Personnel records management in an organization or enterprise - personnel records and document management. Implementation of personnel and management documentation. Optimization of workflow Optimization of personnel workflow on the example of an organization


The general definition says that personnel records management is the process of registration and maintenance of personnel papers. This topic is relevant for individual entrepreneurs, so for legal entities. Paperwork has strict legislative norms, and the described rules must be taken into account by all managers, personnel departments at enterprises. With the help of personnel records management, it will be possible to optimize the process of personnel management, improve the work of each team, and simplify the reporting procedure.

What is HR management

The basics of personnel records management include the entire process of preparing papers, filling them out, reporting on the personnel who work in the company. Each issued is legally binding, including those that are formed on the basis of an employee's application. Personnel production is often carried out by the personnel department, whose functions are such personnel work:

  • accrual wages;
  • registration of holidays, sick leave;
  • issuance of references.

Targets and goals

Tasks and objectives of this HR department:

Direction of work

Employee tasks

Accounting, registration, control

Keeping records of the number of employees, registration for work, dismissal

Work regulation

Familiarization with duties, choice of workplace, premises

Coordination, training

Conducting courses, training, advanced training, retraining, verification of performance

Work with documents

Specialists of this department are engaged in the preparation of papers, books, work schedules, register, reporting


Organization of activities according to instructions

Legal regulation

Work on personnel is regulated by a number of regulatory laws, orders and a set of rules at the regional or state level. Failure to comply with the requirements specified in the regulatory framework is a violation. The main regulations for conducting personnel production:

  • state regulation on work books (2003);
  • rules of office work and document management from 2009;
  • federal instructions for maintaining paperwork regarding employees;
  • General requirements, which are approved by the order of the ministries.

Legislative base of the enterprise

Each enterprise uses a number of documentation that regulates the work of all personnel. The movement of documents and their preparation is carried out according to the instructions, the regulatory framework prescribed above. The legal framework of the enterprise is divided into five key categories, regulated by the internal orders of the enterprise:

  • company charter;
  • work schedule;
  • regulations on the protection of personal data;
  • labor protection (regulated by federal archival decree);
  • staff work schedule (and documents on staffing).

Personnel document flow in the organization

Unified accounting systems for papers in enterprises are divided into three main categories, among which are internal regulations, staffing, and regulations on remuneration. The first category includes the turnover of papers according to the vacation schedule, filling out documents about the work schedule. The second paragraph is more global and contains a provision on the preparation of contracts and accounting policy papers. The regulation on remuneration regulates all issues regarding the payment of wages, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and severance pay upon dismissal.

Staffing in the form of T-3

The staffing table in the T-3 form is a single type of paper that describes the entire structure of personnel in an enterprise or company. The columns contain data on the full name, position of the employee, the unit where he is listed. According to the normative and legislative norms, it is prescribed official salary specialist. Any change in the registration process must be registered by the accounting department in this staffing table on the T3 form. The instructions for filling out always contain recommendations for each column. In total, the document includes 5 information points.

Working schedule

The work schedule is a document that approves the daily routine of a specialist. The workflow regulates the manager's schedule. It includes items on the need for an inspection under current legislation, about lunch and breaks, and about reporting. In some companies, the clerk requires a report to be drawn up every week or month (the document must be confirmed by the signatures of the employee and the clerk after verification). The plan, the schedule of the schedule are formed for the future working period. Recording of employees' working hours.

Contract of employment

An employment agreement is a civil law document that is drawn up between a future employee and an employer. Standard forms for this type of document are not expected, and the agreement is filled in free form indicating the qualifications (position) and period of work. The desired result is also written there. By legal regulations, this type of document is very similar to a contract document, as it prescribes the final result of the work, and not its structure. To dismiss employees, you only need to finalize before the expiration of the contract.

Personnel orders

The reinstatement of employees in positions, the hiring of specialists are carried out according to personnel orders. This type of document prescribes the appointment of personnel to the position and other movements of specialists in departments. Employees of the personnel department and the management team take part in the development of instructions and orders. accept local solutions managers/administrators of the company. Orders have a single form, it is established by the regulatory framework. According to the shelf life of the paper, they must be kept in the accounting department or in the personnel department for up to five years or more (depending on the type of order).

Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are a document that prescribes the responsibility of the parties (employee and employer), and also contains data about the instructions and duties of a particular specialist in his position. They are confirmed by the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. Three copies are required for this document. One remains in the personnel department, the other with the performer himself, and the third with the manager or administrator of a particular department. The purpose of this order is to optimize the processes of personnel management in the enterprise.

How to organize office work in the personnel department

Proper HR management implies a high level of responsibility. Human Resources staff must ensure that the dates of signing correspond to the actual ones. You can entrust the maintenance of work books and other personnel documents to outsourcing companies. Employee Responsibilities personnel service:

  • create a work schedule accounting documentation concerning holidays;
  • draw up documents for labor protection (required for government agencies);
  • prepare and issue orders;
  • Calculate payroll and control the payment of bonuses.

HR department

The full-time personnel service is carried out when all accounting and all registrations are carried out only by hired full-time people from the personnel department. This mode of paperwork is relevant for enterprises and companies with a staff of 20-30 people. State standards require strict adherence to the form of all orders and other requirements, otherwise entity may receive a fine. In the service sector, where one legal entity has up to 30 people, it is more profitable to use the services of outsourcing companies.

Involvement of specialists of an outsourcing company for personnel work

Hiring an outsourced HR company will save money and reduce the overall headcount. Independent specialists carry out the entire volume of necessary work on the preparation of orders, schedules. They also keep a special journal and regulate the work of each specialist in the company. Outsourcing of personnel records management is marked by the fact that a legal entity does not have its own personnel department, but entrusts this task to a separate team for a moderate fee.

Personnel accounting from scratch step by step

To keep records of documents of the personnel department, office equipment and an office are needed. It is important to have a strong safe. The order should appoint the head of the document management system. After that, internal acts are formed. For each employee in the company, you must create a separate folder where his work book will be stored. Personnel records management requires the preservation of this documentation during the entire period of work of a specialist in a position. Throughout the entire activity of the department, information is entered into books, orders are drawn up.

Requirements for HR employees

Personnel records management is a relatively complex process that requires certain theoretical and practical skills. The regulatory framework for this position contains a list of conditions under which a specialist can hold this position. Educational establishments do not single out a separate profile as personnel office work. Managers and administrators are suitable for activities in the personnel department. So employers appoint people with legal education, information security or documentation management.

Rights and obligations of a personnel officer

The first obligation of such officials is to know the legal framework, to comply with the established accounting rules. Above were the articles, federal laws that should be followed when conducting personnel records management. The personnel officer has the right to receive information from employees, view personal folders, see the accounting book (salary). The powers of specialists of this profile include affixing signatures, working with employers to improve the efficiency of staff.

Managing personnel records

Today, HR records management is conducted both in writing and in digital format. Documentation is signed personally by authorized employees. For documentation, state standards are used, which unify all templates and forms. It is necessary to take into account the norms of GOST R 6.30-2003 and GOST R 7.0.8-2013. Important papers are stored in special folders or metal safes. Depending on the scope and size of the company, specialists need to adhere to different requirements for the frequency of reporting.

Search and registration of personnel

Initially, before registering employees, you need to find specialized personnel that would meet strict criteria (they must be related to the specifics of the work). To do this, use specialized bureaus, agencies, job search sites, labor exchange or private ads in newspapers, in the media, on websites. After that, mandatory personnel documents are drawn up, registration is carried out, an employment contract or a work contract is signed.

Stages of hiring

The procedures for registering people for a position begin with entering data about the job seeker in a special journal. The report card records information about experience, length of service, and previously held position. Upon approval, an order is drawn up to appoint a person to a particular post. final stage becomes the formation of a personal folder, drawing up a case in a company, department. The contract contains information about the duties, about the salary in the post.

Personal cards and the formation of an employee's personal file

Types of personnel documents include an employee's personal card. It contains all the information regarding the marital status, full name, a photograph is pasted there, the date of birth is prescribed. All this is done by employers in order to form a data package about each member of the company's staff. According to the law, this data cannot be transferred to third parties. Folders, cabinets or even metal safes are used to conduct a personal file (depending on the level of equipment of the company's office).

