How to make money on mediation - your own business without investments. How to be an intermediary What is an intermediary in business

Create your own business. When you start working as an independent intermediary, you create your own business. The initial cost will be very low, so you can get started fairly quickly, but be mindful of the professional and legal aspects of your new business.

Determine the need. Research the market and find a suitable niche for you to fill. The greatest need will be in the industry where the structure of supply and demand is sluggish or does not satisfy consumers and suppliers.

  • It is usually easier for new intermediaries to enter the market for services or specialized products. Generic products are overstocked and often sourced directly from manufacturers, and convincing a retailer to change a well-functioning scheme is nearly impossible.
  • Research potential buyers. Identify potential customers for your chosen product or service. Depending on the nature of the planned activity, both local and global buyers can act as consumers.

  • Getting in touch. Having compiled a list of potential buyers, you need to call them. Find out their needs and what you need to do to make them want to work with you.

    • You can send an email to test the waters, but a phone call looks more professional, especially when dealing with companies.
    • When contacting distributors, try to speak directly with the purchasing manager. Ask him if he is interested in your wholesale price list. If yes, promise to provide such a list within a few business days.
  • Research potential suppliers. Find as many potential suppliers of the selected product or service as possible. Examine each item on your list and then narrow it down to the top ten positions.

    • When working with goods, always look for manufacturers. If you are not going to work exclusively with a local product, then you should look for foreign manufacturers.
    • Services are usually provided by local companies.
  • Find out the rates. Contact potential suppliers and ask for a quotation for specific products or services of a certain quality. After collecting information on prices, compare them and select the best deals.

    • Consider the overall value of the offer. The supplier with the lowest price is not always the best if the product they provide is significantly inferior in quality to products from other suppliers. The same applies to service providers.
  • Add your share to the cost. By working as an intermediary, you will earn money by receiving a certain commission on each sale. The exact amount is not constant, but the commission itself is usually 10-15 percent.

    • Suppliers already working with other intermediaries may have a set commission. You need to know this point before trying to set your own commission.
  • Online shopping has long ceased to be a rarity. More and more people are buying clothes, household chemicals and appliances via the Internet. But you can earn on sales through the network absolutely without investments. You just need to be patient and for small failures. Mediation on the Internet today is a very profitable business.

    Where to start?

    A huge number of wholesale warehouses with clothes, shoes and everyday items have their own websites on the Internet. Here you can get acquainted with the products, study the price. In real time, you can immediately place an order. The problem is that you can only buy goods in large quantities. The task of the intermediary is to find a group of buyers and make a wholesale purchase. So it turns out that in order to become an intermediary, you just need to find suitable wholesalers that offer to purchase goods at a bargain price.

    Very popular today are sites that offer to buy shoes in bulk. People willingly buy boots, shoes and shoes without trying them on. First of all, the low price attracts. But you can buy any model in a wholesale warehouse only by size (at least 5 different sizes). That is, the intermediary needs to find buyers with a certain size.

    The same is true with clothing. Most often, a wholesale warehouse offers to purchase a certain model of a dress or trousers in several sizes. Only a few firms set a minimum purchase price. Here you can buy any thing with different sizes. In this case, the minimum purchase amount should not be less than 5000 rubles, for example.

    Where to look for potential buyers?

    Online mediation is a lucrative business. But the income will be really big if you can find a lot of potential buyers. The advantage of such an activity is that you can engage in sales not only within one region, but throughout the country. In order to find potential customers, first of all, you need to create your own account on a social network. You should not be limited to only one "Odnoklassniki". On this site, you can most often find clients of the new generation. Young people prefer VKontakte.

    There are also electronic bulletin boards where you can post information about the product you are selling. Joint purchases are very popular today. More and more people are trying to save money by purchasing goods through intermediaries. A separate topic can be created in several forums. The more the higher the earnings.

    Create a photo album

    All goods that will be offered to potential buyers must be systematized. You can create an online album that will contain all the pictures with a description of the shoes, clothes or household items for sale. A potential client can simply send a link to your resource. A person will be able to independently study the assortment and not ask a lot of unnecessary questions.

