Basic production assets calculation formula. The main production assets of the enterprise. The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets

The concept of the average annual price (hereinafter - SP) in the economy is interpreted as a value that reflects the change in the price of basic production assets(OPF) throughout the year as a result of their introduction and elimination. The calculation of the average annual cost is necessary for the analysis economic efficiency production, is made taking into account the initial cost of funds. We will tell in the article how the average annual cost of fixed assets is calculated, by what formula and indicators.

Characteristics of the average annual price of fixed production assets

When making calculations, the accountant must be guided by the following documents in force in the Russian Federation.

Title of the document What does it include?
PBU 6/01 No. 26nOPF accounting
Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets No. 91n dated 10/13/2003Rules for organizing accounting of OPF
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-05-05-01/55 dated 07/15/2011On the average value of property on which property tax is calculated
Tax Code of the Russian Federation, art. 376Determining the tax base

Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets

There are several options for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets. The accountant has the right to choose one or even a number of calculation methods, depending on the goals pursued.

SP calculation method Formula for calculating SP Characteristic
The month of input (output) of fixed assets is not countedSP = (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2;

price of OPF at the beginning of the year + price of introduced OPF - price of written off

The book price of the OPF is involved in the calculation;

this option is recognized as less accurate, since the month when the deposit and withdrawal of the OPF took place is not counted

The month of input (output) of the main assets is countedFormula 1 (for economic indicators of capital productivity, etc.):

SP = price at the beginning of the year + the number of months from the date of the assets input - the number of months from the moment the assets were withdrawn until the end of the year;

Formula 2 (Intermediate):

SP = (price at the beginning of the first month

Price at the end of the first month

Price at the beginning of the second month

Price by the end of the second month, etc...

Price at the beginning of the last month

Price by the end of the last month) / 12;

Formula 3 (definition of SP for taxation in the tax period):

SP = (residual price at the beginning of the first month

Residual price at the beginning of the second month, etc.

Residual price at the beginning of the last month

when calculating the advance for half a year, 3, 9 months, a denominator is taken equal to the sum of months and one

A reliable method, since all the proposed formulas take into account the month of withdrawal (input) of assets, in addition, the method makes it possible to use several calculation options

The data for the calculation is taken from the available documents:

  • balance sheet (value of assets);
  • turnover balance sheet for account. "Main assets" (the value of the introduced assets);
  • credit turnover on account. "Main Assets".

Of the described calculation options, taking into account the month of input (output) of funds, the formula for calculating the average level is recognized as the most accurate. This formula 2, by which the chronological average is calculated, is also recognized as the most reliable. As for the SP calculation for property tax calculations, formula 3 is considered the only one acceptable for this kind of calculation. Other calculation options do not apply to property tax calculation.

Example 1. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets, taking into account the month of their commissioning (write-off)

The results of this calculation option look more convincing, because the month of input (output) of assets is taken into account in the calculations. The following values ​​are used for calculations:

  • price at the beginning of the year (10 thousand rubles);
  • the price of the introduced OPF (150 thousand rubles - March, 100 thousand rubles - June and 200 thousand rubles - August);
  • the prices of written-off OPF are 50 rubles (250 thousand for February, October).

So, the calculation is carried out according to the formula: price at the beginning of the year + (number of months from the time of entry / 12 * price of entered OPF) - (number from the time of withdrawal / 12 * price of written off OPF).

According to the SP calculation, it turns out: 10,000 + (9/12 * 150 + 6 / 12 * 100 + 4 / 12 * 200) - (10 / 12 * 50 + 2 / 12 * 250) = 10,000 + (112 + 50 + 66) - (41 + 41) = 10,146 rubles. This is the value of the SP of the main assets.

Example 2. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets without taking into account the month of their entry (write-off)

This is a simplified calculation method, less accurate than the one used in the previous example. The SP is calculated according to the formula: (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2.

The cost at the end of the year is calculated as follows: the price of OPF at the beginning of the year + the price of introduced OPF - the price of written-off OPF. For calculations, the numerical data given in example 1 are used.

Analysis of the values ​​obtained when calculating the average annual value of fixed assets in examples 1 and 2 So, in the two examples given, the same numerical values ​​were used. These data show that the commissioning and write-off of assets were uneven throughout the year. Thus, OPF were introduced in March, June and August, and write-offs were made in February, October.

