Cross-country skis from Rossignol. Rossignol cross-country skis: serial numbers, features, selection All about rossignol skis

Skiing as an element of entertainment, and later as a sports and competitive discipline, originated quite a long time ago. The idea of ​​creating more comfortable and narrow analogues of snowshoes for hunting needs was met with approval, and the world saw, in fact, the first coming of skis as a full-fledged equipment for practical use.

However, a truly powerful catalyst for the development of technologies for the production of ski paraphernalia was the inclusion of special disciplines in the program. winter views sports and subsequent popularization healthy lifestyle life through skiing.

Today, close competition takes place not only on the ski tracks and designated areas: far beyond their borders, there is an imperceptible for many struggle for superiority among manufacturing companies. Claiming for a high position great amount brands and brands, but success is not given to everyone. We have selected 10 for you the best manufacturing companies cross-country skiing, divided into three thematic categories. Places in the ranking were distributed based on the following criteria:

  • popularity of the company in Russia;
  • the level of quality of the products sold;
  • the width of the assortment presented in domestic stores;
  • level of average cost;
  • kit durability and wear resistance.

The best manufacturers of budget cross-country skis


The best choice for beginners
Country: Russia (produced in China)
Rating (2019): 4.5

ATEMI can be considered a manufacturer in name only. At its core, it is an online store that cooperates with Chinese enterprises and sells sports equipment under its own brand. Among the variety of products in the ATEMI catalog, there are exclusively cross-country skis designed for classic skiing and for amateur skiing.

One of the brightest representatives of the range is the ATEMI Escape series. The skis of this series are based on a lightweight (but, alas, not the most durable) core, “packed” in high-tech ABS plastic (an inexpensive material with balanced characteristics of strength, plasticity and hardness). The sliding surface is treated with extruded polyester, which provides not the fastest, but stable movement (very much depends on the method of lubrication). The cost of such a kit varies from 1200 to 1600 rubles, which is an excellent indicator for both beginners and avid skiers.

4 Larsen

The cheapest cross country skis
Country: Finland
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Finnish company Larsen is the most loyal manufacturer and supplier of cross-country skis, based on their level of cost. Almost all kits in its range are versatile and suitable for both skating and classic running, which is especially good for beginner athletes.

Many potential users ask quite a reasonable question about what quality assurance skis can offer, the cost of which barely exceeds a thousand rubles (and in some cases does not exceed this milestone at all). The fact is that no revolutionary technologies and developments are used in their manufacture, since Larsen adheres to a purely traditional approach to production. A standard wooden core is placed under the plastic body, which allows the ski to be lighter and more pliable for maneuvering. Extruded polyethylene is used as a sliding surface, the degree of sliding of which is highly dependent on the lubricant. All in all, Larsen skis are ideal for beginners whose main goal is to master the skills of running.

3 Northway

The best cross-country skis for the Russian climate
Country: Russia (produced in China)
Rating (2019): 4.6

The name is known to almost all the inhabitants of our vast country. Nordway is the own brand of the SportMaster chain of stores (read: companies), which produces a huge variety of goods.

Perhaps it is the above-mentioned fact that does not quite favorably affect the quality of individual ski sets, but the situation as a whole is compensated by the low price. The most popular children's skis in the Nordway range are hybrid cross-country models, oriented towards a combined skiing style. It is not possible to talk about any technological solutions in such a situation - everything was done with an eye on the old design school, albeit using modern materials. Whatever it was, but Nordway skis are certainly a means of mastering skiing skills and achieving a certain sports level. And given their suitability for operation in Russian climatic conditions, low cost and prevalence in the official distributor's chain of stores, such skis will be the best choice for young and beginner skiers.


Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.8

The company, whose period of wide popularity fell on the 60s of the last century. The reason for this is prosaic: almost the entire range of winter sports equipment available in Soviet stores consisted of sticks and skis of the TISA brand. Alas, with the advent of stronger opponents in the face of Fischer, Madshus and a number of other firms, TISA gradually lost its customer base and turned into a strong, but middle peasant in such a ruthless competitive segment. The sporty flagships of the company have been replaced by "peaceful" classic ski models such as the Adventure Step, Sport Wax and Classic Step.

Some domestic experts prefer to attribute TISA to the number of "folk" manufacturers, since most of the country's sports history and achievements were somehow connected with this company. In fact, the current brand is a kind of “restart” of the once existing factory, which has been officially owned by the well-known Austrian company Fischer since 1995. With such a strong technological base and rich history, TISA naturally gets the fourth place in the ranking of the best.

1 Dynamic

Best quality budget cross-country skiing
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.9

Another good example how a more well-known brand is released under a lesser-known brand name to meet the needs of a wide user base. As in the case of TISA, backed by the Austrian company Fischer, Dynamic is a subsidiary of another large Austrian company - Atomic - and fully enjoys all the budget developments (as well as production lines) of a more eminent holder.

