Business plan of the training center (how to open a training center). Business plan technique

Now it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of one's profession, and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand creates supply, so opening a training center for additional education is a good opportunity to make money. Consider all the stages, how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to train and to whom?

Usually additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, educational marathons.

They are conditionally classified:

  1. By training time.

The duration of the activities depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
Such a long-term format of training includes courses of a foreign language, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which is on average from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term education is good because for a long time there will be income from students in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. According to the subject of the courses, which happens:

Professional - this is an increase in the level of professional knowledge, or the development of new professions, such as an accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when they develop certain skills, for example, foreign languages, or pump over personal qualities, the so-called personal growth trainings that are now popular.

Creative courses when they learn to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroider, woodcarving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, adolescents, adults.

Having decided on the training program and the audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, an accountant, teachers, a cleaner.

Teachers can be both full-time employees and invited from outside.

For a specialized training center that constantly teaches the same courses, a permanent full-time teaching staff is needed.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for educational programs. Now this format is popular, when space is rented for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for educational events. In this case, the teaching staff is not needed, an administrator, a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also freelance on outsourcing.

How to choose a room?

Basically, educational institutions are located in central areas, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center profitably? Choose a central location!

An exception may be sleeping areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The room must comply with sanitary standards.
Its dimensions and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

It can be either large rooms or small classrooms. A prerequisite is a bathroom, a room-kitchen, where employees can relax at lunch or have a snack for students during the educational process.

What is the required equipment?

The basic equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, stationery.

From the theme of the training center, you may also need educational methodological material, computers, for children - toys and carpeting on the floor.

How to formalize?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. A license is not required to conduct educational activities in the course format. Only there should be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of educational programs of the center;
— documents for the availability of highly qualified teaching staff;
- documents for a room that meets all sanitary standards;
– documents to ensure the learning process with everything necessary;
— information on the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will be the costs?

It is difficult to say a certain figure, because. the cost of rent, wages and wages to employees from regions differ significantly.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let's sum up the estimate of what they are made up of:

  1. Rental premises may need additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Part of the cost can be reduced by salary. For example, pay salaries according to the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on how you promote. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to immediately create your own website, it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper at the initial stage than investing in a site.

How should the training center be promoted?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can send you for retraining. Post ads on city forums.

For children's centers, it is necessary to place ads on forums, magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. It can even pass nearby houses and put up an ad at the entrance.

Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich! How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working ways from Anatomy of Business!

The article contains the main aspects of compiling business plan for an educational training center. The demand for educational services is growing every year, as people understand that without the appropriate knowledge and skills, there is no opportunity for development. The advantage of opening this kind of business is also a variety of different training programs.

To open educational center would need business plan. It will help not only to attract investments and apply for loans, but also to structure information, describe the project concept in detail and calculate profitability.

Key features of the business plan of an educational training center

The main sections of the business plan of an educational institution

The main section of any business plan is a detailed description of the concept of the future project. In our case - center for the provision of educational services. This includes the following items:

  • Legal registration and necessary documents;
  • List of services and their cost;
  • Target audience and the procedure for its involvement;
  • Need for space and equipment;
  • Requirements for teaching staff, etc.

All these positions are formulated on the basis of a detailed analysis of the market and its features.



As noted above, there is a wide variety of educational services. You can focus on one area or create a multifunctional center. Among the most requested services are:

  • Financial management training - investing, savings, growth strategies, etc.;
  • Professional skills courses, for example, training of future cooks, locksmiths, hairdressers;
  • Additional education for schoolchildren - preparation for exams, development of speed reading, memory;
  • Psychological trainings - personal growth, relationships between a man and a woman, courses for parents, etc.

The choice of one or another direction is based on an analysis of the existing demand for educational services within business plan.

Each specialization has its own target audience. The more variety of courses you provide, the wider the range of potential clients.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for the launch of an educational training center

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Educational training center sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of an educational training center

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of the educational training center is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plan of the educational training center

To launch and mid-term planning of the training center, a business plan was required, and we bought it on the websiteplanpro. en. The plan turned out to be very informative. The financial schemes are understandable, it is possible to substitute any numbers into the formulas, just make any changes. Special thanks for the beautiful design.

Natalia V.Sh., Deputy Director of the training center

Feedback on the business plan of the dance studio school

To open a dance studio, we needed investments and private investments. The result exceeded our expectations - the document turned out to be exemplary, and we managed to get an investment in the amount of 5 million rubles. Thank you very much to the specialists from the site for the excellent work done!

