Job description of the Deputy Director for Omr. Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs. Deputy General Director: the essence of the profession

One of key figures in the corporation is the deputy CEO. The right hand of the main person cannot have vague powers, therefore, a job description with a clearly defined list and responsibilities is necessary. The content of such a document is directly related to the direction of the leader's work. The deputies for finance, economics, security or development will have different duties and functionality.

Job description of the Deputy General Director: meaning and development procedure

The instruction is developed by an employee of the personnel department after signing employment contract as an attachment to it or separate document. It is an important legal act that reflects the position of an employee in the organizational structure, his rights and obligations.

The information base for the preparation of instructions is Qualification guide posts. The instruction usually contains:

  • list of requirements for vocational training ;
  • employee functions, job duties;
  • knowledge and methods on which the specialist will rely in the work.

Job description Deputy General Director includes the rights and working conditions. Some documents contain sections: "Must know", "General", " Final provisions" and others.

The following requirements for the qualification of a manager are universally accepted: higher education, work experience, work experience in a managerial position.

The first section ("General Provisions") characterizes the place of a specialist in the position. The deputy reports directly to the general director, is appointed and removed from his post as necessary.

Job responsibilities

The duties of the Deputy General Director include knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation and regulations of the enterprise. In addition, knowledge of civil, labor, financial, tax and other fundamentals of legislation.

The manager in this position will have to study The main functions include
  • laws governing the activities of the company in the field of finance, economics
  • planning and control of the company's activities in various areas
  • type of activity of the organization organizational structure, mission, strategy, production capacity indicators and production stages
  • resource management (ensuring the efficient use of resources within the limits)
  • planning process in all areas of activity: production, finance, economics, personnel
  • control over the collective observance of discipline, compliance with safety regulations
  • requirements related to the conclusion of contracts
  • negotiations with individuals and legal entities during the absence of top management

The role of the deputy as leader

The first deputy general director becomes a connecting element between the manager of the institutional link and the rest of the workforce, which leaves an imprint on all his activities. He is obliged not only to inform employees of all orders and orders of higher management, but also to ensure their implementation. For the director, his deputy is feedback with employees, informs about problematic situations in the work of the company and measures taken to solve them.

In addition to obligations, rights should be provided:

  • act as the face of the organization during negotiations within the competence;
  • report violations to the CEO and suggest ways to neutralize them;
  • require the entire management staff of the enterprise to comply with the rules of an organizational and technological nature, request from the departments the documentation and data required for the performance of their labor duties;
  • dispose and give instructions to subordinates according to their authority, determine their functions and duties, participate in the development of orders, instructions, contracts and other documents.

Responsibility comes with their functions, violation of orders, approved instructions and rules.

Functions of the Deputy for Economic Affairs

The Deputy General Director for Economics is one of the key figures in the corporation. Its main tasks are planning, organization and control of the economic activities of the company. They depend on the strategy and degree of development of the enterprise.

A large-scale organization with a large turnover and prospects cannot do without managers in such a field as finance. As a rule, the deputy coordinates the work economic department and accounting, in some cases - the work of other departments.

A high-quality job description contributes to an adequate and detailed understanding of their functions. It helps to select a truly suitable specialist for this responsible position.

Contents of the job description of the Deputy for Economic Affairs

The work of a manager in the field of economics implies knowledge The direct responsibilities of the director of economics include
  • the regulatory framework for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise
  • coordination of the activities of departments for the development of strategic plans
  • financial condition analysis
  • planning and control of economic indicators
  • specifics and stages of planning, development of regulatory documents
  • organization of production, prospects for the development of the company and the industry as a whole
  • participation in the development of the staffing table, collective agreement, billing
  • control of rational use of resources
  • improvement of production, anti-crisis management

Qualification requirements for the deputy in economics

Qualification requirements for managers in large companies with a worldwide reputation include knowledge international standards financial reporting, of English language, Availability additional education e.g. MBA degree, CFA certificates, CPA.

Economics and finance specialists in different firms never solve the same problems. Their functions are diverse: from the routine management of the financial sector to attracting investments, issuing securities.

For the successful fulfillment of official obligations, the Deputy Director for Economics requires the presence of managerial and leadership qualities, communication skills. It is necessary to have the ability to influence and convince, successfully interact with partners, accept to work in a team.

