How much does it cost to open a sewing shop. Sewing business: how to make decent money. How to start a sewing business

If you are thinking about starting a sewing production from scratch, and do not know how to do it, then our article is for you. We will talk about how to choose a room, equipment, form a staff of professionals and reveal other nuances of running a tailoring business.

Video: how to open a successful sewing business

Sewing: how much can you earn on tailoring children's clothes? Ethno-themed tailoring is an interesting idea for a business. Having caught the essence, you can generate interesting ideas design and style. ★★★★★

Equipment for sewing production

The clothing business will not get off the ground if there is no necessary equipment. This is perhaps one of the most important elements of such work. And capital investment. Remember: "the miser pays twice". Invest in quality equipment. Sometimes, it is better to take used, but high-quality. Naturally, when material resources the acquisition of means of production is not fully enough, find a reasonable balance. Make a list of what you need to buy for your budding sewing business first. Here is the basic equipment you will need:

  • programs for designing clothes;
  • straight stitch sewing machine;
  • sewing machine;
  • cutting table;
  • dummy;
  • household iron;
  • overlock for processing edges and seams;
  • ironing board;
  • steam generator;
  • racks;
  • electric cutting knife;
  • tables;
  • bracket;
  • desk;
  • a computer;
  • lamps;
  • mirror;
  • washing machine;
  • fire extinguishers;
  • cash machine;
  • expendable materials: threads, scissors, patterns, rulers, chalk, pins and more.

Quantity sewing equipment depends on the scale of production and available capital. buy better industrial equipment, as it is more reliable and more suitable for sewing large volumes. To save money, you can rent sewing machines, which have already been used before you, but there is no guarantee that they will last a long time.

High-quality and beautiful clothes - this is what will be in demand at any time of the year. There are few well-developed chains of ateliers, and small sewing workshops are mainly engaged in repairing clothes. The competition in this industry is low, and everyone can do this interesting business. Especially, big investments sewing business does not require. What is interesting about the tailoring business idea, what are the pros and cons for start-up entrepreneurs, how to open a clothing manufacturing business from scratch and what should be done for this, read on.

First steps

The relevance of the business idea is that there are many different clothing stores in the city. But, having come to any of them, you do not always find what you need. And then a person can turn to a tailor and order a product to his taste and size.

It is important to immediately decide what types of services your studio will offer. The following options are possible:

  1. Tailoring of specialized clothes (medical coats, uniforms, etc.). In this case, you can count on large orders from the owners of pharmacy chains, construction or specialized services. You can also participate in public procurement tenders.
  2. Tailoring and repair of outerwear. You will need to purchase specialized powerful Sewing machines, as work with leather, fur, thick fabric is coming. The main users will be private clients.
  3. Tailoring and repair of light clothing: dresses, shirts, trousers. This option is the easiest for beginners. You will need a small room and simple equipment.

How to start a project? To understand whether it will be profitable to open one or another type of sewing workshop in your region, a competitor analysis is carried out. An idea is being thought about how to take its place in the market and offer customers something new, different from competitors.

The idea of ​​tailoring has its pros and cons associated with high risks:

  • Insolvency target audience in the region.
  • Poor-quality equipment requires high repair costs.
  • The tailor's lack of experience makes marriage or damage to things possible, for which the tailor is responsible to the customer.
  • Tailor-made clothes always come out more expensive than analogues from Chinese manufacturers, so it is difficult to make money at the atelier in Russian regions with below-average incomes.

Of the benefits: low costs, no special requirements for the premises and location.

How to register a business

To organize a sewing production, it is enough to issue an IP on your own. But if you are planning to start manufacturing workwear or open a factory, then it is better to immediately register an LLC. The fact is that individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to participate in state auctions, and large companies will be willing to cooperate with the legal entity.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following package of documents:

  • IP registration application. The application indicates one main and two additional activities. The following codes are suitable for a sewing workshop: 14.1 “Manufacturing and tailoring of clothes of any type, except for working with furs”, 14.2 “Manufacturing of overalls”. OKVED is selected depending on the chosen specifics of your studio.
  • Receipt from the bank confirming the payment of the state fee.
  • Notarized copies of passports and TIN.