HR magazines

Paper printed products helps to systematize reporting, simplify document flow. Documentation in the form of business journals includes the following types:

  • for the control of documents, papers that are delivered to a company or enterprise;
  • for control of time, periods business trips;
  • to control any notes, statements;
  • records to ensure the safety of work books.

Maintenance of work books

Personnel records management obliges specialists to keep records of the work book. All records are kept if the person at the enterprise is formally registered. The work book is issued to the employee upon dismissal. This documentation records all changes regarding the position, awards. Training in personnel records management from scratch includes mandatory items on the correct design of work books. Any errors are corrected by members of the Human Resources staff. If they are found, specialists may be charged with an administrative violation.

Organizing and storing documents

Separate legislative norms have been created for the audit and storage of documents. It is important to mention Article 17 federal law about archiving. It prescribes the need for the management of companies and enterprises to take care of the safety of archival documentation within the prescribed period. The storage period is prescribed by law and complies with state standards. To ensure the integrity of paper documentation, metal fireproof safes and cabinets are used.

If necessary, the data from the documents are transferred to the State Statistics Committee Russian Federation. Automation, digitization of the circulation of papers is one of the priority areas in optimizing the process of managing the work of the staff. Today, most reporting is not done on paper. This does not remove the obligation from the heads of enterprises, managers to preserve the archive for one, three, five or more years.

Electronic personnel records

When using electronic personnel records it is important to comply with the security conditions of documents, to reduce access to the archive by virtue of the law on the protection of personal data. Electronic accounting of documentation has a number of advantages:

  1. quick access to documents;
  2. file password protection;
  3. there is no need to purchase safes to save papers;
  4. saving space in the office - the hard drive can store 10,000 documents or more;
  5. saving time - you can sign, find any document in 1-2 minutes in the hard disk archive on your computer.


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For documentation All personnel operations in the organization require certain knowledge and skills.

Office work at the enterprise is regulated by an instruction independently developed and approved by the director. She is domestic normative act and is obligatory for observance by all employees of an economic entity. It is developed and supervised by the Human Resources Department.

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Legislation requires the preparation of many documents that fix all parties labor relations employee with employer.

Experienced and novice personnel officers should improve their skills. To help them, Internet sites have been created, which present theoretical courses in personnel records management.

Personnel papers reflect the activities of the staff, confirm the length of service of employees, which plays a paramount role in calculating pensions. The management is responsible for the documentary fund of the enterprise.

The main details in control on paper

Competent organization of personnel records requires knowledge regulatory framework, tracking its changes, orientation in the forms of documents used.

For what purpose is

The procedure for maintaining personnel records is regulated by law. On the large enterprises with a large staff, as a rule, a personnel service is formed. Its employees draw up relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

Papers can have a unified form or be developed at the enterprise and approved in local acts.

Personnel records management is an activity aimed at the development and maintenance of documents related to the accounting of personnel, working hours, payroll calculations.

Personnel issues include the following items:

  • registration of employment;
  • internal movement of workers;
  • dismissal;
  • regulation of relations between the manager and employees;
  • organization of the labor process;
  • others.

Proper organization of personnel records contributes to the solution of a number of problems.

Its main goals are presented in the table:

Direction of personnel work Tasks in progress
Accounting and control recruitment, accounting, dismissal of staff.
Planning and regulatory selection, transfer, adaptation of workers.
Reporting and analytical
  • study of employees, evaluation of their work;
  • analytical work;
  • making report.
Coordination and information
  • training, education, retraining of personnel;
  • reception of employees on official and personal matters;
  • processing of written appeals of workers;
  • archival and reference activities.
Organizational and methodological
  • documenting the work of employees;
  • work with the personnel of departments;
  • personnel planning and management.
  • maintaining personal files, work books;
  • drawing up orders, papers for personalized accounting;
  • registration of sick leave, pension certificates, etc.

In Moscow and other large regions of the Russian Federation, organizations with separate divisions can keep personnel records online. For this, appropriate programs have been developed that allow the exchange of documents in electronic form.

The legislative framework

The legislative framework for personnel records management is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This activity is regulated by a number of legal acts:

  • Instructions for filling and application primary documents on accounting and wages (Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 05.01.04);
  • unified documents and requirements for their preparation (Gosstandart resolution No. 65-st of 03.03.03);
  • Standard instruction on office work for federal bodies executive power (Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 dated 08.11.05);
  • Rules for the work of archives (decision of the Collegium of the Federal Archives of 06.02.02);
  • Rules of office work for federal executive authorities (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of 15.06.09);
  • Law on information, its protection and information technology No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006;
  • Law on Consideration of Applications Russian citizens No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.06;
  • Law on the state language of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ dated 01.06.05;
  • Law on Archival Affairs No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004;
  • Law on trade secret No. 98-FZ dated July 29, 2004;
  • Order on work books No. 117n dated 12/22/03;
  • Decree on the adoption of instructions for filling out labor No. 69 dated 10.10.03;
  • Resolution on work books No. 225 dated April 16, 2003;
  • Instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Required Documents

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to have their own legislative framework, which includes a number of mandatory local normative documents.

These include:

Charter The main founding document. It spelled out legal form enterprises, founders, field of activity, procedure for hiring and dismissal of the head, his powers. Many internal regulations of the company are drawn up on the basis of the provisions of the Articles of Association.
Labor regulations (hereinafter - the Rules)
  • The presence of the document is provided for by Art. 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It establishes the procedure for hiring and firing employees, the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement, work and rest regimes, the system of incentives and penalties, and other issues regarding labor relations at the enterprise.
  • The director approves the rules. If there is a trade union in the organization, its opinions regarding the adoption of the document are taken into account. In organizations where personnel work irregular hours, there should be a List of relevant positions and professions. It is issued in the form of an annex to the Rules.
Instructions on the protection of personal data
  • According to Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes the requirements that must be met when processing personal information about employees, ensuring their protection, use, storage.
  • Personal information is considered to be information about a single worker, which is necessary for the employer for labor relations. Employees should be familiar with the documents that determine the procedure for processing their data.
Regulation on labor protection It is located in the personnel department. Each employee is familiarized with the document. In enterprises with more than 50 employees, there must be a position of a labor protection specialist.
shift schedule Used in companies shift schedule labor. The document is urgent and valid certain period at the discretion of the employer.
Papers on labor rationing They reflect the necessary time costs for the manufacture of products (performance of work) by one employee or group and the establishment of labor standards on their basis.


After accepting the head, the number of positions required for the normal operation of the organization is established. Based on the figures received, production cycle and other features of the enterprise's activity is being prepared.

To draw up a document, a standardized form is usually used. You can download a sample for free from the Internet. The employer has the right to adjust the schedule at its discretion.

In the document, the positions are listed in hierarchical order: starting with the director and ending with the support staff. For each of them, the number of units by state, salary and allowances are indicated.

At the next stage, the work schedule is formed. It represents work schedules for all employees. If there are shifts, detailed shift schedules are created. The document briefly describes the requirements for appearance employees, behavior, daily routine, etc.

Next, the form is developed employment contract. In this case, the main norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the internal regulatory documents of the company should be taken into account. An employment agreement is usually drawn up by the organization's lawyer or outside contractor.

The document must include the following items:

  • information about the legal entity: name, address, telephone number, full name and position of the head;
  • employee passport data;
  • position of the employee, types of contract (permanent or fixed-term) and workplace (main or additional);
  • a list of the main duties with reference to the instructions for this position;
  • information on remuneration, additional payments, benefits, vacations;
  • work schedule, payment for processing;
  • reasons for termination of the contract and other conditions;
  • signatures and details of the parties, company seal.

To check and optimize the work of personnel officers, management can conduct an internal or independent audit. This helps to reduce the risk of administrative penalties, disputes and complaints from staff.

