Why is a city survey conducted? Questionnaire for the survey of residents of the municipality "Chagansky village council". Yes, rather yes


Dear owners, members of the HOA "_______________________"!

The Board of the HOA "____________________", together with contractors, is constantly working to improve the quality of housing and communal services in our house.

To receive feedback from the residents of our house, we ask you to fill out this form and submit it to the HOA in person or through the HOA mailboxes in the entrances.

The information received during the survey will allow us to better organize our work. Your feedback is very important to us!

apartments _____________________________

Do you participate in general meetings?

Evaluate the quality of thegeneral meetings owners and members of the HOA (in absentia, notification of residents, holding a meeting in person, conducting absentee voting, answers to questions, clarifications).

How often do you usereception for personal matters chairman and accountant of the HOA?

How do you rate the quality of accrual of payment for housing and communal services and productionreceipts (timeliness, accuracy, reconciliation of calculations with an accountant, etc.)?

How many times a year did you apply to the HOA? How quickly the staffresponded to your requests ?

Have there been cases of rudeness against you by the HOA or the personnel of contractors?

Have you ever got stuck in an elevator and how quickly did the emergency team arrive? Rate overallelevator maintenance.

Have you ever contacted emergency services?


How often do intercom breakdowns happen in your apartment? How quickly are issues resolved?

Do you have any inconvenience when the fire alarm goes off?

How many times forwinter you could not leave the yard because you were notroads cleared?
Appreciate the cleaning and removal of snow.

Did it give you any inconvenienceanalysis (blockages, unpleasant smell in the apartment or entrance)?

    filling information stands

    timely placement of ads

    timely responses to questions from owners

Your wishes for the development of our home. What, in your opinion, should the HOA do in the near future to improve the quality of service?

Sincerely, The Board of the HOA "______________________",




Questionnaire No. 1.

to determine the level of ecological culture.

  1. Are you convinced of the need to preserve nature? Why?
  2. Are you interested in environmental issues? What is it expressed in?
  3. Name the leading environmental problems of the world, Russia, Tomsk region
  4. What is nature?
  5. What is ecology?
  6. What is nature conservation?
  7. What are the rules of human behavior in nature?
  8. What value does nature have for a person, for you personally?
  9. Do you feel the need to constantly communicate with nature?
  10. What kind of environmental, environmental affairs were carried out at your school?
  11. What have you done and what else could you do useful for the protection of nature?
  12. What attracts you to conservation work?
  13. What act of your comrades do you consider the most good (bad) for the protection of nature?
  14. What do you think people could do the most useful for nature conservation?
  15. What principles should a person be guided by when building his relationship with nature?
  16. How do you assess the level of your ecological culture?

I have a low level

I have an average

I have a high level

difficult to determine.

Questionnaire No. 2.

Safeguard of nature

(questionnaire to identify interest in environmental issues,

level of ecological knowledge).

  1. What is nature?
  2. What does it mean to protect nature?
  1. For whom should man protect nature?
  1. From whom should man protect nature?
  1. What is the International Red Book?
  2. What does the red color of the Red Book mean?
  3. What color of the page does the International Red Book have?
  1. What animals living in Russia are listed in the International Red Book?
  2. What forms of protected natural areas do you know?
  3. What reserves are located on the territory of Russia and the Tomsk region?
  4. What are the environmental problems of the world? Russia and the Tomsk region?
  1. What are called the lungs of the planet? Why?
  2. Is it correct to divide plants and animals into useful and harmful?
  1. What can you personally do to protect nature?

Questionnaire No. 3.

Attitude towards nature and its protection

(among the proposed answers, it is necessary to mark the choice with “+”)

  1. How do you feel about nature?

a) carefully;

b) responsibly

c) indifferent;

d) with love

d) indefinitely.

  1. What determines your relationship with nature?
  1. What is the main factor in environmental pollution?

a) transport;

b) industry;

c) agriculture;

d) human activity;

e) nuclear power plants.

  1. Who, in your opinion, should be primarily involved in solving environmental problems?

a) government

b) the Ministry of Nature Protection;

c) every person

d) specialists in the field of environmental protection;

e) the Green Party;

  1. Is there, in your opinion, such environmental information that should not be widely disseminated?

b) more likely yes than no;

c) rather no than yes;

  1. What are the main problems of nature conservation?
  1. Name the natural objects in our country that are on the verge of an ecological disaster.
  1. Who bears the greatest responsibility for disturbing the ecological balance?

a) heads of industrial enterprises;

b) ministries;

c) each specific person;

d) scientists;

e) the education system.