    Those who want to seriously engage in mediation will have to learn how to work in Photoshop. The mediation technology does not allow issuing information about the wholesale warehouse from which the goods come. The problem is that the "native" photos of the product may have a link to the wholesale site. Before you put the picture in your own album, all extraneous inscriptions will have to be erased. This can be done only with the help of a photo editor.

    How much can you earn?

    Mediation as a business can be quite profitable. It all depends on the percentage that you can take for your services. However, it cannot be too high. If the markup is more than 30%, the potential buyer will no longer want to buy the product blindly. It is optimal to take 10-20% for your work.

    Earnings directly depend on the assortment that will be offered to potential buyers. It is worth negotiating cooperation with a large number of wholesale warehouses. Some of the clients will be more interested in the children's assortment, while others will need women's clothing and shoes. It should be noted that a large number of transactions also involves more work. You will have to correspond with potential buyers all day long and visit transport companies to send goods.

    Communicating with potential clients the right way

    The success of the transaction directly depends on how the seller communicates with the potential buyer. Not everyone is ready to buy a thing blindly, even if it is much cheaper. It is no coincidence that many people ask a huge number of questions before proceeding directly to the purchase. The seller must answer each question in an informative and polite manner. Earnings on mediation involves close communication with the client. Therefore, it is necessary to leave as much contact information as possible. Many prefer to find out all the information over the phone. Therefore, those who consider mediation as one should stay in touch always and everywhere should not count on a large income.

    Online mediation can be too tedious for some. The problem is that not all potential buyers immediately decide on a deal. It is not uncommon for a customer to ask a huge number of questions, spend a lot of time finding out the necessary information, and eventually refuse to purchase. And with such people it is necessary to remain polite. A person who has not made a deal now will definitely do it later. You need to value each of your clients. Only in this case, mediation as a business will be profitable.

    Will there be costs?

    Initially, mediation involves only a small investment of time. You need to spend several days searching for the right wholesale warehouses, creating a photo album with goods and registering accounts on social networks. Those who want to start earning faster will also have to spend some money on posting ads online. Every business needs advertising. Online mediation is no exception. As soon as there are many customers with positive reviews, you will have to spend much less on advertising.

    You need to be prepared for the fact that unforeseen costs are also possible in the process of work. Mediation on the Internet involves the sale of goods without the possibility of a return. You should warn your customers about this in advance. But understanding and meet not always. Often, buyers demand a refund if the product purchased through an intermediary did not fit in shape or size. It is better for such a client to return the funds so as not to spoil his own reputation.

    Payment for goods

    Internet mediation involves cooperation with clients throughout the country. You can always discuss all the details of the transaction with a potential buyer by phone or e-mail. And how then to pay for the goods? The system of electronic payments has been popular for a long time. The buyer does not even need to leave the house to transfer money to the seller's account. All you have to do is visit the website of your financial institution.

    Before starting a business, you need to open a payment account with a bank. It is better if access to this account through a plastic card is always open. The buyer will be able to transfer money through the terminal at any time. The seller only needs to send the required amount to the wholesale warehouse, leaving himself a percentage for mediation.

    Delivery of goods

    Today there are a huge number of transport companies that can transport goods from point A to point B in a matter of days. Most often, delivery takes no more than three days. This service is paid by the buyer. It is much cheaper to receive your purchase through the central mail. But the delivery in this case will be delayed for several days, or even weeks.

    At the initial stage, not so many buyers will trust the intermediary and immediately transfer money for the purchased goods. Therefore, it is worth agreeing on cooperation with transport companies that work on a cash on delivery basis. The buyer will be able to pay for the goods only when he already sees him live. But shipping in this case will cost twice as much.

    Mediation in sales from foreign websites

    Foreign online stores often offer quality goods at an attractive price. The range here is often several times larger. But many buyers are stopped. They are ready to overpay up to 20% of the cost of goods to an intermediary so that the transaction goes through without problems. In fact, in order to place an order on a foreign site, it is not at all necessary to be a polyglot. Today, there are many online translators that will help you translate not only individual sentences, but entire blocks of information. You can also communicate with a foreign seller with the help of an interpreter.

    The most popular today are such foreign sites as "Taobao" And Eb ay. The first resource is Chinese. The second is English. With the help of foreign trading platforms, you can purchase branded goods at the lowest price.