The calculation of the SP was carried out in two different ways: without taking into account the month of commissioning (writing off) assets and taking into account it. The SP calculation option described in example 1 takes into account the month of commissioning (writing off) of fixed assets. It is complex, but more reliable. In example 2, a simplified method of calculation was used for the calculation (without taking into account the month of entry and write-off of assets). But it was he who gave the wrong result.

The difference in the obtained digital totals for the SP in the calculations in the two examples is obvious. The value of the SP in one and the second examples is somewhat different (10,145 rubles and 10,075 rubles). The difference is 70 rubles. Thus, if the input (output) of fixed assets is uneven, the calculation of SP can be carried out in any way, but the one that takes into account the month of input and write-off of assets will be more accurate.

Common mistakes related to calculating the average annual value of fixed assets

Enough common mistake- inclusion of the value of land plots on the balance sheet in property tax calculations. First, property tax is not calculated from land plots. Secondly, only those lands that are the property of the organization are included in the OPF.

Another error is observed in the calculation of SP. When calculating property tax calculations, the cost indicator of fixed assets is taken, the tax base of which is determined as the cadastral value. At the same time, the price of such funds for calculating the residual value of assets when calculating the SP does not need to be taken.

Economic indicators characterizing the efficiency of using fixed assets

The degree of effectiveness of the application of the OPF is determined by the core economic indicators - capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio. So, the return on assets reflects the ratio finished products per ruble OPF. Capital intensity is the amount of funds for each ruble of finished products. Fund arming testifies to the degree of provision of working organizations with assets.

The analysis of the considered economic indicators is aimed at finding, eliminating and preventing problem situations in relation to the profitability of enterprises. To carry out calculation operations on these indicators, the SP of the main assets is used. Calculations are carried out according to different formulas:

  1. For return on assets: the volume of output / SP of the main assets.
  2. For capital intensity: SP of fixed assets / volume of output.
  3. For capital arming: SP of main assets / average number of employees.

The dynamics of these economic indicators throughout the year characterizes the consistency of the use of funds from different sides. Thus, the positive development of the return on assets indicator, that is, its increase, indicates the effectiveness of the use of the OPF. Low capital intensity indicates sufficient efficiency of the equipment. In interrelation, both indicators manifest themselves as follows.

The capital intensity is growing, but the return on assets is decreasing, which means that there is an irrational use of funds by the organization. Accordingly, urgent action should be taken.

For studies on the use of fixed assets, the dynamics of changes in each indicator separately is taken into consideration. Thus, the inconsistency in the use of resources is also indicated by an increase in the capital-labor ratio with a low growth in labor productivity in comparison with the indicator.

Since the technical condition of funds depends on the degree of their deterioration, then relative indicator depreciation is also of no small importance for the characteristics of fixed production assets. The depreciation coefficient is calculated as follows: the amount of depreciation credited for the period of use (end, beginning of the year) / starting price OPF (beginning, end of the year). If, during the calculation, it turns out that the depreciation coefficient at the end of the year is less than at the beginning of the year, then the condition of the assets has improved.

Answers to questions on the calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets

Question number 1. How do return on assets and average annual cost relate to each other?

Return on assets is considered by economists as a general economic indicator, which shows the effectiveness of the application of the OPF. A high rate of return on assets that is above the industry average indicates that the organization is highly competitive, and vice versa. The level of capital productivity below the average value in the industry indicates the non-competitiveness of the organization.

Question number 2. How does capital productivity (fixed assets) affect profit?

When OPF and capital productivity exceed the value of production and sales expenses, profit will also grow. The return on assets is increasing - economic stability is also growing, as well as the efficiency of the use of funds. With a fall in the level of capital productivity, these characteristics are reduced.

All calculations for the average annual price are carried out according to the above standard formulas. However, it is more appropriate to use the exact calculation method shown in example 1. If a number of OPFs were introduced and written off in a year, then the SP is calculated for each asset, taking into account the period of use. Finally, the results are summed up.

Question number 4. How to correct accounting errors made in the last year (period) in the data that was used to calculate property tax?

Standard calculation options:

  1. OPF input coefficient = price of entered OPF for the period / OPF price according to the balance sheet at the end of the year.
  2. OPF write-off ratio = prices of written-off OPF for the period / OPF price for the balance sheet at the beginning of the year.

In the course of operation, fixed production assets (OPF) gradually wear out, and their value is transferred to manufactured products.