  1. What do you think is the basis of ecological culture?

a) fear for their own future, for all life on earth;

c) the health of future generations;

d) awareness of responsibility for the further evolution of the biosphere;

  1. Would you like your future profession to be related to nature, conservation

Appendix 2

Projective test.

(the nature of the actions of students in a given situation, directly related to nature).

Exercise: finish the sentence you started.

1. If I choose a profession related to natural phenomena, for example, _______________________________________ then _________________

2. Having met a poacher in the forest, I

3. I am among people who love nature, because

4. If I were an artist and ended up on a river or by the sea

5. I would like to visit an environmental camp for schoolchildren, because (to)

6. In the near future I would like to go on a hike in order to

situational test.

(revealing the level of development of ecological consciousness, value ecological orientations).

Exercise: read B. Vasiliev's story "The Magnificent Six" and answer the following questions:

1. What is the value of nature for man?

2. Is it possible to judge the general level of development, the level of human culture in relation to nature?

3. How would you characterize the attitude of the “magnificent six”, the counselor, the old groom to nature?

4. To what extent does the behavior of the main characters of the story correspond to the norms, rules of human behavior in relation to animals?

5. Give an assessment of the behavior and activities of the main characters of the story in relation to nature.

6. What could you suggest in resolving the situation (problem) described in the story?

"Environmental Ethics".

(revealing knowledge about the rules and norms of behavior in nature).

Exercise: write an essay (story) about your walk in the forest - how to behave during a walk in the forest, formulate the rules of human behavior in nature.


Analyzing the test results, the teacher determines:

The range of formulated norms and rules of human behavior in nature;

repeatability of individual norms and rules;

The desire of students to self-identify with the norms and rules;

the level of reflection by students of the norms and rules of human behavior in nature;

the level of students' personal awareness of the norms and rules of behavior;

· adequacy of ecological consciousness and behavior of students in nature.

"Communication with nature".

1. How often do you visit the forest, park, square?

  1. Almost every day.
  2. Almost every weekend.
  3. Once a month.
  4. Once a season.
  5. Only during holidays: a) summer; b) autumn; c) winter; d) spring.
  6. Very rarely.
  7. I find it difficult to answer.

2. With whom do you most often visit nature?

Put down the numbers: 1 - constantly; 2 - sometimes; 3 - never.

a) with a teacher;

b) with parents;

c) with relatives;

d) with friends

e) with the guys from the creative association.

3. What do you like to do in nature? Circle the correct answers.

  1. Go in for sports (run, ride downhill, etc.).
  2. Work in the garden, orchard.
  3. Draw, photograph.
  4. Admire nature and its beauty.
  5. Collect flowers.
  6. Listen to sounds, noises, birdsong.
  7. Collect berries and mushrooms.
  8. Feed wintering birds, squirrels.
  9. Make trips and excursions.
  10. Clean up springs and river banks.
  11. Green up the street.
  12. Swim, sunbathe, relax.
  13. Watch birds, insects and other animals.
  1. Who do you talk to about environmental topics? Write down the numbers (1 - always; 2 - sometimes; 3 - never).

a) with parents.

b) With other relatives.

c) With a teacher.

d) with friends.

d) Nobody.

g) Add _________________________

2. What help can you and your friends provide for the protection and restoration of nature? (Write).

Which of the following cases are for you:

5) the most interesting;

4) very interesting;

3) largely interesting;

2) little interesting;

1) the least interesting.

Rate each item according to the degree of your interest in this lesson:

1) reading books, magazines, newspapers on an environmental theme;

2) watching and discussing television programs on an environmental theme;

3) cleaning streets, parks from pollution;

4) performance in front of peers on an environmental topic;

5) protection of birds, food preparation, feeding of wintering birds, production of feeders, artificial nesting sites;

6) release of leaflets, posters on an environmental theme;

7) photographing;

8) participation in competitions, exhibitions, promotions, operations.

Processing of received data. The processing of data for each block will make it possible to determine the level of readiness of pupils to perform environmentally significant activities.

  • < Назад

Questionnaire for a sociological survey of residents of the city of Togliatti.

"Attitude of city dwellers to urban places of recreation"

Togliatti State University

Tolyatti, 2013

The purpose of the survey is to obtain information regarding the attitude of city residents to the existing problem of an unusable and empty field of miracles in the historical center of Togliatti, as well as to collect data to develop ways to transform and improve the functional and aesthetic component of the territory.

