The main features of the internal and external labor market. Advantages and disadvantages of the internal labor market from the point of view of employees and employers. The main features of the internal labor market. Advantages and disadvantages of the internal labor market from the point of view of

External labor market as a manifestation of the market labor resources.

In the system of employment relations, the internal labor market has its own specifics associated with its predominant orientation towards the intraprofessional mobility of workers within the organization. The dynamics of the internal labor market is determined by the presence and composition of personnel, the ratio in its structure of the personnel "core" and the peripheral workforce, the intensity of labor movements and personnel rotation, the level of staff employment, the efficiency of using the labor potential of the organization, the competitiveness and innovativeness of the organization as a whole.

The following functions of the internal labor market are distinguished:
1. providing job security and social protection workers;

  1. ensuring a balance of demand and supply of labor within the organization;
  2. personnel development and adjustment of its professional and qualification characteristics in accordance with innovative changes in the organization.

The internal labor markets of organizations differ from external labor markets in terms of both formation and functioning, since any organization is a closed structure that maintains links with the external environment only out of necessity. This also applies to the influence of the external labor market on the internal one: as long as the employee is satisfied with the quality of his working life, he does not need to leave his workplace and enter the external labor market in search of a better place with all the conditions necessary for it.

The patterns of formation of demand and supply of labor in the domestic labor markets also have their own specifics in comparison with the labor markets internal to the firm. When the scale and structure of internal demand for labor changes, the organization can and should also adjust the supply of labor coming from already hired workers. Almost every employee of an organization, aware of the changes and innovations in the company's activities in time, will and should make a conscious decision about their own professional growth. The interaction of the economic interests of the firm and the employee is manifested in changes in the structure of labor supply. The desire of the employee to maintain the status of the employed will stimulate him to adequately respond to changes in intra-company demand for labor. The most "flexible" employees can form in advance the knowledge, skills and abilities that will be in demand by the organization in the internal labor market in the future. The organization itself can actively influence the change in the structure of the internal labor supply by developing and implementing its own personnel policy, including personnel development programs, which include the following components:

1. advanced training;

2. retraining and training in related professions;

3. development of fundamentally new types of activities when changing the profile of the organization.

An analysis of the practice of human resource management in Russian organizations allows us to conclude that the level of development market relations within the framework of intra-company labor markets is far from the same. Today in Russia there is almost the entire range of forms and methods of human resource management within the domestic labor market. However, carried out by itself personnel policy does not yet give an unequivocal answer to the question of the degree of development of the internal labor market of a particular organization.

From the point of view of managing the internal market, an organization, within the framework of its personnel policy, on the one hand, cannot respond to the measures of the socio-economic policy of the state (primarily employment policy), and on the other hand, it has a fairly wide range of tools to effectively influence the system of motivational employee priorities.

Thus, the personnel policy, built on the basis of norms corporate culture and the standards of organizational behavior corresponding to it, can affect the degree of real participation of an employee in the processes taking place in the domestic labor market.

The purpose of dividing labor markets into external (in relation to organizations) and internal (within the organization) is to develop a mechanism that links labor markets at all levels to ensure the effective use of human resources. Because of his lack of measure state regulation labor markets practically do not affect the level of organization, which leads to the spontaneous development of internal labor markets.

The formation of the internal labor market of any organization takes place under the influence of external and internal environment business, which can be represented as groups of factors and their relationships (Fig. 1.4). These factors determine the efficiency of the organization's internal labor market.

Education is one of the most important factors in improving the quality of the labor force and the quality of the country's human potential.

Education is understood as the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of the individual, in which it reaches social maturity and individual growth.

Education is the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of education, there is a transfer from generation to generation of knowledge of all those spiritual wealth that humanity has accumulated, as a result of socio-historical knowledge, reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as in labor skills and abilities.

The growth of the level of education of the population serves as the basis for the development of the economy of any country. The accelerated growth of education is a stable, pivotal pattern of economic and social development based on scientific and technological progress, on an innovative type of economic growth. In the long run, spending on education is growing in all developed countries faster than GDP. At the same time, the level of development of the education system is not a consequence, but the cause of the country's economic success.

It follows that education and the economy are two sides of the same coin: education creates the economy, the economy develops education. As a result, market connections are formed educational services with related markets.

In law Russian Federation dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 (ed. 03.12.2011) “On Education”, the following definition of education is given - “a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels established by the state ( educational qualifications)".

According to its socio-economic nature, education is a public good and, along with science, culture and healthcare, belongs to the mixed sector of the national economy. It has a positive impact on social economic processes in society: contributes to an increase in the overall efficiency of labor resources, the growth of their competitiveness.

In the education market, the product is an educational service. Before defining the term educational service, let us briefly outline the essence of the concepts of service and education.

By F. Kotler's definition, a service is any event or benefit that one party can offer to another and which is basically intangible and does not lead to taking possession of anything. According to classical marketing theory, services have a number of specific characteristics that distinguish them from goods, such as:

  • intangibility;
  • inseparability from the source, its implementation is possible only in the presence of the manufacturer;
  • quality inconsistency. The quality of services varies widely depending on their producers, as well as on the time and place of their provision;
  • perishability. - The service cannot be stored for later sale or use.

Currently, discussions about the essence of educational services do not stop.

In today's economic conditions, it is impossible to give an unambiguous definition of the concept of educational services. Analysis domestic literature and periodicals showed that there is no consensus on what is considered an educational service. And the generalized definition is presented in the following interpretation: an educational service is an economic benefit in the form of a spiritual product that is able to satisfy the human need to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, that is, it is a product that can be disposed of for these purposes.

An educational service is also understood as a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the many-sided needs of a person, society and the state.

An educational service is a set of teachers' work aimed at increasing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the end user/

An educational service is a process of transferring an intellectual product, through the use of innovative approaches, in order to form certain level professional competence of the human capital of society.

