How to do a good job interview. Interviewing is easy or how to get a job guaranteed. What might be asked

Be sure to show your punctuality - to arrive at the institution without delay. Try to leave the house early, take the route where there are no traffic problems. Arriving in advance, you can observe and draw some conclusions for yourself.

No need to get lost at the entrance to the office - be confident and calm, do not forget about a smile. The posture of the candidate is also important - you can not slouch, cross your arms or lower your head. A good impression is created by a straight posture and an interested look.

When wondering how to pass a job interview, remember to behave naturally and openly. Listen carefully to the interlocutor, and if something is not clear, ask again immediately so that there are no misunderstandings later. Answer to the point and clearly. Speak confidently, competently, state your thoughts consistently. Do not exaggerate anything, in no case do not lie, pay more attention to what is useful when working.

The employer is primarily interested in the professionalism of the candidate. But you have to be prepared for outside questions as well. They test the future employee, checking his emotional state, adequacy and ingenuity. Even if these questions seem rude, do not lose your temper, which is highly valued by employers. You don't have to get aggressive. It is recommended to remain polite and avoid unpleasant questions, hinting that this has nothing to do with work.

At the end of the interview, the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions. You can ask about everything related to work - duties, work schedule, vacation and sick leave conditions. You can ask the reason for the dismissal of the previous employee in order to draw the right conclusion for yourself.

No matter how difficult the interview is, one should not be nervous, criticize, or interrupt the interlocutor. And in order to be known as a well-mannered person, at the end of the conversation, you must certainly thank the potential employer for accepting and listening.

It is advisable to prepare for an interview in advance, this increases the chances of getting a job, because it is approximately clear what the conversation will be about.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about how to successfully pass a job interview. If you have the necessary knowledge and are confident in yourself, everything will work out on the first try!

Or you are about to change jobs again, it will be very useful for you to prepare well for the upcoming interview if it is important for you to succeed in this matter. An interview with a potential employer is a very stressful business, even if you are a professional in your field, until the interview itself has taken place, you will still be overwhelmed by excitement and all sorts of “what if ...” appear. After all, anything can go wrong.

Preparing for an interview

The employer may not like your appearance or the way you speak, the employer may ask you questions that you did not expect to hear, may lead you into a dead end with certain questions. Anything can happen, but your task is to leave a good impression of yourself and make a simple interview turn into a successful interview. How to do it? How to pass an interview?

You change jobs, so you had certain reasons to look for a new place.

  • Try to answer the main question for yourself in advance: “Why am I changing my job?”. The employer will definitely take an interest in this, and you will need to answer this question and answer sincerely, but without going into details.
  • Think also about the possible questions the interviewer might ask you.
  • Try to find out in advance more about the company you are applying for and about its activities.
  • Find out where the office is located and think over the route and time you will get to the office in advance in order to arrive on time. If you are late, be sure to call and let us know. Read also: ?
  • Take all necessary documents with you. If you have references from a previous job, be sure to include those as well. Do not forget to also take a copy of the resume in 2 copies.
  • Be truthful, don't lie. Lies are very easy to expose and leave a bad impression on you.

How to dress properly for an interview?

Everyone knows the adage that clothes make the difference, so it's very important when preparing for an interview to choose the right things in your wardrobe before heading to your successful interview.

How to match? Naturally, what you wear should be appropriate for the position you are going to take. Think about what you will wear if you are hired and how you will be. If the company you are applying for has a specific dress code, you should dress accordingly. It is clear that a bank employee and a nightclub art director dress completely differently, and it is best for you to dress appropriately or as close as possible to the corporate culture of your future place of work. This will make you look like "your boyfriend" to the employer.

If your financial situation does not allow you to look the way you would like, this is not a reason to be upset. Make your clothes look modest and neat. This is sure to please the employer. But it's not worth it to splurge on an expensive suit. From a conversation with you, the employer will understand your financial situation, your social status, level of education, and in a suit that you cannot afford, you will look ridiculous.

Pay attention to your shoes. But shoes should be given special attention. It is on shoes that interviewers draw far-reaching conclusions and assumptions about a candidate.

Important little things. Details say a lot about a candidate. Long hair in men gives the impression of intelligence and a penchant for mental work. A short haircut suggests a passion for sports. A person wearing glasses also creates an impression of his intelligence, diligence, and reliability. In the business world, the effect of glasses is widely used, many wear glasses without diopters, but with ordinary lenses.

Pay attention to your hands. Candidates often come to the interview, both men and women wearing rings. If the candidate wears an expensive ring, this indicates his arrogant desire to surpass others. If inexpensive rings are on the candidate's fingers, then this indicates his vanity and limited finances. Both the first and the second negatively affect the opinion of the candidate, so in the business world there is a rule according to which it is customary to wear only a wedding ring.

How should you behave in an interview?

Half of your success will depend on how you present yourself. Psychologists have found that no matter how long the conversation lasts, a positive or negative opinion about a candidate is formed within three to four minutes. At the end of this time, the interviewer asks questions either “on filling”, if a good opinion has not been formed about the candidate, or asks questions that help the candidate to reveal all his best sides. This fact emphasizes the importance of the first impression.

Most of the information the interviewer is given is not your words, but your pronunciation, your gestures, your mannerisms. By the manner of behavior, it is very easy for a specialist to determine how you live, what kind of person you are, how you are adapted to life.

With the advice of psychologist Eleri Sampson, you can test your own body language by answering the questions below:

  • How do you use your smile?
  • Do you sit up straight or slouch?
  • Do you have eye contact with the interlocutor?
  • Do you use your hands in conversation?
  • How do you enter the room?
  • Do you have a strong and businesslike handshake?
  • Are you close or far away from the people you are talking to?
  • Do you touch the person you are talking to?

