1c management of a construction organization description. 1C: Management of a construction organization. Retail management and connection of shop equipment

Program "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization" is designed for full automation of various participants in the construction process throughout the entire cycle - financial management, production and resource management, personnel management, etc.



1С:Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization sales through partners who are participants in the project ERP Centers 186 000
1C:Enterprise 8 Management of a construction organization for 10 jobs + client - server 340 000
1С:Enterprise 8 Construction organization management, additional license for 1 workplace 14 000
1C:Enterprise 8. Construction organization management, multi-user license for 5 workplaces 63 000
1C:Enterprise 8. Construction organization management, multi-user license for 10 workplaces 120 000
1C:Enterprise 8. Construction organization management, multi-user license for 20 jobs 220 000
1C:Enterprise 8. Construction organization management, multi-user license for 50 jobs 500 000
1C: Enterprise 8 Management of a construction organization. Additional license for 100 seats 750 000
1C: Enterprise 8 Management of a construction organization. Additional license for 300 seats 1 500 000
1C:Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization for a remote office 42 000
1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization. Laptop license 4 200

The basic delivery includes the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a configuration, a complete set of documentation, a license to use the configuration (hardware protection key) and a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system (hardware protection key) for one workstation. Also, the basic delivery includes a three-month subscription to an information technology support disk (ITS).

To expand the number of workplaces, users of the software product must purchase the required number of additional multi-user licenses for the configuration and the same number of licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

The program is designed for

  • accounting,
  • tax department,
  • financial department,
  • production department,
  • budget department,
  • logistics department,
  • mechanization department,
  • HR department and other departments of the organization.

Functionality of "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization"

  • Financial planning - budgets, cash flows, credit and cash plans, financial results.
  • Financial analysis - calculation of financial indicators, dynamics in relation to other periods.
  • Accounting and tax accounting - accounting financial activities organizations, mandatory reporting.
  • Estimated pricing - calculation of the cost of construction, preparation of all types of estimates, accounting for performance, work with regulatory collections.
  • Personnel management - work with applicants, personnel database, qualification system, job descriptions, OT systems, calculation of salary and unified social tax.
  • Production planning - calendar plans for the production of work, resource planning (workers, materials, mechanisms, transport).
  • Accounting production activities- accounting for the implementation of construction and installation works, resource consumption, applications, taking into account adjustments.
  • Analysis of performance indicators - calculation of performance indicators, dynamics in relation to other periods.

Configuration "1C: Construction Organization Management" provides:

  • management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development - ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of company resources to increase its competitiveness;
  • department heads, engineers, line personnel - tools to improve efficiency daily work in their areas;
  • employees of accounting services of the enterprise - means for automated accounting in full compliance with the requirements of the law and corporate standards enterprises.

Transition to "Management of the construction organization" of users of the product "Management of the production enterprise"

Users "1C: Management manufacturing plant» can purchase "1C: Management of a construction organization" on the terms of an upgrade according to the standard scheme - the upgrade price is the cost of the purchased product minus the cost of the returned product plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased product. An upgrade is possible only for basic supplies, excluding the cost of additional multi-user licenses. That is, users of the basic delivery for 1 workplace can purchase a new basic delivery for 1 workplace on an upgrade, and users of the basic delivery for 10 workplaces + client-server can purchase the same set of a new configuration.

Purchase bonuses

3 months of free updates;

3 months of unlimited line of consultations;

Free shipping;

Free installation;

Gift: RIVE GAUCHE certificate.

1C: Construction is an application solution specially designed for automating budgeting, financial planning, tax and accounting, cash flow management, as well as analysis of financial and economic activity construction contractor. The program "Management of the construction organization" is able to carry out a full cycle of work, from planning to analysis of the company's activities.

The delivery of 1C: USO includes the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, a complete set of documentation, configuration, a license to use the configuration and system, which will allow you to fully use the program. In the basic configuration, a key is provided for one workplace, but you can increase it by several seats, you just need to buy the number of multi-user licenses you need.

Who needs a program?

1C: Construction organization management is often used for complex automation financial management contractors, as well as groups of other participants involved in the investment and construction process.

System functionality

  • Prompt provision of financing and obtaining full information on the progress of financial plans.
  • Significantly reduces the time for the preparation of financial, management and tax reporting.
  • The efficiency of the accounting and financial departments is increased due to the organization of the creation of a single information base.
  • Increasing turnover through the implementation of integrated management.

Advantages of the 1C: USO program

  • 1C: Construction Organization Management provided by AIG Consult has a modern and multifunctional interface;
  • The system is aimed at working with the construction area, therefore it provides the entire cycle of financial management for each construction project;
  • If necessary, it is possible to make adjustments to the operation of the system;
  • The ability of several departments to work in one information base has a positive effect, increasing the efficiency and quality of work.

Turning to us, the implementation and maintenance of the system will be carried out by qualified specialists who have special education and relevant experience, which will allow them to find a way out in the most difficult situation. We offer our customers both ready-made solutions and the development of a turnkey configuration, thanks to which it will fully comply with the specifics of your company.

This program includes a wide range of functionalities, among which the following should be especially noted:

  • personnel Management;
  • the financial analysis;
  • financial planning;
  • accounting and tax accounting;
  • production planning;
  • production efficiency audit and much more.

Buy this software on the most acceptable terms in St. Petersburg, you can get acquainted with the list of offers from the company "AIG Consult".

Control construction industry

The main activity of a construction organization is the performance of construction and installation works. From the point of view of project management, the construction of an object falls under the category of "project implementation" when it is necessary to build a unique unit (be it a residential building, a business center or an industrial workshop) in a limited time frame (there is a planned construction period). The subsystem "Management of construction production" is a control system construction projects, maximally takes into account the specifics of the industry and the peculiarities of the national experience in construction.

Subsystem features:

  • work schedules for a large number of construction projects. Consideration of all construction objects in the context of the organization, project.
  • several scenarios for the execution of one project, to select the most optimal one.
  • calendar plans by classical methods.
  • both top-down and bottom-up.
  • planned cost of construction.
  • direct executors - employees of the organization to carry out the planned work.
  • work templates, work groups or entire projects, to simplify data entry.
  • taking into account the actual performance of the work schedule (formation of KS-2).
  • needs and requests for material and technical resources.
  • actually used materials, in the context of work and the entire construction site.
  • information about work plans in graphical form, both in the Gantt chart and in the network diagram.
  • schedules of work of resources in the context of work and the construction object.
  • schedules for the use of materials in the works in the context of works and the construction object.
  • weekly-daily work schedules for any period of time.
  • a report on the implementation of the work schedule with an analysis of the progress and forecasting the timing of further work.
  • resource optimization, which in some cases can significantly reduce construction time.
  • labor force schedule.
  • construction schedules based on estimates and projects maintained in other similar software products.

Management of vehicles and construction machines

  • Registration of applications for the use of machines and mechanisms, tracking the status of the application.
  • Automatic generation of the following waybills and their printing: Waybill passenger car(Form No. 3); Waybill of a special vehicle (Form No. 3 special); Waybill of a passenger taxi (Form No. 4); Waybill truck(Form No. 4-p); Waybill of a truck (Form No. 4-s); Bus waybill (Form No. 6); Waybill of a non-public bus (Special Form No. 6); Waybill of the construction machine (Form No. ESM-2).
  • Automatic generation of a report on the operation of a tower crane (Form "ESM-1").
  • Calculation of normalized fuel consumption.
  • Calculation of the output of a machine (mechanism) according to various parameters.
  • Accounting for fuel and spare parts.
  • Making orders for the maintenance of machines and mechanisms, tracking the status of the order.
  • Planning of maintenance and repairs of machines (mechanisms), scheduling Maintenance and repair.
  • Accounting for maintenance and repair of machines (mechanisms).
  • Accumulation and storage of information about the machine (mechanism) and the history of its (its) use.
  • Accumulation and storage of information about installed units and assemblies.
  • Accumulation and storage of information about the registration documents of machines (mechanisms) and drivers (drivers).