Irina Petrenko, Nikolaev

Feedback on the business planprivate kindergarten

We bought a ready-made business plan on the website, adjusted it a bit and got a loan from the bank. Received 30 million rubles we will spend on opening a private kindergarten for 100 places. Many thanks to the specialists from for the excellent work done!

Olga Veronkina, director of a private kindergarten

Feedback on the business plan of the educational training center

In order to attract funding for the opening of a training center, we needed a business plan. A month ago, we used the services of Plan-Pro and downloaded a ready-made project for the development of an educational center. First of all, we liked the fact that the kit includes a convenient financial model that allows you to change the parameters of the business plan for yourself, as well as the fact that the business plan itself is well structured and has all the necessary calculations. As a result, we received a loan from Sberbank for 900,000 rubles and attracted investments in the amount of 2.5 million rubles.

Krapivin E.A., Togliatti.

Analysis of the educational services market in a business plan

The competition in this market is high, but every year new directions develop, new training programs appear, which allows the entrepreneur to occupy his niche.

To do this, at the planning stage, it is necessary to analyze both consumers and competitors. educational center within business plan, as well as to study the main development trends and innovative approaches to learning.

Among the main competitors are the following:

  • Similar specialized and multidisciplinary schools;
  • Private trainers and teachers;
  • Online schools and courses.

In order to ensure a constant flow of customers, it is important to formulate your competitive advantages, which include:

  • Flexible pricing policy;
  • Availability of qualified teachers;
  • Unique and effective programs;
  • Individual approach;
  • Convenient location;
  • The ability to choose a convenient time, etc.

The business direction in education is one of the most popular today. will allow you to understand the specifics of this area and make the right decision regarding the feasibility of developing this business.

Legal registration of the activities of the educational project

If you hire teachers and issue a certificate upon completion of training, this type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing. The costs of its execution must be included in business plan for a training educational center.

The corresponding license can be obtained by both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur by contacting the territorial body of Rosobrnadzor with the following documents:

  • Copies of documents confirming registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and tax registration;
  • Charter, order on the appointment of a director and other title documents for legal entities;
  • Documents confirming the ownership of a suitable premises or a lease agreement for it;
  • Conclusions of the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological authorities on the compliance of the premises with all requirements;
  • Application for a license;
  • Confirmation of the qualifications and work experience of hired teachers;
  • Compiled educational programs;
  • Check for payment of the state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles;
  • Certificate of purchase of the necessary material and technical equipment in accordance with federal standards;
  • Confirmation of the availability of the necessary electronic and printed resources.

As a result, within 60 days from the date of acceptance of the full set of documents, a perpetual license is issued.

The algorithm for opening an educational center in a business plan

  1. Analysis of the industry, demand, supply, pricing procedure;
  2. Description of the concept of the future project;
  3. Determination of resource needs;
  4. Making a forecast of revenue, profit, costs and other indicators;
  5. Calculation of the effectiveness of project implementation;
  6. Identification of risks and ways to overcome them;
  7. Consolidation in business plan of an educational organization;
  8. Business registration;
  9. Selection of premises, carrying out repair work;
  10. Search for colleagues;
  11. Drawing up educational programs;
  12. Obtaining a license;
  13. Carrying out marketing activities;
  14. Opening.

Starting investments of the educational center provided for by the business plan

To start a business to provide educational services in business plan the costs necessary to start the project should be foreseen. The following main items should be included:

  • Registration of a business and obtaining a license - xxx rubles;
  • Premises rent - xxx;
  • Repair and purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising - xxx;
  • Development of educational programs - xxx;
  • Cash reserve - xxx.

The total amount will be from 5 to 50 million rubles. depending on the chosen niche and scale of activity. You can use both your own funds and use loans or investments. This will require a professionally written business plan. Ready-made business plan for an educational center you can download right now from the link below. All the information is structured there and the necessary calculations are made. With the help of the compiled financial model, you will be able to control the main performance indicators of the company.

Search for a room and its equipment for an educational institution

The main requirement for the premises is the convenience of its location. Good transport accessibility is required. It is best to focus on the city center.

Indoors, it is important to provide the following zones:

  • reception;
  • classes;
  • administrative premises;
  • Sanitary units.

Do not forget about the need to comply with fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

AT business plan the following costs should be foreseen for the purchase of equipment for educational institution:

  • Computers and office equipment;
  • Furniture designs;
  • Interactive whiteboards;
  • Projectors;
  • Educational materials;
  • Video surveillance, fire extinguishing and alarm system.