The position of E. I. Skripak is interesting, who believes that “the economic category “educational services”, which includes the condition, desire, basis and responsibility for their production and consumption by economic entities (households, firms, the state) is replaced by a narrower concept “ paid educational services. He explains this position by the specifics of modern Russian conditions: the lack of formed full-fledged subjects of investment in human capital, the mechanisms for implementing economic responsibility for its formation and accumulation, the reduction of budget expenditures on education without revising the social obligations of the state, the lack of a full-fledged financial market and lending mechanisms, etc.

According to another approach, the service of education in the process of consumption is transformed into a labor force, the quality of which depends not only on the totality of educational services consumed, but also on the quantity and quality of personal labor expended in the process of consuming these services, personal abilities, the degree of their implementation and other subjective factors. ." Therefore, within the framework of this approach, it is necessary to distinguish the totality of knowledge, skills, which is the product of the joint work of the teacher and the student, from the educational services consumed by the student, which are the product of the labor of teachers. Thus, it is educational services (i.e., the totality teachers' work^ can be considered as marketable products educational institution.

It can be concluded that an educational program is a set of educational services aimed at changing the educational level or vocational training the consumer and provided with the appropriate resources of the educational organization.

In this regard, A. Pankrukhin identifies a number of features of educational services as such:

  • They are not tangible until they are purchased. Services have to be purchased, believing "on the word." To convince the client to do this, service providers try to formalize the most significant service parameters for the buyer and present them as clearly as possible. In education, these goals are served by: educational plans and programs; information about the methods, forms and conditions for the provision of services; certificates, licenses, diplomas.
  • Services are inseparable from the subjects (concrete employees) providing them. The property of inseparability from the source in relation to an educational service means that as a result of the sale and purchase of such a service, the seller loses the ownership of his specific product, but the buyer does not acquire such a right: this product itself disappears, since it is consumed at the same moment as it is produced and transmitted." At the same time, any replacement of a teacher can change the process and result of the provision of educational services, and, consequently, demand. An educational service is inseparable from its consumers. The final result of training depends not only on the teacher, but also on the student himself. In addition, the peculiarity of educational services is manifested in the fact that the beginning of their consumption occurs simultaneously with the beginning of their provision.
  • Services are inconsistent in quality. The ego is connected, first of all, with their inseparability from the subjects-performers, as well as with the impossibility and inappropriateness of defining strict standards for the processes and results of the provision of services. The volatility of the educational service has another reason - the variability of the "source material" - the student.
  • Services are non-persistent. For educational services, the property of non-persistence is of a dualistic nature. On the one hand, it is the inability to procure services in full in advance and store them as a material commodity in anticipation of an increase in demand. However, for educational services, this feature seems to be softened, because at least educational information can be fixed on material carriers. But for them, the other side of perishability operates - the natural for a person forgetting the received information, knowledge. In education, scientific and technological progress operates in the same vein, leading to the rapid obsolescence of knowledge. Social upoipecc also contributes to the obsolescence of knowledge in a number of disciplines, especially in rapidly changing societies, during periods of transition.
  • The educational service is stationary. Basically, it is tied to the location of the educational institution and rarely goes beyond its walls.

Let's analyze the distinctive features of educational services:

1. The specificity of educational services lies in the fact that, according to many researchers, they belong to the category of public goods (goods). The provision of public goods, and, consequently, payment and responsibility for their production, is assumed by the state. But still, most experts classify these services as a quasi-public good (goods or services that, strictly speaking, by their nature and purpose do not belong to the public, but provide such large capital spillover benefits that the government encourages their production in order to prevent the occurrence of deficit financial resources.). For example, S. Fischer emphasizes that the state's concern for the consumption of essential goods does not exclude cooperation with the business sector. J. Stiglitz classifies part of educational services (primary, secondary education) as public, and the other part (higher, postgraduate, professional) as quasi-public goods.

In other words, the product structure of the modern educational system is heterogeneous and includes at least two parts that are unequal in volume:

  • a public good provided by the bulk of educational institutions;
  • non-public, individually oriented goods/services, the existence of which is provided for by Art. 45-47 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". 3
  • 2. A peculiar feature of educational services is the impossibility of their direct monetary measurement. The price mechanism is often unable to reflect all the costs of producing educational services. If in the material sphere it is relatively easy to measure them quantitatively per unit of output, then in relation to educational services this is difficult to implement. The useful result of such a service can manifest itself only after a long time, and it can practically be measured only with the help of indirect indicators.
  • 3. Another distinguishing feature of educational services is the ambiguity of the goals set for the producers of these services. As a rule, the activities of an educational institution are not clearly aimed at achieving profit. But, on the other hand, its interests are connected with the growth of well-being, which involves making a profit necessary to ensure expanded reproduction. Thus, profit is not initially a forbidden guideline for an educational institution, but, of course, it is not limited to it.
  • 4. The peculiarity of educational services is also manifested in the fact that they are usually provided in combination with the creation of spiritual values, the transformation and development of the student's personality. These services ensure the realization of the cognitive interests of students, satisfy the needs of the individual in spiritual and intellectual development, contribute to the creation of conditions for their self-determination and self-realization, participate in the formation, preservation and development of various human abilities for work, in specialization, professionalization and growth of his qualifications.

A. Pankrukhin in his works calls the co-creation of the teacher and the listener the main feature of the provision of educational services. In the field of education, where the personality of the client is being transformed, he, not being a professional, claims the most active role in the production process and the provision of educational services. It is also important that the provision of educational services, which implies a pronounced openness of this area for information, personnel and other exchanges, sets the priority for cooperation and limits the effectiveness of competition among educational service providers.

In addition, we note a number of specific features of educational services that distinguish them from other types of services:

  • seasonality;
  • high price;
  • relative duration of rendering;
  • delay in revealing effectiveness;
  • the need for further support services;
  • the dependence of the acceptability of services on the place of their provision and the place of residence of potential students;
  • the need for licensing (clause 2, article 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Licensing is subject to educational activities educational institutions, scientific organizations or other organizations for educational programs";"
  • competitive nature (this feature is mainly manifested in most state higher educational institutions);
  • relatively young age of consumers of educational services and others.

