The main forms and methods of assessing the human resources potential of the organization. Methods for assessing the human resources potential of an organization What are the methods for assessing human resources


Estimates of human resources………………………………………… 5

2. Methodology for assessing and quantitative analysis of personnel

P potential………………………………………………………………… 7

3. Sociological and socio-psychological assessment

The state of the human resources potential of the organization……………………...14




At present, a comprehensive assessment of human resources (an organization's human resources is a unity of qualitative (human resources) and quantitative (development level) characteristics of the actual, i.e., achieved level, and the possible, or achievable level, provided they are fully used) is becoming an essential element personnel management, the ultimate goal of which is the development labor resources organizations in accordance with the needs of modernizing the public sector of science

The problem of assessing the state of the human resources potential of an organization is recognized in connection with the solution of practical problems of personnel planning (personnel planning is a system of methods and procedures for planning the number and required quality workforce, which provides for an assessment of available labor resources, a forecast of future needs for personnel and the development of a program to meet these needs), personnel monitoring (personnel monitoring is a comprehensive system for dynamic observation, assessment, system analysis and forecasting of the state of labor resources for information support of strategic and operational management personnel, increasing the efficiency of their use), personnel policy (personnel policy - a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel), human resource management and increasing the efficiency of their use.

Particular attention is paid to the issues of planning the number and structure of personnel based on the forecast of personnel needs, tools for assessing labor and personnel, diagnosing the personnel situation, personnel movement, the nature of development processes and the tasks of restructuring organizations in the public sector of science.

The main problems of a comprehensive assessment of human resources in the scientific field at present are:

- the lack of clear formalized assessments of the activities of scientists and, as a result, the existing subjectivity of assessing their vocational training;

- the presence of difficult-to-quantify socio-psychological factors;

- the lack of databases of personnel that meet modern requirements for system analysis, forecasting and modeling of the development of human resources.

In the future, the task of managing human resources through the introduction of advanced diagnostic procedures for assessing personnel and developing an information base for making sound management decisions.

In order to improve the technologies for accounting and assessing human resources, it is necessary to develop an information and diagnostic system for organizing monitoring and comprehensive assessment based on unified methodological approaches.

The prerequisites for the introduction of a new technology for accounting and assessing human resources in the public sector of science are:

- imperfection of the current system of statistical accounting, evaluation and analysis of human resources;

– irrational use of personnel, insufficient level of their professional training and labor motivation;

– existing shortcomings in professional training and retraining of scientists;

– the need for a reasonable approach to the unification of documents, improvement of the document management system, introduction of modern information technologies, reports and other information and analytical materials.

The foregoing makes it an urgent task to substantiate a comprehensive assessment of the state of the organization's human resources on the basis of reliable information about the qualitative and quantitative characteristics and development trends.

The paper presents the methodological foundations for building an information-analytical system for a comprehensive diagnostic assessment of the state and trends in the development of the personnel potential of a scientific medical organization. Studied theoretical aspects and methodological problems of assessing the human resources potential of the organization. It is shown that a comprehensive assessment of personnel potential is carried out on the basis of unified methodological approaches to the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative components of personnel potential. It has been demonstrated that A complex approach to the assessment of the potential based on a unified methodology and information technology analysis reflects the optimal ratio of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of labor resources. Requirements for the conceptualization and formalization of procedures for assessing and analyzing the organization's human resources potential have been developed. It is shown that a unified technology for accounting and assessing the human resources potential of an organization forms the methodological basis for the formation of personalized databases and management and ensures the compatibility of information systems. The information and analytical system is designed to prepare reporting documentation, additional information and analytical materials on the state and prospects for the development of human resources and to organize personnel monitoring, including sociological and socio-psychological study of labor resources. Proposals have been developed to improve the personnel potential of the organization in the following areas: improving the qualitative composition of personnel, increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem

human resources assessment

AT modern conditions the theory that studies personnel only as costs, as a factor that works under compulsion, without initiative and whose influence must be minimized, is replaced by another theory that considers personnel as the most important resource.

The labor resources or personnel of the organization are the main resource, the quality and efficiency of use, which largely depend on the results of the organization's activities and competitiveness.

Assessment and analysis of personnel, study of skills, experience, knowledge of the organization's personnel; reimbursement of labor costs in the form wages, personnel development are an integral part of the analysis of the activities of the entire organization, the strategy of personnel management, which is directly interconnected with the development strategy of the organization as a whole.

It is the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the human resources potential that determine the possibilities for implementing programs, restructuring, improving the qualitative composition, increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources, increasing labor productivity and the quality of products and services..

A broad interpretation of the semantic concept of potential consists in its consideration as a source of opportunities, means, stock that can be put into action, used to solve a problem or achieve a specific goal.

Potential - a generalized collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time; employee capabilities that can be activated in the process labor activity in accordance with professional competencies (competencies are a set of characteristics (qualities) of employees, including, along with knowledge and skills, personal characteristics (abilities, emotional and personal characteristics, values ​​and attitudes manifested in business behavior)), official duties and set goals.

The content of the personnel potential and its main features can be formulated based on the following definition of personnel. Personnel (labour personnel of an organization) are qualified employees specially trained for a particular activity, when their expedient use implies the maximum return of what a specialist in his education, personal qualities and acquired work experience is able to give.

Personnel potential is an interacting set of potentials of groups of employees who are employees of the organization.

The personnel potential of an organization is a component of the labor potential, expressed in the degree of professional and qualification suitability of people to perform highly intellectual work, endowed with

relevant professional training, work skills and personal abilities.

Each employee has a labor potential - a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, and also to improve in the labor process.

The personnel component is the most important specific component of the labor potential, which is determined by the special role of living creative labor in scientific and scientific-innovative activities. It is the cadres that set in motion the other elements of the potential with their work.

These are all types of scientific and technical personnel capable of developing and implementing new scientific and technical ideas and finding new areas of application of scientific and technical results, performing scientific, pedagogical, organizational, information work, and reflects both the quantity and quality of frames.

The essence of personnel potential is that it is a systemic feature and arises as a result of synergistic interactions of its components both in time and in the qualification and functional division of employees of the organization.

The main principles of a comprehensive assessment of human resources are objectivity, consistency, timeliness and completeness.

The conceptual basis for a comprehensive assessment of human resources is a systematic approach. The presence of unrelated evaluation criteria and their different significance in different situations makes it difficult to integrate the evaluation of labor resources.

At the organization level, an integrated approach to assessing the potential is used: resources, reserves, potential as a measure of ability, the degree of unrealized opportunities, conditions and factors of influence, the level of development and quality.

The model of the structure and characteristics of the personnel potential of the organization are shown in fig. one.

In accordance with Fig. 1., the personnel potential of the organization, acting in the unity of spatial and temporal characteristics, simultaneously concentrates in itself three levels of connections and relationships:

Firstly, reflects the past, i.e. is a set of properties accumulated by the system in the process of its formation and determining its ability to function and develop. In this regard, the concept of "potential" actually takes on the meaning of the concept of "resource";

Secondly, characterizes the present from the point of view of practical application and use of personnel abilities. This allows a distinction to be made between realized and unrealized opportunities. In this function, the concept of "potential" partly coincides with the concept of "reserve".

Thirdly, focused on development (future): in the process of labor activity, the employee not only realizes his current abilities, but also acquires new knowledge and abilities. Representing the unity of stable and changing states, the potential contains elements of future development as a "potency".

The structural characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise is determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of employees of the organization.

Analysis of the quantitative side of the organization's personnel potential includes indicators:

Number, composition, ratio of categories and groups of personnel;

The structure of the personnel in accordance with the classifier of positions, according to the characteristics of the professional qualification group and the amount of wages;

Staffing levels in general and by management levels;

The state of internal and external combination;

- staff turnover.

Qualitative characteristics of the personnel of the organization and the quality of work is much more difficult to assess. The analysis of the qualitative side of the personnel potential of the organization is carried out on the basis of indicators characterizing the conditions and the influence of sociological and socio-psychological factors on the satisfaction of the staff with certain aspects of work and relationships in the team.

2. Methodology for assessing and quantitative analysis of human resources

The work was carried out in accordance with the tasks set in the period from 2009 to 2011.

The basis for the study was an organization within the university science in the profile "public health and healthcare".

The material for the study was the results of a comprehensive study of the staff of a scientific organization.

A conceptual framework for assessing the personnel potential of an organization has been developed, which represents a set of principles, methods, technological procedures for formalizing features.

The methodological aspect of the study is the measurement tools and evaluation methods.

These include the following:

Conceptual apparatus and definition of the components of human resources;

Methods of quantitative analysis and comprehensive assessment;

The system of indicators in the areas of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the potential.

The most important of the control subsystems are the following:

Personalized data from the information base of the register of employees, programs personnel records and analysis procedures;

Personnel monitoring system on an ongoing basis.

In the course of the study, the accounting and reporting documentation of the organization's personnel service, staffing tables and personnel orders, regulations on remuneration and other information and methodological materials were studied.

Assessment of the organization's personnel potential is considered as a function of the components: the number and structure of personnel, the level of professional training, the socio-psychological state of personnel.

The number, structure, socio-psychological state, including labor motivation, partly the level of professional training of employees, in turn, depend on the socio-economic situation, which makes comprehensive assessment personnel potential relative and dependent on external conditions. The optimal ratio of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor resources varies depending on the goals and available opportunities.

To assess the provision of the organization with labor resources, the average number of employees for the reporting year was determined (the average number of employees of the organization for the year includes: the average number of employees; the average number of internal and external part-time workers who performed work under employment contracts).

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the actual staffing and staff turnover (loss rate (rate of layoffs (losses) - the movement of the labor force due to the employee's dissatisfaction with the workplace or the organization's dissatisfaction with a specific employee. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of retired employees for the reporting period to average headcount employees for the same period), staff retention rate (constancy rate

personnel - the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the whole year to the average number of employees for this year)) .

Statistical processing and analysis of the results of personnel monitoring and a sociological survey were carried out with the help of a computer using the methods of descriptive and analytical statistics.

