How to have a great interview. How to successfully pass an interview. What types and methods of interviewing exist

As you know, any job and a successful career begins with a simple interview with the employer. Based on the results of the interview, the head of the company or his representative responsible for the selection of personnel draws conclusions and makes a decision on hiring the employee. Even the most the best specialist, which has all the data for the proposed position: level of education, age, professional quality may not get the job they want if they don't know how to behave in an interview.

How to behave in an interview: appearance

The appearance of the applicant plays an important role in employment. It has been noticed that employers give preference to those who come to the interview in a business or democratic free style that emphasizes your individuality. It is unacceptable for a woman to wear flashy outfits with deep necklines and bright defiant details in order to attract or impress a male leader. It is worth remembering that an interview is a business negotiation, not a date.

Clothing can tell a lot about our inner world and attitude to life. So, a wrinkled shirt and uncleaned shoes will give the impression of a disorganized person who does not respect himself, and therefore those around him. Girls should not demonstrate bright, catchy manicure, wear a lot of jewelry and jewelry, and use perfume with a sharp aroma, all this can alienate a potential employer.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview

  • Don't be late for a meeting. To feel confident and comfortable, come 15-20 minutes before the appointed time, look around, orient yourself in an unfamiliar place, tune in to the upcoming communication.
  • Before entering, knock on the door. Introduce yourself, say your name loudly and confidently. If the interviewer extended his hand to you first, shake it, if not, it means that it is not customary in their team to shake hands with employees.
  • Your task is to win over the leader, set him up in a friendly way. Therefore, behave at ease, openly and friendly, smile. It is very important to remember the name of the interviewer after he introduces himself to you.
  • If there is a strong excitement, admit it to the employer, this will defuse the situation a little and facilitate further communication.
  • When choosing a place for a conversation, it is better to give preference to a place near the employer, so he will perceive you as a like-minded person. If a the only place where you can sit opposite him - take an even pose, without crossing your arms and legs, demonstrate maximum openness when communicating with the interlocutor.
  • Do not forget about gestures, the employer may take excessive waving of the arms for excessive emotionality or consider it a sign of a lie.

What to talk about with an employer during an interview

  • To tune in to communication and on the same emotional wave with the employer helps to use the psychological technique "mirror pose". The essence of this technique is that you unobtrusively copy the poses and some gestures of the interviewer. Movement should be as natural as possible.
  • Separately, it is worth noting that all questions asked by the employer must be answered truthfully. Experienced interviewers will quickly suspect lies and inconsistencies in facts. Do not exaggerate your knowledge, capabilities and abilities. It is better to say that you are ready to learn and grow professionally, strive for new knowledge.
  • When asked about the reason for leaving a previous job, name the specific reason: relocation, inappropriate schedule, layoffs, low salary. You should not mention conflicts with the team or superiors, this can create an impression of you as an unbalanced and conflicted person.
  • If during the dialogue you made a reservation, made a mistake, apologize and continue the conversation without focusing on the mistake.
  • Do not talk too much about yourself, detailing your biography. Clearly and concisely describe your hobbies and professional qualities.

What not to talk about in an interview

In the process of free communication on arbitrary topics, you should not touch on topics such as:

  • Do not talk about personal problems, failures, financial difficulties.
  • Avoid political and religious topics.
  • Don't discuss your previous boss.
  • Do not use jargon, slang words in conversation.
  • Do not take the lead role in the conversation, flaunting your deep knowledge of the issue during the discussion, this can cause negativity in the leader.

By putting our advice into practice, be sure that your the interview will take place successfully. But, even if the attempt to find a job is a failure - do not despair, remember that you are gaining invaluable experience, the next interview will be successful.

An interview is a communication between a representative of the invited party (employer, director) and the applicant in the form of a question-answer. The purpose of the interview is to obtain specific additional information from each of the parties and to assess the possibility of further cooperation. If the applicant invited for an interview has firmly decided that he needs this particular job, then first of all he should think about how to pass the interview correctly in order to achieve his goal.

What do you need to pass an interview?

Every applicant should know how to behave correctly during an interview.

The applicant must understand that for any interview you need:

  • don't be late)
  • dress and dress appropriately for the occasion
  • behave confidently and kindly)
  • prepare for possible questions)
  • prepare brief and informative information about yourself.

The result will largely depend on how all these points are fulfilled.

Job interview

If the applicant is invited for an interview, this means that his application for a vacancy has interested the employer. The next step will be to show all your best professional and personal qualities at the interview.

The candidate needs to decide for himself whether he needs a job in this company. If he concluded that this particular job is extremely necessary for him, then he needs to make every effort to ensure that a job seeker passes an interview with a positive result.

Often candidates come to an interview completely unprepared, confused in answers, do not know what to say about themselves, do not ask questions, do not show interest in the conversation. Such employees are not interesting to the employer, since the first impression is created precisely as a result of the interview.

How to prepare for an interview

To feel confident, you need to thoroughly prepare:

Be sure to collect as much information as possible about the company of interest, the direction of its activities, products, its team, market position, prospects.

Prepare answers to possible questions from the employer:

  • What are the reasons for leaving a previous job?
  • What attracted our company?
  • What is known about our company?
  • Tell us about yourself.
  • What are your shortcomings?
  • What are your achievements?

Prepare possible questions to ask during the interview.

Write a short story about two or three events that confirm the professional level.

Do not forget documents on education, qualification certificates, work book.

Try to imagine the course of upcoming events, so that later during the meeting you do not feverishly look for a way out of an unexpected situation.

Possible answers to interview questions

Answers to sample questions need to be thought out and prepared in advance so that during the conversation you don’t get confused and don’t come up with something that doesn’t really exist. The final result will depend on how accurately the applicant will navigate the situation, how he will answer the questions posed, give facts, the final result - getting a job.

What questions can be asked during the interview

The applicant, by asking questions, gives the impression of a person interested in getting a job. Conversely, a candidate who did not ask a single question during the interview, for this reason, may be denied a position.

Therefore, questions should be asked, but to the point and as answers are received. You can not interrupt the interlocutor, wave your arms and speak loudly. Everything should be in moderation.

What questions should be asked?

  1. If everything that interested the candidate was said during the conversation, it is necessary to clarify some details. Indeed, the situation is not so bad as to take on any job without finding out the details.
  2. Learn about career prospects, showing that this is an important point.
  3. Ask if a new place has been created for this vacancy or if this is the place of a retired employee) if the second option, then for what reason the dismissal occurred.
  4. What influences wage increases?
  5. Are there opportunities for professional development?
  6. How does the company treat the manifestation of personal initiative?

All these preparation tips will help the applicant to pass a successful job interview.

The most important thing is that before the interview it is better to put aside all your affairs, have a good rest, put yourself in order so that tomorrow you can confidently and dignifiedly show yourself. Success will not be long in coming.

Failed interview

For good interview need to be well prepared

Many job seekers have been looking for a job for a long time. They often go to different interviews, but each time they get rejected for a job.