Educational services, like any product, are sold on the market, which is understood as a set of existing and potential buyers and sellers of goods. The educational services market, in this case, is a market in which the demand for educational services from the main economic entities (individuals, households, enterprises and organizations, the state) and their supply by various educational institutions. In addition to producers and consumers of educational services, market participants in this area include a wide range of intermediaries, including employment services, labor exchanges, registration, licensing and accreditation bodies of educational institutions and enterprises, educational funds, associations, specialized educational centers, etc. 3

The peculiarity of the market of educational services also lies in the significant influence of the state and its governing bodies on it. In particular, their specific functions in the field of education include:

  • creation, support and strengthening of favorable public opinion, a positive image of educational institutions;
  • financing education and providing guarantees for long-term investments of other entities in this area;
  • the use of tax incentives and other forms of market regulation in order to develop priority specialties, forms and methods of training specialists, as well as education in general;
  • licensing and certification of educational institutions, monitoring the quality of services;
  • Information Support educational institutions, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that the market of educational services itself has a number of features, and not only in connection with the uniqueness of the product being taken out - the educational service.

In our study, the concept of "educational services market" will be considered as a market in which the demand for educational services from the main economic entities (individuals, households, enterprises and organizations, the state) and their supply by various educational institutions interact.

In addition to producers and consumers of educational services, market participants in this area include a wide range of intermediaries, including employment services, labor exchanges, registration, licensing and accreditation bodies of educational institutions, educational funds, associations of educational institutions and enterprises, specialized educational centers, etc. All of these entities contribute effective promotion educational services on the market and can perform such functions as informing, consulting, participating in the marketing of educational services and resource support for education.

Education is the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of education, the knowledge of all those spiritual riches that mankind has developed, the assimilation of the results of socio-historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities take place from generation to generation.

The Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (as amended on December 3, 2011) “On Education” gives the following definition of education - “a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of achievement by a citizen (student) established by the state educational levels (educational qualifications)”. This definition gives a more detailed assessment, but not a complete one.

According to its socio-economic nature, education is a public good and, along with science, culture and healthcare, belongs to the mixed sector of the national economy. It has a positive effect on socio-economic processes in society: contributes to an increase in the overall efficiency of the country's labor resources, an increase in their competitiveness. Currently, discussions about the essence of educational services do not stop.

As correctly noted by S.A. Kartashov and Yu.G. Odegov, market relations in the education system are very specific. Their object is an educational product. The subjects of economic relations in the market of educational services include their producers, consumers and intermediaries.

Producers of educational services are individuals or legal entities licensed for this species activities. For the producer of educational services, the fundamental characteristics of the consumer-client, as you know, are the age and level of basic education. It should be noted that the absence of a license does not mean that such producers do not exist at all or they do not exist (for example, private tutoring).

A consumer-buyer is an entity that makes a purchasing decision and pays for an educational service to its producer. At the same time, an individual forms a supply in the labor market, and in the sphere vocational education- demand.

Intermediaries in the market of educational services are individuals and legal entities that undertake, in part or in full, marketing functions to create demand for certain educational services offered by manufacturers. The state is not only an integral participant in relations in the educational services market as a regulatory and controlling body, but also as an interested party - a customer and a consumer.

Thus, the subjects are:

  • firstly, educational institutions (manufacturers of educational goods);
  • secondly, individuals (direct consumers of educational goods) who receive knowledge in order to successfully implement them. labor activity;
  • thirdly, the state, enterprises, employment services, etc., which act as intermediaries and at the same time as subjects that demand educational services.

The author is in solidarity with S.A. Kartashov and Yu.G. Odegov that the education market model has the character of imperfect (monopolistic) competition, which stems from the strategy of educational product differentiation based on external competitive advantage, which, in turn, should be based on the interaction of the labor market and education, which, if the interests of consumers of educational goods and employers coincide, will determine the level of requirements for the manufacturer of these goods.

Rice. 3.1.

Over a relatively short historical period in Russia, one can observe a change in several models of interaction between the labor market and the personnel training system.

Soviet model. State planning of the volume and quality of professional training of personnel for the national economy at the state level according to the sectoral principle. Institute of Basic Enterprises for Institutions of Primary Vocational Education.

Vocational education in the USSR was formed in the conditions of centralization state power, and all types of educational institutions had the status of state. The state carried out its functions through a strict planning system: it made a planned order for the education system to produce personnel of certain professions and in certain quantities.

State distribution was a link between the structures of the real sector of the economy and the education sector, which largely determined the content of educational programs.

The modern model of the transition period (crisis model). Regulation of the situation on the labor market mainly through the authorities

FGSZN. Orientation of the personnel training system to the effective demand of the population in conditions of insufficient funding, development of paid forms of education.

  • A model of interaction between the market and the regional system of vocational education, based on program-target management methods.
  • An interaction model based on targeted contractual training (including in the mode of educational loans and educational "vouchers").
  • Model of regulation through forecasting of personnel needs at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation. Forecasting staffing needs in the context of professions and specialties. Budget support for training in demanded specialties. Promoting links between educational institutions and (potential) employers by analyzing the market segment of a particular educational institution.

The executive state authorities at all levels made certain attempts to regulate supply and demand in the labor market. So, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2002 No. 606 “On the competitive procedure for placing state order for the training of specialists with higher professional education” in the federal center began to develop forecasts for specialists with higher education. In the first two years, they consisted of forecast estimates of staffing needs, which federal authorities were requested from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and subsequently generalized. However, the level of validity and the degree of realism of these forecasts, obviously, were not high, because the vast majority of regions, having no tools for developing medium-term personnel forecasts and trained specialists, in turn, requested forecast estimates from the universities located in the regions themselves. Thus, the practice of forming reception plans by the service providers themselves has been implemented and is still being implemented (with rare exceptions). The Research Institute of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which in previous years had accumulated experience in the formation of inertial extrapolation forecasts of personnel needs for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education, developed forecasts based on the principle “from what has been achieved”. Thus, from year to year, enrollment in higher education institutions increased, which today has led to a pronounced imbalance of personnel in the context of professions/specialties and skill levels.