Financial management

The financial management subsystem is focused on a comprehensive solution of the problems of planning, controlling and accounting for income and expenses, it allows the enterprise to effectively use its own funds and attracted investments, improve the manageability of the business as a whole. The implemented mechanisms optimize the applied financial instruments, making the company's work transparent for internal and external audit, increase the investment attractiveness of the business.

The functionality of the subsystem provides a solution to a wide range of tasks of the financial service, planned and economic departments, accounting.


The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • planning the activities and resources of the enterprise for any period in the context of scenarios, financial responsibility centers (CFR), projects, residual and turnover indicators, additional analytics (nomenclature, contractors, ...);
  • monitoring of actual execution in the context of completed planning;
  • compilation of consolidated reports based on monitoring results;
  • the financial analysis;
  • analysis of the availability of funds;
  • analysis of deviations of planned and actual data.

Cash management

The treasury subsystem contains the functions necessary for effective cash flow management, control over payments made:

  • multi-currency accounting of cash flow and balances;
  • registration of planned receipts and expenditures of funds;
  • reservation of funds for upcoming payments on settlement accounts and at the box office;
  • placement of funds in expected incoming payments;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • registration of all necessary primary documents;
  • integration with "bank client" systems;
  • the possibility of spreading (manual or automatic) the amount of the payment document for several contracts and transactions.

Settlement management

The mutual settlements management subsystem is used in the financial, supply and marketing structures of the enterprise, allowing to optimize the financial risks of the enterprise and the need for working capital.

The change in time of the forecasted (deferred) and actual debt is analyzed. Deferred debt arises when the system reflects such events as an order for the supply or transfer of inventory items for commission, an application for receipt of funds, and other similar events. The actual debt is associated with settlement operations and moments of transfer of ownership.

The main purpose of the settlement subsystem:

  • fixing the debt of the counterparty to the company and the company to the counterparty;
  • accounting for the causes of debt;
  • support for various debt accounting methods (under contracts, transactions, individual business transactions);
  • analysis of the current state of debt and the history of its change.


Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation for all areas of accounting, including:

  • accounting of materials in construction - M-29 write-off certificates, material report, non-invoiced deliveries, deviation distribution system;
  • sectoral system for collecting the costs of the main production (own forces and subcontracting), auxiliary production, the cost of operating construction machines and mechanisms, overhead costs;
  • accounting for the performance of work by KS-3, accounting for the acquisition of works by subcontractors, accounting for the services of the general contractor and customer services;
  • accounting for on-farm settlements in branch structures for a wide range of operations;
  • specialized reports on settlements with customers and subcontractors on the work performed;
  • branch accounting of fixed assets, depreciation;
  • accounting financial results activities in the context of construction objects;
  • the possibility of a comprehensive accounting of the facts of economic activity of diversified companies - directions industrial production, capital construction, work of construction equipment;
  • accounting of material values;
  • bank and cash operations;
  • currency operations;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel for wages;
  • budget calculations.

It supports accounting in a single information base for several legal entities. To consolidate the data of geographically distributed structures - branch organizations and groups of companies, the configuration can be used in conjunction with the 1C: Consolidation solution.

A high degree of automation of the formation of accounting entries is predetermined by the description of primary documents ready for use by types of business transactions.

The quality of accounting is controlled by a specialized report "Analysis of the state of accounting", which allows you to control complex transactions and quickly determine the places of occurrence (before the document) of undesirable deviations.

The relevance of the regulated reporting forms is supported by the possibility of automatic updating via the Internet.

tax accounting

Tax accounting for income tax in the configuration is maintained regardless of accounting. Business transactions are reflected in parallel in accounting and tax accounting. The basis of accounting and tax accounting make up separate Charts of Accounts having a "mirror" coding. For the purposes of accounting and tax accounting, it is permissible to use independent methods for estimating inventories during write-offs, methods for calculating depreciation, etc. The quality of tax accounting is controlled by the report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax", which allows you to visually control the values ​​​​of tax components (NU, VR, PR), the decoding of data is given in specialized reports. Formation of the Declaration on income tax is ensured.

Accounting for value added tax (VAT) implemented in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21 tax code RF, maintenance of "complex" VAT is supported under the conditions of applying different VAT rates (0%, 10%, 18%, excluding VAT), separate accounting by type of activity. The Purchase Book and the Sales Book are formed.

The configuration contains all declaration forms for other taxes (transport tax, property tax, etc.) and statistical reporting forms.

Share building

Equity construction is a type of construction in which construction and investment companies raise funds from equity holders (investors) for the construction (creation) of real estate objects. Upon completion of construction, housing in a new building or the building itself becomes, respectively, private or shared property of equity holders (investors).

The Shared Construction subsystem automates the accounting of shares and mutual settlements with investors, equity holders, accounting of shared construction contracts.

Functionality of the subsystem:

  • Share accounting.
  • Accounting for contracts with equity holders (investors).
  • Storage of information under the contract.
  • Accounting for the cost of the construction object and its shares.
  • Accounting for payments under contracts.
  • Tracking and control of investments under investment agreements.
  • Control of repayment of payments under shared construction contracts.
  • Formation of reports.

Facilities management

The management of a certain, physically, legally and functionally existing, income-generating real estate object constitutes the main stage of the life cycle of a real estate object. It should ensure non-reduction of the functional properties of the object, as well as its profitability.

The subsystem "Management of the operation of objects" allows you to keep records of mutual settlements when renting non-residential real estate. Also implemented is the possibility of accounting for mutual settlements for housing and communal services in homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, garage-building cooperatives, cottage settlements, etc.

Currently, the main capabilities of the subsystem are:

  • Calculation of accruals for payment of housing and utilities at rates and tariffs, taking into account benefits, social norms and subsidies.
  • Accounting and settlement for all types of services.
  • Accounting and calculation for all-territorial, general-apartment and individual metering devices.
  • Printing notices and receipts for the calculation of rent.
  • Accounting for payments for housing and communal services.
  • Adjustment of payment for already rendered utility resources.
  • Accounting for leased objects.
  • Accounting for lease agreements (conclusion, additional agreement, prolongation, termination).
  • Rent calculation.
  • Calculation of payments for consumed communal resources.
  • Calculation of the volume of consumed communal resources tenants and directly by the landlord, both according to the readings of the meter, and in proportion to the occupied area.
  • Formation of reporting data.

Accounting according to international standards

The subsystem includes a separate Chart of Accounts in accordance with IFRS, which can be customized by the user, and provides:

  • translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (postings) from the accounting subsystem (RAS) according to the rules that can be flexibly configured by the user;
  • parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards for those areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant (for example, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets);
  • >carrying out its own regulatory documents (for example, accrual of expenses, accounting for reserves, accounting for depreciation of assets, and a number of others), as well as making corrective entries in the "manual" mode.

The capabilities of the subsystem allow:

  • to minimize the complexity of accounting in accordance with IFRS through the use of Russian accounting data;
  • compare Russian and IFRS accounting data, facilitating data reconciliation before preparing IFRS statements.

The subsystem can also be configured for accounting and financial reporting in accordance with foreign standards, including US GAAP.

Personnel Management

Employees of the personnel department, the department of organization of labor and employment and accounting can use the personnel management subsystem in a single information space for daily work.

The subsystem is intended for information support personnel policy companies and automation of settlements with personnel. The subsystem features include:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • conducting staffing organizations;
  • employment planning and vacation schedule for employees;
  • solving the problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and evaluation;
  • personnel records and analysis of personnel;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining a regulated document flow;
  • calculation wages employees of the enterprise;
  • automatic calculation of legally regulated accruals, deductions, taxes and contributions.