Answered? Now take a look at the list of positive and negative signals that affect the impression of you.

Negative Signals

  • fidgeting in your chair
  • Look not at the speaker, but at the floor, at the ceiling, or anywhere but at the person you are talking to.
  • Turn away from the interlocutor and avoid eye contact.
  • All kinds of closed poses, crossed arms, hands “in the lock”, a leg thrown on a leg.
  • Use closed threatening gestures, you can wave your finger, defending your opinion.
  • Sit with a blank look, grumble or smirk maliciously.

Positive Signals

  • Sit straight, slightly leaning forward, listening with participation and interest.
  • While talking, look calmly and confidently at the speaker.
  • Make notes on paper as you speak.
  • When listening, your body is in an open position, hands on the table, palms outstretched forward.
  • The hands are in an open position. Hands raised up, as if you are explaining a thought to your colleagues.
  • Smile and joke.

How to properly describe yourself in an interview. What to say and what to keep silent about.

The right words. When talking to an employer, to make a good impression, it is important to use verbs correctly. Try to use perfective verbs. Use words such as completed, developed, designed, created, made. Try to avoid indefinite verbs like worked, answered, participated, when using these verbs you give an idea of ​​the functions you perform, but do not give an idea of ​​your achievements.

Locus of control. Interviewers with good psychological preparation will definitely check your locus of control. Locus of control can be internal or external. It is easy to test it with questions like: “How do you plan your work? By what criteria do you evaluate your work? A person with an internal locus of control will often use the pronoun "I" and the verb "do". He will talk about his achievements, about how he would plan everything, what he would pay attention to, how he would control it. A person with an external locus of control will talk about external influences, indicating dependence on external factors, such as the influence of the weather, or dependence on how customers deliver goods.

A person with an internal locus of control is good as a leader. He easily takes responsibility, sets tasks and completes them. A person with an external locus of control is good as a performer, he cannot work for a long time in conditions of instability, but he can be a good analyst and expert. Naturally, a person with an external locus of control will not be hired for a managerial position, since it requires quick decisions and decisive actions. Therefore, depending on what position you are applying for, adjust your speech, corresponding to the external or internal locus.

Where to look? When greeting, look your interlocutor straight in the eye. This will give the impression of confidence. When talking, try to mention the name of your interlocutor. This makes a favorable impression.

What words should be avoided? Try to avoid words like "ok", "wow", "no problems". They don't create a very good impression of you. People who know foreign languages ​​well usually do not use such words in speech. Therefore, you can give the impression of a poor knowledge of the language and a low level of culture.

Telling about yourself at the interview - answering objectionable questions

In addition to the fundamental questions about your previous work and life goals and plans, you may be faced with questions like: “What did you do last night?” With questions like these, the interviewer wants to know about your lifestyle.

Workarounds. Interviewers, who know perfectly well that you have prepared answers to the main questions, can take a detour and ask a question like: “What had to change in your previous place of work in order for you to stay there?” Thus, they want to find out the true reasons for your departure.

Your strengths and weaknesses. If you are asked about your strengths, try to talk about those that are related to your work. If they ask about the shortcomings, name those that are a continuation of your strengths. For example, when you are running a project, if you feel like you might not be able to turn it in on time, then you stay at work for an hour or two to get more done.
If you are asked about past failures, talk about those situations from which you have learned a lesson.

Remember to bring a good mood to the interview and be sure to set yourself up for a successful interview.

Everyone has had a chance to participate in an interview at least once in their life. Someone took part as a candidate for a vacancy, while someone, on the contrary, acted as an evaluator, being a potential employer. Depending on the rules adopted in different companies and even industries, there are different practices for organizing this conversation between the two parties.

What is an interview for?

An interview is a process of communication between an employer and a candidate who applies for an open position in a company. As a rule, the full organization of the interview lies on the shoulders of the HR manager or HR manager. This person must first find a suitable candidate, get management approval of his resume, and then arrange a meeting with the candidate. Some companies do not have a dedicated HR specialist, so organizational issues can be resolved by other people, for example, secretaries or managers directly interested in a new employee. Someone prefers to outsource recruitment issues to an agency or work with a remote freelance recruiter. In this case, the first interview takes place on the territory of the recruiting company.

An interview is necessary for both parties for the initial assessment of each other. The employer assesses the candidate's professional skills and his psychological qualities, and the candidate, as a first approximation, studies the potential job, gets acquainted with the list of possible tasks and often with the immediate supervisor.

What types and methods of interviewing exist

Depending on the level of the position for which the candidate will be interviewed, on the conditions of the interview and on its goals, recruiters can use different types and methods of interviewing:

  • structured interview;
  • situational or case interview;
  • projective interview;
  • competency interview (behavioral);
  • stress (shock) interview;
  • brainteaser-interview.

Some companies also deliberately practice the group interview format, which is not the most respected among job seekers. Several applicants take part in it at once, forced to compete with each other. At the same time, the employer can choose the most interesting from several candidates.

The personal practice of the author of this material shows that very often fragments of different types are collected in one interview. For example, a recruiter conducts a basic acquaintance with a candidate in the format of a structured interview, asking expected questions about education and work experience. A potential manager participating in the first interview together with a recruiter can ask several cases or arrange a small stressful interview.

Structured interview

The most common is the structured interview. This format is the most logical and simple in terms of organizing the event. The interview takes place in a tête-à-tête format. The representative of the employer asks the applicant standard questions and receives direct answers about the candidate's education, qualifications, work experience, professional and life expectations. Such a conversation allows you to understand the level of compliance of the candidate with the formal requirements for the position, as well as how easily he will be able to fit into the work team.