The global processes of economic restructuring that have taken place in Russia over the past 20 years have made their own adjustments to the structural changes in the educational services market. The structure of graduate training in higher education institutions has become less and less consistent with the structure of labor market needs, which leads to inefficient use of labor potential. In this situation, the emphasis in training is shifting from indicators of accessibility of education to indicators of its quality and equality of access to quality education.

The Russian government is fully aware of these problems, with the possible exception of issues of inter-regional differentiation in the quality of education. The documents developed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plan large-scale steps that are expected to radically change the situation by 2020.

Today, in the direction of equalizing access to quality education, there have been certain positive shifts, although not in all indicators. At the same time, the quality of education shows a negative trend. Under these conditions, the problems of equalizing the quality of general secondary education from current trends, compliance of the content and quality of vocational education with the demand of the market and the modern economy.

In ILO reports everywhere it is noted that in the Russian Federation the level of youth employment is low. Although the monitoring of applications of graduates of educational institutions of all levels - primary, secondary and higher - to the system of the State Employment Service on employment issues for 2009-10-11 and 2012 shows a downward trend in these applications.

According to the State Department, 117 thousand graduates are registered with the employment service as of December 1, 2012 vocational training this year and 35% of them are graduates of higher educational institutions. In the SD this figure is 54%. Here is an indicator of the work that trains specialists who are not in demand on the market.

Currently, there is a redundancy in the training of specialists in groups of specialties " Humanitarian sciences", "Economics and Management". According to the forecast of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the redundancy in the training of specialists with higher professional education in 2015 (by 1.6 times) will occur at the expense of precisely these groups of specialties.

By 2015, there will be a particularly acute shortage of personnel with secondary vocational education in the enlarged groups of specialties: "Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking", "Service sector", "Power engineering, power engineering and electrical engineering", "Chemical engineering and biotechnology", "Construction and architecture."

To solve the problem of imbalance between the education market and the labor market, the Republican target program "Development of primary and secondary vocational education in the UR for 2015-2019 "Work shift"" is being developed. The main goals, objectives and expected results of solving the problem through the implementation of this target program are presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1

Republican target program "Development of primary and secondary vocational education in the UR for 2015-2019. "Work force""

Characteristics of the problem solved through the implementation of the republican target program

Intended goals and objectives of the program

Expected results of solving the problem through the implementation of the program

  • - imbalance between the education market and the labor market;
  • - insufficient provision qualified personnel in connection with the reduction in the number of students in institutions of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education;
  • - low prestige of working professions among young people;
  • - weak connection vocational education with the labor market.

Goal: maintaining the accessibility of primary, secondary vocational education. Tasks:

system formation social partnership and public administration in the training of workers and specialists; development of a system of continuous education;

improving the structure and content of primary, secondary prof. education in accordance with the requirements of the labor market; and etc.

S an increase in the proportion of graduates of the State Educational Institution of NGOs who were employed in their profession in the first year after graduation from 66% to 75%;

S an increase in the proportion of graduates of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Education who were employed in their profession in the first year after graduation from 74% to 80%;

S increase in the coefficient of compliance of the structure of admission to the SEI NGO with the forecast needs of the regional economy from 80% to 100%;

S an increase in the proportion of graduates of the State Educational Institution of NGOs with an increased level from 51% to 60%;

S increase in the proportion of graduates of the State Educational Institution of NGOs who received 2 or more professions from 75% to 85%;

S increase in the share of autonomous educational institutions of NGOs and SVE from 30% to 50%;

S share growth public institutions implementing programs of three levels: secondary complete general education; NGOs and SPO from 605 to 80%;

S an increase in the share of people studying at the NGO at the expense of employers from 46% to 50%;

S an increase in the proportion of people studying at the State Educational Institution of Secondary Education at the expense of employers from 6% to 20%.

Improving education can be carried out by influencing various processes and factors involved in the functioning of the educational system. It can be economic, political and managerial levers. scientific analysis amenable in the first place management decisions, the adoption of which can be based on the theory of modern management. In this case, the most important is objective information about the quality of the education received, both in relation to the one who provides educational services (university or teacher), and the subject.

In order to reduce inter-regional differentiation in the quality of education, in particular, changes in budget legislation are needed that would allow targeted financial support for regional and municipal educational systems from the federal budget.

In all likelihood, the State Labor Service, together with the Ministry of Education, and with the participation of other structures at the level of subjects, needs to review the topics and directions of professional orientation of young people in terms of choosing their profession and professional development in the future. In 1996-1999 Moscow was the initiator of the creation of career guidance centers. Although in a number of regions today special centers for career guidance are being recreated.

The analysis carried out by the author revealed that school students need professional advice from employment service specialists. Thus, in 2012, 46% of all graduates of schools in the SD answered that they received advice on vocational guidance at the employment service, and 66% believe that this service is simply necessary, 52% of all respondents answered that they were planning their own professional career in the Udmurt Republic, 26% are undecided, 22% are planning their professional career outside the region.

The obtained data testify to a direct relationship between the career guidance work carried out by specialists of employment centers and the professional intentions of school graduates.

Of course, career guidance should not be conducted only with high school students. In our opinion, vocational guidance should cover all periods of a child's development at school, become the same full-fledged discipline in educational process like mathematics, literature, chemistry.

In addition, in the “graduate questionnaire”, in addition to the question: did you receive advice on vocational guidance from a vocational consultant of the employment service? It is necessary to include the question: do you connect your professional career with SD?

Thus, the risks of professional self-determination can be reduced only through targeted, systematic and consultative work with students and an increase in the role of the employment service in the implementation of the preventive formation of labor supply for the labor market.

