable in practical terms, however, seems to be an assessment of certain areas of motivational policy, which makes it possible to identify the costs of their implementation and to determine with sufficient accuracy the performance indicators of the ongoing personnel policy. However, enterprises of various forms of ownership (state, commercial, etc.) have a different degree of freedom in choosing methods for implementing socio-psychological and motivational policies and the possibility of implementing alternative options.

Therefore, the general criteria for effectiveness can be the following:

Payback period for personnel costs;

The amount of income growth;

Minimization of current costs;

Profit maximization;

Minimization of costs due to personnel costs.

The orientation of the enterprise to the use of one or another criterion predetermines the approach to the choice of indicators used to analyze and justify the effectiveness of the ongoing motivational policy, its forms and methods.

Thus, as a result of studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of the essence of the organization of personnel labor motivation, we can draw the following conclusions:

Motivation is an incentive, a reason for any action, an active state of a person (his brain structures), which encourages him to perform hereditarily fixed or experience-acquired actions aimed at satisfying individual (thirst, hunger, etc.) or group (care for children). etc.) needs; Rudenko V.I. Management. A guide to preparing for exams. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2007. P.192

A number of definitions of motivation were listed, methods and types of staff motivation, and the concept of staff incentives were given and analyzed. In the value system of the enterprise, the management of labor motivation should become the basis, the optimal methods of motivating personnel and their combinations are chosen so that the efforts of the employee become the most effective and efficient;

To achieve effective labor motivation, an organization must have certain motivational resources. Such resources should be the principles social partnership, labor potential of the enterprise, effective organization of labor and competent social policy pursued by the enterprise;

To assess the effectiveness of the applied motivational policy in personnel management, it is necessary to carry out a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed methods, choosing the most suitable for the working conditions of a particular organization. Mintzberg G. Structure in a fist: creating an effective organization / Per. With. eng. Ed. Yu.N. Kapturevsky. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. P.512

Chapter 2 Research e systems of personnel motivation of MTS OJSC

2.1 general characteristics MTS OJSC

open joint-stock company Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) is a leading telecommunications operator in Russia and CIS countries. Together with its subsidiaries, the company serves over 103 million subscribers. The population of 82 regions of Russia, as well as Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, where MTS and its subsidiaries have licenses to provide services in the GSM standard, is more than 230 million people. MTS also has a license to provide 3G communication services and provides third-generation communication services to subscribers in Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Uzbekistan, develops a CDMA-450 network in Ukraine, and in 2010 launched an LTE network in Uzbekistan. The company regularly introduces new tariff plans and services that meet the needs of different groups of subscribers.

Along with high-quality voice services, MTS is constantly expanding the range of additional services based on GPRS, WAP, MMS, LBS technologies and also develops its own branded line of mobile devices, both telephones and devices for wireless Internet access - USB modems and routers. In April 2009, MTS launched the multimedia entertainment portal OMLET.RU, a universal interactive store with a wide selection of licensed music, video and game content and additional social network functionality. MTS prioritizes customer service and maintenance.

The company is developing its own mono-brand network of 3,000 MTS stores throughout Russia and has a wide distribution network of MTS dealer sales points throughout the country. In 2009, MTS acquired the mobile retail networks Telefon.Ru, Eldorado, and Teleforum. Thanks to the wide coverage area of ​​its own network and a set of roaming agreements, MTS subscribers remain connected in 226 countries. MTS GPRS roaming is available in 169 countries. In 2012, the MTS brand was the only Russian telecommunications brand for the fifth year in a row to be included in the top 100 most valuable global brands in the BRANDZ™ ranking published by the Financial Times and the leading international research agency Millward Brown. For the fourth time, the winner of the All-Russian "Procurement Transparency Rating" of the "National Association of Participants e-commerce", the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. MTS - for the third time the owner of the GRAND PRIX of the Association of Managers of Russia "PEOPLE INVESTOR-2012", the leader of the rating "TOP-1000 Russian Managers" of the Association of Managers of Russia and Kommersant Publishing House in the Svyaz industry. Winner of the National Award for contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet. MTS is the seventh winner of the annual Trust Mark rating in the Mobile Operator category.

MTS successfully implements the tasks of strengthening leadership and maintaining high business efficiency. The main directions of the new development strategy of the MTS "3i" group were the development of the infrastructure of new networks and points of interaction with consumers, the operator, the use of "smart networks" and the active development of Internet services to create additional value; development of innovations to provide subscribers with a wide portfolio of exclusive devices and services.

As part of the implementation of the "3i" strategy, in 2009 MTS completed a deal to acquire a 50.91% stake in the charter capital of COMSTAR United TeleSystems. The merger of MTS and Comstar-UTS creates competitive advantages to use the growth potential and increase the company's share in the Russian telecommunications market, and will allow MTS to effectively develop as an integrated operator providing a wide range of communication services.

MTS also pays great attention to the development of its own transport network. Thanks to the acquisition in 2009 of the backbone communication operator Eurotel OJSC, one of the leading federal backbone operators countries, the total length of the integrated backbone network of the MTS group amounted to about 35 thousand km.

MTS is one of the blue chip companies Russian market shares and is one of the ten largest mobile operators in the world in terms of subscriber base. The largest shareholder of MTS is AFK Sistema, which owns 52.8% of the shares of the mobile operator, about 47% of the shares are in free float.

The consolidated revenue of MTS OJSC, denominated in Russian rubles, grew in the third quarter of 2013 year on year by 4% to 103 billion rubles, on a quarterly basis the growth was 6%.

Consolidated OIBDA for MTS OJSC in the third quarter of 2013 year-on-year increased by 5% to 46 billion rubles, the growth rate for the quarter was 4%.

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Economic efficiency of motivation


The main purpose of motivation is to stimulate the production behavior of the employees of the organization, directing it to achieve the strategic objectives facing it.

The effectiveness of motivation will depend on how the strategic goals of the organization are realized due to the motivation of the staff. In turn, the motivation of employees will be determined by how fully the organization ensures the satisfaction of their basic needs. Therefore, the main meaning of motivation is to combine the interests of the employee with the strategic objectives of the organization. The effectiveness of motivation includes two main concepts:

economic efficiency of motivation

social effectiveness of motivation

The economic efficiency of motivation includes solving the problems facing the organization. It will depend on the correct and efficient use of human resources. Motivation should orient workers to the actions that the organization needs.

The object of study is the economic efficiency of labor activity motivation, the subject is wages in the clothing industry "DRESS".

The purpose of the course work is:

・Developing the ability to work independently literary sources, regulations and economic information in the field of incentives, motivation and remuneration;

· Mastering the method of organization of accrual, planning and analysis of wages at the enterprise;

· Formation of a scientific outlook and practical skills in the field of improving the motivation of labor activity.

1) Consider the concepts of labor motivation, the economic efficiency of the labor motivation system, the effect of labor motivation and economic indicators.

2) Calculate the monthly salary of the worker.

3) Analyze the organization of wages at the clothing factory "DRESS".

1. Theoretical part

motivation work salary

1.1 The concept of work motivation

Motivation is a set of driving forces that induce a person to certain types of action. Various motives, which often push a person to opposite actions, together are a driving force, the vector of application of which can be different depending on the strength of individual motives.

Motivation for labor activity is formed both under the influence of internal factors (needs) and external (incentives). The personnel motivation system is most effective if it affects those aspects that are consistent with the internal motives of the employee.

There are many theoretical and experimental approaches to the study of motivation. All theories of labor motivation to work can be divided into two groups:

process theory.

Process theories of motivation - theories of motivation for work, based on the behavior of people, taking into account their perception and knowledge. Process theories are based on the fact that individuals evaluate different kinds behavior through measurable outcomes

Motivation of labor activity is the motivating force of labor activity and behavior based on deep personal interest and involvement in its implementation.

Distinguish prospective and current motivation. If the motives of a person's activity and the goal set by him relate to the distant future and the motives provide for a strategy of behavior, such motivation is called promising. If the motives are connected only with the near future, then they determine the tactics of behavior. Such motivation is considered as current. The labor activity of a person, and, consequently, the efficiency of his work, largely depends on the prospects of motivation. Long-term motivation encourages the employee to deal with difficulties and obstacles in work, since the present for him is only a stage in achieving long-term goals. If the employee acts on the basis of current motivation only, then the slightest failure will lead to a decrease in his labor activity. The prospective motivation can be attributed to the employee's knowledge of the directions and tasks of the further development of his enterprise. This allows him his future. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the socio-economic development of an enterprise according to such basic parameters as the introduction of new technologies, new forms of labor organization, the emergence of new and the withering away of old professions, the dynamics of profits, wages of workers. The development of such a forecast should be carried out by economic, technological and sociological services. Scientific and technological progress is impossible without strategic labor motivation. Important the right combination perspective and current motivation.

