Business plan for a bakery. Confectionery business plan. Quantitative risk analysis of the project

  • Product Description
  • Premises selection
  • Supplier search
  • Marketing plan (sales)
  • Financial plan
  • Which OKVED to choose
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a mini-bakery for the production of bread and bakery products, with a production capacity of 878 kilograms of finished products per day (12 hours).

How much money do you need to open a mini-bakery

According to preliminary calculations, the opening of a mini-bakery in a rented premises will require investments from 2,613,000 rubles:

  • Basic equipment (rotary oven, refrigerating cabinet, etc.) - 963,000 rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment (racks, inventory) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Repair and arrangement of the premises - 300,000 rubles.
  • Truck (Gazelle) - 700,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Registration persons, permits - 100,000 rubles.
  • Project launch costs and other expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Product Description

The production capacity of our mini-bakery will be (12 hours):

  • Pan bread (0.5 kg) - 1000 pieces
  • Sliced ​​loaf (0.3 kg) - 800 pieces
  • Pies with filling (0.1 kg) - 700 pieces
  • Rural loaf (0.68 kg) - 100 pieces

For one 12-hour working day, the enterprise will produce 878 kg of bakery products. The average selling price will be 32 rubles per kilogram of finished products. Thus, the estimated cash turnover of the bakery will be 28,096 rubles per day, or 842,880 rubles per month.

Download the mini-bakery business plan

Premises selection

Our enterprise will be located in a separate production facility with an area of ​​85 sq. meters. Of this area, 50 sq. m. will be directly the production workshop (baking and molding workshop), the rest will be allocated for the raw materials warehouse, staff room and utility rooms. The amount of the rent will be 45,000 rubles per month. The premises will comply with all Sanitary rules and regulations specified in SanPiN "Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products." All communications, including water supply (hot and cold), electricity, ventilation and sewerage, are in good condition. A fire alarm system has been installed. Walls up to 2.5 meters high are tiled, the rest is painted with non-toxic paint. The room does not need major repairs. Only cosmetic repairs are needed, for which it is planned to spend no more than 300,000 rubles. The main costs will be associated with the purchase of equipment and production inventory.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

The main set of bakery equipment will include:

  • electric rotary oven (460,000 rubles)
  • proofing cabinet (250,000 rubles)
  • refrigerating cabinet (40,000 rubles)
  • dough mixer with rolling bowl for 140 liters (100,000 rubles)
  • trolley for a rotary kiln (35,000 rubles)
  • flour sifter (23,000 rubles)
  • rolling stainless steel bowl 140 liters, 3 pcs. (55,000 rubles)

The total cost of a set of basic equipment will be 963,000 rubles. In addition, some part of the funds will be directed to the purchase of additional equipment: racks, rolls for long loaves, a pastry table and inventory.

Supplier search

Currently, the search for suppliers of raw materials and ingredients for baking products is underway. First of all, it will be necessary to arrange the supply of: premium flour, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, pressed yeast, stabilizers, food additives and thickeners. All raw materials and ingredients are planned to be supplied from local wholesalers and farms. The staffing of the mini-bakery will include: technologist (1 person), bakers (4 people), laborers (2 people), production manager (1 person), sales manager (2 people), driver (2 people). Accounting services will be outsourced. The total wage fund will amount to 160 thousand rubles per month.

What taxation system to choose for opening a mini-bakery

As an organizational legal form, it is planned to register a limited liability company (LLC). You will also need to open a bank account to receive and send payments by bank transfer. As a taxation system, the simplified taxation system (STS) will be applied, 15% of the company's profit. Licensing and certification of bakery products is not required. However, you will need to obtain a declaration of conformity for manufactured products. Services for obtaining these documents will be ordered from a specialized company.

Marketing plan (sales)

It is planned to sell bread and bakery products within the same region (within a radius of 50 km.). Literally 10 km from our enterprise there is a large city with a population of 550 thousand inhabitants. Despite the great competition among the bakery industries, the large size of the population makes it virtually guaranteed to find a market for our products. Potential distribution channels include:

  • Intracity retail chains
  • Specialized trade kiosks selling bread and bakery products
  • Confectionery departments
  • Cafes and restaurants

Sales managers will be hired to conclude contracts with potential customers. Their duties will include daily face-to-face meetings with heads of retail outlets and catering establishments.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the mini-bakery with a capacity of 878 kg of finished products per day. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 45,000 rubles.
  • Salary + insurance deductions - 208,000 rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 20,000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 30,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 373,000 Variable costs

  • Raw materials and ingredients - 25% of the production volume or 210,000 rubles. per month.

How much can you earn in a mini-bakery

Thus, the net profit following the results of the month of operation of the enterprise will be 220,989 rubles. The profitability of a mini-bakery with such indicators is 38%. The return on investment, taking into account the period of reaching the design capacity (6-8 months), will come in 17-19 months of the bakery's operation. What is the best indicator of a business plan.