Based on the accumulated data on employees, you can build a variety of reports: lists of employees, analysis of personnel, vacation reports (vacation schedules, vacation usage and vacation schedule fulfillment), etc.

Subsystem of regulated personnel document flow allows you to automate personnel operations in accordance with applicable regulations:

  • conclusion and maintenance of employment contracts with each employee of the organization;
  • formation approved forms by labor;
  • personalized accounting for the FIU;
  • maintaining military records.


An important aspect of business management is the construction of a system of motivation for workers, focused on increasing the volume of products manufactured with the appropriate level of quality, providing for the interest of personnel in advanced training. To implement staff motivation strategies, tariff and piecework wage systems are often used; for accurate calculation of charges in accordance with accepted rules, a payroll subsystem is used.

The subsystem allows you to automate the entire complex of settlements with personnel, from the input of documents on actual output, payment of sick leaves and vacations, up to the formation of documents for the payment of salaries and reporting to state supervisory authorities.

The results of payroll calculation are reflected in management, accounting, tax accounting with the required level of detail:

  • reflection of the results of the calculation of managerial salaries in management accounting;
  • reflection of the results of the calculation of regulated wages in accounting;
  • reflection of the results of the calculation of the regulated salary as costs taken into account for the purposes of calculating income tax (single tax).

Industrial production management

One of the most effective ways to reduce production costs is to build and optimize a production plan. This allows the company to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists, reduce the lead time for orders, avoid disruption of the sales plan due to overload of production resources, optimize the movement of materials and stock balances, and make the production process transparent and manageable.

The production management subsystem is designed for planning production processes and material flows in production, reflecting the processes of the enterprise's production activities and building a regulatory production management system.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by employees of the planning and economic department, production shops, production and dispatching department and other production departments.

Implemented in the "Production Management" subsystem, production planning mechanisms provide:

  • scenario planning to develop various options for a production strategy or take into account possible changes in the conditions of the enterprise;
  • rolling planning, expanding the planning horizon as the next planning periods come;
  • project planning of production;
  • fixing planned data from changes (by scenarios and periods);
  • integration with the budgeting subsystem.

Production planning

The subsystem is designed for medium-term and long-term planning of production and resource requirements, as well as for conducting a plan-fact analysis of the implementation of production plans. When planning production, it is possible to take into account many parameters, control the feasibility and track the implementation of the plan at various stages in several sections simultaneously:

  • by departments and managers;
  • for projects and subprojects;
  • on key resources;
  • by nomenclature groups and individual nomenclature units.

Formation of an enlarged production plan

  • Based on the sales plans formed in the "Sales Management" subsystem, the estimated production volumes are formed in the context of item groups (and, if necessary, individual items of the item).
  • Differences are identified between enlarged and updated plans, a package of planned shift-daily tasks, and actual production data.
  • The formation of tasks for production, control of their execution and assessment of the backlog of production are carried out.

Resource planning

  • It is possible to form tables of consumption and availability of the main (key) types of resources in the production of product groups and certain types nomenclature.
  • The integrated production plan is monitored for compliance with limiting factors, for example, the consolidated availability of the main (key) types of resources.
  • Availability of key resources is monitored.

Shift production planning

The subsystem is intended for production planning in short term in the context of individual nomenclature items, as well as to conduct a plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans by the production and dispatching department. In this subsystem, a detailed shift schedule of production and consumption is formed, its feasibility is assessed, taking into account the planned loading of resources:

  • planning taking into account the availability of capacities in planning sub-periods and changes in the summary duration of operations on the technological tree. In case of insufficiency of capacities in sub-periods, the planned operations are transferred to sub-periods with available free capacities;
  • formation of a detailed schedule of production and operations;
  • planning "on top" of existing plans for production and operations or complete rescheduling;
  • the possibility of planning operations for territorially remote units;
  • planning taking into account the time of transportation between warehouses and divisions.

Formation of a shift production plan

  • Formation of a production plan, refined to individual nomenclature positions with the calculation of the exact terms of production.
  • Determination of breakpoints for explosion procedures in the technological tree of production for all products planned in the "assembly to order" mode.
  • Formation of a schedule for loading production capacities and the need for production in raw materials and components.
  • Formation of the schedule of the final assembly with the specification of the terms of production.

Determining available resource capacities

  • Maintaining a list of work centers and technological operations.
  • Support for availability calendars for individual work centers and input of resource availability according to these calendars.
  • Combining work centers into groups with setting priorities for planning.
  • Calculation of the load of work centers during the determination of the schedule of material requirements.

Execution control

  • Formation of a schedule of production needs.
  • Formation of tasks for production, shift-daily tasks.
  • Plan-fact analysis of the production progress, control and analysis of deviations.

Product data management

Rationing the composition of products allows you to control the write-off of materials into production (limit-fence cards), plan the cost of production, analyze the discrepancies between the planned and actual costs and identify their causes.

Setting a route (technological) map allows you to plan a chain of production of multi-limited products, at each stage evaluating its feasibility, taking into account the loading of equipment and the availability of resources necessary for production.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by the chief engineer and employees working in the departments of the chief designer and chief technologist.

As part of production management, the function of accounting for the standard costs of materials in production and analysis of deviations from the norms has been implemented. The norms of consumption of materials are laid down in the specification for the manufacture of products.

The standard composition of products is used:

  • when analyzing deviations from the norms for product quality control;
  • to calculate the cost - as a base for the distribution of indirect costs.

For the purposes of shift planning, all technological process can be represented as a set of sequences of operations. Such a set sets a route map for the manufacture of products. Each operation can be characterized by its own set material needs at the input and a set of products at the output.

Cost management and costing

The cost management subsystem is designed to account for the actual costs of the enterprise and calculate the cost of production.

The main functions of the subsystem:

  • accounting for the actual costs of the reporting period in the required sections in value and physical terms;
  • operational quantitative accounting of materials in work in progress (WIP);
  • accounting for actual WIP balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • registration of marriage in production and in warehouses;
  • calculation of the actual cost of production for the period of the main and by-products (semi-finished products, rejects) - incomplete and full production costs and the actual full cost of sales of products, incl. calculation of the cost of output from processors;
  • calculation of the production cost within a month according to the release documents - at direct costs or at the planned cost;
  • accounting for the processing of tolling raw materials;
  • calculation of the actual cost of WIP balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • provision of data (reports) on the procedure for the formation of prime cost;
  • providing data on the structure of the cost of production to assess deviations from the specified standards.

Fixed asset management

The subsystem allows you to automate all typical fixed asset accounting operations:

  • acceptance for accounting;
  • state change;
  • depreciation charge;
  • changing the parameters and ways of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for the actual production of fixed assets;
  • assembly and disassembly, relocation, modernization, decommissioning and sale of fixed assets.

A wide range of depreciation methods are supported. The subsystem allows to receive detailed information about the state of fixed assets, analyze the degree of wear and tear and monitor the performance of equipment maintenance.

Sales management

The use of the subsystem by the commercial director, employees of the sales department and warehouse workers will increase the efficiency of their activities.

The sales management subsystem provides end-to-end automation of the process of selling products and goods at a manufacturing enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes tools for planning and controlling sales, allows you to solve the problems of managing customer orders. Various schemes for the sale of products and goods are supported - from a warehouse and on order, sale on credit or on an advance payment, sale of goods accepted for a commission, transfer to a commission agent for sale, etc.

The subsystem is intended for planning:

  • sales volumes in physical and value terms, including on the basis of sales data for previous periods, information on current stock balances and customer orders received for the planned period;
  • selling prices, including on the basis of information about the current prices of the company and competitors;
  • cost of sales, taking into account information on prices of suppliers, planned or actual cost of production for a certain period.

