Rationalization proposals in the electric power industry. Rational proposals in Russia. Second birth. On rationalization activities in Russian Railways

What could be rationalization proposals?

What is expressed from the effectiveness?

How to choose a formula for calculating economic efficiency?

It is possible to reduce the cost of production by optimizing the costs of the enterprise. One of the methods to improve the efficiency of an industrial enterprise is the rational use of resources and the reduction of waste and losses during the production process. In order to motivate employees to look for options to reduce waste, enterprises develop and implement provisions on rationalization.

The economic efficiency of rationalization activities at the enterprise is expressed in increasing output, improving product quality, reducing losses from manufacturing defects and waste, reducing the production cycle, saving material and energy resources, reducing product costs, increasing labor productivity and facilitating it. When calculating real savings from the implementation of proposals, only those cost items for the production of products that really change as a result of the implementation of this proposal are taken into account. All costs associated with the implementation of the proposal are deducted from the savings.

In order to motivate employees to search for such solutions, it is necessary to develop and implement a provision on rationalization at the enterprise.

Rationalization proposal is a proposal of a production and technical nature that directly improves manufacturing process by more efficient use of equipment, materials or labor, but not substantially altering the design or technological processes production.

It is necessary to distinguish rationalization proposals in the field of organizing production from rationalization proposals in the field of organizing enterprise management, economy, etc.

In the first case, the author of the adopted rationalization proposal receives a remuneration, the amount of which, as a rule, depends on the amount of annual savings received from the application of the proposal; in the second - a bonus in the amount established by the head of the enterprise or institution.

In the second case, it is only necessary to evaluate whether the proposal is rationalization or not. And in the first, economists must calculate the economic effect of the rationalization proposal.

The choice of formula for calculating the economic effect depends on the type of rationalization proposal.

Enterprise economists most often calculate the economic effect of the first type of technical solutions using the formula:

E \u003d (Z 1 - 3 2) × A 2 \u003d [(C 1 - C 2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2, (1)

where E is the annual economic effect, rub.;

З 1 , 3 2 - the reduced costs of a unit of production (work) produced before and after the implementation of the rationalization proposal;

C 1 , C 2 - the cost of a unit of production (work) for changing cost items before and after the start of using the invention or rationalization proposal;

E is the coefficient of reduction of capital investments;

K 1, K 2 - specific capital investments in production assets before and after the start of using the rationalization proposal, in rubles;

A 2 - the annual volume of production (work) with the help of rationalization proposals, in natural units.

Consider the procedure for calculating the economic effect on the example of rationalization proposals for reducing industrial waste.

In this direction, there are 2 types of rationalization proposals:

  1. to reduce recyclable waste and its rational use;
  2. on the use of non-returnable waste.

We are interested in rationalization proposal to reduce the cost of production as a result of the reduction of returnable waste and their more rational use. In this case, the economic effect is the difference in the cost of the main product, during the production of which waste was generated, for those cost items that are affected by the rationalization proposal. This takes into account the prices established for the sale of waste.

And since returnable waste is minus, the cost of the main product can be calculated using the formula:

C o \u003d N m × (C m + R t) - O m × C o, (2)

where WITH o - the cost of a unit of main products, rub.;

N m - consumption of the main material, raw materials per unit of production;

Р t - transport and procurement costs for the delivery of a unit of material, raw materials to the enterprise, rub.;

C m - wholesale price per unit of material, raw materials, rub.;

About m - waste material, raw materials per unit of production;

P o - the price for the sale of a unit of waste, rub.

Substitute formula 2 into formula 1:

E \u003d [(N m1 × (C m1 + R t1) - O m1 × C o1 - N m2 × (C m2 + R t2) + O m2 × C o2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (3)

If P t1 \u003d R t2, C m1 \u003d C m2, C o1 \u003d C o2, etc., the formula for calculating the economic effect will look like this:

E \u003d [(C m1 + R t1) × (N m1 - N m2) - C o1 × (O m1 - O m2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (four)

In order to calculate the economic effect of the rationalization proposal on the use of non-returnable waste instead of high-grade materials for the production of products, the cost of manufacturing products from high-grade materials is compared with the cost of manufacturing products from non-returnable waste. In this case, only changing cost items are taken into account.