In domestic realities, in fact, only one model of cross-country skis is in great demand - Dynamic VR52 Grip, created specifically for beginner athletes. It is sharpened according to the classic course, it is distinguished by its lightweight design, functionality and relatively low cost. By the way, the latest quality in relation to the entire range trademark, which, coupled with high strength, only plays into the hands of consumers.

The best manufacturers of premium cross-country skis

5 Atomic

High quality products. Huge selection of skis for beginners
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another Austrian manufacturer of cross-country skis, which is a leader in the category of equipment for young athletes. There are not so many obvious prerequisites for this: in addition to High Quality kits (which is also true for "adult" models), only the price level is intended to attract the consumer, since pricing policy Atomic is fine.

All sets of skis for children are built on the basis of the same technology - High Densolite, indicating the presence in the skis of a core made of lightweight synthetic material. Also, almost all models have a redistributed mass balance due to the use of 3D Touring profiles, which improves handling and compensates for the energy consumption of auxiliary movements.

One of the highlights of the company is the ATOMIC RACE COMBI JUNIOR kit, built using a special Race profile to increase the effect of repulsion and increase stability when cornering. This is a technologically advanced and popular classic in Russia, suitable for children and teenagers up to 168 centimeters tall. The cost of RACE COMBI JUNIOR does not exceed 5.5 thousand rubles, which is a good price indicator.

4 Salomon

The best ski manufacturers for women
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.7

The French company Salomon is a prominent representative of universal manufacturers focused on the production of sports equipment and professional winter equipment. Despite the fact that the brand's product range includes both snowboards and alpine skis of various designs, cross-country skis are traditionally a strong segment, inheriting classic features with an admixture of new technologies.

While other brands try to create a product based on one single concept, Salomon introduces several of its own developments into production at once, focusing primarily on the uniqueness of characteristics. Such a measure takes place, but some combinations give a completely unpredictable result.

An undoubted advantage of the company can be considered a focus on the beautiful part of the users experienced in sports. In the Salomon assortment there is a huge number of classic and amateur-level skating ski models, a prominent representative of which is the Salomon SNOWSCAPE 7 SIAM. The owners of these skis note the successful geometry, a somewhat unexpected but positive feeling caused by a shift in the center of gravity, optimal stiffness and dynamic performance, as well as a pleasantly low price.

3 Madshus

Popular manufacturer. Optimal reliability parameters
Country: Norway
Rating (2019): 4.7

A Norwegian brand, whose advertising was not so long ago flaunted on all TVs of a large country. As in the case of competing brands, the activity of this company is focused on the production of diversified products - from skis for slalom and ski jumping to cross-country skis for classics and skating. By the way, the latter have a very flexible division and are produced for different user groups: the more expensive ones are aimed at professional athletes (the enchanting Madshus Terrasonic Skate model can be noted among them), while the budget ones (such as the Madshus Intrasonic Classic) are suitable for beginners and intermediate level athletes. At the same time, it cannot be said that the price characteristic has a very strong effect on the quality indicators of products. Yes, technologies of various complexity are used, but from the point of view of reliability during operation, they do not solve so much.

If everything is clear with cross-country skiing for beginners, then professional ones raise some questions regarding the results given out by athletes. Many users notice that the speed characteristics of skis are highly dependent on the correct application of lubrication, and all - even minor - inaccuracies are automatically shifted to the athlete's physical qualities.

2 Rossignol

Proven manufacturer. High quality of products
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the world's oldest ski brands, whose history has crossed the line of one century. Rossignol is a premium manufacturer of winter sports equipment, the first to master the technology of carbon-based skis and polymer plastic. Not resting on its laurels, the French company is constantly in search of improving its already wonderful series, for which it is awarded the highest places (not lower than second) in the ratings different levels and scale.

If you think more globally and discard the division of manufacturers into categories, then Rossignol is one of the few whose mountain and running series are practically not inferior to each other in the class. But since we have chosen the latter, we will follow a methodical story about it. And there really is a lot to talk about here. All cross-country ski sets have a base made of extra light aramid laminate, thanks to which a high degree of stability on diverse terrains is achieved, as well as good edging. The strength of the ski is provided by the use of a carbon layer right on top of the core and hard plastic right at the bottom of the product. Alas, all this splendor has one serious drawback: despite the brilliant performance, durability and quality, the cost of the kit seriously limits the circle of buyers.

1 Fischer

The best combination of price and quality
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.9

On the first line of the rating is a well-known Austrian company, the first manufactured products of which were carts and winter sledges. As technology improved and consumer demands increased, the big bosses of the company realized that it was time to expand the range of manufactured goods, and in 1936 the first skis arrived on the shelves of sports equipment stores. The brand was slowly gaining popularity, but the world recognition had to wait for almost a whole century - this achievement was conquered by the Austrians only in 2006, when they were officially recognized as the best supplier of skis for the Olympic Games in Turin, Italy.