Most often, the interview is conducted according to a predetermined scheme.

situational interview

A case interview implies that in addition to standard questions, the candidate will be asked to solve several practical problems from the practice of a given company or industry as a whole. This way you can determine the candidate’s train of thought and suggest how he will act in a work situation.

Projective interview

A projective interview involves a shift in focus from the candidate to an imaginary third person who solves some problems. The task of the applicant in this case is to comment as quickly as possible on the actions of the people involved in the situation given by the interviewer. This method is based on the principle that each of us has a tendency to analyze other people's actions from the standpoint of our own experience. So, in order to reveal the life values ​​of the candidate, they ask the question of why the employee could be fired, in which case the employee can steal from the employer or lie to him. Asking why people are late for appointments will help reveal attitudes towards punctuality.

behavioral interview

The longest time is usually the competency assessment interview. Here, it is the candidate's professional experience that is closely studied, and the results of his answers are carefully evaluated according to various types of scales (competences).

shock interview

A stress interview is used to assess the level of conflict and stress resistance of a candidate. This method is non-standard and is most often practiced in relation to representatives of certain professions. In particular, the ability to keep a cool head in the face of a brewing conflict is very useful for top managers, sales people, and insurance agents. It is very easy to understand that you have become a participant in a stressful interview. The interviewer may deliberately provoke conflict, make inappropriate comments, and ask incorrect questions in order to throw the candidate off balance.

Brainteaser interview

The brainteaser interview is used to assess the creativity of candidates. To successfully pass such an interview, the candidate must show a level of resourcefulness sufficient for solving non-standard logical problems and strong skills of independent work.

A long wait before a meeting may not be the interlocutor's forgetfulness, but a test of stress resistance

Other types of interviews

When organizing interviews, various special tools for communication are widely used today. In general, it should be noted that the format of the interview very much depends on the level of the position for which the candidate is applying, as well as on the industry itself, within which the person wants to work. So, for the selection of performers of creative professions (film actors, models, and so on), the interview is called casting or samples and takes place in a format that differs significantly from the introductory interview for office employees.

New forms of interviewing have also opened up thanks to the availability of modern technologies. Thus, video interviews are becoming more widespread in some circles. Such interviews can be arranged using various computer services, the most famous of which is Skype. The convenience of this format lies in the fact that both the applicant and the recruiter, as well as other interview participants, can be located in different parts of the world. The main condition for conducting an interview via Skype is a good Internet channel. Many IT companies conduct at least one of the first interviews with a candidate this way.

There are also special services that allow you to conduct video interviews in a different way. Its essence is that first the recruiter records his questions to the candidate on video, then the candidate answers these questions in front of the video camera and sends his answer to the recruiter. He can view the candidate's response at any convenient time. This format helps the HR specialist to process more applications.

Video: types of job interviews

How is the interview

A common practice today is to conduct a whole chain of job interviews. A modern candidate will have to go through two to five interviews before receiving the coveted offer. There are no uniform requirements for the number of interview stages, and each company independently determines the procedure for communicating with candidates for each of the vacancies.

Communication most often begins through telephone conversations or e-mail correspondence. If a recruitment agency is looking for candidates, the first contact can also be made by the manager of this agency.

The first interview in the company traditionally takes place with an HR manager. To save time, some employers prefer to have the first conversation over the phone or Skype. Adherents of more conservative methods immediately invite the candidate to the office. At this stage, the HR specialist evaluates the general adequacy of the candidate, as well as compliance with the formal criteria for the vacancy. Some positions require mandatory preliminary testing of the candidate. After the level of professional competencies is confirmed, line managers and, in some cases, top management of the employing company are connected to the interviews.

Of course, we are not always talking about such a long chain of interviews. In most cases, people try to save their time and make a job offer after two or three interviews.

The pattern in which each of the interviews in the chain takes place is to some extent standard and is determined by the host. As a rule, the recruiter sets the pace and general mood of the conversation. The professionalism of this person also largely determines the results of the interview and the conclusions that each of the parties will make for themselves. Most often, the scheme of the conversation looks like this:

  1. The recruiter offers the candidate the opportunity to tell about himself that the latter considers relevant in the context of a particular vacancy.
  2. Those present ask him various clarifying questions.
  3. If a potential manager participates in the meeting, he can ask the applicant to solve or comment on any task from the practice of the enterprise.
  4. After the participants from the employer's side find out everything that interests them about the candidate, it will be his turn to ask questions about the company.

What questions are often asked to candidates and how to answer them correctly

Candidates can be asked any question during the interview. Of course, most of the questions will be standard and aimed at clarifying various formal details of the applicant's biography. Answering questions about where you studied and worked should be calm, confident and truthful. There are no special tricks here.

A well-prepared candidate should not be confused by interview questions

Much more interesting and more difficult will be questions with a greater degree of abstraction - those for which there may not be a single correct and unambiguous answer. It is important to remember that when you are asked such a “weird” or “stupid” question, the recruiter will be interested not so much in the content of the answer as in your first reaction. The question may be directed to something unpleasant for you, to a moment in your biography or resume that can cause negative emotions.

Interviews often ask you to talk about your biggest failure and biggest success. When answering, one must be honest, since everyone has ups and downs, and a person who has never experienced either victory or defeat makes a rather negative impression.