Advertising of an educational organization, provided for by the business plan

AT business plan it is possible to provide for the implementation of the following marketing activities aimed at promoting educational center:

  • Advertising on radio and television, in specialized newspapers and magazines;
  • Creation of a website and groups in social networks;
  • Distribution of leaflets and a bright signboard with pointers;
  • Outdoor advertising on buses and billboards;
  • Participation in olympiads and intellectual competitions as sponsors.

The financial model of the educational center in the business plan

To create a financial model, you will need to make a forecast of the main performance indicators educational organization in a business plan.

Current costs of an educational institution in a business plan

  • Rent - xxx rub.;
  • Utilities - xxx;
  • Staff salaries - xxx;
  • Updating educational programs and materials - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising - xxx;
  • Tax deductions - xxx.

The total amount required for normal operation educational center, will amount to business plan from xxx rub. monthly.

Personnel plan of the business plan of the educational center

AT business plan it is necessary to provide for salary costs for the following positions educational organization:

  • Director;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Marketer;
  • Account Manager;
  • teachers;
  • Security guard;
  • Cleaning woman.

Income of the educational center in the business plan

The revenue generated from the collection of fees for the provision of services will be from xxx rubles. per month. In this case, the profit of the educational institution, calculated in the business plan, can reach up to xxx rubles. monthly. a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its

Business Income Plan

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to see the profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for an educational center with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

The opening of this business is complicated by the need to go through the procedure for licensing activities and the presence of a high level of competition in the industry.

To make a profit, you should take care of taking into account all the nuances at the planning stage. The best way to do this is to write a business plan. We have prepared educational center business plan, which you can download right now from the link below and start implementing your idea without delay. All the information is structured there, this document contains the calculated financial model. It will be required for negotiating with creditors and investors. We can also prepare an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all your wishes.

An educational institution with a competent approach to organization can become a good source of income and a promising direction for further business development.

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Business plan technique

Sign up for a course

Any successful business starts with preparation. This rule applies to absolutely all spheres of human life. They plan a family, plan architectural structures and, of course, plan a business. If this is not done, then, unfortunately, they are left with nothing. In order not to repeat the fate of the well-known character in the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish", you must also learn how to plan.

Business plan technique

It's about business plans. Why? Everything is very simple. We are increasingly thinking about an alternative to our safe, but not very profitable work. That is, about your own business. The next moment we rush into the maelstrom of entrepreneurship, and after a while we realize that the business has become unprofitable. This is the same broken trough, which was mentioned earlier.

Business plan training This is where your business improvement should start. It is at this stage that each of us learns to build a successful and profitable business. The technique of drawing up business plans will allow, without risking money, to calculate each stage of the development of your business, as well as determine the level of profitability, the necessary costs and, of course, the feasibility of the undertakings undertaken.

Business plan courses

“The best education is self-study”, - so says the folk wisdom. Indeed, there are bottomless repositories of valuable information on the Internet. But as the practice of recent years shows, the most effective source of knowledge and practical skills are short-term specialized courses. Although this is not surprising. After all, in a short time you receive the most useful information, which is 100% consistent with the realities of life. These are not archaic textbooks for you to study.

Business Plan Courses will allow you to develop and plan an accurate plan based on specific practical examples that takes into account all the smallest nuances of your future business. In addition, the explanations and help of specialists will be indispensable in places where insidious pitfalls will await you. Of course, you can always pay money and get a ready-made business plan, but as they say, you can’t carry knowledge behind you. Learning how to write a business plan will take you a little time, but in the end you will gain skills that will serve you for a lifetime.

So take the situation into your own hands and the result will not be long in coming. Needless to say, the result, in this case, will be your success.

Course name:

Technique of drawing up business plans.

Course duration:

The total volume of the course:

Class schedule:

Standard mode of practice:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4 academic hours each
  • Tuesday, Thursday - 4 academic hours each
  • Saturday, Sunday - 4 academic hours each
Intensive training regimen:
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 4 academic hours each
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8 academic hours each
  • Tuesday, Wednesday - 8 academic hours each
  • Saturday, Sunday - 8 academic hours
*** For corporate clients, the schedule of classes is discussed and compiled individually.

Group course times:

  • morning - from 9-00 to 12-00, from 10-00 to 13-00
  • daytime - from 12-00 to 15-00, from 13-00 to 16-00, from 15-00 to 18-00
  • evening - from 18-00 to 21-00, 19-00 to 22-00
  • weekend groups: Saturday and / or Sunday - from 10-00 to 13-00, from 13-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00.
*** In some (exceptional) cases, the time of classes can be changed.