In the context of the current situation in the SD, it is necessary to talk about streamlining the processes of training and employment of personnel. Today, in all regions of Russia, there is an increase in the number of educational institutions, this is the response of the educational services market to the increased demand for education.

The demand was caused, first of all, by economic and social reasons. The Russian educational system has been preparing specialists for many years, not taking into account the conjuncture of the labor market. Therefore, today's main task is to train highly demanded generalists. In this regard, it is necessary to note the role of regional educational programs, since it is they who should be engaged in the training of specialists, taking into account the specific characteristics of the region.

In 2002-2003 The Ministry of Labor of Russia at the level of the Russian Federation made an attempt to develop a comprehensive mechanism for the interaction of all interested parties in market relations in order to create conditions for the timely provision of economic entities with personnel of the appropriate profile and skill level, and to increase the level of socially useful return of the vocational education system. The proposed mechanism included a list of specific measures to improve interaction for three levels:

  • the level of the economic entity;
  • the level of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • federal level.

This set of program measures, proposed by the Department of Vocational Training and Human Resources Development of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, was considered at one of the meetings of the Collegium of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in the first quarter of 2003 “On measures to improve the mechanism of interaction between the labor market and the educational services market, taking into account the satisfaction of organizations' demand for skilled workforce in vocational qualification cut." The decision of the Board included a proposal on such a way of institutionalizing the mechanism of interaction between the labor market and vocational education as the Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of Employment of the Population (at two levels: the Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) with the following functions:

  • harmonization of personnel training programs of organizations;
  • development of forecasts of needs in personnel of organizations for the medium term;
  • preparation of proposals for optimizing the structure of professional educational institutions of various types (at the regional and federal levels);
  • harmonization of career guidance programs for young people.

However, the specified action program initiated by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation was not implemented, since since 2003 there was no labor body in the structure of the Russian Government (certain functions of this department were transferred to the Ministry of Health and Social Development). Thus, it can be stated that the level of institutionalization (and hence sustainability and efficiency) of the mechanism for organizing the interaction of labor markets and vocational education in modern Russia decreased significantly.

Its decline also contributed to the closure federal centers career guidance for young people and adults of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

In the European Education Foundation project “Vocational education and training reforms in the North-West region of Russia”, one of the tasks (successfully implemented during the project) was to involve employers in the tourism, woodworking and hospitality sectors in the development professional standards in relevant professions and specialties, updating the content of training, taking into account the identified requirements of employers for the quality of professional training. During the implementation of the project, it was shown that in order to organize sustainable interaction between the labor market and education, “... more specific organizational forms than just round tables. One of the results of the project was the creation of institutionalized structures - Advisory Councils, whose mission was defined as "... coordination of the interests of all aspects of economic life, primarily employers, as subjects of the formation of demand for labor, and educational institutions, as a party that satisfies this demand".

Today, the main provisions of the Regional Education Development Programs are the implementation of the National Doctrine of Education within the competence of local governments, which includes:

  • realization of the legal rights of the inhabitants of the city and the region to all types of education;
  • improvement of the system of continuous education "college-university";
  • overcoming structural disproportions in the field of secondary vocational and higher education;
  • creation of a unified regional system for monitoring the state of education.

The essence of these and other activities of the educational program comes down to only one thing - the training of personnel for the industry of the region, designed to develop the country's economy. This program should be implemented taking into account the mentality of each region and the development plans set before it.

One of the main goals that any region in market conditions should strive for in its socio-economic development is to achieve a positive financial balance with the external environment.

Summing up the above, it is important to note the following distinctive features of the Russian model of interaction between the labor market and the vocational education system:

  • low level of institutionalization of the labor market and the system of vocational education;
  • availability in educational programs disciplines of a non-core nature, which, on the one hand, reduces the time of students for practical classes, but on the other hand, in the future gives more possibilities for retraining;
  • active development and implementation of programs that promote effective interaction between the labor market and the educational services market (program-targeted methods, design methods and etc.);
  • the presence of a large number of vocational education centers;
  • high level of intersectoral migration.

On fig. 3.2 and the appendix presents the author's vision of the problem of cooperation between the employment service and educational institutions in the region.

Volkova, M.M., Zvezdova A.B. Marketing research in the field of educational services - Marketing / M.M. Volkova // - 2009. - No. 6.

  • Skripak E.I. “On the issue of the concept of “educational service””, website
  • Kemerovo state university www.history.kemsu.ruVolkova, M.M., Zvezdova A.B. Marketing research in the field of educational services - Marketing / M.M. Volkova // - 2009. - No. 6.
  • There.
  • The labor market is a diverse phenomenon with different aspects. There are models or types of labor markets, its types and varieties, as well as segments. It is important to understand what is meant by this. There are characteristics of labor markets common to any market conditions, but each regional or national labor market has its own characteristics.

    Among the types, there is an external, or professional, labor market and an internal - intra-company market. Among the varieties stand out open and hidden labor market. Each of the markets is divided into parts called segments.

    Despite the similarity of economic development and social spheres developed countries, the employment policy in each of these countries has led to the formation of different models of the labor market. This variety of models can be reduced to 2 main types: external (or professional) and internal labor markets.

    External - professional labor market characterizes the relationship between sellers and buyers of labor on a country, region, industry scale. It involves the primary distribution of workers by areas of application of labor and their movement between enterprises. For this, it is necessary that labor service providers have the professions and specialties that many enterprises need.

    The external labor market implies the mobility of labor between firms. The external labor market implies that employees have professions that can be used by different firms. The profession and qualifications of employees concentrated in the domestic labor market are more difficult to use in other enterprises, because they are specific in nature, due to work in this company.

    At the enterprises themselves, vocational training takes place in the form of apprenticeships, when part of the training costs is paid by the apprentices themselves, who are set low rates wages. Sectoral trade unions operate on the foreign market, uniting workers in individual industries. There are also trade unions that unite workers by profession.

