History of MMK: from the first five-year plans to the present day. Brief description of OJSC MMK Magnitogorsk Pipe Plant

OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" is a modern highly profitable enterprise, one of the 20 largest steel companies in the world. It is the largest metallurgical complex in Russia with a full production cycle. OJSC MMK produces the widest range of steel products among enterprises today Russian Federation and CIS countries. Magnitka is the only Russian manufacturer of high-quality cold-rolled strip and tinplate. In terms of product sales, OJSC MMK has the best performance among Russian metallurgical enterprises. OJSC MMK is located in the very center of Russia, which determines the geography of sales both domestically and internationally. foreign market. Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works exports about 60% of its products. Export geography includes states South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and the CIS (the largest consumers of MMK's metal in the near abroad are Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan). MMK has long-standing partnerships with enterprises and companies from the USA, Canada, Finland and Italy.

2002 was a special year for the metallurgists of Magnitogorsk - an anniversary. And he, like the previous ones, was marked by hard work at all stages of the metallurgical cycle and worthy results. The company continued its dynamic development. For the year, the increase in production amounted to an average of 7%. 9.7 million tons of finished products - finished steel - were produced, 11 million tons of steel were smelted, 9.3 million tons of cast iron, 5.3 million tons of coke, 9.5 million tons of sinter were produced. Products sold amounted to 60 billion rubles against 47 billion in 2001. The profit was about 12 billion rubles against 8 billion in the previous year.

The total number of employees in the existing metallurgical holding as of December 2002 amounted to 68,189 people (including members of their families, about 200 thousand people, i.e. almost half of the city's residents), of which 35,102 people are employees of OJSC MMK, 4,426 people work at the calibration plant, 43921 people - at the hardware and metallurgical plants, 24279 people - as part of other subsidiaries and institutions (1).

As a result, both domestic and foreign experts are unanimous in their opinion: the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is today the leading enterprise in the domestic metallurgy. The total tax deductions of Magnitogorsk last year amounted to almost four billion rubles. The plant has no tax debts. It is quite natural that the tax authorities issued a certificate of trust to the enterprise.

The successes of recent years in the workforce of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works are associated with the arrival in 1996 of a new team of managers headed by Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov, who passed his labor path at the plant from the worker to the general director. Today, the CEO of OJSC MMK also holds the post of president of the club of the best managers in Russia, which is a confirmation of his managerial abilities.

According to directors and members management teams, the plant has undergone major changes in the organizational and structural plan. The strongest changes affected sales, marketing, services working with suppliers, financial and economic services.

In the management of such big company, as OJSC MMK, it is worth highlighting:

Manufacturing control;

Financial and economic management;

Management of commercial matters;

Investment and strategic management;

Management of general issues;

Personnel Management;

Construction management.

Each block is headed by a director or deputy general director. However, despite the importance and need for structural reforms, the most important condition for the success of MMK is the professionalism of managers and competent personnel policy.

Personnel policy is an integral part of the general development strategy of OJSC MMK. It corresponds to its corporate ideology and culture and is aimed at ensuring the long-term competitiveness of OJSC MMK in the global metal products market.

Leaders at all levels of the management hierarchy act as ideologists and conductors of personnel policy. Directors for areas, heads of departments, chief specialists, managers structural divisions together with the Human Resources Department participate in the selection, evaluation and training personnel reserve management personnel.

The personnel policy of the enterprise is built in accordance with the following priorities.

Achievement international standards in all areas of activity.

Staffing of production and social development enterprises at all levels with highly qualified personnel.

Application of new technologies in personnel development and work with personnel.

Advanced development human resources OJSC MMK in accordance with the modernization of production and improvement of the management system.

Investing in personnel in line with the increasing requirements for qualifications, workplace and production.

Focus on social protection of OJSC MMK's personnel and pensioners, their interests and health.