Deputy Director for Strategic Development

The Deputy General Director for Development deals with the planning of the corporation's activities for the future. Formulation of the mission of the enterprise, goals and objectives, the definition of a successful policy is the prerogative of the strategic manager. All this leads to certain qualification requirements: higher education (economic, legal) and managerial experience, preferably as a strategic manager.

A development specialist must know management theory, marketing, economics, strategic, financial and innovation management.

Contents of the job description of the Deputy for Strategic Development

To his main job functions include:

  • organization development policy planning, monitoring production processes, analysis of indicators;
  • development and implementation of new development projects (lines of business, entering new markets, modernization), preparation of documentation related to the implementation of new programs;
  • appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of development plans, organization and control joint work departments on projects.

Development of anti-crisis measures, adjustment of plans in non-standard situations is also the responsibility of the Deputy for Development. has the right to use and request any information about the work of the company from the heads of departments. He formulates proposals for optimizing work processes, issues orders related to the implementation of strategic plans.

The presence of a deputy director for development and economics is the prerogative of large developing companies that set themselves lofty goals and tasks.

One of the leading and significant positions in the organization is occupied by the Deputy General Director. The instruction is designed to become a reliable support for him in his work, regardless of the volume of his work.

The number and structure of the management of the enterprise is determined founding documents, staffing, other administrative acts. If in staff structure the post of Director for General Affairs is provided for, a job description should be developed and executed. The content and order of its compilation will be considered in this material.

What it is

The job description of each employee should describe in as much detail as possible the list of his rights and obligations, as well as the limits of responsibility in the performance of labor functions. For a sole proprietor, the specified set of information must be contained in the employment contract. The Director for General Affairs refers to the management of the organization, is endowed with organizational, administrative and economic functions for personnel management.

Requirements for a candidate for this position are not regulated at the legislative level and can be approved by the enterprise itself.

The differentiation of the management team, including the allocation of the position of Director for General Affairs, is associated with various areas of work. For example, in educational institutions the director for general affairs will not be bound by the same duties as the deputy for educational work.

Essence and purpose

The job description is included in the mandatory set of documents that is drawn up when a new employee is hired. The basis for the development of instructions is on employment, issued by the enterprise, as well as an employment contract. In relation to the Director of General Affairs, the instruction will contain the following blocks:

  • general rules work schedule operating at the enterprise;
  • individual working conditions of the manager - place of work, list of job duties, area of ​​responsibility, structural unit, etc.;
  • rights and obligations of a specialist;
  • the procedure for interaction with subordinates and management, other structural units.

The job description of each employee must be individual in nature, i.e. take into account the nature of his work. For the director of general affairs, such features will be a combination of economic and managerial functions - he has the right to give orders and manage personnel within his structural unit.

What regulations govern

  • CI items must match general rules Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as local acts enterprises.
  • In the field of economy, education and medicine, by-laws of ministries and departments have been adopted that regulate the procedure for processing documents with personnel, including job descriptions.
  • If in the staff structure or there is a director for general issues, in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts, the indicated specialized orders and instructions must be applied.


Different types of job descriptions are subdivided according to the types of activities in which the enterprise or institution is engaged. Accordingly, the following types of CI can be drawn up for the Director of General Affairs:

  • in commercial organizations( , etc.)- the range of duties of the director will be related to the extraction of profit for the enterprise, i.e. relationships with counterparties, or, etc.;
  • in the field of construction- in addition to general management tasks, the duties of the director will include obtaining permits, managing a construction site or other subdivision, developing labor safety measures, etc.;
  • in the field of education (schools, colleges, secondary vocational education, etc.)– the powers of the Director for General Affairs are associated only with economic and general managerial functions, whereas educational process is in the competence of other employees;
  • in the field of housing and communal services- the duties of the Director for General Affairs will be related to the coordination of the work of various service sites, the conclusion of contracts with MKD for the maintenance of common property, etc.

Thus, in any field of activity of the enterprise, the director of general affairs coordinates the work between structural divisions, and, to a lesser extent, the production process itself.

Who makes up and where it is used

Preparation of job descriptions is included in. The enterprise may approve a standard set of documents related to the registration of personnel. However, when issuing a CI with a specific employee, one should take into account his work features. The instruction is filled out according to the information of the employment contract and the staff list, must comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts.

