What is innovation definition. Theoretical aspect of the methodology for the formation of portfolios of innovations. Definition of novelty and innovation. Criteria for innovation


Innovation is the end result of introducing an innovation in order to improve the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. Innovation is a formalized result of fundamental and applied research, development or experimental work in any field of activity to increase its effectiveness. Innovations can take the form of: discoveries; inventions; patents; trademarks; rationalization proposals; documentation for a new or improved process; organizational, production or other structure; know-how; concepts; scientific approaches or principles; document (standard, recommendations, methodology, instructions, etc.); results of scientific, marketing or other types of research. Investing in the development of innovation is half the battle. The main thing is to introduce innovation, to turn innovation into a form of innovation, that is, to complete innovation and get a positive result. Then continue diffusion (widespread) innovation.

The process of strategic marketing, R&D, organizational and technological preparation of production, production and design of innovations, their implementation (or transformation into innovation) and distribution to other areas (diffusion) is called innovation activity.

The relevance of the topic of this term paper is that with the economic development of society, the importance of innovations increases more and more and at the present stage, innovations become the most important tool for the competitive struggle of economic entities at all levels of the hierarchy - from individual structural units of enterprises to countries and regions as a whole.

The purpose of this course is to analyze the formation of a portfolio of innovations

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. Give the concept of the term "innovation".

2. Determine the methodology for the formation of portfolios of innovations

3. Analyze the formation of a portfolio of innovations

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field economic theory, management and personnel management.

Concept of innovation

The concept of "innovation", derived from the English. invention is commonly defined as new idea, which in the development process can be implemented in New Product, new technology, new method etc. Fedoseev V.N. Personnel Management: Tutorial. - M.: IKTs "March", 2006. - S. 52. Innovation (innovation) - a new or updated product of someone creative activity offered to consumers for further transformation and use. Science cities of Russia: from methodology to practice / B. Shpotov / / Economics and Law, 2008. - No. 10. - p. 22 Innovation is new order actions, a new method, a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development or experimental work in any field of activity to increase its effectiveness. Krotova N.V. Personnel Management: Textbook. - M.: FINANCE AND STATISTICS, 2006. - P. 32 Innovations can be made in the form of discoveries, inventions, patents, trademarks, rationalization proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, managerial or manufacturing process. Innovations can be fixed in people's heads, on paper or electronic media. Information about innovations is contained in the scientific and technical literature. And also in regulatory and methodological documents (standards, recommendations, methods, instructions, etc.), reports on marketing research etc.

Innovation is an object of industrial property and (or) a product of intellectual activity associated with it, which is the subject of innovation. Koshelev A.N., Ivannikova N.N. Fundamentals of management: Textbook for universities: - M .: Exam, 2007. - S. 57

Innovation is the subject of innovation. Innovation and innovation have different life cycles. Kafidov V. V. Personnel management: - M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - P. 54

Innovations can be developed for any problem at any stage of the product life cycle. In particular, within the framework of strategic marketing, research and development work (R&D), etc. Innovations can be purchased or self-developed, intended for accumulation, sale or introduction into the production process of products manufactured by the company (services performed), that is, turning into a form of innovation.

The term "innovation" means that the innovation is used. Investing in the development of innovation is half the battle. The main thing is to introduce innovation, to turn innovation into a form of innovation, that is, to complete innovation activity and get a positive result, to continue the diffusion of innovation. To develop an innovation, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, R&D, organizational and technological preparation of production, production and formalize the results. Therefore, it is often said that innovation is the end result of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. An innovation is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to increase its efficiency. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / ed. Soldatova I.Yu., Chernysheva M.A. - M.: Nauka-Press, 2007. - P. 25 Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, rationalization proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process, organizational, production or other structure , know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, document (standard, recommendations, methods, instructions, etc.), marketing research results, etc.

At the stage of introduction into production, the concept of innovation is replaced by the concept of innovation. Hence the term innovative production, that is, production with the maximum introduction of modern technologies.

Innovation can be classified in various ways.

The innovation can be presented for introduction to the production cycle organizations in the form: Scientific and technical potential of Russia and its use / E.P. Golubkov / / Management in Russia and abroad, 2008. - No. 2. - p. 105

1. Product in its constructive, objective-material sense;

2. Technology, production method;

3. Selection result;

4. Buildings, structures, other industrial and architectural design;

5. Information;

6. and so on.

