The scenario of the opening of the summer camp with elements of the game program. Methodological development on the topic: Scenario for the opening of the day camp "Rainbow" "Along the paths of the Cat of the Scientist Dance" Radiant Sun ".1 detachment

Scenario for the opening of the school camp "Anthill"

Prepared by: Tanacha Victoria Vyacheslavovna, teacher of primary school and computer science, Kuznetsovo-Mikhailovskoye school

Target: introduce the children to the camp, its laws and regulations; create a festive, friendly, joyful atmosphere.
Equipment: Computer, projector, emblems, ties, crayons, key, anthill layout.
The music sounds “Here it is, what our summer is!”
Presenter 1
Hello, hello, hello!
We are happy to greet you!
Fun today, joyfully with us!
Lead 2
Today is the opening day
Camp shift, friends.
A lot of enthusiasm, fun awaits us, cheers!
Presenter 1
Dear children, vacationers from school,
Those who really want to have fun
We are inviting everyone!
Lead 2
There will be songs, and dances, and laughter,
We invite you all to a fun holiday!
Are they all lined up?
Is everyone ready for a vacation? (Yes)
Presenter 1
Attention! The solemn line dedicated to the opening of a children's school health camp is declared open.
Presenter 1
Dear children:
both girls and boys.
Congratulations on the holiday,
We invite you to our camp!
Lead 2
But before our camp opens,
We all need to get to know each other!
Presenter 1
Sasha, Masha - smile,
Yura, Yuli - stretch,
Dashi, Katya - bend over,
Lera, Vicki - respond,
Karina, Artem - clap,
Denis and Sveta - stomp!
Presenter 1
So we met, and now I propose to find out the name of our camp!
forest dwellers
The best builders.
Ebullient kids
The house was built in the best way.
From needles, from needles
The best city in the world.
The house stands in a dense forest
And it's full of people.
All its residents are hard workers.
Worked out, poor things!

Children: Anthill
Lead 2
Well done guys, it's true that our camp is called "Anthill".
Let's all repeat the motto of our camp together:
Ants are meticulous people
can make a fairy tale come true.
More action, less words
just like that with ants.
Presenter 1
So we remembered the name and motto of our camp. And who will live in our anthill?
Lead 2
A large and friendly family - these are educators, and cooks, and technical staff, and of course you are children, but in order to settle in this wonderful house, you and I must definitely go through initiation into ants and take an oath. All agree?
Children: Yes.
Presenter 1
Then listen carefully and repeat after me:
We swear to abide by all the rules and laws of the "Anthill" camp
- We swear
Come every day with a good mood and give it to others
- We swear
Listen to educators and counselors
- We swear
Have fun, sing, play and dance,
- We swear
Eat everything!
- We swear
Visit your camp every day.
- We swear
All: We swear! We swear! We swear!
If we break this oath, then let...
- we will forever be deprived of money for ice cream;
- all your favorite jeans will be torn;

Do you agree?
- Parents will forbid us to play the computer and the console;
- we will no longer be allowed to play with friends;
Do you agree?
- the laces on our sneakers will get tangled;
- our favorite team will lose;
- a bulldozer will pass over our favorite cartoon discs.
Do you agree?
Children: Agree!
Presenter 1
And so, the oath is pronounced, so it's time to solemnly dedicate the following guys into ants:
(To the music, each child clings to a tie and an emblem with an ant)
Lead 2
Each of you received an ant with your own name, let's put our ants together in this wonderful house.
(Children attach ants around the anthill)
Children's performance:

1. How nice to have someone sometime
Decided to make the kids happy.
For this, it was only necessary
Open a summer camp at the school.
2. School camp is just a class!
At our school camp
There are a lot of good guys:
There are Tanyushas, ​​and Katyushas, ​​and Antoshas.
We go to the pool and the park,
We even go to the zoo.
They feed us deliciously in the dining room -
We rest, in general, cool!
3. Our camp is not boring.
Everyone will find employment.
Our teachers
Everyone will be entertained and occupied.
But we are capricious
We love to run and scream.
After all, we are all children,
To annoy adults.
But in this case too
For them, we will be the best.
Because we are one
Very friendly family!
4. School camp lay down like a page
In our summer days
The song of friendship will flare up like a bird,
Like colored lights.
We were all brought together by the school camp
In your merry round dance.
Here in wizards and mages
The people are changing.
The camp brings us together
Sadness removes like a hand.
Our time fills
The best line.
(Sing a song to the motive "I'm lying in the sun"
We'll be back at camp soon.
Our world will become happier
We will live, do not grieve,
Let's all be friends together

We will go to the camp
Let's eat and play pranks
We will live, do not grieve,
Let's all be friends together.

their educators
let's listen and love
we will live, do not grieve,
we will all be friends together.

Dance "Summer, sun, heat"
Lead 2
The word for congratulations is given to the head of the camp.
Camp leader:
Hello guys. So you went through the rite of passage, now each of you is a legitimate inhabitant of our anthill. As in every house, our anthill has its own laws and orders, let me introduce you to them.
There are laws in the camp
To fulfill them is a duty and an honor,
You will go with them,
And you will find friends.
(The laws of the camp appear on the screen.)
Owner's Law"Anthill"- our house, we are the masters in it. Cleanliness, order, comfort and peace depend, first of all, on us.
Law of Precision. Time is precious with us, take care of every hour. Every business must start and end on time. Do not keep yourself waiting and do not disturb others in vain.
The Law of Raised Hands. Upstairs I saw hands - in the hall there was silence, not a sound.
Everyone is responsible for what happens to him. Remember that they care about you, they want to see only good things in your actions. Think first, then act. Feel free to ask for advice.
Believe in yourself and your strengths. Find an activity you love. Show all your talents and abilities.
Guys, are you ready to follow the laws of our camp?
Children: Ready.
Camp leader So the time has come to solemnly hand you the key to our house - an anthill. Oh, where is he? I definitely put it here. Where could he have gone?
(Baba Yaga appears)
Baba Yaga
Hello little ones!
Oh my legs are tired
For a long time I was going to you
And dressed up beautifully.
Finally came to the party
And I brought you assignments!
Do you recognize me, friends?
Yes, Grandma Yozhka is me!
Now, introduce yourself!
(Children say their names)
Baba Yaga: Oh, who is it rushing out of the bag.
- Aaah, this is the key to your camp, but I won't give it to you just like that.
Camp leader:
So you're the naughty one who stole the key from me? What do we need to do to get him back?
Baba Yaga:
You need to play with me. While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the key from hand to hand, to each other. The music will stop, and the one who has the key in his hands will come out, if at the end of the game he remains with me, then you will not see him as well as your camp for a whole year, and if you have, then I will leave the key to you. Shall we play?
Children: Yes
(Game "Key")
Baba Yaga: Wow, how clever you are, they took the key from Yagusi, and you are not ashamed to run around the old woman (crying), but I so wanted to play with you again, and you ...
Presenter 1
Do not cry, Yagusenka, our holiday is in full swing, stay with us and see how our guys know how to have fun, play, sing, dance.
Baba Yaga
Guys, do you mind?
Children: no.
Baba Yag
Then I invite you all to stretch your legs.
Dance "Dance Teacher" conducted by Baba Yaga
(Hello guys! Hello girls!
Today is a holiday, no one is on the sidelines
Will not stand on the dance floor
Dance Masha, Sasha, Katya, Petit, Olya.
Today all the songs are loud
And we dance with friends together)
Lead 2
Let's all stand in a tight circle,
Let's not part friendly hands.
We can't live without friendship
Because we are friends!
(The game "All friends are in this room")
Lead 2
And to drive away boredom and bad luck,
Let's give a dance "Good mood"
(Dance "Good mood")
Presenter 1
Summer is wonderful, it's time
Kids love summer!
Lead 2
We will now hold a music competition,
We will sing songs about summer and the sun.
(The host divides the children into 2 teams, the players must remember as many songs as possible with the words summer and sun, and sing an excerpt from them)
Presenter 1
Stand in a circle guys
Don't be lazy for a moment
Repeat all movements
And don't yawn one bit.
Game "Repeat after me"
Lead 2
I know you can
Great to draw.
Your talents can
Now you show?
Presenter 1
But the pencil won't work
I work with such…
And I took colored crayons with me!
(Competition of drawings on asphalt on the theme "Vacation")
Lead 2
Vacation, probably, was not invented in vain,
After all, all our children love them very, very much!
Presenter 1
And yet, they probably didn’t come up with nothing in vain,
That children come to camps on vacation!
The song "Vacation is a fun time"
Lead 2
Thank you all for your attention
For smiles, ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition
Ensuring success!
Presenter 1
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short
We say: "Goodbye"
Until happy new meetings!