Management begins with an analysis that is designed to reveal the change in human resources under the influence of certain factors, the rationality of use, the degree of compliance with the needs of the organization. The results of the analysis serve as the basis for the development of personnel policy, planning activities for the selection, training and adaptation of personnel.

One of the important characteristics of the personnel potential is the professional structure, which is fixed as a result of specialized training of scientific personnel, peculiarities in the status and prestige of various professional groups.

The personnel composition of the organization according to the functions performed can be conditionally divided into several groups:

- "top management" - the administration, heads of departments, chief researchers, leading researchers;

- "middle link" - senior researchers, researchers, junior researchers;

- "grassroots link" - laboratory assistants-researchers;

- "auxiliary link" - engineering and technical workers.

Due to the fact that these groups solve different problems, the potential of these groups has different content.

In the potential of a manager, almost equal roles are played by two aspects of his abilities and competence: professional qualities, as an employee in the field of science, the head of a particular unit, and concerning his characteristics as a manager.

The potential of top management depends not only on the style of making and implementing managerial decisions, but also on their ability to work smoothly in one team. It is with the joint coordinated actions of the entire management level to achieve the overall strategic goals of the organization that the potential of individual employees is no longer manifested, but the personnel potential of the management level. The personnel potential is seen not so much as potential individual employees how much synergy effect is achieved when they interact. However, attention should be paid to the fact that a positive effect can be achieved only if the components of the system - employees have high potential, strive for the same strategic goals organizations and their interaction successfully.

The composition of senior researchers forms the basis of the organization's staff. The potential of this group determines the quality level of a scientific institution, responsibility for the final result of the organization's work - the reproduction of scientific personnel, qualitatively trained

specialists of the highest category, competent, ready and capable of effective independent work.

Creativity and a high intellectual level, the ability to set and solve new problems, create innovations - something qualitatively new, distinguished by originality and uniqueness, distinguishes scientists. The potential of researchers and laboratory assistants-researchers can be assessed by the results of their joint work in a team. The product of their production is knowledge, scientific publications, research and development, expressed in inventions, innovations, patents and licenses.

The potential of the rest of the employees of the organization, whose activities are not related to managerial functions and scientific activities, consists in the capabilities and abilities related to their immediate job responsibilities - providing and maintaining support processes necessary for the successful functioning of the organization.

The peculiarity of the current state of the organization as part of university science is that the employees of the organization combine work in different positions. There are almost all possible combinations: combining managerial positions with teaching, research and support activities.

Within certain limits, combinations can be useful for work and the development of the qualities of employees, but there is a line, crossing which the combination begins to negatively affect various types of activities: any work takes time - the time to prepare for teaching should not be taken away from working time for doing managerial affairs or scientific work.

There are several reasons for combining several types of work. The main economic reason is the low level of remuneration of a researcher. Therefore, most of the combinations are forced. The second reason is much less common - a person is really interested in both types of activity. So there were economic circumstances that in the organization work for the most part enthusiasts, creative enthusiastic people who like to do both science and teaching, and they achieve serious success in areas of interest to them.

These processes of mixing functional groups and blurring the boundaries in practice between purely managerial, teaching, scientific and support personnel justify to a greater extent the view of their potential as an aggregate, personnel, which is formed as a result of consideration of the joint actions, abilities and capabilities of the entire team.

Quantitative analysis of the organization's personnel potential includes a change in the structure and number of personnel, which provides for an assessment of changes in the staffing level in general and by management levels.

Data on the number of posts according to the staffing table and the actual staffing of posts are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Number of posts by staffing and

actual staffing levels


Top management

middle link

Grassroots link

Auxiliary link
















Number of positions on the staff list











Occupied positions










5, 0

staffing positions in (%)

















Staffing of posts by individuals in (%)
















From Table. 1. it follows that in the organization, according to the staffing table in 2009, 92.75 positions are provided, individuals- 75 people.

In dynamics, there is an increase in the number of positions on the staffing table associated with personnel activities implemented as part of the ongoing restructuring of the organization, which began in 2010. In 2011, the number of positions in the organization on the staffing table amounted to 109.25 positions, individuals - 105 people, respectively. The staffing of positions by individuals in all categories of employees remained at the same level. There is a shortage of research laboratory assistants.

At the end of 2011 number vacancies is: "top level" - 10 rates; "middle link" - 9.5 rates, "lower link" - 4.5 rates, "auxiliary link" - 1 rate. In total - 38 rates used in combination and expanding the service area.

Of great interest is the change in the structure of employees due to the movement of personnel in the organization in terms of indicators characterizing the qualitative side of the labor potential - changes in the composition of personnel by gender, age, length of service, qualifications, certification (Table 2.)

Table 2 . Characteristics of scientific personnel

Number of doctors (individuals) at the end of the reporting year








up to 39 years

40-59 years old

60 years and older

Work experience

Up to 5 years inclusive

5-9 years old

10-14 years old

15-30 years old

over 30 years

Qualification of scientific personnel

Personnel certification

number of PhDs

number of PhDs

number of employees without a degree

number of employees with specialty certificates

specific gravity employees with qualification categories (%)




Number of certified:

number of employees who have not improved their qualifications for 5 years or more

From Table 2 it follows that the team of scientific workers mainly consists of men and women, the number of which is approximately the same. The structure of the workforce is dominated by people of working age with work experience of 15 years or more.

The proportion of young employees (under 40 years old) is approximately 1/5 of the composition of scientific workers. The share of employees of retirement age increased 1.5 times from 27.6% in 2009 to 41.8% in 2011.

The level of qualification of scientific personnel is quite high. The share of employees with a qualification category in relation to the actual number of employees is on average about 84.4%. From the staff of the organization in 2011, 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 37 doctors of medical sciences, including 19 professors, 67 candidates of sciences, 28 employees with the highest attestation category. In the structure of certified senior employees (having category 3-6) make up 46.5%, middle managers (having category 1-2) - 36.6%, other employees (auxiliary personnel having category 4) - 12.7 %, respectively. The share of employees who did not improve their qualifications for 5 years or more was about 17.6%.

The staff of the organization in terms of size is characterized by a change in the number of employees due to hiring and leaving for various reasons. An analysis of the movement and turnover of personnel is important when planning the number of employees.

The movement of employees for the reporting period can be represented as a balance sheet: payroll employees at the end of the reporting period = Payroll number of employees at the beginning of the reporting period + number of employees hired during the reporting period - number of employees who retired during the reporting period. Frame movement is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Frame movement





Top management

middle link



Top management

middle link



Top management

middle link






In accordance with the table. 3., the number of hired and laid off workers is increasing. Balance in 2009-2010 remains negative.

The balance in 2011 is positive (50 people) for all categories of employees and is due to the reorganization of the personnel; 5 new structural subdivisions have been integrated into the organization.

Attention is drawn to the dynamics of reducing the rate of staff turnover: in 2011, the number of hired workers is 3.8 times higher than the number of laid-off workers. The rate of layoffs (losses) in 2009 - 8.6%, in 2010 - 14.6%, in 2011 - 8.0%. The staff retention rate in 2009 amounted to - 92.3%, in 2010. - 87.3%, in 2011 – 77.8%, respectively. The level of staff turnover remains at the same level, on average - about 10.4%, which corresponds to the normal limit. A high staff turnover rate (exceeding the threshold of the norm above 10%) is an indicator of trouble in the organization.

The analysis of the structure of the personnel structure was carried out in accordance with the classifier of positions, according to the characteristics of the professional qualification group of scientists and heads of structural divisions.

The distribution of the wage fund of employees in general and in the context of individual positions is shown in table 4.

The average annual wage fund and the amount of wages are calculated taking into account increasing coefficients to the official salaries of the employees of the organization.

Table 4. Distribution of the wage fund of employees in

in general and in the context of individual positions

Job title

Average annual wage fund, rub.




Number of individuals

payroll fund

Number of individuals

payroll fund

Number of individuals

payroll fund





Chief Researcher




Leading Researcher




Senior Researcher








Junior Research Fellow




Research laboratory assistants




Technical staff





786 600

821 774

1 220 616

In accordance with the table. 4., the average annual wage fund (PHOT) in 2009. amounted to 786.6 thousand rubles. ( average salary employee -7.5 thousand rubles), in 2010. - 821.8 thousand rubles. (average salary of an employee -7.8 thousand rubles), in 2011 -1,221 thousand rubles (the average salary of an employee is 9.1 thousand rubles), respectively. Taking into account incentive payments, the average salary of an employee in 2011. amounted to about 10.9 thousand rubles. The differentiation of wages is formed taking into account increasing coefficients to official salaries employees.

3. Sociological and socio-psychological assessment of the state of the organization's human resources

In the sociological assessment of the personnel potential of the organization, the opinion of employees and the main factors of its formation in the following areas were studied:

job satisfaction;

Assessment of compliance of labor quality with market requirements;

Assessment of working conditions and organization of the scientific process;

Assessment of the correspondence of wages to the labor contribution;

Career growth and the desire to improve your professional level;

Evaluation of the prestige of work, usefulness of work, interest in the quality of work and a high level of knowledge in the specialty;

Desire to continue working after reaching retirement age.

The survey of employees was conducted in 2011. A total of 112 employees or 83.6% of the total number of employees of the organization (134 people) were interviewed. The resulting volume guaranteed the reliability of the results in at least 95% of cases (confidence factor t = 2) with a maximum sampling error of no more than ±2%. The sample set covered all the main groups of researchers and heads of structural divisions.

The sociological questionnaire contained questions about various aspects of job satisfaction and individual aspects of work activity. The vast majority (91.8%) of respondents gave a high assessment of job satisfaction in general (Table 5.).

Table 5. Respondents' assessment of job satisfaction

A significant part of the respondents (79.0%) assessed the working conditions and the level of organization of the scientific process as fully consistent with modern requirements (Table 6.).

Table 6. Respondents' assessment of working conditions and

organization of the scientific process

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents

Totally coincides


Rather corresponds


Rather inconsistent


Difficult to answer

The assessment of the moral and psychological atmosphere in the work collective included an assessment by the respondents of the frequency of occurrence conflict situations in the team (table 7.) and the reasons for their occurrence (table 8.)

Table 7. Respondents' assessment of the frequency of occurrence

conflict situations in the team

The majority of respondents (73.0%) noted satisfaction with relations in the workforce (no conflicts).