In this case, do not despair, it is better to try to figure out the reason for unsuccessful attempts, to analyze what is happening at the interview. Most often, the reason lies in the fact that the applicant could not reveal all his qualities. In most cases, failure follows those candidates who do not know how to properly interview in order to get a job.

Mistakes to avoid during an interview

  1. exaggeration of one's merits. When answering questions, strive to provide reliable information about yourself and your professional abilities, if possible, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  2. Excessive display of energy. If a candidate considers energy to be one of his main virtues and demonstrates it excessively, then he may give the impression of uncontrollability and conflict.
  3. Excitement. The applicant must learn to deal with his anxiety. A shaky and nervous job applicant does not inspire confidence in the employer.
  4. Details of personal life. You should not devote the employer to your problems, if he asks a question regarding his personal life, then only to find out if there is anything that will interfere with work.
  5. Appearance. You should not come to the interview extravagantly dressed, put on a lot of expensive jewelry. This is annoying and makes it difficult to form a correct opinion about the candidate.

It is at the interview that the employer tries to find out whether this candidate is suitable for filling the vacant vacancy, what are his working and personal qualities. The representative of the company determines whether the applicant will be able to join the company's team. Therefore, after an unsuccessful interview, it is necessary to draw conclusions and correct your attitude to finding a job.

We have written more than once about how important it is that it works as a single organism. For this it is necessary to carefully select staff for work in an online store. Important milestone in this case - a personal interview, which will be discussed in our article.

Why you need to conduct an interview

So, you needed. A personal meeting with the applicant usually takes place on final stage recruitment. It is on the basis of its results that a decision is made whether to take a person or not. Resumes at this point, as a rule, have already been studied, education and work experience are known.

The main purpose of the interview is a personal acquaintance with the future employee. You can torture a person with questions as much as you like, but still the main thing will be a personal impression. Your task is to comprehensively get to know the applicant and draw a conclusion whether he suits you or not.

Preparing for an interview

To make the most of your meeting, you need to be well prepared. Examine the resume of the applicant - so as not to ask unnecessary questions. If possible, find the pages of a person in in social networks- You can understand a lot about a person from accounts in them.

There was a case when a young man applied for the position of a manager, and HR found his page on VKontakte. Photos with firearms against the background of a toned nine, numerous images of feasts with alcoholic drinks, quotes from “boys” publics - “brother for brother”, “evening in the hut” - all this helped to make the right decision, and a clear kid was not even invited to an interview (if applicants read this, draw conclusions. Your accounts will definitely be looked at future employer. So be careful with the content).

Prepare a list of questions ahead of time. Then you can improvise and move away from them, but it will be easier if the general outline is ready. Also get ready to answer the applicant’s questions yourself, including uncomfortable ones: how often wage whether there are bonuses, whether student holidays or sick days are paid.

Choose an assistant and instruct him. It is always better to talk together - what one does not ask, the second will definitely remember. And one more thing: two opinions are better than one. After the conversation, there is someone to discuss the candidate with. Alone, you can not see some qualities in a person or miss an important behavioral signal.

Get a pen and some sheets of paper ready. On them you will write down the answers of the applicant and make various notes. When answering questions, a candidate for workers may want to draw or write something - this will also require paper with a pen.

Download and print a couple of simple tests: one for aptitude, the second - psychological. Tests can reveal the characteristics of a person's character, type of thinking and other subtleties that cannot be caught in a conversation. Don't get carried away too much: if the tests for the position of a simple sales manager are like when applying for a secret defense industry enterprise, this will scare the person away.

Interview Questions

Questions should be relevant. Keep in mind: the candidate also prepared for answers. He may have already passed several interviews before he came to you. So he learned to answer most of the standard questions. Ask trite questions- get banal memorized answers, and we don't need to turn the conversation into a school exam.

What questions should not be asked

  1. Commonplaces like “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, “Why did you leave your previous job?” or “What are your main qualities?”. Answers like a carbon copy will be something like this: “In 5 years I want to make a career, I left because of a foolish boss, I didn’t like a small salary and a bad team, but I myself am smart, sociable and know how to work in a team.”
  2. Questions from the resume. The person has already answered them, no need to duplicate. Firstly, you will lose time, and secondly, the candidate will consider you unprepared. “Did they even read my resume?” - he will think and he will be right.
  3. Questions of a personal nature. People do not like it when they climb into the soul, and even strangers. Unless, of course, you have the task of conducting a stress interview: this is not necessary for an applicant for an online store.

The Right Questions

  1. Ask the person for a short biography. So you arrange the candidate to yourself - people love it when they are interested in their life. And you will get a lot important information from which conclusions can be drawn.
  2. Be sure to ask a few professional questions. If you take a sales manager - ask him to sell you a fountain pen, let him get out. Hire a programmer - let him answer a couple of questions about code and programming languages.
  3. Questions for self-giving.“Are you ready for overtime work?” “Are you ready for business trips to other cities?” “Are you going to study abroad?” - about the same. Based on the answers, you can understand the general mood of the employee. If most of the answers are positive, then the person will help you out in difficult times: they will stay after work to finish an important project or donate their days off. For payment, of course.
  4. Ask the applicant about his hobbies. It's great if a hobby coincides with a profession - it means that a person at work will do what interests him.
  5. Talk about money. How much you will pay, both of you approximately understand. Surely this was discussed on the phone or was indicated in the job advertisement. Discuss the prospects - for sure the person will want to know what will happen if he shows himself well. You can ask how much the future employee wants to earn, say, in six months. So you evaluate the applicant's appetites and his interest in money in general.
  6. Ask to talk about achievements in your career. A good specialist always has something to brag about. Let him talk about regalia, successful projects and awards. If there are a lot of them, then a person is used to working outside the framework official duties and always strive for more.
  7. Ask some provocative questions. The format is something like this: “What would you do if:
  • your opinion differs from the opinion of the team;
  • the leader asks to break the law;
  • You have made a serious mistake in your work.

Based on the answers, you will understand how a person will act in emergency situations.

The first two or three minutes of the conversation are the most important. You are getting general impression about the candidate and establish contact with him. For most job seekers, an interview is stressful. Place the person in front of you: offer tea or coffee, ask how he got there, inquire about the weather, after all. In a word, defuse the situation.

“Introduce yourself, please,” is not the best way to start a conversation. You know perfectly well the name of the person who came to you - so call him right away by name. And be sure to introduce yourself. There is a subtle psychological point here: the applicant will not feel like one of many. It will seem to him that it was he who was expected here - this will make the future employee more comfortable.

Assess the person as a whole. See how he is dressed, how he behaves, how he answers questions. A bored and distant look, rumpled clothes and a unkempt appearance - all this should alert. An interested candidate wants to make a good impression on the future employer, so he will try to look good. True, Steve Jobs went to work in flip-flops and did not go to the shower for several days, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Council the fourth. Remember you are also being interviewed

While you are evaluating the applicant, the applicant is evaluating you. The times when people agreed to any job, just to get it, are long gone. good specialists Now there are few, cool - even less. And they all know their own worth. And it’s not a fact that you make the decision to cooperate - a professional in his field will still think about whether it is worth contacting you. Especially if he has other options. That's why prepare yourself to answer questions- we will talk about this a little lower.