Despite the fact that the company's product range includes a huge number of alpine skis, including an outstanding series of equipment for sports slalom (namely, the RC4 Worldcup SC, developed in close cooperation with famous skiers), it is the cross-country sets that should be especially noted. The manufacturing technology of each individual series is distinguished by a dizzying variety: here the stiffeners are reinforced with titanium, and the nose is covered with carbon, and even the core is made in a very intricate form. The cost of Fischer skis is far from the budget, but it is fully justified by the high quality and durability.

"Another Best Day" - "another best day" in the mountains!

Icon of the past, symbol of the present. 1907-2016 - The company is already 109 years old. A couple of years ago, the company refreshed the logo, now, instead of the Pure Mountain Company motto that has accompanied Rossignol since 2003, it sounds like this: “Another Best Day” - “another best day” in the mountains!

History of Rossignol

More than 100 years ago, more precisely in 1907, in the town of Voiron, not far from Grenoble (France), the carpenter Abel Rossignol created a small firm, which specialized in the production of wooden products for the textile industry. Already at that time, Abel Rossignol was thinking about how to set up the production of his own wooden skis. Four years later, the first pair of skis saw the light. At the same time, the Tourist Club de France organizes competitions among manufacturers of sports equipment, in which skis received the first prize. abel. On the wave of success Rossignol opened a new shop "Skis and Sledges" in his workshop. And after an expedition to Norway, where Abel studied home-made skis of the ancient Vikings, he created a department that dealt only with skis. So there was - the world's first ski factory.

The ski factory in Voiron, founded by Abel Rossignol, gained its reputation thanks to the victories of Emile Allais and James Kutte at the World Championships in 1937 and 1938.

The success of Rossignol was overshadowed by the advent of war in Europe. Alpine skiing has become, rather, a means of survival, when, after a hot fight on the pass, it was necessary to quickly move down. I had to forget about the perception of skiing as a pleasure. People were just not up to them. It is hard to imagine that for almost 10 years there was a complete ski collapse in Europe. In 1955, the ski company was almost closed, production was limited to episodic, random batches, and Emile Alle, who owned part of the company's shares, tells his energetic friend about this and invites him to visit the factory. The name of the acquaintance was Laurent Boix Vives. This is how it started new era Rossignol - first an era of rebirth, and then an era of prosperity.

On June 4, 1956, Laurent Boix Vives, a fine mountain-obsessed skier and ski lift specialist, buys out a money-losing ski business that is slowly but surely sinking. At this time, the Rossignol enterprise in Voiron operates in two directions: textiles and carpentry. The company employs 27 carpenters and 100 hired workers. Using his talent as a manager, Laurent convinces the Rossignol family to resume ski production. The specialization of the factory made it possible to obtain a patent for the manufacture of skis from laminate (layers of wood glued together).

Laurent puts in order the finances of the Rossignol enterprise, of which he became the sole owner. He decides to focus on the production of skis, start new developments and expand the range of the company's offerings. Abel Rossignol Jr. took up the development of technology, and the development of the ski concept fell on the shoulders of Emile Allais. By that time, the factory in Voiron had produced a total of no more than 8,000 pairs of skis.

Laurent travels to the US to sort out some of the company's problems. Issues are quickly resolved, and Laurent thinks over the concept of developing the structure of the company in this country. Four years later, Jean Vuarnet becomes the winner of the Squaw Valley Olympics on new skis with a combined structure of wood and metal, which bore the name Rossignol L "Alle 60. One of the world's leading ski manufacturers, the American company Head, was defeated on own territory, and thus began the story of how Rossignol became number 1 in the world of alpine skiing.

It was the time of enthusiasts and amateur athletes. There were no multi-million dollar contracts, no World Cup. At that time, even the champion of the country earned very little, and this money was not enough even for personal “feeding”. Very soon, Laurent, himself an excellent athlete, establishes links with the French ski team. One of the best skiers in the world, Adrien Duvillard, joins Rossignol. Together with a small group of other forward-thinking manufacturers of ski equipment and clothing, Laurent founds an organization that will later become a "pool of French manufacturers" and begins to pay athletes 600 francs a month so that they can devote more time to training. This approach strengthens the position of the French national team, and soon Italy, and then many other countries, follow the example of Rossignol and France. The head of Rossignol is a passionate supporter of the competition, which he considers in the best possible way promoting their products to the world market. Throughout his life, he has maintained a competitive spirit and closely follows the brands that appear on the podiums of the World Cup. However, it is worth recognizing that they all only followed the sponsorship scheme invented by Bois Viv.

Laurent aims for himself and Rossignol to win 30% of the French ski market. Thanks to the release of new models and victories in competitions, he succeeds quite quickly.

In 1967, he was given the opportunity to take control of the French company Dynastar. He then decides to build factories in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the USA. In 1972 he became a member Japanese group Mitsui&Co and world leader at the same time: Rossignol then sells over 2 million pairs of skis per season.