Recommended download mini-bakery business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery

To start any business, the first steps, of course, are drawing up a business plan, finding initial capital and monitoring the consumer market. Ultimately, it is the demand for your products that will determine the profitability of the project. So, a step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery consists of:

  1. Search for start-up capital. In addition to your own funds, you can apply for help from a bank to issue a loan; there are also certain government programs to stimulate small businesses.
  2. Registration of an enterprise, which includes the choice of ownership, taxation system.
  3. Finding a room.
  4. The business model of the future bakery is marketing research in a niche, the development of a unique concept, a plan for starting work.
  5. Designing a future institution - depending on whether you rent a ready-made premises or develop it yourself.
  6. Purchase of necessary equipment, furniture.
  7. Preparation of equipment - installation supervision and commissioning.
  8. Staff recruitment and training.

How to choose equipment for a mini-bakery

The minimum set of equipment for a mini-bakery includes an oven in which products will be baked, a dough kneading machine, a flour sifter and a proofer in which the dough will ripen. It is also necessary to take care of the method of delivery of finished products. At the beginning of the activity, it is possible to purchase equipment of domestic production, and in the future, with the development of the business, purchase more reliable and modern equipment. Mini Bakery Starting Equipment:

  1. Testomes MTM-65MNA.
  2. Furnace HPE-750.
  3. Proofer ShRE-2.
  4. Screener PVG-600.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will need tables for cutting dough, trolleys for finished products, and a machine for rolling dough to automate production.

Which OKVED to choose

According to the new classifier of types of economic activity OKVED-2, instead of code 15.81, code 10.71, 10.71.1 is used - "Production of bread and bakery products of non-durable storage."

Documents required to open a mini-bakery

The list of required documents includes a document on registration of an individual entrepreneur, permits, a current account. Registration of a current account is necessary for settlements with entrepreneurs, owners of retail chains, shops and cafes.

Do you need permits to run a business?

The sale of food products is prohibited without the appropriate permits. Permits include:

  1. The decision of the sanitary and epidemiological station for production, issued free of charge.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological supervision permit for manufactured products based on the presence of a conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. The conclusion of the fire supervision.
  4. Product Conformity Certificate.

Production technology

In the production of bakery products, pay special attention to the quality of raw materials, especially flour. It should be only of the first grade and purchased immediately before the start of production of each new batch, since flour is a product with a limited shelf life. All other raw materials: sugar, yeast, butter, flavors, salt, also purchase only from trusted suppliers who are responsible for the quality of the products supplied. The whole technological process consists in kneading the dough, settling it in proofers and directly baking.

There are quite a lot of demanded and fast-paying areas of activity on the market that are suitable for start-up entrepreneurs. Look at any sample confectionery business plan with calculations and you will see how profitable this direction is. Why not master this niche? The business plan for the organization and development of a confectionery implies the launch of a highly profitable enterprise for the production of pastries, cakes, flour products, muffins. The amount of capital investment will depend on the planned scale of the business. And the entrepreneur has the opportunity to start a business even with minimal investment.

The main indicators of the project:

The cost of the project is 1,000,000 rubles.

The average revenue per month is from 600,000 rubles.

Profit - from 150,000 rubles.

Payback – 12-24 months.

Initial stage - market analysis

The development of a business plan for a confectionery begins with a market analysis. This is important in order to understand how much the manufactured products will be in demand by consumers in the local market. Find out what kind of products are in demand among buyers, how much they are willing to spend on buying sweets.

Statistics show that even in the conditions of the economic crisis, confectionery shops remain afloat. This can be largely explained by the fact that the entrepreneur has the opportunity to offer consumers products of different price categories - even customers with low incomes can afford it. Also, market analysis will help to establish the competitiveness of the planned business. If there are already dozens of mini-production of confectionery products in the city, then it is better to abandon the project altogether. Even in this case, are you sure of success? Then get ready for the fact that you will need something to stand out from a large number of competitors - low prices, unique products, a whole range of additional services.

Market analysis will take into account all existing risks. You will begin to calculate costs, conduct pricing for manufactured products, which will help determine when exactly the investment will pay off.

In Russia, there are quite large enterprises for the production of confectionery products. But this does not mean that the field is not accessible to beginners with a small capital investment. Factories, as a rule, cooperate with large hypermarkets. And private shops will work with grocery and confectionery shops, stalls. And there is a demand for such products, since the consumer has the opportunity to take products by weight.

When the decision is made, you can think about how to draw up a business plan for a confectionery.

Possible formats of mini-pastry

In the business plan for opening a confectionery from scratch, include a paragraph on the rationale for choosing the format of the future enterprise. And here the entrepreneur has several options:

  • Home production. You can not call it a full-fledged business. Without hiring workers, it is impossible to earn a lot! The very idea of ​​producing confectionery products at home involves the fulfillment of private orders for exclusive cakes, pastries, muffins. You do not need to purchase expensive equipment, which significantly reduces start-up costs. Judging by the practice of experienced housewives, 2-3 cakes can be baked per day. And the margin is quite high - a handmade cake is sold, on average, at a price of 700 rubles / kg. The competition in this segment is quite high, therefore, a paragraph on the development strategy will have to be included in the business plan of the home mini confectionery - advertising of the services provided is important.
  • Shop. This is a full-fledged confectionery enterprise. When opening a production, many nuances have to be taken into account - starting with the search for a suitable premises and ending with the selection of personnel. With the help of professional equipment, you will be able to produce large volumes of finished products, which means that the final sales revenue will be higher. The confectionery shop will require more costs.
  • Cafe-confectionery. In this case, the confectionery shop is combined with a cafe, where visitors can relax and enjoy delicious sweets. Also, in order to attract additional profit, it is worth thinking about providing a service for the implementation of private orders for the manufacture of exclusive sweet products. Considerable investments are ahead - it is necessary not only to equip the workshop, but also to think over the design of the institution. But the efficiency of such an enterprise is higher, since confectionery products will be sold in cafes with a large markup. If a cafe-confectionery seems like a too costly idea to you, you can do it differently - organize your own outlet at the workshop where the manufactured products will be sold.