Table 8. Respondents' assessment of the main reasons

conflict situations in the organization

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents

Conflict personality in the team


Distribution of functional responsibilities


Working conditions


Distribution and wages


Low professionalism of individual employees

Referral for additional training and advanced training

Almost a third of the participants in the survey indicated the causes of conflict situations in the team.

In their opinion, the main reasons for the emergence of conflict situations were: conflict personality in the team (37.1%), distribution of functional duties (22.2%), working conditions (18.5%).

The respondents' assessment of the correspondence of wages to labor contribution is shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Respondents' assessment of salary compliance

labor contribution payments

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents

Completely satisfies

Mostly satisfies


Mostly unsatisfactory


Completely unsatisfactory


Difficult to answer


Only 20.9% of respondents gave a positive answer to the question about the correspondence of wages to the labor contribution. 77.1% of respondents indicated complete or partial non-compliance, 12.0% found it difficult to answer this question

participating in the survey. According to respondents, the expected level of wages, corresponding to qualifications, practical experience, time spent and physical activity, is approximately 4-5 times higher than the real one.

The vast majority of respondents (79.0%) gave a high assessment of the quality of scientific activity. Only a few of the respondents (16%) indicated that the quality of activities partially met the requirements modern market labor, and 4% of respondents found it difficult to answer this question (Table 10.).

Table 10. Respondents' assessment of quality compliance

scientific activity to the requirements of the modern labor market

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents

Totally coincides


Rather corresponds


Rather inconsistent


Difficult to answer

The overall assessment by respondents of the level of competencies and individual aspects of behavior is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 Overall assessment of the level of competencies by respondents

and certain aspects of behavior

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents



New professional knowledge


Practical experience


Interest in the quality of your work


Compliance with professional ethics (tactfulness)


Difficult to answer

Almost two-thirds of the respondents (67.4%) assessed the importance of the contribution to the level of competence of such components as professionalism, new professional knowledge and interest in the quality of work. Some of the respondents (12.6%) pointed out the importance of observing professional ethics. Difficult to answer this question - 1.7% of respondents.

Respondents assessed the possibility of career growth and the desire to improve their professional level (Table 12.).

Table 12. Overall assessment of career opportunities by respondents

growth and desire to improve professional level

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents

High prestige of the organization


Possibility career development


Professional development


Difficult to answer


25.1% of those participating in the survey answered positively to the question about the possibility of career growth. 20.3% of respondents indicated the possibility of professional development. Difficult to answer this question -18.5%.

The incentive motives of employees to continue working after reaching retirement age were studied (Table 13).

Table 13. Respondents' assessment of motivation to continue working

after reaching retirement age

When asked about the motivations for continuing to work after reaching retirement age, about a third of those participating in the survey indicated the opportunity to realize their skills and livelihoods. Additional motives for some of the respondents (20%) were a sense of the usefulness of work, the authority and respect of colleagues.

The respondents' assessment of the prestige of the profession is given in Table 14.

Table 14 Respondents' assessment of the prestige of the profession

Respondents' ratings

% of respondents





Difficult to answer

The question about the prestige of the profession was answered positively by 77.8% of the respondents, negatively by 13.0%, and only 9.2% of the respondents found it difficult to answer this question.

Thus, the conducted sociological survey showed that the level of satisfaction of scientists with their work and their desire to continue working in their previous positions are influenced by assessments of the ratio of labor contribution and monetary remuneration, working conditions, relations in the team, organization of the scientific process, the opportunity to improve their skills and career growth prospects.

In the course of a sociological study, it was revealed that the main factor in the dissatisfaction of the employees of the organization is the discrepancy between the expected and actual level of wages, inappropriate in their opinion, qualifications, practical experience, time and physical activity. Thus, the indicator of material motivation of employees has been determined, which can be represented as the difference between the sum of real and expected wages.

Another, no less important factor of dissatisfaction, indicated by employees, was the inappropriate work expectations, opportunities for professional development and career growth, which affect the work motivation of staff.

The identified features and characteristics are the basis for eliminating contradictions, predetermine the choice of methods of managerial influence in the direction of the implementation of measures to improve the system of personnel motivation.

Based on the study, the system of methodological information support to analyze the personnel potential of the organization, standard operations and procedures for a comprehensive assessment of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel were introduced from the standpoint of the systematic approach methodology. They include: an assessment of the number, composition and structure of personnel, as well as the socio-psychological capabilities of employees, creative abilities, their professional knowledge and qualifications, attitude to work and other qualitative characteristics.

Improving the quality of the personnel component of the potential is considered in the framework of decision-making on the effective use of both personal labor potential and the potential of the organization.

For the formation and development of human resources, the necessary components are: the presence of an effective scientific infrastructure of the organization: the qualitative potential of scientists and specialists; Availability scientific schools and technologies; scientific backlog in the form of intellectual property; use of marketing tools to convey innovative technologies to the market for products and services.

The development of the personnel potential of the organization is ensured by maintaining and supporting leading scientific schools and scientific groups, effectively replenishing and improving the quality level of research personnel, increasing the level of employee motivation, as well as training qualified administrative and management personnel.

The systematic approach is closely related to the situational analysis, which makes it possible to single out the most important external and internal factors that affect the state of labor resources in a specific period of time.

The most promising system for assessing the industry's human resources potential in dynamics is personnel monitoring.


The concept of “personnel potential of an organization” has been clarified – this is a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the performance of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the long-term development of the organization. These are the existing and potential capabilities of employees as an integral system (collective) that are used and can be used at a certain point in time.

The personnel component, in addition to quantitative characteristics, also includes qualitative characteristics:

a) professional knowledge, skills and abilities that determine professional competence;

b) cognitive abilities;

c) the ability to cooperate;

d) attitude to work.

The team is the social environment in which the process of formation of the labor potential of the employee, the formation of the individual takes place. The determining factors influencing the development of potential are: the availability of prospects for professional and qualification growth of employees, the increase in the prestige of certain types of labor activity, job satisfaction, a well-thought-out system of material and moral incentives.

This component of the labor potential can be considered from two positions. Subjectively, it acts as a form of personal self-expression and satisfaction of the employee's needs and can be considered as a person's ability to perform certain types of work. Objectively, it is an expression of a set of characteristics that reflect the material-technical and socio-economic certainty of a set of professions.

Personnel potential is an integral part of the labor resources of the organization. The workforce of an organization is open system, the state of which depends not only on internal factors, but also on the external social environment. When assessing human resources, the complex (systemic) influence of external and internal factors is taken into account, which is not reduced to their simple sum.

The requirements for the development of an information-diagnostic system of the organization's personnel potential have been determined, including:

conceptualization and systematization of diagnostic procedures for a comprehensive - assessment of the state and use of the potential, the nature of the processes of its development;

Analysis of the structure and number of personnel;

The study of satisfaction and needs of staff according to the sociological survey.

The system contains both information and control components of the effective use of the organization's potential with the functions of accumulation, storage and processing of data and management given for rational decision-making.


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12. Slyn'ko N.A. The essence of personnel potential in a modern university. . URL:

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14. Khlopova T.V., Dyakovich M.P. To the assessment of the labor potential of the enterprise //Sotsis. 2003. No. 3. pp. 15–19.

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16. Shmatko M.V. The image of science in the mass consciousness of the modern Russian society: Dis. ... cand. philosopher. Sciences. Omsk. 2007. 167 p.

At the present stage, the issue of developing methodological support for the process of assessing managerial personnel is relevant. This issue has been covered in many scientific papers, among which it is especially possible to single out, in terms of the breadth and depth of analysis, scientific research carried out under the guidance of N.P. Belyatsky, N.I. Kabushkina, R.S. Sedegov, N.I. Goryachko, G.Kh. Popova, T.Kh. Meleshko, G.B. Shishko, V.V. Kurilova, L.I. Lazar, V.K. Tarasov. Entire scientific teams worked on improving the methodology for assessing managerial personnel. many of these works can be useful in solving the problem business evaluation personnel at present for organizations and enterprises of consumer cooperation, since the unprofitability and unprofitability of many enterprises of the domestic economy require the full implementation of human resources. This will be facilitated by the methodology for assessing the management of human resources.

According to scientists V.I. Shkatulla, V.K. Tarasova, L.I. Lazar, the evaluation process is a reaction to a situation that has arisen (its potential) or a solution to certain issues and tasks in management. They emphasize that the assessment of personnel management should be associated not with one, but with a whole group of management problems. This approach is the most fruitful, as it makes it possible to formulate General requirements to a comprehensive assessment of the employee, which will effectively solve private problems.

One of the methods for assessing the effectiveness of human resource management, according to G.Kh. Popov is an integrated approach. The essence of this technique is that it makes it possible to obtain an assessment that integrates estimates of work time, complexity and results of work, and personal qualities of an employee. In principle, the idea of ​​obtaining a comprehensive assessment requires that private integrated indicators for assessing the work of an employee be previously obtained, including: an integrated indicator of labor costs; integrated index of labor complexity; an integrated indicator for evaluating the performance of an individual employee. further, an integrated assessment of the employee's personal qualities is required: knowledge, experience, character. Then the three integrated assessments (labor, results of work and personality) should be combined into a comprehensive assessment. And, according to G.Kh. Popov, in order to obtain indicators of labor results for an individual employee, it is necessary to first find methods for obtaining an integrated indicator of the work of the management apparatus.

To select a methodology for managing personnel potential, it is necessary to identify problems associated with personnel assessment, as a result of research by V.V. Maslov classified the problems as follows:

selection of personnel, including an assessment of the personal qualities of applicants and an assessment of the qualifications of applicants;

determination of the degree of compliance with the position held, involving re-certification of employees, analysis of the rationality of the placement of personnel, assessment of the completeness and clarity of the performance of official duties;

improving the use of personnel, which includes determining the degree of workload of employees, improving the organization of managerial work;

identification of the contribution of employees to the results of work, including the organization of incentives, the establishment of penalties;

promotion of employees, the need for advanced training;

improvement of the structure of the administrative apparatus, which involves justification of the number of administrative apparatus, verification of headcount standards, justification of the structure of personnel by position;

improving management, including improving the style and methods of management, increasing the responsibility of employees, strengthening the relationship between managers and specialists.