There are three types of labor motivation: direct, indirect, incentive.

Direct motivation forms interest in the work and its results. The factors of such motivation are the content of work, the consciousness of one's achievements for society, their recognition by others, a sense of responsibility and self-realization of the individual in work. Activities based on such motives bring satisfaction. A person works not only to earn money. He is interested in the content of the work itself, creativity. Therefore, there is no need to control the work of such workers.

Indirect motivation is based on material interest. The factors of this type of motivation are the forms of remuneration, the level of tension of labor standards, the level of inflation, product prices. AT this case labor appears in the form of the price of labor power, as an "instrumental" value that is exchanged for goods and services produced.

Incentive motivation is based on fear and duty. It is determined by the authorities, the level of unemployment and the lack of guarantees for maintaining a job, social tension, and uncertainty about the future.

Work motivation is a system that includes needs, interests, value orientations and attitudes, motives and motivational structure of behavior (Fig. 1.1). A simplified model of motivation for behavior through consumption suggests the following chain: needs > motives (or motives) > behavior (action) > the result of satisfying needs (satisfaction, partial satisfaction or lack of satisfaction).

Figure 1.1. System of motivation of labor activity.

Distinguish between the needs of production, caused by the need to ensure simple and extended reproduction, collective and personal. The formation of social needs occurs under the influence of various socio-demographic, economic, geographical and other factors. However, the decisive role is played by the development of productive forces and production relations, modern ways organization of production, labor and management.

Personal needs of people are divided into material (needs for food, housing, etc.) and spiritual, or intellectual (needs for knowledge, communication with other members of society, familiarization with science, art, etc.). The volume and structure of personal needs are subject to change under the influence of the development of the productive forces of society, science and culture, increasing the degree of satisfaction material needs.

Personal needs as the motivating force of a person's labor behavior are conditioned by the fact that the satisfaction of material needs is achieved only through labor. Therefore, such a conscious attitude to work is being developed, when it is perceived as a means of ensuring physical existence. As a result, needs take the form of interest in certain types of activities, objects and objects. Interest expresses a possible way of satisfying needs under given conditions. If the needs show what the employee needs for his normal existence (activity), then the interest gives an answer to the question of how to act in order to satisfy this or that need.

Interests depend on the mental qualities of a person, his abilities, character, educational and cultural level, social experience. Their development can be influenced by the collective, its individual members, society as a whole.

According to the level of effectiveness, passive and active interests are distinguished. Passive are contemplative interests, in which a person is limited to the perception of the object of interest to him. For example, he loves his work, feels pleasure when doing it, but does not show activity in order to get to know the object more deeply, master it and engage in creativity in the area of ​​interest to him. Active effective interests, when a person is not limited to performing functional duties, but actively influences the object of interest, improves it.

According to the direction, direct and indirect interests are distinguished. Direct - interest in the very process of activity, indirect - interest in the results of activity.

The carriers of needs and interests are various communities, i.e. society as a whole, social groups, regions, labor collectives, as well as individual workers. Each community (subject) is characterized by a set of different interests. In the process of labor activity, there is a constant interweaving of personal (individual), collective and public interests. The correlation and interaction of these interests determines the socio-economic development of society. Identification of contradictions in interests, finding ways to resolve them cause the struggle of the new with the old, testifies to the progress of society.

In practice, collective needs and interests are expressed in a system of goals and indicators that reflect the collective results of labor. This determines the great importance of establishing such planned and estimated indicators of the work of the enterprise, in the implementation of which employees should be personally interested. This personal interest is ensured by the choice of appropriate forms and systems of remuneration.

The goal of reforms in the country is ultimately to ensure that all interests are taken into account, to influence interests, manage them and through them.

Explanations and justifications for behavior are called motivations. Motivation can be used by a person to hide the real motives of his behavior.

1.2 Economic efficiency of the labor motivation system

Most of the tools of labor motivation require the organization to spend, the largest item of which is wages. In connection with these, the question of the economic efficiency of the motivation system used in the organization is very important. Strictly speaking, economic organization interested in the employee as long as ultimate performance his labor exceeds the costs of the organization on this worker. Otherwise, the organization begins to subsidize the employee, which, of course, contradicts one of its main goals - to increase equity. How much each employee brings to the organization depends on three factors - his individual productivity, the price of his labor, as well as the level of market value of the products (services) he produces. Naturally, it is very difficult (often simply impossible) for large organizations to determine the productivity of each individual employee in terms of money. Instead, companies track the average performance of an employee by line of business (by type of product produced and type of service provided, by category, by location, etc.). The two most common metrics used to measure performance are sales per employee and profit per employee. The first indicator, which is the most common, shows the absolute productivity of one worker, leaving aside the question of relative (versus costs) productivity. Therefore, the volume of sales per employee must be compared with another indicator - the cost per employee (sometimes called labor costs or recruitment costs). It is important to note that we are talking about full cost organizations for the labor force, which include not only wages, but also contributions to social insurance and other funds, as well as all types of material incentives, free lunches, etc. The indicator of profit per employee is more universal in the sense that it takes into account all the costs of the organization, including labor costs. Sometimes labor costs include the cost of staff training. This is fundamentally wrong, since these costs are investments in the human capital of the organization.

1.3 The effect of labor motivation

In addition to labor costs, when assessing economic efficiency, an indicator of the effect of this activity is used. The development of the labor potential of the enterprise team as a whole and the individual employee, as a result of the managerial decisions taken, serves to obtain additional results from production activities.

This result is the source of the effect, which can take a different form and be evaluated by different indicators.

The control effect can be expressed in the following form:

an increase in output due to an increase in labor productivity, an increase in its quality or variety (direct quantitative components);

job satisfaction ( motivational effect), if work with personnel was based on taking into account social issues in labor relations; the effect can also manifest itself in increasing labor productivity, reducing the damage from staff turnover due to the stabilization of the team;

relative savings in reducing the training period due to the selection of professionally trained workers (the effect is expressed in savings in the funds necessary to achieve a certain state of labor potential).

There may also be an intermediate result - advanced training of workers (rank, category, class, etc.). The end result is an increase in the volume of manufactured products or revenue from the sale of better quality products.

as a generalized value of all results (increase in production volume, sales proceeds, etc.);

as the sum of private effects from the implementation of specific activities carried out personnel service(motivational events). Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the case of using such factors as the volume of production, changes in the level of labor productivity, etc. as a general indicator of the activity of the enterprise team. , their value is influenced not only directly by the factor of production, mobilized through personnel management, but also by technical, technological and organizational factors. The results of the current year could be more influenced by the costs of past years than the costs of the current period. Therefore, it is unambiguous to evaluate the effect of efficiency on economical effect from managing staff motivation is difficult.

It is more preferable to sum the overall result from private indicators, because allows you to identify which of the areas of work gave a positive effect, and which negative. The total amount of indicators will not be equal to the amount obtained by the first method, due to differences in the calculation methodology and due to the mutual cancellation of positive and negative results, because. factors are interrelated.

Difficulties in calculating the overall effect are due to the fact that the effect of different types of costs manifests itself in different forms and it is difficult to draw them to a common denominator. The difficulty also lies in the fact that some measures apply to the entire team, while others only to a group of employees (for example, differentiation and selectivity of social payments). When analyzing the effectiveness of a particular event, they first of all proceed from the effect obtained for a group of employees. The effect obtained and the conclusions drawn from it are quite specific. When is it calculated total score throughout the workforce, the effects obtained as a result of some activities are summed up with the effects of other activities. Then calculations are made using averages. Their conclusions are of a general nature, allowing you to get a "vector" of the direction of work on personnel management in general and the motivation of the workforce.

1.4 Economic indicators of labor motivation

Analysis of the use of labor resources, the growth of labor productivity must be considered in close connection with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites for increasing its payment are being created. In turn, an increase in the level of wages contributes to the growth of its motivation and productivity.

In this regard, the analysis of the expenditure of funds for wages is extremely important. In the process of it, it is necessary to carry out systematic control over the use of the wage fund (WFP), to identify opportunities for saving it due to the growth of labor productivity.

When starting to analyze the use of the wage bill, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the absolute and relative deviations of its actual value from the planned (basic) one.

The absolute deviation (?FZPabs) is calculated as the difference between the funds actually used for wages and the basic wages and salaries for the whole enterprise, production units and categories of employees:

FZPabs \u003d FZP1 - FZP0.

