How to open a fitness club from scratch? How to open a sports section. Sports section business plan: necessary equipment, cost calculation and paperwork How to create a sports club

A sports society (sports club) is one of the types of physical culture and sports organizations that can be created in Russia in accordance with Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

The provisions of this law also apply to individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

Forms in which a sports club (legal entity) can be registered:

  1. Non-profit organization.

In this case, the sports club operates on the basis of the Charter of a non-profit organization, guided by the laws:

  • Federal Law No. 82-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On Public Associations”
  • Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 “On Non-Commercial Organizations”
  1. Commercial organization.

In this case, the club can be organized in any form permitted by law. Most often, such clubs exist in the form of Limited Liability Companies. In their activities, they are guided by the Charter of the company and the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Sports club - non-profit organization (NPO)

The main activity of such an organization is the development of a certain type (s) of sports, its popularization, and the involvement of citizens in sports. Making profit with subsequent distribution among the participants cannot be the main goal of a sports society established in the form of a non-profit organization.

Registration of such an organization takes place as a legal entity in the same manner as other non-profit organizations.

When registering, you will need to select the NCO form. The following types of NGOs are suitable for a sports society (club):

  • public organization (public association)
  • non-commercial partnership
  • autonomous non-profit organization
  • association or union.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that public associations, in turn, are divided into:

  • public organization
  • social movement
  • public fund
  • public institution
  • some others (not suitable for a sports club).

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations may be created in the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as an NPO:

  1. Decide on the type of NPO
  2. Decide on the name of the sports club and its legal address.
  3. Decide on the creation of an NPO and prepare constituent documents. The founders of the club are usually initiative persons (at least three people). They call a general meeting of future members of the club. It is at the general meeting of the club that a decision is made on its creation, the charter of the club, the governing bodies of the club and the control and audit commission are selected.
  4. Submit prepared documents (together with a receipt for payment of state duty for registration of NPOs) to the registration authority. Documents must be submitted for registration no later than three months from the date of the decision to establish the club. The registering body in this case is the regional branch of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The following must be submitted for registration:

1) an application for registration of an NPO in the form P11001;

2) constituent documents of the NPO in triplicate;

3) a decision on the establishment of a non-profit organization and on the approval of its constituent documents, indicating the composition of the executive bodies in two copies;

4) information about the founders in two copies;

5) a document confirming payment of the state fee;

6) information about the address (location) of the permanent executive body of the NCO;

7) when using symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property in the name of an NPO - documents confirming the authority to use them;

  1. In case of a positive decision on registration, receive:
  • certificates of registration of non-commercial organizations
  • list of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as a commercial organization.

To register a sports club as a commercial organization, it is necessary to carry out all the typical steps for registering a legal entity:

  1. Decide on the name and legal address of the company
  2. Prepare a package of statutory documents
  3. To hold a general meeting of founders, at which to accept / approve the constituent documents of the company, appoint the executive body of the company.
  4. Submit to the registration authority (authorized body of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation):
  • Company registration application
  • Constituent documents of the society
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (See also the article ⇒).

A sports club is created by an individual entrepreneur (IP)

In this case, an individual simply needs to register as an individual entrepreneur, for which he must submit to the registration authority:

  1. Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Choosing a taxation system when registering a sports club

For any of the selected forms of organization of a sports club, it is necessary to decide on the choice of taxation system. If you plan to apply the Simplified Taxation System (STS), then it is better to submit a notification of the transition to the simplified tax system simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:

Can a sports club operate without registration?

Yes, the norms of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 82-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On Public Associations” allows citizens to create public associations that operate without state registration and without acquiring the rights of a legal entity.

Question #2:

Does a sports club established to teach children how to play football need a license?

If the main activity is teaching children sports, then the organization must be established in the form of an NPO and have a license (Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). A license is not required if the name "Sports Club" is used by an individual entrepreneur who carries out training on his own, without involving other specialists.

If just sports activities are chosen as the main activity, then a license is not required and the form of organization can be any.