Stages of organizing HR records management from scratch

For the formation of personnel records, it is convenient to use the following step-by-step instructions:

Preparing the necessary To organize a personnel service, you first need to purchase furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc. You will definitely need a personnel program, for example, "1C: ZUP" and a reference legal system. Thanks to this, employees of the department will track last changes legislation and will have access to the necessary documents. A safe is needed to store labor and important papers.
Registration of the head The director is the executive officer of any company. He signs the paperwork. To give him all the powers, he is hired under an employment agreement. An appropriate order is issued, by which he appoints himself.
Appointment of a person responsible for personnel work In a small company, these functions may be performed by the head. If an individual employee is engaged in office work, an employment contract is drawn up with him. On its basis, an order is prepared. If the duties are assigned to one of the previously hired employees, an additional agreement and order are drawn up.
Drawing up internal acts They are signed by the director and stored in a special folder along with orders. Local documents include the papers listed above (section "Regulatory acts").
Documenting the reception of staff For each employee, you should have a folder for filing all the papers related to his data and work activity (labor agreement, acceptance order, personal card).
Filling out work books Records of admission, transfers, incentives, etc. are entered into these documents of employees. The employer is required to new book for an employee who has never worked before. Labor and a journal of their registration are in the stationery departments. These papers must be kept in a safe.

This instruction is also suitable for dummies who do not have experience in this matter.

How is accounting

To keep records, you need to properly organize the document flow.

To do this, do the following:

  • develop an internal regulatory framework;
  • prepare a staffing table for each state unit;
  • make a regular arrangement;
  • prepare labor agreements;
  • develop forms for personnel;
  • issue T-2 cards;
  • approve application forms for employees;
  • prepare internal orders.

All personnel actions must be confirmed. Their list is fixed in the regulations.

Additional points

Personnel accounting from scratch begins with the reception of personnel. It is important to properly apply for job applicants, prepare the necessary documentation.

Staffing and holidays

One of the mandatory standard documents that must exist at the enterprise is the staffing table (f. T-3).

  • list of structural divisions and positions;
  • the number of staff units for each position;
  • salaries, bonuses for positions;
  • organization payroll.

Subdivisions are indicated in the document in order of their importance for the work of the organization. Within them, the positions of employees should also be given in order of importance. Job titles in labor agreements and staff lists must match.

The staffing is a form of a schedule with the full names of employees entered in accordance with their positions.

Vacation schedule (f. T-7) reflects information about the time of provision annual leave to all employees. Compiled for a year. It is approved by the director in agreement with the trade union body. The document must be issued at least 2 weeks before the new year. The data entered into it is binding on both employees and employers. The exception is beneficiaries.

The schedule includes the following details:

  • department name;
  • Job title;
  • Full name and personnel number of the worker;
  • number of vacation days;
  • dates of departure on vacation according to plan and fact;
  • grounds for postponement of vacation, estimated date.

2 weeks before the vacation, the employee is informed about this. An order is issued, with which the employee is familiarized against signature. In November, you can prepare an order for all heads of departments, obliging them to submit vacation schedules to the accounting department by December 1. This will facilitate the preparation of the overall schedule.

Registration of employees

The full-fledged work of the organization begins with the recruitment of employees. Filling vacancies is accompanied by paperwork.

Responsibilities of the HR Officer when hiring employees are as follows:

  • registration in a special journal of an application from the applicant;
  • familiarization of the beginner with the current instructions and local acts;
  • execution of an employment agreement and control of its signing by the parties;
  • issuing a copy of the contract to the employee and putting a note about it on the letterhead of the organization;
  • execution and registration of the order in the ledger;
  • filling out a personal card, filing documents in the case (statements, copies of personal papers, orders, contracts);
  • transfer of documents to the payer for payroll to the employee.

When building a personnel records management system, it should initially be determined which documents must be drawn up, and which are needed for a specific area of ​​activity.

Required papers include:

  • orders for personnel (for reception, transfer, etc.);
  • personnel orders (for holidays, bonuses, business trips, etc.);
  • T-2 cards;
  • labor;
  • agreements;

Other required papers include the following:

  • staffing;
  • position on OT;
  • travel log;
  • inner order rules;
  • others.

Job descriptions and the Collective Agreement are not required, but almost every employer has these documents.

After establishing a list of mandatory documentation, you should study the statutory papers. On their basis, other documents need to be developed. Their list depends on the nature of the activities of the legal entity and the characteristics of working conditions. For example, if it is necessary to provide employees with uniforms and PPE, it is necessary to prepare an order on the procedure and terms for issuing them, which employees need them.

Compensation and benefits for work in special conditions: in hazardous industries, irregular, night, etc. Further, they draw up the Regulations on personnel records management. It reflects the list of papers necessary for the work of the organization, the procedure for their execution and storage.

The legislation does not oblige to develop such a Regulation, however, it will greatly facilitate the work of personnel officers. To work in new organization first the director is accepted, then he recruits the rest of the staff.

The composition and number of required posts reflects the staffing table. The rules of procedure reflect all work schedules, requirements for employees, etc. A standard labor agreement is developed on the basis of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before using accounting journals, they should be prepared: numbered sheets, stitched, sealed. A piece of paper is glued onto the last sheet of the firmware. The number of pages is indicated on it, the director or responsible executor signs, and a seal is put. On the first page of the journal write the name of the organization and the start date of its maintenance.

One of important documents personnel records is a work book. For their maintenance, an order appoints a responsible person who fills them out and is responsible for their safety.

Frequently asked Questions

The organization of personnel records has certain subtleties and nuances:

Recovery order The procedure is not reflected in the legislation.

It usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Study of current regulations.
  2. Determination of the list of required documents.
  3. Drawing up a plan for the future work of the organization.
  4. Identification of persons responsible for documents.
  5. Formation staffing.
  6. Checking the correctness of the reception of employees, relocations, personnel changes, layoffs.
  7. Determination of the legality of the labor regime at the enterprise.
Features of individual entrepreneurs with employees The entrepreneur hires staff according to the standard scenario.

The contract is concluded in several stages:

  • Obtaining the necessary papers.
  • Making an application.
  • Drawing up and signing an agreement.
  • Formation of an order for admission.
  • Establishment of a T-2 card.
  • Making an entry in the labor.
  • The employment of citizens who speak English has its own characteristics.
Small business management
  • In these organizations, personnel issues can be dealt with by the head himself or by a special department.
  • An employer can outsource personnel accounting. All issues will be resolved by a third-party specialized organization.
  • Difficulties with document flow arise if the organization is large, has structural units and a large amount of documentation. In this case, the responsibility for the transfer of papers may be assigned to the courier. At the same time, representatives of the executing organization often do not visit the customer's office, i.e., the work is done completely remotely.
Simplification of accounting in micro-enterprises All working conditions are fixed in an agreement with the employee. In 2019, the heads of these companies and individual entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to draw up local regulations. Within 4 months from the date of loss of the status of a micro-enterprise, the management is obliged to issue a "traditional" personnel documentation.

HR documentation This is a wide range of documents containing information about employees and their labor activity. Documents on personnel include the following groups of documents:

All orders for personnel on acceptance, transfer, vacation, business trip, promotion, disciplinary actions, changing personal data.

Statements of employees, acts, protocols;

Employment contracts and work books;

- personal files and personal cards of employees;

- staffing and timesheets;

Payroll accounts.

Documents on the types of activity reflected in them are divided into two large groups.

The first group is documents on general and administrative expenses, i.e. on issues general guidance enterprise.

The second group is documents on management functions. Such documents are made by employees of personnel services, accounting departments, departments of planning and control, supply and sales.

The main organizational legal documents , regulating general issues of working with the personnel of the organization: internal rules work schedule, regulations on personnel, regulations on the structural unit, job description.

Internal labor regulations - organizational and administrative a document regulating the procedure for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the main duties of workers and employees. The main duties of the administration, working time and its use, rewards for success in work, penalties, intra-object mode and organization of work.

The Staff Regulations is a document that reflects the issues of professional and social development labor collective, its relationship with the administration, job security and other issues.

The staffing table is a document containing a list of all positions in an organization, indicating their number and salaries.

Regulation on a structural unit is a document that establishes the status of a function, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural units.

Job description is a document issued for the purpose of regulating organizational and legal status employee, his duties, rights, responsibilities and providing conditions for his effective work.