Bob Lange, the inventor of sports plastic ski boots, wanted to team up with Rossignol already in the early 70s. After 8 years, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. History repeats itself: the far-sighted Laurent buys out the Lange company, and the brand subsequently wins thousands of victories. Lange joined the group in 1989, before Rossignol started making their own boots. In this way, Rossignol has expanded its offer both for high-end sports and for the mass consumer. After some time, the Look company, known for its mounts, was also acquired. As with the Lange boots, Look's experience and equipment has enabled the group to create a collection of bindings under the Rossignol brand. These products, manufactured under two brands, are sold today in the amount of 1,200,000 pairs per year ... The most in the world.

Since the 1980s, snowboarding has competed closely with skis in the market. Despite its position as a well-known ski manufacturer, the group, since the 90s, has been developing a program to develop a new direction and is quickly gaining second place in the world market thanks to its brands: Rossignol, O "Sin, A-Snowboards, Hot, Hammer, as well as bindings Emery.

In the face of fierce competition with a number of major ski companies in 2003, Rossignol begins to cooperate with the famous fashion designers Emilio Pucci (Emilio Pucci) and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (Jean-Charles de Castelbajac), in whose outfits Madonna herself and Diana Ross flaunted.

With the purchase of the Lange and Look brands, the Rossignol brand began to produce a complete set of ski equipment.

Both in clothes and in skis, the Haute Couture series (haute couture) appear. Well, of course, because France is also the birthplace of High Fashion, and not just the world's first ski factory! For Rossignol, Jean-Charles designs men's and women's skiwear, as well as sports equipment such as skis and snowboards. JC's collaboration with Rossignol made a lot of noise and gave rise to collaborations with other companies producing sportswear with famous designers.

2013 was marked by a number of exciting innovations for Rossignol. I will tell you only about some of them. In taking care of you and me, Rossignol strives to make its products as convenient and easy to use as possible. I know a lot of skiers who look at snowboarders with envy because of their lightweight boots. In order to make ski boots as light as possible, Rossignol developers pulled out some of the plastic from their base, leaving only diagonal guides to maintain the efficiency and energy transfer of the boot. Also, the lineup of Rossignol boots was supplemented with new lasts and insulated with 3M Thinsulate technical fibers, and some models with natural wool. To lighten the ski itself, Rossignol engineers suggested, for example, the use of Paulownia wood instead of traditional tree species. Paulownia wood has exceptional properties - low density with high strength. And the patented technology of Rossignol Air Tip Technology - Honeycomb structure of the toe and heel of ABS plastic skis can reduce the weight of skis by almost 20%. Our experts will be happy to tell you about all Rossignol innovations in the Sport-Marathon store.

So, a company with a history of more than 100 years continues to live and work for those who live in the mountains, and is not going to stop there.

History of Rossignol in dates:

1907 - Creation of a factory of wooden products by Abel Rossignol.

1911 - the first Rossignol skis.

1937 - Emile Allais became the world champion in skiing Rossignol. Skiing Olympic 41 skier Henri Oreiller became the first ever French Olympic champion.

1956 - Laurent Boix Vives buys out Rossignol.

1960 - Jean Vuarnet wins the Squaw Valley Winter Olympics on the first Rossignol Allais metal skis.

1964 - Rossignol achieves international success and recognition with the first fiberglass ski in history.

1964 - at the Olympic Games in Innsbruck, the Getchl sisters win several medals, skiing Rossignol L "Alle 60.

1966 - at the World Championships in Portillo (Chile), the French simply have no equal. It was then that Annie Famoz, who was among other French skiers - the leaders of the competition, wins the slalom on the new Rossignol Strato fiberglass skis. This model, as well as the Rossignol Open and Miss Rossignol released much later, is sold in a million copies. Rossignol is the only manufacturer in the world whose three ski models have been sold in such quantities.

1967 - control over Dynastar.

1970 -e - Rossignol enters the US market with its first cross-country skis and becomes the largest ski manufacturer in the world.

1972 - Malcolm Milne won the World Cup race in Val d'Isère, France.

1988 - At the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Rossignol wins 6 gold medals out of 10 in alpine disciplines.

1989 - Acquisition of Lange.

1990s- the beginning of the production of snowboards under the brands Rossignol, O "Sin, A-Snowboards, Hot, Hammer.

1990 - After the start of the production of ski boots, Rossignol begins the production of ski bindings, and then successfully enters the market of snowboards and clothing.

Rossignol is the oldest French manufacturer in the world. Rossignol has been engaged in sports products since 1907 and has established itself as one of the best manufacturers sports equipment in the world. The company produces Rossignol skis for skating, slalom.

Cross-country skiing is used by Rossignol, as well as for skating. They are selected primarily for length and stiffness. Soft are designated Soft (S), medium - Medium (M), hard - Stiff or Hard (H). The classic ones are calculated as follows: a person’s height + 25-30 cm. 10-15 cm are added to the running ones. Walking models (Combi) are universal, their sizes are calculated by adding 15-25 cm to the height. They can also be used as skating ones. And it is difficult to use skate shoes as classic ones. The midfoot is stiffer than the toes or heels. The toe is softer than the heel.