Question #3:

Can an individual entrepreneur organize a sports club for training in martial arts if he does not have a special education?

If the activity of a sports club is educational and an individual entrepreneur plans to conduct classes on his own, without involving other sports specialists, in accordance with Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, such an entrepreneur must have a secondary vocational or higher education in the field of sports.

[q]How to register a sports club? Which form is more profitable Ch.P, N.P. ROO. NOO. OO?
Before you start registering a club, you need to determine the scope and legal form of your club. In my opinion, the most optimal is the RPO (Regional Public Organization) or if you need a scale of activity much larger than the city or district, then the MPO (Interregional Public Organization). PE (private entrepreneur), I would not recommend due to the narrow field of activity. NP (Non-Commercial Partnership) has recently become quite popular, but it also has a number of significant drawbacks. We will not consider commercial options such as CJSC and the like, since this also has a number of significant drawbacks, one of which is taxation.
If we previously settled on NGO (Public Organizations), then the following should be said:
The activities of all public organizations are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation..php.
If we don’t delve into everything, then let’s take only one so far: [b] “Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Public Associations” (as amended on May 17, 1997, July 19, 1998, March 12, 21, July 25, 2002, December 8, 2003, June 29, November 2, 2004 year.) Adopted by the State Duma on April 14, 1995.
According to the above Federal Law, there are the following organizational and legal forms:

[u] (Extracts)

[b] Article 7. Organizational and legal forms of public associations

Public associations can be created in one of the following organizational and legal forms:
public organization;
social movement;
public fund;
public institution;
organ of public initiative.
The activities of which are regulated by the federal law "On Public Associations".

The territorial scope of public organizations is also determined by the above-mentioned Federal Law, or rather Chapter 1. General Provisions. Art. 14.

[u] (Extracts)

[b] Article 14. Territorial sphere of activity of Russian public associations

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations are created and operate in the Russian Federation.
An all-Russian public association is understood as an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out on the territory of more than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments, branches, representative offices.
An interregional public association is an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out on the territory of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments, branches, representative offices.
A regional public association is understood as an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.
A local public association is understood to mean an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out within the territory of a local self-government body.
All-Russian public associations may use in their names the names "Russia", "Russian Federation" and words and phrases formed on their basis without special permission from the competent state body.

If you have decided on the legal form and territorial scope of activity, then in this case we will go further.
If you want to hear my opinion, then I would advise you to choose the organizational and legal form "Public Organization" or "Public Fund", and the territorial scope of activity is interregional or regional. As I wrote above, for a sports club, city level, the most optimal is ROO, i.e. "Regional public organization". I think that to your question: “Which form is more profitable?” I answered. If YES, then in the next answer I will write the main terms and conditions of registration, as well as list the documents and the procedure for their submission to the registration authorities. If my answer was not complete for you, you can ask additional questions. I will answer any questions within my competence and knowledge.

The cost of registration of sports organizations - 15,000 rubles

The term of the service is 1 month!

Sports clubs are created as public organizations whose activity is the organization of health and physical education activities for citizens. The competence of the sports club includes the training of athletes and various teams, as well as the support and development of sports in general. The creation of a sports club can occur in two directions. Firstly, you can register a sports club as a commercial organization; secondly, you can register a sports club on the terms of a non-profit organization. If we are talking about the creation of a non-profit organization, then the registration of such an association takes place in accordance with the law on non-profit organizations. This implies a voluntary initiative to create a sports club and equal rights for all its participants. Every citizen who has written an application of the required sample for joining the club can become a member of such a club.

Creation and registration of sports clubs in a short time. We will help you prepare the necessary documents, we will provide free consulting services. The registration of a sports federation, as well as the registration of a sports club, takes place under the control of the Ministry of Justice. To register a non-profit organization, you will need to indicate a valid legal address and pay state fees. You can entrust the registration of your non-profit organization to the specialists of our certification center. Registration of a sports club or federation implies the acquisition of the rights of a legal entity by a non-profit organization. Registration of a sports club has its own special procedure. To carry out registration actions, it is necessary to obtain permission from the State Committee for Sports. You can get detailed information from the specialists of our certification center.