The introduction of innovation in production can contribute to:

1. Expansion of production;

2. Transition of production to a qualitatively new level;

3. Restoration of production on a competitive basis;

4. and more.

The industry significance of innovation is manifested in its application in the field of:

1. production;

2. trading;

3. social;

4. financial;

5. managerial;

6. agricultural;

7. and others.

Innovations in the economy are introduced, as a rule, not after the consumer spontaneously has new needs and reorientation of production takes place, but when the production itself accustoms the consumer to new needs.

To produce means to combine the resources available to the organization, and to produce something new means to create new combinations of changes in the development of production and the market. Schumpeter J. identified five typical changes: How to manage a portfolio of technologies and intellectual property/E.P.Golubkov// Management in Russia and abroad, 2008. - No. 1.- P. 122

1. changes due to the use of new technology, new technological processes and new market support for production;

2. changes due to the use of products with new properties;

3. changes due to the use of new raw materials;

4. changes in the organization of production and methods of its logistics;

5. changes due to the emergence of new markets.

The innovation process includes life cycle innovations): National innovation systems in Russia and the EU / R.V. Rozanov // All-Russian Economic Journal, 2008. - No. 6. - S. 102

1. Research stage

1. fundamental research and development of a theoretical approach to solving a problem (fundamental research is a theoretical or experimental activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic patterns and properties of social and natural phenomena, about cause-and-effect relationships with respect to their specific application. There are theoretical and exploratory fundamental research.Theoretical research includes research - the task of which is new discoveries, the creation of new theories and the substantiation of new concepts and ideas.Exploratory research includes fundamental research - the task of which is the discovery of new principles for creating products and technologies, new, previously unknown, properties materials and their compounds, methods of analysis and synthesis.In exploratory research, the goal of the intended work is usually known, more or less clear theoretical basis but directions are not specified. In the course of such research, theoretical proposals and ideas are confirmed, rejected or revised. positive output fundamental research in world science is 5%.);

2. applied research and experimental models (applied/original research is aimed primarily at achieving specific purpose or tasks, to identify ways of practical application of previously discovered phenomena and processes; research work of an applied nature aims to solve a technical problem, clarify unclear theoretical issues, obtain specific scientific results that will later be used in experimental developments);

3. experimental development, definition of technical parameters, product design, manufacturing, testing, fine-tuning (product development is the final stage scientific research, characterized by the transition from laboratory conditions and experimental production to industrial production. The purpose of product development is the creation / modernization of samples of new technology that can be transferred after appropriate testing in mass production or directly to the consumer. At this stage, the final verification of the results of theoretical studies is carried out, an appropriate technical documentation, a technical prototype or an experimental technological process is manufactured and tested. A technical prototype is a real-life example of a product, system, or process that demonstrates the suitability and conformity of performance to specifications and production requirements);

2. Stage of production

1. initial development and preparation of production (at this stage, a description of possible production methods is made, indicating the main materials and technological processes, conditions of operational and environmental safety. The stage of determining industrial applicability and preparation for production is the period during which the product must be prepared for The result is a prototype, a full-scale working model, designed and built to define the requirements for the production of a new product.The prototype fully complies with the industrial design standards of the final product, mastered in mass production.The data of technical analysis and information gathering are the basis of the feasibility study justification containing a detailed assessment of the costs of creating and operating the production complex and the profit from selling the product on the market at competitive prices);

2. launch and management of mastered production (full-scale production is the period during which a new product is mastered in industrial production and the production process is optimized in accordance with market requirements);

3. Stage of consumption

1. delivery of products to the market and its consumption (at this stage, the strategy for promoting a new product to the market is specified, there is a direct consumption of new knowledge embodied in a new product. At the same time, actual efficiency is revealed innovation activities.);

2. obsolescence of the product and the necessary elimination of obsolete production (this stage occurs when there is not only physical, but primarily moral depreciation of equipment caused by the rapid pace of development of new highly efficient models).

Thus, innovation - the result of intellectual activity, completed scientific research and development, which has novelty and a way to be included in the economic turnover, is the primary brick from which innovation is built - it is the result of innovative activity. Not all results are new.

It is generally accepted that the concept of "innovation" is the Russian version of the English word innovation. The literal translation from English means "introduction" or, in our understanding of the word, "innovation". Innovation is understood as a new order, a new custom, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The Russian phrase "innovation" - literally "introduction of the new" - means the process of using innovation.