To choose correctly, stand with both feet in the center. Draw a thin ruler 0.2 mm under the ski. It should move freely forward from the center of gravity by 25-40 cm, and back - to the back. Then stand with one foot. The ruler should move forward by 10-15 cm, and back - to the middle of the foot. Stand on your toes, the ruler should not go through.

Important! When picking up ski socks during compression, the pairs should not diverge too far. When choosing for wet, warm weather, the socks diverge already at an earlier segment. The center of gravity of both skis must be the same.

The new IFP mount was adopted in 2017 and replaced the NIS.

Features of Rossignol skis

For athletes of the World Cup level, they produce a special premium series - X-Ium. A successful model is Pursuit. In the competitions of the Freeride World Tour series, athletes with equipment of this particular brand have repeatedly won.

Rossignol from France and Spain

Rossignol manufactures products in France and Spain.

France uses more manual labor. Models made in Spain are made with modern automatic equipment. They are intended for a wider range of sports fans.

Deciphering the numbers on Rossignol skis

What does the marking mean? For example, the designation 423564 41362.5 8317277 says the following:

  • six digits indicate skating. If there were 4 numbers, then these are classic;
  • the number 41 indicates the length from the balance point to the heel. Measurement up to a thickness of 0.5 mm;
  • the number 36 means the same, but the length to the toe;
  • figure 2.5 - displacement, if you put a load corresponding to the standard weight;
  • the number 83 indicates the number of kilograms under which the ski is lowered by 0.3 mm;
  • 172 - how much a person should weigh in pounds;
  • 77 - how much a person should weigh in kilograms.


Usually skating models are more rigid, shorter. A typical example is "ROSSIGNOL ZYMAX SKATING Skis NORDIC 2017/2018". Zimaks is a great choice for lovers.

Classic skis

They are long, soft, less maneuverable.

How Rossignol skis are measured

The measurement for the classic stroke is made by placing a weight of a certain weight at a point below the balance point, then measuring to a gap of 0.3 mm. With a length of 186-191 cm, the point is shifted back by 10 cm, for skis with a length of 198 cm - by 12 cm, with a length of 201-208 cm - by 14 cm.

The measurement of skating skis differs only in that it is made without displacement.

Standard Skate Weights

Rossignol ski constructions

Rossignol products have a different structure. So she goes her own way. For example, it was this company that first used plastic in construction and introduced other advanced technologies.

Skate ski designs

In ridge structures, the Active glide system is now popular. Such models are wider in toe, have a system of honeycombs in the core, a special vertical insert - a catapult. Two grooves guide movement in the right direction, even when pushing or turning. When one groove has no contact with the surface, the second one still guides.

Skate models have the letter S in the name (skating). According to the degree of rigidity are divided into:

  • Th (hard) - hard;
  • Ts (soft) - soft.

By design, they are “cold”, “universal”, “warm”:

  1. Cold skis are recommended at temperatures below -6°C.
  2. "Universal" models have a large profile thickness, are recommended at temperatures from 0°C to -6°C.
  3. "Warm" skis have the smallest contact patch, the largest profile thickness. Recommended at temperatures above or near 0°C.

Classic ski designs

They have in the name C (Classic):

  • C1 is designed for cold, has a low profile;
  • C2 is suitable for different weather, you can use different ointments;
  • C2+ has an even more solid structure;
  • C2 R-Grip - a model for difficult weather conditions - about 0 ° C. Ointment under such conditions does not hold on long marathons, therefore, ointment-free technology is used;
  • C3 White Base (white base). These models are designed for difficult weather conditions - around 0 ° C and where there is no natural snow.

Bases and structures

Bases are warm, cold, universal, for walking, tourism:

  • K3000 - base for walks, tourist trips;
  • K5000 - for juniors;
  • K7000 Universal − universal base;
  • K7000 Unversal 2.0 is a universal base used for top products;
  • R9001 wet - "warm" base of the classics;
  • K9001 wet 2.0 - "warm" skating base of top products;
  • K9000 cold is a high-level "cold" base.

It is possible to pre-order structures as well as model, structure and weight.

Ski cores

The core is made of both wood and plastic. For production wooden structure a light, strong paulownia tree is used, in which numerous holes are made, filled with air. The company uses a type-setting core of vertical elements. This provides excellent resistance to torsional loads.

In LITE WOOD CORE cores, basalt is added to the wood. Various combinations of honeycomb structures and synthetic materials are designed for professionals. Athletes are made especially light, with a Honeycomb honeycomb core. They are also the most expensive. Rossignol skis have a slightly different design.

Sliding Surface Technologies

The company uses various technologies to ensure the best glide. Including the use of Numeric surface treatment, double grooves along the sliding surface, adding carbon, graphite to the surface material. The use of fiberglass improves directional stability. The 3D Carbon Profile makes it easier to glide thanks to the carbon insert.