Since the absolute deviation is determined without taking into account changes in the volume of production, it cannot be used to judge the savings or overspending of wage bills.

Relative deviation (?FZPotn) is calculated as the difference between the amount of wages actually accrued and the basic fund, adjusted for the production volume index. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that only the variable part of the wage bill is adjusted, which changes in proportion to the volume of production. This is the wages of workers at piece rates, bonuses to workers and management personnel for production results, and the amount of vacation pay corresponding to the share of variable wages.

The constant part of wages does not change with an increase or decrease in the volume of production (wages of workers at tariff rates, wages of employees at salaries, all types of additional payments, wages of workers in construction teams, housing and communal services, social sphere and the corresponding amount of vacation pay).

FZPotn \u003d FZP1-FZPsk \u003d FZP1- (FZPper0 * Ivp + FZPpost0),

where AFZPotn -- the relative deviation of the salary fund; salary fund of the reporting period;

FZP1 -- base salary fund, adjusted for the output volume index;

FZPsk - basic wage fund;

FZPper0 and FZPpost0 - respectively, the variable and constant amount of the basic salary fund;

Ivp - index of output volume.

In the process of subsequent analysis, it is necessary to determine the factors of absolute and relative deviations according to the payroll.

The variable part of the wage bill depends on the volume of production (UVP), its structure (Udi), specific labor intensity (TE) and the level of average hourly wages (OT).

The constant part of the wage bill depends on the number of employees, the number of days worked by one employee on average per year, the average length of the working day and the average hourly wage.

for deterministic factor analysis The following models can be used for the absolute deviation according to the wage bill:

1) FZP \u003d CR * GZP;

2) FZP \u003d CR * D * DZP;

3) FZP \u003d CHR * D * P * CHZP,

where CHR -- the average annual number of employees;

D - the number of days worked by one employee per year;

P - the average length of the working day; GZP -- the average annual salary of one worker;

DZP -- the average daily wage of one worker; 43P -- the average hourly wage of one worker.

The calculation of the influence of factors according to these models can be made by the method of absolute differences:

FZPchr \u003d (ChR1-ChR0) * D0 * P0 * ChZP0;

FZPD \u003d CHR1 * (D1-To) * P0 * CHZP0;

FZPp \u003d CHR1 * D1 * (P1 -Po) * CHZP0;

FZPCHZP \u003d CHR1 * D1 * P1 * (CHZP1 - CHZP0).

Of great importance in the analysis of the use of payroll is the study of data on the average earnings of workers, its change, as well as the factors that determine its level. Therefore, in the future, the reasons for the change in the average salary of employees by enterprise, divisions, categories and professions should be analyzed.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the average annual salary of workers (GZP) depends on the number of days worked by each worker, the average length of the working day and the average hourly wage:

GZP \u003d D * P * NZP,

and the average daily wage (DZP) - from the duration of the working day and the average hourly wage:

DZP \u003d P * NZP.

The calculation of the influence of factors on the change in the average annual salary of employees can be made in general for the enterprise and for individual categories.

The analysis should also establish a correspondence between the growth rate of average wages and labor productivity. For expanded reproduction, obtaining the necessary profit and profitability, it is important that the growth rate of labor productivity outpaces the growth rate of wages. If this principle is not observed, then there is an overexpenditure of the salary fund, an increase in the cost of production and a decrease in the amount of profit.

The change in the average earnings of workers for a given period of time (year, month, day, hour) is characterized by its index (IWP), which is determined by the ratio of the average salary for reporting period(ЗП1) to average salary in the base period (ЗП0).

Lead coefficient (Cop) is equal to

Kop \u003d Igv / Izp

The relationship between average salary and the minimum consumer budget (SZP / MCB), as well as the ratio between the growth indices of the average wages of employees of the enterprise and the minimum consumer budget (Iszp / IMPb).

To assess the effectiveness of the use of funds for wages, it is necessary to apply such indicators as the volume of production in current prices, the amount of revenue and profit per ruble of salary, etc.

Chapter 2. The procedure for the formation and study of the structure of wages

Table 1. Initial data for completing the task

The name of indicators

Unit measurements

Turnout time fund

number of hours worked in the evening

number of hours worked at night

number of overtime hours

number of hours worked on weekends and holidays

average hourly rate of work performed

coefficient of additional payments for working conditions

surcharge for the tension of norms

additional payment for the performance of normalized tasks

team management allowance

allowance for prof. skill

coefficient of increase in the hourly tariff rate for work in the evening

coefficient for increasing the hourly rate for night work

overtime hourly rate increase factor

coefficient of increase in the hourly wage rate for work on weekends and holidays

Based on the initial data in Table 1, we will calculate the monthly salary of a worker, and the results will be reflected in Table 2.

Table 2. Formation of the salary structure

Elements of the payroll fund

Name of articles

Calculation algorithm

Amount, rub.

Salary structure

tariff, hourly, daily, monthly funds

monthly payroll

Tariff Fund

1. Payment according to the tariff

Z tar \u003d C hour * T yav

2. Surcharge for working conditions

D cond.tr. \u003d Z tar * K y

3. Supplement for the tension of the norms

D.N.N. \u003d W tar * K nn

4. Total tariff fund fees

F tar \u003d W tar (K y +

To nn)p. 1+2+3

Hour Fund

Additional payments to the tariff fund:5. additional payment for the performance of normalized tasks

D nz \u003d F tar * Knz

6. bonus for quantitative and qualitative performance indicators

P r \u003d F tar * K pr

7. surcharge for leading a team

D br \u003d F tar * K br

8. bonus for professional skills

D pf \u003d F tar * K pf

9. Surcharge for hours worked in the evening

D vech \u003d T vech * C hour ** K vech

10. surcharge for hours worked on the night shift

D night \u003d T night * C hour ** K night

11. Total hourly fund s/n

F hour \u003d str. 4 + 5 ++ 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10

day fund

12. surcharge for overtime work

D sv.r. =T sv.r. ** From hour * To sv.r.

13. surcharge for weekends and holidays

D out. \u003d T out. **From hour *To exit pr.

14. Total daily fund fees

F days \u003d p. 11 + + 12 + 13

monthly fund

15. payment for regular vacations

16. compensation for unused vacation

17. study leave pay

18. surcharge for the performance of state duties

19. surcharge for work experience

20. Total monthly payroll.

F months = F days ++15+16+17+18+19

An analysis of the payroll shows us that, for the most part, it consists of a wage and hour fund; a very small proportion is the daily fund.

Let's analyze the tariff fund of wages, the results will be reflected in diagram 1.

Diagram 1

The diagram shows that most of the tariff fund is paid according to the tariff (89.28%), from which we can conclude that the tariff fund is quite stable - this is, of course, a fairly significant tool for motivating employees. Surcharges included in this fund (additional payment for working conditions and an allowance for the tension of norms) compensate for difficult working conditions, which is also a positive thing for the employee.

Diagram 2

Chart 2 shows that the main part of the hourly wage fund is the tariff fund (60.71%), a significant share is also the additional payment for the performance of normalized tasks - 24.28%. The remaining components are a bonus for quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (6.07%), an allowance for professional excellence (2.43%), an additional payment for hours worked in the evening (5.45%) and an additional payment for hours worked at night. shifts are of little importance in the total amount of the hourly payroll. Comprising the hourly payroll, additional payments and allowances are designed to stimulate employees to do their work efficiently and diligently.

In conclusion, we will analyze the monthly payroll fund, the results will be reflected in diagram 3.

Diagram 3

Chart 3 shows that the main components of the monthly payroll are payment according to the tariff (52.79%) and additional payment for the performance of normalized tasks (23.65%). The next in importance are the bonus for the qualitative and quantitative indicators of work (5.91%) and the additional payment for hours worked in the evening (5.31%). Overtime allowance (2.59%), Skills allowance (2.37%), Night shift allowance (1.04%), Hard work allowance (3.17%) and working conditions (3.17%) have a small share in the total volume of the monthly payroll.

Summing up, we can say that the payroll contributes to the fruitful work of the enterprise and the development of employees.

3.1 Analysis of the organization of wages at the garment factory "DRESS"

The DRESS company has existed since 2005 and positions itself as a manufacturer of women's clothing of the pret-a-porter class. Today it is a network of branded stores "DRESS women", a design bureau and clothing industry located in the city of Tolyatti.

Let's carry out a diagnostic analysis of the organization of wages at the clothing factory "DRESS".

Table 3. Diagnostic analysis of wages

Elements of wages

Brief definition. Element characteristic

Diagnostic analysis of the state in your organization.