Among the non-standard ones is, for example, the question of professional plans for the next five (ten, fifteen, and so on) years. Based on the answer, the recruiter will get an idea of ​​the direction in which you are interested in developing and whether it is interesting at all what kind of career you are going to build. So, if you want to leave for another country in a few years, you may not be hired to work in a government organization, but for an international corporation with offices in different countries, you will turn out to be a very deeply motivated worker. The socially desirable response is to show that you are moderately ambitious and are serious about your future. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that this answer will be followed by an insidious request to tell what exactly you are already doing to achieve your goals. If you do not have a ready answer to this question, the plan announced earlier will look like empty dreams and characterize you not from the best side.

Often at interviews, you can also hear the question of how the candidate is engaged in his professional development. From your answer, the recruiter will understand whether you seriously identify yourself with the chosen specialty, whether you are inclined to self-improvement or will work only from call to call. Be prepared to ask questions about the last professional book you read or the training you took. It is in the interests of a motivated applicant to be aware of the latest innovations in their industry, to be able to explain the contents of the top books in an understandable language, and to explain the methods used in the profession.

Don't try to show yourself smarter than you really are. The use of concepts and terms, the meaning of which is not familiar to you, can go sideways.

Video: Frequent interview questions and answers

How to pass a job interview

On the Internet, you can easily find many articles that detail what and how to do in order to pass an interview and get a job offer. At the same time, if everything were so simple, the very need for such articles would have disappeared long ago. It is important to understand that there is no magic pill, and even the most detailed instructions cannot guarantee a positive outcome of the interview. Expert articles provide general guidelines that will help the candidate feel more confident in the interview process and better understand the expectations of the other side.

How to prepare

First of all, you need to study all available information about a potential employer: a website on the Internet, social networks, offline points of sale, publications in the media, blogs, and so on. It is not worth neglecting this preliminary research, relying on the fact that you will be able to orient yourself on the spot. You should definitely check the presence of the employer in various anti-ratings, look for employee reviews, from which you can find out if there are problems with paying wages, whether the management is adequate, and so on. Some candidates, having studied the employer in more detail, will generally prefer to refuse to go to an interview, since they will come to the understanding that this company is not suitable for them for some reason. For those job seekers who make it to the employer's office for a meeting on the appointed day and hour, the results of these studies will also serve in good stead. It's rare for an interview candidate to avoid being asked what they know about the company they want to work for. It is obvious that a person who has devoted at least some time to thematic Internet surfing will look much more advantageous against the background of citizens who did not want to pay attention to this issue.

Appearance at the interview is very important - the candidate's clothes must match the general style of the company

For specialists applying for certain positions, for example, in the field of marketing, PR and public relations, preliminary research of the company in open sources is critical. When searching and analyzing information, they should not only form some kind of image of the company for themselves, but also note the strengths and weaknesses in promotion, think over options for optimizing the strategy for working with the external environment. In 99 cases out of 100, the employer will ask the marketer to analyze the site as a test task, and ask the PR specialist how he will promote the company's product or resolve conflicts in social networks.

When preparing for an interview, ask yourself why the employer needs a person for this vacancy, what the company can expect from the candidate. Evaluate your resume with someone else's eyes and think about what slippery moments it has, how you will comment on them if asked. For example, breaks between work, frequent transitions from place to place, short duration of work in specific companies.

Prepare questions that you will ask the recruiter about the company and the vacancy. In addition to the standard question about the content of the job, you have the right to inquire about the reason for the vacancy, in particular, is it a new position that appeared, for example, due to the expansion of the department, the replacement of a departed employee, or the result of the owner dispersing the entire previous department in anger. An indirect indicator by which a company can be valued is the timing of the publication of a job advertisement. That is, the length of time during which the employer cannot find a suitable candidate. Information about staff turnover can also tell a lot about working conditions.

Video: interview preparation

How to behave

If you came to the interview earlier than the appointed time, and you were asked to wait on the couch in the lobby, try to use this time to good use. Instead of monitoring social networks on your smartphone, look around. You may be interested in the quality of the design of the premises, the convenience of planning, the appearance of the employees who catch your eye. Listen to how the receptionist answers incoming calls, how colleagues communicate with each other. If you smoke, go to a local smoking room before your interview. Sometimes from conversations in an informal setting you can find out all the ins and outs.

The author of this material was convinced from his own experience that it is worth paying attention to such an ambiguous thing as toilets. Of course, the quality of the organization of the restroom cannot be the only argument in favor of accepting the proposal or refusing it, but an observant person will be able to draw the right conclusions for himself. The author once happened to attend an interview at a construction company focused on private suburban construction. In order to increase accessibility to potential customers, the company moved to an office near one of the central metro stations, but sales did not grow. The company's management saw the solution to the problem in strengthening the marketing department. The author was greatly embarrassed by a note taped to the toilet stall door, in which an unknown author appealed to colleagues not to steal toilet paper and air freshener. This is hardly capable of creating a sense of reliability and security for potential customers from interacting with the contractor. It is difficult to expect competent business decisions and at least some care for the staff from people for whom such inscriptions are not something out of the ordinary.

If at the end of the interview you did not get a call back, be sure to try to get through to the recruiter to find out the true reason for the refusal. Try not to drive the person to trying to get rid of you at any cost. Explain why you need truthful information. Do not try to challenge the results of the interview.

Common mistakes during an interview

Candidates make a lot of mistakes in interviews every day. The most common is the failure to observe simple and well-known forms of ethics, courtesy and business etiquette: to arrive too early or late, to dress inappropriately, to be the first to switch to “you” or, conversely, to be too constrained or formal when interviewers offer a soft and friendly manner of communication. Both the lack of contact and excessive swagger will not work in your favor. It is necessary to be able to navigate the situation, feel the interlocutor and be flexible, but be sure to maintain self-esteem in any atmosphere. So, it is useful to show interest in the job, but showing that you are ready for anything to get this job is already wrong. It is always recommended to stick to the balance, the golden mean.