    Thus, the external labor market is characterized by a higher turnover of personnel compared to the internal labor market, where the movement of personnel is carried out mainly within the enterprise.

    The internal labor market is a labor market with a focus on the intra-company professional movement of workers. Training of personnel, the formation of a structure by profession and qualification takes place within the organization in accordance with the structure of jobs, the prospects for the development of the organization.

    The internal labor market at the enterprise has its own characteristics. The main one is that the supply-demand relationship is realized within the team, i.e. from among the already hired and, of course, employed workers, and applicants for a new job (as well as for any vacant job in general) can be from among the workers laid off from other areas of production, as well as from among those who continue to work, but have expressed a desire to change their job on own initiative.

    The redistribution of labor within the enterprise (change of workplace, profession, qualifications), called intra-factory movement of labor, contributes, on the one hand, to meeting the needs of the enterprise in a labor force of a certain quality, and on the other hand, to the realization of the personal aspirations of the employee. Through such a redistribution, the employee is secured in the enterprise. In addition, in the conditions of competitive selection, there is more confidence that the job will be occupied by a truly worthy professional qualities employee. Of course, it should be taken into account that filling vacancies with the company's own employees who are not scheduled for release requires appropriate costs associated with retraining and adaptation of a person in a new workplace.

    Thus, the internal labor market at the enterprise is a field of collision between the strategies of employers (administration) and employees of the enterprise, defending their interests. The labor market of this type is characterized by both the demand for labor and the supply coming from own employees. Here is the level of wages for various categories workers, depending on their need and usefulness for the enterprise, there is a regulation of the ratio of supply and demand. With a decrease in demand, there may be a variant of part-time employment of an employee at the initiative of the administration, which from the standpoint of society (or the federal labor market) is considered as hidden unemployment.

    Western economists, on the basis of the flexible employment strategy used by firms, distinguish two components in the intra-factory (intra-company) labor market: the primary and secondary markets.

    The primary labor market includes jobs that provide the employee with high wages, good working conditions, stable employment, chances for promotion, etc. and intended for the so-called "core" of the workforce of the enterprise, as the most qualified, valuable and necessary for him.

    The secondary market creates jobs with low salary and related benefits, poor working conditions, higher turnover, less chance of promotion. Participants in the secondary labor market are, as a rule, less significant employees for the enterprise or employees of such professions that the territorial labor market has in abundance.

    The company carries out the movement of labor between the primary and secondary markets, taking into account the results of the work of applicants, their attitude to work and their company, and necessarily through vocational education or advanced training.

    In practice, the external and internal labor markets are closely interconnected, and their division is conditional. But in specific national labor markets, one can definitely see which of the markets - external or internal - prevails there. Thus, the example of Japan shows that a well-organized domestic labor market operates there, while the experience of the United States indicates the predominance of the external labor market there.

    A relatively new manifestation of market relations in the sphere of labor is the emergence and development flexible market labor, which can be characterized as a form of adaptation of the labor market to the restructuring of the economy in industrialized countries, which led to a reduction specific gravity employed in the manufacturing sector and an increase in the share of those employed in the service sector. This turned out to be possible due to a significant increase in labor productivity in industry, construction, agriculture on the basis of scientific and technological progress, the technological revolution, the use of the achievements of the scientific organization of labor and production. The strict regulation of working hours that prevailed in industry has been replaced by flexible forms of employment and flexible working hours, which have become widespread in the service sector. Their use has led to an increase in production efficiency, since they make it possible to appropriately use the capabilities of different categories of workers, such as, for example, women with children, the elderly, the disabled, immigrants, etc.

    Flexible forms of employment are achieved by the introduction at enterprises, firms, institutions of part-time work (short working hours), home work, work on calls, flexible working hours, as well as the reception temporary workers, encouraging so-called self-employment, when people themselves, at their own expense and at their own risk, organize their work and the work of their family members in the production of products and services.

    The open labor market covers all able-bodied population represented in the labor market. This contingent, in turn, is divided into:

    Organized or official part open market, which closes in the public employment service and also includes graduates of the official or public service vocational education.

    The informal part - those citizens who are engaged in their employment through direct contacts with enterprises or non-state structures for employment and vocational education.

    The hidden labor market consists of workers employed in enterprises and organizations, but who are more likely to lose employment and be out of work. This type of labor market can also include workers who are formally registered in enterprises, but do not work and do not receive wages. This situation is observed today in the Russian economy in large scale. It is caused by the liquidation of the former system of economic relations and production relationships, the loss of traditional suppliers or consumers, and the insufficiency of the efforts being made to reorient production, its conversion, and the withdrawal of enterprises from a crisis state.

    In the territorial context, the labor market is divided into: federal (at the country level) labor market, regional (at the level of an autonomous republic, region, region, city), as well as the labor market at the level of an enterprise, firm (corporate or, otherwise, intra-factory, intra-company ). The federal market can be integrated into the international market in accordance with the established international division of labor.

    The federal labor market characterizes the situation with the employment of the Russian population as a whole. It is the object of detailed consideration and analysis in conjunction with other macroeconomic processes taking place on a national scale.

    Until recently, the federal labor market was closed in nature: its participants were the population of the country, and the balancing of labor supply and demand was decided only in relation to the entire national economy.

    In recent years, the relationship between the federal and international markets labor. The degree of this relationship is largely regulated by the country's emigration policy.

    The adoption of the law on the procedure for leaving and entering Russia marked the beginning of our country's active participation in international labor exchange, in connection with which the task arose of developing a policy for such participation.

    Encouraging the export of labor from the side of legislation and public authorities should be built taking into account both positive and negative aspects.

    In particular, the positive aspects include the possibility for the country to receive foreign exchange income through:

    taxes on the profits of intermediary firms;

    direct remittances of emigrants to their homeland to support families and relatives;

    personal investment of emigrants (bring home means of production and durables, purchase of land, real estate, purchase of securities);

    capital from the countries - importers of labor, going partly to the reproduction of labor resources, in the social sphere;

    direct compensation from labor-importing countries. The export of labor allows to partially remove the tense situation with employment in the domestic labor market in the country. It can also be considered as a factor in advanced training, especially in the case of commercial business trips abroad for specialists, scientists, etc.