Location of classes:

  • in classrooms in Moscow (metro station Arbatskaya, metro station Okhotny Ryad, metro station Pushkinskaya, metro Tverskaya, metro Chistye Prudy, metro Turgenevskaya, metro Sportivnaya, etc.);
  • In your city;
  • at your company office.

Next course start dates:

Working day:

  • Morning - 22-04-2019
  • Day - 23-04-2019
  • Evening - 23-04-2019
  • Saturday and/or Sunday - 27-04-2019

*** Attention! Class start dates are subject to change.

Course cost:

  • price: 12020 rub.
  • individual. training: 49110 rub.

Curriculum of the course:

1. What is a "business plan"? Its form and purpose.

1.1. Target audiences of the business plan.

1.2. The structure of the business plan.

1.3 Making a business plan and its design layout

1.4 Production, organizational and financial plans.

2. "Internal" (working) and "external" (presentation) business plans.

2.1.Business plan as a model of the future enterprise.

2.2.Business plan as a tool to attract investment.

2.3.Features of "presentation" business plans.

3. Aspects and methods of business planning.

3.1. Research and description of the external environment.

3.2.Analysis of consumer demand.

3.3. Analysis of competitive offers.

3.4. Analysis of non-commercial factors.

3.5. Research and description of the internal environment.

3.6.Fixation of preliminary planned indicators.

4. The mission of the business project and the identification of sustainable competitive advantages.

4.1.Mission as a practical business philosophy.

4.2. Mission Statement Techniques.

4.3.Mission-slogan and mission-project.

4.4. Definition of competitive advantages.

4.5. Definition of sustainable competitive advantages.

4.6. "Funnel UKP".

5. Production plan.

5.1. What do we “produce” within business structures?

5.2. "Inclusion" of the product in the production process.

5.3. Initial production planning.

5.4.Means of production planning.

5.5 Project management and business plans.

6. Organizational plan.

6.1. Characteristics of organizational structures.

6.2. Models of organizational structures.

6.3. Adaptation of the organizational structure to a fixed production process.

6.4. Organizational structure and management hierarchy.

7. Financial plan.

7.1. Balance sheet for managers.

7.2 Profit and loss statement (planning stage).

7.3. Sources of funds.

7.4. Cash flow statement (investment).

7.5. Stages of drawing up a financial plan.

7.6. Analysis of the effectiveness of the financial plan.

8. Sales plan.

8.1. Differences between a sales plan and a financial plan.

8.2. Sales forecasting methods.

8.3. Gross revenue and gross profit.

8.4.Techniques for calculating net profit from sales.

8.5. The ratio of subjective and objective moments in the preparation of a sales plan.

9. Combination of production, organizational, financial plans and sales plan.

9.1.Method of parallel arrangement of plans.

9.2 Definition of "structuring idea".

9.3 Definition of "accents".

9.4. Reduction of four plans into a single whole.

10. How to present a finished business plan?

10.1.Finishing of business plans.

10.2. Preparation of additional presentation materials.

10.3. Beginning of the presentation.

10.4. The main part of the presentation.

10.5. End of the presentation.

10.6. Approval of the business plan.

Test (practical lesson).

How to enroll in courses:

In order to become our listener, you need to go to the training department of our Center, conclude a training agreement and pay the cost of the course, taking into account the discount that is provided to all visitors who receive information on this site. Under the terms of the contract, the applicant can make an advance payment (50% of the cost of education). The second part of the payment is due before the second lesson.

Sign up for a course


We will be glad to see you in our center!

As your own business project, you can consider a private training center, which can be of a different profile and focus. Such a business can bring a good income, but this requires a detailed business plan for the training center, as well as organizational and teaching qualities from the owner of the center. The main question that needs to be answered before drawing up a business plan is what will be taught at the center? You can teach anything, but people will be willing to pay money for the knowledge that will allow them to acquire a new specialty or improve their skills. Now, for example, computer design, web programming, as well as courses for accountants and hairdressers or stylists are popular.

Curriculum and teachers

Be sure to draw up a curriculum for the new training center. Lessons should consist of an introductory theoretical part and practice, which is reinforced by homework. The effectiveness of the structure of the lesson can be preliminarily checked on relatives and friends - is the material presented intelligibly, do the students have time to learn it and do their homework? It is better if the courses are presented in two warrants: daytime and evening. The duration of the course will depend on the discipline. So, learning 3D graphics will take 15-20 lessons, and English will need to be studied during 70-90 lessons.

After compiling the curriculum, you can proceed to the production of teaching aids and the search for teachers. The rate of teachers on the course usually starts from 5 c.u. per lesson hour.