Thus, from the moment it is accepted for distribution, the innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes innovation (innovation). The process of introducing an innovation to the market is called the process commercialization. The period of time between the appearance of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called innovative lag.

In everyday practice, as a rule, the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" are equated, which is quite understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods only receive public recognition when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and already in a new capacity they act as innovations (innovations).

It is well known that the transition from one quality to another requires the expenditure of resources (energy, time, finance, etc.). The process of translation of innovation (innovation) also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investments and time. In the conditions of the market as a system of economic relations for the sale of goods, within which demand, supply and price are formed, the main components of innovation are innovations, investments and innovations. Innovations form the market of innovations (innovations), investments - the market of capital (investments), innovations (innovations) - the market of pure competition of innovations.

The transition from one qualitative state of the organization to another requires the expenditure of economic resources (materials, energy, time, labor, etc.). The process of transferring innovation (innovation) into innovation (innovation) also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investments. , and time. Three main components - innovations (innovations), capital (investments), innovations (innovations) - form a competitive market of innovations as a sphere of innovation activity.

Under innovations (innovations) in a broad sense refers to the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature. The period of time from the birth of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is commonly called life cycle of innovation. Taking into account the sequence of work, the life cycle of innovation is considered as an innovation process.

There are three types of innovation in every business:

In products or services;

In markets, behavior and values ​​of buyers (social innovations);

In various changes in the activities of the organization necessary to create products and bring them to the market (managerial innovation).

Innovation is an economic and social term, and to a lesser extent a technical one. Its criteria are associated with changes in the economic and social environment, with changes in the behavior of people, both producers and consumers. The measure of innovation is its impact on the external environment.

Innovation has two main features:

The novelty of the application of this consumer value to satisfy some common need (market novelty);

The novelty of the scientific idea or technical solution underlying the innovation.

Based on the economic nature of innovation, the main one is market novelty, and scientific and technical is of subordinate importance.

Market novelty is considered in a broad and narrow sense. Market novelty in the broadest sense, or absolute market novelty possesses a product that is different from any other product sold elsewhere. Market novelty in the narrow sense, relative or local novelty possesses the goods for some part of its consumers. It does not matter when the innovation actually appeared on the market.

Scientific and technical novelty is a mandatory property of an invention, or scientific and technical know-how, and not innovation. If an innovation is based on one or more inventions or know-how, then in addition to the market, it also has scientific and technical novelty. The degree of originality of the scientific and technical idea on which the innovation is based is not of interest to the consumer. He evaluates the useful effect of the product in accordance with the costs of its acquisition and operation.

For the manufacturer, the degree of scientific and technical novelty is important: primacy allows you to monopolize the right to an idea with the help of patents and production secrets. The monopoly right of the manufacturer, combined with the exclusive properties of the product, which provide consumers with a significantly greater effect per unit price compared to previous products, provide the company with certain period stable economic position.

Innovations may not have scientific and technical novelty, but nevertheless they are effective and have a significant impact on economic processes and, above all, on the structure of production and consumption (for example, credit cards, personal computers, various services). According to studies by American economists, in the 60s more than half of the new products did not have any significant scientific and technical novelty.

However, today the picture is changing. The share of innovations that have both market and scientific and technical novelty is growing, which is a consequence of the ongoing scientific and technological revolution.

Not only corporations and firms, but also governments as a whole pay considerable attention to science intensive technologies, in which the share of expenditure on research and development (R&D) in value added is higher than in the industry as a whole. The term is also used in the economic literature. "high tech", where R&D costs account for at least 10% of value added and labor costs for scientists, engineers and technicians exceed 10% of total labor costs.

On the basis of science-intensive technologies, the largest industries have emerged: the production of semiconductors, integrated circuits, lasers, pharmaceutical products, aerospace engineering, robotics, etc. For example, the cost of R&D when creating robots reaches 15% of sales. This is a high level even for knowledge-intensive industries.

The core of the company's innovative activity is the development (commercialization) of new types of products or methods of their production, delivery and sale.

New (improved) product - is a product whose technological characteristics or possible uses are significantly different from previously produced products. Such innovations can be based on radically new technologies, combining well-known technologies in a new way, or be the result of the use of new knowledge.

New (improved) process- this is the introduction of technologically new or improved methods of production, including methods of distribution of goods, its delivery and sale. Processes have to be improved, or when new or improved products cannot be produced (sold) using existing methods production, or when there is hope for a significant increase in the efficiency of production and sale of existing products.