Table 6.3 - An approximate list of documents on personnel management in an organization

Personnel management procedures Documents under development
Documenting the conclusion of an employment contract and hiring Application for a job. Employment contract (agreement) Order (instruction) on hiring an employee Personal sheet on personnel records (questionnaire) Autobiography Resume
Documentation general issues workforce management and placement Collective agreement Charter (regulation) on the organization Internal labor regulations Regulations on the structural unit Job description Structure and staffing Staff list Order on the distribution of duties between the management of the organization
Documentation of accounting for the use of working time Schedule for the provision of additional days of rest Application for the establishment (cancellation) of part-time work
Documenting the organization of material incentives for personnel Regulations on wages and material incentives Regulations on the organization of remuneration of employees Regulations on bonuses to personnel Regulations on social payments and benefits (in the social package), etc.
Documentation of basic personnel management procedures Code of Ethics of the Organization Regulations on personnel certification Regulations on work with the personnel reserve for promotion to managerial positions Regulations on work with young specialists Regulations on personnel business career management, etc.
Documenting the provision of vacations to employees Vacation schedule Application for granting leave Order (instruction) for granting leave to an employee Note-calculation for granting leave to an employee
Documenting the termination of an employment contract and dismissal from work Letter of resignation Representation of termination of the employment contract Minutes of the elected trade union body Order (instruction) on the termination of the employment contract with employees

Workflow optimization

Workflow optimization includes two major areas:

improving the quality content of information (binding to responsibility centers; optimal set and content of indicators; high quality norms and standards; availability of information about deviations);

increasing the efficiency of document flow and convenience for managers (eliminating duplication of information, optimizing traffic routes; combining primary accounting for accounting and operational management and etc.; matching document titles with content).

Consider the option of reducing the workflow while maintaining its information capacity.

When building a workflow, as well as when creating organizational structures for management accounting, work begins with studying the influence of such factors as: technology features, product composition, organization of production and enterprise management and its structural divisions, business processes, material flows. The organization of document circulation largely depends on the availability of organizational structures management of responsibility centers; development of the mechanism of intra-company entrepreneurship; availability of deviation control; the competence of management and the use of progressive methods of decision-making; availability of personal computers, information networks, etc.

Workflow optimization involves the creation of workflow standards and the formation of internal reporting. For each topic (or document), reporting forms (documents) are developed; instructions for filling out the form (intended use, taking into account the level of management, the order in which details and (or) indicators are filled in: in which column and / or line, what value of the indicator, etc.); a regulation is developed (who, where, to whom and within what time frame submits the reporting form (document); liability for violation of the regulation is established.

test questions

1. Give the definition of the balance sheet?

2. What are the main types of balance sheets?

3. Why the balance sheet is the main information material for internal and external use financial statements organizations?

4. How to explain the equality of the results of the asset and liability (currency) of the balance sheet?

5. List the name and content of the asset and liability sections of the balance sheet?

6. List the types of business transactions affecting the balance sheet?

7. What is a chart of accounts accounting?

8. By what criteria is the activity and passivity of accounting accounts determined?

9. What is the order of entries on active and passive accounts?

10. Define the double entry method?

11. What is the correspondence of accounts and accounting entry?

12. How are accounts divided in relation to the balance?

13. Define the balance and name the methods for calculating the balance in active and passive accounts?

14. Give an example of synthetic, analytical accounts and sub-accounts?

15. What groups of meters are used to reflect the property of the organization?

16. What is business accounting?

17. What is meant by accounting?

18. What features are inherent in accounting?

19. What parts does accounting consist of?

20. What are the main objectives of accounting?

21. Who is responsible for the organization of accounting in the enterprise?

22. What information do accounting data provide?

23. What is accounting information for?

24. What are the external and internal users of accounting information?

25. What factors influence the choice and justification of accounting policies?

26. Name and describe the subject and method of accounting?

27. How is the property of the organization divided by composition and location?

28. What are the sources of property formation?

29. Give a definition of receivables and payables?

30.Give concepts financial investments?

31. Give a description of your own sources?

32. Give a description of borrowed sources?

33. How are accounting registers grouped by content?

34. How are accounting registers grouped in appearance?

35. What is meant by the form of accounting?

36. What is the structure of accounting?

37. List the types of primary accounting documents?

38. What is meant by the details of documents?

39. What is meant by personnel documentation?

40. What are the main organizational and legal documents governing the main issues of working with personnel?

At any enterprise, the accounting of salaries and labor of employees is carried out in accordance with primary documentation, draws up and maintains which the personnel service. If the activities of this unit are not well organized, then serious disruptions occur in the work of the entire company. Let us consider further what are the documents of personnel records management.

General information

As mentioned above, with insufficiently competent organization of activities personnel department there are various problems in the enterprise. In particular, there may be delays in the payment of salaries, compensation for sick leave, untimely preparation of papers for submission to regulatory authorities. All this leads to a significant deterioration financial indicators firms. Documents of the personnel service are filled in in accordance with the requirements contained in the Labor Code. Control over the correctness of paperwork is carried out by both labor and tax office. The supervisory officer can visit any office of the company, regardless of its type of activity and type of ownership, and require for verification the personnel documents of the organization. Inspectors are vested with such powers in accordance with Federal Law No. 134.

Office tasks

The activities of the personnel service cover all processes that relate to the preparation and processing of documentation in accordance with established rules. It is carried out to solve a number of management tasks. These include, in particular:

Why do you need personnel documents?

The main purpose of these papers is to ensure maximum transparency within labor relations. The record keeping system is based on certain rules and requirements. Compliance with them guarantees stability for employees, and for the administrative apparatus of the company - simplification of management. Thanks to the precise regulation of the scope of duties and rights provided by personnel documents, the interests of all participants in labor relations are observed.

Types of papers

In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code, the main forms of personnel documents are as follows:

  1. Staff schedule.
  2. Vacation schedule.
  3. Internal regulations at the enterprise.
  4. Documents that establish the procedure for processing personal data of employees, as well as their obligations and rights.
  5. Instructions and rules for OT. Every employer must provide without dangerous conditions for employees to carry out their professional activity. Employees must be familiarized with the drawn up instructions and rules against signature.
  6. Shift schedules. The TC is set to the limit allowable duration work activity per day. During shift work, time is recorded by drawing up appropriate schedules.

The listed personnel documents are most often the subject of verification by regulatory authorities.


Personnel documents, which include information about employees, are created in the course of the department's work with personnel. Such papers are always closely associated with a particular employee of the enterprise. They reflect information about the professional activities of the employee, his qualifications, results of work, conditions for enrollment in the state, length of service, and so on. Such documents include, in particular:

  1. Administrative papers confirming the labor activity of a citizen.
  2. Information and settlement documents.
  3. Official internal correspondence.
  4. Books/logs of registration and accounting.

Documents of each group have their own specifics. They are intended for various purposes, developed, put into operation, approved according to the relevant procedures.

Administrative papers

This category includes instructions and orders from superiors. With the help of their head implements the authority to manage the enterprise, provided for in the Charter of the company. Orders are divided into two groups. The first includes acts on the main activities of the company. They, in particular, are orders on production issues, the procedure for certification, instructions, and so on. The second group contains orders for personnel. These include acts of dismissal, hiring, transfer, vacations, disciplinary sanctions, incentives. The documents of the first group cover the activities of the enterprise as a whole and are indirectly related to the work of the personnel department. Another category of papers is directly related to the activities of personnel. For the most part, these are unified personnel documents. Their forms are approved by the State Statistics Committee. Documents reflecting the activities of personnel include:

These documents are intended to provide the most complete illustration of the work experience of the employee. He, in turn, will be important for assigning him a pension in the future, and for calculating disability benefits during his activities at the enterprise. Copies of orders from other employers act as the basis for making entries about part-time employment in the work book, making a duplicate of it.

Information and calculation category

These documents are maintained in order to record the personal data of employees, to secure information relating to their work activities. Among them are:

  • personal card;
  • time sheet;
  • staffing;
  • private bussiness.

For most of them, standard forms are used. Unified forms of personnel documents greatly simplifies the process of filling them out.

Internal correspondence

It is used at the enterprise for registration of the accepted personnel decisions. For example, in order to bring any employee to disciplinary responsibility, it is necessary to take an explanation from him. If the employee is expected to be encouraged, his immediate supervisor sends an appropriate representation to the director of the enterprise. Internal correspondence acts as one of the options for the official exchange of views between employees.