This personnel policy has justified itself. Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works became the winner of the 2002 competition " Russian organization high social efficiency» in the nomination «Qualification of personnel, the system of their training and retraining». On this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, said: “The fact that Magnitka was awarded a diploma of the first degree in this competition indicates that you are keeping up with the times. Today, enterprises that invest in the main thing - in human capital, in the education and training of workers, the creation of working conditions, systems social protection, as a rule, receive a double return on production, because social investments have a very serious impact on economic efficiency enterprises. Today it is obvious that the authorities alone cannot cope with the accumulated heap social problems. Experience shows that they can only be solved with the cooperation of government, business and society through the creation of a so-called system social partnership. Without her we will never build market economy oriented to the well-to-do. Therefore, I welcome the efforts that the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is making to improve the social climate at the enterprise, taking care of veterans and young people. I believe that in this way the management of the plant looks to the future of its enterprise, not trying to make a profit at any cost, not dooming the enterprise to stagnation in the future” (2).

The position of the leadership of the metallurgical giant remains unchanged: “Time has changed, and life itself has changed with it,” says V. Rashnikov, General Director of OJSC MMK. - But the plant and the city continue to be a single entity, despite the forecasts of skeptics and all kinds of critics. The work of the plant is unthinkable without people hurrying to its workshops every day. But even its best results lose all meaning if they are achieved for the sake of an abstract benefit that does not benefit people. Construction of hospitals, schools, roads and housing, maintenance of Palaces of Culture, sanatoriums and children's health camps, the creation of a whole system of measures designed to improve the lives of Magnitogorsk residents - the capital invested in all this, the capital that works for people and for the sake of people, cannot but pay off handsomely. For the plant, there are no “friends” and “strangers” in Magnitogorsk, because today there is no family in it whose history, one way or another, would not be involved in the history of MMK’s achievements and victories” (16).

JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" is a city-forming and socially oriented enterprise.

The social policy of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is a vast layer, a vast field for the application of forces. It includes several areas of activity at once. This includes the creation of conditions for employees and their families to resolve all issues of life, and targeted social support veterans, disabled people, large families and other low-income categories, and the provision of facilities social sphere JSC "MMK" services to residents of the city and nearby areas, and sponsorship, and charitable help public associations, various organizations education, health care, culture, sports and other areas of public life, and participation in the development of the living environment.

Until recently, Magnitogorsk was one of the cities with the most unfavorable environment. But now a lot has changed. This happened primarily because the plant realized in time that the only and most effective way to improve the environment is the technical re-equipment of the enterprise with the replacement of existing production processes on low-waste and non-waste technologies, the introduction of new, modern treatment plants and the reconstruction of existing ones. The commissioning of the oxygen-converter shop made it possible to close most of the open-hearth furnaces, which are the most harmful to the environment. Many blast furnaces, sinter plants, and coke batteries were shut down or modernized.

A special role was played by the construction of Europe's largest coke oven gas complex treatment plant, thanks to which the amount of harmful emissions immediately decreased by 20 thousand tons per year. Moreover, the release of the most harmful substances that caused cancer, decreased by 7090. The construction of the workshop cost $ 200 million. On the whole, MMK's expenses for environmental protection annually amount to more than 800 million rubles. All this was not long in affecting the ecological situation in Magnitogorsk. The amount of harmful emissions in recent years has decreased by 4 times.

The social policy of OJSC MMK is based on the following principles and directions:

Creation of conditions for employees and members of their families to resolve all issues of life, including the improvement of living conditions, treatment and medical service, health and recreation, cultural service with the holding of festive events, mass sports and physical culture, funeral services, providing an opportunity to purchase high-quality food products and the entire range consumer goods using cashless payments trading network cities on "credit" plastic cards;

“targeted” social support for veterans, disabled people, families with many children and other low-income categories through the Metallurg charitable public fund created by OJSC MMK and using social facilities maintained at the expense of OJSC MMK;

Provision of services by OJSC MMK's social facilities to residents of the city and nearby areas of the Chelyabinsk Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Support and charitable assistance to public associations working with the disabled, children and various categories low-income, with other segments of the city's population;

Charitable assistance and sponsorship to various organizations of education, healthcare, culture, sports and other areas of public life in holding various cultural and sports festivals and memorials.