Whichever option you choose, do not forget that in any case you will organize food production. And this direction requires a special approach - you have to collect a whole package of documents, thoroughly work out a business plan for the production of confectionery products, and think over a development strategy.

Legal side of the issue

Business registration is a crucial stage. If you are not well versed in legal matters, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist.

A small business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Within 10 days you will have all the documents on hand. You have to choose the OKVED code. The following are suitable: 15.81 - Production of bread and flour confectionery products not for long-term storage; 52.24 - Retail sale of bread, bakery and confectionery products. When preparing documents for registering an IP, submit an application to the tax authorities for the application of a simplified taxation system. Next, open a current account - this greatly facilitates the process of settlements with product suppliers and allows you to accept non-cash payments from buyers. In the future, it is necessary to obtain approval for conducting activities in the SES and the Fire Inspectorate - the supervisory authorities will check how the production facility is equipped. In order not to waste time on "alterations", study in advance all the regulatory requirements for opening a food workshop.

What range of sweet products to offer to consumers?

The more carefully you think over the range of products, the higher the profitability of the planned business will be. To attract wholesale and retail customers, you need to differentiate yourself from your competitors. And this can only be done with a wide range of products.

Include as many products as possible in the assortment line - cakes, pastries, bakery products, gingerbread, cookies, sweets. All recipes and technological maps for products planned for release should be developed by a specialist. Goods for quality will be checked by supervisory authorities.

Keep track of the quality of your products! This is the key to a high level of sales.

Choosing a place for a confectionery

Do not look for premises for an enterprise outside the city! A confectionery shop is not the case when you need to locate production away from a residential area. In addition, it will be inconvenient for wholesale buyers to get here. The best option is the first floor or basement of a building within the boundaries of the settlement. If you plan to organize a cafe, then look for a place with high human traffic - large microdistricts, business centers.

To open a mini-confectionery, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 50 m 2 is enough. You will need more space if you want to organize catering. The rent will be low.

In the organizational plan of the project being worked out, include an item on the reorganization of the found premises. All communications should be here - electricity, sewerage, water supply, heating, ventilation. All this will then be checked by the supervisory authorities. The leased premises are divided into several zones:

  • Directly workshop with the necessary equipment.
  • Warehouse for storage of raw materials.
  • Warehouse for storage of finished products.
  • Staff rooms.
  • Shopping area (if a store or cafe opens).

When designing a trading floor or a cafe, it does not hurt to draw up a design project for the design of the premises. Professional designers can be involved in the case. It is important that the atmosphere in the institution attracts visitors.

Equipment for a mini confectionery

The purchase of equipment will depend on the planned assortment. Include the cost of equipment in the production plan of the project being drawn up. If there are no large investments, then inexpensive semi-automatic equipment can be dispensed with.

Look at any example of a business plan for a confectionery - as practice shows, an “average” enterprise requires the same set of equipment. What is required?

  • Powerful extractor.
  • Scales.
  • Refrigerator and freezer.
  • Mixer.
  • Flour sifter.
  • Plate.
  • Convection oven.
  • Mixer.
  • Blender.

You can not do without kitchen utensils - plastic and metal containers, spoons, knives, ladles, pots, spatulas. You will also need kitchen furniture - shelves, racks, tables, chairs, cabinets.

The financial plan of the confectionery will be presented with more impressive figures if the organization of a cafe is planned. You have to spend money on thermal and cooling display cases, refrigerators for storing drinks, a coffee maker, a bar counter, tables and chairs, dishes, a cash register, and cutlery.

To reduce the cost of starting a business, you can think about purchasing used equipment. But approach his choice responsibly so that you do not have to buy new devices soon.

In the future, when the enterprise begins to make a profit, it is better to buy your own vehicles to deliver finished products to customers - of course, a truck is not needed, a Gazelle will be enough. The resulting profit will soon pay off these investments.

Whom to hire in the bakery?

In order for the production to function without interruption, it will be necessary to hire a technologist and several chefs specializing in baking sweets. It is better to invite a sales manager as well - he will establish distribution channels. If you plan to open a cafe, hire a bartender and a waiter, an administrator. It is not worth saving on hiring staff - the tastier the products are, the more you will make a profit.

According to the requirements of the SES, personnel must have sanitary books!

How to advertise a confectionery?