Interview mistakes are largely due to the inability to leave a good impression of yourself.

Do not try to win over the interviewer or potential boss personally (make eyes, joke when inappropriate, be overly verbose). You need to be able to hear what is being asked, clearly identify the main message of the question, answer concisely and specifically, and, if asked, expand the answer in more detail. Do not immediately answer in detail and start a conversation from afar.

An example of a correct answer.

Applicant: "6 people".

An example of an incorrect answer.

Interviewer: "How many people did you manage on this project?"

Applicant: “This project involved both in-state and out-of-state people, as well as several freelancers who changed frequently…”

Often candidates come for an interview without first studying the company and its position in the market. This is also a common mistake. Candidates who are unable to demonstrate even knowledge of the market and the industry as a whole show blatant incompetence.

A negative impression on the employer is made by overly frank candidates, as well as candidates who lie with inspiration. The ideal tactic is to be honest, not to lie, but to keep back a little on some details. For example, do not indicate the real reasons for leaving the company if the real reason was a serious personal conflict with the management, regardless of whether you were right in this situation or not. Conflict is not the best characteristic of an employee. Do not lie in response to a direct question, but also do not focus on slippery moments. It's best not to lie in an interview. When you do not know something, you can say that you do not remember exactly, but you can guess and speculate a little on this topic, if you are allowed. Such behavior will give the impression of an honest person who does not give up and is ready to look for options.

Video: typical mistakes of applicants

How to prepare for an interview in English or another language

Preparing for an interview in a foreign language essentially has little difference. Of course, a lot depends on how fluent you are in the language. Being confident in your language skills will make the interview process much easier for you. To refresh them, you can watch videos on Youtube with typical questions and answers. Do not memorize ready-made answers. Recruiters are distrustful of candidates who respond very smoothly, with a well-placed voice and extremely logical and verified text. This answer contains all the indicators of memorization and excessive preparedness for an interview. You must be confident and positive, but give the impression of being natural. It is necessary to be natural, and not to portray and seem.

Video: how to prepare for an interview in English if your English is not perfect

What methods of evaluating candidates exist

Candidate evaluation begins even before the interviewer's first call. This is a review of a resume and a cover letter, which show skills in working with text, the ability to structure information and submit it in writing, the level of Russian or a foreign language, the adequacy of salary requests, self-presentation skills. The next step is the assessment of the candidate by telephone conversation. It is performed based on the tone and timbre of the applicant's voice, as well as taking into account the content of the answers to the questions. Of course, the so-called human factor also plays a significant role here, so the first fleeting impression, even on a phone call, can spoil the situation for the candidate. That is why talking with a recruiter on the phone makes sense only when you are really ready for it, that is, you are not busy with anything, you are not disturbed by extraneous sounds or unwitting bystanders, your voice is calm, you can give thoughtful answers. If you don't feel mentally prepared for a phone conversation, it's best to hang up the call or ask to call back at another time.

It is very difficult to perform an objective assessment of a person, so there is no unambiguously recommended universal test or method for performing such an assessment. In fact, tests and methods are only a tool for collecting data about a person according to a certain system. The main role in the analysis and conclusions belongs to the recruiter or other specialist.

For a fair assessment of the applicant, you must remember the following recommendations:

  • it is worth evaluating not so much the psychological and other qualities of a person as his behavior and specific results of activity;
  • not only the results must be taken into account, but also the conditions under which they were obtained;
  • the results of formal tests can be correctly assessed only by an experienced recruiter with rich professional and life experience, who is a psychologically and socially mature person.

Methods used for evaluation include:

  • method of peer review, when an expert from the industry, in the presence of an HR manager, communicates with a candidate in narrow professional or behavioral areas;
  • professional testing to determine the level of qualification of the candidate or to identify, for example, creative abilities;
  • solving cases and situational problems;
  • filling out personality questionnaires;
  • verification of the recommendations submitted by the candidate.

In practice, recruiters most often use a combination of these methods, since each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, a completed personality questionnaire may provide comprehensive information on a candidate, but the information may be implausible as a savvy applicant calculates socially acceptable answers. Another option is that the personality questionnaire will show the sincere desire of the candidate for a certain activity, but his professional experience and skills may not correspond to his desires at the moment.

Evaluation of a potential employee can be carried out in different directions

There are also non-standard assessment methods for role models of behavior, for example, a film test. Its essence is that a person is asked about his favorite films or offered to evaluate situations from well-known films. Depending on what intentions and possibilities of behavior a person will ascribe to these or those characters, an experienced researcher will draw conclusions about the person himself.

What is a Candidate Evaluation Sheet

For each position there is a set of essential requirements for the personal and professional skills of the candidate. They are placed on a separate sheet, in which the evaluating specialist assigns points or comments on the applicant's compliance with the required level. When each of those present at the interview has such a sheet, all these questionnaires are taken into account in the final analysis. This approach allows you to evaluate the same quality from different angles.

Recommendation to job seekers: never try to look over a recruiter's shoulder to find out what he writes on the evaluation sheet. Instead, make it a rule to take notes during the interview as well. So you will make a positive impression on the employer, form the image of a person who is collected, rational and interested in analyzing the results of the meeting.