Social policy at OJSC MMK is implemented by the department social programs, the trade union committee, the Klyuch housing and investment fund, the Union of Young Metallurgists, the Council of Veterans, the Metallurg Fund and others public organizations and movement. Each organization has specific tasks and its field of activity. But, often carrying out different projects, associations work together, corporately. This is clearly demonstrated by the implementation of the youth program developed at OJSC MMK, which is carried out by the trade union committee, the personnel department, the Union of Young Metallurgists public association, the Council of Young Specialists and the Council of veterans of the plant. Financing of the program "Youth of OJSC MMK" is carried out by the trade union committee and the administration of the plant. And one more example - the department of social programs is one of the main management services of the plant, which is engaged in the preparation of the text collective agreement for each year and, together with the trade union committee, the development normative documents for the implementation of the provisions of the collective agreement and control over its execution during the entire period of validity.

The Trade Union Committee sums up the results of fulfillment of the OJSC MMK's collective agreement. This document fixes the obligation of the administration of the enterprise to increase the average wage. MMK's management fulfills this obligation. If in January 2002 the average salary at OJSC MMK was 7,124 rubles, then in August it was 9,420 rubles. Wage growth is also noted at the plant's subsidiaries: from 6,640 rubles in January to 8,500 rubles in the middle of the year. At the same time, wage growth outpaces inflation, and real incomes of employees are 1.5 times higher than the average consumer budget. Wage paid on time and in full.

With the support of the trade union committee, a system of elected labor protection commissioners operates in the shops, who are regularly trained and certified. An annual review competition is held on labor safety and reduction of industrial injuries for the title of "The Best Occupational Safety Commissioner". All this leads to a reduction in industrial injuries. Since 1998, the number of injuries at the plant has almost halved.

Also priority areas in the work of the trade union committee are:

Social support for families with many children, families with disabled children, parents of soldiers who suffered in "hot spots";

Work with youth, carried out jointly with the Union of Young Metallurgists;

Improvement and recreation of metallurgists and members of their families;

Sports-mass, work;

Holding cultural events;

Support for horticultural associations.

A mutual benefit fund operates under the control of the trade union committee. Employees of the plant, its subsidiaries and institutions have the opportunity to receive repayable loans in it.

The MMK trade union organization was established on June 26, 1931. Then it numbered 5,000 people, and today it has more than 90,000 employees. The trade union committee of OJSC MMK is one of the largest trade union committees in the region.

The department of social programs, which was established in 1993, coordinates the work of all services of the plant for the implementation of social programs within the framework of the directions social policy OJSC MMK. It is entrusted with the functions of developing, developing and supporting social programs. Currently, it is headed by Alexander Masruev, who believes: “Magnitogorsk is famous not only for the colossal quantity and high quality of the produced metal, which, as you know, is the bread of the industry. It is no less important for today's Russia with its market changes as a model of a pronounced social orientation of the economy.

The tasks of the Department of Social Programs include:

Creation of conditions that allow mitigating, facilitating the adaptation of workers of the plant, non-working pensioners to life in market conditions with insufficient social guarantees and support at the state level;

Gradual restructuring of the psychology of employees from recipients of benefits and benefits to earning money to meet their vital needs with the creation by the employer of conditions for choosing priorities through measures to support socially significant areas of life for the work collective and the individual employee;

Development and implementation of measures to work with the labor collective by its representatives in the person of the trade union organization on the principles of social partnership, the formation of a corporate ideology.

Since the mid-1990s, housing construction and the development of the city have practically ceased in Magnitogorsk due to a lack of funds from industrial enterprises, city administration and residents.

Anticipating the emergence of this situation, OJSC MMK created the Klyuch housing and investment fund. The reduction of the plant's ability to invest funds from profits in housing construction and the provision of free housing to employees made it necessary to look for schemes for solving the housing problem that are accessible to employees and less burdensome for the joint-stock company. The Department of Social Programs was actively involved in the development of the housing program.