Sales planning can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole, and for departments or groups of departments, for individual goods and commodity groups, for certain categories of buyers (by region, by type of activity, etc.). The subsystem ensures the consolidation of individual plans into a consolidated sales plan for the enterprise.

To control the implementation of the developed plans, the system provides advanced tools comparative analysis data on planned and actual sales.

Planning can be carried out with time detailing from a day to a year, which allows you to:

  • move from strategic plans to operational ones, while maintaining information about the indicators set at each stage of planning;
  • to conduct planning both taking into account and without taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand.

The functionality of order management implemented in the system allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in production program in accordance with the company's order execution strategy and work schemes (work from a warehouse, on order).

All stages of the order and its adjustments are recorded in the system by appropriate documents. The manager can at any time:

  • receive full information about the progress of the order;
  • track the history of relationships with customers and suppliers;
  • evaluate the efficiency and reliability of work with counterparties.

With the help of analytical reports built into the program, the manager can receive information about the payment of customer orders, the placement of orders in production and the progress of their implementation, the distribution of orders to suppliers to ensure customer orders.

Pricing mechanisms allow the commercial director and head of sales to define and implement pricing policy enterprises in accordance with the available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

The main functionality of the subsystem:

  • construction of various schemes for pricing and discounts;
  • the formation of selling prices, taking into account the planned cost of production and the rate of return;
  • monitoring compliance by employees of the enterprise with the established pricing policy;
  • storing information about competitors' prices;
  • storage of information about prices of suppliers, automatic updating of purchase prices;
  • comparison of selling prices of the enterprise with the prices of suppliers and competitors.

Purchasing management

To ensure the quality of manufactured products, ensure the continuous supply of materials to production and fulfill orders in accordance with the planned deadlines without exceeding the planned cost, an important task is effective management purchases of goods and materials.

The subsystem provides managers responsible for supply with the information necessary for making timely decisions on the replenishment of stocks of goods and materials, to reduce procurement costs and to clearly organize interaction with suppliers.

Among the features that the subsystem provides:

  • operational planning of purchases based on sales plans, production plans and outstanding customer orders;
  • placing orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • registration and analysis of the fulfillment of additional conditions under contracts with fixed nomenclature items, volumes and delivery times;
  • support of various schemes for receiving goods from suppliers, including acceptance for sale and receipt of raw materials and materials to be supplied by the customer;
  • registration of uninvoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
  • analysis of the needs of the warehouse and production in goods, finished products and materials;
  • end-to-end analysis and establishment of relationships between customer orders and orders to suppliers;
  • analysis of the consequences that may result from non-fulfillment of orders by suppliers (which customer order can be disrupted by a short delivery of goods or materials);
  • procurement planning, taking into account the predicted level of stocks and reserved goods and materials in warehouses;
  • selection of the best suppliers of goods according to their reliability, delivery history, criteria for the urgency of order fulfillment, proposed delivery conditions, territorial or other arbitrary characteristics and automatic generation of orders for them;
  • scheduling deliveries and payment schedules.

Warehouse (inventory) management

The use of the warehouse (inventory) management subsystem allows you to effectively organize warehouse management and increase the productivity of warehouse workers, employees of supply and marketing structures, and also provides operational and detailed information to the commercial director of the enterprise.

The system implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses, provides full control of stocks of goods and materials at the enterprise. All warehouse operations are recorded using the appropriate documents. The subsystem allows:

  • to manage inventory balances in various units of measurement at multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records of own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, returnable packaging;
  • control and account serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correctness of write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary characteristics of the batch (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records in the context of warehouses;
  • take into account the customs declaration and the country of origin;
  • to complete and disassemble goods and materials;
  • carry out the functions of order accounting and reservation of goods and materials.

Information on the state of warehouse stocks is available in any analytical sections with high detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), or to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain valuations of inventory at cost and potential sales at selling prices.

Control retail and connection of commercial equipment

For manufacturing enterprises with their own stores and retail outlets, the configuration provides for retail management capabilities. Retail trade can be carried out from any of the warehouses - wholesale, retail or non-automated outlet. Accounting for goods in non-automated outlets conducted at fixed retail prices. Implemented the ability to connect retail equipment: scanners, data collection terminals, customer displays, electronic balance, KKM in the "fiscal registrar", "off-line" and "on-line" modes. The system makes it possible to evaluate value stocks at retail prices, compare sales volumes and profitability in different stores (outlets), control the correctness of receipts from stores and outlets.

Relationship management with buyers and suppliers

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to manage relationships with buyers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other contractors. These opportunities can be claimed by the commercial director, marketing director, employees of marketing, sales and supply departments.

The subsystem "Management of relations with buyers and suppliers" allows the enterprise:

  • store full contact information for counterparties and their employees, as well as store the history of interaction with them;
  • register information about suppliers: terms of delivery of goods, reliability, terms of execution of orders, range and prices of supplied goods and materials;
  • automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparties, remind them of the birthdays of contact persons;
  • plan your working time and control the work plans of their subordinates;
  • analyze pending and plan upcoming transactions with buyers and potential clients;
  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • register each appeal of a potential buyer and further analyze the percentage of customer acquisition;
  • promptly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis of customer relationships;
  • analyze the reasons for the failure to fulfill customer orders and the volume of closed orders;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns based on the results of customer requests.

Customer segmentation using the integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis allows you to automatically separate customers:

  • into classes depending on the client's share in the company's revenue or profit: important (A-class), medium importance (B-class), low importance (C-class);
  • by status: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
  • by regularity of purchases: stable (X-class), irregular (Y-class), episodic (Z-class).

The results of this analysis help to optimally distribute efforts and organize the work of employees responsible for sales and customer service.

Monitoring and evaluation of the work of managers

The configuration allows management (commercial director, head of sales, head of marketing) to evaluate and compare the work of managers responsible for sales and work with clients, according to a number of indicators:

  • in terms of sales and profits;
  • by customer retention rate;
  • by the number of completed orders;
  • by the number of contacts with customers;
  • by the completeness of filling the database with contact information.

These assessments can be used to build an objective system of personnel motivation, reflecting the specifics of the tasks being solved various categories managers.

Integrated e-mail tools

Tools for working with e-mail are integrated into a single information space of the system. As a result, the processing of electronic correspondence is carried out in close relationship with other business processes of the enterprise:

  • registration of correspondence, appointment of executors and control of execution, maintaining the history of correspondence for each counterparty;
  • creation of both individual and "public" (group) mail addresses and differentiation of access to them for different user groups;
  • import contact information from common email clients;
  • automatic sending of letters upon the occurrence of scheduled events (for example, a payment reminder);
  • organization of mailings of e-mails - groups of addresses for mailing can be formed both manually and automatically according to criteria specified by the user (for example, by regions, types of activities of counterparties, positions of contact persons, etc.).

Monitoring and analysis of the enterprise's activities

The effectiveness of management, the efficiency and quality of decisions made by the heads of enterprises largely depend on how effectively they can use the data on various aspects of the enterprise's activities accumulated in information systems.

A powerful and flexible reporting system allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor all aspects of production and trading activities enterprises. Among the main features of the system:

  • intelligent tools for automatic reporting that do not require programming;
  • spreadsheet style design;
  • pivot tables;
  • linear, hierarchical and cross-reports;
  • grouping support;
  • deciphering individual elements of the report (drill-down);
  • business graphics.

Information can be obtained in any sections with the required detail. The user can independently set (configure) the level of detail, grouping parameters and criteria for selecting data in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (actually - customized reports created by the user) can be saved for further use.

Modern business methods, convenient and visual means of information analysis implemented in the system make the program an effective tool for solving pressing management issues. The specialized tool "Performance Monitor" is focused on rapid assessment key indicators efficiency of the enterprise:

  • coverage of the entire business "at a glance";
  • timely detection of deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, points of growth;
  • clarification of the information provided;
  • use of a pre-installed set of more than 60 performance indicators;
  • development of new performance indicators;
  • setting up several report options by type of activity, by area of ​​responsibility.