A case from the practice of one IT recruiter familiar to the author. One of the candidates of a technical specialty during interviews never hesitated to ask again unfamiliar terms or technologies new to him and always wrote everything down in a notebook. In his free time, this person additionally studied information on identified updates. So he learned what was relevant in the market, what employers needed, and each subsequent interview, even if it did not end with a job offer, in any case made him more prepared. You can, of course, rely on your memory and not write anything down, but in this case, one of the employers really liked this approach of a person to self-education and his focus on self-development. The life values ​​of the applicant coincided with the corporate values ​​of a particular company, and our specialist received a job offer.

The evaluation sheet can also act as a mandatory form of reporting during an interview by a hired recruitment agency.

How to present interview results

The results of the interview are most often drawn up in the form of an evaluation sheet. The more participants from the employer's side take part in the meeting, the more voluminous the "portrait" of the candidate is. The most important are the assessments received from the applicant's potential supervisor, as well as from the leading expert in this specialty.

Photo gallery: an example of filling out an evaluation sheet

Initially, basic information about the candidate is presented The personal qualities of the candidate can be assessed on various scales The assessment of the level of knowledge and skills of the candidate will vary in different areas of activity The assessment of the experience of the candidate is carried out depending on the specific requirements The final entry in the evaluation sheet is recommendations for the candidate

Job interview protocol

The interview protocol is a standard document and should include a brief summary of the candidate's assessment, conclusions about the strengths and risks that the interviewer found in it. Each company has the right to develop its own form of protocol.

Each company has the right to create its own standard protocol template

Of course, the passage of a job interview causes stress for the applicant. However, you can try to minimize the emotional tension during the meeting by paying sufficient attention to the preparatory process. Inner calmness and self-confidence will help the candidate maintain the right attitude during the interview and make a good impression on the potential employer.

So, how to successfully pass a job interview or answer questions that may be asked.

There are some interview questions most employers ask..

Usually this is: “Do you have any work experience, how long did you work at your previous job, and for what reason did you quit?”

This is justified by the desire of the employer to hire a person who will not only easily cope with the work assigned to him, but will also stay in the company for a long period of time.

So if your work book indicates that you worked long and dutifully at your previous job, then this is an absolute plus.

Try to answer such questions truthfully, as the employer can verify the information provided. Take care of the phone numbers from previous jobs in advance for a positive recommendation.

The question of the reasons for leaving should not be extended to conflict situations with superiors or the team. Employers want to see in their company only friendly employees who can find a common language with colleagues and clients. Do not talk about the desire to earn more.

This may give the employer the idea that you are only interested in money. It is better to say that you want to develop and improve your professional skills in a new direction, or gain experience in this particular company.

Do not forget to mention the achievements of the company. Demonstrate your knowledge of the history of its creation (information can be found on the official website of the company). Thus, you will show your desire to work only in this company.

If an employer asks questions like “What vacancies have you considered yet, what are your successes in past interviews, how long have you been looking for a suitable vacancy?”, It means that he is interested in whether you are in demand in the labor market.

In this case, you should not focus on the exact addresses and dates of the interview. Everything should be superficial. Do not forget to praise yourself a little and note that you finally settled on this vacancy.

A popular question is: why do you want to work with us? You can find a detailed answer to it. When asked about what salary you would like to receive, do not evade the answer and be shy. Name the amount that suits you at the moment (or the one that was higher than the previous one).

Do not name fabulous amounts, otherwise the employer may doubt your diligence.

Some interviewers like to ask questions about their personal lives.

This is necessary in order to understand what psychological state you are in and whether you can work overtime.

These questions should be answered calmly and truthfully..

If the future boss is interested in your positive sides or shortcomings - do not worry.

The main thing - do not praise yourself and do not scold. Be sure to tell about sociability, accuracy, responsibility and readiness to accept any criticism (objective).

The employer does not need to hear about everything else. Also speak concisely about shortcomings.. For example, future bosses will be pleased to hear that you are too pedantic and can not stand the smell of tobacco. Do not forget about additional qualities - knowledge of languages, playing the guitar, playing volleyball, etc.

In general, employers like to ask the most tricky questions in an interview. You can read more about them in this one.

How to behave?

So many people are wondering how to pass a job interview well? To do well in a job interview, you also need to choose the right demeanor. As soon as you enter the office, say hello. It is better to address the interviewer by first and middle name. Don't forget to smile.

Goodwill will always add a "plus" to your piggy bank. In general, the rules of a successful interview are not only professionalism, but also confident, friendly behavior. And you can read about what are the rules for conducting an interview.

During the interview, you should look at the interlocutor. Keep your back straight. You should not fall apart in a chair, cross or spread your legs. Try to relax as much as possible. Think about the fact that in front of you is an ordinary person, albeit in a director's chair.

Listen to questions until the end - do not interrupt. If you do not quite understand what the employer is talking about, apologize and ask again.

Separately, we should talk about. Dress strictly.

There should be no colored shirts, blouses, shoes, skirts and trousers. Only neutral tones.

The same applies to bright jewelry, eye-catching makeup.

During interviews, speak clearly and to the point. Do not lay out to the future employer all your ins and outs. He is not interested in this - only the most important and necessary. Don't talk for more than 2 minutes and don't answer the questions too concisely ("yes" and "no"). This can demonstrate your lack of self-confidence.

What are speech errors?

What are the main speech mistakes of candidates at the interview?

  1. Quiet voice, glance at the floor. The ideal candidate should speak clearly and face the prospective boss. Do not prop your head up with your hand. Firstly, this will make your voice less clear, and secondly, it looks strange.
  2. Fast and loud speaking.
  3. Illiteracy. Employers pay special attention to this fact. Correct placement of stress (“rings”, not “rings”) and pronunciation of words (“put”, not “lay down”), etc.
  4. Excessive literacy. Do not express yourself too abstrusely and do not reason like a philosopher. Not all employers like it.
  5. Profanity.

