Project on the world around the profession of a seamstress. Profession - Seamstress. sewing equipment operator

Abstract of a class on familiarization with the outside world for older children (5-6 years old)

"Profession of a seamstress".

Program content:

    Continue to acquaint children with the work of adults.

    Expand and consolidate children's ideas about the profession of a seamstress.

    To develop children's ideas about the tools and fabrics used in this profession. To instill in children respect for the work of people.

Demo material : illustrations "All professions are needed", collection "Types of fabrics", exhibition "Clothes".

TCO : laptop, slide presentation "Profession - seamstress".

preliminary work:

1. Creation of the collection "Types of fabrics".

2. Conversations, reading fiction about people's work.

3. Didactic game "Professions and helper items."

4. Excursion to the seamstress's office.

GCD progress.

Hello guys! Guys, do you like to play? Then I suggest you play interesting games right now, agree?

Slide number 1-6

Please take a look at the exhibition "These different professions". What occupations are shown in these pictures?

Well done guys, they named all the professions correctly, and now we will play a game called"Riddles-Riddles".

I will guess riddles, and you will guess.

Experienced tool:

Not big, not small.

He is full of worries.

He cuts and shears. (Scissors)

He covers everyone in the world,

What he sews - he does not wear. (Needle)

On one finger

Bucket - upside down. (Thimble)

In the woolen glade the thin-legged dances,

From under the steel shoe - a stitch creeps out. (Sewing machine)

I'll walk a little hot

And the sheet will be smooth.

I can fix bugs

And put arrows on the trousers. (Iron)

Slide 7-8

Look at the slide, guess who owns these things?

That's right, these accessories and tools are needed by the seamstress.

Slide 9

Who is this seamstress? Let's read.

Slide 10-12 (student makes a presentation)

There is such a profession, without which it is impossible to do without in the modern world. This profession is called a seamstress. Every day we put on clothes, usually without thinking about the people who make them for us. About how long ago the profession of a seamstress appeared, what features it has and what tools a seamstress works with, we will now find out

Even in the primitive era, people needed clothes to protect themselves from the cold. They adapted to connect parts of animal skins with the help of animal veins. Holes in skins were pierced by ancient people with sharp thin stone needles. Over time, clothes became not only protection from the cold, but also an object of decoration. And when people learned how to make iron, they made iron sewing needles, sharp at one end and with an eye for threading the thread at the other end.

For many centuries, the sewing needle was the main tool of the seamstress and all clothes were sewn by hand. Pieces of fabric were fastened with a needle, beautiful embroidery was made on the fabric with a needle, and buttons were sewn to the finished garment.

ATXVIII- XIXcenturies, the first sewing machines appeared. At first they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually the mechanics made more and more improvements to the sewing machine. And now, with the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, overcast buttonholes, quilt the lining and even sew on buttons.

Slide 13-17

What is the job of a seamstress and a tailor?

First, they measure the dimensions with a centimeter tape, that is, they take measurements, draw a pattern on paper, then circle the pattern on the fabric, cut out the details from the fabric. And only then does a seamstress or tailor bait (sew) by hand, with a needle and thread, try on whether everything fits in size, then sew the finished dress, and finally iron the finished product. Here, look from a variety of fabrics, people of these professions sew different products.

Guys, what do you think is the right profession for a seamstress and a tailor? Why do you think so?

Well done!

Slide 18

Guys, what do you think, what qualities are important in the profession of a seamstress?

And now, guys, look at what products can be made from fabrics. (Children look at the presented products).

The game "What you need to work in the studio."

Look, there are different tools on the table, do you think there are any extra ones among them?

(There are different tools on the table: scissors, pins, threads, thimble, cloth, ruler, pattern paper, measuring tape, shovel, syringe, chalk, fashion magazine, pencil, book, toy car, set of postcards, ladle). Choose only those that are necessary for the tailor and seamstress, and explain what they do.

A seamstress needs some items and tools to work. Go to the carpet cutter and select the items and tools that the seamstress needs to work(children choose the necessary objects and tools).

1 child: I chose sewing machine, she needs a seamstress in order to sew clothes.

2 child: I chose threads, they are needed by the seamstress in order to connect the parts of the clothes together.

3 child: I chose scissors, the seamstress needs them in order to cut the fabric, cut the threads.

4 child: I chose a measuring tape. She needs a seamstress in order to take measurements.

5 child: I chose a thimble. The seamstress needs it in order not to prick his finger with a needle.

6 child: I chose chalk. It is needed by a seamstress in order to draw details of clothing on the fabric.

Well done guys, you did a great job.

Slide 19

Questions for consolidation

    Who works in the studio?

    What job does a seamstress do?

    How is it necessary to treat the work of people of different professions?

    What tools, equipment and accessories do you need to work as a seamstress?

    What is the name of the material with which the seamstress works?

Slide 20

Thank you for your attention

state treasury educational institution Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education boarding school VIII kind Grushevskaya village, Aksai district

Class teacher Balashova N.N.

The work of a seamstress is held in high esteem

This is an important, necessary work,

Seamstress fashionable and beautiful

He sews clothes for everyone to marvel!