The main rule is to be extremely frank. If you say that the salary in your company is 50,000 rubles, and at the end of the month a person receives a leaflet with the number 30,000 rubles, you can forget about a loyal attitude. Get ready to answer uncomfortable questions.

Let's take an example. Another applicant comes to you and from the threshold declares that he is a professional, which are few. He gives proofs: recommendations of well-known businessmen, certificates of honor, certificates and diplomas of various kinds of training, including abroad. At the end of the conversation, the candidate declares that he is ready to work with you for a salary twice that of what you offer. If you don't want it - whatever you want, he has +100500 more offers from other companies.

How to behave? The main thing is not to give an answer right away. Take a break and discuss the candidate with colleagues. Check the applicant: call former job, google his first and last name. If this is really a professional, it makes sense to agree to his terms, with only one “but”. You give a person a trial period to prove his talents. There are a lot of young people with high self-esteem now - perhaps this is just such a character in front of you. There are a lot of show-offs, but in fact - zilch. Leave yourself room to maneuver, so that in case of emergency, turn on the reverse gear. Dismiss an employee or change labor contract It's not easy right now, so it's better to play it safe. Probation- the best solution.

At the same time, let the person know who is in charge. Familiarity with subordinates is the worst imaginable. You think that you have a person to yourself, in fact, employees feel weak and quickly begin to use it. “Boss-friend” is a losing model. For some reason, employees begin to think that it is permissible for them to be late and violate discipline, so subordination must be observed already at the interview.

Remote interview rules

In principle, everything is the same here, only without a personal meeting. Basic rule - conduct interviews online. Skype, telephone or video call on the phone, communication in instant messengers - choose any convenient way. Do not conduct multi-day correspondence on e-mail Everything must be done in one session.

It is clear that remote communication will not provide as much information as a face-to-face meeting. Compensate for this with a more detailed resume, ask for scans of education documents, call former employers.

Analysis of interview results

Here the applicant left, you promised to call him back. Now the fun begins - you need to make a decision: to take a person to work or not. Weigh all the pros and cons by comparing the information. Put in the first place key qualities: work experience, good references. Analyze how the person answered your questions and draw conclusions. Usually, in the course of a conversation, you can understand a person: what he needs from working for you, how interested he is in the position, and even how he will work. If the candidate was doing well - clearly and competently answered all questions, clearly formulated thoughts, was calm and polite - this indicates the seriousness of intentions.

When a candidate is confused in the answers, answers in monosyllables or in the formats “I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”, “yes, I somehow didn’t think about it” - this is a reason to think. In any case, when making a decision, weigh all the factors. All people are different and different. Remember the exams at the university or school? When he seemed to have learned everything, but sat down in front of the teacher - and it was as if his memory had been erased. So here too. The employee is good, but at the interview it was as if he swallowed his tongue.


You are now ready to conduct your own interview. Finally, we recall that very often everything is decided by intuition. Don't forget: you will have to spend most of your time with these people. Try to make everyone feel comfortable. Good luck picking a team!

A worthy end to the first stage of a long and difficult job search process will be an invitation to an interview.

How to pass an interview? How to behave? What to say in an interview? All these questions are of great concern to applicants for workplace, and knowing the answers to them is one of the conditions for your employment. Before answering these questions, let's first consider what an interview with an employer is.

A job interview is about finding out the applicant's experience., as well as his personal qualities, i.e. acquaintance with him.

An interview is a conversation of equal people, each of which has its own position that has the right to exist, and a certain range of interests that can become common.

Even if you already have a lot of job search experience, remember that For each new job interview, you need to prepare in advance.

As a rule, the most qualified specialists, who reasonably claim to be the most qualified, are more responsible for the interview. Good work. Often, on the other hand, the lower the bar of a specialist, the worse he is ready for an interview. Therefore, whenever you receive an invitation to an interview, use the following tips:

A job interview should be viewed as a negotiation of a potential collaboration.

When building partnerships with a manager during an interview, it is important to:

  • firstly, present yourself as a mature and mature person who is aware of his value and individuality (which increases your chances of success),
  • secondly, it is easier to accept a refusal, because in this case, it will be the result of a discrepancy of views, which in no way can belittle your dignity.

It will be easier for you to succeed in an interview if you:

  • persistent
  • stress resistant
  • benevolent
  • charming
  • neat
  • punctual
  • responsible
  • flexible (you can quickly adapt to the situation)
  • proactive

Behavior at the interview

  • Arriving at the office, try to be polite and patient with everyone.
  • Conscientiously fill in all questionnaires and forms that you will be offered.
  • Introduce yourself at the beginning of the interview. Ask about the name of the interlocutor.
  • Keep eye contact.
  • Listen carefully to questions without interrupting the interlocutor.
  • If you are not sure that you have understood the question well, do not hesitate to clarify ("Did I understand correctly that ...").
  • Avoid verbosity, answer to the point.
  • Be objective and truthful, but don't be too outspoken.
  • When faced with the need to give negative information about yourself, do not deny the facts that are true, but be sure to try to balance them with positive information about yourself.
  • Carry yourself with dignity, try not to give the impression of a loser or a distressed person; however, refrain from defiant behavior.
  • If you are offered the opportunity to ask questions, be sure to ask, but do not get carried away (2-3 questions).
  • Asking questions, first of all, be interested in the content of the work and the conditions for its successful implementation.
  • Avoid asking salary questions at the first stage of the interview.
  • Be sure to specify how you will find out about the result of the interview, try to negotiate the right to call yourself.
  • At the end of the interview, remember the usual rules of courtesy.
  • For many questions, you do not have to prepare for an interview all over again. But on some points, each new employer must be approached taking into account its specifics, in order not to miss these features, it takes time and effort to prepare for an interview. However, remember that, first of all, the employer is interested in qualified specialists, professionals. Try to demonstrate your respective qualities during the conversation.

And a few more tips on how to pass a job interview:

  • Before the interview, consider how you will be dressed. Appearance and demeanor are of great importance and practically determine the first impression.

    If you are going for an interview in financial institution, choose a conservative business attire.

    If you are going for an interview in construction organization or a design firm, you can afford to dress in a more casual style.

    You can try to find out in advance whether the company has adopted a business or more casual style of clothing, but in any case, it is better to dress more formally for an interview.

    If showing up to work in jeans is considered par for the course at this firm, you will be able to afford it when you start working, but you should not come to an interview in a sweater and jeans.

    In any case, you should look neat and tidy.

    It is best for a woman to wear a formal suit or a fairly conservative dress for an interview, without going to extremes when choosing the length of the skirt, colors and jewelry. Do not use harsh perfume or cologne.