If you doubt the meaning of a term, it is better not to pronounce it at all.


When going to an interview, you should understand that the employer will see you for the first time. He does not yet know about your professional qualities, so he will evaluate only by appearance and behavior. So, how not to behave during the interview process?

untidiness. Not ironed trousers, dirty shoes, sloppy hair - this is all that is unlikely to impress the future boss.

being late. This is the most common mistake among candidates, which demonstrates a frivolous attitude to work. What to do if you are late for an interview, read.

Bad habits. You should not smoke before the interview or go to an alcohol party the day before. It is better not to advertise the love of cigarettes and booze. By the way, this also applies to chewing gum.

Don't show up to your interview with your mom, girlfriend, husband, or other "support group." This will demonstrate the inability of the candidate to make serious decisions on his own.

How to increase your chances?

Now let's talk a little about how to successfully pass a job interview and what is the key to a successful interview.

Tips for preparing or the secrets of a successful interview:

To successfully pass the interview, you should pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Prepare in advance. Resume in duplicate, passport, work book and diplomas.
  2. In advance, take an interest in the history of the creation of the company, areas of activity, study information about achievements. To do this, go to the company's website, use various directories and other useful sources.
  3. Think over the route and calculate the time. It is better to leave the house earlier for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Think about the questions you will be .material. Successfully passing an interview is an immediate response: congratulations, you've been accepted.

    To the question: how to successfully pass a job interview, we can say with confidence. Prepare for the interview carefully and responsibly, because your future financial well-being depends on it. Now you know how to have a successful interview!

In the modern world, when applying for a job, special attention is paid to the interview with the employer of the applicant for a specific vacancy. Question how to successfully pass an interview imposed on the lips of many potential applicants.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog, I wish you all mental health!
Do you want to consult a psychoanalyst on successful employment?
Heading: self help

How to successfully pass an interview with an employer

Sometimes, whatever successfully pass the interview sometimes a diploma, resume and even experience recorded in a work book, and maybe even a letter of recommendation (although these attributes, when interviewing with an employer, are far from the last place) are not enough.

Now in serious companies, in addition to the above, they pay great attention to the psycho-physiological characteristics of a candidate for a specific position, and therefore in many companies there are special positions (for example, a personnel manager) for personnel interviewers, and they, as a rule, have a psychological education, well, or , at least with extensive experience in communicating with applicants.
Often, large enterprises have full-time psychologists (for example, Russian Railways).

Let's say a person with a melancholic temperament and a stuck character, who has a red diploma from Moscow State University and a letter of recommendation from Bill Gates, is more likely to lose in the competition for a vacant position in sales to a person with a less solid diploma and no recommendations at all, but who is sanguine and with an open, hyperthymic character . (Personal questionnaire Eysenck temperament) (Character)

And vice versa, a melancholic person will be more successful in an interview, for example, for work in an archive or library, than the same lively and mobile sanguine person, and even more so, a restless choleric person.
Types of human temperament

In today's economy, employers' investment in hiring workers must quickly pay off and make a profit. Each employee must not only be a professional with good characteristics, but also psycho-physiologically correspond to his position in order to successfully cope with his duties, grow professionally and develop personally without hindering progress.
personality theory
The ideal, of course, option for a future professional in his field is to pass professional testing at the graduation stage, find out your abilities, intelligence quotient (IQ), basic psychological and physical data, as well as personality orientation, willpower, inclinations, in other words, make for yourself your psychological portrait, and on the basis of it choose a profession.

Here parents play a special role. A lot depends on them (how parents raise a teenager)

And it often happens that a teenager goes to study for a completely different profession in which he can fully reveal himself. Hence stresses, neuroses, spoiled (if not crippled) life.

Often teenagers make their choice based on prestige, high salary, because everyone has gone, etc., but not on their abilities and capabilities, inclinations to do the chosen business.

Something I deviated a little from the essence, otherwise the choice of a profession is a separate issue.

How to pass a job interview successfully?

So, you have a profession (or without it, but have a desire) and want to get a job and successfully pass an interview. What is needed for this?

First of all, of course, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming interview with the employer (or with his representatives: a personnel officer or a psychologist).

There are a huge number of tricks and techniques for misleading (including psychologists, they are also people), but I do not intend to spread it here, because. even if you get a job using these techniques, you will still be exposed and “asked” soon.

Therefore, we will analyze acceptable and reliable means to achieve success, both at an interview with an employer, and in the process of the work itself.

As a rule, any interview begins at a distance, i.e. by phone, or people send their resume to the employer's email.
business communication on the phone
Before you start talking on the phone, be sure to prepare a list of questions that you would like to receive before the main interview.
This is necessary in order not to miss something and not to forget during excitement.

The main questions are usually: place of work, schedule, days off, employment according to the Labor Code or not, the prospect of growth, vacations, etc. Well, the main thing is the salary. Although, most likely they will say: "Salary at the interview."

This is not necessarily the presence of a gray salary, but it can simply be such a marketing move by the employer, it is not in vain that in the questionnaire you will be presented with a line about the amount of salary that you wish to receive for this job.

After all, the employer, in fact, buys your work, and this is a deal where you can gain. Suddenly you underestimate your payment :) ...

It can also be an ordinary intrigue, in order to interest ...
Be that as it may, it doesn’t hurt to ask… You’re not an altruist…

Preparing for a successful job interview:

1) It is necessary to prepare the appearance: clothes, shoes, hairstyle (make-up for women) should correspond to the future position (in any case, you don’t need to look too bright, not to a disco ...).