Employee remuneration structure

The totality of cash payments to an employee, including basic and additional wages, remuneration, bonuses and material assistance.

The salary structure of the enterprise includes the following components:

1) Basic salary:

Payments for hours worked, for the quantity and quality of work performed with time and piecework pay;

Surcharges in connection with deviations from normal working conditions, for overtime work, for work at night and on holidays, etc.;

Payment for downtime through no fault of the employee.

2) Additional salary:

Payments for unworked time provided for by labor legislation and collective agreements;

Vacation pay;

Payment for breaks in the work of nursing mothers;

severance pay, etc.

4) Financial assistance (usually paid in the form of compensation payments under extreme and emergency situations).

Wage principles

Guaranteed reproduction of labor force;

Differentiation of wages depending on working conditions, qualifications, quantity and quality of labor expended;

The material interest of workers in the high final results of labor, in the recognition of the product of labor as a commodity by the market;

Maximum independence in matters of organization and remuneration;

Systematic increase in real wages;

Simplicity and accessibility of forms and systems of remuneration, which ensures broad awareness of their nature.

The company strives to follow these principles. Differentiation of wages occurs depending on the productivity of workers, their skill level and quality, manufactured products, the higher these indicators, the higher the wages.

The simplicity and accessibility of forms and systems of remuneration is one of the main principles of wages, which is unconditionally observed at the enterprise. The management believes that employees should clearly understand in which case their wages will increase and what efforts should be made to this end. This will help increase the material interest of workers in the high final results of labor, in the recognition of the product of labor as a commodity by the market.

According to the charter, the enterprise independently establishes the forms, systems and amount of remuneration of its employees, as well as other types of their income in accordance with applicable law.

Payroll features

1) Motivational - based on labor motivation.

2. Reproductive - is to ensure the possibility of reproduction of the labor force;

3. Stimulating - encourages the employee to labor activity, maximum return and increase in labor efficiency.

Additional functions:

4. Status assumes the appropriate status of the employee, determined by the size of the salary; his status in relation to other employees vertically and horizontally.

5. The regulatory influences the relationship between the demand and supply of labor, the formation of the team, ensuring its employment.

6. Production-share determines the degree of participation of each employee in the total cost of production.

To implement the first function, the management of the enterprise uses certain incentives that motivate employees to increase the effectiveness of their work.

The reproductive function is weak, because. for some categories of workers (auxiliary production), wages are not high enough to ensure long-term working capacity, a family, and the growth of a professional and cultural educational level.

To implement the stimulating function, the management of the enterprise tries to establish the dependence of the employee's salary on his labor contribution and the results of the organization's activities.

The status function is fully implemented: the higher the qualification of the employee and the position held, the higher the salary.

The regulatory function is in a difficult position, since at the moment the supply of labor does not meet the demand. There is a shortage of workers in the main production - seamstresses, cutters, designers.

Factors affecting the amount of wages

1) The cost of the means of subsistence necessary for the normal reproduction of labor power. Such funds should be sufficient not only to restore the working capacity of the worker, but also to support disabled members of his family.

2) The level of qualification of workers.

3) Local conditions - unemployment, climatic conditions;

4) Demand and supply in the labor market.

5) Competition or monopoly in the labor market.

6) Profitability of the enterprise.

At the enterprise under consideration, all of the above factors to a certain extent affect the amount of wages. For example, the higher the qualifications of employees, the correspondingly higher their wages.

As the profitability and competitiveness of the organization grows, so does the salary of employees.

Government leverage and wage incentives

Determining the minimum wage;

Timely indexation of wages, incomes and deposits of people, taking into account inflation;

Taxes (direct and indirect) on wages (personal income tax, UST);

Compliance with social guarantees for employees

organizations (scholarships, pensions, unemployment benefits, etc.);

Regulation of coefficients and percentages of bonuses to wages;

Regulation of customs duties on imports of foreign products, etc.

First of all, the state establishes minimum size wages (today it is 4611 rubles) and, according to the law, the enterprise does not have the right to pay minimum wages to employees. The state also provides various social guarantees employees: payment of pensions, benefits, benefits, etc.

Trends and features of wages in the transitional economy of Russia

From the beginning of the 1990s, economic reforms began to be implemented in Russia. This could not but affect the organization of wages. At the beginning of 1991, the Decree of the Government of Russia “On the Approval of New Tariff Rates and official salaries". Beyond change

tariff rates include wage compensation, additional expenses and costs associated with inflation. The following trend is manifested: the state determines the amount of funds for the wage fund, and organizations independently distribute these funds for wages and compensation to their employees.

This period is characterized by the transition from sectoral schemes to a single tariff scale mandatory for all institutions and financed from the state budget.

The enterprise did not yet exist during the period of transition economy, it was organized 7 years ago

Principles of remuneration in the organization

1. The principle of equal pay for equal labor

2. The principle of material interest

3.Principle of outstripping growth rate of labor productivity in comparison with the growth rate of wages

4. Encouragement of high quality products, labor, works and services

5. The choice of a rational wage system for certain categories of workers

1. The enterprise fully adheres to the principle of equal pay for equal work, it has two aspects. The first is equal pay for equal work without discrimination based on race, nationality, sex, religion. The second provides for equal pay for the same work in identical conditions.

2. The principle of material interest in the enterprise implies higher pay for skilled labor, hard work and work in harmful conditions.

3. Compliance with the principle of a faster growth rate of labor productivity compared to the growth rate of wages determines the continuity of the expansion of production and is a condition for the development of the enterprise. In this regard, the company tries to follow this principle, but this is not always possible.

4. It is essential for the enterprise to encourage the high quality of products, labor, work and services, because Compliance with this principle is the key to the successful development of any enterprise.

5. Various systems are used to pay employees of the administrative apparatus, the main and auxiliary production. For managers - tariff, for employees of the main production - piece-bonus, for employees of auxiliary production - time.

Regularities of remuneration in the organization

1. Payment according to the final result - involves the establishment of a direct connection between wages and the final result of production.

2. The ratio of wages of various categories of employees of the enterprise, primarily production staff(workers) and management personnel(employees).

3. Equal pay for equal work, non-admission of discrimination in wages;

4. The ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages

5. Regularity of rational correspondence between the supply of labor resources and the average monthly wage.

6. Payment of wages is made twice a month.

At the enterprise, the remuneration of floorers, thermal finishers and seamstresses is carried out according to the final result.

There is a direct connection between wages and the growth of labor productivity, the higher it is, the higher the pay, respectively.

The systems of remuneration for workers in the main, auxiliary production and management apparatus differ significantly from each other.

There were no cases of wage discrimination based on gender, race, age or other characteristics.

Wages are paid twice a month.

Tariff system

A set of standards by which differentiation and regulation of wages is carried out depending on the quality, nature and working conditions. It allows, to a certain extent, to take into account differences in the qualifications of workers, the complexity, degree of responsibility and intensification of their work, the conditions in which this work takes place. Its main elements are the tariff rate and tariff scales.

The tariff system underlies the remuneration of managers, specialists and employees. For the control apparatus and there are staffing tables, in which positions are determined, the number of employees for each position, the monthly tariff rate or official salary.

Tariff-free system

According to this system, the salary of all employees of the enterprise, from the director to the worker, is the share of the employee in the payroll fund, or the entire enterprise, or a separate unit. Under these conditions, the actual amount of wages of each employee depends on a number of factors:

* qualification level employee;

* coefficient labor participation(KTU);

* actual hours worked.

This system of remuneration is not used in the organization in question.

piecework wages

A form of remuneration for an employee in which earnings depend on the number of units of production produced by him or the volume of work performed, taking into account their quality, complexity and working conditions.

Direct piecework system - according to this system, earnings are accrued to the employee at a predetermined rate for each unit of high-quality products (works, services performed).

Salary pr.sd. = Ed. x V, where:

Ed. - price per unit of production;

B - release.

Ed. \u003d Tc x Hvr, where:

Ts -- tariff rate;

Nvr. - the norm of time.

Salary pr.sd. \u003d Tc x Hvr x V, rub.

Indirect piecework system - used to pay workers serving the main technological processes, and precisely for that category of them, on the pace and quality of work of which the production of serviced or main workers really depends.

S/n kosv-sd. = Ed. x Vf + Premium, rub., where:

Vf - actual output.

Piece-bonus system - provides for bonuses for overfulfillment of production and achievement of certain quality indicators.

Salary sd-prem. = Ed. x B + Premium

Piecework-progressive system - according to this system, the work of a worker within the established initial norm (base) is paid at basic single rates, and in excess of the established base - at higher rates.

