Training 1c erp enterprise management 2.0

study from scratch is aimed at transferring knowledge and developing practical skills in using a standard solution 1C: ERP Enterprise Management Edition 2.0 in the field of planning and accounting for direct production costs. The automatic check system accepts as a solution objects implemented directly in the program - directories, documents, registers, etc.

Detailed description of the topics studied

The learning process is based on solving practical tasks in the following sections:

1. Preparation for record keeping:

Setting up the program, entering information about the organization and its accounting policy
- description of the structure of the enterprise (subdivision) and warehouses
- preparation of reference books of nomenclature and units of measurement
- setting up types and groups of financial accounting of the item
- introduction of work centers and types of work of employees
- filling out costing articles and resource specifications for products
- setting up the organization's positions, staffing
- filling in the production calendar and work schedules
- hiring in the organization, the formation of teams
- user input and individual program settings.

2. Direct variable cost management:

Description of price types, entry of suppliers, agreements and contracts
- registration of purchases of raw materials (wholesale, retail, non-invoiced)
- input of additional costs for the purchase of raw materials
- registration of purchase prices for raw materials
- creation of cost estimates planned cost semi-finished products and products
- processing orders for production, creating route sheets
- registration of releases of semi-finished products and products
- reflection of the output of employees and the write-off of raw materials to production
- registration of the transfer of products to the warehouse and its implementation

3. Calculation of production cost and gross profit from sales.

The program is based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 software study console certified by 1C. The training product can be used both for self-study of opportunities 1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 as well as for the organization educational process in factories, centers professional retraining, CSO, AUC, etc.

The tutorial does not provide the right to use 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0.

Get Started

Choose an option to work with the program:

Instructions for installing the program on your computer

1. Install and configure the 1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 program on your computer

Run the downloaded file setup.exe
(in case of a danger warning, allow the file to run);
- follow the instructions of the installer.

Important! The program requires an Internet connection.

3. Run the tutorial and select an infobase

Launch the training program through the shortcut "Training site" on the desktop;
- in the list of infobases, select "Educational Enterprise Management";
- run "1C:Enterprise", select a user and click "OK".

You can also expand the methodological support of the free program,


Program features:

Solution practical tasks cost management directly in 1C;
- automatic check of solutions and issue of information about errors;
- availability of personal statistics for solving practical problems;
- the ability to view the ratings of training participants;
- technical support users of the training program;
- links and access to methodological materials of the ITS reference base;
- availability of recommendations (tips) for solving practical problems;
- full access to instructions (with pictures) describing the features of solving problems.

Accountants, programmers and 1C consultants who wish to independently gain practical experience in accounting for direct production costs in the new 1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.0.

The production management subsystem is one of the most popular in terms of current plans for enterprise automation using "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2". Its practical application in industrial enterprises provides a number of opportunities to improve the efficiency of production management processes:

  • Allows you to minimize the dependence of the quality of planning on the accuracy of regulatory data;
  • Separation of responsibility, two levels of production management: the level of the dispatcher-logistician of the enterprise and the local (shop) level of management;
  • Accuracy in accounting: clarification of the operational scope of work and the consumption of materials for each batch of launch;
  • Minimizes the need for rescheduling;
  • To control the progress of the production process by stages (inter-shop redistribution), a dispatching mechanism has been implemented, a "semaphore system" of notification has been developed;
  • The production manager can predict in advance the negative development of the situation in the course of the production process relative to the planned dates.

It is important to note that the production functionality of "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" is developing incl. within the framework of close interaction between developers and users of the solution, taking into account the wishes that are accumulated from a number of automation projects. The next result of the work done was the release new edition 2.2.

In order to increase the flexibility of the production management process, an alternative implementation of the production subsystem, called "Production Management. Version 2.2", has been added. It is based on a new internal storage architecture while maintaining the overall concept of automation production activities. Continuity is provided when moving from the current version of "Production Management. Version 2.1" to the use of new mechanisms.

For the rapid development of new capabilities of the production subsystem 1C: ERP in version 2.2, a video course has been prepared, which will consider:

  • The information obtained as part of the video course can be useful to a wide range of users of the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution, specialists in the implementation of the production subsystem, as well as representatives of enterprises that are only considering the acquisition of 1C: ERP as part of the tasks of automating and increasing efficiency of production process management. new, customizable implementation of the production subsystem: "Management of production. Version 2.2";
  • new technique production management "Without scheduling of production", which greatly simplifies the start of work with the system by minimizing the requirements for initial data and reducing the chain of required documents;
  • new documents "Order for production", which allow more flexible setting of production tasks for production and performance of work;
  • management of the production process, which is based on the execution of stages production processes, decorated separate documents"Stage of production";
  • management of the queue of orders for production, the formation of production stages, the construction of a production schedule, which are performed within the framework of a new convenient workplace for a planning specialist;
  • new algorithms for transferring materials to production and ensuring the release of products, which can significantly reduce the document flow for the movement of goods.