Technological advantages

The use of 1C:Enterprise 8.2 as a platform provides efficient work and reliable storage of information during the work of a large number of users.

The modern three-level architecture of the system ensures that high performance is maintained with a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data, and also allows you to increase throughput by increasing the power of the equipment used, without the costs associated with modifying or replacing the used application solution.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application has been implemented - a thin client: it can connect via the http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote subdivisions can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the infobase in on-line mode. Increased security and speed.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application has been implemented - the Web client: it does not require any components to be installed on the user's computer, it allows using it at users' workplaces Operating Systems Windows and Linux. Does not require administration on users' computers. Provides quick access to the information base for "mobile" employees.

Implemented a special operating mode for client applications - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not "drawn", but "described". The developer defines only the general scheme command interface and general scheme of forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a particular implementation;
  • settings made by the user.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

Functional options mechanism implemented. They allow you to enable / disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level architecture of the system ensures the preservation of high performance with a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved by server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved by dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of world leading DBMS (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows building high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

The universal mechanism for data exchange in XML format is intended both for creating geographically distributed systems based on "1C:Enterprise 8", for organizing data exchange with other information systems. In one application solution, several independent exchange schemes with different systems can be created. Not only the classical structure of distributed systems (of the "star" type) is supported, but also more complex multi-level structures of the "snowflake" type.

The possibility of building on the basis of "1C: Construction Organization Management" a solution for enterprises of a network or holding structure is provided, which allows you to effectively manage your business and see the picture "as a whole" with the efficiency necessary for making managerial decisions.

Development of integration tools

Integration with external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, technological preparation of production, the "client-bank" system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) is provided based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

When developing the configuration, it was taken into account how modern techniques management of a construction organization (project management, etc.), as well as the experience of successful automation of construction organizations, accumulated by 1C and the partner community. Specialists of the companies participated in the design and development of the configuration "IMPULSE-IVTS "(setting tasks and testing the construction management subsystem) and " Erikos CSP"(normative bases of the estimated subsystem).

Where is used:

The 1C: Construction Organization Management program implements complex construction automation based on 1C: Enterprise 8. The product is designed for full automation of various participants in the construction process in the main areas of accounting - financial management, production and resource management, personnel management.

Description of functionality:

The product was developed on the basis of the integrated solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" and includes the following functional blocks in addition to the functionality of the base product:

  • Financial planning: Budgets, cash flows, credit and cash plans, financial results.
  • The financial analysis. Calculation of financial indicators, dynamics in relation to other periods.
  • Accounting and tax accounting. Accounting for the financial activities of the organization, mandatory reporting.
  • Estimated pricing, participation in competitive bidding (tenders). Calculation of the cost of construction, development of sets of tender documentation.
  • Personnel Management. Work with applicants, personnel database, qualification system, job descriptions, OT systems, calculation of salary and unified social tax.
  • Production planning. Calendar plans for the production of work, resource planning (workers, materials, mechanisms, transport).
  • Accounting for production activities. Accounting for the implementation of construction and installation works, resource consumption, applications, taking into account adjustments.
  • Analysis of production indicators. Calculation of performance indicators, dynamics in relation to other periods.

Configuration "1C: Construction Organization Management" provides:

  • management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development - ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of company resources to increase its competitiveness;
  • department heads, engineers, line personnel - tools, allowing to increase the efficiency of daily work in their areas;
  • employees of accounting services of the enterprise - means for automated accounting in full compliance with the requirements of the law and corporate standards of the enterprise.

When developing the configuration, both modern methods of managing a construction organization (project management, etc.) and the experience of successful automation of construction organizations accumulated by 1C and the partner community were taken into account. Specialists from IMPULSE-IVTS (setting tasks and testing the construction production management subsystem) and Erikos TsSP (regulatory bases for the estimate subsystem) participated in the design and development of the configuration.

1C: Construction Organization Management 8" provides:

Company management and managers responsible for business development:

  • The real benefit of automation is not in three years, but in a few weeks or months;
  • A finger on the pulse of business: in the office, on a business trip, on vacation - automatic, according to a given schedule, obtaining information on e-mail, on the intranet, in the form of a paper report;
  • The ability to accept reasonable management decisions based on convenient reporting forms with a detailed breakdown of any indicators and interactive analysis tools;
  • Increasing business efficiency by automating routine operations, real-time accounting, fast and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels;
  • Ensuring financial discipline at all levels.
  • Ample opportunities to improve the efficiency of staff without expanding the staff - through affordable certified training for users and IT specialists;
  • Guaranteed professional support.

Heads and specialists of departments:

  • High efficiency of daily work in the preparation of documents and reports;
  • Developed means of planning, analysis and control of activities;
  • Organization of clear interaction between employees and departments within a single information space.

Employees of accounting services of the enterprise:

  • The best accounting techniques and the experience of thousands of users are reflected in "1C: Enterprise" - the industry standard for accounting solutions.
  • Save time by reducing routine work and a high degree of automation.
  • Transparent and understandable accounting - in accordance with the law and the real needs of Russian business.

For IT professionals:

  • The real openness of the system allows you to see the principles of the program, the rules for the formation of certain operations and, if necessary, change the logic of the system.
  • "1C: Enterprise 8" is a set of modern tools and technologies for the development, modification, administration and maintenance of information systems.
  • Ease of adaptation, wide scalability and integration, simplicity and ease of administration and support allow you to spend a minimum of effort on solving "low-level" technological issues and concentrate on meaningful, creative tasks of automating enterprise business processes.
Joining the professional community of 1C:Enterprise specialists allows you to receive support when mastering the system, provides an opportunity for versatile communication and exchange of experience with colleagues.

Why is it worth buying 1C: Construction Organization Management from us?

Our company is the official partner of 1C in Krasnoyarsk - we sell only licensed programs, at prices recommended by 1C, we provide the opportunity to support programs and conduct 1C courses.

When buying a 1C program in Krasnoyarsk, you get in the package:

  • the work of the Program Installation Specialist for the number of workplaces corresponding to the delivery
  • upgrade to current release
  • downloading directories KLADR and banks
  • establishment of the required number of users
  • setting up the loading and unloading of bank payment documents in the "Client-Bank" system
  • consultation on filling out the organization card and demonstration of primary documents in test mode in the amount of no more than 5 pcs.

Unlike other franchisees that offer 2-3 hours of work included in the delivery of a program setup specialist, we will do thisSO YOU CAN START A FULL WORK IN THE PROGRAMimmediately after the departure of our specialist, no matter how long it takes!

We care about each of our clients! That is why our company has the largest number of positive reviews among 1C partners, according to 1C statistics, in addition, Katran PSK is the most competent company in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the field of construction automation. If this statistics is not enough for you, then you can call any company with which we have worked and see for yourself the quality and reliability of the services we provide. For the professionalism of our specialists, 1C awarded our company the status: "Competence Center for Construction",. 1C recommends working with experienced companies, as various questions may arise during the operation of the software product.

Our specialists are the most certified in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and conduct many courses,. The cost of 1 hour of our specialist is 1800 rubles per hour - this is the lowest cost for such a quality of service. Often, our specialists perform tasks much faster than others, thanks to their extensive experience, and therefore, in the end, less material costs are spent on the task, compared to other companies - 1C franchisees and the maintenance of their own programmer. In addition, our specialists are coordinated with the help of a dispatcher, which allows them to most quickly respond to all emerging issues. .

1C: Construction organization management

Article: 4601546038647

"1C: Construction organization management 8" - software for integrated automation construction. The product is designed for full automation of various participants in the construction process throughout the entire cycle of processes - financial management, production and resource management, personnel management, etc.