After signing by both parties, the DI shall be deposited with personnel service and a second copy is given to the director of general affairs. A further change in the CI is allowed only by mutual agreement of the parties, or when changing the place of work and the scope of authority. The use of the instruction is related to the current work of the specialist, as well as to determine the measures of responsibility.

DI provisions


When compiling each job description, a general and individual block of points is developed. The first part includes norms that apply to all employees of the enterprise:

  • date and place of drawing up the document;
  • information about the employer and specialist;
  • general provisions of the working hours of the enterprise, as well as;
  • general rules for the payment of remuneration (terms, form of payment, etc.);
  • information about the benefits and compensations in force at the enterprise;
  • general measures for labor protection and safety in the organization.

The listed provisions must comply with the general rules of labor and discipline in force at the enterprise.

What tasks does the director of personnel and general issues face, the specialist from this video will tell by his example:


Of particular importance are the special provisions of the JI, which determine the nature of the rights and obligations of the director of general affairs. Their list includes:

  • requirements for the experience and qualifications of a specialist (for example, at least 5 years of managerial experience, specialized education in the field of the enterprise);
  • workplace - structural unit, head office of the enterprise, etc.;
  • individual mode of the working day (for example, irregular working hours, etc.);
  • additional payments, benefits and compensations related to the performance of basic duties, including for special performance indicators;
  • list of powers of the director - in relation to his structural unit, to employees of the enterprise, when negotiating with counterparties, etc.;
  • the composition of the functional duties of the director - managerial, organizational, economic and other functions that he is obliged to perform by type of activity;
  • limits of responsibility - the ability to independently sign documents and make transactions on behalf of the enterprise, measures of responsibility for the results of the work of subordinates, etc.

If the director of general affairs is empowered by the enterprise, such items are also indicated in the job description. It is this block of rules that will be used when applying incentive and disciplinary measures in the current work.

Since the Director of General Affairs is a member of the management team, special disciplinary measures may be taken against him.

Features of the official instruction of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

The specifics of the director's work on general issues is to allocate part of the duties of the head. In fact, this specialist acts as a deputy sole manager with a strictly defined list of powers. Therefore, in the job description it is important to clearly delineate the competence of the director for general issues from the duties of other representatives of the management team.

The job description of the Deputy General Director is created to regulate labor relations. The document contains functional responsibilities, rights, responsibility of the employee.

The standard form below can be used as a sample when compiling the job description of the Deputy General Director of an LLC, OJSC for production, economics, development, security, etc.

Sample job description for Deputy General Manager

I. General provisions

1. The Deputy General Director belongs to the category of "managers".

2. The Deputy General Director reports directly to the General Director.

3. Appointment to the position of Deputy General Director and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the General Director.

4. During the absence of the Deputy General Director, his functional duties, responsibility, rights are transferred to another official, as reported in the organization's order.

5. A person with a higher economic or legal education and at least five years of experience in leadership positions.

6. The Deputy General Director must know:

  • regulatory legal acts regulating the financial, economic activity organizations;
  • civil, financial, tax, labor law;
  • organizational and staffing structure of the company, production facilities, the basics of production technology;
  • plans for production and economic, financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

7. The Deputy General Director in his activities is guided by:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • the Articles of Association of the organization, the Rules of internal labor regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.

II. Responsibilities of the Deputy General Director

The Deputy General Director has the following functional responsibilities:

1. Control financial, economic activity companies.

2. Provide:

  • effective use material resources, reducing losses, accelerating the turnover of funds;
  • timely conclusion of economic, financial contracts;
  • fulfillment of contractual obligations.

3. Lead:

  • development of measures to conserve resources;
  • improving the cost of raw materials, materials, working capital and stocks of material assets;
  • improved economic performance;
  • improving the performance of the organization;
  • strengthening financial discipline;
  • prevention of insufficient or excessive stocks of inventory items, overspending of material resources.

4. Facilitate the timely preparation of cost estimates and other documents, calculations, reports.

5. Represent the interests of the organization in state, commercial institutions, within its competence.

6. Control:

  • employees to follow labor and production discipline, labor protection rules, fire protection requirements;
  • execution of instructions and orders of the General Director.