To notarize photocopies costs from 1500 rubles. The tax authorities will have three weeks to consider the application. After receiving the certificate, you must immediately switch to the simplified taxation system.

But don't waste time. When the documents are collected and submitted, you can proceed to the implementation of the idea.

Organizational matters

To implement the idea, you need a small, but very bright room. Even the basement of a large shopping center. The main thing is that your potential customers can easily get into the order department. It is better to place the studio in the central part of the city, near stops public transport. Well, if there are beauty salons nearby, bookstores where fashion magazines are sold. A small workshop will need a room of at least 80 square meters. m.

Inside the room is zoned:

  • Reception area.
  • Dressing room.
  • Sewing factory.
  • Recreation area and locker room for staff.

If the price list of your services includes only the repair of clothes, then an area of ​​​​20 square meters is enough. m. The fitting room is fenced right next to the sewing area. But high income you can't wait for a small clothing repair department.


The sewing workshop will require the following personnel:

  • Director. Will control the work, establish relationships with major customers.
  • Accountant. Maintains accounting records.
  • Seamstress-cutter (4 people). Carries out fitting, cutting, tailoring of products.
  • Fashion designer. Working with clients, creating individual projects, draws up a showcase area.
  • Cleaning woman.

A flexible work schedule is being developed. The administrative staff works every day, from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00. Seamstresses work in pairs in shifts according to a 2/2 schedule, a fashion designer - from 10:00 to 19:00 every day.

All employees work on employment contract, and for them deductions are made to the pension and insurance funds. Accountant and director work for salary system. Seamstresses-cutters and a fashion designer have a salary of minimum wage labor and 5% of each completed order.

More detailed personnel costs are described in the business plan for the sewing workshop.


For the equipment of the sewing workshop, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Machine 1022 class - 1 pc.
  • Machine 51-A class - 1 pc.
  • Machine 62761 class - 1 pc.
  • Car class 97 - 1 pc.
  • Cutting table - 1 pc.
  • Mannequin - 3 pcs.
  • Steam iron - 2 pcs.
  • Ironing board - 2 pcs.
  • Bracket - 1 pc.
  • Coffee table - 1 pc.
  • Desk - 1 pc.
  • Computer - 1 pc.
  • Mirrors - 6 pcs.
  • Tailor's scissors - 4 pcs.

Sewing accessories: needles, pins, hairpins, threads.

It will take at least 500,000 rubles to equip a small studio. More cost and step-by-step instruction outlined in the business plan.

In addition to basic expenses, you need at least 100,000 rubles. for contingencies and equipment depreciation.


The profitability of the project directly depends on the number of customers. To attract customers, the studio introduced the following specific services: coffee, tea, consultation with a fashion designer, fashion magazines. Convenient work schedule from 09:00 to 19:00 and lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00 hours. Day off - Sunday.

The studio has introduced a number of features that attract consumers:

  • It produces its own catalog, which presents various options for light outerwear. In the catalog it is possible to order a specific model in the desired color range and from a specific fabric.
  • With help software a fashion designer can demonstrate to clients clearly how the finished item will look on the figure in one color or another.
  • Discounts are offered for children's models, for large families, pensioners.


Sewing workshop business idea is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs with different levels budget. It is not difficult to implement a business from scratch, since a large list of equipment is not required. The main thing is to choose your direction in tailoring and implement the idea according to a detailed business plan. Investments in this small business at a minimum will amount to 500,000 rubles. The project will pay off in 1-2 years.

Many entrepreneurs who make money on tailoring in small ateliers or at home dream of one day opening their own shop and doing what they love in earnest. Practice shows that this dream is quite feasible: proof of this is the growing popularity of domestic brands, which are actively ousting not only Chinese consumer goods from the market, but also products of well-known European brands. So what does it take to industrialize dresses, shirts or suits?