  • Make sure in advance that you know how to get to the company building and where to leave the car. Get out of the house early.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled time. This will show that you respect the interviewer and value their time. If you are still late, try to call back and warn about the delay.
  • Remember that when choosing from several candidates with the same qualifications, your ability to make a favorable impression during the interview will play a decisive role.
  • Get a good night's sleep before you go to the interview. Sleepy people never make a good impression. Try to go to bed at your usual time, not earlier or later.
  • Don't drink a lot of fluids. You may not find a toilet in an unfamiliar organization and feel bad during the interview.
  • If you are introduced to someone, make every effort to correctly hear and remember the name of this person. If you can immediately address the interlocutor by name, this will make a favorable impression. Asking again will reveal excessive nervousness.
  • It is important to find out the duration of the interview and stick to the agreed time. This will help to correctly allocate time between answers and questions, to determine the degree of detail of answers.
  • Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet in the office. Don't forget to smile when you enter the interviewer's office.
  • Don't forget how important body language is. Your handshake is no less important: your hand should be dry and warm; The handshake should be firm, but not too strong. Watch your posture, try to look into the eyes. Do not, however, take anything to the extreme.
  • Do not forget to bring as many documents as possible to the interview confirming your qualifications, education and additional knowledge.
  • If you are asked to fill out any forms, it is best to take them with you and return them to the shortest time. When working with them at home, practice on a draft. Remember that everything matters: literacy, blots, handwriting, and clarity of wording.
  • Don't forget to end the interview by agreeing on when and how you'll hear about the results, and thanking the interviewer.

When the interview is over:

  • You were offered to wait for an answer, promising to call. If the wait, in your opinion, has been delayed, do not hesitate to contact the company yourself. It is possible that you will be rejected (after making sure of this, you can focus your search efforts on other objects). Or perhaps your call will allow the head of the firm to solve the problem of choosing from a variety of candidates in your favor.
  • If you are still rejected, do not despair, because:
    • employers are also people and, like all normal people, they can make mistakes;
    • an interview, albeit an unsuccessful one, is a coin in the piggy bank of your experience;
    • Well, who told you that this missed chance was the only one for you?


You are going to your first meeting with an employer. According to the job description, everything suits you. Therefore, you prepare for the interview especially carefully: amend your resume, mentally think through the answers to possible, including tricky, questions, and study the Russian-English phrase book at night. Finally, you need to think about your appearance, so that the employer has a first favorable impression of you.

Style individual and corporate

Clothing style largely depends on the position and institution in which you are going to work.

  • The closer your profession is to creativity, the less there are any rules. A creative person needs to emphasize his individuality and, probably, it will not be very correct to give him advice - he should be prompted by his creativity.
  • For representatives of conservative professions, the best option is a fashionable classic. It means to look fashionable, but not defiant.

Accordingly, if you are going to work in a bank, you do not need to have an earring in your nose. And to work in night club you do not come buttoned up in a strict classic suit.

There is one a win-win. If you have not been to this institution before and are not familiar with its rules, before deciding what to wear, take a walk in front of your future place of work and observe what is customary to wear there. At the interview, try to look in the same style.


The quality of the haircut is immediately visible, especially on short hair, so before applying for a job, you should go to the salon, where the haircut is not the cheapest.

  • A business woman can stop at a haircut, because the longer the hair, the more time and money it takes to care for them. Untidy long hair is the worst thing you can imagine.
  • Today it is fashionable to dye your hair in several colors. Let it be non-contrasting colors that smoothly flow into one another and create a feeling of one, but very beautiful and deep color. The haircut should look almost unstyled.
  • Men have longer hair in fashion compared to last season.


  • Stop your choice on the clothes in which you feel organic. This will give you confidence when talking with the employer, and you can fully focus on your business qualities.
  • The length of the skirt is a matter of figure and passion, however, when going to a serious organization, it is better to prefer the classic version of the skirt length for a business suit - up to the middle of the knee.
  • Pants should be rather wide.
  • Costume jewelry and gold are acceptable, so you can safely complement your outfit with a large bracelet, ring and earrings. However, it is worth commensurate your appearance and the amount of jewelry with official salary for which you are applying.
  • Even in hot weather ladies should abandon the neckline and cover their shoulders.
  • A business suit means closed shoes, that is, shoes, not sandals. It is unlikely that you will suffer from the heat, since decent places have air conditioners everywhere. Shoes, unlike a suit, can be more bold and fashionable in design, not necessarily classic.
  • When going to an interview, it is better to refuse some colors in clothes. Red color can cause aggression in your interlocutor, and brown - a feeling that you are not confident in yourself.
  • The color of clothes should be selected depending on the color of hair and eyes, and on the season. In summer, light colors: cream, light green, blue, beige. In winter, you can stay in beige or change into a darker suit. The combination of black and white is in fashion.
  • Do not dress very colorful - you risk seeming frivolous.

A few tips for men:

  • Avoid flashy tie colors. This detail in a business suit should be in the same tone with boots and socks.
  • Black shoes are not worn with light trousers, as, indeed, vice versa.
  • Many men do not attach importance to manicure, and in vain. If during a conversation you decide to smoke a cigarette, then your unkempt hands will immediately catch the interlocutor's eyes. By the way, at the first meeting with the employer, do not advertise your bad habit. Firstly, many organizations do not smoke, and secondly, in fashion healthy lifestyle life.

Makeup and perfume

  • Cosmetics should be natural tones. And here it is appropriate to recall the principle from which we have long departed, but when applying for a job, it is applicable: the color matching of nail polish and lipstick.
  • Perfume should be quite restrained, you should not use evening scents.

And finally, the most important thing in the interview- your self-confidence. Do you consider yourself a professional who deserves this position? So let it be read on your face, and success will not be long in coming.

Interview questions, which answers are better

Interview Questions: What's Behind Them?

Prepare carefully for an interview with an employer. Sometimes it's like preparing for covert work. The job search is almost over, and it remains to make the last push towards the desired goal. Before meeting with the employer, manuals are studied, speculative dialogues are built, answers to questions that have not yet been asked are rehearsed.

An interview in its genre is least of all reminiscent of an exam, where for each question there is a single correct answer that the examiner knows for sure. An interview is a conversation of equal people, each of which has its own position that has the right to exist, and a certain range of interests that can become common. And success in an interview does not depend on the ability to calculate the correct answers, but on the ability to be an interesting conversationalist.

Therefore, when asked how to answer questions at an interview, you can briefly answer - honestly. Often not only what you say, but also how you do it. Behind every question is not just a desire to know something about you, but also your ability to conduct a dialogue, to be open to the interlocutor.

What is behind the questions of the employer?

So let's take a look at some of the most frequently asked interview questions.

Tell me about your failures

Some after such a proposal fall into a slight stupor. Some try to convince the interlocutor that his whole life is pure luck, others try to laugh it off, remembering the last marriage or the country in which he was destined to be born. But for the employer, rather, it is important not just to list the situations in which you failed, but to understand what you evaluate as a failure, whether you are able to talk about it, how you overcome difficulties. None of us is immune from failures, everyone, including the person sitting opposite you, had their ups and downs. And the value of life experience is not in the number of years that you have worked in a position, but in life experience, the ability to "get up" after failures, to move forward after the mistakes made, the rationality of decisions made and the ability not to step on the same rake. Only a person who is able to admit and draw conclusions from his mistakes knows how to move forward.