A holistic view of the capabilities of the production management subsystem 2.2 will minimize the required resources for its practical launch into operation, reduce labor costs at the stage of modeling and preparing the initial data.

List of topics studied:

  • settings of the subsystem "Production"
  • production management techniques
  • new production order
  • RM "Order Queue Management"
  • formation of production stages;
  • formation of a production schedule;
  • RM "Scheduling of production stages"
  • execution of production stages;
  • transfer of materials to production, consumption of materials
  • release of products, transfer of products to the warehouse;
  • employee output
  • production without orders;
  • other changes in production version 2.2;
  • formation of the cost of output of products (at direct costs);
  • planned changes in version 2.2.2.

The course includes:

  • Presentations;
  • video recording of online lecture 1C: Training Center No. 1

Attached teacher / consultant - answers questions during training and 3 more months after its completion.
(Questions should be sent to [email protected])

Upon completion of training, you will be sent a certificate of professional development. We work officially: how structural subdivision central office firms "1C" (1C: Training Center No. 1) and educational organization. We have a valid educational license since 2004.

User filling out a form feedback on the website, undertakes to accept this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent) and the Personal Data Protection Policy.

Acceptance (acceptance) of the offer Consent putting a check-box on the website. The user gives his consent to Business IT LLC, which owns the site and which is located at Stavropol, 1st Promyshlennaya St., 3A (hereinafter referred to as the Company), to process their personal data with the following conditions:

1 . This Consent is given for the processing of personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.

2 . Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data: last name, first name, patronymic; E-mail address; personal and/or office phone; place of work and position.

3. Personal data is not public

4. Purposes of personal data processing:

    invitation and registration to events held by the Company;

    invitation and registration training courses conducted by the Company and its subsidiaries and partners;

    conducting promotions, surveys, research;

    providing the User with information about the services provided by the Company, about the development of new products and services; about services subsidiaries and partners; informing the User about offers for products and services of the Company;

    attraction and selection of candidates for work in the Company.

5. The basis for the processing of personal data are: Art. 24 Constitutions Russian Federation; Article 6 federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

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8. Personal data are processed for 3 (three) years, after which they are anonymized and processed for statistical purposes. Also, the processing of personal data may be terminated at the request of the User. Storage of personal data recorded on paper is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 125-FZ "On Archiving in the Russian Federation" and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archiving and archival storage

9. Consent may be withdrawn by the User or his representative by sending a written application to e-mail or to the Company's mailing address.

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12. This consent is valid all the time until the termination of the processing of personal data specified in clauses 8 and 9 of this Consent.

Attention! Now the course is also held in the evening from 18:30 to 21:30 in the immersion format.

Course objective: give students a holistic view of the purpose and capabilities of the applied solution. The course covers:

  • Reasons and goals for developing a new application solution:
    • Problems and tasks that 1C: ERP solves. Decision mechanisms.
    • Statistics and examples economic effect when implementing ERP-systems "1C".
  • Applied solution architecture:
    • Composition of subsystems, interaction of subsystems.
    • Methodological foundations laid down in subsystems.
    • Technological features of the implementation of the functionality of subsystems.

The course is intended: for project managers from companies involved in implementation, and from customers, IT directors, employees of sales departments, employees of multivendors.

The course is calculated: for students who are familiar with the technologies for automating the activities of an enterprise and who have basic computer skills.

Training can be done in a remote format (WEB-training).

(login: _GuestCourse1C_ERP_Concept, no password)

The WEB-course is distinguished by more detailed and informative materials, unlike a similar full-time course.

As part of the WEB-course end-to-end case study implemented: from input normative- background information(directories: "Organizations", "Enterprise structure", "Partners", "Contractors", "Nomenclature", etc.) through the subsystems "Sales", "Purchases", "Warehouse", "Production", hiring , accrual wages employees of the production department, before receiving financial result(with the closing of the month for accounting and tax records). The IFRS subsystem is considered only conceptually.