When organizing the assessment of human resources, a certain kind of goals are pursued. Scientists V.I. Shkatulla and N.I. Kabushkin are of the opinion that the assessment of human resources management serves three purposes: administrative (carrying out career growth), informational (determining the strengths and weaknesses of the certified person), motivational (increasing wages, creating favorable conditions labor).

In the implementation of management assessment, certain tasks are pursued, which, according to G.B. Shishko and Kh.T. Meleshko, can be divided into two groups.

The first group of tasks includes:

assessment of the business qualities of managers and specialists;

formation of a reserve for promotion

assessment of the need and expediency of retraining and advanced training of specific employees;

identifying areas of work with young professionals

assessment of the degree of development of managerial functions;

assessment of the psychological climate in the team.

The second group of tasks includes:

assessment of the quality of management at the enterprise;

choice of optimal organizational forms management;

calculation economic efficiency control systems.

According to A.V. Zhuplev, personnel assessment serves as the basis for solving such problems as the selection, placement and use of managerial personnel, the formation and analysis of a reserve of personnel for promotion, the determination of the potential capabilities of persons in the personnel reserve for their appointment to a higher position in the future, and also promotion from the reserve to a higher position, moving from position to position, referral to advanced training, determining the influence of managers on achieving the goals of social and economic development, organizing remuneration and incentives for employees, educating people and creating a socio-psychological climate, analysis and comparison of results work, the formation of relationships between the leader and subordinates, accounting and organization of systematic service and professional growth.

Studying the elements of human resources assessment, we can conclude that its main components are the problem (subject), methods, goals, objectives, criteria, participants in the assessment process. Having systematized these concepts, it can be stated that the main elements of the assessment are: the subject of the assessment (who evaluates) - the head, the employee of the personnel department, the expert, the specialist; object of evaluation (who is evaluated) - an employee or a group of employees; subject of evaluation (what qualities of a person are evaluated); the procedure for obtaining an assessment (how it is assessed) - the established procedure for carrying out work.

This made it possible to combine all the elements of the assessment into single system and present it in the form of a diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Elements of the assessment process

If the performance and capacity criteria are systematized, then the evaluators need to understand that a very good performance over a long period of time can be an indication that this manager is capable of making better decisions (i.e., has high potential). but good results at work are not yet unconditional evidence of good managerial abilities. Therefore, in order to avoid erroneous assignments, evaluators must determine the potential of an employee, regardless of his performance. the methods used in the due diligence process should be goal-oriented. Objective-based assessment methods, while not free from shortcomings, nonetheless represent a better assessment alternative to feature-based classification methods.

Consider the elements and methods used for a comprehensive assessment of human resource management in Table 2.

Table 2 - Elements of a comprehensive assessment of personnel


Assessment Methods

business games




1. Purpose of the evaluation

1.1 Organizational:

change of position

determination of professional suitability

creation of a personnel reserve

career planning


1.2 Informational:

identifying strengths and weaknesses


identification of managerial abilities and their development

1.3 Motivational:

change in manager behavior

stimulation of independent behavior

2. Subject of assessment:

Directly Head of Human Resources


HR consultants

3. Object of assessment:

Head of the organization


4. Subject of assessment:

personal and business qualities

degree of achievement of the goal

labor results

personal contribution (managers, specialists)

Note: (+) - application of the method

Having chosen the most common and used in personnel management as assessment methods, it can be noted that testing and interviews are typical for all elements of personnel assessment.

The method of personnel management in domestic practice is the certification process. Attestation (from Latin attestatio - certificate) - the procedure established by law to determine the qualifications of an employee, product quality, jobs, and the level of knowledge of students.

Researcher F.P. Negru speaks of attestation as a procedure for testing the qualifications of an employee by periodically assessing his knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, i.e. his suitability for the position.

Certification is a periodic duty of certain categories of workers and employees to undergo a regular check of the level of their qualifications (professional training and compliance with the work performed), organized by the administration of the enterprise with the active participation of the labor collective, management bodies in order to optimize the use of personnel, stimulate them to new labor successes and establish opportunities to save changes or design labor relations.

The purpose of certification is the rational placement of personnel and their effective use.

Certification tasks:

determine and evaluate the knowledge, skills and qualities of the employee;

highlight, evaluate and develop strengths employee;

identify the weaknesses of the employee and work together to eliminate them;

identify training needs, potential complaints, discipline issues and advancement prospects at an early stage;

assess the health of the staff.

There are 4 types of certification of employees (managers, specialists and other employees):

  • 1. The next certification is mandatory for everyone and is carried out at least once every two years for the management staff and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees.
  • 2. Certification upon expiration probationary period is carried out in order to develop reasonable recommendations for the use of an attested employee based on the results of his labor adaptation in a new workplace.
  • 3. Attestation during career advancement should identify the employee's potential and the level of his professional training for occupying a higher position, taking into account the requirements of a new workplace and new responsibilities.
  • 4. Certification when transferring to another structural subdivision carried out in cases where significant change job responsibilities and requirements of the new workplace. The list of positions subject to certification, and the timing of its implementation are established by the head of the organization in all divisions of the organization.

Certification takes place in 4 stages:

  • 1. On preparatory stage an order is issued on certification and approval of the composition attestation commission; a list of employees subject to certification is compiled.
  • 2. At the stage of assessing the employee and his work activity and the departments where the certified ones work, expert groups are created. They include: the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, a higher manager, one or two specialists of this unit, an employee (employees) of the personnel management service. The expert group evaluates the indicators of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, quality and results of the work of the person being certified.
  • 3. The certification stage consists in a meeting of the certification commission, to which the certified and their immediate supervisors are invited; consideration of all materials submitted for certification; hearing attested and their leaders; discussion of certification materials, statements of invitees, formation of conclusions and recommendations on certification of employees.

The attestation commission, taking into account the discussions, in the absence of the person being certified, by open voting gives one of the following assessments: corresponds to the position held; corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work, implementation of the recommendations of the certification committee and re-certification in a year; does not match the position.

Evaluation of the activities of an employee who has passed the certification, and the recommendations of the commission are entered in the evaluation sheet. The sheet for assessing activities and personal qualities is filled in by the immediate supervisor of the person being certified and a representative of the personnel management service. The certified person gets acquainted with the contents of the sheet no later than two weeks before the certification. The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation sheet and communicated to the person being attested immediately after voting. The meeting of the attestation commission is drawn up in a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission. The protocol of the meeting of the commission is filled in for all attestees who were heard during one meeting.

4. At the stage of decision-making based on the results of certification, a conclusion is formulated taking into account:

conclusions and proposals set out in the review of the head of the person being certified;

assessments of the activity of the person being certified, the growth of his qualifications;

assessments of business, personal and other qualities of their attested compliance with the requirements of the workplace;

the opinions of each member of the commission expressed during the discussion of the activities of the person being certified;

comparing the materials of the previous certification with the data at the time of certification and the nature of data changes;

opinions of the person being certified about his work, about the realization of his potential.

The modern methodology of the personnel management system is called Extended DISC, which is used not only abroad, but also in Russia, on its basis a whole system has been created to solve problems in the field of managing any human resources, both internal and external

The essence of the Extended DISC system (the basis of the DISC theory was laid back in the early 20th century by the great psychologists Carl Jung and William Moulton-Marston) is the artificial division of people into four main types in accordance with their natural behavior style (character).

The main styles of behavior were named after the first letters of the corresponding terms: D - Dominance (Dominance), I - Inducement (Motivation), S - Submission (Stability), C - Compliance (Consent).

The division of people into types is based on the well-known fact that the human brain consists of several parts: the left and right hemispheres, the anterior and posterior lobes, etc. We know that a person with a more developed left hemisphere is focused on analysis, and a person with a more developed right hemisphere is image oriented. One, faced with the solution of a problem, relies on thinking, the other on feelings, someone on the mind, someone on perception. It is not difficult for one to spend the whole day communicating with various people, another likes to draw up financial documents, he is pleased with well-chosen numbers and graphs, the third easily directs entire teams in the right direction and is ready to take responsibility for decisions and people. Thus, with the development of a certain part of the brain, a person acquires a certain set of qualities that characterize his natural style of behavior.

Accordingly, people belonging to the styles D, I, S, C are characterized by the adjectives indicated in Table 3.

Table 3 - Distribution of human qualities by behavior styles







overly dependent






















good listener







The above qualities in no way impose restrictions on the development of a person. The natural style of behavior cannot be good or bad. All people are different. But for the purposes of management, the priority is to use a person precisely in accordance with his natural style of behavior, because. its efficiency depends on it. The natural style of human behavior is finally formed by the age of 20-22. Its formation is influenced by the genetic information received by a person at birth, upbringing in the family and society, and, probably, the year, month and day of birth. The natural style of behavior does not change over the course of life like a blood type or fingerprints, but always manifests itself in stressful situations (this is an unconscious level of behavior). On the basis of statistical material formed over 15 years of using the system around the world, the developers compiled personal portraits of representatives of various styles.

Portraits of personalities, representatives of different styles, are described in Table 4.