Thus, summing up the above, we can conclude the following:

Innovation in a broad sense refers to the profitable (profitable) use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational and economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

The period of time from the birth of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation, to its use commonly referred to as the innovation life cycle. Taking into account the sequence of work, the life cycle of innovations is considered as innovation process.


INNOVATION - a complex, complete, purposeful process of creating, distributing and using innovation, focused on meeting the needs and interests of people with new means, which leads to certain qualitative changes in the state of the system (or the area where the innovation is implemented) and contributes to an increase in its efficiency, increase stability and viability. The objective basis for the emergence of N. are natural tendencies and processes characteristic of a specific historical stage in the development of society and specific social situations. Under their influence, certain needs and interests are formed in various spheres of human life, which cannot be satisfied with the help of old means and methods of activity. Otherwise, the urgent need remains unsatisfied, which leads the social system to crisis states. The introduction of the category "need" allows us to consider human factor as the driving force of N. - which is important for highlighting social aspects Problems. In this regard, the need to study N. as provided by a special type of activity is fixed. The study of N. is based on the following principles: 1) - the study must be necessarily comprehensive, taking into account the consideration of their economic, social, ethical, organizational and other aspects; 2) - any N. should be considered taking into account their consequences; 3) - the process of implementation of any N. should be analyzed in the relationship of all its stages and levels. Proceeding from the system-activity concept of innovation, it becomes possible to imagine innovation as a process of solving the objective problems of social development through the innovative activity of people, which performs the function of developing culture as a set of ways of human life. Innovative activity acts as a meta-activity that transforms the routine elements of reproductive activity, the methods of implementation of which do not correspond to development. main function innovative activity in society is a function of change, development of ways and mechanisms of its functioning in all spheres of life. N. themselves, carried out through innovative activity, are a form of social development and are an integral element of social regulation. (see also INNOVATION, INNOVATIVE PROCESS, INNOVATIVE SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES).

The latest philosophical dictionary. - Minsk: Book House. A. A. Gritsanov. 1999


See what "INVESTMENT" is in other dictionaries:

    Innovation… Spelling Dictionary

    See change ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. innovation news, change, innovation, innovation, innovation; innovation, something new, a fresh stream, a new word, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    innovation- (incorrect innovation) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    - (innovation), the creation, use and distribution of a new means, product, process (technical, economic, organizational, cultural, etc.). Distinguish between radical innovations and innovations that improve methods and means ... Modern Encyclopedia

    INNOVATION, innovations, cf. (book). innovation, again established order. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    INNOVATION, I, cf. New rule, new order. important n. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from lat. innovatio introduction of ch. l. new) eng. innovation; German innovation. The process of change associated with the creation, recognition or introduction of new elements (or models) of material and non-material cultures in a particular social. system.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

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    innovation- see innovation. Dictionary of practical psychologist. Moscow: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    innovation- new / o / ved / eni / e [y / e] ... Morphemic spelling dictionary


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Innovation management: the need for emergence and main features

Innovation management is a special organizational and managerial activity aimed at obtaining high economic, social and environmental results through the use of innovations in production and commercial activities.

The emergence of innovation management is inextricably linked with evolution management activities and the manufacturer's place in the process social production. With the growth of the scale of production, a division of labor appeared, which affected both the sphere of management and the owners of production in the person of the state or individuals were forced to transfer part of their functions to hired workers - professional leaders all levels, i.e. managers. Innovation management is a relatively new direction of management. This concept has become widely used since science, technology, innovation have become a key factor in economic success and growth in the competitiveness of organizations.

Innovation management is independent region economic science, aimed at the formation and effective use of new knowledge, implemented in the form of new types of products, technologies and services, by rational use material, labor, intellectual and financial resources.

The purpose of innovation management is to determine the main directions of scientific and technical activities of the organization related to the development and implementation new products and technology, improvement of manufactured products and technology, development of production of traditional types of products, removal of obsolete products from production, use of modern methods and methods of management and organization.

The emergence and development of the concept of innovation.

Historically, the concept of "Innovation" has a very distant relation to the economy. At the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used to refer to technical innovations. It is usually stated that the first most Full description innovation processes introduced into economics J. Schumpeter in his work “The Theory of Economic Development” (1911) At that time, innovation was not yet discussed, but it was about “new combinations” of changes in development. Schumpeter singled out 5 changes:

1 the use of new technology, new technological processes and new market support for production.

2 .introduction of products with new properties.

3 .use of new raw materials.

