Improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources at the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources Program to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources

During the transition to the market, the conditions for providing agricultural and industrial enterprises with qualified personnel have changed dramatically. First, a free labor market is being created and has begun to function. Moreover, this force, as a rule, is not prepared for the main types of activities in industry and agriculture. Secondly, the main source of replenishment of the working cadres remains the younger generation entering the working age. However, this source has greatly decreased, as the natural increase in population has declined sharply (the birth rate is lower than the death rate). Thirdly, in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the outflow of able-bodied people (especially young people) from agriculture, industry, transport, and construction to the non-productive sphere, namely, to trade, banking, and small business.

A combination of extensive and intensive factors contributes to the improvement of the use of personnel in enterprises.

Among the extensive factors, an important place is occupied by the turnover of personnel at the enterprise and the stability of labor collectives. The turnover of the labor force causes great damage: it disrupts the well-established rhythm of production, causes additional costs for retraining of personnel, reduces the level of labor productivity, and worsens labor discipline. All this negatively affects the economy of the enterprise. The main reasons for staff turnover:

Job cuts;

Poor working conditions;

Poor housing and cultural working conditions;

Low salary;

Negative socio-psychological microclimate in the workforce;

The lack of prestige of the work performed.

All these reasons are due to the crisis situation of the country's economy. This means that their elimination is the most important condition for reducing staff turnover.

Improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources depends on numerous intensive factors:

Creating conditions for the organization of a pile (the level of development of science, the organization of production, the level of production experience, the qualifications of workers, etc.);

Contributing to the growth of labor productivity (material and moral incentives);

Directly determining the use of labor (labor productivity) - the quality of raw materials, the level of mechanization and automation of production, the availability of raw materials, the quality of machinery and equipment, the level of labor intensity in production,

Each sector of the national economy has its own characteristics. They determine concrete ways and reserves for increasing labor productivity. However, for enterprises of all industries there are common factors of its growth.

Labor productivity is influenced by many different intensive factors (conditions). All of them are divided into two large groups: natural and public. The natural ones include the availability of land, their quality, the presence of minerals, gas pressure in oil reservoirs, climatic conditions, relief, etc.

Social factors are decisive. They are divided into 4 large groups:





The group of material and technical factors includes NTP. Due to his achievements, approximately 60% of the increase in labor productivity in industry is ensured. The influence of scientific and technical progress is carried out by:

Replacement of manual labor by machines;

Improvement of equipment, its modernization and replacement with a more productive one;

Introduction of progressive technologies;

Increasing the level of fund, energy and electric labor.

In conditions of high technical equipment of production, organizational factors acquire exceptional importance in raising labor productivity. The main ones are:

The level of concentration and specialization of production (cooperation, combination);

Perfection of the management structure;

Applied style and methods of work;

The level of initiative, enterprise and responsibility of employees;

The level of introduction of modern technologies and progressive forms of organization and stimulation;

Level of use of working hours, etc.

The role of social factors in the growth of labor productivity has increased significantly. These include working conditions, living conditions and recreation, the quality of medical care, the technical and qualification levels of personnel, the psychological microclimate in the team, etc.

Of particular importance at the present stage are the economic factors of labor productivity growth - stimulation and planning of labor.

In the process of competition, reserves for the growth of labor productivity are identified and realized. Distinguish between national economic, sectoral and on-farm reserves.

National economic reserves are associated with the improvement of the sectoral structure of the national economy, the distribution of productive forces, management, planning and economic stimulation.

Sectoral reserves are associated with the development of specialization, cooperation, combination, engineering and technology, sectoral planning and management.

On-farm reserves are aimed at reducing the labor intensity of products, loss of working time, improving the composition and structure of personnel. All employees of enterprises play the main role in the implementation of reserves.

The main principles of the personnel policy pursued by OAO Dalsvyaz are: maintaining the optimal number of personnel, providing the company with personnel of the required skill level, stimulating personnel to achieve the company's goals, forming and maintaining a corporate culture.

The recruitment of new employees is carried out on the basis of a thorough assessment of the professional qualities and psychological characteristics of candidates.

The Company has developed and is implementing a standard for carrying out attestation events, and permanent attestation commissions work in the branches.

Formation and development of the Company's personnel reserve for key strategic positions and middle management positions is formed based on the results of certification activities.

Employees are motivated through the transition to a new bonus system based on Management By Object (MBO).

The Company purposefully implements a social policy that is systemic in nature and is designed to increase the social protection of employees, improve approaches to solving personnel and social issues.

Many components of the social package are provided for by the Collective Agreement concluded in OAO Dalsvyaz on April 23, 2004.

Compensatory benefits provided:

providing access to telephone communications;

full or partial payment of the cost of keeping children in preschool institutions, the cost of vouchers for children's health camps, for sanatorium treatment;

provision of benefits and guarantees to employees living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

providing material assistance in connection with various family circumstances, upon retirement, as well as large and low-income families;

providing material assistance to pensioners - former employees of the enterprise;

allocation of interest-free loans for the construction and purchase of housing, tuition fees, medical services, etc.

The entire list of social expenses, benefits and compensations provided for by the Collective Agreement applies to all employees of branches equally.

In addition, HR services interact with insurance companies on issues of voluntary medical insurance for employees, voluntary accident insurance, and insurance of personal property.

One of the components of the social package is also providing employees with an additional non-state pension in accordance with the Regulations on non-state pension provision and the agreement with NPF "Telecom-Soyuz".

In order to reduce staff turnover and retain young professionals in key positions, it is proposed in the branches to study the socio-psychological climate of the team to identify the needs of the staff, programs for providing loans to employees are being introduced, agreements are concluded for employment contracts on the terms of mutual obligations between the employer who has undertaken the obligations pay for the training of employees, and by an employee who undertakes to work at the enterprise for a certain number of years after graduation.

Compared to 2004, the number of employees in managerial positions has increased, as well as the number of highly qualified specialists. This fact is explained by the improvement in the level of education and, as a result, the rotation of staff.

Analysis of the age composition reflects the still high level of workers of retirement age. In order to reduce the number of pensioners, all branches are pursuing a policy aimed at increasing the protection of this category of specialists: explanatory work is being carried out regarding non-state pension provision, in accordance with the Collective Agreement, employees who have retired from the Company are provided with additional benefits.

Using an individual approach, depending on the assessment of the results of labor and the level of qualifications, abilities of employees, "non-tariff" employees are singled out from the general staff, who are given increased official salaries.