Table 4 - Portraits of personalities, representatives of different styles

Representative D-style:

Representative I-style:

Often gives the impression of being in a hurry Direct, says what he thinks Can be brusque Describes his opinion as a fact Interrupts others Can talk to different people at the same time "What's the point?" Aggressive End of table 1.4

Open and friendly Talks a lot Easily gets excited Lively Talks about people he knows Doesn't pay enough attention to details Doesn't listen for long May ask the same question multiple times

D-style representative

Representative of I - style

Demanding "Will this be good for ME?" Very impatient Easily irritated Difficulty accepting other people's points of view and feelings

Jumps from subject to subject Avoids hard facts Can make spontaneous decisions

S-style representative:

C-style representative:

Seems calm Difficult to get inspired Listens carefully Agrees and maintains relationships Asks questions and tries to find out specifics Appears to have strong opinions of his own, but does not always voice them Seems thoughtful Completely new ideas and things make him uncomfortable Weighs alternatives, makes decisions slowly

Seems withdrawn and somewhat shy Calm Focused on details, asks many questions Carefully studies specifications and other information materials Acts carefully, carefully Expresses opposing views with difficulty Prepares ahead of time on major issues Can be overly critical, his criticism is based on facts rather than opinion

In target and planned, as well as in current assessments, a methodology is used when using quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessing the potential of the enterprise's personnel:

quantitative - these are all methods with a numerical assessment of the level of qualities of an employee. Among them, the method of coefficients and point method are considered the most simple and effective. The use of computers and other computer technology allows you to quickly make calculations and, as a result, obtain fairly objective assessments of the worker's work. These methods are not only quite simple, but also of an open nature, since they allow everyone to independently calculate "their own coefficients" or "points" according to a fairly strict methodology, and evaluate the effectiveness of their work.

qualitative - these are methods of biographical description, business description, special oral feedback, standard, and evaluation based on discussion. These ratings correspond to a specific set of qualities. It has been noted that the methods of biographical description, oral feedback and characteristics in economic practice are most often used when hiring and relocating workers, and the methods of the standard (assessment of the actual qualities of the employee in comparison with the model) and discussions are mainly used when appointing managers.

The method of standard estimates is also widespread. The manager fills out a special form, evaluating certain types of work of the employee during the attestation period on a standard scale. This method is characterized by simplicity, low costs, general availability, ensures the uniformity of certification of all employees; the manager does not require special training, significant time investment. There is another type of assessment - comparative methods. When using them, the manager compares one employee of his department with another. When ranking, they line up by name in a conditional chain - from the best to the worst performance in terms of performance during the certification period. Then all employees (100%) are divided into groups, for example, 10% best, 20% good, 40% average, 20% laggards, 10% bad workers. Comparative methods are very robust, understandable and accessible and can be used to make reward decisions. However, their disadvantage is that they are one-sided and approximate for the purposes of personnel development, vocational training and etc.

One of the most popular evaluation methods is the method of management by goals. Its essence lies in the joint determination by the employee and his manager of the key goals of the employee for certain period(year, six months). Few such goals are set, and to achieve them, the solution of the most important tasks is required. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, but challenging. The greatest difficulty is the assessment of personal qualities: the need to choose from a wide range, subjectivity in their perception often leads to a distorted assessment. The results of the study showed that there is no single universal methodology suitable for solving the whole range of tasks for assessing the management of human resources. For this reason, organizations and enterprises are most often forced to develop their own assessment program, including the methodology for its implementation, the use of progressive experience and the services of third-party specialists.

UDC 331.08
BBK 65.291.6-21

Target. Identification and assessment of the personnel potential of an enterprise on the example of Workshop No. 41 Open joint-stock company"Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant".

Methods. The study is based on the methods of quantitative, scoring and calculations of the volumetric value of the labor potential. Methods of economic and statistical analysis were used to carry out the calculations.

Results and practical significance. The indicators by which the employees of the enterprise under study are evaluated, the evaluation criteria are revealed, the dependence of labor productivity on the level of qualification is shown.

Scientific novelty. The patterns of change (increase) in labor productivity with a change (increase) in the qualifications of personnel are revealed.

Keywords: personnel potential , indicators of assessment of personnel potential , labor productivity .

At present, in the context of the general intellectualization of production, a person becomes its main driving force. The achievement of a certain result of the activity of a group or organization depends on many factors. Objective socio-economic processes force organizations to focus on innovative development, and a special role in this is played by human resources, timely assessment, development and management of which can expand the capabilities of the organization, bring it to a new competitive level, and ensure sustainable development.

Personnel today is the main driving force and strategic resource of any organization. For a long time in our country, the management of the organization focused only on the rational use of financial and material resources in achieving the goals, and the role of personnel in organizing the functioning of the enterprise was downplayed. In recent decades, especially in developed market countries, there has been a clear trend towards an even greater increase in this value. At the same time, personnel management acts as one of the most important areas of strategic management in modern organization, since in the conditions of an innovative economy and modernization of production, the role of a person increases, and more and more high requirements.

The level of personnel development directly affects the competitive capabilities of the organization and its strategic advantages. A competitive enterprise seeks to use the capabilities of employees as efficiently as possible, creating all conditions for the most complete return and intensive development of their potential. To achieve optimal interaction between the person and the organization, as well as their relationship with external environment allows strategic management. For a company to achieve long-term success, value opportunities need to be constantly identified and translated into new and promising value propositions. In our country, in a competitive and rapidly changing situation, enterprises must not only focus on the internal state of affairs, but also develop a long-term strategy that would allow them to keep up with the changes taking place in their environment.

One of the most important is the personnel potential, the assessment of which will allow to establish the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific task at a given workplace. Currently, insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the personnel situation and the use of the personnel potential of the enterprise. The problem of researching personnel potential was described in their works by V.Ya. Afanasyev, B.M. Genkin, M.V. Grachev, A.Ya. Kibanov, I.K. Kornev, I.L. Litvinov and others.

Personnel potential is understood as the entire number of permanent employees of the organization with the necessary professional training and qualifications, as well as personal characteristics for possible participation in the production process. Most economists use the word “potential” to mean means, resources, stocks, sources that can be used in production processes (business processes), as well as various kinds of opportunities for an employee, team or society to materialize their knowledge and skills in order to ensure the viability and development of the company. in a specific setting.

V.Ya. Afanasiev and I.K. Kornev define the personnel potential “as a set of abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems. The personnel potential lies in the functions that he performs as a professional and by virtue of his abilities, knowledge of experience” .

According to S.V. Andreev, “the personnel potential of an enterprise is a generalizing characteristic of the aggregate abilities and capabilities of permanent employees of an enterprise who have certain qualifications, who have undergone preliminary professional training and have special knowledge, work skills and work experience in a particular field of activity to effectively fulfill their functional duties and give certain economic results in accordance with the current and future goals of the enterprise" .

In our opinion, the concept of personnel potential should be considered in the context of the concept of potential in general. Then the personnel potential is the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, other groups of workers, which can be activated in the process of labor activity in accordance with official duties and goals set for society, region, collective at a certain stage of development. This approach to determining human resources makes it possible comprehensive analysis any category of personnel on the basis of objective economic laws in accordance with the chosen object, subject of research, as well as its goals and objectives.

Human resources management of a modern organization should be based on the following principles:

  • compliance of the labor potential with the nature, volume and complexity of the work performed labor functions and types of work;
  • conditionality of the structure of labor potential by material factors of production;
  • effective use of labor potential;
  • creation of conditions for professional and qualification development of personnel, career advancement and expansion of the profile, skills and abilities of employees.

Essence rational use of the organization's personnel potential lies in a more complete identification and implementation of the abilities of each employee, strengthening the creative and meaningful nature of labor, raising the professional qualification level employees, taking into account its comprehensive stimulation and an appropriate assessment of the contribution of each employee to the final results of activities. From the point of view of modern management, the development of human resources is considered as the main reserve for improving the efficiency of the organization. At the same time, investment in the development of personnel often plays a greater role than investments directed to modernizing equipment or increasing production capacity.

When assessing the potential of personnel, the issue of the effectiveness of the work of the entire organization is raised, i.e. it is the basis for making decisions on the development of both personnel and the entire organization.

For effective production process and implementation planned target it is necessary to determine the need for personnel, taking into account the specifics of production and labor functions. The challenge of creative incentives to work is a response to the requirement of one of the main laws of social development - an increase in the role of the social factor and its reverse influence on work. The calculation of the number should be based on the balance of the actual use of working time, the need for workers by profession, skill level and additional number. Besides, in personnel policy the enterprise should reflect the forecasting of the demand for labor, based on the main goals of the enterprise for the upcoming planning period in accordance with the conditions for output and its marketing. To do this, determine the general and additional need for personnel.

The total requirement is the number of personnel required to complete the planned scope of work. The additional demand characterizes the additional number of personnel to the already existing number at the beginning of the period to perform the intended tasks.

An important but not fully resolved problem is the assessment of labor potential, which can be used to measure and intensively use both personal labor potential and the organization as a whole. The process of assessing the individual performance of the staff and its transparency increase the motivation and authority of the manager. The choice of assessment methods is a complex task, which must take into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment.

In practice, the following methods of measuring labor potential are used: quantification(as a rule, it is carried out only in relation to an individual employee according to such indicators as gender, age, length of service, level of education, etc.), score(produced on a 7-10 point scale in relation to indicators characterizing the age, health, training of an employee, etc.), volumetric value the labor potential of the organization can be established through the total fund of working time, expressed in man-hours.

The value of the labor potential of the organization is determined by the formula:

F p \u003d F to - T np (1)

F p \u003d H D T cm, (2)

where F p - the total potential fund of the organization's working time, hours;

Ф to - the value of the calendar fund of working time, hours;

T np - non-reserve-forming absences and breaks, hour. (i.e. regulated costs that are necessary - holidays and holidays etc.);

N - the number of employees, people;

D - the number of days of work in the period, days;

T cm - duration of the working day, hour.

The personnel potential of the enterprise is less than the labor potential of the enterprise by the value of the potential opportunities of unskilled and low-skilled workers, non-staff workers and part-time workers. This is their main difference.

The labor potential of an organization can also be calculated using the following formula:

TP \u003d H r C r W r K k K p, (3)

where Ch p - the total number of personnel, people;

C p - an indicator of the average duration of the employee's labor activity during the year, calculated as a weighted average value by the number of employees, taking into account the hours worked by them (month / person);

З р - indicator of staff retention.

The staff retention rate is calculated by the formula:

Z p \u003d d s + l (1-d s), (4)

where d s - the proportion of entrenched workers,%;

l - the duration of the period of labor activity of the employee, accepted, but not entrenched in the organization;

K to - an indicator of the qualifications of workers.

The employee qualification indicator is calculated by the formula:

K k \u003d 1 + V (m - 1), (5)

where V is the proportion of skilled workers in the total number;

m - coefficient of labor reduction, taken equal to the tariff coefficient, reflecting the qualifications of the employee (complexity of labor) in the range from 0.1 to 6.0;

K n is an indicator of labor productivity growth with different age and gender structure of the team.