In the finished business plan for the confectionery industry, include the cost item for the advertising campaign. If we talk about the production workshop, then it will be necessary to advertise in newspapers, on local TV and radio. To advertise a cafe, think about street billboards and banners, a bright sign, handing out flyers. Whatever direction you choose, create your own website and communities in social networks. Here, retail and wholesale buyers can find all the information about the company - prices for sweets, services provided, delivery terms.

The marketing plan of the confectionery should contain a paragraph on the development strategy. Business definitely has prospects if you approach the organization of activities responsibly. Build customer loyalty:

  • offer discounts to regular customers,
  • regularly update / expand the range and services provided,
  • arrange actions in social networks.

For the development of the client base, it will be useful to attend thematic exhibitions where food enterprises take part. Here you can also establish contacts with product suppliers, learn about new trends in this niche.

confectionery financial plan

To minimize financial risks, mathematical calculations are needed - calculate expenses and incomes. If you are going to take borrowed capital, a financial plan for the future enterprise will be required! No investor will invest in a business without evidence of its profitability.

The amount of investment in the business will depend on the chosen direction. If we talk about the production workshop, then include the following expense items in the financial plan:

  • Registration of IP and obtaining all permits from supervisory authorities - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Preparing the premises for work (if there is no repair) - from 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 500,000 rubles.
  • Room rental for the first 3 months - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials for the first 3 months - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Salaries for employees - from 80,000 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that it will take about 1,000,000 rubles to launch a confectionery shop from scratch. If we talk about opening a cafe-confectionery, then the capital costs will be higher (here you will need the design of the hall and advertising costs) - from 1,500,000 rubles.

What revenue you will receive by selling sweet products will depend on many factors - the volume of production and sales of finished products, pricing. Taking into account the developed assortment, the sales revenue can be from 600,000 rubles. To calculate net income, an entrepreneur needs to take into account the variable costs of running a business:

  • purchase of raw materials,
  • payment of salaries to employees,
  • rental of premises and payment of utilities,
  • transport and advertising costs.

On average, the monthly net profit of a small workshop is 150,000-300,000 rubles. The cost of products sold is significantly lower than the selling price - there is an opportunity to receive high incomes. Income from running a cafe-confectionery will be somewhat higher, since the cost of products will be higher - here an entrepreneur can earn up to 500,000 rubles / month.

On the days before the holidays, when grocery stores are "stocked" with cakes, sweets and pastries, you can get the maximum profit - this is the New Year, March 8, St. Valentine's Day. The main thing is to prepare for the season by offering customers a full range of sweet products.

With well-established distribution channels, if the mini-workshop does not stand idle, but immediately starts working, fulfilling the wholesale orders of customers, investments in the business will pay off in 1-2 years. Excellent profitability ratios. But these are ideal conditions. As a rule, start-up entrepreneurs face many problems - a lack of customers, constant inspections by supervisory authorities, irregular supplies of raw materials. Problems will need to be constantly addressed.

They have halls equipped for catering, and in addition to bakery and confectionery products, the assortment also includes or for customers who want to consume products right here and now.

Bakery products are loved by many and are in demand at any, even the most unstable time, so you can open a bakery even during a crisis period.

List of equipment for bakeries


  • flour sifter(from $400). It is used for loosening, aeration and additional cleaning of flour. The prepared flour is free from unwanted impurities, has a uniform moisture content and density, and is enriched with oxygen to improve the subsequent fermentation of the dough. Flour sifters come with magnetic traps, thanks to which you can catch metal particles.
  • Industrial mixer(from $800). Needed for quick kneading of different types of dough. The dough mixer ensures accurate consumption of products and strict adherence to the recipe, helps to minimize the need for manual labor and eliminate human error.
  • proofing cabinet(from $900). Helps in preparing the dough for baking, allowing it to rest, rise and bring to the desired condition and for fermentation. The temperature and humidity set in it ensure a neat and even increase in bread collections, avoiding cracks and dry edges.
  • convection oven(price from $1500). It bakes bakery products. There are highly specialized or suitable for different types of dough.

An additional bakery will need:

  • Production tables, flat trays, perforated wavy trays, production tables and racks, baking molds, washing baths, hairpin trolley, scales.

For confectionery and other purposes, depending on the type of raw materials used and the products produced, refrigeration equipment may be required.

How much money is needed? To open a mini-bakery with a size of 20 m², you need to spend on equipment from $ 5,000 - this is the price for a complex with a capacity of 400 kg of products for a 12-hour shift. For a bakery with a production of 1000 kg of products, a room of approximately 45 m² and an investment of $19,000 will be required.

Step by step instructions for opening

Having studied the main features of the chosen business vector, you should draw up a step-by-step action plan. So, the most important steps that the future owner of the bakery will need to pay attention to will look like this step by step:

  1. Analysis of competitors.
  2. Creation of a product range.
  3. Studying recipes.
  4. Analysis of equipment manufacturers.
  5. Brand creation.
  6. or . The main OKVED code for you will be the grouping:
    • 10.7 Production of bakery and flour confectionery products.
  7. The choice of premises, repair and equipping it with everything necessary. Here, it is imperative to take care of the compliance of the bakery shop with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other specialized services.
  8. Purchase of equipment.
  9. Registration of permits for the enterprise.
  10. Personnel selection.
  11. Purchase of raw materials.