Opening of 1 camp shift LOL "Rainbow"

Goals: organization of students' leisure; expanding horizons; education of curiosity; activation of creative activity; development of interest in cognitive activity; development of thinking ability, resourcefulness, ingenuity.Decor: crossword puzzle, split letters, geometric figures, felt-tip pens, prizes for games, toys, 2 cords (jump rope), seven-color flower, green, red and yellow flags, scissors.Sounds like a fun song about summer - Dear children: girls and boys.Congratulations on your holidaysWe invite you to relax at the school camp.With you for a long, long timeLet's sing, joke, playAnd of course, and of courseWe will dance with you!- Greetings from the Head of the Camp. 1. Poems about summer. 1. It's good that the sun is shining!Good thing the wind is blowing!It's good that this forestGrows right up to the sky!It's good that in this riverVery blue waterAnd me no one in the worldWill never catch up!Good to play with friends!It's good to snuggle up to mom!It's good to chew grass!It's good that I live!2. Thank you summer for coming,What a lot of light it brought with it!Thank you for the strawberry patch!Thanks for the blackberry bush!Thank you for clear skies!Thanks for the sunshine!Thanks for the warm riverFor shade and mushrooms in the forest!Thank you for everything you gave me, man!And this "thank you" I'll bring you!I'll bring it along with the echoI will bring along with the song of the bird,I will bring it along with this forest stream,From which everyone wants to drink.Song "My Motherland" - In the camp we will have many things to do: competitions, competitions, travel, games. And let's start having fun right now.2. Competition for attention From the letters of the split alphabet, quickly make a word:*Time period from May to September TO 3. Examination of intelligence Questions are asked to groups one by one.1. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)2. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)3. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you won’t throw it far? (Pooh)4. Seven brothers have 1 sister each. How many children? (8 children: 7 brothers and 1 sister)5. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)6. What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty)7. Will be born twice, die once? (Chicken)8. You can jump off it on the go, but you can’t jump into it on the go? (Airplane)9. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)10. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)11. How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass? (They themselves cannot enter)12. Can I bring water in a sieve? (You can when it freezes)4. Crossword Guessing 1. Who hits the roof all night Yes, it knocks. And mumbles and singsLulling? (rain)2. She dies before autumnAnd comes alive again in the spring.A green needle will come out to the light,Grows and blooms all summer.Cows without her are in trouble,She is their main food. (Grass)3. Only the rain left,A bridge appeared in the sky.Arched brightlyLike a golden belt. (Rainbow) 4. How boring One hundred years without movement look into the water On soy reflection.Hanging branches from a cliffQuiet, sad .... (Willows)5. He's not fragile at allAnd hid in the shell.Look into the middleYou will see the core.Of the fruits, he is the hardest of allIt's called…. (Nut)Come on together, let's meet the summer together with a sonorous song.Let's sing the song of our camp "The sun came out" 1 The sun came out
Glittering in the meadow.
I'm towards the sun
I run on the grass.
And white daisies
I vomit on the fly.
I will make a wreath
I'll weave the sun.
I will make a wreath
I'll weave the sun.
2 I gathered in my hands
pure dew,
Rainbow and sun
I carry it in my hands!
And flowers over the river
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I will give mom!
Everything that I meet in the morning
I will give mom!
3 The day sparkles with joy,
Beckons me into the distance
I need a rainbow
merrily ringing,
By the river under the willow