    We create our own website

    When you managed to fully study the concept of mediation and understand the nuances of business, you can create your own website. By promoting it, you will find more and more potential buyers. You should not create a resource using a free constructor. It is better to entrust the creation and design of the site to a professional. Of course, this service will cost a lot. But earnings will increase several times at once.

    Mediation as a business can be very profitable indeed. You just need to devote all your time to what you love. It is worth being prepared for the fact that at the initial stage there will be no days off. Potential buyers will call and write at any time of the day. And the faster you respond to the client, the more likely it is that the transaction will be successful.


    In an era of maximum information dissemination, intermediary services are recognized as a particularly profitable type of business. Therefore, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in what this occupation is as an entrepreneurship in the service sector.

    The sphere of mediation is the opportunity to become independent

    Mediation services - ensuring interaction between various stakeholders. To become an intermediary, a future businessman needs to have a number of psychological and business qualities:

    • The ability to search, find unique information that is inaccessible to a large circle of users or goods with a low cost. To be able to find a place where to buy cheaper and sell more expensive, but at a lower price than competitors. This increases the chances of becoming an excellent intermediary (speculator).
    • Communication skills.
    • Ability to self-PR and product promotion. If the intermediary is able to negotiate with the seller and the buyer on mutually beneficial terms, then the likelihood of a successful business increases.
    • Creative approach to business.
    • Minimum initial capital and availability of consumables. Sometimes mediation does not need initial investments, but for its own development, obtaining fresh information and finding clients, minimal financial injections will be required.
    • Increased perseverance and stress resistance.

    If the intermediary is not persistent enough, the business will not rise soon.

    An example of the advantages and disadvantages of mediation

    Any mediation has positive and negative aspects. Pros:

    • Good income.
    • Ordinary mediation is a relatively simple form of income.
    • Such a business requires a small investment.
    • Breakdowns of deals and agreements for a variety of reasons.
    • The likelihood of cheating.

    How to start a profitable business

    Starting an intermediary business is not difficult. To build a business, you need to define the scope of activity and streamline communications. With the advent of Internet technologies, mediation has been divided into several categories: online and offline. Online business ideas:

    • Partner platforms. Advertising new services and in-demand products is a profitable type of Internet business.
    • Purchase and sale of network resources. You can buy a site and sell on other sites at higher prices.
    • Advertising on Internet resources. It is worth thinking about opening your own resource, where you can place advertising banners for money.
    • Work with online stores. Making purchases from foreign sites has become available, but there is a risk of being left without a paid item. The intermediary assumes possible losses, receiving a share from the agreement.
    • Speculation. You can resell goods without creating an online store. Starting to work, you should focus on specialized products.

    Offline business ideas:

    • Real estate. The choice, exchange, purchase of an apartment, house, office - these issues are always relevant. Official real estate offices and private representatives can engage in a profitable type of business. To use intermediary services, a potential buyer pays an impressive percentage to the agency, but the profitable services of a private intermediary are cheaper.
    • Renovation of apartment and office premises is a good idea to start. Apartments are a profitable object, since they often require repairs than offices. A great solution is to look for clients in new homes. It is possible to immediately take several profitable orders, working with different professional teams.
    • Trade mission. Many manufacturers need representatives in other regions and countries where the product is being promoted. Requires advertising and agreements with end customers.
    • Recruitment services. Different companies often have no time to engage in recruitment on their own. The personnel company finds suitable specialists according to the stated requirements, and selects suitable vacancies for employees.
    • Virtual mediation in the network. With the ubiquity of the global network, it has become easier to search for customers and manufacturers that have pages on social networks and official websites. The essence of networking does not change, you just need to bring the seller and the consumer closer.

    Business Planning

    The key to successful mediation is the awareness of the main stages in the formation of activities:

    1. First of all, you should create a database of performers. In each intermediary must be 100% sure.
    2. It should be taken into account that the main criterion for customers is the quality of the work performed and the deadlines.
    3. The subject needs to monitor freelance exchanges and forums. There are many performers and new orders.
    4. The mediator's portfolio should always be up-to-date.

