Sale of property Gazpromneft. group standard. Where to open a brokerage account for Gazprom shares

Work in the company "Gazprom Neft" -
means striving for more.

Create and be proud of what you have created

Create history for future generations

Solve interesting problems

Create and apply new approaches

· Get ​​opportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft - vertically integrated oil company, whose main activities are the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, the sale of extracted raw materials, as well as the production and marketing of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil producing, oil refining and sales enterprises in Russia, near and far abroad countries, employing more than 56 thousand people. The company processes about 80% of the produced oil, demonstrating one of the best ratios of production and processing in Russia. In terms of oil refining, Gazprom Neft is in the top three largest companies in Russia, in terms of production, it ranks fourth.

Gazprom Neft operates in Russia's largest oil and gas regions: Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions, Tomsk, Omsk, Orenburg regions. The main processing facilities of the company are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft is implementing production projects outside of Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft products are exported to more than 50 countries and sold throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of its own sales enterprises. At present, the company's filling station network includes almost 1,750 stations in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OAO Gazprom (95.68%). The remaining shares are in free float.



For young specialists of Gazprom Neft, there is an adaptation program that includes mentoring and training to develop corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at unlocking the potential and determining the optimal path for young professionals to develop their careers in the company.

Forming educational standards industry, Gazprom Neft acts as a partner of the country's leading universities, providing them sponsorship for the development of scientific and material and technical base, career guidance of students.

Gazprom Neft enterprises operate a program of nominal scholarships for students.

Student internships are organized annually in the company and its subsidiaries, successful completion which allows not only to form the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.


a responsibility

Gazprom Neft is convinced that efficient and sustainable business development is inextricably linked to national economic competitiveness, social well-being, and conservation of natural resources.

The Company is an active social investor in the regions where it operates.

Gazprom Neft is a major taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of production facilities and advanced training of employees, acts as a customer for products from local manufacturers.

Gazprom Neft has adopted the Native Towns social investment program aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure in the regions where it operates. Employees of Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions where the company operates.



Corporate culture Gazprom Neft is founded on the principles
shared by all our employees.


as a property of our character


as our way of thinking


how the style of our interaction


as our priority


as a principle for achieving our goals


how is our attitude

If you need a quick solution, then you can simply contact Sberbank or VTB24, the relevant step by step instructions contained in the articles:

Also, one of the largest brokers, Finam, offers the opportunity to buy Gazprom shares online at plastic card almost in one click:

You just need to fill simple form, and in 1-2 minutes you can become the owner of Gazprom shares. Of course, all the formalities then still have to go through, but you can become the owner of the shares right now and at current prices.

If these options are not suitable, or you want to make an informed decision and figure it out (fortunately, this is not difficult), then it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the material below.

This article addresses the following questions:

  • What is a brokerage account
  • The main danger when opening a brokerage account
  • Where to open a brokerage account
  • Zero brokerage account
  • The minimum amount required to purchase Gazprom shares
  • How to buy Gazprom shares

To buy shares not only of Gazprom, but also of any other companies to an individual an open brokerage account is required.

Brokerage account for Gazprom shares

How is it different from a bank account?

  • Only money can be kept in a bank account
  • On a brokerage account, it is possible to account for both money and securities

The procedure for opening a brokerage account is no more difficult than opening a bank account - usually a passport is required, sometimes a TIN or pension insurance certificate - each company can set its own requirements.

This procedure takes 15-60 minutes and does not require any expenses.


In the last 5-10 years, the words "broker", "exchange" and "shares" certainly led a person to Forex. But forex has nothing to do with investing or securities.

Over the years, there has been a fundamental substitution of concepts, and it is thanks to the Forex industry, which is closer to the entertainment and gambling industry, that the very meaning and concept of investing has become highly distorted and discredited.

Everything related to forex should be avoided, despite promises of bonuses of hundreds of dollars upon opening an account, or a low entry threshold of 100 rubles. There are no brokers in the forex sphere, no matter how they call themselves!

To buy shares, you need only well-known, large brokers with a license from the Central Bank!

Where to open a brokerage account for Gazprom shares

Brokers are organizations that open brokerage accounts and provide brokerage services. Often they work as part of well-known banking holdings: Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Gazprombank, Otkritie, etc.

In an ordinary market, buying, for example, potatoes, buyers and sellers meet face to face, agreeing on all the terms of the sale in person.

In the securities market, the order is different: people are obliged to act through intermediaries, which are called "Professional participants in the securities market" or "Brokers". Their activities are licensed, and it is easy for the regulator (CBR) to exercise control over the entire industry through the control of these few organizations that have been issued licenses.

All over the world, people who want to buy shares use the services of brokerage companies - this is absolutely normal.

Right now you can go to Sberbank or VTB24 or any other large bank, and in 2-3 days we will be able to purchase shares of Gazprom and other companies.

You can open several brokerage accounts, both in one company and in different ones (except for the Individual Investment Account - it is possible only one).

Open a brokerage account with any of the organizations listed below.

List of brokers:

  1. Opening, FG
  2. Renaissance Broker
  3. Sberbank of Russia
  4. VTB 24
  5. Credit Suisse
  6. IT Invest
  7. Morgan Stanley
  8. Citigroup Global Markets
  9. UBS bank
  11. Bank of America - Merrill Lynch
  12. Gazprombank
  13. Alfa Bank
  14. ZERICH Capital Management
  15. VELES Capital
  16. VTB Capital
  17. Promsvyazbank

In fact, there are many more of them, but in this list - the leaders in terms of turnover on the MICEX. This list is quite enough to choose a broker according to your requests and needs.

Zero brokerage account

An open brokerage account does not require money, and can exist for years with a zero balance. A brokerage account with a zero balance does not require attention, does not carry any risks, and is absolutely safe for the owner - it is impossible to go into a "minus".

Therefore, by opening a brokerage account, we do not assume any monetary obligations And there is no need to be afraid to open a brokerage account.

In the United States, 50% of the entire working-age population has brokerage accounts, and this is absolutely normal: legendary stories about housewives who have accumulated large stakes in American companies over the years have become possible precisely because brokerage accounts are simple and accessible to everyone.

How much money is needed to buy Gazprom shares

In order for us to buy Gazprom shares or other securities, you will need to deposit a certain amount of money into the brokerage account.

How much money do you need to deposit to buy shares?

First, let's find out how much the minimum possible number of Gazprom shares available for purchase costs. That's 10 shares. If a share costs, for example, 125 rubles, then it means that you need at least 1250 rubles.

Here are the amounts for the minimum possible purchase of the most liquid stocks Russian market(as of May 2017):

  • Sberbank: 1688 rubles.
  • Gazprom: 1237.8 rubles
  • GMKNornickel: RUB 8296
  • Lukoil: 2820 rubles.
  • Rosneft: 3072 rubles
  • ALROSA: RUB 8926
  • FGC UES: 1790 rubles.
  • Magnet: 9259 rubles.
  • Moscow Exchange: 1023.5 rubles.
  • RusHydro: RUB 810.4

As you can see, all this is very accessible.

But despite this, more money will be needed:

  • You will have to pay commissions and broker services (% of the transaction amount + fixed payments)
  • Each broker has requirements for the minimum amount on the account for making transactions.

That is, despite the fact that a brokerage account can exist for years with a zero balance, there are requirements for a minimum amount to complete transactions.

Usually these amounts fluctuate in the range of 0-50 thousand rubles. For example:

  • Broker Itinvest sets a minimum required amount on the account in the amount of 50 thousand rubles
  • broker Promsvyazbank does not set any restrictions at all