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!
The happiest
This morning I!
6. Game program - Candy Collect Game (Whose team will quickly collect candies in 1 piece) - Cut the prize game (Prizes are tied on a cord. Blindfolded, try to find and cut the prize) - Musical toy game (Children's toys lie in a circle. Children run around in a circle to the music. At the end of the music, take a toy. Whoever did not get the toy is eliminated from the game.) - The Elusive Cord Game (Two players sit on chairs that stand back to each other. A cord (rope) is laid under the seats. At the signal (end of the music), you need to grab the cord and pull it out. Whoever grabbed it first, won.) - Game "Traffic light" (The driver shows the circles in a different sequence, the children perform actions)Green - stomp their feetyellow - clap hands,red - silence.7. Fiction Exam - Game "Come up with a picture" The detachments are given on the sheets an image of geometric shapes (circle, triangle, ½ circle, rectangle). Complete the image to make a drawing. - Blind drawing game 2 people participate. Issued to them on a sheet of paper and 1 felt-tip pen. Participants are blindfolded.- Draw blindly a house without a roof;- Finish the roof of your house, then the window, the doors;- Draw a pipe on the roof;- Draw a Christmas tree to the right of the house;-Now draw smoke coming from the chimney of the house.8. Riddles for squads about summer So that the ardor of fun does not fade away, so that time goes faster,Friends, we invite you to riddles as soon as possible.a) If the wind is blowing warm, albeit from the northIf the meadow is in daisies and lumps of cloverEverything in nature has blossomed if the grove is dressed in greeneryThis means that it has come .. What has come guys? SUMMERb) the sun shines brightly And light and hot And around the grass, flowersAll day wander, wanderWhat time of year is this? SUMMERc) When you go to the grove for mushroomsBe sure to take it with you. (Basket)d) red, sweet, fragrant,Grows low, close to the ground.What is a berry? (Strawberry)e) Who sits on a strong footIn the brown leaves by the path?Got a hat made of grass -There is no head under the cap. (Mushroom)e) Well, which of you will answerNot fire, but it burns painfully.Not a lantern, but shines brightlyAnd not a baker, but bakes. (Nettle)e) Hey, bells, blueWith language, but no ringing. (bells)g) White, white shipFloats above the treesIf it turns blueIt breaks down with rain. (Cloud)h) In the forest, the pot is boiling,And there is no scum. (Anthill)i) Was green, smallThen I became scarlet.I turned black in the sun -And now I'm ripe. (Blueberry)9. Flower - seven-flower ( performing creative tasks written on flower petals)Remember and read the poem.Tell a funny children's anecdote.Dance a dance.Spend any fun children's game with children.Depict with gestures what you will do in the summer, everyone - guessSolve summer riddles.Come up with and voice to everyone a wish for the summer holidays.
Today we opened the doors for you, dear girls and boys!
Let you live here fun and interesting!
Let everyone find
Your favorite pastime
Lots of new good friends!
May this summer be the sunniest, warmest, most unforgettable from your smiles and warm hearts!
Happy summer days to you!
Good health! Happy holiday!
Perform the song "Big round dance"
1 We were born into the world to live joyfully,
To play together, to be strong friends,
To give each other smiles, flowers,
So that all our dreams come true in life.
So let's have a big round dance,
May all the people of the earth join us in it,
Let only joyful laughter sound everywhere,
Let the song become clear to everyone without words.
2. We want to roll in the green grass,
And watch the clouds float in the blue
And dive into the cool river in the summer heat,
And in the palms to catch a warm mushroom rain.
3 We were born into the world to live joyfully,
To give flowers and smiles to each other,
So that grief disappears, trouble disappears,
So that the bright sun always shines.