First of all, you need to draw up a business plan for clothing production. The development of a detailed model of the enterprise will allow the entrepreneur to imagine the process of organizing activities as a whole, take into account the influence of all secondary factors, determine the most effective ways production and marketing of products, as well as to prevent the occurrence of problems typical for a newly created business.

Features of the sewing business

A beginner who does not have experience at least in a large atelier should refrain from building an entrepreneurial career in the clothing business: knowing that will not help him create a successful enterprise. To organize industrial tailoring, you need to understand not only the properties of fabrics and threads, but also the characteristics of different types of equipment, the rules for setting technological processes, ways to motivate staff.

Considering where to start sewing production, first of all, you need to find out who its products will be designed for. Two factors are decisive - the quantitative composition and the solvency of the target audience. It is also recommended to analyze the assortment range and pricing policy competitors in order to identify a free market niche.

Initial Costs

Article Amount, rub.
IP registration 800
Making a company seal 1200
Opening a bank account 2300
Production equipment 1882300
Room preparation 230 m² 150000
Ventilation installation 115000
Rent for the period of repair, 250 rubles / m² per month 150000
First purchase of raw materials 3920716,8
Advertising expenses 50000
Product certification 5000
Administrative costs 20000
Total: 6297316,8

In addition to purchasing equipment for clothing production, almost 4 million rubles more need to be spent on the formation of a monthly supply of raw materials. Fortunately, these funds do not have to be invested at a time: fabrics and accessories can be purchased in small batches within a month, using profits from the sale of previously manufactured products.

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Rent 57500
FOT 1275300
Communal payments 50000
Advertising expenses 20000
Insurance premiums 2700
Transport costs 30000
Administrative costs 10000
Total without the cost of materials: 1445500
Purchase of raw materials 3920716,8
General expenses: 5366216,8

Profit and profitability

The price of the finished garment includes the material cost, the seamstress's wages and the trade margin. The latter is determined by the method of sale: when selling in bulk, the normal value is 20–30%, while in retail, the margin increases to 120–150%.

The calculation of the material cost seems necessary both for the owners industrial enterprises, and for entrepreneurs learning how to start a sewing business at home: without knowing this value, it is impossible to develop a price list.

Calculation of material cost

Product Fabric, m Threads, m Accessories, rub. Amount, rub.
Straight skirt 0,7 120 90 591,20
Famale jaket 1,6 240 120 1258,40
Mens pants 1,4 220 80 1078,20
Classic jacket 2,3 255 160 1777,50
Shirt 1,7 150 100 293,00
Blouse with short sleeves 1,7 150 80 273,00
Long sleeve dress 2,3 215 120 464,10

For example, sewing a dress with a long sleeve requires the purchase of accessories, fabric and threads for 464.10 rubles, while the average wholesale price for a product of this type is 790 rubles. Using the same industry norms (25 minutes), you can calculate the expected output: ten seamstresses working two shifts will produce 8,448 dresses per month (8,025 dresses with a normal 5% defect rate).

Gross Profit Calculation

Now you can calculate the profitability and payback period of the project. It should be noted that in reality the second indicator usually exceeds the calculated one: in order for the shop to acquire buyers and reach the planned capacity, it is necessary to develop a client base for at least 3–4 months. During this period, the entrepreneur must figure out how to optimize all processes and reduce associated costs.

Business payback calculation


The garment industry is characterized by great potential for entrepreneurship of all sizes. A subject wishing to engage in tailoring does not have to rent a workshop and purchase expensive equipment, this is possible with an ordinary sewing machine. At the same time, calculations show that even a small enterprise, with the right approach to business, can bring impressive profits, fully justifying the efforts and funds invested in its creation.

The demand for quality clothing will always be among people, despite the high competition and economic instability in the country. The niche of the clothing business has just begun to actively develop in our country, so there is no need to worry about the future profitability of this business. We represent detailed business a sewing production plan that will allow you to properly organize your business and calculate profitability and payback.