List your strengths and weak sides

Another question that for many becomes a stumbling block. Guidelines for job seekers suggest that you present your weaknesses as an extension of your strengths, for example, it is suggested to tell the employer about how you cannot quit the business you started, and leaving work on time is simply beyond your strength.

If you answer this question as written, you are certainly demonstrating good knowledge literature on this issue, a good memory and, at the same time, absolute inflexibility, inability to "creatively" process the material read. Do not forget that HR managers also read books, and if they seem to you to be narrow-minded people who are able to "swallow" any information, you are mistaken. Behind this question lies not so much the desire to really learn about your positive and negative qualities, but the ability to be open, the ability to answer uncomfortable questions, self-confidence. Do not issue stamps, each of us has a lot of shortcomings that "have the right to life" - someone loses their ability to work under the eyes of ill-wishers, some cannot stand routine work, and most of us hardly get up in the morning to get to work on time. Think about what is really inherent in you and do not be afraid to be frank. After all, only a self-confident person can talk about his shortcomings without fear for his reputation.

How do you see yourself in 5 years

The question, rather, is not about career achievements, but about the ability to see prospects, to understand how to move towards the intended goal, internal motives, the ability to plan one's own life and see intermediate results. Depending on what you tell, it is not difficult to understand how objectively you treat yourself as a professional, whether you are interested in the profession itself or are you more interested in career how accurately you correlate your own development and advancement.

Personal life

For some reason, all the questions that affect this area also cause great embarrassment. And what is better - to be married or not, to be with children or childless, what marital status has advantages? You can discuss this for as long as you like, but you have the marital status that you have, and you are unlikely to change it depending on the wishes of the employer. In most cases, these questions do not aim to penetrate the secrets of your personal life, but rather to understand the extent to which you are able to talk about yourself with a stranger. How open are you and how do you keep the boundaries of your "I", are you independent and independent enough, whether you talk about what worries you, or try to avoid discussing personal topics. And if you prefer not to talk about your privacy how delicately you can do it.

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Possible questions

The most common questions you should be prepared to answer.

Obviously, no one is able to determine in advance all the questions that can be asked in an interview. The theoretical exception is structured interviews, where all candidates are asked the same pre-prepared list of questions. But this type of interview is rarely used. However, in practice, you can make a list of 15-20 questions, many of which, in one form or another, are asked at almost every interview. Let's consider some of these questions.

Tell me a little about yourself

This is a great chance to present yourself in the best light, especially if you have prepared in advance. Consciously or unconsciously, the employer is looking for an employee who CAN do the job, i.e. has the appropriate qualifications, experience, etc., and WANTS to perform it.

  • The employer must see the interested employee and understand how this interest is explained.
  • The employer is looking for someone who is manageable, i.e. feels his responsibility, demonstrates submission to discipline, susceptibility to criticism, knows how to listen and understand what he is told.

You should prepare and work out a story about yourself that will show that you have the listed qualities you are looking for, which are especially important from the point of view of employers. If you are applying for a certain position or job known to you, your story should be built with this in mind. When talking about yourself, cut back on formal biographical information and don't get carried away with details. The most important thing is to mention your practical experience, your knowledge and skills that may be useful to the employer, as well as your attitude to work and interest.

  • I am responsible for the assigned work, I am easily trained, disciplined.
  • I can and want to do this job because I'm interested in it.

What questions do you have?

This question can be asked right at the beginning of the conversation, and only preliminary preparation will help you orient yourself correctly. It is advisable to prepare a list of questions in advance so that at the interview, given the context of the conversation, offer them to the employer.

You should not ask more than three different questions, unless you are forced to do so by the current situation.

Why did you choose this job (organization)?

Give strong reasons: the desire to apply your qualifications and work experience where they can give the greatest return, opportunities for growth, the attractiveness of working in a strong team, and so on.

Possible answers to the question are:

  • I see prospects for my development in your company.
  • I want my knowledge to be applied, and I want to get the experience of a professional.
  • I want to do interesting things in your team.

Have you received other job offers?

If you did, please say so directly. Having someone else willing to hire you will only increase your chances. Of course, it should be added that this work you are more interested.

Have you interviewed elsewhere?

As a rule, you can honestly say "yes", but do not rush to say exactly where.

Will your personal life interfere with this work associated with traveling and irregular working hours?

This question is often asked by women. To such an attempt to circumvent the law, answer firmly: "No, it won't hurt."

What are your strengths?

Emphasize first of all those qualities that are useful for this work.

What are your weaknesses?

Never answer this question directly and honestly. It should be turned in such a way as to shift the emphasis, mentioning the shortcomings, talk about the advantages that overcompensate for them.

Why do you want to get this job? Why should we hire you?

it best question to "sell" yourself. But you should carefully prepare for it in advance.

Why did you leave your previous job?

You should not talk about conflicts, even if they were. Never criticize your former boss or employer. If the interviewer knows that you had a conflict, do not go into details, explain that this was a unique case associated with special circumstances and highlight the positive things that were in the previous job: experience, skills, professional connections, etc. .

Why did you decide to change jobs?

This question is often asked to someone who is working at the time of the interview. It's hard to answer this question well. We can say that the organization has exhausted real opportunities for your professional and job growth, and you would not want to stop there.

How do you imagine your position in three (five) years?

It is better to answer streamlined: I would like to work in the same organization, but in a more responsible job.

What is your work experience?

Possible answers to the question are:

  • The first work experience I got it back in the school brigade.
  • In practice (list where and in what capacity you passed it).

What salary do you expect?

At the beginning of the conversation, it is better to try to evade the answer by saying that you do not consider it necessary to discuss the salary in the first place. If the interviewer insists, then name the amount that is attractive to you and meets the expectations, capabilities and norms of the organization. If you do not have such information, then do not underestimate the amount called by you, but indicate your readiness to discuss this issue separately after a detailed acquaintance with the content and conditions of work.

Possible answers to the question are:

  • I believe that the payment will not be below the average for your company.
  • salary according to staffing at your enterprise will suit me.
  • I hope for a reasonable level of wages, corresponding to the amount of work.

What else would you like to know?

Never say you don't have questions. Try to ask a question that speaks in favor of your hiring. For example, ask for clarification on something important for work that was not sufficiently covered in a previous conversation. Think about these questions ahead of time. But do not try to ask all these questions at the interview if you are not asked about it. Be sure to thank the employer for the information provided.

What changes would you make if you took this job?

The question is often asked to applicants for the positions of managers and administrative workers. You should show your familiarity with similar situations and the ability to take the initiative, but do not overdo it, showing a willingness not to leave stone unturned. Also, beware of suggesting changes if you haven't had a chance to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the state of affairs.

These are the most common interview questions asked of candidates. Sometimes, you may encounter unexpected and apparently harmless questions. For example: "What did you do today?" Think about how beneficially you can answer this question for yourself. However, the problem is also how you actually spend your time and what lifestyle will increase your chances of getting a job.