S/n sd-prog. = Ed. x Vn + (P1 x V) + (P2 x V), rub., where:

Vn - release according to the norm;

P1, P2 - progressive rates if the output is above the norm.

Chord system - the amount of remuneration is not set for each production operation(work) separately, but for the whole complex of works.

The collective (brigade) piecework wage system is a system in which the earnings of workers are calculated in accordance with the amount of work (quantity of output) produced by the brigade.

The company uses a piecework-bonus system to pay for the work of floorers, thermal finishers and seamstresses. Under this system, a worker's monthly earnings consist of piecework earnings for the amount of work performed and a performance bonus.

Time wage

The form of remuneration, which is based on the principle of the dependence of wages on the amount of working time, hours worked. Wages are determined by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly wage rate established for this category of workers.

This system is widely used in the organization to pay time workers, who, as a rule, belong to auxiliary production. Their wages depend primarily on the category of workers and the hours actually worked, with the average length of a month being 166.3 hours.

Time workers include: storekeepers, cleaners, accessories pickers, quality controllers, inspectors finished products, locksmiths, etc.

Labor bonuses

Bonuses are the payment to employees of certain amounts of money in excess of the basic salary for the purpose of material incentives for work.

There are two types of awards.

The first type is bonuses provided by the wage system. It involves the payment of bonuses with a certain frequency (annual, quarterly, for half a year, for a month, etc.) to a certain circle of employees. For example, technologists, economists, accountants. Such bonuses are paid on the basis of specific labor indicators and bonus conditions developed in the organization.

The second type is a one-time (one-time) premium. One-time bonuses can be accrued for specific achievements in work or timed to coincide with significant events - public holidays, anniversaries of an industry, organization or a particular employee.

At the enterprise in question, both types of bonuses take place.

Bonus payments are made on the basis of the provision on bonuses. For each category of employees, their own provisions on bonuses have been developed.

Employees sewing shops may be awarded:

For the qualitative implementation of the plan for the assortment (70%);

For reducing the number of unfulfilled production standards (for each % + 1% bonus, max + 10%);

For overfulfillment of the set task (for each % overfulfillment + 5% bonus (max 25%)).

The employees of the preparatory-cutting shop have a premium for the high-quality implementation of the plan for the assortment of 100%.

Managers, specialists and employees are awarded:

For the implementation of the profit plan (80%);

For overfulfillment of the plan for profit (for each% overfulfillment of 5% bonus).

Also, the management of the enterprise encourages its employees in connection with important dates in their lives (anniversaries, weddings) or the life of the organization (winning the competition, a round date from the day of foundation).

Methods for the formation of the salary fund

1. Incremental, depending on the increase in production.

2. Element-by-element, based on the developed norms of time and piece rates for technological operations.

3. Level, regulating the costs of wages per 1 rub. products.

4. The wage bill is formed from a percentage of the company's profit.

5. The wage bill of the enterprise is distributed among departments in proportion to the contribution to the final result.

6. The wage bill is distributed among departments according to the principles of distribution for the enterprise as a whole.

At the garment factory, the wage fund is formed on the basis of the developed norms of time and piece rates for technological operations.

That is, the element-by-element method of forming the wage fund is used.

Having carried out a diagnostic analysis of remuneration, we can conclude that almost all of the presented elements of remuneration are used at the DRESS clothing factory, with the exception of the tariff-free system. All elements, for the most part, are built in accordance with theoretical aspects.

The wages of the workers of the garment factory consist of basic, additional, there are also remunerations, bonuses and various types of material assistance. In the production under consideration, tariff, piece-bonus and time-based wage systems are used. The tariff system underlies the remuneration of managers, specialists and employees, the piece-bonus system is used to pay floorers, thermal finishers and seamstresses, the monthly salary of a worker consists of piecework earnings for the amount of work performed and bonuses for established indicators. The time-based system is used to pay employees of auxiliary production, their wages depend primarily on the category of workers and the hours actually worked. The wage fund is formed on the basis of the developed norms of time and piece rates for technological operations. The company strives to fully comply with the principles of remuneration and maintain in good condition the functions of wages.


In the first chapter of the course work, the concepts of labor motivation, the economic efficiency of the labor motivation system, the effect of labor motivation and economic indicators of labor motivation were considered in detail.

The second chapter of the course work was devoted to the calculation of the monthly wages of the worker. It can be seen from the calculations that the main components of the monthly payroll are payment according to the tariff (52.79%) and additional payment for the performance of normalized tasks (23.65%). The remaining components of the monthly fund, additional payments and allowances that encourage employees to do their work efficiently and diligently, have small shares in the total volume of the monthly wage fund.

In general, we can conclude that the payroll contributes to the fruitful work of the enterprise and the development of employees.

In the practical part, a diagnostic analysis of wages at the DRESS clothing factory was carried out, during which it can be said that all elements of wages at the enterprise, for the most part, are built in accordance with theoretical aspects.

In conclusion, it should be noted that wages are a huge incentive for an employee to work better and better, however, it is an incentive only if the employee is aware of all the requirements for his work and all the rules that determine his remuneration. Therefore, the choice of rational forms and systems of remuneration of personnel today is of paramount socio-economic importance for each enterprise.

List of used literature

1. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis economic activity enterprises. 7th ed., rev. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2009. - 704 p.

2. Vetluzhskikh, E. Motivation and wages. Tools. Methods. Practice / E. Vetluzhskikh. - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2011.

3. Zhukov, A.L. Regulation and organization of wages: Tutorial/ A.L. Zhukov. - M.: Publishing house "MIK", 2009.

4. Roshchin S.Yu. Economics of labor (economic theory of labor): textbook. allowance for universities. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 400 p.

5. Zagarova, N.A. Analysis of the main trends in the field of wages / N.A. Zagarova // Personnel Management. - 2009. - No. 19.

6. Kolbachev, E.B. Organization, rationing and wages at enterprises / E.B. Kolbachev, T.A. Kolbacheva, E.V. Novik. - M.: "Phoenix", 2009.

7. Popova N.V. Organization, rationing and wages at the enterprise / N.V. Popov. - M.: "Business and Service", 2011.

8. Timofeev, A.V. Organization of budgeting and remuneration of personnel of the company / A.V. Timofeev // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2005. - No. 2.

9. http://www.cfin.ru/encycl/no_base_salary.shtml- Corporate management.

10. http://www.aup.ru/books/m170/6_2.htm- Administrative and management portal.

11. http://www.dresswomen.ru- Official site of the company "DRESS".

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The main ways of influencing an employee on the part of the organization's management in order to increase the efficiency of their work are currently stimulation and motivation. These methods, despite the unity of the purpose they are designed to serve and the overlap of content, fundamentally differ from each other in the fact that they need an in-depth acquaintance with the personality of the employee. Stimulation, as an impersonal measure of efficiency improvement, is universal in nature, it is aimed at a certain average model of an employee, at a typical, average person. As incentive measures, monetary incentives are most often used: bonuses, premium coefficients, etc. However, sometimes they can also be used intangible methods stimulation: the issuance of letters of thanks, placement on the board of honor of the enterprise, etc. Motivation, on the other hand, implies the maximum possible individualized stimulating effect on the employee.

Evaluation of labor efficiency of employees

In the ideal model that every business aspires to, each employee demonstrates maximum production efficiency, due to which the entire enterprise as a whole achieves the highest possible productivity and profit.

The totality of indicators of the personal effectiveness of the work of employees is usually included in the indicator of the social effect of the organization.

Comparison of the current situation with the ideal one is within the scope of the manager's activities and serves the purpose of finding means and implementing methods to improve the efficiency of each individual employee. It should be taken into account the fact that, due to the social nature of human nature, a decrease in the labor efforts and productivity of one of the employees can cause a corresponding decrease in the efforts made and the productivity of persons in contact with him.

The goals of labor efficiency assessment:

  • Identification and reduction of the number of employees, workers is not effective enough;
  • Improving the efficiency of the entire organization as a whole;
  • Stimulation and strengthening of the main personnel of the organization, stable working with a sufficient level of efficiency;
  • Determination of adequate individual remuneration for high labor efficiency (bonuses).

In the evaluation procedure labor efficiency three key aspects can be identified.

Aspects of labor efficiency assessment are presented:

  • administrative aspect;
  • information aspect;
  • motivating aspect.