A sports club brings together people with similar habits, hobbies, who are interested in communicating with like-minded people. Sports clubs have their own team, structure and staff. The difference between a sports federation and a club is that a federation brings together people involved in a particular sport. The purpose of creating a sports federation is to promote and train athletes, organize and conduct various sports events, education or any other type of activity related to sports. How to register a club or sports federation? To solve this problem, it will be necessary to develop and draw up the Charter of the club, as well as a complete set of documents necessary for submission to the state registration authorities. Registration of the entire package of documents for a sports club is not an easy and long-term task. In order to speed up the process, you just need to call the specified phone number. You will be answered by the specialists of our center who will advise you on the organization of the full-fledged activities of your club or federation.

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

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It is fashionable to be healthy and athletic, so interest in sports clubs is growing. You can open both a highly specialized sports club (strength, for men) and a multifunctional one. It depends on your financial capabilities and desires. In any case, the opening of a sports club involves the development of the concept of such a club and obtaining the necessary permits for it.

Just follow these simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track.

Quick step by step guide

What you need to have: premises (size depends on the club), registration and permits from government agencies, equipment and personnel, and advertising.
So, let's get down to action, tuning in to the result.

Step - 1
All sports clubs can be divided into narrow-profile (only for children or only for women) and multifunctional, where you can do muscle building, dancing, and swimming. In the first case, you will need a small room (for several rooms). In the second, it will be more profitable for you to rent a separate building and make repairs in it, since a multifunctional club will need at least 8 halls. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Develop the concept of your club. What will it be - mass or elite? What sports will you be able to play? For those who cannot do it well on their own, it is better to use the services of fitness consultants who will tell you what is most in demand, as well as help you choose an architectural design (if you are building a building) and equipment for the club. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
You, as an entrepreneur, will need to undergo state registration (create a legal entity), as well as coordinate the project of the club in the architectural department and the improvement department of the district (city) administration, fire authorities, and the sanitary and epidemiological station. It will also be necessary to conclude agreements on water and electricity supply. All this can take up to a year. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
For a sports club you will need equipment - simulators. There should not be few of them, however, you should not install too many either: if the club is crowded, then customers will feel discomfort. To get started, purchase the most basic equipment needed for the sports that will be represented in your club. Don't forget about the music center as well, because it's hardly pleasant to play sports in silence. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
Of great importance for the new club is the staff. Inexperienced trainers with whom classes are held without tangible benefits can deprive you of clients. Therefore, try to hire trainers with experience. In addition to them, you will need an accountant and an administrator. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 6
An advertising campaign should be thought out in advance. Use all possible sources: flyers offering a trial lesson at a discount, signs about the imminent opening of the club, billboards. After your club starts working, customers will bring their acquaintances - word of mouth will start working.
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The business idea to open your own sports club is not new, but its relevance has increased over the years. Today, more and more people are beginning to think about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To do this, they visit gyms, equipped with modern simulators, in order to play sports. Specialized sports complexes provide an opportunity for people to keep fit, regardless of age category, position in society, season.

How to open a gym? This question is being asked today by many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to organize their business in the field of sports services from scratch.

Sports club business plan

A business idea with the organization of a gym is an ideal option for starting your own entrepreneurial activity from scratch. But before you implement this idea, you need to carefully analyze everything in order to create an effective business plan. This will later help to avoid many mistakes, adverse circumstances.