From 1996 to 2001, 215,718 square meters of housing were built, which made it possible to improve the living conditions of more than 2,500 families of workers of the plant and subsidiaries. During this period, the following scheme was applied: ZIF "Klyuch" accumulates the funds of developers in the form of their cash and borrowed funds provided to them by the plant on an interest-free basis, and directs them to the construction of housing. The amount of borrowed funds and repayment terms (from 3 to 10 years) are determined depending on the degree of need of the employee to improve housing conditions and on the income level of the employee. Over this period, more than 280 million rubles were provided in loans to employees. For the plant and for workers in the transition period from free housing, such a scheme was optimal, but a major distraction working capital for the plant has become quite burdensome. Changes in legislation have led to a decrease in the profitability of using borrowed funds on preferential terms. Therefore, the search for new forms, sources and schemes for solving the housing problem continued. At present, a transition has been made to the use of bank credit resources under the guarantee of OJSC MMK. Employees purchase apartments under equity participation agreements in housing construction with payment by installments up to 9 years. In parallel, a program of mortgage lending to employees is being developed using MMK's short-term guarantee.

Currently, the development of a program to create a credit and consumer cooperative of citizens from among the workers of the plant is being completed in order to create financial resources by accumulating funds to improve housing conditions and, through this, providing targeted loans to members of the cooperative. As the cooperative develops, it is planned to create an association of such cooperatives, which will be able to build new houses and even housing complexes.

The story about Magnitogorsk is divided into two parts. In the first part, we will talk about the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) - the city's city-forming enterprise, the dramatic history of the first years of the construction of the plant and its current situation, illustrated by photographs; in the second part there will be a history of the construction of a relatively young city, houses from the Stalinist period will fall, it was at this time that the city and the plant were built.

Brief information about the plant

The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK, previously bore the names: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after I. V. Stalin, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V. I. Lenin) is the largest full-cycle metallurgical enterprise in Russia (production of cast iron, steel and rolled products). Magnetka is one of the most powerful symbols industrialization and one of the main symbols of the Stalin era. Magnitogorsk was built by the whole country, specialists from America took part in the construction. On the this moment The plant employs about 55 thousand people. MMK is included in the list of backbone organizations in Russia, the stability of society depends on the work of these enterprises. The total area of ​​the plant is 11834.9 hectares. If you calculate, then the territory of the plant can accommodate most of Moscow inside the third transport ring and there will still be free space.

Magnitka always surprised. It surprised American engineers who did not believe that industrial facilities could be built in such record time. Surprised the whole world when, in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War In just a month, she managed to launch the production of armor steel, which the country needed so much, by rolling it on blooming, which no one had ever done before. It surprised skeptics of all kinds, giving out record after record and constantly increasing the production of metal, which still serves people at various industrial facilities, building structures of Baikonur, gas pipelines and oil pipelines. The main domestic consumers of the plant's products are: the pipe industry, the automotive industry (KamAZ, MAZ, GAZ, BelAZ, etc.), enterprises of railway engineering and shipbuilding, and many others.

History of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

Sergo Ordzhonikidze explained what the products of Magnitogorsk meant for the country during his visit to Magnitostroy in 1934: about 40 million rubles. A lot of bread and meat must be taken out of the country in order to pay for the metal and the machines we need. And if we press on and start up mill-500 as soon as possible, then we will be able to order metal from abroad much less. This means that we will export fewer goods and products that we lack in our country.”