Who needs an employer

If you are applying for a position on the hierarchical ladder, then be prepared for what is required of you:

  • knowledge, experience, skills;
  • education (better profile);
  • work experience (preferably in the specialty or related fields);
  • versatility (ex. financial director with knowledge of accounting);
  • specific cases that improved the condition;
  • computer literacy;
  • ability to learn quickly;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • systematic;
  • ability to predict and analyze;
  • discipline
  • decency;
  • self-control;
  • perseverance in solving problems;
  • desire for professional growth.
  • charm, pleasantness in communication;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • fast adaptation;
  • enthusiasm;
  • endurance in extreme situations;
  • stress tolerance;
  • reliability.
  • helpfulness;
  • friendliness;
  • diligence;
  • tact;
  • sense of humor.

Key interview points to think about ahead of time

A person is still met by clothes, so appearance is not the last role. No one will demand Armani suits from you, but you should look neat and businesslike. This does not mean at all that you should change your style - first of all, you should feel comfortable, but try to choose clothes that are as appropriate as possible for the occasion. Hair and hands should be well-groomed, make-up is very important for ladies. The property of the human psyche is such that the first impression has a decisive influence on the subsequent attitude.

You must arrive at the meeting exactly at the appointed time. Being late is unacceptable. If you are late for objective reasons, call and try to reschedule the meeting. If circumstances are such that you can arrive earlier than the appointed time, call again and find out if the employer can accept you.

During the interview, the direction of the conversation is set by the employer, so give clear answers to the questions posed. Mean "yes", "no", "did not have", "was not a member" are unlikely to serve you well, but you should not fall into lengthy explanations either. Your comments should be short but meaningful.

Resist the temptation to exaggerate your merits or exaggerate your professional experience. Provide only information that is true. Otherwise, you can only hurt yourself. Firstly, the veracity of your answers is easily verified during the interview, not to mention the fact that the employer can directly contact your former management; secondly, they can take your word for it, but arrange a small practical test.

Give a constructive analysis of your previous activities. Don't be afraid to talk about your weaknesses. Naturally, you should not focus on them, but you should not avoid this topic either. By admitting and analyzing your mistakes, you only earn extra points for yourself - only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Any employer is trying to find out the reasons for leaving previous jobs. It's safer to tell the truth again. Refrain from reproaching the former leadership - the bosses have their own solidarity. If at your previous job you were completely sick, and you want to curse this whole sharashka office unbearably, resort to the help of the same constructive criticism. So, at least, you will declare yourself as a person who thinks and analyzes.

When the employer has received all the information he is interested in about you, it is your turn to ask questions. In almost all Western recommendations on job search technology, you will find advice to get as much information as possible about the company before the interview. In our country, unfortunately, this is not always possible, but the Internet greatly simplifies the task - the number of corporate sites is growing by leaps and bounds. Nevertheless, at the interview it is not shameful, but it is simply necessary to ask about the organization in which you may have to work, about the place that you can take in it, and the prospects for your professional growth. It is quite correct to be interested in the level of one's income, without, however, bringing this topic to the fore.

At the end of the interview, the Employer will most likely inform you that they will consider your candidacy and will contact you. In the West, where the culture of relations in the labor market has long been formed, the candidate is notified of the decision, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. In our still largely uncivilized country, you are unlikely to be bothered if your candidacy was not suitable, so ask the employer to clarify whether he will contact you in any case, or only in case of a positive decision. Agree on how long you can expect a response, ask if you can call and find out the result yourself.

Thinking time belongs not only to the employer, but also to you. You also make your choice. Among other things, it is useful to decide for yourself what this company will be for you in the light of future career - career ladder th, or only a step in it, i.e. whether you are going to develop and grow professionally within the organization or see it simply as an opportunity to reach a higher professional level. How you will build relationships with the new management and team largely depends on the decision you make.

How to increase self-confidence, develop and develop self-esteem

All of us know that a person who exudes confidence in himself and his actions easily makes contacts, more often positively solves his problems, moves up the career ladder faster, realizes himself more fully and, as a result, is happier. Therefore, it is necessary and very important to develop self-confidence. In order to gain confidence, we offer 12 steps that will help you change your self-esteem and teach you how to be confident in various life situations.

Step 1. Decide what is the value for you, what you believe in, how you would like to see your life. Analyze your plans and evaluate them in terms of today to take advantage of this when you notice certain shifts.

Step 2 Forgive yourself for past mistakes. From time to time try to analyze your past, but do not let it take over you. Make room for even small, but pleasant memories. The bad past will live in your memory until you eradicate it yourself.

Step 3 Guilt and shame will not help you succeed. Don't let them take over you.

Step 4 Look for the reasons for your failures in yourself. When you blame the state, circumstances, other people for your troubles and misfortunes, you give up the role of the owner own life. Successful person occupies an active life position and changes itself. And in any case, he will find the opportunity to firmly stay on his feet under the blow of certain circumstances.

Step 5 Do not forget that each event can be evaluated differently. Thanks to this view of things, you will be patient with people and calmly respond to attitudes that previously seemed to you biased.

Step 6 Never talk bad about yourself. And especially avoid attributing negative traits to yourself: “stupid”, “incapable”, “unhappy”. This can develop an undesirable stable stereotype in the subconscious.

Step 7 Your actions can be evaluated in different ways. If someone constructively criticizes your actions, use it to your advantage, but do not allow others to criticize you as a person.

Step 8 Remember that sometimes failure is luck. Through defeat, you can conclude that, firstly, you set yourself erroneous goals that were not worth the effort, and secondly, you managed to avoid the next, possibly even bigger troubles.

Step 9 Your positive attitude to life is a guarantee of well-being and inner balance, high spiritual health. It depends only on you how you see this world. Life is too short to waste it on depression.

Step 10 Give yourself the opportunity to relax from time to time, listen to your thoughts, do what you like, sometimes be alone with yourself. This way you can understand yourself better. These moments provide an opportunity to accumulate energy, as it were, in order to take a decisive or significant step forward.

Step 11 Choose for yourself several serious goals, on the way to which you need to achieve smaller, intermediate ones. Soberly consider what means you will need to achieve these intermediate goals. Don't leave any of yours unattended successful move and don't forget to encourage and praise yourself.

Step 12 Be confident. And remember these words: You are not a passive object on which troubles are pouring, not a blade of grass that is waiting with trepidation to be stepped on. You are the top of the evolutionary pyramid, a unique personality, an active creator of your life, you are in charge of events! You are the master of your own destiny!