Scenario for the opening of the camp shift "Rainbow"

Grigoryevsky branch of MBOU Shpikulovskaya secondary school

"Hello summer!"

Senior counselor Ozhereleva L.I.

Host: Guys! Here comes the long-awaited warm multi-colored summer. I congratulate you on the successful completion of the school year and the opening of a new summer health season. I wish you to have fun, show all your best abilities, improve your health, have a great rest and find new friends.

The school year has gone by so fast!

Hooray! The holidays have arrived!

There are so many good, glorious deeds around,

That's why we're all here guys!

And now let's check everyone gathered for the holiday. I suggest you play the game. I name names, and all the guys with these names perform a certain task.

Andrey, Alyosha - show yourself;

Alina, Anya - smile

Alyosha, Vlad. - lean;

Katya, Yura - respond;

Masha Vitya - stretch;

Egor Nikita - comb your hair;

Paradise, Dima - clap;

Maxim, Alyosha - stomp;

Nastya.Vova - jump;

Danil David ..... - wave your hand.

And now let's check if you know who our head of the camp is, educators

All of you at school and at home read fairy tales, but how carefully you read them, we will now check

Guys, now we have a fabulous quiz. I ask you questions, and you answer them in chorus or continue the phrase.

1. What do you know about the fairy tale about the pea? (The Princess and the Pea)

2. What vegetable was turned into a carriage for Cinderella? (Pumpkin)

3. What fruit did the princess eat and fall into a dead sleep? (Apple)

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)

4. Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivan)

5. Finist - Clear ... (falcon)

6. Princess - ... (Toad)

7. Geese - ... (Swans)

8. By pike ... (by command)

9. Frost... (Ivanovich)

10. Snow White and seven ... (gnomes)

11. Skate - ... (Humpbacked)

Summer is wonderful because only at this time there are some unusual phenomena. What miracles happen in summer?

I will call them to you, and you say loudly "Yes" and raise your hands if these phenomena occur in the summer, and "No" if they occur at other times.

Haymaking, heat, frost, sunburn, snowfall,

thunderstorm, thaw, leaf fall, rainbow.

Game "Who said?"

Now we will try to compose a poem.

I will begin, and you must continue and rhyme the name of the animal.

“Beautiful day,” said .... (deer, seal)

“But it will rain,” said ... (raccoon, hoopoe)

“Not here, my friend,” said (the camel)

“I’ll go to the car,” grumbles .... (python)

“Take your time,” said .... (lynx)

“And I’m afraid,” whimpered ... ... (goose)

“You make everyone laugh,” said ... (mouse)

“The game is over,” said .. (starling)

And now I want to give each team a card with a well-known proverb. The whole team must convey the content and meaning of this proverb without words, using gestures and pantomime. The team is given exactly 1 minute to think. Get ready, let's get started!

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.

Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

Seven do not wait for one.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

And now the teams have to dress one of their most slender participants. The team that puts on this person as many clothes as possible within 1 minute wins. You can use the clothes of the spectators sitting in the auditorium if, of course, they do not mind. But keep in mind that caps, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings and other jewelry do not count. So, teams, get ready, let's get started!

Each team receives a card with the name of the statue written on it. One, the most sculpted member from each team, must complete the task. Then two stage workers will approach him and take him backstage. The statue must be in the image until the very last moment. So, get ready, let's get started!

Girl with a paddle.

Border guard on patrol.

Summit Conquerors.

Javelin thrower

Statue of a lover.

And now I invite two participants to the stage, the most vociferous, who can imitate the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - the dialogue of onomatopoeia and the conversation of animals. Please get task cards.

Chicken is a rooster.