In this case, formula 4 can be used. Provided that O m1 \u003d O m2, the formula will take the form:

E \u003d [(C m1 + R t1) × (N m1 - N m2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (5)

Table 1

Calculation of the economic effect of a rationalization proposal that changes production waste

No. p / p


unit of measurement

Before use

After use


unit cost


consumption of basic material per unit of production

wholesale price of material for 1 kg

transportation and procurement costs per 1 kg

waste per unit of production

unit price of waste

Economical effect

58 800,00

R. V. Kazantsev,
financial director of LLC UK "Teplodar"

Many people come up with ideas to improve their work. Often they remain just ideas. However, if they are issued in the form of a rationalization proposal, they can bring benefits and money. How to draw up and submit a rationalization proposal, we will tell in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to make a rational offer

1. The first stage of drawing up a rationalization proposal (hereinafter referred to as the RP) is the verbal expression of all aspects of the idea:

  • under what conditions it can be implemented;
  • who will use it;
  • how the idea will be implemented;
  • what benefits will the enterprise get from the implementation of RP.

2. The second stage is the study of the history of the issue. You need to collect all the information about how this problem was solved before, what are the approaches to solving it now, what is the advantage of your solution to this problem. It can be more economical, safer, more convenient to use, etc. All arguments in favor of your option must be supported by numbers, i.e. you should spend economic analysis RP.


Let's consider this step with an example. Let's say you want to upgrade your potato peeler. Study the question. Peeling potatoes with a regular knife involves a waste of 10 g for each medium-sized tuber. Your knife reduces the amount of waste to 5 g. If the cost of a kilogram of potatoes is 25 rubles, and the weight of the tuber is 70 g, then the resulting savings will be 2 rubles. from a kilogram. Time savings should also be taken into account. It is 2 minutes per kg. If the cost of a working hour is 120 rubles, the savings will be an additional 4 rubles. Further, it should be noted the ease of handling and increased safety of the employee performing this operation.

All the information provided must be summarized in a table, to which drawings, graphs, diagrams, as well as a concise description of the RP should be attached. The text of the description should not exceed 1-2 pages and express the very essence of the RP: the subject of the proposal, the difference from analogues, economic benefits.

How to apply for an innovation proposal

When the description of the RP is ready, you need to make an application. For the application, a standard sheet of A4 format is taken. At the very top, on the left, the addressee is indicated. As a rule, this is the head of the organization.

At the top right in the frame we write the word "Registered for No." and leave room for the date.

Certification of education workers in 2017 will be voluntary and mandatory:

  1. Personnel Number;
  2. Full Name;
  3. Place of work and place of registration;
  4. Profession, specialty, position, education.
  5. Year of birth.

"Application for rationalization proposal".

Next subtitle "Agreement on the distribution of remuneration". Below it should write the following: " Previously given sentence not submitted anywhere"(and if it was submitted, then you should indicate where exactly) and further" Please share the royalties equally." (if there is a different agreement with the co-authors, then this option must be indicated.

This is followed by this sentence: “I (we) affirm (s) that I am (are) the author (co-authors) of this proposal. I (we) know that if the proposal is recognized as secret, I (we) undertake (we) to comply with the rules of secrecy, including those established by the Regulations on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals.

The next, final paragraph "Attached:

  1. graphic materials (sketches, drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.) on ... sheets;
  2. technical and economic calculations, justifications, etc. on ... sheets;
  3. other materials on ... sheets.
    In total on … sheets.”

The next sheet of your application will be "Conclusions on the offer".

In this section, you should list some of the feedback received for your RP. There must be at least two reviews. One must be obtained from your business unit, and the second and subsequent from other departments of your organization (for example, economic, legal or from accounting).

All reviews must be certified by signatures indicating the position and date. Please note that if the implementation of your RP can improve the working conditions of company employees, then in this case you will need to get feedback from your company's safety specialist. In practice, reviews are compiled by the authors of the RP themselves, taking into account the comments of those persons who will sign them.

The structure of the review consists of two blocks - the first lists all the advantages of the RP, distributed by reviews, and the second should justify the need to recognize this proposal as rationalization.

The following sheet has a title " Decided on the offer". Sufficient space should be left here for the text of the decision to be entered. Space for signatures and the date should also be provided.

At the very bottom of the sheet, a table is inserted with the heading " Change in regulatory and technical documentation ". It will have the following columns:

  • Title of the document;
  • Notification number;
  • Date of change;
  • Position and name of the department;

In the event that your WP results in changes to regulations companies, these data will be entered in the table.

The last, most pleasant line:

« Received a certificate for a rationalization proposal (and).»

Date and signature.

The application process has been completed. All additional materials should be attached to it and an application should be submitted to the council for rationalization proposals. Typically applications are reviewed at the end of each quarter. If your proposal is approved, then you will receive a prize, certificate, honor and glory, and most importantly, moral satisfaction.

How to write a good cover letter

The letter of offer is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization.

What is the structure of the text of the offer letter?

It is recommended to start an offer letter directly from the essence of the letter, that is, from the proposal. Already in the first line of the letter, it should be told about what is being offered, listing the most important conditions or goals of the offer. If the subject of the offer needs to be detailed, then this information is set out in the second part of the letter, after the offer is made.