Even before the opening, you need to calculate the demand for such an enterprise, the start-up costs of starting a business and the expected profitability. Given these circumstances, it is determined whether the bakery will have a stationary format, or whether it will be a mini-enterprise. To save on start-up investments, you can choose the trailer bakery option. Based on such calculations, a business plan should be drawn up, which should outline the main aspects.

After a business plan has been drawn up from scratch, it is necessary to select a suitable premises. If you plan to open a mini-bakery, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workshop and the trading floor together can be about 20-30 squares. Geographically, it can be located both in a separate building and in a shopping center. The main condition is that the place must be passable, and the institution itself must be visible to passers-by. The cost of renting a room can be different: it depends both on the territorial location and on the area.

Video about bakeries:

Having resolved the issue of finding premises, you should make sure that all the requirements that the sanitary service makes for enterprises of this kind will be met. First of all, it is important that the bakery has cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage, a toilet and other utility rooms. In addition, the room should not be a basement.

You need to take care of the purchase of production, commercial equipment for the bakery. Mandatory will be:

  • bake;
  • dough kneading machine;
  • tables for cutting and rolling dough;
  • flour sifter.

Commercial equipment, including a showcase, cabinets for placing and storing finished products, a safe, a cash register, must also be purchased at the preparatory stage. Additionally, you will need furniture and certain household equipment.

For work, first of all, bakers, a technologist and staff for cleaning the premises will be needed. Since all employees work with food, they must have sanitary books.

Business registration and permits

The basis for the entrepreneurial activity of any company should be registration with the tax office. For a private bakery, there are two acceptable forms - and. Individual entrepreneurship is available for one person, so opening an enterprise in partnership with other citizens is impossible. If a citizen already has the status of an individual entrepreneur, it is worth making sure that the OKVED codes that he provided during registration include the corresponding branch of activity related to activities and cafes. If a different profile of activity was chosen during the registration of the bakery, the corresponding codes should be added.

In cases where the enterprise will be opened simultaneously by several persons, the LLC will be the optimal organizational form.

After a suitable organizational form is chosen for the bakery, it is imperative to decide which taxation system is suitable for the future enterprise. The most suitable form would be UTII, but this option will not be acceptable for any organization. Another profitable taxation system that provides for the payment of a tax of 6% or 15% is the simplified tax system. This form is acceptable for organizations with a small annual income.

To start an activity on the basis of the simplified taxation system, you must submit an appropriate application along with the main application during registration.

In addition to a number of registration documents, to open a bakery, even a mini-format, certain permits will be required:

  • the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service for production and for the products themselves. It is issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of conformity issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • fire department permit.

So, for a successful business, it is necessary to carefully calculate all the economic indicators of the future bakery, find out the features of the chosen field of activity and register a new company in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Business plan

We present you an example of a bakery business plan with calculations in the form of a presentation that will help you estimate approximate costs and draw up your project.

Remember that in your case, expenses and income may differ, sometimes very significantly.

useful links

  • Bread business: how to make money at a bakery and a bakery // RBC, a research article with successful examples

Today, no one can be sure of the stability of their financial situation. Neither those who go to work every day and receive a monthly salary, nor those who work for themselves, that is, have their own business. The word “crisis” has firmly entered our lexicon, and each of its regular arrivals has long surprised no one. But, of course, it does not please and again and again strikes a significant blow to the wallet. And yet, who is in a better position in case of problems? Certainly not employees who, in the event of a reduction, find themselves on the street without a penny in their pockets and more or less acceptable prospects for finding a new job. In this case, there is only one way - to the labor exchange. However, more often than not, this path leads nowhere. While the owners of their own, albeit a small business, find themselves in a more favorable situation, even despite the fact that their incomes are noticeably falling. Nevertheless, they are, albeit small. In any case, you can always pay taxes and earn a living. That is why many today are thinking about how to open their own enterprise and start working for themselves. True, there are problems in this regard. Almost all niches that are more or less profitable in terms of doing business have been occupied for a long time, the competition in the market is fierce, it is quite difficult to find the right option that will really bring in income. In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to enterprises that literally produce vital products that are in demand at any time and in any crisis. For example, bread. Therefore, today we want to present you a detailed business plan for this enterprise. So how do you open a bakery?

A few words about the service itself

Before you start developing your own detailed bakery business plan, you need to decide what exactly you are going to do. Because this type of activity involves several options. It could be a full-fledged enterprise. That is, you will fully carry out the entire production process, from the manufacture of dough and baking products to its implementation. As for the latter, here, when working on the concept of the future enterprise, it is advisable to immediately include in the list the item providing for the opening of one's own outlets. Or develop a business plan for a cafe-bakery, that is, an institution in which both production and sale of products will take place immediately, in one place. At the same time, it is worth thinking about including in the range of products sold not only your own pastries, but also other dishes and drinks. For example, cheesecakes, pancakes, potato pancakes, ice cream, desserts, tea and coffee. Let's say right away: such an enterprise requires a fairly solid start-up capital, but its profitability is really impressive.