Registration and permissions

The training center must be issued through the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science. To do this, both the head and the teachers of the center must necessarily have a pedagogical education, and curricula must be drawn up according to state standards of education. It is also necessary to fulfill the requirements for the premises. For example, each training place should be equipped with a washbasin.

Among the documents required for a license:

  • Permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Inspectorate
  • List of employees
  • Educational plans
  • Notarized diplomas of teachers

The license is issued for a period of 3 years and then it must be confirmed. In addition, it should be remembered that the Ministry of Education does not license SPD and PE, so you need to register an LLC. You can do it differently: if you plan small courses with 3-5 students, then you can register the activity as the provision of information and consulting services.


The office for the training center should be located near transport stops or a metro station, and people are unlikely to want to travel to residential areas or to the outskirts of the city. At first, for classes with a small group of students, a room of 15-17 square meters will be enough. meters area. The office must have a telephone and the Internet. It is best to rent an office in an administrative building, for example, in a former research institute.

Equipment and furniture

Since the premises are usually rented unfurnished, it will be necessary to take care of equipping the training center. You can look for used office furniture, which will cost 2-3 times cheaper than new. Computer-related courses require a PC. They can also be bought second-hand, but in this case it is better if there is a person among the employees who is well versed in computer components and software. By the way, installing pirated programs on computers is dangerous, because at any time you can run into trouble.

If you are going to teach courses related to the beauty industry, then it is better to negotiate with the owners and hairdressers about the use of their premises.

Work organization

It is better to recruit students with a basic secondary education. An agreement is required, which will describe the rights and obligations of the parties. For your part, you undertake to teach the client certain skills, and he undertakes to attend classes, complete assignments and pay the cost of the courses (usually an advance payment of 50% is made). You can specify the number of trial lessons (1-3), during which the student will have to decide whether the courses are suitable for him. It is better if the training center provides discounts. For example, 5-10% can be discounted to pensioners, the poor or the disabled. And you can also arrange discount promotions in the summer, during the holidays, or during the New Year holidays.

At the end of the course, certificates are usually issued. But they should not be confused with a state-recognised diploma, because it does not have any course certificate. It is, as a rule, a laminated sheet of paper on which there is a course print. This paper says that a person has attended such and such courses for so many hours. This certificate does not confirm the quality of the services of the training center; rather, the number of employed students will be such an indicator. It is always worth keeping statistics of graduates who got jobs in their specialty, which will be a big advantage over other training centers.


A new training center cannot do without an advertising company. At the moment, advertising on the Internet is the most effective - on thematic portals, on the sites of your city, on forums, in social networks, etc. It is also necessary to create your own website, on the pages of which you can place not only contact information and curricula, but also the cost of courses, a list of employers, as well as information about promotions and discounts. It is worth remembering that your own website requires technical support and promotion in search engines.

The distribution of leaflets and posting ads are not working as efficiently as they used to, so it is better to give preference to online advertising.

Expenses and income

Initial costs:

  1. Registration of a company (from 5 c.u. for PE)
  2. Furniture - 5 tables and 5 chairs, can cost about 250 USD.
  3. Office equipment (computers, printer, scanner) - from 2000 c.u.
  4. Website - from 100 USD
  5. Total: from 2355 c.u.

Monthly expenses will be:

  1. Office rent - from 300 USD
  2. Printing of teaching aids and educational materials - from 50 c.u.
  3. Website technical support - from $70
  4. Utilities payment - from 30 c.u.
  5. Taxes - from 30 c.u.
  6. Total: $480

Monthly income depends on the number of groups and the duration of the courses. For example, let's take a training course of 30 lessons of 3 hours over 2.5 months for daytime groups and a course of 60 lessons of 1.5 hours over 5 months for an evening group. Let's take the cost of the courses as 100 USD. If we take a group of 12 students during the day and 20 students in the evening, then the monthly income can be about 880 USD.

Net profit will be equal to 400 USD, and the payback period will be about 5 months.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:


Net profit:

Payback period:

Training centers are a popular business area, the potential of which is only being revealed in Russia and where you can find free and profitable niches. What do you need to open an educational center?

The rapid development of business in the segment of training and educational centers is a global trend. The concept of lifelong learning makes people use the services of learning centers throughout their lives - from pre-school education to retirement age. Modern educational platforms make possible a minimum entry threshold and provide a good profitability for this business.

What is a modern training center

A modern training center is a complex business. Let's consider the main directions of its activity.

If 10-15 years ago the training center was a specialized training organization engaged in training students in any activity or several related areas of activity, then at present the training center is, in fact, a training and consulting company.