The first sewing machines appeared in the 18th century. At first they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually the mechanics made more and more improvements to the sewing machine. And now, with the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, overcast buttonholes, quilt the lining and even sew on buttons. The first sewing factory appeared in the 19th century - it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand. ...

Where to get a job:

Sewing skills can be mastered in vocational schools or in special courses. In addition, you can learn sewing skills directly in practice at garment factories, watching how professionals work.

The ability to dress people
ancient craft.
At all times there were
respected profession
seamstresses and dressmakers.

From the history

Primitive people sewed clothes with
using ox sinew with a stone needle
or fish bone.
Later, a steel needle appeared and many
decades has been the main
sewing tool.
In the XVIII - XIX centuries the first
sewing machines.

With the help of a modern sewing machine, you can:

overcast loops
Quilt the pad
sew on buttons

Where does a seamstress work?

Individual order (seamstress
performs all operations
sewing myself)
Atelier (a small team at
each with their own responsibilities)
Factory (seamstress member of a large
collective, cut fabric
some sweep, others
sew, the third iron)

Individual order



fashion designer

Develops models

sewing equipment operator

Works for
factory or
types of work on


Works in a studio. He helps
the customer to choose the style of the product,
takes measurements from him, cuts
fabric, makes a product fitting

Clothing repair tailor

Works in a repair shop
clothes. He is doing renovations.
underwear, outerwear.


Works in an atelier, workshop,
garment factory. Performs ironing
various parts or finished

The seamstress must be able

To communicate with people
have a taste
Work carefully and meticulously



Sewing business: textbook. for 5 cells. specialist. (corr.) educated.
Institutions of the VIII type / Kartushina G.B. Mozgovaya G.G. - 4th ed. -
M. : Enlightenment, 2007. - 160 p.
[Electronic resource]. -
Author compiler: Naumenkova S.P. elementary teacher
classes SOGOU Dukhovshchinskaya special
/correctional/ boarding school №1 VIII type

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

History of the profession Tailoring is a very ancient profession that is very popular. Now we call them designers. Tailor (from other Russian port - a cut or piece of fabric, clothes; obsolete Swiss, seamstress) - a craft profession for making clothes from textile fabrics.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The history of the profession In ancient times, primitive people learned how to sew animal skins with the help of ox tendons. And the primitive needle was a thin but strong pointed plate of stone. Much later, the steel needle and linen thread appeared, and for many decades they remained the main tools of the tailor. With their help, craftsmen sewed pieces of leather, fur, and fabric.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

interesting fact The first tailors were men. They were very scrupulous in their craft and did not divulge the secrets of their craft to women. Skills and skills were passed down from father to son.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. The first sewing machines appeared. At first they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually the mechanics made more and more improvements to the sewing machine. And with the help of such a machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, overcast buttonholes, quilt the lining and even sew on buttons.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Tailor or Seamstress A tailor differs from a seamstress in more highly qualified, he can sew a product from beginning to end, while a seamstress specializes in performing a single operation garment production- for example, it processes all parts or only a certain knot of a garment on sewing machine(seamstress-minder). As a rule, a tailor works in an atelier for the repair and tailoring of individual orders, and a seamstress works in mass production at a factory, where all the operations of the sewing process are clearly distributed among the workers.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Contents of a Tailor's Activities A tailor can work independently or in a team, tailoring, restoring and altering garments. He takes part in the development of new models, has the skills of manual and machine production of sewing work for various groups of products for different categories of customers. Designs clothes, makes patterns, is engaged in the manufacture and processing of parts of garments, ironing finished products clothes. If, when tailoring a product individually, the tailor performs all the technological operations himself, then when tailoring products by the team method, these operations are distributed among the members of the team.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Requirements for knowledge and skills A qualified tailor must know:  mathematics, drawing, drawing, human anatomy;  classification of fabrics for sewing garments;  technology for processing parts, the basics of clothing modeling, technology for working on sewing equipment, etc. A qualified tailor must be able to:  use technological equipment;  draw sketches of models, prepare patterns and correct models depending on the individual wishes of the customer;  organize workplace, observe safety rules, etc.

9 slide

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Slides captions:

Profession - seamstress sequence of work of a tailor, seamstress Completed by: Medvedeva Ya.V.

the formation of children's ideas about the role of labor and the importance of the seamstress profession in society. Tasks: - to instill a sense of respect for the work of adults; - to enrich the vocabulary of children by introducing the items necessary in the work of a seamstress; - to form elementary experience of professional actions in children; - continue to teach to observe safety precautions when working with piercing and cutting objects. Target:

First, measure the dimensions with a centimeter tape, that is, take measurements. Taking measurements

Then draw a pattern on paper. Creating a pattern

The seamstress cuts out parts of the future product. Cutting Model Parts

And only then does the seamstress or tailor bait (sew) by hand, with a needle and thread, try on whether everything fits in size. Stitching the details manually

A hand-sewn product must be tried on and adjusted to fit. First fitting

Which needs to be ironed to give the product good view. Ironing

The finished product is finally tried on. Sample of the finished product

And give to the client. Issuance of the finished product

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