The second way is to work with semi-finished products. In this case, the best option is to open a mini-bakery. A business plan must be drawn up taking into account the fact that you will be engaged in purely baking, purchasing ready-made dough and selling your products through intermediaries. Less investment will be needed, but the profitability of the enterprise will not be so high.

As a third option, you should pay attention to the franchise. Having invested some amount (sometimes quite significant), you will get a ready-made enterprise with a developed and fully certified technology from a well-known brand. The option is not bad, but available, as a rule, only to those who live in a more or less large settlement.

To summarize the information: experts recommend paying attention first of all to bakeries that carry out a full production cycle. Yes, investments will be needed, and very significant ones, but such an enterprise pays off faster and brings good income. It is for this reason that we want to present you a business plan for a full-cycle bakery. By the way, using it as an example and reworking it, you can, if necessary, create your own concept of a mini-enterprise.

A few words about the business plan

Competent planning of the future enterprise is the basis of success. This strategic document requires careful study and consideration of all the conditions in which the businessman will work. And those who think that it is enough to calculate the costs of opening and plan income on a piece of paper are deeply mistaken. Naturally, the financial component is the basis of everything, but far from the only point. A business plan should be a detailed instruction, become a step-by-step guide for a future entrepreneur. And it should include absolutely all the points describing the stages of starting a business: the legal component, the analysis of competitors, the issue of selecting premises and staff, and the advertising aspect, and much more. And therefore, further we want to present to your attention the business plan of the bakery in a phased version. So what should be in your action guide?

Analysis of the competitiveness of the future business

When developing the concept of an enterprise, it should be understood that you are far from the only smart person in your locality. Most likely, a significant number of entrepreneurs have been working in this segment for a long time and quite successfully. In addition, state-owned bakery plants, whose products are available on the shelves of all stores, will be in serious competition. How to survive in such a case? We need to analyze the market and develop our own, unique range of bakery, more precisely, the products that it will produce. Only high-quality pastries made according to the original recipe can attract consumers. A person can also buy a banal bread-brick at a retail outlet at the entrance, he definitely will not go to your store. And even if there are two types of this brick at the same point - yours and state production, most likely, he will give preference to the more familiar and, probably, cheaper product. By the way, based on the assortment, it will be necessary to develop some other points of the business plan, for example, the purchase of equipment, the selection of personnel.

Business registration issue

After you have made certain calculations and come to the conclusion that the business will be profitable and you will “pull” it, it's time to start registering. Without this step, you cannot do anything, since the notorious "piece of paper" is still at the forefront of any enterprise. When developing a business plan for a bakery, decide who you will work as. There are two most acceptable forms for your type of activity - IPP and LLC. The first one is less costly both in time and financial terms, it is most suitable if you plan to create a small enterprise with a minimum number of hired personnel. The second requires, in addition to registration, a lot of activities to create a charter, a legal address, open an account, etc. manipulations. As a rule, it is most often used in cases where a business is founded by several people. For the most part, novice entrepreneurs still begin with the registration of an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you will be prompted to select the type of taxation. Experts recommend opting for UTII (the so-called fixed single tax rate).

Suitable premises

Next, you need to consider the selection of premises. As a rule, most likely, at first you will have to remove it, but it will not be superfluous to include in the lease agreement a clause on the possibility of subsequent redemption. There are special requirements for the premises. First, the location. Naturally, in a residential area, the rent will be cheaper than in the center, nevertheless, it is still sometimes inappropriate to save on it - if only because if several people from the outskirts drop into your bakery a day, your business will die in just a month. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the following factor: the premises for the bakery should be located in a place with high traffic, i.e., where there are a large number of people. But, of course, not side by side with an institution of this type. The second requirement is area. It should be (provided that you sell products on the spot, and this is most desirable) at least 150 "squares". And since you are going to produce food, you must have sewerage, water supply, utility rooms and a bathroom in the room. In addition, when drawing up a business plan for a bakery, do not forget to include in it the cost of repairs, which, albeit cosmetic, will most likely have to be done.

Bakery Equipment

Since you are starting your own and even planning to sell products yourself, you will need to purchase literally everything - from production and commercial equipment to household equipment and staff uniforms. You will need, first of all, an oven, an apparatus for a dough table, a proofing cabinet. The freezer doesn't hurt either. This is the minimum that you need to purchase at first. Further, as you strengthen your position in the market, you can slowly expand the business and buy the necessary units. In addition, you will need to purchase trade counters, a special showcase for baking, as well as cabinets for storing it. Since this item of expenditure is the largest, it may be worth considering buying used units. Sometimes, by the way, you can buy very high-quality equipment for a bakery for half the price.


If you yourself are not a professional in the matter of creating bakery products, you should be puzzled by the search for an intelligent technologist. You will also need directly bakers-confectioners (two people per shift) and two sales assistants. As for the cleaner, at first you can distribute her duties among the main staff, for an additional fee, of course. You can also not take an accountant at first. With some knowledge, all calculations can be carried out independently or use the services of a so-called third-party specialist.