Metallurgist Avraamiy Pavlovich Zavenyagin, one of the first directors of the plant, said: “Magnitogorsk was erected, in essence, by three heroes: Ya. D. Valerius - head of the Magnitostroy trust in 1936." All three were shot in the late thirties. In addition to them, the military builder V. A. Saprykin, who was under investigation earlier and escaped this fate, was in the position of chief engineer ...
Speaking about the three heroes of Magnitogorsk, Zavenyagin was obviously modest, without mentioning himself.
The significant iron ore reserves of Magnitnaya Mountain have been known since the 18th century, but they were not developed, largely due to the fact that there were no large forests nearby (charcoal was used as fuel in metallurgy at that time). The development of Magnitogorsk deposits became possible after the start of development of high-quality coking coals in Kuzbass.
At the end of the 19th century, on the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, the Urals were examined by a government commission led by Professor D. I. Mendeleev. In July 1899, its representatives arrived in the area of ​​Mount Magnitnaya. Summing up the results of the survey, the commission wrote: "The probable minimum of the ore wealth of the Magnitnaya Mountain is expressed in a round number of three billion pounds."
Since 1899, the laying of the correct cuts began, which were used mainly for the development of placer ores. Production volumes in the best years amounted to no more than 3 million poods (this is about 48,000 tons, for comparison, by 1936, 5.5 million tons of ore were produced at the Magnitogorsk mine).
After the revolution of 1917, the country took a course towards increased industrialization.
In the winter of 1918, at the direction of Lenin, the mining and metallurgical department of the Supreme Economic Council announced a competition for a project to create a unified economic organization, covering the region of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Urals and the Kuznetsk coal basin. The Ural-Kuznetsk problem was discussed in detail at the First All-Russian Congress of Councils of the National Economy, held in May-June 1918. The congress pointed out that the main way out of the difficult situation with metal in the country was to move the center of industry to the East, to create a powerful coal and metallurgical base in the Urals and Western Siberia. Although even then quite a few congress participants spoke out against the idea of ​​the Ural-Kuzbass. Much has been said about the expediency of developing ferrous metallurgy in the south of the country - in the Donbass and Krivoy Rog, and not in the bare, uninhabited places of the Urals and Siberia.
The transportation of coal from Kuzbass to the Urals, as well as the transportation of ore from the Urals to Kuzbass in the mid-20s, was recognized by authoritative scientists as a project in all respects unprofitable and clearly utopian. According to the calculations of these scientists, the transportation of Kuznetsk coal to the Urals over a distance of more than 2,000 km will be ruinous for the state, making the Urals, in particular Magnitogorsk metal, more expensive at cost than Ukrainian. The Ural-Kuznetsk project was a big question mark.
Still, the skeptics remained in the minority. Specialists and expert commissions offered a counterargument that, despite the significant transport "shoulder" in the transportation of coal, the extraction of ore located almost on the surface will compensate for the cost of the metal obtained.

In 1925, designing began, and in 1929, the construction of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant began. The Magnetic Plant, which is being built near the mountain, was designed as the largest enterprise of the country's ferrous metallurgy, which it has remained to this day. On March 10, 1929, the first builders arrived at Magnetic Mountain, and in May construction site already employed more than 300 people.
The construction mainly used heavy manual labor thousands of people who came from all over the Union. Magnitka was built in record time short time. Already in August 1929, ore development began, and Magnitnaya ore began to be sent to the factories of the Urals.

In 1930, in the presence of 14,000, the laying of the first blast furnace of the future giant of ferrous metallurgy takes place. Next start excavation on the dam, which was supposed to provide the plant with water. This structure (without spillway) was built in just 74 days. In September 1930, the foundation of the first blast furnace was completed. The launch of the first Magnitogorsk metal was approaching every day.

In early 1931, Magnitostroy was headed by Yakov Semenovich Gugel, who had previously had extensive experience in the metallurgical industry. He managed to reorganize the construction sites in the shortest possible time, introducing the workshop principle. Blast furnace, open-hearth and rolling shops were created and, accordingly, builders and future operators were united. In the second half of 1931, several important start-up facilities of the future plant were put into operation: on July 17, a refractories workshop was launched; on October 9, specialists put the 1st blast furnace for drying; first, gave out the first coke.

On January 31, 1932, despite the protests of American engineers, who considered it necessary to postpone the launch until spring, the first blast furnace was blown out, and on February 1, the first cast iron was produced. The birth of Magnitogorsk took place. In the summer of 1932, blast furnace No. 2 "Komsomolskaya Pravda" produced its first cast iron.