Reasons for not getting a job

  • pitiful appearance;
  • know-it-all mannerisms;
  • lack of a career plan and a clear goal;
  • lack of sincerity and balance;
  • lack of interest and enthusiasm;
  • lack of tact;
  • lack of courtesy;
  • indecision;
  • little knowledge in the specialty;
  • lack of purpose;
  • inability to speak: weak voice, poor diction;
  • unwillingness to start from the bottom: expecting too much too soon;
  • bad reviews about previous employers;
  • the desire for self-justification, evasiveness, reference to adverse factors;
  • intolerance with highly developed prejudices;
  • narrowness of interests;
  • inability to value time;
  • poor management of own affairs;
  • lack of interest in social life;
  • lack of understanding of the value of experience;
  • inability to take criticism;
  • obsession with money;
  • expressed unwillingness to learn;
  • desire to simply settle down;
  • unsuccessful family life;
  • poor relationship with parents
  • unwillingness to look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • slovenliness;
  • cynicism;
  • being late for an interview without a valid reason;
  • lack of questions about work to a potential employer;
  • uncertainty of answers to questions;
  • low morale.

Interview rules of conduct

  • When greeting a company representative, do not shake hands first.
  • Do not sit down until you are asked to do so.
  • Listen carefully. Follow the direction of the conversation given by the interviewer.
  • Before answering a question, try to understand why it was asked, how to emphasize your strengths in the answer, and what you should not talk about.
  • When discussing previous jobs, do not criticize your former boss and colleagues.
  • Do not start discussions about your personal or financial problems unless you are specifically asked to.
  • You can name a salary that will satisfy you, but not before you are asked about it.
  • At the end of the interview, thank the interlocutor for their attention.

Preparing for an interview

  • Try to provide yourself with information about the organization in which you want to find a job.
  • Keep copies of all required documents, professional resume, copies of certificates of education.
  • Get ready to give the names and phone numbers of the persons recommending you, after agreeing this with them.
  • Find out the exact location of the organization and the route so as not to be late.
  • Make sure that you have enough time and do not get nervous if the interview will drag out.
  • stick business style in clothes.
  • Make a list of expected questions and prepare response options.
  • Prepare specifically for the discussion of wages.
  • Practice answering the most likely questions well, doing this in the form of a playful interview rehearsal.
  • Be sure to prepare the questions you will ask if you are offered the opportunity.

When preparing for an interview, it is very important to conduct preliminary reconnaissance. Must be collected as soon as possible more information about the company you are going to interview and about the people you are going to meet.

Useful information can be obtained in a variety of ways. If it's about large enterprise, get to know its products or services. Many organizations distribute their brochures and promotional brochures. Try to find articles in newspapers or magazines about this organization.

You can talk to a person who works or has worked in this organization. You can learn a lot of useful things from him, but you should take into account the subjective coloring of such stories. Perhaps some of your questions can be answered by the consultant of the agency you contacted.

What you need to know about the organization you are going to interview:

  • What products or services does the organization offer?
  • Where and to whom are products and services sold?
  • How many years has the organization been in existence?
  • How have the objectives of the organization changed since its inception?
  • Is the composition of the leadership stable, or does it change frequently?
  • What is the legal status of the organization?
  • Have there been attempts to take over the organization by other firms?
  • Did the organization make a profit last year? Over the past three years?
  • Have there been layoffs in the last three years? Why?
  • Is the organization part of any larger association?
  • How much attention is paid to the organization of the press? Why?
  • What are the press reviews about the organization?
  • What is the attitude towards employees in this organization?
  • What new projects are being developed in the organization?
  • Is the organization based in the country or does it have partners or branches abroad?
  • What are the prospects for the industry to which the organization belongs?


You and the employer: 10 rules for success

Rule 1 Gather all the documents you may need in advance. Recording with written recommendations, telephones. Do not forget also your diploma, certificate of completion of courses (if any), passport, work book and resume, preferably in two copies. Carefully sort all the papers into files, this will be eloquent evidence of your diligence and thrift.

Rule 2 Write your presentation speech on a piece of paper and rehearse it in front of a mirror. Think in advance what and how you will say.

Rule 3 Don't try to make a good impression with just your appearance. Be natural, a strict business look is most acceptable. Remember, first impressions are very important.

Rule 4 Relax. Nervousness is immediately noticeable, but more than that, it inspires the employer with an unpleasant thought: “Why is this person so worried? Does he want to hide something? Or is he unsure of himself? ". Get a good night's sleep, set yourself up for success. It is better not to take any medicine unless you want to look sleepy and lethargic.

Rule 5 Don't be afraid of rejection. Prepare mentally for any outcome of the interview.

Rule 6 Behave naturally and benevolently, do not pinch. Don't put on the mask you made up for this case. The most important thing is constant courtesy. Try to listen more than talk, excessive talkativeness will only hurt.

Rule 7 Don't try to show your superiority. Of course, you need to show your competence, but nothing more.

Rule 8 Avoid fawning and flattery - it immediately becomes noticeable and few people like it. Keep moderately free and independent (but do not overdo it!), do not fuss and do not be shy. Then the employer will treat you with the same respect as you treat yourself.

Rule 9 Do not speak badly about anyone and do not try to denigrate the former management, work colleagues, competitors. It won't make you shine. Even your weaknesses can be used for good (For example: slowness, allows you not to miss details and carefully do the work).

Rule 10 Do not agree to the proposed terms immediately. It's better to say, "I'll think about it." A stranger ready for anything looks more like a dropout or an adventurer.

An interview is an essential step in the recruitment process. How the candidate passes this test will determine whether he gets the desired job. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming event with special responsibility.

In this article, we will talk about how to prepare for an interview, how to pass it successfully, and what should be avoided when communicating with a future employer?

What are the stages of the interview and what you need to successfully pass them

An interview is the process of getting to know an employer and a prospective employee. It is an important point in the whole issue of employment, because it is here that the parties will find out if they are suitable for each other, and how their employment relationship will be built.

The interview has 4 stages. These include:

  1. Telephone conversation with a representative of the organization;
  2. Receiving an invitation and preparing for the visit;
  3. Conversation with the director, or with the recruiter;
  4. Analysis of the meeting, debriefing;

Careful study of these stages will help to successfully pass the interview. Let's consider each of them in detail.

telephone conversation

After studying the resumes of applicants, the HR specialist makes calls and selects the most liked candidates. Therefore, when receiving a call, you should be polite.

It is necessary to remember the name of the employee who called, ask for the address and phone number. It is also worth clarifying the documents that must be provided. They can be both diplomas of education and the candidate's portfolio.

How to prepare for an interview

Many people face the problem of fear of communicating with strangers. In order not to fail the meeting, and to make a good impression, it is necessary to plan a speech in advance. It is best to “lose” the interview in such a situation, for example, in front of a mirror.

In no case should you come to an interview with relatives, friends or acquaintances. This behavior will allow the recruiter to question your independence.

To successfully pass the interview, you must remember that the first impression of the candidate is the most important moment. Therefore, it is indecent to be late, keep chewing gum in your mouth, talk on the phone.

In order to get the desired position, the future employee must show his interest. You need to smile, listen carefully to the representative of the company, ask questions clearly and briefly.

The next important point is preparation for self-presentation. You should think over and sketch out an approximate speech on a piece of paper. This stage will be decisive, because the outcome of the interview depends on the quality of the speech.

At the preparation stage, it is recommended to collect Additional information about the employer. You should study the reviews of former employees. This will allow you to form an appropriate opinion about the company, study the scope of its activities, and prepare questions.