    The analysis of the federal labor market is aimed at identifying employment problems in the country as a whole and ways to solve them on a national scale. However, the analysis of employment in the territorial context is no less useful. Each region, region, city, as an independent economic entity, has its own problems with the employment of the population, depending on the demographic situation, the development of productive forces, the sectoral structure of production, the development of social infrastructure, natural conditions that affect the possibility of attracting additional labor resources or, conversely, curbing their outflow from the given territory. The development of transport system, which contributes to the pendulum migration of the population ( permanent residence person in one administrative region and employment in another).

    When characterizing the internal structure of the territorial labor market, its subspecies are distinguished as the primary labor market, the subjects of which are persons entering the working life for the first time, having appropriate special (professional) training, and the secondary one. between primary and secondary markets labor is the retraining of personnel (in accordance with the recommendations of the employment service, as well as on the employee’s own initiative), who already have professional training, but who experience difficulties in finding employment in the initially chosen profession.

    The sectoral labor market is characterized by the ratio of demand and supply of labor for a set of professions characteristic of a given industry, and the professional one is characterized by the situation in a particular profession.

    Such specialized labor markets are of great interest.

    First, the general situation with employment in the territorial labor market is a reflection of the characteristics that have developed in the sectoral or professional markets. These include both an excess supply from workers of certain professions with a limited number of jobs, and, conversely, a lack of supply from specialists of a particular profile in the presence of a large number of vacancies, even if such specialists in the country (region, city ) there is.

    Therefore, to assess the possibility of solving the problem of employment, it is not enough to simply compare the number of vacancies and the number of unemployed (or unemployed). It is necessary to know what kind of jobs they are and who are unemployed (for example, what kind of training they have).

    Secondly, a detailed analysis of the situation in the sectoral and professional labor markets makes it possible to reveal the nature of a possible discrepancy between the demand and supply of labor and to specify as much as possible measures to change the situation in them in the right direction. Coordination of supply and demand always requires linking the workplace with a particular industry, profession, and the latter determines the requirements for the employee's professional training.

    Currently, in countries with a developed market economy, within the framework of the national economy, there are two interconnected, interdependent and continuously interacting labor markets - internal and external.

    The internal labor market is a market that functions within the framework of large enterprises (firms, corporations, concerns). It can also be called the intra-company labor market. Formally, any enterprise can have its own labor market, where there is a trade union that acts in the interests of the labor collective in solving issues of vital importance to it, including issues of employment and unemployment. However, the main role still belongs to large enterprises and firms. They act as the material, territorial and organizational basis for the formation and functioning of internal labor markets. Therefore, “domestic market” is a collective concept, since in reality there is not one, but many domestic markets. Each has its own domestic market, relatively large enterprise or firm.

    Internal labor markets are relatively separate markets, closed by the boundaries of enterprises and firms in which they operate. What they have in common is the very content of the labor market as an economic category, namely, the purchase and sale of labor. At the same time, each of them is autonomous, has its own specifics, its own “rules of the game”, its own standards for hiring and firing employees, remuneration, professional in-house training of employees; their customs and norms of behavior, often unwritten, but strictly observed.

    Let's consider the functioning of domestic markets from the point of view of the main content of the very concept of "labor market" - the sale and purchase of goods labor force. Employees employed at the enterprises of this firm sell their labor power on the intra-company labor market, in our opinion, not daily, not continuously, but only with the onset of the conclusion of a new contract. collective agreement(agreements) between the trade union uniting the given labor collective and the owners of the firm - employers, buyers of labor force.

    Thus, one of the most important directions in the formation of market relations is their development at the micro level or at internal labor market (within the enterprise).

    Often when it appears overtime work or substitution vacant position the employer solves the problem of choosing between an already hired employee and a person from outside. And with others equal conditions it seems preferable to the employer to attract an already hired employee. The following points support this decision:

    - knowledge of the most important characteristics of labor behavior, abilities and capabilities of the employee;

    minimal risk make a mistake when filling vacancies;

    – creating an incentive to promote their employees;

    – low acquisition costs;

    – knowledge of the enterprise by the applicant;

    – providing opportunities for growth;

    – increasing attachment to the enterprise;

    – release of vacancies for younger workers;

    - reduction of losses of the employer due to the absence of employees in more important positions, replacing them with not so significant losses due to the absence of employees in less significant positions;

    – the possibility of faster filling of vacancies;

    - reducing the costs of finding, attracting and selecting employees, since in this case you have to look for people to fill less responsible and significant positions.

    At the same time, an employee often works for a long time at the same enterprise throughout his entire career, moves to new jobs for various reasons and does not look for work on the side. This is due to the following reasons:

    – relative independence from competition;

    – knowledge labor process and team;

    – salary stability;

    – job security;

    - Opportunity to move up the career ladder within the enterprise;

    the cost of finding a new job.

    That is, ceteris paribus, it seems preferable for an employee to offer his services to the employer, to make efforts to advance within the enterprise, rather than look for work on the side.

    It is also necessary to take into account savings on the so-called transaction costs in the labor market. These are costs for hiring and firing, for information about vacancies and employees, for job search and mobility, for the selection of candidates, for monitoring the implementation of an employment agreement.

    So, within most enterprises (organizations), a relatively separate subsystem of the labor market is formed, for the analysis of which the term “domestic labor market” (ART) is used in the economic literature. The internal labor market is a system social labor relations, bound by the framework of one enterprise (organization), within which the appointment of employees' wages and their placement is determined by administrative rules and procedures.

    Among the reasons for the formation and formation of internal labor markets are the following:

    - special professional training, qualification of employees, which is associated with the peculiarities of the application of technologies and existing jobs;

    - imperfection of information about the possible performance of a potential employee;

    - vocational training in the workplace, characterized by non-formal learning in the process of work.