Dog Cat

Pig - cow

Crow - nightingale

Duck - goat.

donkey frog

And now a dance marathon is being announced. I invite 3 teams first. The team becomes in a circle. You are given 6 balls. All team members must dance to music of different styles and directions. And at the same time, you must juggle the balls so that not a single ball falls to the floor. And so, we started!

And now it's time to give the floor to our charming but strict jury

Let there be happiness and peace in the camp, and let's give up on sadness! (Perform the song "Good Road")


Davydova Yulia Nikolaevna
Time spending: 12.00
Location: concert hall.
This scenario is designed for children 7 - 11 years old.

Goals and objectives:
in an unusual way to introduce the guys to the administration of the camp;
to involve the children in active participation in the life of the camp;
instill in children respect for educators as elders, and at the same time make them friends as equal participants in the life of the camp;
accept the basic rules of life and recreation in the camp;
introduce children to each other in an interesting and entertaining way;
create a favorable psychological climate in the detachment.
introduce the guys to the daily routine in the camp in an unusual way;
to interest the children in events in the life of the camp;
to rally the guys in the process of preparing the program;
identify artistic and aesthetic interests, musical, creative abilities.

Event progress:

The hall is decorated with balloons and flowers. Children's music plays in the hall. The children are busy gathering. The atmosphere is joyful and light. Fanfare sounds, the presenter enters the stage
-Dear children:
Both girls and boys.
Congratulations on your holidays
And we invite you to rest in our camp.
With you for a long, long time
Let's sing, joke, play
And of course, and of course
We will dance with you!
(Drumroll sounds smoothly turning into loud fanfare)
Day camp "Joy" is open!!!

(Children applause)

And now, let's get acquainted with the workers of the camp. I will make riddles, and you try to guess them.

If your ears, nose and head hurt.
Disturb our friendship
It can be done in the morning.
And don't grumble with a sore throat
All the same, they will save (doctors).
And tell me who is so tasty?
Prepares cabbage soup, odorous cutlets,
salads and vinaigrettes (cook)
All the guys are like children to them:
Olya, Katya, Sveta, Petit.
Always help, dreamers
They are not counselors, (but educators).
For charging who in the morning.
Take you kids?!
Without him, we are like without hands,
And in the economy it is indispensable
Paper, pen, clay.
And only he solves all the different questions.
In the camp, he is the most important, who is he? (head of the camp)
Well done! And I am happy to convey my greetings to the head of the camp Nesnova Yu. Yu.
-Children, since we have a concert, then the numbers should be concert! And who prepared the numbers for the performance? (children are silent) And what are we going to do then? We can't do without magic...
(Fairy Joy appears on stage to fabulous music)
- Children, who is this?
Fairy Joy:
- I am Fairy Joy. I came to you on a holiday to help you!
How did you know we need your help?
Fairy Joy:
-I'm a fairy! A fairy that brings joy to children! Let's check?
Children, do you like summer? And the sun? (Children answer)

Then Sofia Vladykina (soloist of NTEP "Absolut") will perform the "Solar Song" for you. Meet with applause!
Fairy Joy:
-You see, while I cope with my duties, and you, for now, you go to rest (seeing off the presenter)
Fairy Joy:
Now guys, tell me
Has the sun woken up today?
And all the guys smiled?
Are they all lined up?
Are you ready for work and leisure? (Children give answers)

Children, do you know how beautiful nightingales sing in summer?
We invite you to listen to how the Nightingales sing

Fairy Joy conducts a game - acquaintance

Meet the fashionistas of the Exemplary Contemporary Dance Ensemble "Angels"

Children, I will now name various natural phenomena, if they relate to summer, then you should clap your hands, and if not, then stomp. Agreed?
flowers bloom in summer
green grasses,
leaves fall from the trees,
berries ripen,
animals go into hibernation
birds hatch chicks
and fly south
it often rains mushrooms
and rainbow!

Well done guys, and the soloist of NTEP "Absolut" Varvara Seroshtan will sing for us about the rainbow.