What keywords and phrases are used in the letter?

The key verb of the offer letter is the verb "offer". If the letter is addressed to a specific person, the pronoun “ To you»: « we are offering to you…". If the letter is addressed to the organization as a whole or to a group of persons, the personal pronoun is written with a lowercase letter: “we offer you ...”.

If the proposal is sent as a response to a request, in the opening phrase of the letter it is necessary to express gratitude to the addressee for their interest, for example: “ Thank you for your interest in our personnel testing program.».

Railway transport has always been distinguished by the mass participation of workers and engineers in technical creativity and the good organization of rationalization activities. It is gratifying to note that these trends persist and develop in spite of everything. I am confident that our innovators and inventors will continue to make a significant contribution to solving the problems facing the company. ( Senior Vice-President of Russian Railways Gapanovich V.A. at the conference "Technical creativity - the first step towards innovation" within the framework of the event "The idea of ​​Russian Railways - 2013")

On the importance of rationalization activities

The railway complex is of particular strategic importance for Russia. He is the connecting link economic system, ensures stable operation industrial enterprises, timely delivery of vital cargo to the most remote corners of the country, and is also the most affordable transport for millions of citizens.

In order to fulfill our obligations in a high-quality and timely manner in today's dynamic world, our company needs constant development and an influx of new ideas. Every year, significant investments are made to apply methods of more than rational use fuel, minimization of energy costs, reduction of operating costs and harmful environmental impact. An important addition to such investments is the massive participation of a wide range of company employees in technical creativity - rationalization activities.

As you know, the term "rationalization" comes from the Latin word "rationalis" - reasonable, "ratio" - mind and means improvement, the introduction of a more expedient organization of something. In general, rationalization (rationalization activity) is designed to stimulate the creative efforts of workers to improve already known technical solutions, modernize existing equipment and adapt it to specific production and operating conditions.

The rationalization proposal is the result creative activity man and the most massive object of technical creativity. Identification and correct design rationalization proposals allows not only to provide priority, moral and material encouragement to the authors, but also indicates a good organization of the company's work, the establishment of a creative atmosphere in its structural divisions, which is necessary to improve the operation of equipment, the quality of repairs, working conditions, reduce labor intensity, etc.

On rationalization activities in Russian Railways

Russian Railways became one of the first companies in modern Russia, which developed the Regulations on rationalization activities, establishing uniform methodological approaches to the implementation of rationalization activities in the company, the organization and development of mass technical creativity of employees, as well as regulating relations arising in connection with the development and use of rationalization proposals.

The Company's management pays great attention to the organization and implementation of rationalization activities. In the journal "Railway Transport" published dedicated to this issue.

To date, over thirty thousand employees actively involved in the development of the company offer about forty thousand rationalization proposals annually.

The main goals of rationalization activities at Russian Railways are:

Activation and further development of mass technical creativity of employees of Russian Railways, as one of the most important conditions for scientific, technical and innovative development companies;

providing legal and legal protection rationalization and inventive activity;

· increasing the interest of employees of Russian Railways in the results of their work through moral and financial incentives technical creativity.

Organization of rationalization activities in Russian Railways

Regulation of rationalization activities in Russian Railways

The main documents regulating rationalization activities at Russian Railways JSC are the Regulations on rationalization activities at Russian Railways JSC and the Procedure for Considering, Using, Determining the Efficiency of the Rationalization Proposal and Determining the Remuneration and Bonuses for Assistance to the Authors of the Rationalization Proposal, approved by the Decree dated March 03, 2014 N 552r as amended by the order of Russian Railways dated December 10, 2014 No. 2911r.

About the rationalization proposal

The rationalization proposal in accordance with the Regulations on rationalization activities in Russian Railways, approved by order No. 552r dated March 3, 2014, as amended by Russian Railways order No. 2911r dated December 10, 2014, is recognized as a technical and technological solution that is new and useful for JSC " Russian Railways, which slightly changes the design of equipment, the technology used and the composition of the material.

The offer is recognized as new if, prior to the submission of the application in the prescribed form, this or an identical decision:

was not submitted to the Structural Subdivision, that is, it is not known as a recognized rationalization or rejected proposal;

was not used in this Structural Unit, except when this solution was used at the initiative of the author for no more than 3 months prior to the application;

was not the result of research, development and development activities carried out for the Structural Unit technological works, design work;

was not provided for by the administrative documents (orders or instructions of the administration) binding on the Structural Unit, was not developed by the employees of this Structural Unit, or was not declared by another person who has an earlier priority, which is determined by the date of registration in the Structural Unit;

was not recommended by a higher division of Russian Railways or published in information publications dissemination of best practices in the industry, incl. fixed in the form information card in the ACS NTI and the DB of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries;

was not provided for by the standards binding on the subdivision of Russian Railways (standards, specifications etc.).