At the stage of forming a business plan, it is important to note all the risks and prospects of such production. If you correctly approach the implementation of the project, you can get a good stable income.

Clothing business: definition

This type of production belongs to the light industry. This creative direction can be directly related to making a profit by tailoring clothes and then selling them. The main thing in the sewing business is competent implementation and well-thought-out strategies.

In order not to be mistaken at the first stages of the sewing business, communicate with professionals and eminent craftsmen.

In the video you can find out the typical mistakes of beginners.

Video. Common Mistakes When Starting a Sewing Business

Pros and cons of sewing

To positive aspects businesses include:

  1. Fast and high business payback.
  2. High cost of the average check.
  3. Possibility of long-term storage of products in the warehouse.

For negatives:

  1. Expensive rent of premises, difficulties in finding the optimal location.
  2. Small demand for products of a specific nature.
  3. High level of competition in the sewing business.

Choice of current direction

In the clothing industry, there is a huge selection of different areas. You can stop at tailoring for children or only for adults, overalls, seasonal items. You can sew not only clothes, but also household items or accessories.

Any region is consistently famous in high demand for children's clothing. If you manage to get a certificate for permission to sew children's products, you can quite short time grow rich.

It is very important to take into account the demand in a certain area for a product, for this you need to monitor the market. Careful analysis will be required for a reasonable ratio of income and expenses.

At first, you can specialize in several niches to find your own. However, it is important not to overdo it, the combination of a prom dress and hammocks for summer cottages looks rather ridiculous.

Production technology from A to Z

The whole stage of the sewing business consists of 5 points: design, construction, cutting, sewing and finishing. Let's dwell on each in a little more detail.

The first point - the designer or fashion designer is engaged in modeling. He draws up a sketch of the future product, determines the color scheme and suitable fabric.

The design is carried out by the designer, who must transfer the sketch of the fashion designer into the form of a drawing. He is engaged in calculations of details and material that will be needed when sewing. At the same time, he draws up patterns and the necessary technical documentation.

In the sewing shop, the first two steps are usually performed by the cutter. This is the person who combines the functions of a fashion designer and designer. The main stages - cutting, sewing and finishing are carried out in the sewing workshop by professionals in their field.

It is very important to establish a clear production technology. This will allow the most productive use of available equipment and labor.

Business plan: basic steps


When creating a clothing production, it is necessary to register a business with local governments and pass an inspection by the Fire Supervision. You will also have to create an accounting department with the necessary documentary base and storage facilities. Production problems will be eradicated at the most early stages thanks to reporting, as information about the actual state of affairs will be generated.

If production involves transportation, it is necessary to resolve issues related to logistics at an early stage.

Production or a sewing workshop at the first stages is formalized as a legal entity. There are two forms of organizations: LLC and IP. Let's compare the package of documents for these types of organizations:

State duty amount800 rubles4000 rubles
Notarized statementform Р21001form 11001
Application for transition to a simplified taxation systemrequiredrequired
Creation protocol legal entity indicating all foundersnot requiredrequired
Copies of passportsrequiredrequired
Articles of associationnot requiredrequired

A package of documents for any type of organization is usually considered within 5 days. If the tax service makes a positive decision, the entrepreneur is given an extract from the USRIP, OGRNIP or IP number, acts of confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund and a certificate from Rosstat. The package of documents of an LLC differs only in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the charter of the organization.

After these events, it is necessary to make a seal of the organization, its cost starts from 500 rubles. In addition, it is important to open a bank account. All costs will amount to about two thousand rubles.

When opening a company with limited liability the authorized capital is established, its minimum amount should be equal to 10,000 rubles.

Room selection

Find a business location that will meet all requirements - milestone. At first, savings in rent will not hurt, it can be achieved by renting premises in remote areas of the city. The production room must be provided with heating, water supply and electricity.