7. Keep the CEO up to speed scheduled work and measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

III. Rights

The Deputy General Director has the right to:

1. Involve others in solving the tasks assigned to him officials organizations.

2. Appoint persons responsible for the implementation of the established work.

3. Develop, sign documents within their competence.

4. Represent the interests of the organization by proxy in government bodies, to contractors and other parties.

5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

6. Participate in the preparation of orders, instructions, instructions, estimates, contracts and other documents.

7. Inform the General Director of all identified shortcomings in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.

8. Determine job responsibilities for subordinate employees.

9. Request information, documents necessary for the performance of their own duties.

10. Put forward requirements for the management of the organization to ensure conditions for the performance of functional duties.

IV. A responsibility

The Deputy General Director is responsible for:

1. Providing false information.

2. Application material damage organization, the state, its contractors, employees.

3. Violation of decisions, resolutions, provisions of the management of the organization.

4. Disclosure trade secret, personal data, confidential information.

5. Improper performance of one's own official duties.

6. Violation of labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

Download the job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs for free

Professional responsibilities

Most often, he is entrusted with the performance of duties that have remained undistributed among other employees of the administration. This specialist has, according to the job description, several main professional goals:

  • continuous development of the company and the formation talent pool;
  • training;
  • assignment of employees to various tasks;
  • control over the fulfillment of tasks assigned to employees;
  • supplying the company with stationery;
  • conclusion of contracts with cleaning and consulting companies;
  • documentation support;
  • work with enterprise archives;
  • providing information and economic security organizations;
  • organization and control of the work of departments;
  • improvement of working conditions and its organization;
  • solution of other issues.

The list of duties is subject to change.

Requirements for a specialist

In the case, as with any other employee, certain requirements are imposed on the specialist in question:

  • desirable presence higher education;
  • work experience requirements may vary;
  • the employee must have skills in personnel management;
  • the employee must know Russian legislation;
  • have advanced PC skills;
  • know the principles of the organization;
  • be able to conduct business negotiations, etc.

Is there a general professional standard for this position?

Since July 2016, professional standards must be used in the Russian Federation. AT professional standards the requirements for the level of qualifications of employees, the list of functions performed by them, as well as possible job titles, were officially fixed.

“Sample Job Description of the Deputy Director for General Issues on Professional Standards” is a request that is often found in search engines. But for the position we are considering, there is no separate professional standard. The fact is that the deputy director for common work can perform completely different professional duties. For example, in some organizations, the owner of such a resounding profession is responsible for the functions of the supply manager. In others, it is engaged in the selection and training of personnel. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about professional standard in this case.

I approve

General Director of JSC "____________"
"__" ________ 201_

Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

1. The Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category of managers.
2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs is hired and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise.
3. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports directly to the General Director.
4. In his work he is guided by Russian legislation, General provisions adopted in JSC "___________________", this job description of the Deputy Director.
5. Persons with the highest vocational education and a minimum work experience of 1 year.
6. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know:
6.1. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
6.3. Rules of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
6.4. Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and administration, determining priority areas development of the economy and the relevant industry.
6.5. Methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise.
6.6. Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.
6.7. Tax and environmental legislation.
6.8. The procedure for compiling and coordinating business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
6.9. Market methods of managing and managing an enterprise.
6.10. The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.
6.11. Management of the economy and finances of the enterprise.
6.12. Organization of production and labor.
6.13. The procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations.
6.14. Labor law.
7. During the absence of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in in due course responsible for their proper implementation.