The management of Dalsvyaz also focuses on the issues of increasing the efficiency of the Company's work by optimizing the structure and number of personnel.

For the period up to 2007, it is planned to carry out measures to optimize the organizational structure of the Company in order to reduce the number of the Company's personnel through the elimination of duplication of functions, the consolidation of communication centers, the centralization of the functions of the accounting and financial unit in the branches, and the withdrawal of non-core business. Improving the Company's management process will also be facilitated by the introduction of the ERP (Oracle) enterprise management system, which began in 2004. In 2005, the implementation of the 1st release of the system is planned. Its implementation is expected to be completed in May 2006.


The labor resources at the enterprise are an object of constant concern on the part of the enterprise management. Especially the role of labor resources increased during the period of market relations, and the investment nature of production, its high science intensity changed the requirements for the employee - increased the importance of a creative attitude to work. Now the main task of the entrepreneur-head of the enterprise is a well-chosen work team, which is a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand, realize and implement the plans of the enterprise management. Only it is the key to the success of entrepreneurial activity, the expression and prosperity of the enterprise.

In this course work, an analysis was made of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources of OAO Dalsvyaz.

In the course work, such issues as: the importance and role of labor resources in improving the efficiency of production use were studied; directions of analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources. choice of analysis technique; analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources of OAO Dalsvyaz.

In the first section were considered: the essence of labor resources; indicators of the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

In the second section of the course work, various areas of analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources were considered, the choice of analysis methodology was justified.

In the third section of the course work, an analysis was made of the efficiency of the use of labor resources of OAO Dalsvyaz. Including a brief description of the enterprise.

The analysis was carried out in the following areas: analysis of labor productivity; analysis of the use of working time; labor intensity of products and analysis of hourly output; analysis of the number and composition of employees; salary analysis.

Average personnel costs per employee in 2005 amounted to 204,980 rubles. (129.4% by 2004). Based on the correlation with the dynamics of the relevant indicators (revenue per 1 employee, return on personnel), one can judge the effective management of personnel costs in the analyzed period of activity.

The analysis of the use of working time made it possible to establish that the analyzed organization had positive aspects in the use of working time, and also showed that the organization has a reserve for increasing the productivity of workers by eliminating the loss of working time.

According to the analysis of labor intensity and average hourly output, it can be concluded that the actual labor intensity decreased in 2005 compared to 2004, while the average hourly output increased.

The indicator of the number of employees in the Company tends to decrease. The following can be identified as reasons for the change in the number of personnel: centralization of structural divisions; elimination of inefficient and duplicated jobs, changes in labor standards; modernization of equipment; application of outsourcing methods.

On the whole, the labor remuneration policy in OAO Dalsvyaz is based on the principles of the maximum possible increase in the average wages of employees, taking into account financial possibilities, a systematic increase in labor productivity and an increase in the economic efficiency of the Company's branches.

List of used literature

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. - M.: LLC "VITREM", 2005. - 192 p.

Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise / Ed.V.I. Titov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2005. - 349 p.

Balabanov I.T. Financial analysis and planning of an economic entity. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 208 p.

Big Economic Dictionary / Ed. A.N. Azrilyana. - M.: Institute of New Economics, 1999. - 1248 p.

Boronenkova S.A. Management analysis. - M.: FiS, 2005. - 384 p.

Bocharov V.V. The financial analysis. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2001. - 240 p.

Vakulenko T.G., Fomina L.F. Analysis of accounting (financial) statements for making managerial decisions. - M.; St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Gerda", 2001. - 288 p.

Volkova O.N., Kovalev V.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: Velby, Prospect. - 424 p.

Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor. - M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2001. - 448 p.

Grishchenko O.V. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2000. - 112 p.

Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Comprehensive analysis of financial statements. - M.: Business and Service, 2001. - 304 p.

Endovitsky D.A. Assessing the impact of inflation on the performance of a commercial organization // Auditor. - 2002. - No. 2. - p.44 - 50.

Ermolovich N.N. Analysis of economic activity of enterprises. - Minsk: OOO "Interpressservis", UE "Ekoperspektiva", 2001. - 576 p.

Zhuravlev V.V., Savrukov N.T. Analysis of the economic and financial activities of enterprises. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic, 2001. - 127 p.

Krylov E.I., Vlasova V.M., Zhuravkova I.V. Analysis of financial results, profitability and cost of production. - M.: FiS, 2005. - 720 p.

Markaryan E.A., Markaryan S.E., Gerasimenko G.P. Economic analysis of economic activity. - M.: Phoenix. - 2005. - 560 p.

Lyubushin N.P. Analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 471 p.

Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. - 319 p.

Pelikh A.S. Enterprise economy. - Rostov n / a: March, 2002. - 352 p.

Pyastolov S.M. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. - M.: Mastery, 2001. - 336 p.

Romanova L.E. Analysis of economic activity. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. - 220 p.

Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 400 p.

Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 256 p.

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Enterprise Financial Management / Ed. V.P. Savchuk. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2005. - 480 p.

Financial management / Ed. A.M. Kovaleva. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 284 p.

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Sheremet A.D., Saifulin R.S. Methods of financial analysis. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - 208 p.

2 Savitskaya GV Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - p. 28 - 29.

1 Grishchenko O.V. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2000. - p. 56-61.

1 Lyubushin N. P. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - p. 273-281.

1 Savitskaya GV Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - p. 36 - 39.

When forming directions for improving the use of labor resources of Ilim-Service LLC, it is necessary to take into account the main negative trends identified in the course of the analysis:

decrease in labor productivity;

decrease in labor motivation;

increase in loss of working time;

increase in staff turnover.

The main measures to improve the use of labor resources of Ilim-Service LLC are as follows:

Organization of training and advanced training of employees in order to reduce staff turnover.

Optimization of staff working time by introducing the concept of time management.

Improving the personnel motivation system.

The employee training and development program will include:

  • ? trainings - for all categories of employees;
  • ? advanced training - for all categories of employees;
  • ? retraining - for employees who have worked for more than 3 years.

In the proposed system of training, the main attention is proposed to be given to training in the form of trainings.

As one of the main topics of the trainings, the topic "Time Management" is proposed. At these trainings, Ilim-Service LLC employees will learn effective time management techniques. The last event (improving the personnel motivation system), in addition to direct effects (improving motivation and increasing labor productivity), will also have an indirect effect - a decrease in staff turnover, as well-motivated employees will “hold on” to their work and the number of dismissals of their own free will decrease.