    The internal labor markets of various enterprises are isolated from each other, but at the same time they are characterized by common features:

    1) the internal labor market has a hierarchical structure in which a number of levels can be distinguished. The processes characterizing the functioning of the internal labor market are shown in fig. eight;

    2) an employee, as a rule, first enters one of the lower levels of the internal labor market, and then moves up to higher levels. Examples of the movement of workers within the internal labor market are shown in fig. 9;

    3) employees in the domestic labor market in to a large extent protected from wage fluctuations and the threat of unemployment.

    The specifics of the internal labor market is determined by the fact that there is:

    - the relative independence of the wage rate of workers from the ratio of supply and demand in the external labor market;

    – relative independence of employees from external competition;

    – a relatively small number of agents on the market;

    - great importance of administrative methods of regulation;

    - a positive relationship between wages and working hours at the enterprise as an expression of the wage system in accordance with the age and position of the employee;

    – rapid movement of workers at low cost;

    – establishing a long-term relationship between the employer and

    Distinguish between external and internal labor market.

    External market covers the relationship between sellers and buyers of labor across the country, region, industry. These are the relations that arise regarding the hiring of workers of the corresponding profession, specialty, and therefore, they need a strict classification of work and a clear definition of their content.

    Branch trade unions operate on the foreign market, uniting workers of individual industries, as well as trade unions uniting workers by profession. The external market is characterized by a significant turnover of personnel, that is, it implies the possibility of a free transition from one place of work to another.

    domestic market involves the movement of personnel within the enterprise, moving from one position (job) to another. This movement can occur both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal transfer to another workplace without changes in qualifications, without promotion. Vertically - transfer to another workplace with a promotion or to a job that requires higher qualifications.

    The development of the domestic market helps to reduce staff turnover, since the enterprise is interested in retaining employees who know the specifics of its production.

    Trade unions unite employees of the enterprise, regardless of their professions. Employment here is guaranteed to a greater extent than in the external labor market, and this, in turn, contributes to an increase in the efficiency of using labor potential.

    Segmentation of the labor market, its assessment

    The labor market is limited to a certain economic space, which has clear territorial, sectoral, demographic, social, national and other parameters.

    Segmentation of the labor market is the division of the labor market into separate groups according to certain criteria, depending on the goal of study, analysis or management.

    The labor market is segmented according to the following principles: territorial (geographical), vocational qualification, social, social production, according to the quantitative ratio of buyers and sellers of goods ("labor force"), on a competitive basis.

    From point of view territorial approach identify the following labor markets:

    Domestic - local, regional, national;

    External - transnational and global.

    From point of view links of social production define labor markets:




    depending from professions define the market:

    Workforce (employees mostly physical labor);

    Professionals and leaders.

    By demographic principle The labor market is divided into:

    By gender - men, women;

    By age - young people, people of working age, people of pre-retirement age.

    By national principle:

    Ukrainians, Russians, Moldavians, Bulgarians and others.

    By level of education :

    With higher, with secondary special, with secondary and incomplete secondary education.

    By temporary principle:

    Temporary (hourly, daily, monthly, seasonal), permanent (summer).

    By legally legal aspects:

    Official (registered), informal (open or black) labor market.

    Functions of the labor market

    The labor market influences the development of the economy, acts in certain directions; manifests itself in various forms and performs various functions. Under the latter understand the type and type of activity. Modern market labor performs the following functions:

    1) social division of labor. The labor market distinguishes between an employee and an employer, distributes employees by profession and qualification, industry and region;

    2) information. Gives participants in the process of buying and selling goods, labor force information about the conditions of employment, salary levels, job offers, the quality of the labor force, etc.;

    3) intermediary. The labor market establishes a link between employers and employees who enter the labor market to meet mutual interests and needs;

    4) pricing. This is the main function of the labor market, it establishes a balance between the demand and supply of labor. Only in the labor market is there a general recognition of labor costs for the reproduction of the commodity "labor power" and its value is determined;

    5) stimulating. Thanks to the mechanism of competition, the labor market stimulates a more efficient use of labor resources in order to increase the profitability of production, and also stimulates employees to improve their professional skills. qualification level;

    6) healing. Thanks to competition, social production is freed from economically weak, unviable enterprises. The labor market allows employees with the highest quality indicators of the labor force to gain an advantage in the competitive struggle. It is the market that creates such labor motivation, which, on the one hand, makes workers hold on to their jobs in a highly competitive environment, and on the other hand, materially interests them, stimulates their initiative, competence, and qualifications;

    7) regulatory. In many ways, the market influences the formation of the proportions of social production, the development of regions, facilitating the movement of labor from one region of industries to other, more efficient ones. The labor market regulates the surplus of labor resources, their optimal placement, and, consequently, their efficient use.

    Labor market flexibility

    Flexibility of the labor market - it is its ability to quickly adapt to changes in the ratio of demand and supply of labor due to high levels of: general and vocational education, activity and mobility of the labor force and changes in regulated working hours (day, week, year). Labor market flexibility- this is at the same time the flexibility of the labor relations that take place on it.

    Labor market flexibility is characterized by the following elements:

    High territorial and professional mobility of workers;

    Flexibility of employers' labor costs, including mobility of the level and structure of wages in accordance with economic situation;

    Flexibility in personnel management at enterprises (when hiring, rotating, releasing, setting working hours);

    Democratization and diversity of forms of employment, including non-standard forms (self-employment, call work, home work, part-time work, etc.);

    A highly developed system of vocational training and retraining, in particular adult education.

    Flexible forms of organization of the labor market allow society at the macro level to reduce the severity of unemployment problems, providing an opportunity for the most vulnerable segments of the population to receive income, maintain their level of qualification and efficiency, and maintain social status; at the micro level, they allow the enterprise to manipulate the volume of the labor force that is used without creating social tension due to the dismissal of workers when production needs for labor change.