For OPF classification two indicators are used - the degree of participation in manufacturing process and implemented function.

Within the framework of the implemented function, the BPF is divided into:

  • Building. Industrial premises, warehouses, offices, buildings, etc. Buildings allow you to place staff and production equipment.
  • Structures. Objects to receive and store natural resources. For example, quarries, mines, raw material storage tanks, etc.
  • Equipment. Machine tools, units, measuring instruments and computers used to convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Tools. Inventory with a service life of more than one calendar year.
  • Transport. Automobiles and special equipment for transportation of raw materials, materials and finished products.
  • Transfer devices. They deliver heat, electricity, gas or oil products.

All the main production assets in the process of operation are reused and retain their shape.


The structure and composition of the OPF affects:

  • cost of finished products;
  • the possibility of introducing new production technologies;
  • expediency of privatization and lease of funds.

There are three costing methods used in estimating the OPF:

  1. Initial. Calculation of the necessary costs for putting the fund into operation.
  2. Recovery. Determination of the value of the object, taking into account current prices.
  3. Residual. Cost calculation taking into account depreciation.

Types of wear

Depreciation of the OPF can be moral and physical.


Decrease in the cost of the BPF inexpediency of their use due to the emergence of new technologies and types of equipment.

Physical deterioration

Material depreciation of funds and their deterioration specifications due to thermal, chemical and mechanical effects during operation.

Result of use

The result of the use of fixed production assets reflect:

  • capital intensity;
  • capital productivity.

Capital intensity - the ratio of the cost of OPF to the value of the volume of output. Return on assets is the ratio of the value of the volume of output to the value of the OPF. You can increase the return on the use of fixed assets by:

  • hiring qualified employees;
  • increasing the intensity of the use of OPF;
  • conducting high-quality operational planning;
  • increase specific gravity equipment in the structure of the OPF;
  • carrying out technical modernization.

Usually, the average annual cost of fixed assets is calculated when calculating. At the same time, the balance sheet data for the calculation will obviously not be enough. Average annual cost fixed assets, determined according to the balance sheet, is usually used for analytical purposes. For example, to calculate - capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio. And how to calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets according to the balance sheet?

Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets according to the balance sheet

Fixed assets in the balance sheet are reflected in the asset, in section I "Non-current assets", line 1150 "Fixed assets" (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.07.2010 No. 66n). Recall that for this line, fixed assets are reflected in the net valuation, that is, minus the regulatory value in the form of depreciation (clause 35 of PBU 4/99). Thus, the indicator of line 1150 as of the reporting date is formed according to the data accounting So ():

Debit balance of account 01 "Fixed assets" minus Credit balance of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" (except for depreciation of fixed assets recorded on account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets")

Despite the fact that line 1150 is called "Fixed assets", fixed assets, strictly speaking, are also reflected in line 1160 "Profitable investments in tangible assets". After all, profitable investments are also objects of fixed assets. Their difference from "ordinary" fixed assets is that profitable investments are intended exclusively for provision for a fee for temporary possession or use. And therefore they are taken into account separately on account 03 “Profitable investments in material assets” (clause 5 PBU 6/01, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 10/31/2000 No. 94n).

Accordingly, the balance sheet of line 1160 is formed as follows:

Debit balance of account 03 minus Credit balance of account 02 (except for depreciation of fixed assets recorded on account 01)

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to find the average annual cost of fixed assets according to the balance sheet will depend on whether or not profitable investments are included in the calculation.

If you are only interested in fixed assets recorded on account 01, the average annual cost of fixed assets (OS SG) according to the balance sheet is calculated as follows

OS SG \u003d (Line 1150 N + Line 1150 K) / 2

where Line 1150 N is the indicator of line 1150 on 31.12 of the previous year;

Line 1150 K is the indicator of line 1150 as of December 31 of the reporting year.

OS SG \u003d (Line 1150 N + Line 1160 N + Line 1150 K + Line 1160 K) / 2

where Line 1160 N is the indicator of line 1160 on December 31 of the previous year;

Line 1160 K - the indicator of line 1160 as of December 31 of the reporting year.

The average annual value of fixed assets is an indicator that characterizes average cost fixed assets of the company. It also allows you to evaluate how efficiently the company uses its own resources. In the article, methods of calculation and scope of the indicator.

What are fixed assets

Fixed assets are property owned by an enterprise on a long-term basis, and which are used in the activities of the company.