The optimal system of labor motivation largely depends on the organization of remuneration. Today, enterprises can quite legally use any forms and systems of remuneration that take into account the specifics of organizations and their staffing to the greatest extent, including in relation to establishing the dependence of the amount of remuneration on the qualifications and actual performance of employees.

Let's consider some of the options for improving (improving) material incentives that can be applied in Ilim-Service LLC.

1. Bonuses based on the results of work for the month. Additional remuneration is paid monthly to employees of many enterprises based on the results of financial and economic activities. Practice shows that this is a fairly effective form of motivation. Knowing about the possibility of receiving such remuneration at the end of the month, the staff seeks to contribute to the improvement of the economic performance of the enterprise. There is a harmonization of the personal interest of the employee (in the form of his bonus, total income) and collective (in the form of the size of the organization's profit, the implementation and conclusion of highly profitable contracts, etc.).

However, the mechanism for accruing additional remuneration (two or three salaries for each, etc.) should not be simplified by paying it to all employees. For the enterprise, there is not much benefit from this when paying bonuses, it is important to ensure that all employees understand the direct relationship between their labor contribution to the final results of the enterprise and the amount of remuneration. Only when the award will be an incentive to work with full dedication, to an energetic search for contracts that are beneficial for the company, and a creative approach to their implementation. To do this, for each employee (manager, specialist), several specific indicators are determined and approved by the manager, which affect the size of the bonus based on the results of work for the month. The number of these indicators should be minimal: no more than two positive ones that increase the base salary, and no more two negative, reducing the size of the base salary. This is the essence of the individualization of personnel wages, depending on the actual results of work and the contribution to the overall financial and economic results of the company.

It is on such provisions that incentive systems are now being built in leading companies in France and Germany. Japan. Leveling disappears, its place is taken by the motivation and stimulation of the team to highly effective work. It is important that Russian enterprises also realize the importance of this aspect for the actual organization of their business.

The problem of developing individual indicators affecting the size of the premium is not so difficult. The main thing here is to follow two rules:

not to confuse and complicate the accrual system;

indicators should be as specific as possible, reflecting the key functional results of the work of employees, excluding subjectivity in their assessment.

After indicators for increasing and decreasing wages are determined for each employee, it is necessary to establish the degree of their allocation to the level of remuneration in the form of a percentage, respectively increasing it or reducing the base salary. The percentage of the bonus and the degree of influence of indicators on its base level depends on the financial situation of the enterprise and are approved by order of the head.

2. Experience allowances. The experience accumulated by managers, specialists and employees over the years of work in one organization, as a rule, contributes to an increase in their professionalism and labor productivity, responsibility and culture of production, devotion to their enterprise, which in turn is objectively reflected in the improvement of the final results of its management and financial activities . Therefore, it is economically justified and logical to introduce special flexible allowances for employees for work experience, which can become a powerful incentive for highly efficient and high-quality work, minimizing staff turnover and stabilizing the workforce.

Bonuses for seniority cannot be turned into a formality, they should help the management of the organization to solve strategic problems through increasing the professionalism of the staff. Speaking about the size of bonuses for seniority, two fundamental circumstances must be borne in mind:

  • ? they should not be very low, otherwise they will go unnoticed by the worker, that is, they will not achieve the important goal for which they are established;
  • ? it is irrational (more precisely, harmful and dangerous) to set too high (more than 10% per year of the employee’s official salary) the amount of allowances for seniority, since they can reduce the stimulating potential of the basic salary received by personnel for the performance of their functional duties. The worker will not so much try to work creatively and productively as he will calmly wait for another year to pass and he will receive a significant increase in his earnings.

One more circumstance should be taken into account. Not all employees benefit from this bonus. Much depends on the position, importance for the enterprise, age, etc. Therefore, in the ideal case, it is more correct to establish not the same, but different rates of allowances from the official salary of the employee. It is most expedient to establish a premium for more than 3 years of service in Ilim-Service LLC.

Also, in the organization of labor activity, it is very important to accept the entire arsenal of financial incentives in the part that relates directly to the organization of labor, the best use of the labor potential of the enterprise and the increase in labor productivity due to organizational factors.

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The metamorphoses of the current socio-economic situation in Russia have determined the options for the development of labor organization, thereby determining the need to study the interaction of the organization, standardization and remuneration of employees of organizations, with the labor market and state regulation of labor relations.

The current market situation has predetermined the direct dependence of the results of labor and material incentives, thus actualizing the high importance of studying the level of organization and the correct selection of personnel.

The labor organization acts as the engine of the organization of production as a whole, expressed in the content system, the scope of research, as well as methods for studying the production and labor activities of personnel and, in particular, a person.

The object of the course work is the labor activity of people performed at manufacturing enterprises and aimed at creating material wealth, namely: (output of products, provision of services). The subject of the work is the social and labor relations that develop at the enterprise in the process of labor, and a set of methods, methods and techniques used to characterize, change and analyze them. economy market enterprise

The purpose of the course work is to describe the nature of the organization of labor activity at the enterprise by studying the scientific foundations, theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as practical experience in the field of labor of the enterprise personnel when creating socio-economic relations in a market economy.

The tasks determined by the purpose of the work include the following:

1) the study of the personnel of organizations, as well as the study of the essence and mechanisms of organization and labor productivity at an industrial enterprise;

2) consideration of the main principles as the basis of its rational organization of labor;

3) the study of the systemization of social and labor relations in the process of organizing and labor productivity, the study of labor motivation and incentives that ensure the effective labor activity of employees of an enterprise, firm, or organization;

4) formation of the main directions for optimizing the organization of the labor activity of the enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor in the enterprise.

The methodology of the work includes the application of the dialectical method of the scientific method of cognition.

Course work consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion. bibliography and appendices

Coursework takes into account the norms and requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws: "On Labor", "On Social Partnership", "On Wages", etc.

1. theoreticalieaspects of labor organization at the enterprise

1.1 Enterprise personnel

The personnel of an enterprise (organization) is a set of workers of various professions working at an enterprise, which make up its payroll. In turn, the payroll of the organization's personnel, which are accepted for temporary, seasonal, as well as permanent work.

In the organization of labor, there is a definition of categories of workers - these are groups of employees of an enterprise that have a different status:


*Junior staff;


* Employees;


It is customary to characterize the personnel of an enterprise (organization) quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative indicators include indicators of payroll and attendance numbers, average payroll, production and industrial personnel of the organization.

A) The payroll is determined on a certain date, taking into account the laid-off and accepted workers.

B) The turnout number is the number of workers who came to work on a certain date.