The skis of this company have Active Cup cover technology, a flared Cobra Racing cutout that provides stability when transferring the center of gravity from one foot to another. Also, the narrow part has become even narrower and more rigid, and the ends, on the contrary, have become softer and more flexible. The 3Edge Energy Sensor technology has increased the curvature of the sidewalls, which are made of Triax plastic, together with the variable height, this improves processing parameters. The shape of the toe (3D tip) has also been changed in order to accelerate quickly. It is more gentle than other firms. Rossignol have a completely different design, primarily bindings, so you should not take them for running.


To provide the right degree of slip, various technologies are used, including Numeric Finish. They provide complete readiness for operation immediately after purchase.


To prevent the skis from rolling back when pressed, R-Skin retention technology is used. It uses kamus (anti-recoil coating). R-Grip technology allows you to keep the track well at zero temperature.

Rossignol ski characteristics: table

Geometry:The weightRostovki
X-IUM CLASSIC C1/C2/C341/44/44 570 g191, 198, 203, 208
X-IUM CLASSIC NIS C1/C2/C2 AR41/44/44 560 g191, 198, 203, 208
X-IUM SKATING S142/45/44/44 570 g174, 181, 187, 193
X-IUM SKATING S242/45/44/44 570 g168, 174, 181, 187,
X-IUM SKATING NIS1.NIS246/44/44 550 g174, 181, 187, 193
DELTA CLASSIC/CLASSIC AR44 620 g186, 196, 201, 206
MAX CLASSIC NIS/AR NIS45/44/45 650 g176, 186, 196, 206
ZYNEX CLASSIC/CLASSIC AR45/44/45 640 g176, 186, 196, 206
DELTA SKATING45/44/44 570 g173, 183, 193
MAX SKATING NIS45/44/44 620 g160, 170, 180, 190
ZYNEX SKATING45/44/44 620 g160, 170, 180, 190
BC55/BC55AR55/49/52 180, 185, 190, 195,200, 205, 210
BC65/BC65AR65/53/60 165, 175, 185, 195
BC7070/60/65 160, 170, 180, 190
SICK BIRD128/98/121 171, 178, 185
POWDER BIRD120/83/110 160, 168, 176, 184
DIRTY BIRD116/78/105 168, 166, 174, 182
RIP CHICK120/83/110 152, 160, 168, 176
HIP CHICK116/78/105 150, 158, 166, 174
J-BIRD106/70/90 118, 128, 138, 148
INTENSE ACTION NIS/AR PLUS NIS/51/47/49 640 g166, 176, 186, 196
INTENSE TOUR NIS60/50/55 640 g166, 176, 186, 196
INTENSE FIRST51/47/50 640 g166, 176, 186, 196
X TOUR ULTRA LIGHT CARBON NIS48/45/46 660 g176, 186, 196, 206
X TOUR ULTRA LIGHT48/45/46 660 g176, 186, 196, 206
X TOUR ESCAPE NIS51/47/49 800 g178, 188, 198, 203,208
X TOUR ESCAPE/X TOUR ESCAPE AR51/47/49 800 g178, 188, 198, 203,208
X TOUR VENTURE/X TOUR VENTURE AR51/47/49 890 g180, 190, 195, 200,205, 210
INTENSIVE SKATING NIS42/45/44/44 620 g160, 170, 180
INTENSIVE CLASSIC NIS51/47/49 680 g166, 176, 186
INTENSIVE CLASSIC NIS POSITRACK51/47/49 680 g166, 176, 186
X-IUM CLASSIC JR44 510 g156, 166, 176, 186
DELTA CLASSIC JR44 480 g146, 156, 166, 176
X-IUM SKATING JR45/44/44 500 g133, 143, 153, 163
DELTA SKATING JR45/44/44 480 g133, 143, 153, 163
MAX UNIVERSAL JR44 450 g100, 150, 160, 170,180
X TOUR ESCAPE JR AR51/47/49 550 g118, 128, 138, 148,118, 128, 138, 148,
X TOUR VENTURE JR/JR AR51/47/49/ 550 g110, 120, 130, 140,150, 160, 170
INTENSE ACTION NIS/AR PLUS/AR POSITRACK51/47/49 640 g160, 170, 180
X TOUR ESCAPE NIS51/47/49 800 g178, 188, 198, 203,208

Rossignol skis are an example of excellent products from a company with more than a century of experience.

The description will be incomplete if we do not note that the company is engaged in the production of other high quality sports equipment, for example, skateboards (an example is the Delta Course Skating IFP model), jackets - everything that may be related to sports.

  • Since 2017, Rossignol, together with Fischer, switched to the IFP fastening system. We considered this system in detail in the article.
  • The main feature of Rossignol skis, for which many people love them so much, is the non-standard work of the ski. Rossignols are always distinguished by their “energy intensity”, “vigority” and excellent stability on tight trails.
  • Athletes like to choose skis with a margin of stiffness in order to achieve energetic work. You shouldn't do this with Rossignol. The skate is selected by weight, and it is better to take the classics a little softer (by 3-5 kg).
  • Rossignol racing models are made in France and Spain.