Thus, the assessment of personnel potential is carried out on the basis of a number of indicators and requires study in order to improve the organization of labor and production in the face of intense competition between enterprises.

We will assess the human resources potential on the example of Workshop No. 41 of the Open Joint Stock Company Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant. Abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian: OAO Zlatmash.

Personnel potential Workshop No. 41 of JSC "ZLATMASH" includes the labor potential of all its employees. The labor potential of an employee has a complex structure. On the one hand, this is the total ability of the physical and spiritual means of an individual worker to achieve the desired results of activity. On the other hand, the ability to improve in the labor process, to solve new problems that arise as a result of changes in production.

The security of the enterprise with labor resources is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the planned need. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the staffing of the enterprise with the most important professions discussed in Table 1.

Table 1. Availability of labor resources of Workshop No. 41 of ZLATMASH OJSC

According to table 1, there is a decrease in the total number of employees in 2012 by 38 people. or 16.38%, in 2013 an increase in the number of 1 person. or 0.52%. In 2012, the reduction in the number of main workers occurred by 14.04%, and auxiliary workers by 31.3%, managers by 14.29%. There is a clear increase in the number of key workers in 2013 compared to 2012, which is a positive development (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dynamics of the average number of employees of Workshop No. 41

The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 is presented in table 2.

Table 2. The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41

Structure, %

Change in specific weight, %

The average number of production personnel, including:

Working auxiliary

Working basic

Managers, professionals, employees

In the structure of the number of employees, the largest share in 2011 is the main workers 73.71%; managers, specialists, employees - 12.07%. The share of the main workers increased in 2012 by 2.07%, the share of managers, specialists and employees increases in 2012. by 0.3%, and in 2013 it decreases by 0.06%, which is a positive moment in the activity of this workshop (Fig. 2 - 4).

Rice. 2. The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 in 2011

Rice. 3. The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 in 2012

Rice. 4. The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 in 2013

As part of the assessment of personnel potential, it is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 for 2011-2013. (table 3).

Table 3. The composition of workers by skill level of Workshop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013

Rank of workers

Tariff coefficients

Average number of workers, pers. (H)


specific weight, %


specific weight, %


specific weight, %

The analysis of the professional and qualification level of workers is carried out by comparing the number of ranks with the number necessary to perform each type of work in sections and the enterprise as a whole.

To assess the conformity of the qualifications of workers with the complexity of the work performed by the site, workshop and enterprise, the average wage categories of workers are compared.

Thus, the calculations show that the average tariff coefficient in 2012 is higher than in 2011 by 0.11, and in 2013 by 0.02 lower than in 2012, which certainly reduces the efficiency of work. Therefore, in terms of training and retraining of workers, it is necessary to provide for the improvement of the skills of workers in the necessary specialties. The composition of workers by skill level of Workshop No. 41 in 2013 is presented in table 4.

Table 4. Composition of workers by skill level of Workshop No. 41 in 2013

As can be seen from Table 4, the planned need for workers in the workshop is 189 people, and the actual availability of workers is 173 people, i.e. the workshop is not fully staffed, there is a shortage of staff in the amount of 16 people (173 - 189). Average tariff category the actual one is lower than planned by 0.2 (3.64 - 3.84), which indicates a discrepancy between the qualifications of workers and the level of work performed (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Average wage category of shop workers in 2013

The qualification level of the workers of Workshop No. 41 also largely depends on their age and education. Therefore, in the process of analysis, we will consider changes in the composition of workers by age and education (tables 5 - 6).

Table 5. The structure of the labor resources of Workshop No. 41 by age for 2011 - 2013



year 2012

year 2013

Change, %

number, pers.

Specific weight, %

number, pers.

Specific weight, %

number, pers.

Specific weight, %

Graphically, the structure of workers in Shop No. 41 by age is shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Structure of employees by age

This diagram shows that there is a decrease in the number of specialists in all age groups, a positive moment is the reduction of labor resources over the age of 60 years.

The structure of labor resources by education is presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Structure of labor resources by education for 2011 - 2013



year 2012

year 2013

Change, %

number, pers.

specific weight, %

number, pers.

specific weight, %

number, pers.

specific weight, %

Secondary technical

Primary vocational

Graphically, the structure of the employees of Workshop No. 41 by education is shown in fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Structure of employees of Workshop No. 41 by education

According to tables 5-6, we can conclude that the qualitative composition of the workforce of the workshop is improving, the share of specialists with secondary technical education is increasing in 2013 compared to 2012, and the share of young specialists is also increasing.

In 2013, there is an increase in the number of employees with secondary specialized education, and a decrease in the number of employees with primary vocational education.

The structure of employees by gender is presented in Table 7 and in Fig. eight.

Table 7. Structure of employees by sex in 2013

Rice. 8. Structure of employees by sex in 2013

Since changes in the qualitative composition occur as a result of the movement of the labor force, this issue must be given great attention in the analysis. The data for analysis are presented in Table 8. The change in the qualitative and quantitative composition is measured by the coefficients for the admission and departure of personnel, as well as the turnover and total turnover of the labor force.

Table 8. Data on the movement of the workforce of Workshop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013

Name of indicator

Absolute change

Growth rate, %

1. Volume of production, million rubles

2. Average number of employees, pers.

3.Number of personnel at the beginning of the year, pers.

4. Number of employees at the end of the year, pers.

5. Number of hired employees per year, pers.

6.Number of retired employees per year, pers.

7. Including dismissal for violation labor discipline, at will

8. Total number of hired and laid off workers, pers.

9. Coefficient for hiring employees (str5/str2*100), %

10. Employee retirement rate (str6/str2*100%), %

11. Staff turnover rate (str7/str2*100), %

12. The coefficient of the total turnover of the labor force (p. 8 / p. 2 * 100),%

Based on the calculations, we can draw the following conclusions about the movement of the labor force in 2012 compared to 2011. - the turnover ratio on admission increased by 2.56%, on dismissal decreased by 30.2%. In 2013, there is a sharp reduction in the staff turnover rate. So, from 2011 to 2013, the value of this coefficient decreased from 10.34% to 1.54%, while the value of the total turnover coefficient for the analyzed period decreased by 11.36% (Fig. 9).

The indicators of the movement of the labor force of Shop No. 41 are declining, the decrease in these indicators was affected by the reduction in the total number of hired and laid off workers in 2012-2013.

Rice. 9. Dynamics of labor force movement coefficients

The same result in the production process can be obtained with different degrees of labor efficiency. The measure of labor efficiency in the production process is called labor productivity. In other words, labor productivity is understood as its effectiveness or the ability of a person to produce a certain volume of output per unit of working time.

At the workplace, in the shop, at the enterprise, labor productivity is determined by the amount of products that a worker produces per unit of time (production), or the amount of time spent on manufacturing a unit of output (labor intensity). A system of generalizing and particular indicators is used to assess the level of labor productivity. The generalizing indicators include the average annual, average daily, average hourly output per worker in value terms.

Let's determine the average annual output in Shop No. 41 of JSC "ZLATMASH" for 2011 - 2013. (table 9).

Table 9. Calculation of labor productivity of workers in Workshop No. 41 for 2011 - 2013

Rice. 10. Dynamics of labor productivity

Thus, we can conclude that labor productivity in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 14.17%, and in 2013 increased by 10.23%.

To begin with, let's define the dependence of labor productivity on the skill level of workers. To do this, we calculate the correlation coefficient of the dependence of these two indicators (Table 10).

Table 10. Data for calculating the correlation coefficient

The correlation coefficient between the skill level and productivity of the press workers was 0.998558, the correlation coefficient between the skill level and the productivity of the electric workers was 0.998646, which indicates a close relationship between the skill level and labor productivity of workers in the relevant professions. Consequently, by increasing the number of skilled workers, we increase labor productivity in the shop, thereby increasing output (table 11).

Table 11. Dynamics of indicators of labor efficiency of workers

We will send 5 people of press workers, 5 people of electricians for advanced training. The costs of training workers in the workshop in 2014 are presented in Table 12.

Table 12. Costs for training workers in the workshop in 2014

The total effect of the implementation of the event is expressed in an increase in output and will be:

(641.1 + 469.5) - 64.5 \u003d 1046.1 thousand rubles.

Thus, the labor productivity of the workshop workers will increase by 1046.1 / 173 = 6.05 thousand rubles / person.

The calculation of the labor productivity of the workers of Workshop No. 41 is presented in Table 13. Thus, the labor productivity of the workers of the workshop will increase by 5.4 thousand rubles / person. or 0.7%. Increasing the skills of workers will ultimately affect the level of productivity of workers in the shop (Fig. 11).

Table 13. Calculation of labor productivity of workers in Workshop No. 41

Rice. 11. Dynamics of output of workers in Shop No. 41

As a result of the advanced training of workers, the average wage category of workers in the shop will also change. The dynamics of the average tariff category is presented in table 14 and in fig. 12.

Table 14. Composition of workers by skill level of Workshop No. 41

Rank of workers

fact 2013


Average salary category of workers

Rice. 12. Dynamics of the average wage category of workers in Workshop No. 41

As a result of advanced training of workers, the average wage category of workers in the workshop increased by 0.03. This means that the increase in the educational level of employees, and, as a result, the results of labor makes it possible to improve the human resources potential and increase the efficiency of the activity of Workshop No. 41 of ZLATMASH OJSC.

Thus, the assessment of the personnel potential of a modern organization is a systematic, organized, managed process aimed at intensifying and optimizing the work of personnel, organizing healthy competition between employees, observing the principles of open management and social justice.


1. Regulation of socio-economic and political processes in Russia: history and modernity: monograph / ed. N.R. Balynskaya. St. Petersburg: INFO-da Publishing House, 2014. 171 p.

2. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. On the issue of the organization's personnel management strategy // Modern tendencies in economics and management: a new look. 2010. No. 6. P.224-229.

3. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Brand, branding, brand management: on the role in the activities of a modern organization // Economics and Politics. 2014. No. 2 (3). pp. 118-122.

4. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern organization // Personnel management of a modern organization: monograph / E.Yu. .edited by S.S. Chernova. Book 3. Novosibirsk: SIBPRINT Publishing House, 2010. P. 146-171.