When developing the configuration, both modern methods of managing a construction organization (project management, etc.) and the experience of successful automation of construction organizations accumulated by 1C and the partner community were taken into account. Specialists in setting tasks and testing the construction management subsystem also participated in the design and development of the configuration. regulatory framework budget subsystem).

Delivers to all cities of Russia. Delivery and installation within the city is carried out completely Is free. Delivery " Prof"versions of 1C software products are produced free throughout Russia!

  • Delivery for orders over 3000 rubles. Is free
  • Up to 10 km from the Ring Road650 rub.
  • 11-20 km from the Ring Road1000 rub.
  • 21-50 km from the Ring Road by agreement
  • More than 55 km from the Ring Road By agreement.

Office hours (pickup): Mon-Fri: 9.30-19.00.

Delivery schedule: Mon-Fri: 10.00-19.00; Sat-Sun: By agreement.

Method of payment (for individuals and legal entities):

  • Cash(upon delivery by courier or pickup) Payment at the time of receipt of the goods.
  • Cashless payments (Bank transfers) WebMoney payment, bank cards- for individuals.

Purchase terms

  • The invoice is valid for one month.
  • After paying the invoice, you will receive the goods within 1-2 days for standard solutions and 3-5 days for 1C industry solutions.

After payment, you can use our free shipping around the city, and installation of the software product by our specialists, absolutely free.

Description 1C: Construction organization management

To implement the integrated solution "1C: Construction Organization Management 8", you need to contact the Construction Competence Centers.

We draw the attention of franchisees to the fact that in order to master the functionality of the new application solution and train the personnel of partner firms, a special software product has been released - "1C: Enterprise 8. Construction Organization Management. NFR". The software product is not intended for sale to end users and is sold only to 1C partners who have the status of 1C: Franchisee.

1C partners who fulfill the terms of the Agreement on the distribution and implementation of products of the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 program system and have at least one employee who has successfully passed the 1C: Technological Platform 8.0 exam or any other application solution of the 1C program system :Enterprise 8" can purchase the NFR version of 1C:Enterprise 8 Construction Organization Management.

Applications from partners for the purchase of 1C: Enterprise 8.0. NFRs are accepted electronically. The application can be sent by filling out the form in the technical support section of partners.

Exclusive rights to the configuration "1C: Construction Organization Management" belong to the company "1C". Most of the configuration is open for reading and making changes, a smaller part of the code is closed and protected by a hardware protection key. The USB version of the security key is used; for multi-user licenses, the network USB version of the key is used. If it is necessary to modify the configuration and make changes to the closed program code, registered users should send a request to the address of the company's developer indicated in the product registration card.

At the time of buying 1C Enterprise 8 Construction organization management delivery and installation is carried out free of charge within the ring roads of the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod.

". The universal nature of this software product is due to the fact that it allows you to fully automate all the currently necessary sections of construction activities, from project management, budgeting, accounting and tax accounting, construction equipment management, estimated pricing and ending with personnel management and the formation of regulated reporting .

The solution "1C: Construction Organization Management 8" is designed for complex automation of construction holdings, management companies, investors, customers and construction contractors.

When developing the program, modern methods of managing a construction organization were analyzed and taken into account, as well as the experience of successful automation of construction organizations accumulated by 1C and the partner community. The developers of the program have a specialized education and have experience in the construction industry. The program "1C: Construction Organization Management 8" was developed on the basis of the application solution "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" and contains all its functionality that allows you to organize a single information system to manage various aspects of the enterprise, from material accounting to production planning. In the subsystem of accounting and tax accounting "Budgeting and cash management", as well as in the subsystem "Personnel management" of the program, the specifics of the activities of construction organizations are taken into account. The software product also includes the subsystems "Management of construction production", "Management of construction equipment and vehicles", "Management of estimated pricing", "Management of shared construction" and "Management of operation of objects".

Subsystem "Management of construction production"

With the help of the "Management of construction production" subsystem, the tasks of forming calendar plans for construction, obtaining information about the need for the necessary resources, as well as the tasks of maintaining production accounting and analysis of the progress of construction and installation works. The subsystem can be used both in the head organization of the construction holding, and in organizations included in its structure, as well as in contractor organizations.

Execution of construction and installation works is the main activity of the construction organization. From the point of view of project management, the construction of an object belongs to the category of "project execution", as part of the work for which it is necessary to build, for example, a residential building, a business center or an industrial workshop in a limited time. It should be noted that the "Construction Production Management" subsystem is a construction project management system that takes into account the specifics of the industry and the peculiarities of national construction experience to the maximum.

The subsystem is built on working with projects and project portfolios. Each project has addresses of the construction site, planned and actual start (end) dates, "planning scenarios", "project subjects", "materials disposal warehouse" and engineering and technical workers involved in the project. For each project, you can assign several scenarios or execution options, such as "optimistic", "minimum due date", "minimum cost", "working", etc. The scenario is characterized by a work schedule - "Main (five days)", "Two-shift". Under the "subjects of the project" refers to organizations or contractor teams that take part in the construction of the facility.

To enter and display data on the work performed within the framework of both one project and all projects of an organization or holding, the "Works" directory is used. For each work, a performer is assigned, information is entered on the duration, required resources and materials, in accordance with technological cycle relationships with other works are indicated. The total cost of the work is calculated automatically.

You can enter work both "top down" and "bottom up". When entering from top to bottom initial stage planning, the enlarged stages of work are indicated, which are further detailed to single works. The "bottom-up" method involves the input of single works, which are then grouped into stages.

The "Works" directory allows you to get all the information on the work in the context of the holding's projects as a whole, as well as in the context of organizations implementing these projects. A graphical representation of the work structure can be displayed in the form of a Gantt chart, as well as in the form network graphics. In the form of a Gantt chart, it is also possible to generate reports "Loading of resources", "Employment of performers", "Demand for materials", "Dynamics of work performance", "Demand for cash". Reports can be of three types - "Plan", "Fact" and "Plan and Fact".

Note that filling in the "Works" directory manually is a rather time-consuming task. To facilitate it, the program provides for automatic loading of information about the work from the "Estimated pricing" subsystem.

For organizations working with the MS Project program, "loading and unloading" of data is implemented.

After entering all the necessary work and determining all their properties and relationships, the schedule is calculated with the allocation of critical work and time reserves for non-critical ones.

In the process of forming the schedule, the system allows you to use different approaches to planning - "time limit" or "resource limit". With a "time constraint," the organization's top priority is to complete the project on time. In this case, after using all their own resources, additional resources are attracted from outside, as well as contractors. "Resource constrained" scheduling takes into account only the organization's own resources. As a result, the timing of the project may change. The calendar plan can also be formed taking into account work schedules and work schedules of available resources.

In practice, a construction organization simultaneously performs dozens, perhaps hundreds of projects in which the same resources are involved - performers and construction mechanisms. To optimize schedules, the system provides a special algorithm. Using this algorithm allows you to rearrange resources on the time scale in such a way as to ensure optimal use of resources in all work on all projects. Graphically, the schedule can be presented as a Gantt chart or a network diagram and can be edited in visual mode.

After calculating the schedule, the project has planned start and end dates, it becomes possible to plan the use of basic resources and materials, as well as the need for funds. The activities of the direct performers of the work of the calendar plan can be planned using the document "Assignment of performers to work".

After the approval of the calendar plan for line managers, on its basis, it is possible to generate and print "Weekly-daily construction and installation schedules", which are tasks for the implementation of the calendar plan. In addition, in the printed form of the weekly-daily schedule, the line manager enters the actual data on the performance of work, which will subsequently be entered into the system using the document "Execution of work of the calendar plan".

The printed form of this document is an "Act of completed work" in the form of KS-2. Write-off of materials for work according to the schedule is carried out using the document "Requirement-invoice".

To analyze data on the execution of planned work, various reports are used - "Progress of work", "Consumption of materials", "Utilization of resources", "Cost of work", "Demand for materials", etc. All information about the actual state of execution of projects in the context of any project or organization or in the context of the entire holding is presented in the report "Report to the manager".