1. Ensuring control over the external and internal security of the company's activities.
2. Prevention or maximum reduction of company losses.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
1. Organize the movement and collection of cash Money, ensuring the safety of these processes.
2. Organize the verification of hired persons in terms of their possible connection with criminal structures and competitors.
3. Periodically check the company's employees in terms of their possible connection with criminal structures or competitors, while ensuring the necessary confidentiality. Carry out an audit at the first request of the personnel service and the general director.
4. Organize an audit of all organizations with which work is planned for the first time with the provision of a commodity loan.
5. Conduct constant monitoring and analysis of the state of commodity loans and the solvency of organizations receiving products on commodity credit.
6. Immediately inform the CEO and the head of the relevant department about changes in the regulations of the company's consumer organizations that may lead to financial position by the company.
7. Check other organizations and individuals as advised by the General Manager.
8. Be directly involved in the full inventory of the company.
9. Monitor all stages of work with payment for shipment in cash from the point of view of the security of this process.
10. Immediately inform the CEO about situations that may lead to material losses for the company. In the event of situations that may lead to large material losses or endanger the life and health of employees, immediately notify the economic security service as well.
11. Carry out activities to ensure the interests of the company in the region on behalf of the economic security service, while coordinating their actions with the general director.
12. If there are suspicions about the presence of abuses on the part of the company's management, raise the issue of transferring the company to the category of problematic ones from the point of view of security. The transfer of a company into the category of problematic can be carried out for the period of preparation and conduct of the inspection (audit) and summarizing its results, but not more than for a month.
13. Carry out weekly planning of their work, coordinating the plan with the head of the SEB or his deputy in full and the general director of the company in terms of the regular work of the company. Provide daily reports to the SEB and the General Director in the amount corresponding to the planning in the form approved by the SEB.
14. Immediately go to the department in which the emergency associated with possible material losses of the company or the safety of its employees. Take prompt and professional action to minimize possible material loss to the company and ensure the safety of company employees.
15. Protect the interests of the company in external organizations on behalf of the economic security service and the general director of the company (in agreement with the SEB).
16. Ensure generally accepted standards of ethics when communicating with employees and clients of the company, do not allow actions related to the implementation of official duties, violations of corporate communication standards.
17. When solving any issues, strive for constructive cooperation with the General Director and individual services and departments, contribute to the creation and development of a positive corporate spirit of the company.
18. Take part in any events held for company employees.
19. In the event of disputes with the General Director or employees of the company, take all measures to resolve the dispute within the company as soon as possible. In case of impossibility of a solution within the company, transfer the issue for approval and decision by the head of the SEB.
20. Inform the general director and heads of departments about the revealed facts of incorrect actions of their subordinates for the timely adoption of measures of influence.
21. To know the rules of document flow adopted in the company, reporting, software products, production cycle.
22. Get acquainted with orders, orders, information messages issued by the company's management.
23. Carry out other actions on behalf of the SEB that do not contradict Russian law and the above paragraphs of the job description.

1. Has the right to make proposals for the organization unscheduled inspections and audit of the company in case of suspicion of misconduct by the company's management or the presence of abuse in the company.
2. To act on behalf of the company upon receipt of authority from the General Director in resolving issues arising in the course of work in the relevant regulatory bodies.
3. To take part in all meetings of the company or individual divisions, if necessary, to bring to the attention of the company's employees information that is directly related to business security.
4. To make proposals for making changes to the existing procedure for working with clients, storing, moving and transferring material assets in order to increase the security of these processes.
5. Conduct a survey of company employees on the procedure for working with clients, storing, moving and transferring material assets in order to identify possible problems in the security of these processes.
6. Control any stages of the movement and transfer of funds within the company and by the company's counterparties in order to identify possible abuses, while ensuring necessary cases confidentiality and correctness sufficient to maintain existing beneficial partnerships.
7. Conduct selective inventories of material values, while observing the accepted rules that contribute to the correctness of the results and prevent material losses of the company.
8. Use the services of departments, departments, services of the company in accordance with their functional tasks, as well as the services of organizations with which the company has a cooperation agreement.
9. Raise the issue of acquiring the equipment necessary for the performance of official duties, software, carrying out other expenses related to professional activities.
10. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
11. Require the General Director to assist in the performance of the official duties assigned to him, and the rights granted.
12. Submit for consideration by the company's management proposals for improving the efficiency of the company, improving working methods and shortcomings in the activities of structural units.
13. Participate in the prescribed manner in resolving issues of recruitment, their encouragement for successful work, as well as the imposition disciplinary actions. Submit proposals to the CEO staffing and personal personnel of the TSC.
14. Make proposals to the General Director to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description of the Deputy Director.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description of the Deputy Director - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. For the safety and non-disclosure of commercial secrets of JSC "______________"
5. For compliance with the internal labor regulations.
6. For compliance with fire safety measures in the premises of JSC "______".

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this job description of the Deputy Director, the Deputy General Director for General Affairs interacts:
1. With the CEO
- on all issues provided for by this job description of the Deputy Director.
2. With all divisions of the company:
- about threats against the company and its employees
- on compliance with regime measures
- about the observance of confidential information


Additional official duties of an employee are available in a standard form and a sample job description of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs, a version of which can be downloaded from the attached file.