    Information for a novice intermediary

    To get a decent profit from intermediation, you should focus on the B2B product segment. Optimal goods: production equipment, various raw materials, building materials. It is not advisable to do business in the field of household products. Because the niche is occupied by distributors. The main task of a beginner is to find a permanent clientele. The intermediary is not a seller, his main tasks are search, negotiations and delivery. It is necessary to pay attention to mutually beneficial cooperation with transport companies.

    Any mediation is a risky business, there is a chance to fall for an unscrupulous contractor or customer.

    Therefore, it is necessary to have a flair and make an informed choice.

    Today I want to consider a very interesting and now popular view - earn money online brokerage. As in the offline sphere, on the network you can find just a huge number of different kinds of intermediaries who earn money by bringing together sellers and buyers of freelance goods and services, and in many cases it is not even immediately possible to determine that these are intermediaries. Who are they intermediaries on the Internet what they do there and how they earn - more on that later.

    So, what is earnings on mediation on the Internet. To make it clearer, let's compare this with the provision of traditional offline services, for example, in construction. There are painters, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and other workers who are ready to provide their services to customers - in this way they work for themselves, do offline freelancing and earn. But when you call on an ad, let's say, about plastering work, you get ... no, not to the master who performs them, but to the intermediary foreman. He comes to you, evaluates the scope of work, you agree on a price with him, and you pay him money, and he already sends you a master who does all the work. Naturally, the foreman pays only a part of the money received from you, and takes the rest for himself. This is exactly the same with the Internet.

    Let's say you make money. When you take an order on a freelance exchange, it is very likely that you are writing an article not for a direct customer, but for an intermediary who will then resell it to someone who really needs it, even more expensive. Even when you cooperate with the customer directly, it is possible that he earns on mediation on the Internet.

    Many have probably noticed how often the Internet offers various kinds of SEO services for website promotion. In the vast majority of cases, all these are also intermediaries. For example, they are engaged in the so-called. link promotion - they buy links on different sites for their customer, who already pays a larger amount for them than the owners of those sites receive. All the difference "settles" with the intermediary.

    Well, any are already more powerful intermediaries, whose work is systematized and automated. However, the essence is the same: earnings on mediation on the Internet.

    The vast majority of people who sell some goods have their own online stores - these are also intermediaries on the Internet. Moreover, in many cases, their business even practically does not require investments if they work according to the system. Some intermediaries of Chinese online stores are worth something ...

    How do all these people make money? It's very simple: on the Internet they play the role of "foremen", solving all administrative and technical issues. The intermediaries themselves do not produce any goods and do not perform any work, although, in a good way, they should be well versed in their field. Their earnings on mediation is to find customers and contractors, sellers and buyers. As a rule, an Internet intermediary already has its own "working team", its own "team" of performers - specialists in various fields who are always ready to do their job when it comes to Internet services, or their own suppliers of goods, when it comes to online commerce.

    An intermediary on the Internet must be able to negotiate, negotiate, find compromises, possess the art of persuasion - this is precisely the success in his work. Even knowledge and skills in the field of his activity, perhaps, go by the wayside.

    Intermediaries on the Internet are trying to focus on large, systemic orders that require a large amount of work, have a high cost and, accordingly, allow them to earn more. In the same way as in our example with construction: the foreman is more interested in taking an order for a turnkey repair of a house than for replacing one outlet (he may not even want to mess with this).

    Earnings on mediation on the Internet are very significant, especially when it comes to the service sector. Prices for the same services vary greatly (as an example -), so the intermediary always has room for price maneuvers. He can easily find a contractor who will agree to do the work even 2 times cheaper than the customer pays the intermediary. Thus, an intermediary on the Internet can earn up to 50% of the amount of its cash flow and even more.

    Very often, freelancers who start their independent work by doing various kinds of work, gaining experience and knowledge, become Internet intermediaries in the future. This can be observed on many freelance exchanges: here a person first acts as a performer, then his rating grows, he becomes a popular and sought-after performer, and now he is already a customer, the number of work performed decreases, and the number of orders grows. Ultimately, he is a sought-after customer.