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The modern learning process can be both group and individual. The individual training process is closer to the provision of consulting services, where experts provide training in accordance with the specific tasks of the client. Also, the process of group learning becomes closer to individual learning, as the training program changes flexibly in accordance with the wishes and tasks of the students. Training programs, in this case, become aimed at solving certain practical problems, there are many of them, each of them specifically expresses the requirements of a particular group of customers.

Another difference of a modern training center is that its clients are not only individual students, but business structures that want to improve the professional training of their employees in any direction. Such work, when the client of the training center is a business, is called the B2B segment (business to business) and is currently the main driving force of the entire training industry, since if an individual student pays for his training on his own and, accordingly, has limited financial resources, then the business has fewer such restrictions.

It should also be noted that the training centers have already become not just additional education, but a constant companion of any professional. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress and the accumulation of knowledge around the world do not allow a professional to be aware of all current trends. On the other hand, the pace of modern life does not leave time for independent development, it is much easier to take short-term training courses and get the best set of knowledge in the profession, which professional teachers have already chosen based on world experience and best practices.

Another trend that determines the rapid development of training centers in the modern period is the constant change in the most popular and relevant professions and activities. Many professions that were in demand 10-15 years ago are losing their relevance or are being supplemented with new, previously unusual functions.

The simplest example is the accounting profession. Previously, it was a specialist in accounting, but now the profession of an accountant is inseparable from computer technology - this is the use of legal reference systems, specialized accounting programs, reporting programs and data exchange tools. Software is taking over and automating more and more accounting functions, but it is forcing accountants to become more and more software experts. And there are thousands of such professions with similar tendencies. All these specialists need constant professional training on the basis of training centers.

Forms of organizing the work of the training center

At the moment, there are two main forms of organization of the educational process. This is online and offline learning. From the choice of this form, or rather from what form will prevail in the activities of the training center, its organization and principles of functioning largely depend.

Online learning (in English online or e-learning) is a distance learning, when learning is carried out using the Internet in real time using conference programs or the listener is watching an already recorded video material.

Offline learning is a classic type of learning, when the student learns in a classroom, usually as part of a group, and the trainer or teacher interacts directly with the students.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of both forms of learning.

Benefits of online learning for a training center:

  1. First of all, it is the cost savings on the maintenance and equipment of training facilities.

  2. From the first advantage follows the second advantage: the prices for online education can be made lower due to cost savings, that is, more people will be able to use your training programs.

    Using an online learning model, your training center can attract students from all over the country and even the whole world, significantly expanding the audience of students and, accordingly, its financial flows without a significant increase in costs.

    A comfortable learning environment for students who can study in a convenient place and at a convenient time also helps to increase the audience of your courses and increase your profits.

But there are almost no benefits for the training center from conducting direct, offline training. The costs are higher, the audience that can be attracted is smaller. But there are a number of nuances. It is more difficult for people of a higher age category to study online. This happens both because of the prevailing psychological attitude towards direct learning, and because of the lack of experience and knowledge when working with a computer. It should also be noted that it is difficult to conduct an intermediate knowledge test online, especially final tests, the results of which are issued a certificate of completion of the course. Of course, such a document can be provided to everyone who paid for the course, but this will significantly reduce the value of taking your courses in the eyes of the students. It should not be discounted that direct teaching provides better contact with the lecturer.

And, finally, it should be taken into account that training courses enable students to acquire new contacts that are potentially useful in business terms, which is an important incentive for many students to take offline courses.

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Thus, it is desirable to combine the advantages of online and offline learning, combining these forms of learning in such a way that your training center gets the maximum profit.

The most profitable areas of study for the training center

The choice of direction for training is very important for the success of the created training center. It should be noted that you can teach anything - from manicure techniques to working on the cryptocurrency market. Of course, you, as the organizer of the training center, do not need to understand all areas on your own. Your main task is to organize a business. Finding the best coaches or teachers, especially since you can offer part-time, non-full-time jobs, is not difficult.

As for Russia, the market for additional education is estimated at more than 100 billion rubles. Almost seven million citizens of the Russian Federation are engaged in additional education courses.

According to market participants, courses lasting up to one month are the most popular.

The entire market of additional education in Russia can be conditionally divided into two large parts: additional education for children and adolescents, and additional professional education.

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With additional education for children, everything is simple. Among the training centers, the centers that prepare for the Unified State Examination (USE) are in the greatest demand. This is understandable, since without special preparation for the Unified State Examination it is very difficult to score a sufficient number of points for admission to a higher educational institution. In second place in demand for children and adolescents are various language courses, especially English courses, which is associated with the traditionally low level of its teaching in an ordinary secondary school. Next come arts and sports education. The directions of additional art education are especially diverse. It is popular as classical drawing courses, as well as its modern directions, for example, photography or acting.