Many large facilities were launched in Magnitogorsk in 1933: blast furnaces No. 3 and 4, four open-hearth furnaces - the plant began to smelt steel. And in August 1934, the first section rolling mill "500" was put into operation in Magnitogorsk. With the launch of this facility, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works became a major supplier of long products and turned into an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle.
The record short time from construction, which began in the summer of 1930 to the receipt of the first cast iron in February 1932, was given for a reason. In 1932, Ordzhonikidze came to inspect the construction of the MMK, and he did not like what he saw. Not only was construction far behind schedule, but mismanagement was evident. With an annual volume of work of 200 million rubles, equipment and material worth 108 million were lying on the construction site. As a result, the director of Magnitogorsk Myshkov lost his position, and Abraham Zavenyagin took his place.

In many ways, the fate of Zavenyagin was determined by a meeting with the head of the All-Union Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) Sergo Ordzhonikidze in 1930.
Sergo was one of the romantic revolutionaries, despite the fact that he had both the fight against Denikin and the establishment Soviet power in Transcaucasia, and decossackization. Avraamiy Zavenyagin became a happy find for Ordzhonikidze: young, with an impeccable social background, smart, educated - a graduate of the Mining Academy, a student of Academician Ivan Mikhailovich Gubkin, a famous oilman, but also a chief explorer.
Sergo attached Zavenyagin to the Gipromez design institute, but this was only a temporary appointment.

The new director quickly understood the main problem - the plant needed a radical expansion of the raw material base, the mine. Zavenyagin decided to organize ore mining open way. In domestic practice, this approach was new, so a specialist was needed who could bring it to life. Such a person was Professor Boris Bogolyubov, the country's greatest expert in mining, who at one time supervised the design of the Magnitogorsk mine. But back in 1931 Bogolyubov was arrested as a pest and sentenced to ten years in exile. Zavenyagin, through Ordzhonikidze, began to seek his release and succeeded. Soon Boris Bogolyubov came to Magnitogorsk. Zavenyagin settled Bogolyubov in his apartment. By this act, he incurred the dislike of the head of the Magnitogorsk NKVD.

Bogolyubov fully justified Zavenyagin's expectations. In 1936, the Magnitogorsk mine produced 5.5 million tons of finished ore, while, for example, the entire iron ore industry in Germany produced 4.7 million tons. In the same year, the Magnitogorsk Combine smelted more iron than Italy and Canada combined. In 1937, the production of MMK increased in comparison with the pre-Zavenyagin period by one and a half to two times (according to different types products). “True, in the United States, only 128 people are employed to service a furnace similar to the Magnitogorsk one, but at our plant, more than 200 people work on each furnace,” Zavenyagin lamented. “These figures testify to the large reserves for increasing labor productivity.”

In the spring of 1936, the NKVD fabricated a case “On the activities of the sabotage Trotskyist organization at Uralvagonstroy, Uralvagonzavod”, during which about two thousand people were arrested, including construction and plant managers. Stalin demands from Ordzhonikidze to speak at the February-March (1937) plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with a report "On the lessons of sabotage, sabotage and espionage of Japanese-German-Trotskyist agents." Ordzhonikidze prepared a draft of his report, which practically did not mention sabotage in heavy industry, and the emphasis was on the need to eliminate the shortcomings in the work. Shortly before the plenum, Sergo calls Zavenyagin to Moscow, to the post of deputy people's commissar of heavy industry.

In February 1937, Nikolai Bukharin met Ordzhonikidze, who said that he was going to Stalin to discuss the report prepared for the plenum. “He was in a fighting mood,” Bukharin noted. The next day, February 18, Zavenyagin arrives in Moscow, calls the People's Commissariat, and is informed that Ordzhonikidze has died of a heart attack. Zavenyagin loses his patron.