5. Petrov A.V. Teaching - leading character // Money and credit. 1999. No. 6.

6. Afanasiev V.Ya. Introduction to public administration: [textbook in 3 books] / V.Ya. Afanasyev, I.K. Kornev. M.: Finstatinform, 1998. Book 3.

7. Andreev S.V. Personnel potential and problems of employment in the context of Russia's transition to market relations M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Sociology, 1997.

8. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization: a textbook. Ed. 4th, add. and reworked. M.: INFRA-M, 2010. 695 p.

9. Akyulov R.I. Modern Instruments management and marketing in municipal government// Municipality: economics and management. 2014. No. 4 (9).

10. Turgel I.D. Intermunicipal cooperation in the Russian Federation: experience of economic and statistical analysis // Municipality: economics and management. 2014. No. 1 (6). pp. 35-40.

11. Popov L.A. Analysis and modeling of labor indicators: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. M.: Finance and statistics, 2007, 366 p.

12. Balynskaya N.R. The role of funds mass media in creating the image of the territory: the municipal level of government (the example of Magnitogorsk) // Economics and Politics. 2014. No. 1 (2). pp. 14-15.

13. Sinitsyna O.N. Benchmarking of the personnel of the organization // Innovative Vestnik Region. 2013. No. 4.2. pp. 39-46.

14. Vesnin N.R. Practical personnel management. M.: "Jurist", 2003. 548 p.

15. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: textbook. Ed. 6th. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2007. 1100 p.


1. Regulation of the socio-economic and political processes in Russia: history and modern time: monograph / ed. By N.R. Balynskaya. St. Petersburg: Publishing house INFO-da, 2014. 171 p.

2. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. On the issue of personnel management strategy // Current trends in economics and management: a new look. 2010. No. 6. P.224-229.

3. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Brand, branding, brand management: on the role in modern enterprise activity // Economics and politics. 2014. No. 2 (3). P. 118-122.

4. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern enterprise. // Personnel management of a modern enterprise: monograph / E.Yu.Garanina, V.N.Gonin, N.A.Goncharevich et al. / Gen. ed. by S.S. Chernov. Book 3. Novosibirsk: Publishing house "SIBPRINT", 2010. P.146-171.

5. Petrov A.V. Advancement for raining // Money and Credit. 1999. No. 6

6. Afanasiev V. Ya. Introduction to public administration: / V.Ya.Afanasev, I.K.Kornev.M.: Finstatinform, 1998. Book.3.

7. Andreev S.V. Human capacity and employment problems in conditions of Russia "s transition to market economy M.: Publishing house of the inst-te of sociology, 1997.

8. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management: course book.4 th ed., rev. and ext.M.: INFRA-M, 2010.695p.

9. Akyulov R.I. Modern tools of management and marketing in municipal administration // Municipality: economics and management.2014. No. 4 (9).

10. Turgel I.D. Intermunicipal cooperation in the RF: experience of economic and statistical analysis // Municipality: economics and management.2014. No. 1 (6). P. 35-40.

11. Popov L.A. Analysis and modeling of labor indicators: course book2 nd ed., rev.and ext. M.: Finance and statistics, 2007, 366p.

12. Balynskaya N.R. The role of mass media increating the image ofa territory: municipallevel of government(exemplified byMagnitogorsk) // Economicsand Politics. 2014. No. 1 (2). P.14-15.

13. SinitsynaO.N. Benchmarking of the enterprise personnel //InnovationBulletin Region. 2013. No. 4.2.P.39-46.

14. VesninN.R.Practical personnel management.M.: "Jurist", 2003. 548p.

15. Egorshin A.P. Human resource management: course book. Ed.6th. N.Novgorod: NIMB2007. 1100p.

Performance evaluation indicators of human capacity of an enterprise

Purpose. Identification and evaluation of human capacity of an enterprise exemplified by workshop №41 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Zlatoust machine-building plant."

methods. The research is based on quantitative methods, scoring and calculating the volume value of labor potential. For calculation methods of economic-statistical analysis have been used.

results and practical importance. Indicators are identified to assess workers of the enterprise under research, evaluation criteria, dependence of productivity on skill level is demonstrated.

scientific novelty. The pattern of changes (increase) in productivity with changing (improving) staff qualification is revealed.

key words:

The concept of "human resources" reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. Personnel potential can be defined as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems. Under personnel potential society is understood as the totality of the abilities of all employees to achieve certain goals and requirements facing society. For example - to have an economy certain level, reproduce its components at all stages of the production and economic cycle with a certain degree of efficiency.

Personnel potential of the enterprise- this is general characteristics personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the performance of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the long-term development of the enterprise. The category of "personnel potential" considers the total worker as an integral part of all stages of the reproduction process, as a "carrier" of social needs.

The assessment system as a technology is unchanged, all changes occur in the methods and requirements for personnel assessment. So, at modern enterprises, the following types of assessment of human resources are widely used, which are classified:

1. According to the object of personnel assessment: a) according to the object of assessment for the assessment of candidates b) assessment of the organization's employees The main difference between these two types is a set of assessment tools and methods.

2. According to the purpose of personnel assessment: a) Quantitative (to determine the effectiveness of personnel) b) Qualitative (to assess the personal qualities of personnel) c) Comprehensive (to obtain a more accurate assessment of personnel) The next step is to choose the method of evaluation.

There are 21 methods, we will consider the most interesting in our opinion, there are 7 of them:

1. Method business games- personnel assessment is carried out with the help of specially designed simulation and developing business games. They allow you to assess the readiness of all personnel to solve existing problems.

2. Assessment method based on competency models - this model describes the intellectual and business qualities of an employee that are necessary for successful professional activity, at this enterprise. within the existing corporate culture organizations.

3. The method of functional cost assessment - the method of cumulative quality assessment performed by the employee functions in value terms.

4. The method of independent judges - a commission gathers - 6-7 people - they ask various questions, and as a result they draw conclusions.

5. The method of "360 degrees of assessment" - this method is an assessment of quality, managers and colleagues.

6. Method of management through setting goals - the goals of the employee's activities that he must fulfill are jointly determined.

7. The method of assessment centers - using this method, two tasks are solved: the personal and business qualities of the employee are clarified and various programs are determined. This method is most effective for evaluating managers.

The assessment of personnel potential for many enterprises is problematic, which negatively affects the results of their activities. A lot of evaluation methods have been developed. Their main task is to improve the performance of both individual performers and departments, divisions, and the enterprise as a whole. Assessment results can have far-reaching consequences for the organization: reductions, dismissals, or expansion of the staff, changes in the organizational structure, changes in the system of rationing and remuneration, changes in the organizational climate, the degree of satisfaction of workers with the conditions and results of work, an increase or decrease in conflict. Evaluation provides the company's management with important statistical data for management. In general, the evaluation process decides tasks improving the current activities of employees, determining the prospects and strategies for the development of the enterprise's personnel and creating a favorable socio-psychological climate at the enterprise. Despite a significant number of methods, they are not ideal, they have certain advantages and disadvantages, which served as the basis for their study.

Methods applied personnel services in assessing the potential of the personnel management system and the potential of the personnel themselves can be divided into two groups:

1) quantitative methods, which can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, set in advance, and their quantitative measurement. The high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

One of these approaches is assessment of the potential of all personnel of the enterprise as an aggregate social worker, the effectiveness of whose labor activity is determined by the final results of the enterprise's work in the estimated period. As indicators it is proposed to use the volumes of marketable, sold, net products, their quality, profit, production cost, profitability, income, economic efficiency ratios, payback period of dividends per share, and others. The approach has its advantages, since the effectiveness of the work of the staff is primarily determined by the final results of the enterprise as a whole. But he doesn't

takes into account how, in what ways and means the final results are achieved.

A method based on criteria indicators of the effectiveness and quality of living labor. As indicators it is possible to use the productivity of labor and the dynamics of its changes, the share of wages in the cost of production, the percentage of fulfillment of production standards, the labor intensity of products, the capital-labor ratio of labor, the loss of working time, the quality of labor, the coefficients of complexity of work, the level of industrial injuries, etc.

If the first approach aggregates the entire staff to the total worker, then the second concept inevitably uses the differentiation of living labor by product and type of work. This approach does not take into account the market component of the enterprise, therefore, only labor indicators not enough;

2) qualitative methods are non-formalized and aimed at obtaining information through in-depth study of a small amount of material. This approach proposes to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system depending on the forms and methods of working with personnel, that is, on the organization of the work of personnel, their motivation, and the socio-psychological climate in the team. In this case criteria indicators are: staff structure, skill level, staff turnover, discipline, use of the working time fund, uniformity of staff workload, costs per worker, implementation of the plan social development, the socio-psychological climate in the team, etc. The approach is more differentiated in relation to living labor, i.e., taking into account the individual characteristics of the performers and their compatibility in groups.

concrete example such a technique is the procedure of the assessment center or assessment center, which is widely used in foreign companies to assess the potential of personnel. This technique allows you to most accurately predict the success of an employee, based on the observations obtained during the assessment, this is the main advantage of the method.

The assessment centers use various technologies that allow for a comprehensive assessment of not only the potential of the staff themselves, but also the organization as a whole: psychological and professional tests; expert supervision; individual analysis of specific situations; analysis of key indicators (labor productivity, staff turnover, etc.). Method is a comprehensive

study of the potential of the personnel management system at the level senior management, personnel management and line management services, including the analysis and assessment of personnel potential, personnel management functions, organizational structure and functional division of labor, the potential of the personnel management system, as well as the development of recommendations for its improvement.

Disadvantages of the method: high financial costs and laboriousness of the evaluation process.

The study showed a variety of approaches and methods for assessing human resources. The enterprise chooses one of them or uses several methods at the same time for more effective evaluation. Depending on which method is chosen and how well it is used, its effectiveness will depend, and

means the correctness of the adopted management decisions based on the results of the assessment.
Technology for assessing human resources in organizations of any form of ownership


1.1. Negotiating with the customer to receive an order for the assessment of human resources

determination of the purpose of the assessment of human resources;

definition of tasks for assessing human resources (setting questions that should be answered by evaluators).