It is desirable that the clothes look and sit on you normally, without constraint of movement, and that you feel good (and not constrained) in it.
Everyone probably knows the saying that "They meet by their clothes, but they see them off ... :)", therefore, appearance must be taken seriously.

2) You need to prepare all the necessary documents in advance (passport, diploma, labor, characteristics, etc.) everything that the employer requires, and pull out other pieces of paper from the covers.

3) Prepare an oral proposed speech, interview questions (you can rehearse in front of a mirror or with a friend).
Those. learn everything you want to ask the employer.

And, at least a little, prepare answers to the expected, basic questions of the employer, which must be answered without mumbling, and without hesitation for a long time.
For example:
How did you find out about us?, Why do you want to work in our company?, What salary do you expect?, What are your hobbies, hobbies?, Marital status?, When are you planning to have a baby?, Do you have a desire to make a career? Do you have a desire to work and earn money?, What was your last job?, Reason for leaving?, and a fairly common question that baffles many: “Why should we hire you for this position?”, etc. etc.

4) You need to be prepared for various kinds of provocations. For example, to identify your stress resistance, (not everywhere, of course) during a calm interview, suddenly, for no apparent reason, your interlocutor takes a glass of water from the table and splashes it in your face while speaking badly.

The test is certainly barbaric, but, nevertheless, in some organizations, it has a place to be.

5) You also need to be prepared for role-playing games offered to you, as if spontaneously, during the interview process.
For example, if you get a job as a sales assistant, sales representative, etc., then you can, almost by force, be brought into the game, like: “There is a computer on the table - sell it to me.”

The test is also not very decent, but it is very effective and informative for the employer.

6) And of course, you need to think a little about what, and most importantly how, you will write in the questionnaire.
The questionnaire is a very important and informative source of information during the interview.

The fact is that you fill out the questionnaire with your own hand, and let's say that it is possible to admit a lie in it regarding your biography, but your handwriting, speed, style, spelling and blots will tell an experienced personnel officer or psychologist a lot.

In principle, the questions there are not difficult, but still be careful and accurate.

From the questionnaire, even though I put it in the sixth position, the interview begins.

Considering your profile and other documents, the employer has already formed his opinion about you in many respects. But since he understands that he is also a person and he tends to make mistakes, then your interlocutor will scrupulously study your behavior during the interview: your facial expressions, gestures, postures, look; the action of the autonomic nervous system: sighs, swallowing, blushing and blanching, voice play (this is non-verbal and the most important information), and, of course, speech: the information itself (this is verbal information).

The fact is that a person practically cannot consciously control all sources of non-verbal information (facial expressions, gestures, especially eyes, etc.), they all depend on the emotional state of the individual.

Therefore, if you say one thing and sign language says another, you get incongruence, i.e. not a coincidence, and an experienced personnel officer or psychologist can easily see this.

For example, they ask you: “Do you agree to work, a month for free, and for this you will be hired out of competition”? You, as if friendly, smiling, say: “Yes”, and at the same time your whole essence (eyes, posture, hidden gestures, etc.) says the opposite (who wants to work for free).

Of course, it is hardly possible to learn to completely control the sources of non-verbal information, but it is possible, and even necessary, to psychologically prepare yourself for an interview with an employer in order to look natural and calm.

Psychological preparation for an interview with an employer:

The psychological attitude is very important, if not the main condition for passing the interview. Your behavior and, of course, the result of the interview will depend on how you are set up.

In order to properly tune in, you need to gather your thoughts, focus, and set yourself up for victory, you can verbally pronounce this to yourself.

To be more self-confident, it is advisable to undergo psychophysiological testing in advance, and find out if this type of activity suits you. (Personality Theory 2)

Prepare for the above.

Know that in psychology there is the concept of the "Halo Effect", which means that with a lack of information about a person, he will be perceived from the first impression of him.

So, if a person was immediately perceived positively and favorably, then in the future all his behavior, traits and deeds begin to be reassessed in a positive direction.

Well, if a person was immediately perceived negatively, then whatever positive qualities and actions he would have, they will either not be noticed at all, or underestimated against the background of hypertrophied attention to shortcomings.

Hence the importance of appearance, acquaintance, presentation and presentation of oneself.

When conducting an interview, it is important to constantly be in visual contact (of course, there is no need to constantly stare into the eyes of the interlocutor, although he will probably constantly stare at you, leading you into confusion), it is advisable not to look away when questions are asked (although this usually happens automatically) respond quickly and confidently.

With all your appearance and behavior, you must show the need for your person for their company.
Do not ask unnecessary questions and do not enter into polemics about work and your attitude to work.

Keep your hands on your knees or on the table, palms up or fold your fingers into a house (shows your openness and readiness for dialogue). In no case do not stand in the pose of Napoleon.

When talking, do not lean back in your chair, and do not position your legs towards the exit (whether you want to get away quickly).
The body of the body is slightly directed towards the interlocutor.

Do not play with nodules and do not bite your lips (do not bite your nails either).

Do not be distracted by thoughts about your appearance (you have already prepared for this), focus on the conversation.

In no case do not try to make compliments, and even more so rude flattery.

In general, behave appropriately to the situation, be as natural as possible, without a mask, without losing your dignity.

Feel and behave confidently, and convince your interlocutor of your superiority over other applicants. (Psychology of persuasion)

A self-confident person gives confidence to others.

If at the end of the interview you are told to call back or come in then, or wait, then you probably successfully passed the interview.

Well, if they tell you we will call you back, then most likely they will not call you back (although sometimes they call back).

I hope this concise post has helped you in some way to successfully pass the interview.