Fairy Joy:

And now I call 7 people to this stage. (Wishing to come out)

Fairy Joy gives each participant the letter P, A, D, O, C, T, b

Children, your task is to line up the letters in the correct order - and the order is a guess. So, attention, what is the name of our summer camp?

(To cheerful music, children build a word from letters)

That's right, Joy.
- Well, now, let's get acquainted with the names of your units, your mottos and slogans.
(children give answers)
Fairy Joy:

Now let's test your knowledge!
Can you solve the most common riddles?
1. The sun shines brightly
It's warm in the air
And wherever you look
it's light all around
They dazzle in the meadow
bright flowers
What time of year do you think it is? (SUMMER)

2. Golden rocker
hung over the river (rainbow)
3. Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks.
And mumbles and sings
Lulling? (rain)

4. She dies before autumn
And comes alive again in the spring.
A green needle will come out to the light,
Grows and blooms all summer.
Cows without her are in trouble,
She is their main food. (Grass)

5. Red, sweet, fragrant,
Grows low, close to the ground.
What is a berry? (Strawberry)

And now, you have to match the words to rhyme, are you ready?

Summer is a wonderful time!
The kids are having fun.
It's hot outside.
The children are all screaming: "Hooray!"
We all go on vacation
To not get bored at home
To sunbathe by the sea
Have fun and play.
Who is in the village, who is in the country -
We wish everyone Good luck!
Someone is going to the camp
And you won't be bored there.
Summer is a wonderful time!
having fun kids.
Among the ears by the river -
rang cornflowers!

And now the OANP "Solovushka" will congratulate you all with the song "Accordionist Timoshka"

Fairy Joy:

Let the summer warm you with the warmth of the sun, the rainbow will delight you with its beauty, the rain will refresh and wash everything around, fruits and vegetables will give you strength, and the Palace Camp will heal you.
- And now it is time to pronounce solemnly the oath of your camp.
We swear to parents to be healthy!
We swear to respect each other!
We swear to protect school friendship!
We swear not to disturb the peace of counselors and teachers!
We swear not to cut the wires of the switches!
We swear to eat all the soups and meatballs!
We swear not to break a single branch!
We swear to protect our native nature!
We swear not to play on the road!
We swear to follow the decrees and rules!
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Fairy Joy:
- Today, here, we opened the doors for you, dear girls and boys!
Let you live here fun and interesting!
Let everyone find
Your favorite pastime
Lots of new good friends!

May this summer be the sunniest, warmest, most unforgettable from your smiles and warm hearts!
Happy summer days to you!
Good health!
-Let there be happiness and peace in the camp, and let's give up on sadness!
And you are congratulated by the OAST "Angels" with the choreographic number "Notes"

Fairy Joy:
-Dear children, let's agree that during this month we will not be bored, because we will have many exciting adventures, games, contests, quizzes, excursions and a lot of positive impressions. But most importantly, exciting Pirate adventures are waiting for you!!! After all, as we say in a fairy tale - the main thing is to believe in miracles! For example, would you like the real captain Jack Sparrow to come to your holiday? Then believe! It will be fun with us! Because we will be together! In the meantime, NTEP "Absolut" is in a hurry to congratulate you with the song "We are together."

Fairy Joy:
- This concludes our season opening celebration. I wish you to have a good summer vacation, and come to school with renewed vigor on September 1! In the meantime, a sweet surprise awaits you from my magic wand! One, two, three - you clap your hands, say “Thank you” to me, and like mice, quietly go to your offices. And there will be a surprise! Goodbye, children! See you soon!

Fanfares sound, children and Fairy Joy leave the hall, children's songs sound

School camp opening scenario Venue: school assembly hall

Presenter 1: Dear Guys! Congratulations on the opening of the camp season. I wish you to have fun, show all your best abilities, improve your health, have a great rest and find new friends.

The floor for the opening of the camp shift is given to the Head of the summer recreation camp Ognevoi N.N.