Rossignol from France and Spain

The French workshop is aimed at the production of skis according to the individual parameters of high-level athletes. Manual assembly, individual press settings, manual stacking of laminates and selection of skis. There is less varnish on such skis, there may be no numbers, traces of glue may remain. In a word, all signs self made. These skis are much more expensive than Spanish ones.

The Spanish workshop is more massive, but such skis are also used by contract riders. The vast majority of skis in stores are Spanish. In Spain, skis are produced in a semi-automatic mode, the selection of skis is made by a special machine according to the specified parameters. But there is also customization.

The quality of skis does not depend on the country of manufacture. Any well-known ski manufacturer has strict quality control and values ​​\u200b\u200bits reputation. So if you don't ski race for a living, don't bother looking for "magic" skis from France. It is much more important to choose the right pair by stiffness than by country of origin.

Deciphering the numbers on Rossignol skis


Ski number 323938 40432.6 8517077

  • 323938 - serial number
  • 40 - gap distance in cm from the balance point to the heel of the ski, measured up to a gap of 0.5 mm
  • 43 - gap distance in cm from the balance point to the tip of the ski, measured up to a gap of 0.5 mm
  • 2,6
  • 85
  • 170
  • 77

Formula for skating: skier weight + 17% = ski stiffness

In a pair of Rossignol skis a discrepancy between the recommended weight of a skier up to 5 kg is permissible!

Classic skis

Number 3100 27401,2 4215470

  • 3100 - serial number
  • 27 - gap distance in cm from the balance point to the heel of the ski, measured up to a gap of 0.1 mm
  • 40 - gap distance in cm from the balance point to the tip of the ski, measured up to a gap of 0.1 mm
  • 1,2 mm - maximum residual clearance at a standard load for a given size (similar to HR, H3 or HBW)
  • 42 - ski stiffness: weight in kg at which the ski is pressed down to 0.3 mm (similar to FA and MF, only difference in mm)
  • 154 - recommended skier weight in pounds
  • 70 – recommended skier weight in kg

For the classics, there is a formula for calculating the weight of a skier: skier weight - 40% = ski stiffness (70×40%=42)

How are Rossignol skis measured?

If Fischer, Salomon and Atomic take ski parameters by pressing 7-8 cm below the balance point and pushing the last to a gap of 0.2 mm, then Rossignol went his own way.

Rossignol classic skis crushed in 10-14 cm below balance and up to a gap of 0.3 mm. 186 and 191 - in 10 cm, 198 in 12 cm, 201 and 208 in 14 cm.

Skate Rossignol skis are crushed straight to the point of balance, also up to 0.3 mm.

Standard Skate Weights

  • 167 - 25 kg
  • 173 - 30 kg
  • 180 - 35 kg
  • 186 - 35 kg
  • 192 - 40 kg

Standard weights for classic skis

  • 186 - 20 kg
  • 191 - 22.5 kg
  • 198 - 30 kg
  • 203 - 37.5 kg
  • 208 - 40 kg

Rossignol ski constructions

Skate ski designs

Letter S - Skating (skating).

  • S1– Cool design with longer footprint and low profile. In conditions of dry and frosty snow, a long contact patch creates a water film, which is necessary for ski glide. Has a cold skate base K9000 Cold. The pressure peaks are separated, so they are better suited for a hard track.
  • S2- universal design. Smaller contact patch than S1, softer ski tips and tails. This combination allows you to cover a wide range of trail density and temperatures with one pair of skis. The profile is higher than S1. They have a universal base K7000. Ideal work at t from 0 to -6.
  • S3- "warm" base for wet, dirty and artificial snow. The highest profile among Rossignol skate skis. Smaller footprint to eliminate sticking in watery snow. Base K9001 wet 2.0. Ideal working conditions - t from -1 and warmer.

Classic ski designs

Letter C - Classic (classic move).

  • C1– design for cold conditions. Low profile for secure grip with hard waxes. Universal base K7000. Works well on tight trails. Recommended for beginner classists, because. provide better grip in climbs.
  • C2– universal design with a block of average height. Universal base K7000. Suitable for solid and liquid ointments. Recommended for skiers with experience. on solid ointments, you need to master the technique in order to press the block well.
  • С2+ is a tougher alternative to C2.
  • C2 R-Grip- the same universal design for difficult conditions at t 0. Base K7000 G-Grip base. Refers to the class. Works great when t fluctuates around 0 (-2+2). Popular skis on .
  • C3 White Base– design for wet, muddy and artificial snow. Has a high profile for the use of liquid holding ointments. White base plastic R9001 Wet.

Classic skis C1 and C2 are better to choose 5 kg less than indicated on the sticker at the end of the barcode. Especially amateur skiers.