Qualitative indicators of personnel are their professionalism and qualifications.

Depending on the participation in the production of the enterprise, personnel are divided into two categories:

* industrial and production personnel (PPP). These include: professionals, employees,

* non-industrial personnel (these are employees not associated with production). Basically, these are workers employed in housing or communal services.

Leaders are divided into categories such as:

a) linear (head the teams of production units)

b) functional (lead teams of functional services, departments and departments).

The structure of the personnel of an enterprise (organization) is characterized and considered according to the following indicators:


*the level of education;


*work experience;

* the degree of compliance with the norm, etc.

1.2 Essence, meaning and principles of labor organization

The functioning of enterprises (organizations) is based on highly communication networks, as well as connections between all links and elements of the industrial system, which implies the use of the cooperative labor of people who will be involved in the production process and within the framework of the current standards of the organization.

In the course of labor organization, a symbiosis of human resources and technology is carried out on the basis of certain rules, norms, methods in order to achieve a positive effect for the organization (enterprise).

At the level of the enterprise, the organization of labor is considered as the basis for the rational interaction of personnel with the means of labor and with each other, which are based on a certain order of construction and sequence of the implementation of the labor process, aimed at obtaining high final socio-economic results Abryutina M.S. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: Business and service, 2010 - 527 p. .

Figure 1 - Main elements of labor organization

The basis of the organization of labor can be determined by considering its main elements, presented in Fig. one:

Selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel (personnel);

Safe conditions and labor protection;

Division of labor;

labor cooperation;

Organization of workplaces of the enterprise (firm);

Reasonable norms of labor costs;

Labor discipline.

Being a fundamental principle in the functioning of the enterprise as a whole, namely its production capacity, the mutual development between the organization of labor and production is determined. Depending on the use in production of various techniques (technologies), means of labor, they predetermine the inclusion of options in the principles, methods and ways of organizing production, thereby interpreting the nature and content of labor relations. Technological evolution by many factors has influenced the nature of the labor activity of people in general. Mechanisms and automation of industrial cycles led to a decrease (or complete elimination of manual and machine-manual type of production); therefore, work with automated control systems becomes relevant.

The tasks of organizing the labor activity of personnel include coordination and control over the activities of each employee, carried out through the principles of point modeling and coordination of the actions of a single management object during the merger and division of labor functions. The implementation of directions for improving (increasing) the labor organization of personnel activities includes changes in the organization of management, planning, and accounting. The effect of these ways of organizing labor should become positive under the condition of co-modernization of both technology and the organization of production as a whole.

The main advantage in the course of the implementation of a well-organized organization of the labor activity of the personnel at the enterprise is the reduction in the costs of production, management and, as a result, the growth of the competitiveness of the organization by obtaining the maximum return on production. In the course of an effectively built work organization, it is possible to achieve the following advantages:

A) economic - become a consequence in the form of an increase in labor productivity, improved use of labor resources and working time, saving all types of resources, as well as improving product quality and production efficiency;

B) psychophysiological - they are an increase in the prolonged effect of the working capacity of an individual without harming his health by saving his vital energy, limiting the intensity and severity of labor, harmonizing loads (physical and psychological), providing staff with favorable and safe working conditions, reducing the neuropsychic sphere . Here it is advisable to include the regulation of labor costs, the establishment of the regime and nature of labor, the improvement of workplaces, as well as the provision of a normal psycho-physiological climate in the team;

C) social - contain all possible types of stimulation of the activity of the enterprise (organization), adequate and full wages, increased mutual understanding and cooperation in the team, awareness of the importance of labor and its direct role in improving the well-being of workers, the highest labor discipline.

In the process of organizing labor, it is necessary to operate with the following principles: dynamism, concreteness, optimality, complexity and efficiency.

*Dynamism is directly proportional to the system of scientific and technical progress and, consequently, the modernization of techniques and technologies in the production of the organization.

* The specificity of the organization of labor lies in the principles, methods and forms of organization of labor, which are observed in strictly defined workplaces, and are expressed in the nature of the work performed and operations, operated means and objects of labor. The equipment, maintenance and planning of individual workplaces is organized in a similar way.

* The optimal organization of labor largely depends on the choice and design of the most effective option for the use of material and labor resources that will correspond to the content of the tasks.

* The complexity of the organization of labor is based on the relationship not only of the organization of labor and the organization of production, but also of labor actions, labor processes and jobs. At a separate workplace, a certain system of labor organization is used. The complexity of the organization of labor increases the efficiency of work at each workplace and contributes to the improvement of the performance of the entire enterprise and thus increases the efficiency of the use of labor.

*Efficiency of labor organization is an objectively necessary development and implementation of such principles, methods and methods of labor organization that ensure the achievement of the goals and objectives at the minimum cost of living and materialized labor, the rational use of working time and normal working conditions for the personnel of the enterprise.

Thus, it should be concluded that the modernization of the organization of labor is predetermined by the requirement for the progression of the organization of production as a whole. A comprehensive solution to the issues of improving techniques and technology, the organization of production and enterprise management are at the heart of the organization of labor activity of the organization's personnel. The higher and better the organization of production, the more advanced the technique and technology, the more efficient the organization of labor, and therefore the more efficient the labor force. Gruzinov V.P. Economics of the enterprise (entrepreneurial): Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., revised and expanded. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2013 - 795 p.

1.3 Types and forms of labor organization

In the development of the methodology for organizing the labor activity of employees of an enterprise, there are 2 directions for its construction (separation and cooperation).

The main differences in these points of view come down to the definition of the place, as well as the role of a single subject of labor activity. In order to maintain a balance in personnel management (their place is due to additional requirements): the functionality of the obligations performed, job descriptions, certification of labor and quality, etc.

In the course of the division of labor activity at the enterprise, a distinction is made between the subjects of activity in the production process.

* Intra-production division of labor is the separation of different types of labor and the specialization of jobs and workers to perform their respective duties, jobs and operations. A well-built model of the division of activities provides for a rational alignment of forces according to the objects of labor, taking into account the personal abilities of employees, professional and business qualities, attitudes towards work, while improving output, productivity, and, consequently, the degree of job satisfaction and interest in it, as well as reducing fatigue. The division of labor is an operating factor in increasing the professionalism of employees, improving the quality of their work, as well as reducing costs, etc.

The division of labor activity at an enterprise (organization) can be: a) technological, b) functional, c) professional and d) qualification character.