Permissive papers

After all the previous points have been completed, you will need to obtain permission to operate from Rospotrebnadzor in the form of an appropriate conclusion. In addition, representatives of the fire supervision service must give the go-ahead for work. And you should also go through the procedure for certification of conformity in the federal agency for metrology and technical regulation. It must also be remembered that both bakers, confectioners, and salespeople, and a technologist must have a valid medical book.

Selection of raw material suppliers

To explain that the quality depends on the raw materials, and even an amateur does not need an external one. In addition, the financial side of the issue is also important - it is desirable to carry out purchases at the lowest possible prices. Therefore, the question of choosing serious, trustworthy suppliers should certainly be seriously considered when drawing up a business plan. At the same time, you need to understand that if the same flour can be purchased in large quantities, then perishable products such as butter, cream, etc., taking into account the specifics of the started production, must be purchased in small quantities. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to find a good intermediary, preferably a private trader, who will always be ready to treat your problems with understanding. By the way, in this regard, it is very profitable to cooperate with farms. It is recommended to search for suppliers during the production process, concluding verbal agreements with them, while purchases must be made immediately before the launch of the bakery.


When compiling a business plan for a bakery, this issue also needs to be given attention. There is no particular need to launch a large-scale advertising campaign, however, it is still worth taking some steps. First of all, pay attention to the sign and the name. The first should be bright and attract attention, while the second should be made euphonious and so that it is associated with the type of product being manufactured, and is not beaten. Agree, a bakery shop called "Pyshka" can be found literally in every city. Therefore, when creating a name, you need to work hard and try to come up with something of your own, original. Besides, who knows, maybe just at this moment you are creating a true brand that, after many years, will be recognized throughout the country.

Justify themselves and bring results such methods as distribution of leaflets, a signboard on advertising stands of announcements. Holding numerous promotions in the form of morning or evening discounts and similar events will contribute to the work of word of mouth - that is, satisfied customers will tell their friends about you and thus supply new customers.

Financial component

When compiling a business plan, this component should be worked out with particular care.

You have started a rather expensive enterprise - a bakery is opening from scratch, therefore, most likely, you will have to take out a loan to implement your plan, and therefore all calculations must be checked and rechecked. In addition, when calculating how much money it will take to purchase the same equipment, it should be understood that there is no point in acquiring, say, a counter made of natural wood, it is quite possible to get by with its plastic counterpart at first. The same applies to the same, for example, oven. Why would you buy expensive products from a famous brand? Today you can buy quite decent equipment from a Russian or even a Chinese manufacturer at a reasonable price. So let's calculate the costs:

  • Approximately $50,000 will be spent on the purchase of equipment.
  • For all kinds of equipment and furniture - about two.
  • Rent (for a month) will cost approximately 2-2.5 thousand dollars.
  • Repair of the premises - another 5 thousand dollars.
  • Paperwork - $500

Let's count. One-time will have to pay about 60 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent - the same 2-2.5 thousand dollars.
  • The salary (baker, technologist, salesman - in general, all service personnel) will require about $ 5,000 a month.
  • Communal - 500 dollars.
  • Advertising - $300.

That is, you will have to spend about 8-9 thousand per month. Plus the cost of purchasing raw materials. As practice shows, the net income of the bakery, after paying taxes, is about 3-4 thousand dollars. According to experts, this type of business can pay for itself within a year and a half.

It is clear that the given figures can be called fairly average and can vary depending on the area in which it is planned to open a bakery. After all, let's say, rent in Moscow and the provinces are different concepts. As well as salaries. Nevertheless, such an example of a bakery business plan can be taken as a basis, even if you decide to open a business in a small town. Equipment, as you know, has the same cost both in the capital and in the region. As for some other expenses, they can simply be recalculated for your area.


We tried to tell as much as possible about how to open a bakery from scratch. And we can conclude that with the right approach to business, this type of business is quite profitable and is able to bring a normal income to the owner. However, if a decision is made to open such an enterprise, it is necessary to have a carefully developed business plan in hand, which will become the key to success.

The beginning of a new economic crisis or a round of the old one became the basis for the government to take another package of measures designed to make small and medium-sized businesses an attractive area of ​​activity. Including the creation of promising areas in the service sector. Such as opening your own cafe or pastry shop. It is the confectionery that specialists in the field of small and medium-sized businesses actually call the most successful type of startup. To create such a production, a minimum amount of equipment is required, and its delicious products will certainly be popular.

Is it worth it to analyze the market of competitors?

At the very beginning of the mini-confectionery business plan, it is worth evaluating the popularity of this type of activity in advance. To do this, you can simply walk around the neighborhood on your own and see how many bakeries, sweet shops and places for selling cakes and pastries are located there. The confectionery business is in demand, but in situations of oversupply in the market of this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises, you will either have to choose your own completely unique line of business, or choose another line of work.

It should be borne in mind that often all these numerous stores produce virtually the same products. In this case, a simple market analysis will help evaluate those areas of production development that will ultimately show maximum profitability. You also need to consider whether the confectionery will be combined with its own store or cafe, or it will become an enterprise specializing in the supply of finished products to retail outlets.

Registration and taxation

An obligatory point of the business plan for the confectionery industry is also the choice of the method of registration and the taxation system.