Management of construction machinery and vehicles

The program provides for a full cycle of work with applications for the use of construction equipment and vehicles. Applications can be accepted both from our own departments and from third-party organizations.

To register applications, the document "Application for the use of a machine (mechanism)" is used. The document contains all the necessary data on the type of work, on the senders and recipients of the cargo, as well as on the points of loading and arrival. In addition, the application contains information about the construction site or the route of the car, the requirements for machines and mechanisms, the characteristics of the cargo, etc.

The request can be in one of the states - "Approved", "Rejected", "In Progress", "Closed" or "Failed". In the process of working with the application, the dispatcher can specify the vehicles necessary to satisfy the application and change its status.

Before leaving the car on the line, the driver is given a waybill. The waybill is the main primary accounting document. The information it contains this document, is used to calculate payment for the transportation of goods or passengers, to write off fuel and lubricants to the expenses of the organization, to calculate wages for the driver and to confirm the production nature of the expenses incurred.

A waybill can have one of the statuses - "Created", "Issued", "Received", "Passed" or "Rejected". The dispatcher of the motor transport unit or an authorized person is responsible for filling out the waybill before issuing it to the driver.

The program allows you to enter the waybill both manually and automatically, based on the application. The solution provides for the automatic formation of waybills for a passenger car according to f. No. 3, a special car according to f. No. 3 special, passenger taxi according to f. No. 4, a truck according to f. No. 4-p and f. No. 4-s, bus f. No. 6, non-public bus according to f. No. 6 special, as well as waybills of a construction machine according to f. No. ESM-2.

To account for the work of tower crane operators and maintenance personnel of construction machines, construction organizations apply the appropriate report. The program provides for filling, processing and formation printed forms documents "Report on the work of the tower crane" according to f. No. ESM-1, "Report on the work of the construction machine" according to f. No. ESM-3 and "Report-order on the work of a construction machine (mechanism)" according to f. No. ESM-4.

The dispatcher's work with applications, waybills and reports can be greatly facilitated by the automated workplace "Dispatcher's workstation".

The workplace presents all necessary information on fixed assets of the organization, applications, waybills, reports and registration documents.

All orders related to the selected period are listed on the "Orders" tab. The assignment of fixed assets to perform work on the application in the program is automated. For example, in the "Eligible" mode for each application, the list of fixed assets will show only those vehicles and mechanisms that match the models specified in the application. Assignment of OS on request and removal of assignment is performed using buttons. In this case, you can assign only those fixed assets that are suitable. During the appointment process, the period of operation of the OS on the application is indicated.

In the "Assigned" mode, only assigned fixed assets will be shown in the list of fixed assets for each application. Using this mode allows you to quickly identify applications for which the allocation of fixed assets has not been made. For the selected application and fixed asset, the table of documents will show waybills and reports related to them.

Lists of issued and processed waybills and reports, as well as lists of registration documents are presented on the corresponding tabs.

Information about the fixed assets that are on the balance sheet, including the OS model, garage number, mileage, running time, current readings of the speedometer and hour meter, etc., is contained on the "Fixed Assets" tab. At the same time, the fixed assets assigned in the specified period for the performance of work are highlighted in the list in color.

On the additional panel of the "Fixed Assets" tab, you can also access applications, waybills, reports and registration documents that apply to the selected vehicle or mechanism.

To analyze various aspects of the operation of vehicles and construction machines, the program uses the reports "Development of machines and mechanisms", "Journal of accounting for the operation of construction machines (mechanisms)" according to f. No. ESM-6, "Card for accounting for the operation of a construction machine (mechanism)" according to f. No. ESM-5, "Downtime analysis", etc.

Maintenance and repair management of fixed assets

To record orders for the maintenance and repair of machines (mechanisms), register malfunctions, plan repairs and maintenance, the document "Order for the maintenance of a machine (mechanism)" is intended in the program.

Accounting for repairs performed, as well as maintenance of machines and mechanisms, is maintained using the "Repair List" document. This document is also the basis for the transfer to operation with subsequent write-off of spare parts and materials.

To facilitate the work of a mechanic, the program provides for an automated workplace "Workstation for mechanics". With its help, you can get information about the need for maintenance and repair, generate orders for their implementation, issue repair sheets, determine the need for units and assemblies based on data on their production, etc.

The "Fixed Assets" tab of the workplace contains a list of fixed assets that are on the organization's balance sheet and extended information about them. Fixed assets that require maintenance or repair are highlighted in the list in color.

Using the "Required maintenance" or "Scheduled maintenance" mode at the workplace allows you to select only those fixed assets for which maintenance or repair is necessary or, accordingly, planned. After selecting the fixed asset, the mechanic can generate a "Service Order" or "Repair List" document for it.

The list of all orders for the maintenance of machines and mechanisms is displayed on the "Orders" tab. On the "Repairs" tab, you can get information about all repairs and maintenance facts. Data on installed and removed components and assemblies, their wear and tear percentage are contained on the "Assemblies and assemblies" tab. Information about spare parts and materials used during maintenance or repair is on the "Spare parts and materials" tab.

The additional panel of the "Fixed Assets" tab allows you to get information about the required maintenance, orders, repairs, assemblies and mechanisms, spare parts and materials for the selected operating system.

Accounting and control of fuel and lubricants

To account for fuel and lubricants filled into machines and mechanisms, the program uses the document "Fueling". The following types of refueling are implemented in the document - "From the warehouse", "Cash", "From the supplier" and "By coupons".

Data on the amount of fuel that was issued to the driver, on the remaining fuel on departure and return, on the actual fuel consumption and on the consumption according to the norm, are entered into the "Travel List" and "Report" documents. The calculation of fuel consumption standards in the program is carried out in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. These documents also contain information about completed fuel fillings.

You can get information about the movement of fuels and lubricants in the context of vehicles using the report "Analysis of the movement of fuels and lubricants". The report "Analysis of fuel consumption" allows you to obtain for each vehicle and mechanism quantitative data on fuel consumption by the norm and in fact, as well as overspending or savings.

Share building

In the process of keeping records of shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate, such as garages, the developer needs to divide the construction object into shares - apartments, garage boxes, etc.

To keep records of construction objects in the context of shares (premises), the program uses the directory "Shares of construction objects". For each construction object selected in the left window of the directory list form, a list of shares that are part of this object is presented in the right window of the form. The solution provides for group entry of shares for the selected object.

An object share belongs to one specific category and has properties. The category is understood as its type - an apartment, a garage box, non-residential premises etc. The composition of the share properties depends on the category to which it belongs.

For example, for a share that belongs to the "Apartment" category, the properties include such as "Total area", "Living area", "Floor", "Number of rooms", etc. The name of the category to which the share of the object belongs, as well as the values ​​of its properties are indicated on the card of the share of the object on the corresponding tabs.

Using the "Record prices" mode, when working with a share object card, you can automatically generate the document "Setting prices for shares and premises" and indicate in it the price per unit area of ​​the object. Data on the price, as well as the value of the shared object will be recorded on the "Prices" tab of its card. The "Setting the prices of shares and premises" document also allows you to perform a group recalculation of prices for all shares of the selected construction object.

To assign one or more shares to a specific shareholder, as well as to register an agreement with a shareholder and his primary debt, the document "Share Reservation" is used. In addition, with the help of this document, the agent through which the sale was made and the amount of his remuneration are recorded.

The document for booking a share may have the status "Preliminary", which means that the shareholder intends to book an object of shared construction, but an agreement has not yet been concluded with him. Information about the shareholder and agent for an agreement with this status in the directory "Shares of construction objects" is highlighted in gray.