These aspects should be considered in more detail:

  • As part of the administrative aspect of the manager's assessment of the employee's labor efficiency, personnel changes can be made: dismissals, promotions, transfers of an employee to a new one. workplace, to the staff of another division (both more and less prestigious; both with higher and lower wages);
  • The informational aspect serves to create motivation among those employees who have not been affected by the administrative aspect: seeing adequate administrative measures in relation to their colleagues, the employee seeks to improve the efficiency of his own activities in order to achieve or prevent the use of such measures by management in relation to himself;
  • The actual motivating aspect is created by the combined effect of the two previous ones. If, for a number of reasons, it does not occur, the employees who work insufficiently effectively, in turn, are subject to the measures considered within the framework of the administrative aspect.

Measures to assess the effectiveness of personnel

  • The management of the enterprise develops certain standards of work activity;
  • For each employee of the enterprise, clear and understandable requirements are defined and formulated regarding the productivity of his work, the effectiveness of his activities;
  • A holistic, comprehensive system for evaluating the effectiveness of personal labor is being developed;
  • A clear connection is established between the efficiency of the employee's work and the remuneration received for him, material or otherwise;
  • Measures are determined to improve the professional level and qualifications of employees;
  • The compliance of the content of the work with the position held is monitored;
  • A certain mechanism of influence on employees, unique for each specific enterprise, is being created in order to maximize the efficiency of their work.

Considering motivation in the personnel management system as a set of incentives that determine labor behavior of an employee or a group of employees, it must be emphasized that the effectiveness of the motivation system is measured by the degree of awareness of labor by employees, their assessment of the results of their labor as a benefit to the organization.

Satisfaction of the employee of the enterprise with the conditions and remuneration of labor, relations with colleagues and managers, management policy regarding personnel, largely determines his interest in the most efficient performance of labor functions, which as a result leads to an increase in labor productivity at the enterprise.

However, the relevance of the problem of staff motivation and incentives is given not only by the fact that they have a positive impact on the labor behavior of employees and, as a result, the functioning of the enterprise as a whole, but also the high probability of negative consequences in cases where motivational processes in the organization are not given due attention. .

Most typical problems in organizations associated with low staff motivation are:

    high staff turnover;

    high conflict both within the team and in relation to clients;

    low level of labor discipline;

    low-quality work;

    low efficiency of the influence of managers on subordinates;

    low level of interpersonal communications;

    failures in the production process;

    employee dissatisfaction with work;

    low professional level of staff;

    lack of initiative of employees;

    negative assessment by the staff of the activities of the management;

    unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate;

    unwillingness of employees to improve their skills.

Moreover, the analysis of the listed negative consequences of a low level of labor motivation of the personnel shows that most of them are formed under the influence of socio-psychological and administrative aspects of the motivational state of the organization.

These problems, therefore, are the result of insufficient attention to socio-psychological methods of managing labor motivation. In turn, problems that indicate low labor motivation in the organization directly affect the level of staff satisfaction with the work, which affects both the individual efficiency of employees and the overall efficiency of the organization.

In order to control the situation in the framework of labor activity, it is necessary to timely and efficiently analyze the system of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise. Periodic analysis of employee satisfaction with the work of the enterprise helps to identify "weak links" in the management structure, introduce additional incentives, allowing to eliminate or compensate labor factors that do not satisfy the personnel.

Evaluation of the system of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise is a necessary means of identifying discrepancies between expectations regarding the motivational policy and the situation prevailing in a particular unit or organization as a whole, indicating the real level of motivational state, overall job satisfaction and employee loyalty.

It is considered incorrect in assessing the motivation of the organization's personnel to evaluate all employees using identical indicators. Here, an individual approach is needed both to the assessment and to the analysis of the results obtained, and to the introduction or improvement of material and non-material incentives. Differences in the assessment of motivation depend on the following features: gender; the age of the employee; profession; territorial, etc.

Assessment of the degree of personnel motivation is a purposeful process of establishing the correspondence between the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the remuneration of employees of the organization with the results of their work activity.

The purpose of studying the system of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise is to establish and eliminate the discrepancy between the actual motivational state and the level of staff satisfaction with the planned goals, the interests of the enterprise, the interests and needs of employees and customers.

In addition, the analysis should provide convincing evidence that the company's motivational policy is effectively disseminated throughout the organization and maintained in working order.

The main tasks of the analysis of the personnel motivation system include:

    study of the state of the labor motivation system;

    assessment of the effectiveness of incentives for the personnel of the enterprise;

    identifying opportunities to improve the motivational state of the organization;

    development of a system of measures to solve the identified problems;

    assessment of the optimality of managerial decisions;

    monitoring the implementation of the proposed activities.

The main principle and condition for the analysis of the labor motivation system is maximum objectivity. The results obtained in the course of the analysis should give a complete picture of whether employees are influenced by the motivation system existing at the enterprise, whether their reaction to the impact of the motivation system corresponds to the expectations of management, etc.

To analyze the quality of the motivation system, it is necessary to objectively find out to what extent its individual elements and the system itself as a whole can affect the results of the labor activity of a particular employee.

Besides, important principles assessing the motivation system is called:

    the principle of uniformity (each check is carried out according to a single established procedure, which ensures its orderliness, unambiguity and comparability);

    the principle of consistency (planning and conducting checks on various processes of the motivational system is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of this system);

    the principle of documentation (the conduct of each test is documented in a certain way in order to ensure the safety and comparability of the results of the assessment of the motivation system);

    the precautionary principle (each inspection is planned, and the personnel of the audited unit are notified in advance of the purpose, scope, time and methods of the audit in order to ensure the necessary level of confidence and exclude the possibility of staff avoiding providing and demonstrating all the required data);

    the principle of regularity (checks should be carried out at regular intervals to ensure that all processes of the motivational system and all departments of the organization are included in the object area of ​​analysis and evaluation by management);

    the principle of evidence (procedures and methods used in checks must ensure the reliability of the conclusions);

    the principle of independence (the persons conducting inspections are not directly responsible for the audited activity and should not depend on the head of the audited unit in order to exclude the possibility of biased and biased conclusions).

Estimating the level of motivation is a complex methodological problem. The issues of formation of motivation to work are dealt with by specialists in the field of economics, sociology, psychology, etc., as evidenced primarily by the emergence of many theories and methods. Each of the approaches assumes that in order to manage motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. Despite theoretical research, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem.

Researchers of the problem of assessing the personnel motivation system in general and its effectiveness in particular consider two groups of indicators: quantitative and qualitative. Accordingly, two groups of evaluation methods can be distinguished:

    Evaluation of staff motivation by measurable quantitative results related to the productivity of a particular employee, unit or organization as a whole.

Diagnostics of the economic efficiency of stimulating labor resources shows to what extent the costs of material and moral incentives for employees are justified, whether there has been an increase in production, whether the cost has decreased. This indicator can be calculated for different periods: month, quarter, year, as well as for the medium and long term.

Of course, for different industries and categories of personnel, the indicators of the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources will differ. So, for example, for employees of the sales department, the volume of sales of products or services is compared, while for employees of the accounting department this indicator is unacceptable, since this unit in the enterprise performs a supporting function.

    Evaluation of staff motivation in qualitative terms.

One of the most effective ways to obtain qualitative assessments of the stimulation of labor resources is to conduct sociological studies at the enterprise, which are employee satisfaction questionnaires:

    the nature and conditions of work,

    salary level,

    the forms of incentives used.

Based on the analysis of these surveys, conclusions are drawn about the qualitative level of the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources.

Surveys are used to assess the degree of satisfaction of the staff, to identify the attitude of the team towards their immediate supervisor or the attitude of employees to the corporate values ​​promoted in the company. Forms of surveys can be different: interview, questionnaire. As a rule, the subject is asked to choose and evaluate from the proposed list of motives, interests, needs those that most accurately describe him, direct questions are asked about how much the employee likes the work itself, its conditions, relationships in the team, leadership style, etc.

Psychological tests. The test questionnaire contains a series of questions, the answers to which are used to judge the psychological qualities of the subject. A test task is a special kind of test, the results of which determine the presence or absence and the degree of development of character traits, personality traits.

Projective methods. The main focus is on diagnosing hidden employee motivation, and hidden motivation, including for the employee himself. Often, projective methods include combinations of various methods - situations, specific tasks, interviews, including questions that at first glance are not relevant to the respondent (for example, “Why do you think people work well in one company, but not too hard in another?” ). It is assumed that the subject identifies key indicators for him.

Interviews in assessing the motivation of personnel are usually carried out in order to specify the information received or to form a more detailed idea of ​​the object of study, to obtain additional first-hand information. There are usually two types of interviews:

    free conversation - conducted with the management of the audited unit on issues of its attitude to the motivational processes being assessed or with the employees of the unit in order to collect and specify information, in a free conversation, the researcher does not directly influence the behavior of the interlocutor, only occasionally asking him guiding questions;

    a formalized interview aimed at a specific formulation and description of the level of motivation of the organization's personnel as a result of motivational processes, in this case the role of the interviewer is more active than in a free conversation: he asks a large number of questions, leaving the interlocutor only the opportunity to answer them.