Books of control and accounting

Registration journals are designed to record the existing personnel documentation(orders, certificates, personal files, work books). Each paper is assigned a specific number. The journal also contains the date of registration of the document. Proper accounting gives the papers legal force. This, in turn, makes it possible to prove one or another position in labor dispute. Registration and storage of personnel documents of this group is carried out by authorized persons. The company uses logs:

Some samples of personnel documents are approved at the federal level, others are developed by the company itself.

Are all paperwork required?

Conventionally, the above personnel documents are divided into three categories:

  • Depending on the specifics of the company's activities.
  • Recommended.
  • Mandatory.

The latter must be maintained by all enterprises without exception, regardless of the number of employees, type of activity, legal status. These documents are either directly or indirectly indicated in the TC. For example, the need to draw up the rules of the order at the enterprise follows from articles 189-190, the staffing table - from art. 57. Recommended papers are designed to optimize personnel work. Their presence or absence depends on the decision of the head. Documents that depend on the specifics of the organization's activities will be mandatory for a particular company. If the enterprise provides for harmful or dangerous working conditions, then it is obligatory to develop additional rules and instructions. For example, these can be Regulations on passing regular medical examinations, safety briefings, and so on.

Paper recovery

Often, when a company has a new personnel worker, it encounters certain difficulties. For example, the company may not have certain mandatory papers. It is impossible to draw up and implement the necessary documents in one day. In this case, you should highlight the most important and start their design. Experts recommend first of all to start scheduling vacations and staffing. Then you should check the availability and correctness of contracts, orders for transfer, employment, marks in work books.

If the company does not have accounting books, they also need to be created. Next, you need to put in order all personal cards. All documents are dated. However, in the text of the form, for example, f. T-2, the real date is affixed, that is, the date when the employee was hired or transferred. In this case, you can contact the accounting department for help and request personal accounts of employees to clarify and verify information. In the process of restoring lost or missing papers of the enterprise, one should not forget about the current work. After that, it is necessary to proceed with the preparation, execution and implementation of mandatory local acts. The retention periods for documentation on personnel are approved by the relevant List. All the papers cited in it must subsequently be handed over to the archive.

If we consider the work with the employees of the organization holistically, using such philosophical categories as form and content, then personnel management can be represented as content, and personnel records management as a form of the organization's personnel policy. These content and form cannot exist without each other. Let's see how you can build an effective current work with the staff, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and the nature of the work of employees.

The company has found the right employee. Next, HR specialists need to correctly draw it up. Indeed, with incomplete or incorrect HR records management, the organization is exposed to financial risks, and at the same time, the head of the enterprise can expect an impressive personal fine.

If a personnel policy Since the company is characterized by cost savings and significant staff turnover (especially workers), it is necessary to pay great attention to the issue of optimizing personnel administration, increasing the efficiency of the personnel department. It was this task that was assigned to the head of the personnel department of the group of security organizations 1 .

Storytelling, or Company Stories as

Prerequisites for the implementation of the project

In 2012, the group of companies consisted of 500 people. Personnel records management was carried out by three employees of the personnel department (two specialists and a manager). There were no special documents that would regulate the work of the department, everything was done by oral agreement. Accounting was carried out in the standard program "1C". Each employee was treated personally. People brought their applications directly to the personnel department. Here they were hired and fired. Employees passed and waited for one of the specialists to be released, copy their documents, enter data into 1C, print the necessary papers, then sign the documents and get acquainted with local regulations against signature ...

With the order received by the organization in early 2013, the recruitment department ensured an influx of workers within six months, in connection with this, the number of staff increased to 3 thousand people. The composition of the employees was as follows: 100 people - administrative and managerial personnel, 2900 - working personnel (guards and controllers). The turnover among the working staff was 10%.

The organization used a shift method of work, every two weeks there was a change of shift: mass layoff employees who have worked their shift and do not want to work further, and the massive hiring of newly arrived people. Up to 50 appointments and the same number of dismissals had to be made per day (for comparison: on ordinary days, 10-15 appointments are made and the same number of dismissals).

In addition to registration of receptions (up to 300 per month) and dismissals (the same number), the functions of the department included: registration of vacations (up to 200 per month); issuance of certificates from the place of work and copies of work books (up to 100) to employees upon their request; organizing the issuance of bank cards for receiving salaries (up to 300 per month); documentary support for the movement of employees from one security facility to another (up to 500 per month); registration of new work books (about 80 monthly); collecting information for management on recruitment tools (how candidates learned about the availability of vacancies) and the reasons for dismissal; preparation of daily, weekly and monthly reports on the number, hiring and dismissal of employees.

The personnel department interacted with the security service (a unit that directly guarded the facilities and had the following structure: the head of the security department, deputy chiefs, heads of areas, senior shifts, security guards and controllers), as well as with the accounting department. At the same time, the previous work order was preserved (no regulations, accounting in the standard 1C program, personal work with each of the employees). The statements of employees from the security department were transferred without fixing documents and were often lost; there was no opportunity to check whether they were transferred. Workers often went to the personnel department and handed over their applications themselves without any fixation. Thus, the format and deadline for the transfer of documents by employees of the personnel department to the accounting department were arbitrary.

Despite the replenishment of the personnel department with three specialists (now there are five of them, not counting the chief), it was obvious that the unit was still not up to the job. This manifested itself in the following. On shift shift days, employees stayed at work until 22:00, on ordinary days - until 20:00, for which overtime was regularly paid. For six months, no one went on vacation, because it was not possible. The staff turnover of the personnel department has increased: over the past six months, three people have been replaced. There were daily complaints from the accounting department. Errors in documents (paper or electronic) accounted for 18-20%, violation of the deadlines for the provision of documents (orders on vacations and dismissals, documents for the production of bank cards, etc.) - 20-25%. There were complaints from the security service (about the long registration of the admission and dismissal of employees, the delay in the execution of requests, the loss of applications submitted, the untimely registration of vacations and certificates). All this contributed to the emergence of conflicts between personnel specialists, as well as between the personnel department, accounting and security services. Employees of the organization, both present and former, began to apply to labor inspection and the court with applications for poor-quality and untimely execution of documents.

Implementation of the basic principles of the HR department

The task was set for the new head of the personnel department: to establish efficient work department entrusted to him without increasing the budget for wages to employees. As part of this task, it was necessary to stop receiving complaints from the security and accounting services, to achieve the execution of documents within the time limits established by law, to exclude complaints from employees to management and inspection bodies regarding the unsatisfactory execution of personnel documents.

To study the situation, the boss asked his subordinates to work as before for two weeks (during the period between shifts and during shift shifts). Seeing all these problems and taking into account the management's requirement not to increase the number of personnel in the personnel department, the boss chose an intensive way to change the work, namely, the maximum reduction in document processing time by reducing unproductive time costs. At the same time, the following principles of activity of the department were developed:

  • flow office work;
  • work with immediate supervisors of employees;
  • regulation of the activities of the personnel department;
  • maximum automation of tasks solved using the 1C program.

Let's consider how the introduction of these principles into the workflow took place and what effect was obtained.

Streamline HR record keeping

It's one thing to cook porridge for one family, and quite another for a company of soldiers: it's one thing, but the approaches are different. It is the same with office work: it is one thing to manage it in a company with a staff of 100 people and a staff turnover of 10% per year, and quite another in a company with a staff of 3 thousand people and a turnover of 10% per month.

The essence of in-line personnel office work lies in the continuous (as on a conveyor) paperwork. That is, the specialist draws up not one dismissal and then one hiring, but a large number of documents of the same type in a specific period of time. At the same time, he performs many homogeneous operations in a row, concentrating on this and not being distracted by other issues.

Observing the work of subordinates, the head of the personnel department noted the unproductive loss of time. In this regard, problems that reduced the efficiency of time use were identified and measures were taken to eliminate them. (Table 1).