*The technological division of labor depends on the structure of the production process, the level of its mechanization, the volume and type of production, and is carried out on the basis of the division of the production process into stages: (procurement, processing, assembly), limits, phases, partial technological processes and operations. Technological division of labor can be: cooperative, detailed and element-wise.

* The cooperative division of labor expresses the distribution and assignment of certain technological operations to individual workers for a long period of time. This is what ensures the competent placement of workers and their maximum employment. *With a detailed division of labor, the worker is entrusted with the performance of all the functions that make up the process of manufacturing a part or the final phase of manufacturing this part.

* With element-by-element division of labor, the operation is performed by several workers, and each of them gradually performs part of the operation, a separate function or labor action.

Operational and element-by-element division of labor contributes to the specialization of labor. Workers who specialize in performing a certain operation (reception, action) master the technique and technology of labor faster, improve them, and therefore ensure the growth of labor productivity.

The source of the functional division of labor is the role and place of each worker in the labor process, depending on the function they perform: workers and employees.

Also, according to the functionality, gradation was adopted for:

A) the main ones are the directly involved group of workers in the production activities of the enterprise (organization);

B) auxiliary - a service group that creates conditions for the work of the main forces of labor activity.

Depending on the content of the work performed, employees are divided into managers, specialists and employees.

Qualification gradation implies the division of labor obligations in proportion to specialization, special: (theoretical, humanitarian, analytical, etc.) knowledge and forms of management of objects of labor.

This is what determines the division of the personnel of the enterprise into separate groups of workers according to professions and specialties and qualifications.

The qualification division of labor provides that within a separate professional group the division of workers is carried out depending on the level of qualification, that is, on the ability to carry out work of any particular complexity, which will require special theoretical knowledge, practical skills and direct experience. The qualification characteristic of the worker is the degree of mastering the work of a particular category with the assignment of the corresponding tariff category to him.

It is customary to distinguish a) technological, b) economic, c) psychophysiological and d) social boundaries of the division of labor.

Technological boundaries of the division of labor - this is the so-called division of the production process into phases, stages, production operations and their content, methods and methods of organizing production, as well as the level of specialization of equipment, tools, fixtures and jobs.

Thus, the division of labor is inextricably linked with its cooperation. The cooperation of the labor activity of personnel includes the combination of various types of work and labor processes to obtain the final result of joint work. The creation of labor activity includes the formation of stable labor relations between individual participants in the course of fulfilling the set labor tasks and goals.

Types of labor cooperation can be the following:

* intershop - well-coordinated and coordinated labor activity of teams of shops.

* intrashop - this is a form of coordinated work of the production sections of the shop.

Intra-divisional - creating organizational conditions for the effective work of all brigades of the site in their joint work.

The factors of rational labor cooperation determine two criteria:

Organizational - well-coordinated activity of representatives of labor activity controlled by an agreed faction;

Economic, characterizing the possibility of maximizing the reduction of labor costs per unit of output.

Depending on the division and cooperation of labor, there are two forms of its organization in the enterprise:

Individual - each worker at his workplace performs either one or more homogeneous operations permanently assigned to him, or a complex of heterogeneous operations, or all operations for the manufacture of a particular type of product (product);

Collective - a group of workers unites for the joint and most effective implementation of a complex of heterogeneous and a group of homogeneous labor operations.

The most effective collective form of labor organization is the brigade.

Thus, the choice of rational types of division of labor depends on the type of production, the volume and complexity of products, the technical equipment of production, the level of its organization, and involves the rationale for the optimal boundary of the division of labor.

Each form of labor organization has its own reasonable limits or boundaries, the observance of which allows, firstly, to reduce the impoverishment of the content, attractiveness and significance of labor; secondly, to ensure the rational loading of workers and the efficient use of working time, and consequently to increase labor productivity.

1.4 The main directions of labor organization

The totality of the main elements that characterize the content of the organization of labor, and the tasks solved by it, determine the following areas of organization of labor at the enterprise:

1. Separation of the activities of employees in the process of joint labor and at the same time combining various types of work and labor processes to obtain the results of labor activity.

2. Layout of workplaces, ensuring the use of rational methods and techniques of work, as well as comfortable and safe working conditions; equipping the workplace with tools and objects of labor; rational, efficient service, which is generally aimed at increasing the productivity of each employee.

3. Analysis of working conditions at workplaces and development of rational modes of work and rest for workers, selection and justification of comfortable working conditions at each workplace, ensuring the preservation of long-term stable performance and health of workers.

4. Construction of any labor process on the basis of techniques and methods of labor that ensure maximum savings in working time at the lowest cost of physical and psychological energy.

5. Personnel support of the labor process consists in the implementation of advanced training of employees, training of new personnel, retraining and training of workers in second professions, organization of vocational guidance and selection of personnel, analysis of the provision of the enterprise with personnel of the necessary professions and appropriate qualifications.

6. Strengthening labor discipline is expressed in the creation of conditions that ensure that employees comply with the established work and rest regimes, internal labor regulations, professional and functional requirements, safety and labor protection requirements, as well as the development of labor activity and a creative attitude to work.

7. Labor rationing is the basis of its organization and consists in the development of labor cost standards and staffing standards, improving the quality of the development of standards based on the study of labor operations and working time costs, rational ways of organizing labor in the workplace, and ensuring uniform and interconnected work.

These areas of labor organization are inextricably linked and reveal its content, clarifying and implementing in practice such functions as labor-saving, optimizing, labor-saving, educational, activating, etc.

Thus, in the course of labor organization, a symbiosis of human resources and technology is carried out on the basis of certain norms and methods in order to achieve a positive effect for the enterprise. Bizyukova I.V. Personnel Management: Selection and Evaluation: A Textbook. - M.: Ed. Economics, 2011 - 579 p.

At the level of the enterprise, the organization of labor is considered as a system of rational interaction of workers with the means of labor and with each other, based on a certain order of construction and sequence of the labor process, aimed at obtaining high final socio-economic results.

In the course of the development of the methodology for organizing labor activity, two directions for its construction were determined - division and cooperation.

The main differences in these points of view come down to the definition of the place and role of each subject of labor activity.

The choice of rational types of division of labor depends on the type of production, the volume and complexity of products, the technical equipment of production, the level of its organization and involves the rationale for the optimal boundary of the division of labor.

2. Organization of the labor process at the enterprise

2.1 Enterprise characteristics

The history of the organization began in the spring of 1999. A group of like-minded people decided to create an enterprise that would be engaged in the Development of Oil Fields in the South-Eastern Region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Thus, on April 30, 1999, LLC "ONP-Region" was registered and started its activities.