Fixed assets are both industrial and non-productive purposes. For example, spinning machines in a weaving factory belong to the funds for production purposes, they are a means of labor and take part in the manufacture of fabric. As for fixed assets for non-production purposes, they include, for example, sanatoriums, educational establishments, residential buildings - in other words, property transferred to the jurisdiction of non-profit structures.

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The formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets, taking into account the time of their write-off and commissioning

The basic formula for calculating the average annual cost of OPF is convenient to use, but has a significant drawback. Since it does not take into account the moment of commissioning of fixed assets and the moment of their decommissioning, it cannot be applied in a situation in which it is fundamental high accuracy calculations.

For such a case, a different formula is more suitable, taking into account the dynamics of the receipt and disposal of fixed assets.

Wed. = Sn.g. + M1 /1 2 * Cin. - M2 / 12 * Sel.

where C ng - OPF cost for the beginning of the year,

With input. – cost of fixed assets put into operation during the year,

From choice - the value of assets written off during the year,

M1 - time during which the introduced OF were used (in months)

M2 - the time during which the written-off fixed assets were not used. (in months)

Example 2

Let's take the initial data of example 1 as a basis and calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets, taking into account their input (write-off):

Avg \u003d 20,000 + (8 / 12 * 300 + 5 / 12 * 200 + 3 / 12 * 400) - (10 / 12 * 100 + 11 / 12 * 500) \u003d 19841.67 thousand rubles.

Note that this method of calculation is more time-consuming, but at the same time more accurate - since it allows you to take into account the uneven operation of funds. The average annual cost of fixed assets calculated in this way is also called the average annual total book value of fixed assets.

Calculation of the average annual cost of OPF according to the balance sheet

The average annual cost of the OPF can also be determined using the balance sheet indicators as a basis.

The formula used for this calculation will look like:

Wed. \u003d Sat + (Svved. * M) / 12 - (Svyb. * (12 - Mf)) / 12

where Sat is the book value of fixed assets,

Cvved. - the cost of the OPF, commissioned funds,

Cvyb. - the cost of decommissioned fixed assets,

M is the time that has elapsed since the start of using the OPF (in months),

Mf - the time during which the fixed assets were used before its retirement (in months).

The residual (book) value of all OPF of the organization is indicated on line 150 of the balance sheet.

Determination of the average annual cost of the OPF according to the average chronological

If the goal of the calculations is maximum accuracy, it is advisable to apply the chronological average method. First, determine the average cost of the OPF for each month (including input and write-off), and then divide the sum of these values ​​by 12.

Cav = ((From 01.01 + From 31.01) / 2 + (From 01.02 + From 28.02) / 2 ... + (From 01.12 + From 31.12) / 2) / 12

where C as of 01.01 is the cost of the OPF at the beginning of the first month of the year;

From 31.01 - the cost of the OPF at the end of the first month, and so on.

Example 4

Let's determine the average annual cost of OPF according to the data from the first example

C on 01.01 = C on 31.01 = C on 01.02 = C on 28.02 = C on 01.03 = C on 31.03 31 = C on 01.04 = 20000

C on 30.04 = 20000+300= 203000= C on 01.05 = C on 31.05 = C on 01.06 = C on 30.06 = C on 01.07

From 31.07 = 20300 + 200 = 20500 = From 01.08 = From 31.08 = From 01.09

From 30.09 = 20500 + 400 = 20900 = From 01.10

From 31.10 = 20900 - 100 = 20800 = From 01.11

From 30.11 = 20800 - 500 = 20300 = From 01.12 = From 31.12

C \u003d ((20000 + 20000) / 2 + (20000 + 20000) / 2 + (20000 + 20000) / 2 + (20000 + 20300) / 2 + (20300 + 20300) / 2 + (20300 + 20300) / 2 + (20300 + 20500) / 2 + (20500 + 20500) / 2 + (20500 + 20900) /2 + (20900+20800) / 2 + (20800 + 20300) / 2 + (20300 + 20300) / 2) / 12 = 20337.5 thousand rubles

The method that uses the chronological average is the most accurate, but at the same time the most labor-intensive algorithm for calculating the average annual cost of the OPF.

Calculation of the average annual cost of OF according to the rules of the Tax Code

AT tax code The Russian Federation has established a special algorithm for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets, which taxpayers are required to use when calculating corporate property tax.