A diagnostic interview requires a significant investment of time and effort, therefore it is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. In addition, based on the opinion of the heads of departments, it is possible to compile a generalized description of the situation by departments, assessing the overall level of motivation of employees.

When using any of the survey techniques described above, the following points should be considered:

    First, the survey must be conducted in working time and in the workplace;

    secondly, the employee must be psychologically prepared for the survey, be sure to take into account the state of the interlocutor during the interview;

    thirdly, the presence of the boss or other persons interested in the results of the study should be excluded;

    fourthly, it makes sense to make some of the questionnaires anonymous in order to achieve the most reliable results.

In addition, the methods of studying the system of personnel motivation include observation, the objects of which can be, for example, the state of workplaces and places of recreation, technological equipment, behavior of employees, and the labor process. Moreover, the result of applying the observation method can be both qualitative (working conditions, compliance of labor behavior with the requirements of the enterprise, etc.) and quantitative (time spent by employees on certain operations) indicators.

Thus, the personnel motivation system - an ordered set of elements that determine, regulate and direct the working life of the organization's personnel - is an open subsystem of a larger personnel management system.

The personnel motivation system of an organization can be represented as a three-component system: the first component is the totality of the motives of each employee and the impact that the system can have on them; the second component is the incentive system, which includes such elements as material incentives, non-material incentives and social guarantees; the third component is the labor activity of the employee that has developed under the influence of all factors.

The improvement of the personnel motivation system should be preceded by its assessment, which in most cases is carried out according to quantitative and qualitative indicators. Accordingly, two groups of evaluation methods can be distinguished. Of course, for different industries and categories of personnel, the indicators for assessing the motivation system will have some differences.

At modern enterprises, managers attach great importance to material and non-material incentives for staff. Based on their own management practices or the successful experience of other companies, they introduce new forms of incentives or adjust existing motivational programs. Motivation programs are understood as a set of measures aimed at maintaining and / or increasing the degree of interest of employees in the process and results of work. In this regard, the need for managers-initiators of changes in assessing the effectiveness of motivational programs is substantiated.

In the theory and practice of personnel management, there is no standard methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the motivation system. The valuation procedure in companies is often not carried out at all. This is one of the most common management mistakes. There is a rule in management: you cannot manage what is not measured. Evaluating the effectiveness of motivational programs allows you to timely introduce and adjust incentive methods, reasonably plan the company's budget for human resource management.

Let us consider the methodology for solving this problem, based on the practice of implementing projects for the phased development and implementation of motivation systems for personnel of enterprises from various business areas.

1. Setting the goal and objectives of the motivation system

The choice of indicators and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the motivation system, as a rule, is determined by the goals for which this system is implemented in the company. Specialists in the field of personnel management distinguish three main groups of goals for staff motivation:

1) attraction and retention of employees;

2) increase in labor efficiency;

3) improving performance discipline.

To achieve goals, you can set specific tasks such as increasing staff loyalty, improving the quality of customer service, reducing the number of late arrivals, etc. Depending on the goals and objectives, as well as their priority, performance evaluation indicators are selected.

The performance indicator is a quantitative or qualitative characteristic of the work of the management object (employee, structural unit, enterprise), which determines the degree of effectiveness of managerial influence. The indicator should be:

  • valid, that is, correspond to the goals and objectives of the motivation system;
  • informative, that is, with a certain degree of probability, assess the actual state of the control system and predict the expected result in the future;
  • available for initial data collection and subsequent analysis;
  • tracked in dynamics. The value of one or another indicator at a particular point in time is in itself of little significance. To make informed management decisions, it is important to analyze the indicators in dynamics, so the methodology for obtaining them should be practically unchanged (or with minor modifications), and the form of collecting, accumulating and analyzing information should be easy to use.

Thus, in addition to the objectives of the study, the choice of indicators and their number depend on the degree of information availability, time s x the cost of its collection and processing, as well as the classification of types of efficiency used. Based on the application of the principle of complexity, it is worth highlighting three types of effectiveness of the motivation system: economic, social and targeted. Let's take a look at each of these types.

2. The choice of indicators of the effectiveness of motivation systems

Direct indicators of economic efficiency

According to ISO 9000:2000, efficiency is the ratio of the results achieved and the resources (costs) used related to their achievement. Accordingly, the general formula for efficiency can be as follows:

Efficiency = Result / Cost.

As a rule, efficiency is expressed in fractions or percentages.

To evaluate the result at the enterprise level, you can use the indicator of profit, income for a specific period of time. The result can be correlated with the costs of one kind or another. In particular, the costs of labor, production space, working capital, etc. are important for an enterprise. Particular performance indicators depend on the type of costs under consideration: profitability, capital productivity, labor productivity, material intensity, turnover of working capital, return on investment, etc. All of these indicators are to economic efficiency indicators .

Indirect indicators of economic efficiency

Economic efficiency, as a rule, is of interest to the company's management in the first place, because in order to make managerial decisions, it is necessary to understand whether this or that personnel change is economically feasible. Unfortunately, it is difficult to calculate the economic efficiency of motivational programs in its pure form due to the difficulty of assessing in monetary terms the result resulting from the introduction of a particular motivational program. It is clear that such a result can be an increase in the company's income or profit for the reporting period, but these indicators are influenced by a large number of factors, only one of which is the motivation system. In this regard, the indicators of economic efficiency of motivational programs given in Table. 1 are usually indirect.

It is easier to calculate the costs of introducing a motivation system, since they are constantly recorded. They can be divided into the following types:

  • labor costs of employees involved in the implementation of the motivation system;
  • the costs of providing material and non-material factors of the motivation system;
  • the costs of developing and creating the infrastructure of the motivation system.

Table 1 - Main indicators of economic efficiency and formulas for their calculation


Calculation formula

Labor productivity (PT) PT \u003d Q / H s.sp. ,

where Q is the amount of work;

H s.sp. – average headcount

Lead coefficient (K op.) K op. = T p.t. / T z.p. ,

where T p.t. – growth rates of labor productivity;

T z.p. - growth rate of wages

The share of wages in the cost of production / in total costs (% of salary) % salary = Ф c.p. / FROM

% salary = Ф c.p. / Z,

C - the cost of production, rub.

Z - total costs, rub.

Payroll intensity (WU) ZE \u003d F c.p. / AT,

where Ф c.p. – payroll fund, rub.;

B - proceeds from the sale of products, rub.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the use of human resources is labor productivity. Its growth serves as an indirect confirmation of the effectiveness of the applied motivational programs. The volume of work can be assessed both in physical terms (in pieces, tons, kilometers, square meters, liters, etc.), and in value terms (in rubles).

The lead indicator reflects the ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity and the growth rate of wages. Normally, it should be greater than one. In this case, it can be assumed that material incentives in the company successfully solve the problem of increasing the economic and production returns from the staff.

If the lead indicator is corrected, indicating in the denominator the growth rate of personnel costs in general, then with a similar calculation it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of personnel policy in general, since these costs will include all types of personnel costs (recruitment, training, non-financial incentives, evaluation and work with a personnel reserve, etc.).

If the growth rate of personnel costs for the reporting period exceeds the growth rate of labor productivity, management should ask the question: is it advisable to invest in personnel development in this way, does it give the company an economic effect?

Management situations in which the lead factor can be less than one occur, for example, when, with an unsatisfactory personnel policy for the past period, management decides to invest in personnel. In this case, it may take two or three years before the lead factor approaches the normative values.

Another important indirect indicator of the cost-effectiveness of incentive programs can be the share of wages in the cost of production/total personnel costs. When conducting an economic and statistical analysis, labor economists preliminarily determine the standard values this indicator. It is desirable to have such statistics on the enterprises of the industry, but, unfortunately, such information is not always available for analysis. This indicator allows you to take into account and plan the cost of wages, to monitor that the payroll does not exceed the specified standards. Payroll costs range from 20% to 60% of total costs across different business sectors. They remain the most significant in the budget of any enterprise involved in the real economy.

With the development of management, the approach to assessing social efficiency expressing the social result of managerial activity. True, there is still no unity here, since the method of evaluation is determined by what exactly in each specific case will be taken as an indicator of social efficiency.

According to the general definition, the social efficiency of management characterizes the degree of use of the potential capabilities of the labor collective and each employee, his creative abilities, the success of solving the social problems of the development of the team, the degree of staff satisfaction with various aspects of work.