Table 1. Measures to introduce the principle of workflow

Problems (as it was) Problem solving (what happened)
It used to be noisy in the HR department. Approximately six people were hired or fired at the same time. Specialists often made mistakes when entering personal data into the program, which caused dissatisfaction on the part of the accounting department. Shift workers are a specific category of workers. Not all of them have time to take a shower after the train, not everyone is pleasant to talk to. When registering up to a hundred of such employees a day, professional burnout quickly set in for HR specialists Now employees do not enter the personnel department, but wait for their turn in the lobby. Specialists go to them every half an hour during the period between shifts and every 15 minutes. on shift shift days, they collect documents for admission and dismissal, answer questions. For this purpose, warning posters were placed in the foyer “Wait for your turn in the corridor, they will come to you”. The floor attendants and the heads of the security service were warned about the introduction of such an order. Workers who still try to get into the office are strictly stopped. As soon as the documents are ready, the personnel department specialists go to the employees, the latter sign and pick them up
Employees of the personnel department were often distracted from data entry, performing work that did not require special qualifications (collecting and copying documents). This reduced the accuracy of data entry, causing complaints from the accounting department. On days between shifts, free specialists take turns coming to the workers for documents. During the shift, an attendant is appointed who only collects documents and copies the necessary papers, other workers do not do this, but focus on data entry. The task of the duty officer is to check that the candidate has filled out the questionnaire and the availability required documents. Then all the documents of one employee are put into a separate package, and the collected packages (8–10 pieces) are entered into the office. The duty officer makes copies of documents for personal files and distributes them to specialists. Upon dismissal, the execution of the application is checked, the availability of bank card to receive a salary, a bypass sheet is issued
Previously, work books and personal files were kept randomly in the office (documents of dismissed employees mixed with documents of working employees), which made it difficult to find them. Personal files for weeks lay in boxes not sorted by initial letters of surnames Order has been put in place in the storage of work books. Now they are sorted by organizations (by initial letters). Employment records of laid-off (and undocumented) and absent workers have been specially selected so that they do not complicate the search. Separately, the personal files of working, dismissed and absent employees are stored, all of them are sorted by the initial letters of their surnames. According to the introduced rule, all work books and personal files of employees are laid out in their places no later than a week after registration
Previously, cabinets with work books were located in the next room. Personal files were arranged only by organizations (mixed with working and laid-off employees) Now the cabinets with work books and used personal files are located in the specialists' office, and the personal files of the absent and dismissed are in the adjacent archive room. This made it possible to reduce the time for the movement of specialists and the search for documents of specific employees
Labor contracts collected from employees were signed by the chief executive the next day, and then distributed to direct supervisors for signing by employees and transferring one copy to them. The second copy was subject to storage in the organization. However, contracts were often lost and not received by employees (which caused them dissatisfaction) or to the personnel department (which is a violation of personnel records) Now the power of attorney for signing employment contracts is issued to the deputy head, who during the shift shift is constantly in his office and signs them. These days, specialists from the personnel department freely enter his office throughout the day, sign contracts and give employees a copy of them. Employees stopped complaining about the lack of contracts, all copies intended for storage in the organization are available
The process of filling out work books (up to 300 per month) is very laborious, does not allow corrections, requires increased attention and concentration Taking into account the fact that standard entries are made in most work books, stamps were made for the names of all holding organizations, as well as stamps: “Employment contract terminated”, “Accepted to the position of a security guard”, “Accepted to the position of controller”, “Copy is correct”, "General Director Ivanov A.A.", "Works to the present", etc.
Applications for leave (not according to the schedule) and the issuance of certificates were received daily. Direct supervisors often had to find out if vacations were issued. At the same time, they often complained about their untimely registration. Now the collection of applications for leave and the issuance of certificates is carried out on strictly defined days - twice a month from the 1st to the 6th and from the 15th to the 21st. Applications for leave are accumulated, transferred to the personnel department and executed at a strictly defined time (according to the department's work schedule). At other times applications will not be accepted. After registration of all holidays, a report is generated, which is then sent to the security service for approval. After approval of the report, claims for registration of holidays are not accepted.
Employees often found it difficult to complete written statements, incorrectly and slowly compiled them The developed application forms to the personnel department require only the affixing of the actual data and the signature of the employee. This greatly speeds up the checkout process.
Previously, a single questionnaire was used for hiring both workers and workers management personnel(previous work experience, education, etc.). Job assignment and consent to the processing of personal data were filled out on separate sheets, workers were confused, documents were lost The questionnaire has been redesigned, now workers enter only the most necessary information, which greatly accelerates this procedure. The questionnaire also includes a referral to work from the security service and consent to the processing of personal data
Information about the tools for selecting an employee (the answer to the question of how he learned about the available vacancy) was received by the specialists of the personnel department orally. Workers often found it difficult to explain, and specialists forgot about the information received. The questionnaire for workers included the question: “How did you find out about the available vacancy?” Sources of information are listed next. The employee only has to mark the necessary. Now, when entering data into the program, the HR specialist relies on the document, and not on the verbal message
The innovations being introduced had to be conveyed to the immediate supervisors of the security service The company organizes regular (weekly) training for immediate supervisors on the competent submission of documents (in compliance with the established deadlines and forms), as well as providing advice to those who apply on an individual basis

Working with direct supervisor

From personal work with each employee had to be abandoned. A transition was made to the concept of working with immediate supervisors. These are senior shifts and heads of security areas. Employees of the personnel department are in contact with the working staff only when hiring and dismissing. This is agreed with the management of the security service, since their assistance is required. To implement this principle, special measures are taken (Table 2).

Table 2. Measures to implement the principle of working with direct supervisors

Problems (as it was) Problem solving (what happened)
After applying for a job, the employees did not know which object they needed to go to, and asked the relevant questions to the employees of the personnel department Employees are now given a memo with short instruction upon request for paperwork. In them, direct supervisors indicate the address of the facility to which the employee must proceed, as well as their full name and telephone number
Employees often brought their own applications to the personnel department. Documents from the security service were accepted without fixing and setting deadlines. There was no possibility to check the transfer of documents All documents for registration are accepted from direct supervisors in the registry with special sections. In this register, the managers enter the full name of the person who submitted the documents and sign for receipt. The register is formed daily. The next day, strictly at 9:00, the deputy head brings the register and documents and hands them over to the head of the personnel department against signature. Now everyone can easily find a record about a particular application
Previously, vacation orders, certificates and other documents for signing by employees and handing over to them from the personnel department were randomly taken by the employees themselves or their immediate supervisors Stationery trays were purchased according to the number of directions and placed in the form of a bookcase in the premises of the security service. Employees of the personnel department lay out in them executed documents that must be signed by employees and issued to them. The heads of the security department take these documents from the trays at a convenient time for them, without disturbing the employees of the personnel department
Employees constantly asked questions about the essence of work, vacations, dismissal, remuneration, obtaining certificates, etc. HR specialists spent a lot of time consulting them in person and by phone Answers to questions that employees previously addressed to the HR department have now become the responsibility of line managers. Workers are redirected for information to the premises of the security service (as reported in the posted announcements). The personnel department no longer gives any clarification. This also applies to phone calls.

Regulation of the activities of the personnel department

Together with everyone, the principle of regulating the work of the personnel department and the regulatory formalization of its relationship with the accounting department and the security service was adopted. This required the development and implementation of a number of corporate regulations. After studying the features of interaction between departments, the head of the personnel department proposed a regulation on the interaction between the personnel department and the security service and a regulation on the interaction between the accounting department and the personnel department, which strictly described the deadlines for submitting documents.

A standard for personnel workflow with samples of paperwork has been developed; a schedule of the department's activities was drawn up, setting a certain rhythm of work and periods for processing certain documents; prepared step-by-step instruction work in the 1C program on the main registration procedures in the modification used in the organization; a list of reports of the personnel department was compiled, indicating the responsible persons (uncertainty in this matter has been eliminated); a scheme of the main business processes for registration of labor relations (dismissal, hiring, personnel transfers, vacations) was developed, reflecting the sequence of work of all involved departments.

During the implementation of the project, the following regulations were prepared:

  • Corporate standard of personnel records management.
  • Regulations for the interaction of the personnel department and the security service (Attachment 1).
  • Regulations for the interaction of accounting and personnel departments (appendix 2).
  • Regulations for the preparation of reports by the personnel department (Appendix 3).
  • Reporting list. Instructions for working with the program "1C".
  • Description of the business processes of formalizing labor relations.