4 .changes in the organization of production and its logistics.

5 .emergence of new sales markets.

In the 30s Schumpeter already used the concept Innovation - this is a change with the aim of introducing and using new types consumer goods, new production and Vehicle, markets and forms of organization in industry.

In our country, Innovation as a tool and method of social and economic development was first discussed in late 70s - early 80s of the 20th century. The first works were social character, and the term “innovation” was mainly used, and not “innovation”, for almost a decade the problems of innovation were considered in the context of scientific and technical progress. late 80s-90s interest in the problems of research in the field of innovation has intensified. The term “innovation” has become actively used in the transitional economy of Russia, both independently and to refer to a number of related concepts: “innovative activity”, “innovative process”, “innovative solution”, etc. The most notable work of that time is Prigozhin's book "Innovations: Incentives and Obstacles". innovation he understood-updating the mechanisms of economic development.

Currently Innovation- this is a social-technical-economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties, and if it focuses on economic benefits, on profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income.

Innovation and novelty: similarities and differences.

Innovation- a formalized result of fundamental applied research, development or experimental work in any field of activity to increase its effectiveness. Innovations can take the form of discoveries, inventions, patents, know-how, concepts, etc.

Innovation- the end result of the introduction of innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

According to many scientists, the significant differences are as follows:

The discovery is made, as a rule, at the fundamental level, while the innovation is made at the product or technology level, that is, at the application level;

Innovation is aimed at obtaining economic benefits, which is most often not characteristic of discovery, which in its essence is a "disinterested" act;

An invention can be made by a lone inventor, an innovation requires a collective complex work of specialists of different profiles

Innovation is the result of the purposeful use of the results of systematic technical developments, research programs, etc., and the discovery or invention may occur by accident;

Innovation is not a new technique, since a new product can be released using the current (unchanged) technology;

The concepts of "innovation" and "innovation" are often identified, although there are some differences between them. Also, in some cases, these concepts are used as synonyms,

Typification of innovations

There are five main approaches to typing:

1. Within object approach the object of innovation is the result of scientific and technological progress: new equipment and technology. Accordingly, they differ:

- basic innovations, which implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and areas of technology.

- improving innovations, usually implementing small and medium-sized inventions and prevailing in the areas of distribution and stable development of the scientific and technical cycle.

- pseudo-innovations(or rationalizing innovations) aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technologies and usually hindering technical progress.

2. Within process approach innovation is understood as a complex process that includes the development, introduction into production and commercialization of new consumer values ​​- goods, equipment, technology, organizational forms.

3. Within object-utility approach as an innovation, an object is understood - a new consumer value based on the achievements of science and technology, while the emphasis is on the utilitarian side of innovation - its ability to satisfy social needs with a great beneficial effect.

4. Process-utilitarian approach considers innovation as a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool.

5. Within process-financial approach innovation is understood as the process of investing in innovations, investing in the development of new equipment, technology, scientific research.

Typification of innovations allows:

1. carry out "binding" to the type of innovation of a particular type of strategy;

2. create economic mechanisms and organizational forms management depending on the type of innovation (organizational and economic mechanism, which is a subsystem innovation strategy);

3. determine the position, forms of implementation and promotion of the product, which will also be different depending on the different types of innovations.

An innovation is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to increase its efficiency.

Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, rationalization proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process, organizational, production or other structure, know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, a document ( standard, recommendations, methods, instructions), marketing research results and in other forms.

Innovation is the end result of introducing an innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. It is wrong to include in the concept of "innovation" the development of innovation, its creation, implementation and diffusion. These stages refer to innovation as a process, the result of which may be innovations or innovations (or to the process of creating an innovation).

Innovation is new research and development, the introduction of new forms of labor organization, management and production technology.

Innovation - a certain novelty, close to the concept of "invention"; a specific result of the development of a new scientific idea, which has the form of a model of new technology, a structural material for the production of any product, which differs from the previously used qualitative characteristics that make it possible to increase production efficiency (can be presented in the form of scientific, technical or other documentation, i.e. in the form of information describing technological, organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena of an intangible nature, if it is able to effectively affect the results of material production).

Innovation - the process of introducing, disseminating and using innovations in order to directly meet public needs for products, services, processes of a higher quality level;

  • - this is such a purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the implementation environment (organization, population, society, etc.) (innovations act as a form of controlled development);
  • - this is the process of bringing an invention or discovery to the stage of practical use, when it begins to produce an economic effect;
  • is a process that characterizes the transition of a system from one state to another due to the introduction of individual innovations.