The full-time course includes:

  • 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00
  • teaching materials
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • certificate of the company "1C"

The cost of the web-course includes:

  • 4 weeks of the course (video materials over 14 hours), 4 webinars with a teacher
  • 1 year access to videos and webinar recordings after course completion

The full-time immersion course includes:

  • 5 days from 10:00 to 17:00 or 9 pm from 18:30 to 21:30
  • abstract, headphones
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • 1 year access to updated videos after course completion
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3
  • one free attempt to test "1C: Professional" under the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2"

The cost of online broadcasting includes:

  • online broadcast of the full-time course in webinar mode, 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time
  • methodological guide to hard copy(Sent in advance by Russian Post)
  • certificate of the company "1C"

Learning formats

Full-time daytime

Who is this format for?For those who can take part-time training and prefer classical face-to-face training.

Duration:24 academic hours

On-line translation

What is this format:Online broadcasting is training in the form of an online webinar, which is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. Instead of special video tutorials, you get a "live" lecture broadcast over the Internet. Thus, the maximum naturalness of the presentation of the material is achieved, similar to the usual face-to-face training - but the problem of the need for personal presence in training center. The difference from full-time education is only in the absence of direct interaction with the audience and the teacher.

Who is this format for?For those who perceive the broadcast of a traditional lecture is easier and more convenient than video tutorials. For people who want to get a sense of personal presence in the training center, being anywhere in the world.

Duration:24 academic hours


What is this format:The proposed format combines many advantages distance learning with a face-to-face component represented by video materials and online consultations.
WEB-course consists of videos, practical tasks and webinars with teachers. All course materials are available for 24/7 access via the Internet - you can study at a convenient time. The course is divided into lessons. During the lesson, materials on the current topic are studied, workshops are performed, questions are asked to the teacher. At the end of each lesson, a webinar is held, at which the teacher analyzes all the questions received, typical errors, explains correct solution. Webinar recordings are available on the portal. Thus, several classes are held one after another. At the end, a final independent work and a final webinar are held.

Duration: 4 weeks

What is this format:Full-time immersion course - a format that combines all the advantages of full-time education, distance learning and individual training. Classes are held in an equipped classroom, you independently study the course materials (step-by-step videos) and perform workshops. At the same time, there is a teacher in the audience who is ready at any time to answer the question and help with the solution of practical problems, as well as to check the correctness of their implementation.
Advantages - individual consultations of the teacher on your questions, the pace of passing the material that suits you personally.
All this gives a deeper study of the course material.
It is possible to take this course from your workplace with the full effect of the teacher's presence where the student is! If this opportunity interests you, give us a call!

One of the most modern solutions from 1C is the ERP system. It consists of several modules that allow you to automate most of the business processes in a manufacturing enterprise. At the same time, the solution is quite capacious in terms of functionality, which is quite difficult to study independently. Therefore, the specialists of SoftServiceGold recommend undergoing training in the use of the 1C Enterprise ERP product, which will be held in July this year in several formats (face-to-face, immersive and remotely via the Internet).

All course materials are designed with recent changes in the program 1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.4. The course is basic and meets all the requirements of the 1C company for educational events.

The purpose of the training is to form a holistic view of the capabilities and purpose of the 1C ERP Enterprise Management solution among students.

Educational materials are divided into two large modules. The first one examines the reasons that prompted 1C to develop this product, as well as the goals that were pursued. The problems that can be eliminated using the ERP Enterprise Management solution, as well as the algorithms available in the program to improve the efficiency of a manufacturing company, are considered in detail. Teachers and experts will give examples of the successful implementation of 1C ERP, as well as present algorithms for calculating the economic effect from the use of all program features.

The second module studies the components of the program, the list of subsystems, the order of their interaction with each other, the influence of the data of some subsystems on others, and so on. A separate item considers the methodology for organizing 1C ERP and its work, the procedure for preparing a company for its implementation (description of processes, regulation and optimization). Also in the second module, the technological aspects implemented in the subsystems of the program, the list of their functionality are considered in detail.

It will be useful to study the course materials:

  • project managers for the implementation of 1C ERP in the activities of enterprises;
  • specialists of companies providing such services;
  • management of IT departments of enterprises;
  • employees of departments selling 1C ERP solutions.

To make the training as effective as possible, it is recommended to take it only for those who have theoretical knowledge and experience in matters of process automation at manufacturing enterprises, and also handles the computer at the level of a confident user.

In the period from July 18 to July 20, training will be held in full-time format. To do this, you will need to attend a special training class. In this form of training, listeners are provided with all methodological materials, and upon completion of training, a certificate of the established form is issued. Course fees include lunches and organized coffee breaks.

In the period from July 9 to 13, training will be held in full-time format with immersion. With this form, students are additionally provided with videos demonstrating practical examples implementation and operation, the possibility of detailed communication with teachers and 1C experts, access for one year to all educational course materials.

From July 18 to August 15, training will be held remotely. Students independently study all materials, including videos with detailed instructions. In addition, they communicate with teachers via webinars (4 lectures will be held online).