In table. 2 shows an extended classification of social performance indicators. For a particular enterprise, the most significant indicators that are relevant at the moment can be selected.

Table 2 - Classification of social performance indicators

Group of indicators of social efficiency

Social performance indicators

Satisfaction of employees with various aspects of work Satisfaction with wages.

Satisfaction with the social security system.

Satisfaction with sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

Satisfaction with organizational and labor conditions of work.

Satisfaction with team relationships.

Satisfaction with the content and significance of work.

Satisfaction with the reward and recognition system.

Satisfaction with the career development system.

Satisfaction with the professional development system.

Satisfaction with specific personnel activities etc.

Staff turnover Staff turnover in the whole enterprise.

Personnel turnover in structural divisions.

Sanitary and hygienic working conditions Temperature regime.

Illumination of workplaces.

Noise level.

Dustiness of the premises.

Provision of employees with sanitary and hygienic facilities, etc.

Organizational and labor conditions of work The level of labor discipline.

The level of performance discipline.

Worker injury rate.

The incidence rate of workers.

The share of normalized operations.

The level of equipment of workplaces.

The level of mechanization and automation of labor.

The level of computerization of administrative and managerial work.

Tension and intensity of work.

rationality of modes of work and rest.

Share of creative operations.

Share of unskilled labor.

Provision of employees with regulatory documentation.

The ratio of formal and informal management structures, etc.

Socio-psychological working conditions Moral and psychological climate in the team.

The level of conflict in individual departments and the enterprise as a whole.

Participation of employees in management (development and adoption of managerial decisions).

Labor and social activity of employees.

The level of involvement and loyalty of staff, etc.

Social security of workers Living conditions of workers and their families.

Provision of preschool institutions for children.

The provision of medical care.

Provision of vouchers to health-improving institutions.

Security with additional pension guarantees, etc.

Professional qualification structure of personnel General educational level of employees.

The professional level of employees.

The level of qualification of workers.

The level of the general culture of employees.

The share of employees who have completed advanced training.

The share of employees with satisfactory certification results, etc.

Indicators of social efficiency of management are determined by analyzing economic and statistical reporting, questioning and interviewing employees, the method of expert assessments, the method of observation and other methods. At the same time, some indicators are determined with a certain degree of conventionality, while others cannot be expressed quantitatively at all.

A generalized (integral) indicator of the social effectiveness of management can be obtained by summing the product of estimates of private indicators by the corresponding weight coefficients.

Performance or Metrics target efficiency

Along with the concept of efficiency, the concept of effectiveness is used. According to the ISO 9000:2000 series of standards, effectiveness is defined as the degree to which planned activities are carried out and planned results are achieved. The more accurately the goal is achieved, the higher the performance. In this regard, the effectiveness can be otherwise referred to as the target efficiency. Accordingly, the overall performance formula can look like:

Performance = Result / Goal.

Upon reaching the goal, the efficiency will be equal to 100%. So, if the management of the company planned the level of annual profit in the amount of 10 million rubles, and the actual profit was received in the amount of 11 million rubles, then the effectiveness of this criterion will be 110%.

This method is good to use in companies that use KPI systems, and especially when evaluating those positions where there is a clear relationship between stimulus and response. When evaluating the target effectiveness, it is also necessary to make an adjustment for the influence of other factors, therefore it is recommended to conduct expert surveys.

Thus, the fundamental differences between economic efficiency and target (performance) are as follows:

  • economic efficiency requires achieving not so much the goal as the result at the expense of minimal costs;
  • to measure performance, it is necessary to have clearly defined goals and plans.

Performance evaluation procedure

Consider the methodology for evaluating efficiency using the example of a project to create a system of motivation for department employees. The initiator of the changes is the head of the sales department, who leads the working group, which also includes an HR manager, Financial Manager and an external consultant. Improving the motivation system is carried out to achieve the goals of all three groups, for which experts working group put a weight characterizing their significance:

  • attraction and retention of employees - 10%;
  • increase in labor efficiency - 80%;
  • improvement of performance discipline - 10%.

As selected performance indicators, which are given in table. 3, highlighted:

P 1 - lead factor (the current and previous years are compared);

P 2 - staff turnover (among sales managers),%;

P 3 - implementation of the sales plan,%;

P 4 - the share of new customers,%;

P 5 - conversion rate,%

P 6 - the number of delays, h.

Table 3 - The choice of performance indicators for motivational programs for sales managers


Group of performance indicators

The weight, %

The value of the indicator for the previous period

Normative (planned) value

P 1 - advance coefficient Economic efficiency
P 2 - staff turnover,% Social efficiency
P 3 - implementation of the sales plan,% Efficiency
P 4 - the share of new customers,% Efficiency
P 5 - conversion rate,% Efficiency
P 6 - the number of delays, h Efficiency

Motivational programs include the following activities:

M 1 - adjustment of the bonus system;

M 2 - implementation professional competition among sales managers;

M 3 - rewarding with valuable gifts at the end of the reporting period;

M 4 - introduction of a system of monthly performance evaluation and feedback.

Thus, as a result of the introduction of motivational programs, an increase in the efficiency of the motivation system is expected, which will confirm the following dependence:

Result = f(Motivation),

where Result = (P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4, P 5, P 6);

Motivation = (M 1, M 2, M 3, M 4).

It is possible to determine the presence of dependence if the experts have previously established normative (planned) values, according to the degree of achievement of which the effectiveness of the motivation system is assessed.

A quantitative assessment of the relationship is possible by accumulating statistics on two quantitative indicators (for example, by the amount of wages and the implementation of the sales plan, or by the amount of wages and the number of delays) and determining the correlation coefficients. Where qualitative indicators are highlighted, the presence or absence of a link can be assessed using the peer review method.

Attention is drawn to the fact that for all indicators, the relationship between the incentive and the result of activity to one degree or another is always indirect, since the result of labor is a multifactorial comprehensive education, which is influenced not only by the motivation system.

3. Identification of the reasons for the low effectiveness of motivational programs

If, as a result of monitoring, it becomes obvious that the use of motivational programs is not effective, it is important to identify a causal relationship between performance factors and results. Based on the analysis of the management practices of a number of companies, the following reasons for the low efficiency of the motivation system are possible:

1) weak connection of the motivation system with achievement strategic goal enterprises. Decomposition of the goals of the enterprise - required condition effective motivation. According to Norton and Kaplan (the developers of the BSC concept), “when an employee understands that his encouragement depends on the achievement of strategic goals, strategy will become truly everyone's daily work”;

2) no system business evaluation(results and competencies) of personnel. An effective motivation system implies the presence of one in the company, since the remuneration or punishment of employees is linked together with the level of labor productivity obtained (norm, below the norm, above the norm);

3) the parameters of the motivation system do not correspond to the prevailing motivational profile of the personnel. There are a number of methods for assessing motivational profiles (you can take V. Gerchikov's method as a basis). Knowledge of the group motivational profile allows you to develop targeted motivational programs. Thus, with the predominance of instrumental workers, the emphasis will be placed on the introduction of performance-based bonuses, and with the predominance of workers professional type it is recommended to include in the motivation system such methods as work with a personnel reserve, a mentoring system, a system vocational training, holding professional competitions (competitions), etc.;

4) lack of involvement of personnel in the development and implementation of a project to adjust the motivation system. The participation of employees in such projects makes it possible to take into account the current needs and motives, their opinion regarding the planned activities;

5) low competitiveness of the enterprise in the labor market for various reasons(in connection with the implemented policy of the company, its financial condition, poor awareness of the situation on the labor market, etc.). The competitiveness of an enterprise in the labor market is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the motivation system;

6) lack of monitoring of the motivation system, identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as bottlenecks. This makes it difficult to quickly adjust the system parameters in accordance with the factors external environment, the needs of the subject and the object of stimulation;

7) lack of an integrated approach in taking into account efficiency factors. Efficiency is affected by a combination of conditions and causes (efficiency factors). The labor behavior of the staff is influenced not only by the system of motivation. Low labor productivity may be associated with a lack of professional competence. In this case, it is expedient, for example, a system of professional training of personnel. Also, a large role is given to the level of organization of the labor process: the availability of resources, the availability of modern production and management technologies, the smooth running of business processes, etc.

It is impossible to create an ideal motivation system when developing and implementing motivational programs. However, the company's management is able to develop and apply effective methods of stimulating staff. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define the goals and objectives of introducing a motivation system, select performance indicators in accordance with them, and develop a methodology for preliminary (forecast), current and final evaluation of the system.