Rossignol bases

  • K9000 cold– a new “cold” base of the highest level. It is put only on X-Ium Skating Premium S1.
  • K9001 wet 2.0– skating “warm” base of the World Cup level. Installed on X-Ium Skating Premium S3.
  • R9001 wet- classic "warm" base. Placed on X-ium Classic WCS C3 White base.
  • K7000 Universal 2.0- universal base for top-end skis X-ium Skating Premium S2.
  • K7000 Universal- universal base. It is put on the X-ium WCS S2, C1 and C2, Delta and Zymax series (in the version with IFP), skis of the R-Skin, X-ium junior series.
  • K5000– base for Delta junior and Zymax junior. Skis for walking.
  • K3000- base for recreational and tourist skiing.

Rossignol structures

Structures from the French Rossignol 2019-2020 pre-order form:

For 1 base

  • FF3 - fresh, cold and dry snow, t -5 -15
  • FF3 B - fresh, cold and dry snow, t -15 and colder
  • Cold 5 - fine-grained old snow, t -5 -15
  • Cold 3 - fresh snow, t -5 -10
  • Cold dev 2 - fresh fine-grained snow, t -5 -15

For 2 bases

  • Uni P7 - wet, granular, artificial snow, t 0 -5
  • Uni 4 - fresh, wet, falling snow, t 0 -5
  • Uni 5.2 - universal, best job on granular snow, t 0 -7
  • Uni 7 - all types of snow, except granular, t 0 -7
  • Uni 6 - wet, fresh snow, t 0 -5

For 3 bases

  • PH0 - wet snow, t -2 +15
  • Wet 1 - fresh snow, t -2 +15
  • Wet 7 - fresh wet snow, t -3 +15
  • Wet 3 - wet fine-grained snow, t -3 +5

Rossignol structures of past years

For 3 bases

  • PH1 Diamant 6 pts - fresh and wet snow, t -2 +2
  • PH2 Diamant 6 pts - fresh, wet, transformed snow, t -5 +2
  • PH0 Diamant 4 pts - wet snow, t from 0 and warmer
  • PH Diamant 6 pts - wet, wet snow, t 0 -3

For 1 base

  • FF Diamant 6 pts - cold fresh snow, t -5 -10
  • FF2 Diamant 6 pts - cold fresh snow, high humidity, t -3 -6
  • FF1 Diamant 6 pts - cold dry falling snow, t -5 -7
  • FF3 Diamant 6 pts - cold and very dry snow, t -10 -30

For 2 bases

  • PF Diamant 6 pts - high humidity, transformed snow, t -3 -5
  • PF5 Diamant 6 pts paralelle - transformed and artificial snow, t 0 -5
  • PF1 Diamant 6 pts - all types of snow, high humidity, t 0 -3
  • PF4 Diamant 6 pts paralelle - fresh, transformed snow, t -3 -7
  • PF2 Diamant 6 pts - all types of snow, t 0 -6

Ski cores

  • Nomex is the lightest, honeycomb design.
  • Honeycomb is a combination of honeycomb and synthetic materials.
  • Premium LDS core is a lightweight wood core with basalt added for stiffness.
  • LDS core is a lightweight wooden core.
  • Wood air - wood core with air channels.

Sliding Surface Technologies


  • Skating double guide groove - a double groove for increased stability in the rolling phase.
  • Numeric finish - skis are processed during the application of the structure, leaving a minimum of lint, making the skis ready for use immediately after purchase
  • Stonefinish - a rougher texture application.


  • R-Skin is the technology of oil-free classic skis. A special skin ensures holding at any weather conditions. Refers to .
  • R-Grip is a special material under the last that will provide good grip at temperatures around 0 degrees.
  • AR Positrack and AR Plus are different types of notches for recreational skis.

Characteristics of Rossignol skis table

We offer to buy Rossignol skis in the Peloton online store - racing models for skating and classic skiing. The X-IUM series from the French manufacturer meets all the expectations of elite and technological products.

Rossignol skis presented in the catalog belong to the WorldCup series and have earned recognition from professional athletes due to a number of advantages:

  • they have a lightweight Nomex core, which allowed the skis to lighten the weight by up to 1000 grams per pair. The honeycomb structure of the core gives premium skis natural stability and control;
  • the presence of different profiles will help you choose Rossignol skis of many types of tracks and snow conditions: C3, S3 - models for positive temperatures and wet snow, C2, S2 - products with a universal profile suitable for different conditions, C1, S1 - designed for temperatures below zero;
  • the geometry of classic skis in 44 mm has a parallel cutout, which gives them high dynamic performance;
  • for Rossignol skis, bindings with the NIS platform are recommended. They are assembled into products during production. The professional-level models have 5 positions of binding adjustment, which makes it possible to adjust the skis depending on the weather conditions.

The price of new developments of the French brand cannot be cheap, but you can buy them at a lower cost in the Peloton online store. Hurry up to place an order online or by phone on the website.