To register a confectionery, you will need to register its owner as a PBOYuL. This registration option makes it possible to perform work on the principles that reduce the amount of documentation that will need to be prepared for the branches of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the end of the reporting periods. After receiving a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to register with the social insurance fund and the pension fund.

Obtaining all the mandatory permits required to conduct work related to food production also brings significant moral costs. Including permission from the fire control service and the sanitary station will be required.

Work can only start after obtaining the final permission from the prefecture or other local government to conduct activities and approval of the product certificate, including the approval of detailed recipes.

So you've decided to open a bakery. Where to begin?

Room selection

When choosing a place where a confectionery will be located, it is important to take into account several factors.

First of all, it is the ability to connect to a constant source of electricity, which will guarantee the preparation of delicious products and their further storage at the optimum temperature.

The room must be sufficiently spacious and have a good ventilation system to ensure that each employee can successfully and calmly work in comfortable conditions. It is convenient to place tables or trade showcases and chests in the spacious hall. When opening a confectionery production combined with a cafe, it will be necessary to provide the inspection structures with a detailed plan for the placement of places for receiving visitors, a fire evacuation plan, and confirm the possibility of equipping the territory of the cafe with a bathroom or several sanitary facilities, depending on the expected number of visitors.

An important element of successful activity will be the careful choice of the location of the confectionery or cafe. The best option is to choose a building in the central districts of the city, where it can be visited by office workers and numerous tourists, as well as in residential districts - a cafe where you can taste sweet and fragrant treats will definitely become a favorite vacation spot for adults and young visitors.

Confectionery bakery equipment

A compact confectionery shop is attractive in the role of a start-up by the possibility of acquiring a minimum amount of specialized equipment. Its set directly depends on the selected range of products. Including in the work can be used:

  • ovens with 1 or more baking chambers costing from 19,000 rubles;
  • baking ovens with 1 or more baking chambers costing from 20,000 rubles;
  • frying and baking cabinets costing from 35,000 rubles;
  • hearth furnaces costing from 400,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need flour sifters, proofers, dough dividing and shaping equipment, scales, baking sheets and molds, and much more.

To obtain a permit for successful work with food products, it will also be necessary to provide the following equipment for the mini-confectionery to the inspection structures: refrigerator (s), cutting tables and tools, equipment for storing finished products, including display cases with the function of cooling the placed goods. The total cost of a complete set will be from 300 thousand dollars.

A cash register becomes an obligatory element of the equipment of a confectionery engaged in independent retail sales. The cost of the simplest models is about 25,000 rubles.


If you already know roughly how to open a pastry shop from scratch, you need to think about employees. Often, at the first stages of organizing activities, an individual entrepreneur decides to refuse to invite additional employees who will be engaged in the sale and preparation of cakes, sweets and pastries. In reality, it turns out that he cannot do without assistants.

At a minimum, you will need to invite an experienced pastry chef to work who has a medical book and is ready to confirm the presence of culinary education and work experience. In the most minimal set of subordinates, it is also necessary to include an employee who will deliver sweet products to stores.

In the case when the confectionery itself sells its products and does not offer its delivery to customers, such a staff unit can be combined with an employee who will have to perform the functional duties of a supply manager. You will also need a salesperson who has experience working with a cash register.

All employees can be involved on the terms of the conclusion of temporary contracts. Provision of preparation of documentation for tax services, social services, pension fund can be carried out by invited representatives of specialized agencies.

What services can the confectionery industry provide?

Today, the most popular activity of such industries is independent baking with further sales through retail chains. The list of popular confectionery services includes the production of cakes and pastry sets to order according to a basic template or according to an individual customer project. Such sweet pastries are ready to become the best gift at any solemn event. It is convenient to hold family holidays in a cafe-confectionery, which can become a source of income for its owner.

The impact of advertising on product sales

So, if you have already decided and, most importantly, you know how to open a mini-confectionery, you need to take care of competent advertising of the institution. Successful marketing of even the highest quality products directly depends on the funds invested in its development and promotion. Often for a small candy store it is enough just to advertise in the local press or small advertising posters.

The type of notification selected that this establishment will be open or has already started operating is determined based on market research and the size of the potential audience.

The cost of opening a bakery

The approximate calculation of the initial costs in the business plan of a pastry bakery traditionally includes several required parameters:

  • the cost of purchasing equipment - from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles;
  • the cost of renting a room for a confectionery shop and a cafe - from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • conducting marketing research - from 150,000 rubles;
  • funds required for paperwork - from 60,000 rubles;
  • the cost of raw materials at the initial purchase stage - from 100,000 rubles;
  • salary of an invited interior designer who performs a design project for products and a cafe when it is opened at a confectionery production - from 100,000-200,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the project;
  • staff salaries - from 100,000 rubles.

How to open a candy store and not "burn out"?

Profitability of such a business increases significantly if the owner of the confectionery business owns his own premises, which meets the requirements of fire and sanitary and epidemiological services for opening this kind of production.

The initial investment is attractive with the opportunity to take the required amount on credit. The payback of confectionery production even at the first stages of activity with a well-conducted market research and a high-quality advertising campaign is at least 20-30%. Successfully developing business is ready to reach 100% profitability.