He has to speak at the plenum of the Central Committee instead of Ordzhonikidze. “The well-known Maryasin worked at Magnitogorsk, he built a coking plant and built it obviously wreckingly,” said Avraamy Pavlovich. - For the most profitable transfer of coke, coke ovens had to be built against blast furnaces: first battery, second battery, third and fourth battery. However, the pest began to build from the eighth battery. And thus, it turned out that blast furnaces are at one end, and coke oven batteries are at the other. They connected both with a temporary conveyor almost a kilometer long. This conveyor has become a hotbed of constant accidents, large downtimes of coke and blast furnaces, and huge losses in production. The railroad tracks and cables were laid in temporary huts, all the land remained, the units of the workshop ended up in ditches and pits. We then had to take out and take out this land on the move, to shift cables and tracks, which was extremely expensive.

Important point: former boss Magnitogorsk "Koksokhimstroy" Lazar Maryasin in 1935 was transferred to Nizhny Tagil, where he became one of the main defendants in the "Uralvagonzavod case". He was arrested back in April 1936, which Zavenyagin could not have been unaware of. He probably understood that Maryasin was waiting for execution, so he openly blamed all the problems of Magnitogorsk on him. However, it is quite possible that Zavenyagin sincerely considered Maryasin a pest - it took too much effort to correct what the former head of Koksokhimstroy had done.

However, the main topic of Zavenyagin's report was not sabotage. He formulated the main problems of the planned economy, which he encountered at the MMK. These problems have not been solved during the years of Soviet power.

The report was approved by the plenum of the Central Committee, and Avraamiy Pavlovich was approved as deputy commissar of heavy industry.

In 1938, the new people's commissar, Lazar Kaganovich, arranged for Zavenyagin to test his loyalty, demanding that on behalf of the People's Commissariat, consent to the arrest of Academician Gubkin be signed on charges of squandering public funds. Avraamy Pavlovich reacted outside the box: he violated the chain of command, called Stalin on the turntable and stood up for his teacher. Gubkin was left alone, but Kaganovich did not forgive his deputy for the demarche: "You can hand over your affairs, you can no longer go to work."

Further, the story of Zavenyagin is no longer connected with the plant. He leaves to work in Norilsk to supervise the construction of the Norilsk Combine (now owned by Norilsk Nickel), he also took part in leading the development of the atomic bomb.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works today

1. Magnitogorsk CHPP. Electrical power 300MW. For the most part, it covers MMK's electricity needs, although the plant has its own independent substations. The thermal power plant also provides energy to the left-bank part of the city and part of the right bank. The station was commissioned in 1954. Over the years, the CHP has been completed. MMK's CHP was built by the whole country, supplies of equipment for CHP were carried out by 30 cities of the USSR (Moscow, Leningrad, Barnaul, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Taganrog, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, and many others). Specialists from the socialist countries took part in the construction.

2. Sector for the supply of iron ore and concentrates.

5. Very dirty production. By the way, I am at the point that is not fenced. Following sound logic, I thought that I was outside the plant. But it was not there. Another half a kilometer from the GOK and I get to the checkpoint, where the guards catch me. I write an explanatory note, then the police come for me and this story drags on for the whole day. A conversation with the colonel, then with an FSB officer. Although the territory of the plant is not clearly marked, nevertheless I was on the territory. And being with a camera on the territory of MMK is equated with industrial espionage. In addition, behind the fence, where people can safely walk, there is a testing ground where steel produced for the defense industry is tested for strength. The shooting location is essentially a classified object. It was very difficult for our police and the FSB to explain their interest in industrial architecture. Very difficult.

6. 2/5 of Magnitogorsk's iron ore reserves have already been depleted. This part of the quarry has exhausted almost its entire resource. There are still some stocks, but they are left in case of war.

7. Mount Magnetic. Gave life to MMK.

8. Minor work in progress.

9. There is an active quarry on the left side, but getting to the shooting site is not realistic.

JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works"- the largest manufacturer in the field of ferrous metallurgy in our country. The Company owns the largest metallurgical plant in Russia, located in the Chelyabinsk region.