(The head congratulates the children and introduces the educators and counselors of the 1st and 2nd detachments)

Presenter 2:

Dear children:

Girls and boys.

Congratulations on your holidays

And I invite you to play in our camp.

With you for a long, long time

Let's sing, joke, play,

And of course, and of course

We will dance with you!

Dance "Radiant Sun". 1 squad.

Presenter 1: Now, guys, say-

Has the sun just woken up? (Yes)

And all the guys smiled? (Yes)

Are they all lined up? (Yes)

Are you ready for work and leisure? (Yes)

Well done!

Let's meet game.

Let's get to know each other. I propose to play the game "Acquaintance". I name names, and all the guys with these names perform a certain task.

Show yourself;


Bend over;



Comb your hair;




Wave your hand.


And now add the name of our camp from these pieces.

(add the name of the camp)

Presenter 2: Well done! We coped with the task, and the guys from the 2nd detachment prepared a musical number for you. Meet!

Song 2 squad.

Presenter 1: Morning, evening or night-

Drive boredom away!

Here, in the camp, friends can not be counted,

There are songs and there is friendship!

Friendship song (Chorus)

Game Me too.

Presenter 2: Let's play the game "Me too!".

Listen carefully, and when necessary, say in chorus: “Me too!”

I got up early today! Me too!

I've been to the zoo! Me too!

I saw an elephant with a baby elephant! Me too!

He looks like a pig!

I returned to the yard Me too!

Trezor jumped in the yard!

He was chasing a cat

And wagged his tail!

What attentive children!

Do you love summer? (yes) Why? (children express their opinions)

Presenter 1: Now I will name different natural phenomena, if they relate to summer - clap your hands, and if “no”, stomp!

flowers bloom in summer

The grasses are turning green

Leaves are falling from the trees

Berries ripen

Animals go into hibernation

Flying butterflies, dragonflies

All in boots and mittens

Birds hatch chicks

And fly south

It often rains mushrooms

And a rainbow!

Musical number 2 squad

Presenter 2: Guys, I came to you with another surprise! See what I have? (chamomile) Right, but this chamomile with riddles.

1. The sun shines brightly

Both light and hot.

And around the grass, flowers,

All day wander, wander.

What time of year is it? ... (summer)

2. What's my name, tell me

I often hide in the rye.

humble wild flower

Blue-eyed ... (cornflower)

3. He hollowed a tree for a long time

And exterminated all the insects.

He didn't waste any time

Long-billed, motley ... (woodpecker)

4. Good-natured, businesslike,

All covered with needles.

Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?

This is our friend ... (hedgehog)

5. In every city yard

Eat for the joy of the kids

Birdie. You don't hit her!

This bird .... (sparrow)

6. In the spring, it rushes to us from the south

Black as a raven bird.

For the trees of our doctor-

Eats all insects ... (rook)

7. She eats aphids from branches

And helps us in the garden

On a leaf, sitting down deftly,

This is a ladybug ... (cow)

Number of amateur performances of the 1st detachment

Presenter 1: Guys, in the summer you can run barefoot through the puddles. Now we will arrange a competition in which you need to show how fast you run through the puddles. ( 6 A4 sheets are laid out on the floor. for each participant at a certain distance. Each participant must, stepping on the "puddle", quickly run to the chip and back.

Presenter 2: Guys, let's dance!

Dances with balls in pairs (balls between foreheads)

Presenter 2: Well done! You dance well! And now let's play!

Game "Feed a friend an apple or a banana"

Game "Mummy" ».

Musical number 2 squad.

It's time to end the show

And everyone was happy to participate in it.

In a farewell dance, spinning on the stage

Our camp merry round dance.

(Children form a round dance and play the musical game “If life is fun, do it ...)

Presenter 1: This concludes our season opening celebration. I wish you a good summer vacation and come to school with renewed vigor on September 1st.

Let there be happiness and peace in the camp, and let's give up on sadness!