In practice, for various reasons, sometimes it becomes necessary to terminate the contract for participation in shared construction. In this case monetary obligations of the shareholder to the developer organization are reset and at the same time the debt of the developer organization in relation to the shareholder appears in the amount of the amount received from him, taking into account the penalties provided for termination of the contract. Depending on the party to the contract to which penalties are applied, the amount of the penalty will be taken into account as a positive or negative value.

To register the fact of termination of the agreement for participation in shared construction and perform the actions described above, the program uses the document "Cancellation of the share agreement". With the help of this document, the reservation is also made from the shares indicated in it and their release from the contract. After that, these shares can be used for booking and concluding new contracts.

The program provides for the reflection of work with agents. To determine the list of shares to which, in accordance with the agency agreement, the right of exclusive sale is extended, the document "Fixing the right of exclusive sale" is used. This document also calculates the amount of the agent's remuneration based on the value of each share at the time of its creation. At the same time, it should be taken into account that by the time of the actual sale, the amount of remuneration may change due to changes in the price per unit area and the corresponding change in the value of the share. Thus, the calculated amount of remuneration can be considered preliminary. Its final amount will be calculated later on the basis of the current unit price at the time of sale using the Share Reservation document.

The printed form of the document "Fixing the right of exclusive sale" can be used as an annex to the agency agreement.

To analyze various aspects of shared construction and mutual settlements with equity holders and agents, the program provides the reports "Information on shares", "Analysis of the prices of shares", "Analysis of shares and price dynamics", "Statement of mutual settlements by shares" and "Report on agreements".

Facilities management

In the subsystem "Management of operation of objects" the possibility of accounting for the rendered housing and communal services and mutual settlements on them in associations of homeowners, housing-construction cooperatives, garage-construction cooperatives, holiday villages etc.

The capabilities of the subsystem also allow you to manage real estate objects that belong to the organization and are leased.

The program implements the calculation of accruals for paying for housing and utilities at rates and tariffs, taking into account benefits, social norms and subsidies. When accounting for utilities, the calculation of their volume can be performed on the basis of data from general house, general apartment and individual metering devices. Provides printing of notices and receipts for the calculation of rent. Records are kept of payments for rendered housing and communal services. For the planned recalculation of payment for services provided in a given period, the document "Adjustment of payment for housing and communal services" is used.

As part of the management of real estate leased, the solution implements accounting for leased objects. Provides for the execution of documents necessary for the conclusion of a lease agreement and additional agreement to it, as well as for the prolongation and termination of the contract.

To register the conditions for renting a property, the procedure and amount of rent payment, the amount of late payment penalties and other data, the document "Lease Agreement" is used. The rent consists of two parts - fixed and variable. The permanent part is determined by the area of ​​the leased object and other fixed payments. The cost of utilities such as water, heating and electricity consumed by the tenant is included in the variable part. Data on the fixed part of the rent and the scheme for calculating the variable part, for example, "by area share" or "by meter", are located on the corresponding tabs of the document.

The calculation of the rent is carried out using the document "Calculation of rent". This document is entered for each property. Data on the utilities consumed in general by the facility can be entered both manually and automatically based on the service provider's invoice. Further, based on these data, the payment for consumed utilities will be calculated by both tenants and the lessor organization. For the part of the services that falls on the lessor organization, you can enter the document "Receipt of goods and services" and thus reflect the receipt of utilities on the accounts of accounting and tax accounting. Formation of invoices for all tenants of the property is carried out in batch mode.

2017: 1C:ERP Management of a construction organization 2, ed. 2.2

Product "1C: ERP Management construction organization 2" is designed to automate activities construction companies, carrying out any type of construction activity, as well as for vertically integrated construction holdings.

The main industry-specific functionality of the program:

  • Preparation of design and estimate documentation;
  • Management of investment activity;
  • Management of material technical support;
  • Accounting for the operation of machines and mechanisms;
  • Real estate sales management;
  • Management of operation of real estate objects;
  • Maintenance of regulated accounting;
  • Personnel management and payroll;
  • Cost management and cost calculation;
  • Warehouse and inventory management.

The configuration "ERP Construction Organization Management 2" was developed on the basis of the typical configuration "ERP Enterprise Management", ed. 2.2 software systems "1C:Enterprise 8" with the preservation of all the main features and mechanisms of this standard solution. The configuration is not an independent software product, for its operation it is necessary to have the installed platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" version not lower than

The software product is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user, and is protected from unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users.

2016: 1С:ERP Construction organization management 2.1

In the summer of 2016, the software product "1C: ERP Construction Organization Management" was presented in a new edition 2.1. The updated program is adapted to work via the Internet, data download is available construction works from MS Project and the organization of supply chains, taking into account delivery management mechanisms.

Solution "1C:ERP. Construction Organization Management 2” automates the activities of construction companies and vertically integrated holdings that implement the full construction cycle. The program provides access to the information base via the Internet, uses all the advantages of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technological platform, which provides scalability, openness and ease of administration, and also allows you to work in thin and web client mode.

7 important benefits of the updated edition:

  • Ability to work in the system via the Internet from anywhere in the world;
  • The function of loading construction work data from MS Project for a specific planning scenario for a construction site for a specific date;
  • Adapted supply chain management mechanism for the new delivery management mechanism;
  • Possibility to enter the document "Purchase of a share" on the basis of the document "Real estate agreement";
  • The improved mechanism for manually filling out documents from the subsystems "Management of construction production" and "Management of material and technical support" includes a list of construction works, taking into account the construction object selected in the document header;
  • The Taxi interface is available in all industry subsystems: management of investment activities in construction and production, estimate subsystem, management of material support for construction, vehicles and mechanisms;
  • Updated model documents- the possibility of accounting in several units of measurement.

The cost of the updated system "1C: ERP. Management of a construction organization 2 "is 399,000 rubles.

The new edition can only be used if the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.7 and higher is installed.

To automate construction companies and vertically integrated holdings that implement the full construction cycle.

The 1C:ERP Construction Organization Management 2.0 program uses all the advantages of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technological platform, which provides scalability, openness and ease of administration. As part of the product, the functionality of the programs "Estimate 3" and "Module Vehicle Management for 1C: ERP". Among the features of the program:

  • preparation of design estimates;
  • construction management;
  • management of investment activity;
  • logistics management;
  • accounting for the operation of machines and mechanisms;
  • real estate sales management;
  • property management.

The functionality of the solution allows you to effectively manage production, costs, finances, calculate the cost, monitor and analyze the performance of the company, budgeting, keep regulated records, manage personnel and keep payroll. At the same time, the program helps to manage sales, customer relations, purchases, warehouse and stocks, organization of repairs. Implemented the possibility of integration with the "1C: Document Management" system.

The functionality of edition 2.1 of the ERP Construction Organization Management 2 configuration has been supplemented with the following features:

  • The work of the configuration in the mode of access via the Internet has been adapted;
  • The Taxi interface is available in all industry subsystems:
  • management of investment activity in construction;
  • budget subsystem;
  • construction management;
  • management of material support of construction;
  • management of vehicles and mechanisms.
  • The mechanism for entering the document "Purchase of a share" on the basis of the document "Real estate agreement" has been implemented;
  • A mechanism for loading construction work data for a specific planning scenario for a construction object from MS Project for a specific date has been implemented;
  • The mechanism for manually filling documents from the subsystems "Management of construction production" and "Management of material and technical support" with a list of construction works has been improved, taking into account the construction object selected in the document header;
  • The supply chain management mechanism was adapted to the developed delivery management mechanism of the ERP Enterprise Management 2 configuration, edition 2.1;
  • Standard documents have been revised taking into account the accounting mechanism implemented in 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 in several units of measurement.
  • New configuration options for ERP Enterprise Management 2, edition 2.1.

The solution is protected from unauthorized use and contains code fragments that cannot be modified by the user. The principle of maximum code openness is taken into account, which ensures that the product is adapted to the needs of end users.