Avg= (Status on 01.01+ Status on 01.02 + ... + Status on 01.12 + Status on 31.12) / 13

Example 5

Table 1. Residual value of fixed assets of the enterprise (thousand rubles)

OPF cost

Calculate the average annual cost of OF:

(400 + 380 + 360 + 340 + 320 + 300 + 280 + 260 + 240 + 220 + 200 +180 + 160): (12 months + 1) = 280 thousand rubles.

Using the average annual cost of OPF in economic analysis

Let's consider the scope of application of the average annual cost of OPF in the calculation of other economic indicators.

If we take the volume of products manufactured by the enterprise and divide it by the average annual cost of the OPF, then we get return on assets ratio, which actually shows , how many manufactured products in monetary terms account for 1 ruble of fixed assets.

If, over time, the return on assets of the enterprise increases, this allows us to conclude that the company's capacities are used efficiently. Decrease in return on assets - on the contrary, says the opposite.

If the average annual cost of the OPF is taken as a dividend, and the volume of output is used as a divisor, then the capital intensity ratio will be obtained, which allows you to determine what value of fixed assets is needed to manufacture a unit of output.

If we divide the average annual cost of the OPF by average headcount workers, this will allow us to calculate the capital-labor ratio, which shows the extent to which each of the employees of the enterprise is provided with the necessary means of labor.

If the average annual cost of the OPF is multiplied by the depreciation rate coefficient characterizing the operating conditions of the funds, we will get the amount of depreciation deductions for the year. This indicator can be used not only as a retrospective, but also in the preparation of business plans, as a forecast.

The average annual total book value of fixed assets (fixed assets, funds) is calculated by accountants for the following purposes:

  • preparation of relevant accounting and statistical reporting,
  • determination of the property tax base;
  • achievement of internal goals of a managerial and financial nature.

The full book value of fixed assets is the original price of the object, which is adjusted for the amount of the revaluation (depreciation). Revaluation may be caused by reconstruction, additional equipment, modernization, completion and partial liquidation.

During operation, fixed assets are subject to wear and tear, while they completely or partially lose their original properties. For this reason, the calculation of the average annual value of fixed assets has an impact on the calculation of residual value.

The residual value is calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation from the amount of the initial cost.

Fixed assets, as a rule, transfer their value to finished products over a fairly long period, which may include several cycles. For this reason, the organization of accounting is organized in such a way that there is a one-time reflection and preservation of the original form, including price losses over time.

Before considering the formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets, you should consider the classification of fixed assets.

The main production assets (means) include:

  • Buildings, which are architectural objects that are designed to create working conditions (garage, warehouse, workshop, etc.).
  • Structures that include engineering and construction objects that are used to carry out the transportation process (bridge, tunnel, track devices, water supply system, etc.).
  • Transmission devices (electricity transmission, gas and oil pipelines).
  • Machinery and equipment (press, machine tool, generator, engine, etc.).
  • Measuring devices.
  • Electronic computing and other equipment.
  • Vehicles(locomotive, car, crane, loader, etc.),
  • Tool and inventory.

To calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets, the following formula is used:

C \u003d Spn + (Svv * FM) / 12 - (Svbh FMv) / 12.

Here C mon is the initial cost of the OS,

Svv - the cost of the introduced OS,

Chm - the number of months of operation of the introduced operating systems,

Svb - the cost of retired fixed assets,

Nmv - the number of months of retirement,

The formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets uses all indicators at historical cost, which is formed at the time of acquisition. If the organization had a revaluation of fixed assets, then the cost is taken as of the date of the last revaluation.

The formula for the average annual value of fixed assets according to the balance sheet

The formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets can be calculated according to the balance sheet. This method is used in determining the profitability of the enterprise.

The formula for calculating the average annual value of fixed assets on the balance sheet is the sum of the indicators for the balance sheet line "Fixed Assets" at the end of the reporting year and at the end of the base year (previous), then the amount is divided by 2.

To calculate the formula, use information from the balance sheet, which covers transactions not only for the period as a whole, but also for each month separately.

The formula for calculating the average annual value of fixed assets according to the balance sheet is as follows:

C \u003d R + (W × FM) / 12 - / 12

Here R is the initial cost of the OS,

W is the cost of fixed assets introduced,

FM - the number of months of operation of the introduced OS,

D - liquidation cost of fixed assets,

L is the number of months of operation of retired OS.