The composition of the company's specialists certified by the NAKS as specialists in welding production of II or III level, with extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, in the field of road construction, the availability of permits, licenses for all the types of work listed below, certificates of II level in the voluntary certification system "Transsert" in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2001, specialized domestic and imported machinery, equipment and vehicles, its own certified non-destructive testing laboratory, a production base equipped with everything necessary for the timely production of repair and maintenance work allow the company to successfully work in the following areas:

Construction of oil and gas production facilities and facilities

Construction of oil products pipelines, overhaul of oil pipelines and water pipelines at existing fields

Construction, overhaul of tanks for any purpose

Development of oil and gas fields

Anti-corrosion pipe insulation

Installation of block-boxes for cluster pumping stations

Installation of metal and reinforced concrete structures, foundations

The whole range of earthworks

Road construction, incl. highways of the 1st category

International cargo transportation

Transportation of oversized cargo on MAN TGA 33.480 6X4 vehicles and STOKOTA SAU.N2.01 semi-trailers

The main customers are structural divisions of such companies as:

JSC "Transneft", JSC "Transnefteprodukt", JSC "TNK", NK "Yukos", JSC "Lukoil", JSC "RITEK", JSC "Tatneft", Department of the highway M-7 Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod "Volga-1"

Today LLC "ONP-Region" is an enterprise with an average payroll of almost 100 people.

These are electric and gas welders, installers, insulators with the highest ranks and all kinds of tolerances, including the approval of AK "Transneft". These are machinists of pipelayers, excavators, bulldozers, rollers, graders, other special road and construction equipment with at least 10 years of work experience in their specialty. This is an engineering and technical staff constituting less than twenty percent of the total number of employees - a qualitative, rather than quantitative approach to the management of the company. Rozenberg A.M. Working conditions and social adaptation of the worker at the enterprise: Textbook. - Sverdlovsk: Fakel, 2011 - 223 p.

Production base for modern maintenance with a total area of ​​more than twenty thousand square meters, two repair boxes equipped with everything necessary for the production of quick and high-quality repairs of the company's equipment.

With the modern saturated market of services in the field of arrangement of oil and gas facilities, pipeline and road construction, the existence of powerful construction enterprises with several decades of experience, focus on performing work efficiently and on time allowed the company, in the face of fierce competition, to win the trust of customers and respect partners.

2.2 Organization of the labor process

The basis of the activity of the enterprise is the production process, the main elements of which are: labor as an expedient activity of people aimed at creating material wealth; objects of labor - raw materials and materials from which products are made; means of labor, with the help of which the production process is carried out - units, machines, equipment, representing the material and technical base of production.

The labor process is a set of actions of employees to expediently change the object of labor.

Figure 2 - Classification of labor processes in the enterprise

2.3 Condition Analysiswork and restorganization personnel

The process of labor at the enterprise takes place in certain production conditions that affect the results of the work of performers and their state of health.

Working conditions - a set of factors that determine the production environment in which workers perform their production functions, and affect the functional state of their body, health and performance.

Working hours are from 8:00 to 17:00, at development sites until 12:00 including a one-hour lunch break and, accordingly, dinner during the 2nd shift. Holiday conditions include:

10 min breaks every hour;

28 calendar vacation with possible splitting.


Performance bonuses;

allowances for harmfulness;

For the second shift

For qualification. Genkin BM Organization, rationing and wages at industrial enterprises: textbook. for universities. 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Norma, 2010 - 448 p.

The fact is that satisfaction in some individual elements of work has decreased in comparison with 2009, while in other elements it has grown. Thus, the degree of satisfaction with the organization of labor (from 2.85 to 3.40), the content of labor (from 3.27 to 3.54), and the relationship with the manager (from 3.32 to 3.81) increased. But satisfaction decreased in such elements as: working conditions (from 3.29 to 3.20), wages (from 2.61 to 2.36), team relations (from 4.42 to 4.05).

2.4 Motivation and stimulationwork force

Staff satisfaction with remuneration and career opportunities is low. Employees are not given the opportunity to participate in management, most decisions are made by top management. At the same time, the organization is characterized by an authoritarian leadership style and the moral and ethical aspects of the interaction of top management with employees are not highly valued. But partly due to strict control over personnel, a high level of discipline and the level of compliance with standards is achieved.

Much attention is paid to the development and training of personnel, additional financial incentives.

The problems that exist in the company in terms of structure and personnel and the ongoing work in personnel management are due to the unwillingness of employees to perform work at the proper level. One of the reasons is that not all the needs of the staff are taken into account when building work in the field of personnel management. A special category are young workers, who make up the bulk of the staff and the most problematic.

Thus, the most widespread was the instrumentally motivated type of worker. This is confirmed by the fact that the main factor that forms the attitude to work is wages, and the fact that the leading motivation is to receive money. At the same time, this is explained by the fact that the financial situation of the absolute majority of workers has left the only motivation - to earn a living.

3 . Sentimprovements to improve the efficiency of the use of labor

Since 2009, at least 70% of respondents have pointed to the difficult, harmful or dangerous nature of their work, and only a little more than 20% of the respondents did not find any particular signs of severity or harmfulness in their working conditions.

A decrease in satisfaction with the organization and working conditions leads to a decrease in job satisfaction in general. Despite the increased family burden associated with housekeeping and raising children, the number of women for whom work is something secondary, not the most important in life, is almost the same as among men: 8 and 6%, respectively.

As signs of a successful career, women more often note the correspondence of work to abilities, knowledge, skills (49% of the surveyed men and 59% of the surveyed women), and also more often believe that work should benefit society (respectively 22-27%) and less often - high incomes. (60 and 53%). The judgments of the working population about the meaning of work for them, although not significantly, also differ depending on age, with the main shift occurring at about 30 years of age.

Unlike workers in older age groups, young people less often name as signs of a successful career the correspondence of work to abilities, knowledge, skills (49% of the young people surveyed), that “work should benefit society” (21%), but almost as often “ high earnings” (60%); "high professional skills" (27%); "glory, recognition, respect."

In modern conditions, high satisfaction with wages cannot be formed. For the period from 2007-2010. the share of those who are dissatisfied with their wages remained at a consistently high level (about 80% of all employed in industry), and only in 2010 did it slightly decrease. To a greater extent, wages suit managers (55% of respondents in this group) and specialists (36%) than employees, skilled and unskilled workers (24% of respondents in each group).