Attention! To fill out the questionnaire, you need to choose the answer option (several options are possible) that corresponds to your opinion and circle the letter(s) denoting this option(s). You can also add your answer on the line provided for this. It is not necessary to sign the form.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

^ The survey is conducted anonymously.

  1. Please indicate your gender and age _________________________________________________

  1. Your main activity:
A) going to school

B) studying at a university

C) work (specify profession) _________________________________________________

D) other activities (specify which) ____________________________________________

  1. What is your favorite place in your city and why? _______________________________

  1. How often do you visit places of recreation (squares, parks, etc.) per week/month/year? _____________________________________________________________________________
5. How do you assess the state of parks in Tolyatti today?

A) Excellent, nothing needs to be changed.

B) Good, but there are problems (specify which ones) _____________________________________


C) Deplorable, much needs to be improved (specify what exactly) _____________________________


^ 6. Do you think there are enough green areas for recreation in Tolyatti (in the Central District)?

7. Do you see the need to create new landscape objects on the territory of the central region of Togliatti?

B) I don't know.

^ 8. In your opinion, are there enough places and conditions in our city to lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports and improve your health?

^ 9. What cultural events are most attractive to you?

A) sporting events

B) visiting cafes and restaurants

C) places where you can just chat with friends, areas with Wi Fi

D) visiting concerts, theaters, exhibitions, clubs

D) creative studios and workshops

E) other (please specify) ___________________________________________

10. Mark the objects that, in your opinion, are necessary on the territory of the "Field of Miracles" (what would you like to see on the site of the former market "Field of Miracles"):

A) return to the old market

B) family park

B) football field, sports

Buildings and bike paths

D) children's playground

E) playgrounds for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess, etc.

E) garden trees and other green spaces, well-groomed lawn

G) places for a quiet rest (benches, gazebos, hammocks, sun loungers)

H) place for barbecue, summer cafe

I) a platform for skaters and roller skaters

M) a place for walking the dog

H) concert venue

O) leave everything as it is

P) your option __________________________________________________________________

^ 11. Look at the pictures and choose the most attractive in your opinion (circle the letters you need)

A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) K) L) M) N) O) P) R) C) T) U) F) X)








In order to identify the opinion of the population, as well as to take into account the opinion of the population when making decisions by local governments and local government officials, as well as public authorities, a survey of citizens is conducted throughout the territory of the municipality or in part of its territory.

The procedure for appointing and conducting a survey of citizens is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality.

Residents of the municipality who have the right to vote have the right to participate in the survey of citizens.

The survey of citizens is carried out on the initiative:

The representative body of the municipality or the head of the municipality - on issues of local importance

State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - to take into account the opinion of citizens when making decisions on changing the designated purpose of land in the municipality.

Appointment decision poll of citizens is taken by the representative body of the municipality.

The regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality on the appointment of a survey of citizens establishes:

Date and time of the survey

Question wording

Survey methodology

Questionnaire Form

Minimum number of residents of the municipality participating in the survey

Residents of the municipality must be informed about the survey for at least in 10 days before it is carried out.

Financing of activities related to the preparation and conduct of a survey of citizens is carried out:

At the expense of the local budget - when conducting a survey at the initiative of local governments

At the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - when conducting a survey at the initiative of the state authorities of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Voting on issues of changing the boundaries of the municipality, the transformation of the municipality (Article 24 of the 2003 Law).

As you know, the Constitution in part 2 of article 131 establishes that changing the boundaries of territories in which local self-government is carried out is allowed taking into account the opinion of the population of the relevant municipalities.

The 1995 law only duplicated this constitutional wording. Guarantees of taking into account the opinion of the population when resolving issues of changing the boundaries of municipalities should have been established by the laws of the subjects of the Federation, which was not always the case in practice.

the Constitutional Court in its Decree of April 17, 1996. №1-P established that the most adequate form of taking into account the opinion of the population when changing the boundaries of territories in which local self-government is exercised is a referendum. The Law of 2003 introduced detailed rules containing legal guarantees that the opinion of the population should be taken into account when changing the boundaries of a municipality or transforming it.

According to part 1 of article 12 and part 1 of article 13 of the 2003 Law border change and transformation municipal formation is carried out by the law of the subject of the Federation on the initiative of:

population, local self-government bodies, state authorities of the subject of the Federation, federal state authorities.

The grounds for changing borders, transforming municipalities, for example, can be: improvement or deterioration of the transport and social infrastructure of individual settlements and settlements, changes in the economic conditions of management, construction or liquidation of large industrial or agricultural facilities, etc.

You already had a lecture on the territorial foundations of local self-government, where you considered issues related to changing borders and transforming a municipality.