The dimensions of the premises entirely depend on the planned production volumes. If it is planned to produce 200 pieces of clothing daily, then for comfortable and fruitful work, a room with a size of 140 square meters will be required.

The premises must necessarily comply with the requirements of the Fire Supervision; in addition to the alarm system, fire extinguishers and evacuation plans must be installed in the workshop.

Sewing employees

The workforce is an integral part of this area. In the initial stages, the business will need experienced employees who can ensure the success of the garment industry. It is worth remembering that in addition to seamstresses, such a production will need designers, order managers, accountants, a mechanic, a manager and auxiliary workers.

A little later, if resources allow, it is possible to train inexperienced specialists on the basis of production, who will then become permanent employees. The percentage of beginners and inexperienced employees in production should be no more than 40%.

The optimal number of employees for a sewing workshop, according to various sources, is from 11 to 23 people. They can be grouped into different teams to provide shift work.

The most optimal method for the formation wages is a fixed rate with an added percentage of revenue.

In addition, you can encourage employees with additional financial bonuses for achieving goals. In this way, employees can be motivated for large volumes of work and stimulate them to efficient production.

Equipment and consumables for work

For the organization and effective process of sewing production, you will need:

  • automatic programs for designing clothes;
  • cutting equipment;
  • sewing and embroidery machines;
  • irons, steam generators and ironing boards;
  • washing machines;
  • printers for printing on fabrics and other specialized equipment.

For sewing, you can buy inexpensive sewing machines from Korea or China, proven manufacturers are not inferior in quality to European suppliers. When choosing a loop semiautomatic device, it is better to opt for imported equipment, since domestic technology from this area is not fully developed.

Sewing equipment does not have to be new. Many businessmen who are engaged in the sewing business purchase already used machines. This saves costs, but also carries certain risks. Old machines can quickly fail.

The total cost of equipment for a workshop with average production indicators will be about 200-300 thousand rubles. Specific figures depend on the type of production and its volume.

The purchase of consumables is an integral and constant item of expenditure for the garment industry. Therefore, it is important to find reliable suppliers of fabrics and accessories. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their reputation in advance in order to ensure business stability. The best solution would be direct cooperation without intermediaries. The purchase of an initial base of fabrics and accessories will cost about 60-100 thousand rubles.

Marketing plan

In any business, it is important to consider the nuances of marketing. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate the profitability and determine specific points of sale for the goods.

For promotion, it is important to conduct regular advertising campaigns. Base regular customers should be created already at the first stages of the workshop. To do this, you need to sell products in all sorts of profitable outlets. It is important to remember about high quality manufactured products, otherwise there will be no influx of new customers.

Estimated costs and planned profit

Average initial investment costs are:

  • Documentation and registration from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair if necessary from 20 thousand.
  • Equipment from 200 to 800 thousand.
  • Logistics and other expenses from 20 thousand.
  • Total initial costs from 330 to 1210000.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 30 to 50 thousand.
  • Fabrics and consumables from 50 to 300 thousand.
  • Salaries for employees from 75 to 100 thousand.
  • Utilities from 15 thousand.
  • Logistics from 20 thousand.
  • Total: from 190 to 485 thousand rubles.

Projected earnings:

  • The wholesale price of one product is from 700 rubles to 1500 thousand.
  • The volume of products sold per month is approximately 500 pieces.
  • Monthly average income from 350 to 750 thousand.
  • The average profit, taking into account monthly expenses, is from 160 to 265 thousand.
  • The payback period for the business is six months.

It should be understood that specific figures depend on the volume of production, the individual characteristics of the business.

Sewing business: smart investment or risk

For the successful opening of a clothing production, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the light industry. Detailed business plan, sharpened for specific conditions, will help to compile experienced economists and lawyers.

In such a difficult business as sewing, it is important to focus on the needs of customers. One of the main tasks is to maintain a high level of product quality. Do not forget about the high competition in this industry. If you have not only the skills, but also the steel grip to keep the business afloat, the clothing industry will bear fruit.

Video. Business plan for opening a garment factory