The company is controlled by structures close to top management. As of July 1, 2009, 87.26% of OJSC MMK's shares are owned by the nominee Investment Company Settlement and Fund Center LLC, 9.71% by ING BANK (Eurasia) CJSC, and slightly more three percent - in the hands of minority shareholders.

The main production enterprise of the group is the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, which, together with a number of related companies, provides a full range of operations from the extraction and preparation of iron ores to the deep processing of steel and cast iron. Meanwhile, the enterprises of the group are provided with raw materials by the forces of companies not included in the Holding. Raw materials are purchased, among other things, from OAO Mechel.

The group of companies traces its history back to 1932, when the first blast furnace was launched at the plant in Magnitogorsk.

A) businesses that provide technological process at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works:

LLC NPO Avtomatika;
. LLC "Motor transport management";
. LLC "Bakal Mining Administration";
. LLC "Magnitogorsk service center";
. JSC "Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant";
. ZAO "Mekhanoremontny complex";
. LLC "Minimax";
. OOO "MMK Trading Stroy";
. LLC "MRK-Remont";
. OOO "Ogneupor";
. LLC "Remput";
. CJSC "Russian Metallurgical Company";
. CJSC "Construction complex";
. LLC "Shlakservis";
. LLC "Electroremont";

B) enterprises for deep processing of ferrous metals:

ZAO "Interkos-IV";
. JSC "Magnitogorsk Hardware and Calibration Plant "MMK-METIZ";
. JSC "MMK-Profil-Moscow";

C) companies that ensure the sale of the holding's products:

JSC "Bashmetalloptorg";
. OOO " Trading house MMK";
. LLC "Trading House MMK-Moscow";
. LLC "Trading House MMK-Ural";

D) financial investment companies:

LLC "Region";
. LLC "Investment company "RFTS";
. OOO " Management Company RFC-Capital.

The main types of products manufactured by the company:

Development strategy JSC "MMK" is aimed at increasing the security manufacturing enterprises groups own raw materials through the acquisition of rights to develop new deposits and the construction of extractive enterprises, as well as through the acquisition of companies in the mining industry; on the constant introduction of new technologies and the modernization of existing facilities. In 2007, the plant adopted an investment program, according to which by 2013 it is planned to allocate more than 10 billion dollars for the modernization of production. In addition, the MMK Group seeks closer cooperation among the Holding's enterprises in order to increase efficiency.
In 2008, the gross proceeds of the OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works group amounted to 225,972.4 million rubles, and profit before tax - 15,602,800 thousand rubles. The enterprise produced in 2008 12 million tons of steel and 11 million tons of metal products.

OJSC "MMK" was established in 1992 on the basis of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical

plant and is largest enterprise ferrous metallurgy of the Russian Federation.

OJSC "MMK" is a metallurgical complex with a full production cycle (from

preparation of iron ore raw materials to deep processing of ferrous metals). General

enterprise area - 11834.9 hectares, of which more than half are occupied

industrial premises. The plant produces the widest - among

enterprises of the Russian Federation and the CIS - assortment of metal products. More than half of the products

enterprises are exported to various countries of the world. The share of the enterprise in the volume

products sold on the domestic market reaches 20%.

Over the past decade, OJSC MMK has carried out a comprehensive

technical re-equipment program, which allowed the enterprise to ensure the production of

high-quality competitive products of high added value and keep

leading positions in the metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation. One of the main directions

use of profits by the enterprise are investments in modernization

production and implementation modern technologies. So, in 2003 for capital

investments were directed 5.7 billion rubles, and in 2004 the volume of capital

investments are planned at the level of 12 billion rubles. As a result of the implementation of such

long-term strategy, there was a decrease in the depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise from

almost 90% (in the early 1990s) to 30% (currently).

In addition, there was a phased transition from the obsolete open-hearth

production to the modern oxygen-converter method of steel smelting.

The first stage of the oxygen-converter shop (two converters) was commissioned in

operation back in 1990, in 1999 the third was put into operation -

fully automated - converter, and currently carried out