How to behave in an interview

During the conversation, it becomes clear to the recruiter whether this or that candidate will be able to take a vacant position in the organization.

To do this, the future employee is not only asked questions, but may also be asked, for example, to play the scene of communication with a “harmful” client.

The outcome of the conversation will depend on the result of passing this task. The scene may contain great amount tricky questions. At this moment, the recruiter studies the psychological state of the candidate, and his resistance to stress. Therefore, all questions asked should be answered clearly, distinctly and honestly.

Among other things, you will be asked to tell about yourself, about your merits at your previous place of work. It is better to back up what has been said with a portfolio.

Do not forget that excessive self-admiration can indicate excessive self-confidence.

Performance should not be accompanied by nervousness and excitement. The presence of confusing speech, incoherent sentences, or wet palms indicates a person’s insecurity.

To successfully pass the interview, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • friendliness and good manners can make a proper impression;
  • Proficiency in professional terminology. The moment is especially important when conducting an interview for a managerial position. It is important for a company to hire a person who is familiar with the process of the enterprise from the inside;
  • The level of erudition. It is worth mentioning reading books or solving crossword puzzles. The presence of such interests indicates that a person has a certain level literacy;
  • Applicant's appearance should be neat and tidy. You can not come to a meeting with the smell of alcohol, or just smoked cigarettes.

Analysis of the meeting and debriefing

At the end of the conversation, the HR specialist will talk about its results. If the candidate was confident and answered the questions correctly, then the chances of getting a job are high. The absence of a response indicates that he did not make a sufficient impression, and a serious revision of his actions is required.

Self-analysis is necessary in order to take into account all the mistakes at the next interview, and increase the chances of getting the desired job.

In more detail, the stages of the interview are presented in the table:

Stage number Necessary actions Possible nuances
1 Receiving an invitation Please be specific about what to bring with you.
2 Collecting information about the employer, including a detailed study of the reviews of former employees The information obtained will help you get to know the company's activities as much as possible.
3 Preparing for self-presentation During the presentation, it is necessary to focus on the identified needs of the organization.
4 Appearance for an interview Establishing contact with a company representative
5 Speech by an HR specialist, a story about the company and
Clarification of questions of interest
6 Candidate's presentation with mandatory portfolio review Short and well-written speech
7 Answers to incoming questions from an admissions specialist Show a high level of restraint and work through possible objections
8 End of the interview and debriefing Self-assessment required
9 Feedback Planning for joint work activities

Sample list of interview questions and how to answer them

Questions asked during an interview can vary. The recruiter can ask about both hobbies and financial situation your family.

Diverse questions are asked for a reason. If a specialist is interested in the applicant's hobbies, this means that he is trying to understand his character and find out if he is a conflict person.

The question of marital status will help the recruiter determine the candidate's willingness to devote additional time to work. You may have to work overtime.

Below is a list of questions that are most often asked in interviews:

  1. Story about yourself. At first glance, it seems that this is very simple, but many applicants are lost in the answer at the very beginning of the conversation. At this stage, you need to present yourself with better side. You need to talk about education, work experience, achievements. These data will form an opinion about the applicant as a professional. The only caveat is that the answer should be short, without water, everything is strictly to the point. Philosophizing is not to be allowed;
  2. Reason for leaving previous job. The best way to answer this question is from a future perspective. It is best to say that leaving is associated with the desire to grow up the career ladder, to develop. What was not presented at the previous job. In no case should you scold the former leader and the old team. A negative attitude will have a bad effect on the results of the interview;
  3. Future plans. For example, what is planned to be done in the next few years? It is best to focus on the professional development that can be associated with this particular company. Such a response forms an opinion about the interest in getting a job. It will also show that the applicant plans to work here for a long time. The employer must be sure that the candidate will not quit in a couple of months, because a lot of time and effort was spent on his training and infusion into the work process;
  4. List character strengths. This question must be answered with the utmost honesty. But to focus precisely on those qualities that are applicable in the workflow. For example, it is better to say that you are able to think analytically. Give an example. Suppose, thanks to your analytical ability, you were able to analyze the sales funnel at your previous job and form new model, which brought the company an income of several hundred thousand rubles. The desire to improve work processes can increase the chances of getting the desired job;
  5. The presence of errors in the previous workplace. It is better to answer that they were present. If you answer that you worked flawlessly, this may mean that you are not honest. It is necessary to give an example of an error, and emphasize that you yourself discovered and corrected it;
  6. Salary level. It is better to prepare for such a question in advance. Need to analyze average level salaries offered by companies in the labor market, and name an objective figure. You should not ask for a huge salary, but you need to focus on the opportunity to grow in the company and get more through, for example, sales;
  7. How did you hear about the company? Such a question should not be assessed as an attempt to confuse. It is informative. It is important for the employer to identify which of his channels works, and where it is worth placing more ads. The answer may be - learned from friends, or found an ad about vacant position on the company website, etc.

This list of questions is indicative and may be supplemented by the employer at his discretion. However, it is worth remembering that the answers to any questions should be as honest as possible.

What are the common mistakes candidates make and what to avoid.

Sometimes it happens that the interview goes well, both parties are satisfied, but the job offer never came.

The blame for everything can be the mistakes that were made by the applicant.

Below is a sample list of mistakes that the candidate should always be aware of.

No. p / p Error Description and how to avoid
1 Fear of speaking Such a syndrome may be accompanied by wet palms, then on the forehead, a trembling voice. All this negatively affects the results of the conversation. The recruiter will conclude that due attention was not paid to the preparation stage. Do not neglect this rule. The degree of preparedness is immediately visible, and gives more chances for a successful outcome of the conversation.
2 Don't have heart to heart conversations Many applicants get carried away with the conversation, and move away from the topic of conversation, delving more and more into their inner experiences. The result is inappropriate conversations about hobbies or travel. As a result, the result of the interview will not be achieved. It is erroneous to think that if you turn the conversation to more personal topics, then the HR specialist will make the right choice. Such behavior is inherent in candidates for work as loaders, cleaners and other technical personnel.
3 Bad feeling Do not come to the interview with a fever or cough. If the situation is so serious, then The best way is to call the recruiter and arrange to reschedule the meeting. Not feeling well, or swollen eyes will create an opinion about you as a person who can get sick a lot and be on sick leave. This is especially true for those with small children. The question is often asked, with whom the child will stay in case of his illness. It is necessary to resolve such situations in advance.
4 Indecent behavior The behavior of the applicant must be dictated general rules propriety. However, there are times when candidates speak too loudly or act assertively. Such character traits may indicate that a person is a brawler. The best way to get a job is to be friendly. It is necessary to win over the interlocutor, and not to convince him of his innocence.

It would seem that it is difficult to come to an interview and get the desired result. But, as practice shows, not every applicant gets the desired position the first time. The thing is that today employers treat candidates with excessive pickiness. This is not surprising. After all, the future of the organization depends on the composition of the team.

Following the simple rules mentioned above will help the candidate pass the interview with dignity and get the desired job.