The draft regulations were agreed with the concerned departments and management.

Maximum automation of operations performed in "1C"

The next idea was additional automation in the 1C program in order to reduce the number of documents drawn up in Word and handwritten. The whole department was involved in the process of identifying the operations that needed to be automated. Workers actively offered to automate one or the other. However, all this required certain material costs. The organization has a 1C programmer on its staff. To involve him in this project, management asked to determine the duration of the distraction this employee in order to calculate future costs. As a result, together with this specialist, an automation plan and the number of required hours of work were determined. (Table 3).

Table 3. List of automated tasks and duration of work on them

Forms provided for automating the execution of operations Achieved effect Time spent on operations, h.
1 Forms of employment contracts are provided with the possibility of unloading from the contract program with the personal data of the employee, details of the organization, payment terms (salary, tariff rate), working conditions (shift method or shift mode), the ability to select the category of employees (“watch guard”, “shift guard ”, “shift controller”, “shift controller”, “specialists and managers”) and work parameter (“main / shift”) The organization approved sample employment contracts for each category of employees, taking into account the specifics of the work. Uploading ready-made employment contracts from 1C allows you to eliminate errors when filling out employment contracts, reduces the time to apply for employment 8
2 The document “Employment in an organization” is provided with the form “Inventory of documents”, which contains the name of the organization, full name of the employee and a list of documents in his personal file Eliminates manual filling of the list of documents in the personal file, speeds up the employment process 2
3 The reference book “Employee of the organization” is provided with the form “Certificate from the place of work”, which contains the letterhead of the organization, full name of the employee, position, date of admission (for the employee) and dismissal (for the dismissed), numbers and dates of the Admission Order (dismissal) Eliminates the need to fill out certificates manually, speeds up the preparation of documents 2
4 The Acceptance Note form is provided for the Admission Order, which is needed to register an employee in other departments. The form contains the full name of the employee, the name of the organization, position, information about the work book (for the licensing department), a list of department marks. A special register has been opened for entering data on the work book Eliminates the need to fill out an acceptance note manually, speeds up the preparation of documents 4
5 The Admission Order provides for the form “Application for deduction for a work book” (full name of the employee and the text of the application) Provided in connection with the registration of a large number of new work books. Eliminates the need to fill out applications manually, reduces the time to apply for employment 2
6 There are two forms for the document “Personnel transfer in the organization” additional agreement(about changing positions and changing wages) Eliminates the need to fill out the form manually, speeds up the processing of transfers and transfers 2
7 The Order on Admission provides for the form "Cover of the work book". Three employees are selected in the report, the full name of the employee and dividing lines for cutting are printed in the middle of the sheet. The form is printed and used as a cover for a work book Developed in connection with the registration of a large number of new work books. Eliminates the need to fill out applications manually, reduces the time to apply for employment 3
8 The Order on hiring an employee provides for a form of a work book journal with the names of the columns according to the work book record book. The form is lined accordingly, the sizes of rows and columns are adjusted according to the format of the magazine. The following information is uploaded: full name, position, date of employment, work book number. The form is printed and pasted into the magazine Eliminates the need to fill out the journal manually, speeds up the registration of employee hiring 3
9 The Order on hiring an employee provides for the form “Power of Attorney to receive a card”. Contains the data of the authorized person (the HR specialist is selected from the list), the data of the principal, the text of the power of attorney, bank details. Signed and submitted to the bank to receive the card 3
10 Bank files are uploaded with the distribution of settlement account numbers by employees (for salary transfer) Eliminates the need to fill out the form manually, speeds up the issuance of a bank card for the employee to receive a salary 8
11 A special report has been developed to collect statistics on the reasons for dismissal. When an employee is dismissed, a special field is filled in by selecting the reason for dismissal (working conditions, relationships in the team, wages, at the initiative of the employer). The report contains the following information: Full name of the employee, direction, reason for dismissal Facilitates the collection of statistical data (just ask the employee and mark one of the reasons in the list), allows you to make a selection for the head of any department 4
12 A special report has been developed to collect statistics on selection tools (media, Internet, acquaintances, the "Bring a friend" campaign, agencies, worked earlier and returned). The report contains the following information: Full name of the employee, direction, selection tool Facilitates the collection of statistical data (just ask the employee and select one of the reasons in the list), allows you to make a selection for the head of any department 4
13 A report form is provided for the "Bring a Friend" campaign, indicating the full name of the employee being rewarded and the full name of the employee involved. Formed by selecting the selection tool. In the column "Promotion" there is an additional field "Choice of the recommended employee" Facilitates the collection of statistical data, eliminates the need to manually fill out a list of employees for bonuses under the “Refer a Friend” campaign 4
14 Automated calculation of vacation compensation. When calculating the period of service that gives the right to compensation for leave upon dismissal, surpluses of less than half a month are excluded from the calculation, and surpluses of more than half a month are rounded up to one month. Half a month is a period of 15 days Since the 1C program did not take into account these provisions, there was a frequent return of documents from the accounting department and manual recalculation of compensation. Automation of this operation reduces the number of cases of return of documents, speeds up the processing of the dismissal of an employee 5
15 The name "Additional holidays" has been added to the list of holidays. Days are entered manually, payment is determined by average earnings Additional automation was carried out due to the presence of a branch in the area with additional leave, as well as employees entitled to additional leave(liquidators Chernobyl accident parents of a disabled child, etc.). Eliminates the need for manual registration of such holidays 3
16 When an employee is hired, the registration address is automatically entered into the address of residence (by default). If there is a second address, then it is entered manually Eliminates the re-entering of the address, speeds up the registration of the employee's employment 1
17 The list of orders for hiring, dismissal, vacation, personnel transfer added the column "Direction" indicating the full name of the employee Since there are many divisions in the organization, called directions, in order to maintain statistical records and prepare a report, it is necessary to know which of them (in which direction) the employee is accepted. Automation excludes the manual search for an employee in areas and speeds up the collection of statistical data 3
18 When registering a time sheet, the requisites “Head”, “Responsible person” are automatically entered (by selecting from the list) Eliminates the need to fill out the form manually, speeds up the processing of the dismissal of an employee 1
19 The list of local acts that the employee gets acquainted with is included in the form of an employment contract with the additional requisite "Signature". Excluded acquaintance of the employee on a separate sheet or in a special journal Eliminates the need to issue an additional document or keep a journal, speeds up the registration of an employee's employment 2
20 An Options tab has been added to the Employee tab, which includes a Special checkbox and description, and a Missing checkbox and description. Employees marked with the "Special" flag are highlighted in blue in the list, those with the "Absent" flag are highlighted in red Among the working staff there are many employees who leave their workplace without a dismissal. Now their accounting is established, they are highlighted in the list in color and are excluded from statistical reports for employees of the organization. Among the workers there are those who need to be addressed Special attention(pregnant women, convicted workers, disabled people, etc.). They are highlighted in the list in color, it helps to take into account their features. 3
21 A special tariff guide has been introduced (each object has its own tariff), determined by selecting the appropriate object Introduced in order to avoid setting the tariff rate manually. Eliminates an error in determining the tariff, speeds up the registration of the employee's employment
22 The entered data was checked for errors. When you click "Generate a verification report", a table is displayed indicating incorrectly filled fields (with extra spaces, the wrong number of digits, extra characters). A check was organized for the absence of a tariff rate. If the employee is not defined tariff rate, the program informs about it Since a large number of documents increases the likelihood of error, to reduce the impact human factor introduced special checks 4
23 There is a message about entering the same full name of different employees. When entering personal data, the program offers to check whether this is a new employee or already working in the organization With a large number of employees, the likelihood of the appearance of namesakes and namesakes increases. Special check eliminates confusion 3
24 There is a ban on the use of the same personnel number when five people work simultaneously in the same database (the standard program allowed this) When five people worked in the program at the same time, the same personnel number was assigned to several employees, which caused complaints from the accounting department, since the employee could not be identified. Now this error has been removed. 4
Total hours of work for additional automation 78

The costs for the implementation of automation amounted to: 150 thousand c.u. e .: (salary of a programmer) / 168 (number of working hours per month) x 78 = 69,640 c.u.