Material interest is one of the main incentives for labor activity, and this is what the respondents singled out as the most significant motive for themselves and in their teams (77% and 71% of the elections with estimates of 4.54 and 4.61 points, respectively). In second place were such motives as the desire to work quietly (safety conditions at work and social comfort), as well as good relations from colleagues.

To improve the quality of work, it is necessary to carry out the following series of activities:

To carry out constant monitoring of job satisfaction of employees;

Formation of a team of highly qualified employees capable of achieving the goals of the organization;

Create conditions for career advancement and professional development;

Develop a methodology for managing staff turnover;

Create individual career development plans for employees;

Introduce the practice of material incentives for employees with high potential for achieving their goals.

Determination of the motivational structure of staff turnover (employees fill out questionnaires in which they indicate the reasons for dismissal, final interviews are conducted with them; the data obtained is systematized and analyzed; on their basis, measures are planned to manage staff turnover);

Development of a system of measures aimed at rejuvenating the staff. It includes the following areas: material incentives for senior employees to retire, attracting young professionals (preference is given to trained graduates of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions), securing them at the enterprise. 3.2 Introduction of a tariff-free method of remuneration

The most widespread was the instrumentally motivated type of worker. This is confirmed by the fact that the main factor affecting the quality of work is wages, and the fact that the leading motivation is to receive money. At the same time, this is explained by the fact that the financial situation of the absolute majority of workers has left the only motivation - to earn a living.

In modern society, for its effective development in the industrial, labor sphere, it is necessary to stimulate highly efficient, high-quality, creative work. That is, a professionally motivated type of worker.

The problem is that this contradiction, between the type of worker produced by society and the type of worker that would be the most effective for society, did not attract the due attention of either the workers themselves or employers.

Thus, in order to increase the return on the organization of labor, it is necessary:

1) stimulate the return of the production potential of each employee by determining and managing his labor potential;

2) to eliminate the egalitarian approach to remuneration, ensuring the dependence of wages on the quantity and quality of labor;

3) to stimulate the growth of the technical and organizational level of production, the reduction of costs and the growth of product quality;

4) to interest the labor cell and involvement in the assessment of individual labor results, the formation of wages;

5) introduce the ratio in the remuneration of workers of various categories, taking into account the complexity of the work, working conditions, the achievement of the final results of production and the competitiveness of products.

Thus, the basis for the organization of wages should be the technical regulation of labor, tariff regulation of wages, forms and systems of remuneration.

This will allow not only to motivate each individual participant in the process for labor actions, but also the entire team as a whole due to the presence of dependence between each subject.


The organization of labor activity for an enterprise (organization) is expressed in the desire to use and realize the maximum physical and spiritual forces of the participants in the process, that is, workers, to use their knowledge and experience, abilities to achieve certain quantitative and qualitative results. The basis of the organization of labor is to realize the labor potential of the employee under the influence of perceived needs and formed interest.

A large group of objective - (external) - and subjective - (internal) - factors influences the creation of a person's attitude to work and his direct behavior.

The organization of labor as a social problem in the conditions of an industrial enterprise receives a more rigorous solution based on a differentiated analysis of the factors of labor activity of the personnel.

The most widespread was the instrumentally motivated type of worker. This is confirmed by the fact that the main factor that forms the attitude to work is wages, and the fact that the leading motivation is to receive money. At the same time, this is explained by the fact that the financial situation of the absolute majority of workers pursues the only motivation - to earn a living, as well as to improve personal benefits.

In today's society, for its most effective development in the production, labor sphere, it is necessary to stimulate highly efficient, high-quality, as well as creative work of workers. That is, a professionally motivated type of worker.

The essence of the organization of wages should be the technical regulation of labor, tariff regulation of wages, forms and systems of remuneration.

But besides this, it is advisable to introduce a tariff-free method of wage formation. It is on this form that the quality and quantity of the work performed by each participant in the labor process depends exclusively.

This will allow not only to motivate each individual participant in the process (worker) for labor actions, but also the entire team as a whole due to the presence of dependence between each subject.


1. Abryutina M. S. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: Business and service, 2010 - 527 p.

2. Bazarova T.Yu. Personnel Management: Textbook. - M.: Ed. UNITI, 2009 - 422 p.

3. Belokrylova O. S. Labor Economics [Text]: lecture notes. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2012 - 224 p.

4. Bizyukova I.V. Personnel Management: Selection and Evaluation: A Textbook. - M.: Ed. Economics, 2011 - 579 p.

5. Bukhalkov M. I. Organization and rationing of labor: textbook. for universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2009 - 400 p.

6. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management: Textbook. - M.: Ed. Yurist, 2011 - 496 p.

7. Volgin A.P., Matirko V.I. and others. Labor organization in a market economy: Textbook - M.: Ed. Delo, 2012 - 543 p.

8. Genkin BM Organization, rationing and wages at industrial enterprises: textbook. for universities. 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Norma, 2010 - 448 p.

9. Gruzinov V.P. Economics of the enterprise (entrepreneurial): Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., revised and expanded. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2013 - 795 p.

10. Eremina B.L. Personnel Management: Textbook. - M.: Ed. UNITI, 2011 - 422 p.

11. Morozov V.A. The state of social and labor relations at industrial enterprises // Laboratory of sociology. - 2009 - No. 5. - 59 p.

12. Pashuto V. P. Organization, rationing and wages at the enterprise: textbook.-method. allowance. - M.: KNORUS, 2011 - 320 p.

13. Rozenberg A.M. Working conditions and social adaptation of the worker at the enterprise: Textbook. - Sverdlovsk: Fakel, 2011 - 223 p.

14. Romashov O.V. Sociology of Labor: Textbook. - M.: Unity, 2012 -157 p.

15. Sviridov N.A. Social adaptation of the personality in the labor collective. Sociological research. - M, 2011-47 p.

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3.1 Measures to improve labor productivity

The labor force as the most important factor of any production is becoming a key resource of economic activity. This is primarily due to changes in the content and nature of labor. Since the time of Taylor and Smith, labor has changed under the influence of technological progress: it has become more intellectual, more perfect forms and principles of its division have developed, it requires a large expenditure of human mental energy.

The prospective development of an enterprise should include the task of forming a labor management system, the functioning of which contributes to the achievement of high competitiveness, and hence, strengthening the position of a particular business entity in the goods market.

New more complex tasks of managing labor resources at the enterprise place increased demands on the structure, composition and forms of work of the personnel service.