Innovation is such a social, technical and economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are best in their properties, and if the innovation is focused on economic benefits, profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income. ;

this is the commercial use of the results of creative activity aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new competitive types of products, technologies, forms and methods of management, which are based on objects of intellectual property;

it is the end result of an innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product, introduced to the market, new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services;

it is the transformation of a potential scientific and technical progress into a real one, embodied in new products and technologies;

this is the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, administrative and other nature.

Innovation performs three types of functions:

  • 1. reproductive (profit from innovation and its use)
  • 2. investment (use of profit as capital)
  • 3. stimulating (profit as an incentive for the introduction of new innovations)

The concept of "invention" and "discovery" is closely related to the term "innovation". The invention is understood as new devices, mechanisms, tools created by man. Discovery refers to the process of obtaining previously unknown data or the observation of a previously unknown phenomenon. Unlike innovation, discovery is usually made at a fundamental level and is not intended to be profitable.

The subject and object of innovation management are innovations that can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending on the technological parameters innovations are divided into:

  • product innovations, they include the use of new materials and components; obtaining fundamentally new products.
  • Process innovation means new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovation can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within an enterprise (company).

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

  • new to the industry in the world;
  • new to the industry in the country;
  • new for the given enterprise (group of enterprises).

By place in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm), we can distinguish:

  • innovations at the entrance of the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, and others);
  • innovations at the output of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);
  • · innovations in the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished (by innovative potential):

  • radical (basic), which include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods;
  • Improving (modified), which lead to an improvement or addition to the original structures, principles, forms - this is the most common type of innovation;
  • Combinatorial (innovations with predictable risk), which are ideas of a relatively high degree of novelty, which, as a rule, are not of a radical nature.

According to the principle of relation to its predecessor, innovations are:

  • replacements, which involve the complete replacement of an obsolete product with a new one and thereby ensuring a more efficient performance of the relevant functions;
  • canceling, which excludes the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but does not offer anything in return;
  • returnable, which imply a return to some initial state in the event of failure or non-compliance of innovation with new conditions of use;
  • discoverers who create tools or products that do not have comparable analogues or functional predecessors

According to the scope of application, there are:

  • point innovations;
  • system innovations;
  • strategic innovation

According to the degree of innovation efficiency, there are:

  • production efficiency;
  • management efficiency;
  • improvement of working conditions and others.

According to the social consequences, innovations are found:

According to the peculiarities of the mechanism of their implementation, innovations are divided into:

  • single (for one object);
  • Diffuse (on many objects);
  • completed and unfinished;
  • successful and unsuccessful

Effective innovations are distinguished - these are innovations that change an existing solution with the improvement of some of its characteristics or offer a solution to a previously unsolved problem.

According to the features of the innovation process, innovations are:

  • · intra-organizational, when the developer, designer, manufacturer, user, organizer of innovation are in the same structure;
  • interorganizational, when all three roles are distributed among organizations specializing in the implementation of individual stages of the process

According to the source of initiative, innovations are classified:

  • direct social order (portable, borrowed);
  • as a result of invention (own, independent)

The Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has developed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. On this basis, technological innovations are distinguished; production; economic; trading; social; in the field of management.

The following features of social innovations in comparison with material and technical ones can be distinguished:

  • their closer connection with specific social relations and business environment;
  • Large scope of application, tk. technical innovations are often accompanied by the necessary managerial and economic innovations, while social innovations themselves do not require new technical equipment;
  • strong dependence of the use of innovation on group or personal qualities;
  • their implementation is characterized by less visibility of providing benefits and the complexity of calculating efficiency;
  • There is no manufacturing stage during implementation (it is combined with design), which speeds up the innovation process;
  • · they cause a special author's activity, as they are developed collectively and agreed with many.

Of the variety of social innovations, the greatest significance in innovation process have innovations of human activity, since they are directly related to the role of a leader, an innovator.

At the present stage of development, the role of innovation has increased significantly. Innovation (from innovation - innovation, innovation) is understood as "investment in innovation" as a result of the practical development of a new product, process or service. The concept of novation (from Latin novation - change, renewal) is closely related to this concept. It is some kind of innovation that did not exist before: a new discovery, phenomenon, invention or a new method of meeting social needs.

The Human Resources Glossary defines innovation as an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of science and best practices.