Savings from payment overtime workers the personnel department after the implementation of all activities amounted to:

72 hours (during the month, 3 employees were delayed 3 times a week for 2 hours) x (42 thousand USD (salary of an HR specialist) / 168 (number of hours worked per month) = 18 thousand USD per month.

Thus, the costs paid off in four months.

The implementation of activities continued for six months, with all four principles being implemented in parallel.

Project results

As a result of the measures taken, the receipt of complaints from the security service has practically ceased (no more than one per month), 96% of the documents are executed in a quality manner, 98% - on time. The number of complaints from the accounting department has significantly decreased (2–4%), employees have ceased to apply to inspection bodies (not a single complaint has been received over the past six months). Six months after the implementation of the measures, the indicators remain stable, it is only required to comply with the implemented principles of work.

Annex 1. Regulations for the interaction of the personnel department and the security service (fragment)

This regulation was developed in order to determine the procedure for interaction between the personnel department and the security service.

1. The procedure for interaction when registering an employee for a job

1.1. The heads of departments/departments/sections (hereinafter referred to as the heads) of the security service, after agreeing on the employment of an employee, must fill out the following sections of the Employee Questionnaire:

1.2. To fill in the section "Checking documents (signature official)" managers direct the worker to to CEO or to the head of the security service.

1.3. In case of re-employment of an employee, the personnel department sends the employee to the head of the security service to agree on re-admission.

1.4. After agreeing on the reception of the employee, the managers must fill out the following sections of the Memo for the employee:

After registration, the employee is sent

1.5. The personnel department provides the security service with lists of employees on the 3rd and 17th of the month.

1.6. The security service, before the 4th and 18th day of the current month, submits to the personnel department a report on the number of key employees and part-time workers in positions.

2. The procedure for interaction when issuing holidays, certificates, sick leave for employees

2.1. Applications for leave (on the approved form or in the form of a handwritten text according to the form) are submitted to the personnel department by the security service no later than 10 calendar days before the start of the holiday.

2.2. Applications for the provision of certificates and copies of documents are submitted by the security service to the personnel department (on an approved form or in the form of a handwritten text according to the form) no later than 3 working days before the required date of submission. The term for preparing certificates and copies by the personnel department is 3 working days.

2.3. The period for applying for vacations is from the 1st to the 6th of the month and from the 15th to the 21st. The period for submitting applications for certificates is from the 1st to the 10th and from the 15th to the 25th of the month.

2.4. The head of the department and the deputy head of the security service affix an approval visa on the leave application. Leave is granted when the employee has worked for at least 6 months.

2.5. The personnel department presents to the security service for e-mail list of vacations for approval before the 8th and 24th of the month. The security service checks the list of vacations within one working day, in case of disagreement it provides the relevant information, if it is agreed, it coordinates the list by e-mail.

2.6. Disability lists are provided by the security service within two working days after receipt from the employee.

3. The procedure for interaction when processing dismissals

3.1. Applications for dismissal (on the approved form or in the form of a handwritten text according to the form) are drawn up at the workplace during the shift, endorsed by the head of the department and transferred by the security department or employees to the personnel department. In the case of an appearance at the office to write an application, the employee receives a form from the operational duty officer and endorses the application in the security department from the head of the department (deputy head of the security department). Then the application is transferred by the employee directly to the personnel department. The heads of departments (deputy heads of the security service) put down the number of shifts worked, the date of the last shift and the tariff, and also endorse the application.

3.2. The bypass sheet (approved form) is issued to the employee by the operational duty officer when he appears to process the dismissal. Employees endorse the bypass sheet with the operational duty officer, in the licensing and permit department and in the administrative department.

3.3. Upon dismissal during the shift, the bypass sheet is endorsed by the head of the department upon approval of the employee's application and submitted to the personnel department. During the shift period, bypass sheets are endorsed by the security department and submitted on the 3rd and 18th of the month to the personnel department.

4. Procedure for interaction during personnel transfers

4.1. Personnel movements within the organization (from object to object, from direction to direction) are carried out on the basis of memos from the heads of departments / departments.

4.2. If an employee is absent from work for a period exceeding one month, the security department submits a memo on his transfer to the "Absent" category.

4.3. When an employee returns, the security department submits a memo on his direction to the facility within three working days from the moment of exit.

7. The procedure for transferring documents between the personnel department and the security department

7.1. Transfer of applications for vacations, certificates, certificates of incapacity for work, applications for dismissals during the shift period are collected by the deputy security service during the day and transferred to the personnel department until 10:00 the next day according to the register against signature.

7.2. Documents prepared for signing by employees are transferred by the personnel department to the security department in trays (by directions) according to the register against signature.

Annex 2. Regulations for the interaction of accounting and personnel department


1. Registration of documents in the 1C database by employees of the personnel department should be carried out on the day they are received. Information on the personal accounts of employees in the 1C database is filled in by the personnel department upon receipt of a bank card, but no later than the next working day.

2.Documents are transferred by the personnel department to the accounting department within a certain period of time.

2.1. Documents for issuing a vacation are submitted no later than five working days before the start of the vacation, according to the list and requirements for filling out.

2.1.1. The vacation order (copy) is signed by the General Director.

2.2. Documents for registration of dismissal are transferred no later than three working days before the day of dismissal in accordance with the list and requirements for filling out.

2.2.1. The dismissal order (copy) is signed by the General Director.

2.2.2. The bypass sheet must be completed.

2.2.3. The timesheet for the current month must be completed.

2.2.4. An employee's application must be available indicating the personal account (in the absence of a bank card as part of a salary project), in exceptional cases - an employee's application for payment from the cash desk only upon agreement with the chief accountant.

2.3. When an employee is dismissed on the same day (according to the date of the application), the documents according to the list specified in paragraph 2.2 must be provided no later than 15:00 of the current day.

2.4. Documents for issuing a sick leave must be submitted no later than the day of receipt by the personnel department.

2.5. The time sheet for the calculation and payment of wages for the current month must be submitted within the time specified by a separate local regulatory act of the organization, approved no later than the first working day of the current month.

4. There are certain requirements for the transfer of documents from the personnel department to the accounting department.

4.1. Employees of the personnel department transfer documents according to the register (Appendix 1 to this regulation) daily at 12:00 and 15:00. The register is drawn up in two copies: one for the personnel department, the second for the accounting department.

4.2.Documents of the personnel department with the entry of relevant data into the database of the 1C ZUP program must be completed in a timely manner and with high quality.

4.3. In case of violation of the deadline for the transfer of documents, a memo certified by the head of the personnel department, with justification of the reasons, is attached to the register.

4.4. If errors are found or there are other comments on the information provided / entered into 1C, the documents are returned for revision according to the register in accordance with Appendix 1, indicating the relevant comments.

Annex 3. Regulations for the preparation of reports by the personnel department

Periodicity Date Time Name Destination Responsible
1 Daily 9:30 Hiring and leaving report By mailing list Team Leader No. 1
2 Weekly Monday, 9:30 Reception report by day of the week Supervisor
3 Weekly Monday, 9:30 Attendance report Supervisor
4 Weekly Monday, 9:30 Report on issued cards Supervisor
5 Monthly Until the 5th of the next month Report on dismissed, hired, transferred employees of the AUP Chief Accountant
6 Twice a month By special order Timesheets Chief Accountant
7 Monthly 2nd until 16:00 Recruiting department report Head of selection department Team Leader No. 2
8 Weekly 9:30 Monday Total Headcount and Recruitment Plan Report Supervisor
9 Twice a month 12th, 22nd, 2nd of the month Report on opened work books Accounting
10 Twice a month 3rd and 17th of the month Lists of employees (F. I. O.) by areas Security service - by mailing list
11 Twice a month 8th and 24th of the month Information on issued vacations (F. I. O.) by department Security service - by mailing list
12 Twice a month 5th and 18th Changeover report Supervisor
13 Monthly Until the 3rd of the next month Monthly performance report Supervisor Head of Human Resources
1 The company guards various facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region, has branches in the regions. The number of employees is 3 thousand, the main contingent is security guards and controllers.