It is much more difficult to determine the list of the most popular courses for additional professional education, their list is too extensive. The majority of students in this segment (about 44%) updated their knowledge on a profession previously obtained in the system of higher or secondary education. The students of these courses were professionals actively working in their main specialty, for example, accountants, auditors, lawyers. Courses aimed at training and additional training of education and health workers are in great demand.

Considering the sectoral nature of the most demanded areas of activity of the training center, we can note that the mining sector is leading here, which is due, on the one hand, to the rapid technological development of the industry, and to the availability of sufficient financial resources in this industry, which, according to statistics, made it possible to involve almost every third employee in the field of additional education.

It is worth paying attention to such areas of additional education as marketing on the Internet, graphic design, logistics and corporate management, that is, to those areas in which higher education does not keep pace with modern development trends.

Speaking of additional vocational education, one cannot fail to mention the concept of continuous education, which is very popular in developed countries. In short, this concept provides for education "not for life, but throughout life." According to this indicator, Russia lags far behind developed countries. In the Russian Federation, no more than 20% of employees participate in the process of continuous education, in the countries of the European Union this figure is twice as high. Thus, the potential for the development of additional professional education is huge, the market should grow at least twice.

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Therefore, let's consider what trends exist in the market of additional professional education in developed countries, since the trends that exist there will soon be in demand in our country, it is necessary to prepare for this in order to occupy your niche in advance.

First of all, these are courses related to business administration and management activities. For example, these include courses aimed at developing analytical skills, tools for making decisions in difficult situations, training to improve productivity and manage your own time. Training centers specializing in the development of management and leadership skills for women are growing very rapidly. In Russia, this direction is poorly developed, gender coloring in education in our country, as a rule, is not welcome, but it is a global trend. It is worth taking a closer look at this direction.

Professional courses in culinary art, psychological development and repair are very popular abroad.

So which direction should be chosen as more profitable? There is no exact answer to this question. You can’t choose a training center specialization based on what areas are most in demand now - by the time you enter the market, you will have to compete for clients with training centers that will already have a strong reputation in this segment. Choose those areas of specialization of the training center that either allow students to retrain and get a more modern specialty, or earn more money in their specialty. Well, and, of course, to fill your leisure time. Cooking courses are especially popular nowadays.

Legal aspects of creating a training center: licenses, certificates, permits

Let's start with the most important point - do you need a license for the training center. This is a complex issue from a legal point of view. In practice, this area of ​​business is regulated by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ and the federal law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" dated May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ. Do not look at the fact that the laws were adopted long ago. Every year they are supplemented and clarified, the practice of their application, due to the ambiguity of the wording, is quite complicated. Without going into legal complexities, the answer to this question is simple.

A training center license is required. An exception is the case when teaching is conducted by an individual entrepreneur personally. He has no right to hire employees. As a rule, this is a tutoring activity. But the format of the training center, which we are talking about in this article, is different - we assume the creation of a training center with several teachers working on a full-time basis and several training programs. In this case, a license is required.

Of course, there are "legitimate" options for circumventing this law. One of them is, for example, a scheme according to which each tutor enters into a separate agreement with students, and the training center enters into an agreement with each tutor or teacher to rent a room. The option is ambiguous from a legal point of view. We strongly do not recommend using this option without consulting a qualified lawyer in your area, as the actions of the supervisory authorities can be completely different.

Therefore, consider what is needed to obtain a license for a training center. It all starts with the choice of the organizational form of the training center. According to the law, this can be educational organizations and organizations that provide training. Educational organizations are non-profit organizations (ANO, NOCHU, OCHUDO and others). Organizations providing training are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, including those with employees. We will choose the second option, since we are still going to carry out commercial activities, and the requirements for obtaining a license for them are lower.

Obtaining a license for an organization providing training is not particularly difficult. We will not dwell on this in detail, in general, the scheme looks like this: obtaining an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor and the license itself from the Department of Education. Naturally, in order to obtain these documents, it is not enough just to apply; a fairly large list of documents is also attached to them. This list can be obtained from the employees of these bodies. The fee for obtaining a license is 7500 rubles. Make sure to get this list in advance as there are specific space requirements for different types of training centers. For example, a children's learning center should have at least three toilets: for boys, girls, and employees. And this can not be arranged in every room, so be careful.