1.2. Drawing up and conclusion of a contract for the assessment of human resources.

1.3. Coordination of the timing of the assessment of human resources.

1.4. Formation of a team of appraisers to assess the human resources potential.


2.1. Development of a work schedule by appraisers for the assessment of human resources.

2.2. The choice of methods for assessing human resources.

2.3. Develop questions to be answered by members of the organization.

2.4. Collection of information. Methods.


conducting interviews;

sociometric method;

observation; documentation analysis.

2.5. Analysis of the data obtained (making judgments about the facts).

2.7. Preparation and writing of a written report to the Customer on the assessment of human resources.


3.1. Meeting with the customer for oral presentation of the results, conclusions and recommendations.

3.2. Correction of the written report on the assessment of personnel potential.

3.3. Delivery of a written report on the assessment of the human resources potential to the customer.

At the present stage of development of business technologies, the key resources of any organization, along with financial, informational, technological, are human resources. Enterprises compete, including at the level of professional development of their employees - their knowledge, skills and abilities. For the most reasonable and effective use of this resource, it is necessary to properly evaluate it. Various systems, methods and methods of personnel assessment allow to identify and unlock the potential of each employee and direct this potential to the implementation of the company's strategic goals.

Personnel assessment is not always clear and formalized. However, with the development of business process analysis, a more attentive attitude to the strategic development of companies, formalized assessment systems began to appear based on the strategic objectives of companies.

A little later, a more detailed (based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of each employee) system appeared. Management by Objectives (MBO) - performance management. The essence of this approach is that a list of key tasks (work criteria) is formed for the employee in a single standard. This standard, as a rule, includes the name, description and weight of the task, as well as the planned and actual indicators of its implementation (indicating the appropriate units of measurement) in the general list of tasks of the control object. AT this case It is very important that the performance of each task is measurable. At the end of the approved period, the employee and the manager evaluate the implementation of each goal (usually in percentage terms) and the entire personal plan of the employee.

System " 360 degrees" was created in order to increase the objectivity of the assessment. It is assumed that during the evaluation procedure, colleagues, managers, subordinates and clients of the employee are interviewed; this leads to a decrease in the subjectivity of the assessment. The procedure is carried out in several stages: assessment criteria are determined, questionnaires are compiled, a questionnaire is conducted, at the end the results are analyzed and a plan for the development of underdeveloped competencies is developed.

It is important to correctly define the evaluation criteria, which cannot be the same for different positions. For each position, its own range of competencies is determined with pre-developed indicators for evaluation - behavioral examples. The advantage of this scoring system is its relative simplicity. However, it should be taken into account that when conducting a large-scale study, the process of processing the obtained data becomes more difficult. In addition, clearly defined evaluation criteria are needed. In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the collection of information, informing people about the goals of testing.

For Belarus, the traditional assessment system is attestation . It was used at enterprises in Soviet times. Unfortunately, attestation is greatly underestimated as a system of assessment. In fact, it is very similar to other foreign methods, however, being an extremely formalized and regulated procedure, it lags far behind in terms of the methods used - the legislation does not keep pace with the development of assessment methods. As a result, in the current conditions of the absence of a single standard for positions, certification becomes possible only in budgetary institutions.

Conventionally, all methods of researching an organization can be divided into three main approaches: empirical, engineering and humanitarian. Personnel assessment methods are most related to the empirical approach, as they are based on the dissemination of successful industry or functional experience, the use of precedent experience in decision making. In most cases, evaluation is a comparison of the characteristics obtained during the study with the characteristics of a "reference sample". Empirical research methods are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative ones.

Quantitative methods can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, set in advance, and their quantitative measurement. The high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

The most common quantitative method is questioning . In the process of questioning, the employee/candidate for a vacancy is asked to answer in writing the questions presented in the form of a questionnaire. Due to the ease of use and processing, questionnaires can be used both separately and as a component of almost all types of a comprehensive personnel assessment system. According to the form, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into open, requiring a free answer, and closed, the answer to which is to select one (or more) of several statements proposed in the questionnaire. One of the many uses of the questionnaire is to collect information about real business and personal competencies employee under the 360-degree evaluation system. In this case, the survey of his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients significantly saves time for both the respondents and the employee who processes the received data.

One of the types of surveys used to assess personnel are personality questionnaires - a class of psychodiagnostic methods designed to determine the degree of severity of certain personality traits in an individual. In form, they are lists of questions, while the answers of the subject are presented quantitatively. As a rule, with the help of this method, features of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional spheres are diagnosed. For this purpose, specific methods are used. Here are the most popular of them: multifactorial personality questionnaires (designed to describe a wide range of individual personality characteristics), motivational characteristics questionnaires, mental well-being questionnaires (the level of neuropsychic adaptation, anxiety, neuropsychic stability, neuroticism, social adaptation is assessed), questionnaires self-relationship (the features of the employee's attitude towards himself are studied), temperament questionnaires, questionnaires of values ​​(used to study the value-semantic sphere of the personality), questionnaires of emotional characteristics, tests for activity of behavior.

It should be noted that many of the above methods were originally developed and used in clinical psychology and only then began to be used in enterprises for personnel assessment. However, these methods, for the most part, have not been sufficiently adapted to assess employees, therefore, in order to use them in organizations, a specialist with a fairly high level of knowledge in the field of psychology is needed.

Another important method of staff appraisal is ability tests . They are a specially selected standardized set of tasks that serves to assess the potential ability of a person to solve various problems. Any kind of intelligence test can be considered an ability test. To identify specific abilities, for example, for certain types of activities (medicine, technology, law, education, etc.), special tests are being developed. Perhaps the most common among the methods used in personnel assessment are those aimed at identifying the professional abilities of employees.

It should be noted that many of the known ability tests do not provide enough material to make predictions based on them. They provide limited information that needs to be supplemented with information from other sources.

As opposed to quantitative, qualitative research methods are singled out, which are informal and aimed at obtaining information through an in-depth study of a small amount of material. One of the most commonly used methods is interview .

The interview method is distinguished by strict organization and unequal functions of the interlocutors: the interviewer (specialist who conducts the interview) asks questions to the respondent (estimated employee), does not conduct an active dialogue with him, does not express his opinion and does not openly reveal his personal attitude to the questions asked and the answers of the subject . The task of the interviewer is to reduce his influence on the content of the respondent's answers to a minimum and ensure a favorable atmosphere for communication. The purpose of the interview from the point of view of the interviewer is to get answers from the respondent to questions formulated in accordance with the objectives of the study (the qualities and characteristics of the person being assessed, the absence or presence of which must be identified).

Based on various parameters, it is customary to distinguish several types of interviews. The following types are most used in personnel assessment.

Biographical interview focused on the candidate's past employment history. When it is carried out, it is assumed that the behavior in the past is an indicator of the behavior in the future. Biographical interviews focus on the work experience and work style of the person being assessed. Jobs are collected in reverse chronological order. The interview assesses the degree of importance of the employee's current work for the organization and his competence in terms of meeting the requirements for a particular position. At the same time, you should ask correctly selected questions and observe the same conditions for all the assessed. In practice, the questions come from "requirements for the employee", which lists the individual characteristics necessary for the successful performance of the job. The advantage of a biographical interview is that it meets the expectations of the candidate (employee) and gives him the opportunity to perform at his best. However, this same factor can cause bias in the assessment. The effectiveness of such an interview also depends on how correctly the questions relate to the job criteria.

behavioral interview contains a structured list of questions designed around experience or ability in specific areas or job-related criteria. These criteria are identified in the process of analysis, the subject of which was the work and behavior of successful employees. The main advantage of the behavioral approach is that it deals with the skills that are important to the job. On the other hand, such an interview can take a lot of time, since during it it is necessary to discuss all the important aspects of the work. In addition, due to the fact that the interview is focused on the process of carrying out a certain work, it is easy to overlook important questions regarding the general professional background of the candidate/employee.

situational interview is based on the construction of certain situations and the proposal to the assessed employee to describe the model of his behavior or way out of this situation. In the evaluation process, the employee tries to give socially desirable answers, that is, those that he considers socially correct. During the interview, it becomes possible to assess how these perceptions correspond to the values ​​of the organization, accepted behavior patterns, as well as the work that the employee performs.

Projective interview is based on a special construction of questions in such a way that they offer the employee / candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person tends to endure his life experience and attitudes towards interpreting the actions of other people, as well as fictional situations, characters, etc. In a projective interview, an employee is less likely to give socially desirable responses. However, the process of conducting a projective interview is very lengthy, and the data obtained is quite difficult to process. In addition, a significant impact on the result will be provided by professional and personal qualities interviewer.

One of the main qualitative methods staff appraisal is also a traditional document analysis . It is believed that documents are or can be reliable evidence of phenomena occurring in reality. To a large extent this applies to official documents, but can also apply to informal ones. The analysis of documents means the transformation of the original form of the information contained in the documents into the form necessary for the personnel appraiser. In fact, this is nothing more than an interpretation of the content of the document, its interpretation. In the process of document analysis, resumes, references and cover letters, education documents (diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates), research and publicistic works, etc.

There are methods containing features of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, this applies to business cases . A business case is a comprehensive description of the situation in which a real company once found itself. The case, as a rule, describes the external environment and internal environment companies and their changes over time. The events faced by managers, as well as the actions of the latter, are presented in the order in which they actually happened. But the most important thing is that the case formulates the problem that this or that employee of the company had to solve. The accuracy and fidelity of the choice of a typical working situation and the professionalism of creating a business case determine the reliability of the forecast when using this method. On the one hand, the method is based on the pragmatism of the proposed options for solving business problems, on the other hand, it is possible to identify a system of non-standard approaches to solving typical situations, which determines the degree of employee creativity.

At the current stage, most personnel appraisers are striving to create comprehensive systems for assessing the personnel of an enterprise, including a fairly large number of methods in order to minimize errors in the assessment process. However, first of all, it is important not only to bring together several methods, but to adapt them to the conditions existing in the organization, and often - when it comes to foreign methods - to the conditions of Russian reality. Of great importance here is the professionalism and experience of the specialist who manages the assessment process, since the fulfillment of this task, in addition to relevant personal qualities, requires knowledge and competencies in the field of psychology and understanding of business processes, goals and specifics of the company's activities.