    Let's summarize. Intermediaries on the Internet make good money themselves, and also provide jobs and earnings for the performers with whom they cooperate. Their presence is disadvantageous only to customers who are forced to significantly overpay. However, many people are willing to pay “for convenience” and completed “turnkey work”, therefore, saving their time, they turn to Internet intermediaries for services. Here, as they say, to each his own.

    Now you have an idea of ​​how intermediaries work on the Internet, and you may want to join their number yourself.

    And for now I have everything. Perhaps in the future I will consider some options for mediation on the Internet in more detail. Stay with us and subscribe to updates. See you soon!

    Each person strives to earn money: someone works at an enterprise, someone teaches, someone sews, and someone wants to earn income through intermediary services.


    Mediation is one of the most profitable business lines. An intermediary is a link between the seller and the buyer, the contractor and the customer. The intermediary knows the information that the buyer or seller does not have.

    In modern terms, an intermediary can be online or offline.

    Provision of intermediary services offline is:

    • realtor - mediation between the landlord or tenant, owner or buyer
    • mediation in repair, construction (a foreman can act as an intermediary)
    • intermediary between seller and buyer
    • brokerage
    • distribution services

    On the Internet, online, there are many ways to profit from intermediary services. Here are some of them:

    • affiliate programs - on the Internet they bring about 80% of all orders
    • mediation in the creation of sites
    • mediation in the sale of certain goods

    In order to earn decent, big money, the provision of intermediary services should become the main job. In order to understand how to work as an intermediary professionally, it is necessary to purchase and deliver everything and everyone. Nothing should be impossible. These can be: pumps from the USA, a machine from Germany, coffee from Brazil. The main thing is not to waste your time on trifles.

    How to become a successful mediator

    Before you understand how to become an intermediary, you need to decide on the area in which you can provide intermediary services. Then discuss the terms of cooperation with the supplier or seller, conclude a contract or agreement. After that, a client base is created. It is better to start with those clients who are not afraid to lose, in order to eventually reach the “goldfish”. You need to always be in touch.

    You can become a successful mediator by having the following qualities:

    • search skills, the ability to find information that is little known to the seller or buyer, contractor or customer
    • the ability to present the necessary information for a reward

    In order to earn decent money, the provision of intermediary services should become the main job. In order to understand how to work as an intermediary professionally, it is necessary to purchase and deliver everything and everything. Nothing should be impossible.

    Internet Mediation

    Some online stores allow their users to understand how to become an intermediary of an online store by participating in an affiliate program and receive their percentage of sales. The following is a part of the most popular online stores operating under an affiliate program.

    • Ozone, accrual from 0.1% to 6%. There is no minimum withdrawal, but more than 4000 rubles is not withdrawn, the money remains in Ozone. Larger amounts require a contract.
    • Bolero, accrual from 5% to 12%, minimum withdrawal 300 rubles
    • Neopod, accrual 12.5%, minimum withdrawal amount 500 rubles
    • Good Body, accrual 10%, no minimum withdrawal
    • Gold Affiliate, accrual 30%
    • Sot Market, accrual from 3% to 25%, minimum withdrawal 1$
    • FlexSPY, accrual 20%

    You can make your own online store and be an intermediary. To do this, you need to find a demanded product on the Internet. For example, you can enter, select a region, write “buy”, find buyers and make a deal, get your partner accruals.

    You can create websites without even knowing how it's done. To do this, you can find programmers on the forums and they will solve this problem. You can find a good freelancer, give him orders, and get your interest from the work done.

    The provision of intermediary services is also possible when trading various goods via the Internet. Probably, many people know that goods are cheaper in the West, and more expensive in Russia. You can register at the auction, then buy a product, and by selling it in Russia you can get decent intermediaries. The iPad costs $550 in America and $1000 in Russia.

    Mediation in Taobao

    Today, China is a global supplier of a variety of products. Taobao is an online store with a wide range of goods from China at low prices. How to become a Taobao mediator, what needs to be done for this?

    In order to be a Taobao intermediary, you can simply go to the store's website, select products, consult a manager, order goods and wait.

    But it's better to get ready-made IT solutions, get acquainted with the terms of cooperation with Opertao and install the Box. To get your Taobao, you need to make personal settings, and then get your intermediary.