To make it profitable to maintain your hall, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. First of all, you need to decide what category the institution will be, for example, a fitness club, a wellness complex, a gym for professionals.
  2. Next, you need to choose the most suitable room. Considering today the significant demand for gyms, they can be equipped in any area of ​​​​megacities, even in a small town. When choosing a room, the main thing to pay attention to is the possibility of redevelopment, as well as the cost of rent.
  3. It is also necessary to initially carry out a marketing analysis, that is, to ask what sports services are most in demand among different categories of the population in a particular place. You need to find out about the availability of already open sports facilities.
  4. To carry out an analysis of the entrepreneurial activities of competitors in order to determine their main shortcomings, the mode of operation, the sports programs used, etc. This data will be useful when organizing your own sports club.

Such a business project must be registered. In this case, it is recommended to use the legal form of an individual entrepreneur. In addition, it will be necessary to obtain permits for entrepreneurial activities in this service sector from the controlling state bodies: Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire safety service.

Gym space

To open a gym, the first step will be to approach the selection of a building responsibly. The area depends on how many visitors the gym is expected to open. There is a mandatory norm - for 1 person from 2 squares. That is, if a small hall is planned for 50 visitors at the same time, then its area should be from 100 squares.

Required premises:

  • Main sports hall.
  • Bathroom, shower room.
  • Locker room.
  • Medical office.

The project plan for the placement of the main and auxiliary premises of the sports club must be coordinated with the city administration, the fire safety inspectorate.


To equip an economy class gym, you will definitely need the following equipment:

  • Sports complexes for performing strength exercises.
  • Tracks for running.
  • Exercise bikes.
  • Equipment for performing gymnastic exercises.
  • Small sports equipment.
  • The necessary elements of furniture are lava, tables, chairs, cabinets, and always large mirrors.


In order for the gym organization business project to develop as successfully as possible, exceptional attention must be paid to the selection of employees, especially trainers. This category should be distinguished by its own professionalism, have sufficient coaching experience. To a greater extent, the success of the business will depend on them.

Minimum staff:

  • Manager.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator - 2 people. (shift work schedule).
  • Sports instructors - 4 people.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Additional employees.

How much does it cost to open a sports club?

I want to open an economy class gym on my own, is it profitable? The main criteria by which the costs of opening an economy class gym from scratch are estimated:

  1. Renting a room with an area of ​​100 square meters - about 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Furniture, sports equipment - about 1.3 million rubles.
  3. Salaries of employees - 400 thousand rubles.
  4. Communal payments.
  5. Additional expenses for household needs.
  6. Advertising campaign.

On average, to open a sports club, the costs will be approximately 4 million rubles.

How profitable is it to maintain your sports club

The average annual income of a business project is about 5 million rubles:

  • From one-time visitors - up to 1.5 million rubles.
  • From regular customers with club cards, up to 3.5 million rubles.

The gym will reach such profitability if the gym is provided with 25 visitors. Profit will be much higher when attracting more customers. In this case, the payback of the business project is approximately 2 years.

Customer acquisition

When organizing a business in the sports field of activity, it is necessary not only to calculate how much it costs to open a gym. You also need to consider the most effective options for attracting customers to extract maximum profit from the business. Therefore, an advertising campaign plays an important role in organizing a new business project.

  1. To get customers interested in the gym, you need to think about making attractive flyers.
  2. In sleeping areas, it is worth placing large-scale advertising posters and billboards.
  3. The first thing that people passing by the sports club will pay attention to is a bright sign advertising discounts and promotions.
  4. To keep customers in your own gym, it is also recommended to set prices for the services provided lower than those of competitors.

Gym Expansion Prospects

Starting a business from scratch requires a significant capital investment. But if the business is properly organized, then the costs will quickly pay off, and the business will begin to bring a stable good income to the entrepreneur.

You can increase the profitability of the hall by providing secondary services. For example, in the business plan of a gym project, you can provide for a gradual expansion of the range.

I want to expand my own mini-gym, what additional services should I offer to make it profitable?

If there is an additional room, you can open:

  • Massage room.
  • Sporting Goods Store.
  • A food outlet for athletes.

Sports activities have always been and will be in demand. Therefore, if you organize your small business in the field of sports services correctly at the initial stage, you can eventually transform it into a larger fitness center. And this is another income!