The proposal is considered useful if it allows Structural division obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect, for example, an increase in traffic safety, an improvement in working conditions.

The essence of the rationalization proposal can be expressed in the features of the constructive implementation of objects, in the mutual arrangement of parts and nodes of objects; in changing the sequence and order of performing the methods of the production cycle, introducing new operations and excluding operations, conditions and modes of their implementation, changing the quantitative ratio of components, introducing or excluding other ingredients that make up the materials.

Inventions, rationalization proposals, utility models are of great importance in the process of improving the technologies used. All of them act as objects of technical creativity. However, the most massive of them are rationalization proposals. In an enterprise striving for the most effective achievement of its goals, they are far from the last importance. Let's look at this category in more detail.

Positive points

Thanks to the rationalization proposal, an existing technical solution can be improved, the equipment used can be modernized and adapted to certain working conditions. In addition, with the help of such implementations, it becomes possible to eliminate certain errors of designers or designers. According to data given in specialized publications, rationalization proposals have recently provided about 70% of the total savings in the Russian economic system.


In the previous provision, the rationalization proposal was a technical solution that was useful and new for the production, institution or organization to which it was sent. It involved a change in technology, the design of products or equipment, and the composition of the material. In addition, certain types of decisions were cited that belonged to the category under consideration.

According to this provision, the rationalization proposal had such features as usefulness, novelty and technical solution. In current recommendations, the definition is given in a slightly modified form. In particular, a rationalization proposal is a managerial, organizational or technical solution that is recognized as useful and new for a given structure. It can be seen from the definition that only the first part of it has changed. Thus, the rationalization proposal is no longer limited exclusively to the area technical methods solving actual practical problems.


First of all, it should be noted that the proposal, which is made as a rationalization proposal, should not simply set some task. Through it, it is necessary to reveal specific ways to solve the problem. A situation should be created in which, thanks to the rationalization proposal, it would be possible to obtain the expected result with maximum efficiency and with the least losses. New solutions will not be recognized as useful either, only stating some need, limited to indicating the expediency of carrying out this or that event or the positive result that can be achieved with its implementation, and so on.

Rationalization proposals, examples of which will be given below, include a principled answer. The decision should be so specific that there is no need to make any guesses or assumptions. The proposal reveals the essence of the author's idea, and its execution does not require additional creative improvements. This condition will be considered fulfilled if the decision and the materials explaining it contain enough information for the practical implementation of the plan through known design (construction) methods.

Ways to do it

Ensuring the solution of the problem can be carried out with the help of managerial, organizational, technical means or their combinations. Among the proposals of a technical orientation, those that relate to constructive changes in products, production technologies, equipment used or composition of the material predominate. Such solutions are focused on improvement and modernization. It does not exclude the recognition as a rationalization proposal and such a project, which provides for the introduction new technology or technology. Management and organizational decisions contribute to obtaining an effective result through the implementation of appropriate activities or management optimization.

What could be rationalization proposals?

Various examples can be given. So, the decision may concern the placement labor resources, document management. A rationalization proposal may be made on the repair of equipment, changes in the work schedule, and so on. The solution can also have an organizational and technical orientation, combining different elements. So, thanks to the rationalization proposal, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the condition of places for workers, optimal placement of equipment, effective separation or combination production operations and so on.


This is the second essential feature of a useful solution. A rationalization proposal, unlike inventions, is subject to the requirement of local novelty. This means that this attribute must be present within those companies to which decisions are sent. A proposal will be considered new if, prior to its submission, the enterprise did not know about it to the extent that would be sufficient for its implementation.


Novelty is determined in accordance with a specific time period. Regarding rationalization proposals, the concept of primacy is used. It is determined by the date of receipt of a correctly executed application for the implementation of the project. Superiority will be recognized for the author who did it first according to established order. The proposal can be opposed only by such information that reveals the essence of a given or identical project, which became known before specified date championship.

Information fund

The rationalization proposal includes:


It must be borne in mind that a useful and new proposal must be the result of the creative activity of the person submitting it. Often, in special publications, it is proposed to consider this feature as an independent criterion for the "protectability" of a decision. However, according to a number of experts, this is not particularly necessary due to the fact that all intellectual property which is subject to copyright.

Thus, it is initially believed that all objects of this kind, including a rationalization proposal, act as a result of the creative activity of the creators themselves and are not borrowed from open sources. Of course, the latter should be obvious. Refusal to recognize the proposal as rationalization based on the establishment of borrowing, therefore, is allowed only if this fact is proven or not disputed directly by the applicant himself.