Therefore, within the framework of this issue, we will consider only those cases of changing the boundaries and transforming the municipality that involve the vote of the population.

Attention all residents! Questionnaire for a survey of residents of the municipality of the city of Sayanogorsk The administration of the municipality of the city of Sayanogorsk, within the framework of the Comprehensive Program for the Social and Economic Development of the Municipality of Sayanogorsk for the period up to 2025, analyzes the standard of living of the population. One of the sections of the program is to study the opinion of the population about how they would like to see our city (district, settlement) and how they would like to live? What do you think should be the main strategic goals that the authorities, business structures and the population of the municipality should strive for together? Please tick the answers you have chosen. 1. Mark with any sign the answer to the question - in your opinion, does your city, district, settlement need a program of socio-economic development? □ □ Yes No 2. In your opinion, what is the standard of living of the population in your city (district, settlement) today? Below the subsistence minimum □ Above the subsistence minimum □ Equal to the subsistence minimum □ Difficult to answer □ 3. What is the standard of living in your city, district, settlement compared to neighboring ones? Higher □ Lower □ Equal □ Hard to say □ 4. To which segment of the population would you personally classify yourself? Very rich □ Rich □ Prosperous □ Low-income □ Poor □ Below the poverty line □ 5. In your opinion, are the prices for goods and services in the city (district, settlement) acceptable for the population? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 6. What are you guided by when buying food? Opportunities □ Needs and desires □ Other ___________________ 7. How would you rate the quality of medical care provided? Completely satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderately Difficult to answer 8. What is the problem of providing medical care in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them by importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 9. How do you assess the quality of general education of children? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 10. What is the problem of general education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them by importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 11. How do you assess the quality of additional education for children? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 12. What is the problem of additional education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them by importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 13. How do you assess the quality of pre-school education for children? Completely satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 14. What is the problem of pre-school education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, arranging them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 15. How do you evaluate the activities of local governments in improving the territory? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 16. What kind of improvement activities would you suggest? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What is the ecological state in your city (district, settlement)? Fully satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 18. What measures would you suggest to preserve the ecological state? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19. Is your own safety ensured in your City (district, settlement)? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all Satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 20. In your opinion, is the population's need for transport being met? Fully satisfied Mostly dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderately Hard to answer 21. What measures would you suggest to increase the provision of transport? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22. How do you evaluate the activities of housing and communal services management companies? Fully satisfied More dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 23. What is the problem of providing housing and communal services in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________ 24. How do you assess the quality of services provided in the field of culture? Completely satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 25. What is the problem of providing services in the field of culture in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 26. Are you satisfied with the existing social programs for the population? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 27. On a five-point scale, rate the severity of the problems for your municipality? Name Employment of the population Improvement of the city Infrastructure development State of the housing stock Provision of social services Availability of transport links with other municipalities Lack of recreation places Crime rate Other __________ 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Name the five main ones and arrange them in order of importance 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ 29. How do you evaluate the activities of local governments? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Medium Difficult to answer 30. How open are local governments? Completely satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Medium Difficult to answer 31. From what sources do you get information about the activities of local self-government bodies? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 32. In your opinion, during the last year you began to live: (circle as appropriate) 1. Much better 2. At the same level 3. Worse 4. Much worse 5. Difficult to answer 33. Have you, or your relatives, lately had a desire to move permanently to another settlement? (please circle the appropriate one and please indicate the reason for the move) 1. Yes, we are going to leave soon _________________________________ 2. This option is being considered_________________________________________________ 3. There is no such desire 4. Difficult to answer In conclusion, a few traditional questions: A. How many years have you been living in the municipality? _________________ B. Your gender 1. male 2. female C. Your age 1. from 16 to 29 2. 30 - 39 3. 40 - 49 4. 50 - 59 5. over 60 D. Education 1. incomplete secondary 2. secondary 3. secondary - special 4. incomplete secondary 5. higher E. Your field of activity 1. Head of an enterprise, department 2. Specialist 3. Individual entrepreneur 4. Employee (doctor, teacher, teacher, cultural worker, etc.) 5. Worker 6. Student, student 7. Pensioner 8. Unemployed, housewife 9. Other ____________________ Thank you very much, all the best! Please submit this questionnaire to the Administration of the municipal formation of Sayanogorsk or to the editorial office of the newspaper "Sayanskiye Vedomosti". Also, the questionnaire is posted on the official website of the Sayanogorsk municipality: www.sayan-adm.ru The completed questionnaire can be sent by e-mail: [email protected]