If you do not want to go through this entire procedure yourself, then specialized organizations will help you. The term for obtaining such a license takes about three months, the cost of the service is from 30 thousand rubles.

There are some difficulties in choosing the OKVED code. The main code will be OKVED section P "Education". But with the choice of subsection can be difficult. It all depends on many factors: the duration of the courses, the form of organization, the type of services provided. We strongly recommend that you use the advice of Rosstat or Rosstandart in your region in this matter, or contact the appropriate law firm for advice. Various regulatory authorities may have claims on this issue, so it is better to clarify all the nuances in advance.

Investments, profits and financial performance of the training center

Let us immediately determine that the issue of investment and profitability of the training center depends on many factors. If you plan to start with online courses and conduct them yourself, then the investment will be from 50 thousand rubles. It will be enough for you to purchase a computer with Internet access, register an individual entrepreneur and spend a certain amount on advertising. In this case, advertising on social networks will work best. Preferably on Facebook. But it all depends on the direction of your courses. For example, Instagram will work better for cooking classes.

If your activity will be related to offline learning, then first of all, you need a room that meets certain requirements for educational institutions. The cost of renting such a room may not be very large, since in terms of area it can be from 25-30 square meters. You may need to repair, but this is all individually.

Another significant expense item may be the purchase of office and computer equipment, a projector and other equipment necessary for the educational process. If your courses are connected with computers and you need to equip each study place with them, then the cost for this can be from 300 thousand rubles for ten study places. Roughly, if we rent a room, it does not require significant repairs, and we equip each study place with a computer, then the cost of organizing such a center, including furniture, will amount to 600 thousand rubles. You also need to have an operating margin of several months to pay rent and wages until you reach operating payback. The total cost of opening an offline training center will be from 1 million rubles.

As for the costs, the main part will be the salaries of teachers or experts who will conduct the training. The profit will directly depend on the number of students in your courses and the number of teachers. Let's take an example. Suppose you have organized an offline training center with three teachers, that is, for three programs. The term of study is one month for all programs. The average number of students per program is 10 people. The cost of the course is 8 thousand rubles. Thus, your revenue will be about 240 thousand rubles. Expenses, taking into account rent, wages, taxes and advertising, will amount to about 180 thousand rubles. In total, your income will be about 60 thousand rubles per month.

As for online courses, with minimal investment and high-quality in-demand courses, we can get more than 50 people on the course. Profit from the course can be more than a hundred thousand rubles.

The payback period of the training center is on average about one year.

There are less obvious ways to monetize online learning centers. For example, you can earn and provide with completely free trainings. The model looks like this. Coursera's Russian partners provide their trainings for free, but they charge a fee for certification and obtaining a certificate. Having prepared a small number of courses in Russian and spending about $2 million on their preparation, the Russian division of Coursera received about $3 million in annual revenue. That is, paid back its costs in less than a year. But these courses can bring profit for years.

Marketing and promotion of the training center

Here are a few basic rules that you need to follow when promoting an educational or training center.

    Strive to sell your products to the widest possible audience: companies, children, their parents, students. For example, if we are talking about a children's center, then if you do not present your course to parents in a favorable way, then you will not acquire a client, and if you do not captivate the child in the first lesson, then he will not come again.

    The main promotion channel for the training center is virality, that is, a method of advertising when information is transmitted by the users themselves, in other words, "word of mouth".

    Make additional sales. Let's suppose that those who have completed the initial course are offered a more expensive advanced course, and then an expert one.

    Use social media to promote. They make it easy for users to share the information they like. Post on the pages of your training center not news and advertising information, but specific cases and options for solving them, let readers on social networks see the potential of your courses.

    Get constant feedback from your listeners. This will not only allow you to make the courses more and more useful and effective, but will also increase customer loyalty. Be sure to ask participants to write reviews of completed courses on your website or social media page.

Franchise and online platforms for the training center

Even if you plan to open an offline training center, then you need to add an online component to its program in order to expand the audience and attract new customers. Modern special platforms allow you to do this easily and almost without investment.

For a small fee, you will not only get all the tools you need to conduct online training, but also the ability to receive payment and make additional sales. Many sites have a free period for holding several online seminars. You can easily and without investment evaluate the effectiveness of this form of training.

Also, to make it easier to start a business, especially if you have not worked in this business before, purchasing a training center franchise can help you. Often, companies that offer franchises provide not only already developed courses, but also clients, independently providing promotional activities for your training center, and also provide legal and accounting support.

Summing up, we conclude that the creation of a training center is a promising business, the potential of which is only being revealed in the Russian market. Efficient online learning methods can minimize investment, and engaging audiences will provide good returns.

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