The human resource management system at the enterprise includes three interrelated blocks:

Formation of the labor resources of the enterprise;

Development of the labor resources of the enterprise;

Improving the quality of the working period of life;

The development of the labor resources of an enterprise (company) is a personnel policy and an enterprise strategy in the field of personnel development and its optimal use, taking into account both work with an already formalized staff and the implementation of forecasts to meet the need for labor. These activities are primarily aimed at the qualitative development of the potential of employees, increasing labor productivity.

Fig.1 Formation of the labor resources of the enterprise

Rice. 2 Improving the quality of the working period of life

The need for professional orientation and social adaptation of an employee in the enterprise team is caused by the specifics of each specific team, workplace and relationships created in the team, microclimate and social environment.

A newly arrived worker in a team needs elementary orientation, as well as adaptation of his experience, knowledge, skills, standards of relations to a given workplace and team. In the implementation of this important set of familiarization activities with a newly arrived employee, the main role is assigned to the personnel service of the enterprise. Along with this, reference books, instructional materials, other means and methods specially prepared for this purpose can be used. The main part of career guidance and familiarization work with a newly arrived employee falls on the first day and first week of his stay in the team, but the process of acquaintance and adaptation does not end there, but lasts for some more time.

Improving the quality of the labor resources of an enterprise on the basis of professional training and retraining of personnel is a system of measures aimed at maintaining the compliance of the labor force with the socio-historical requirements dictated by the development of productive forces, primarily scientific and technological progress. The logical expression of this should be an increase in labor productivity. This should take into account the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

It is necessary not only to subordinate the activities of each individual employee to the main goals of the enterprise, but also to provide an individual approach to each, find the key to his talent, abilities, and attach him to the common cause. To do this, I propose to use a number of methods for the professional development of employees of the enterprise, the main of which include:

Full and comprehensive motivation of the goals, objectives and consequences of training;

· Maximum use of acquired knowledge and "secrets" in the workplace;

· Evaluation of the diligence and quality of the acquired knowledge, both in the course of training and in the workplace;

· Ensuring the implementation of the knowledge and skills acquired during the training at the same or a new workplace.

Performance appraisal of personnel is not an appraisal of everyone

a specific employee in the course of his training, and the study by the immediate supervisor of the quality of each operation performed by a trained employee at his workplace for a certain period of time.

As a result of such a comprehensive comprehensive assessment, the manager informs the employee about the level of efficiency of his work, indicates areas for improvement.

2 Project to improve the productive use of labor resources

To improve the use of labor resources, it is necessary to review their structure and develop measures to improve the use of working time. Particular attention should be paid to:

streamlining the practice of granting short-term administrative leave without pay, as these leaves are often given without serious intentions;

the study of each case of violations of labor discipline in order to strengthen it, using for this not only administrative measures, but also forms of both moral and material influence on its violators;

careful study (according to disability certificates) of the nature of morbidity in certain groups of workers and the development of preventive measures on this basis (for example, to improve labor protection and safety, organize dietary nutrition, etc.) that reduce morbidity.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of labor production, since adherence to the principles of rational organization of the production process is the basis for the normal conduct of financial activities with the most favorable economic indicators.

The main measures for the rational organization of the sale of goods and labor are:

division of labor and placement of workers in the enterprise;

organization of workplaces and their maintenance;

introduction of rational labor processes;

creating a favorable working environment;

organization of wages and material incentives;

organization of training;

occupational health and safety.

At the enterprise, it is also necessary to carry out measures to improve the production culture: maintaining order and cleanliness in stores, organizing medical care, flower beds, lawns on the territory, etc. These measures not only facilitate human work, but also significantly affect economic performance. For example, the skillful organization of the color environment and lighting can increase productivity by 15 - 25%. Color design will cost much less than the losses from industrial injuries and the decrease in efficiency caused by the end of the working day. Establishing the right science - based ventilation system contributes to an increase in labor productivity by about 10 - 15%. Labor productivity increases from 5 to 10% if production noise is reduced to the norm.

All of these activities help to increase the economic efficiency of the use of labor resources and, ultimately, increase the sale of goods at the enterprise.

Conclusions and offers

A person of labor plays a decisive role in the development of trading activities, the improvement of its organization and management in order to obtain the greatest return from their work.

People invent and produce tools and means of production, organize a rational division and cooperation of labor at various levels of commercial activity, from the workplace to organization within the entire national economy.

The labor force, as a combination of physical and spiritual abilities of a person, is the main productive force of society and constitutes the labor resources of all enterprises and institutions belonging to various sectors of the economy.

The labor resources of each sold unit are part of the labor resources distributed across the industries of the enterprise.

The sphere of labor is an important and multifaceted area of ​​the economic and social life of society. It covers both the labor market and the direct use of labor resources in a trade organization. On the labor market, the value of the labor force is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, the possibility of obtaining education, professional growth, job security, etc. The labor market reflects the main trends in the dynamics of employment, its main structures (sectoral, vocational, demographic), i.e. in the social division of labor, as well as the mobility of the labor force, the scale and dynamics of unemployment.

An equally important component of the labor sphere is personnel work at enterprises (firms), labor motivation and labor relations. It is at the micro level that the direct use of the country's labor resources takes place, their contribution to economic growth as an economic resource and sales factor is carried out.

The purpose of my course work was to analyze the labor resources at OOO Trade House Baris. It was necessary to find out what is the composition and structure of labor resources, and how it changes under the influence of certain factors.

After analyzing the composition of the labor resources at LLC Trade House Baris, the following was established: in 2009. there was an increase in the number of workers compared to 2008. for 12 people.

Thus, we can conclude that the problem of the efficiency of using the enterprise's personnel in the conditions of market relations is of particular relevance, since it is human capital that is the main factor in the economic growth of an enterprise.

Based on the above, it is obvious that the problem of labor resources is a key issue in a market economy, and without solving it it is impossible to establish an effective operation of the economy. The problem of labor resources and unemployment is especially acute now in Russia, which is not surprising, because. The state of the Russian economy is now depressing. The huge economic downturn, having ruined the industry, could not but affect the labor market. Over the past 4 years, the number of employed people has decreased by 9 percent.

Until recently, the Government of Russia did not pay due attention to this problem, which caused fairly fair concerns. But the situation has partly changed with the adoption of the "Program of social reforms in the Russian Federation for the period 1996 - 2000", which focuses on improving market mechanisms for regulating employment. Let's hope that this normative act will be effectively implemented, becoming a prerequisite for the economic revival of Russia.


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Planning at the enterprise: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. Ilyin A.I. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2001. - 635 p.

Efficiency of resource use in enterprises of various

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Enterprise Economics: Textbook. Susha G.Z. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003. - 384 p.