FSB, control "m" - the phones are silent. The head of department "M" became one of the heads of the economic security service of the FSB

Let's start with the declaration of FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, who graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, from 2003 to 2004 he served as head of the FSB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, then, under former FSB director Patrushev, headed the economic security service (SEB) of the FSB .

For a long time, the Bortnikovs lived rather modestly: a trailer was registered for the head of the family, and a VAZ 21093 car for his wife Tatyana Borisovna (on the night of July 14, 2005, unknown attackers stole a license plate from the car). The spouses owned an apartment in St. Petersburg on Zagreb Boulevard.

After moving to the capital, the family significantly improved their living conditions. According to published data, they acquired another apartment (115 sq. m.), a land plot (1198 sq. m.), a country house (150 sq. m.) and two individual parking spaces. True, what kind of cars are in these parking lots is not specified.

The only son of the Bortnikovs* graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance in 1996. Until 2004, he worked at Industrial Construction Bank OJSC, then as an adviser to the manager of a Guta-Bank branch, in 2005 he moved to the position of deputy manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. Since 2006 - Deputy Manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg. In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of VTB North-West.

The first deputy director of the FSB, Sergei Smirnov, while working as head of the FSB for St. Petersburg and the region, lived with his wife Natalya Pavlovna at number 27 on Novgorodskaya Street and officially owned a 1983 Zhiguli. Now the Smirnovs have moved to the “Chekist” house on Udaltsova Street. In addition to two apartments, they have land plot(2500 sq. m) and parking place (832.5 sq. m). What their son Eugene does is not known.

Director of the FSB border service, Hero of Russia (received for Nord-Ost) and part-time chairman of the Dynamo society Vladimir Pronichev, according to published data, owns a land plot (5028 sq. m), a residential building (811.3 sq. m) and an apartment (204 sq. m.).

His wife, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, works at LLC Investment Company Global-invest. Two years ago, she moved in a Toyota RAV with “thieves” license plates - O *** MP 77. Now her husband gave Lyudmila Alexandrovna his Lexus GH 470, and he switched to an LX 570 worth three and a half million rubles. In addition, another land plot (3,000 sq. m.), a residential building (604.3 sq. m.), a garage (123.4 sq. m.) and an outbuilding (172.4 sq. m.) The eldest daughter is a lawyer, she moves to Infiniti FX 3. The youngest graduated from MGIMO, worked at Gazprom, owns a Honda Accord car and also with thieves numbers - A *** MP 77.

FSB Deputy Director Vyacheslav Ushakov met his other half in the 8th grade, sitting at the same desk. Now Valentina Petrovna is a housewife. The youngest daughter graduated from a lyceum in Petrozavodsk, and then from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, she is a co-founder of Aigers LLC (the company has its own cinema, and also leases retail space in Sheremetyevo). She owns a Mercedes.

The eldest daughter of the Ushakovs married businessman Ruslan, studied at the Academy of the FSB, and is now a successful business woman. Her name can be seen among the founders trading house Arizo, Unika MS LLC (production and sale finishing materials), CJSC Platon Service, LLC Aigers and the Youth Leisure Center (office on the territory of the Central Air Terminal). In addition, the daughter and her Chekist father established a non-profit partnership of individual developers "Beijing" (real estate management) at the address: "Gorki-2" UMTO FSB of the Russian Federation, section No. 51. In addition to the Ushakovs, the founders of "Beijing" included tax official Boris Korol and two Muscovites - Umarpasha Khanaliev and Khammyat Suleymanov. She moves to a Volvo.

On the FSB website, Ushakov indicated that he owns a residential building (210 sq. m.) and rents a land plot (2461 sq. m.). But in the column "spouse" for some reason there is a dash.

Another Deputy Director of the FSB - Secretary of State Yuri Gorbunov - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor, Member Russian Association international law, author of more than 70 scientific works. For merits in improving the legal framework for countering terrorism, the President was twice thanked.

Previously, the Gorbunovs lived in an old house on Troitskaya Street. His wife - Tatyana Evgenievna - first worked at JSC Atompromresursy, and then moved to a senior position in the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region. According to published data, Mr. Gorbunov does not own any property. However, a land plot (1,040 sq. m.), a new apartment (117.3 sq. m.) and a dacha (193 sq. m.) have been registered for the second half.

Sergei Buravlev has been in the security forces since August 1971. He was appointed deputy director of the FSB in June 2005. Together with his wife and daughter, they own two apartments (55 and 80 sq. m.), a land plot (1025 sq. m. and rent another 495 sq. m.) and move around in a 1998 Kia Sefiya car. Where the son and daughter work is unknown.

FSB Deputy Director Vladimir Kulishov was born on July 20, 1957 in the Rostov region. In 1979 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Engineers civil aviation, then high school KGB of the USSR, since 2000 he worked in the central office of the FSB, commanded security officers in the Saratov region (headed the regional society "Dynamo") and in Chechnya. According to official data, Kulishov and his wife own a land plot (1,487 sq. m.), a residential building (374.4 sq. m.), an apartment (87.2 sq. m.) and a 1999 Volga car.

According to our source from the presidential administration, several more heads of departments of the central apparatus, as well as heads of the FSB departments of the republics, regions and large cities, will soon report on their income and property.

FSB structure

Existing on the money of Russian taxpayers, the FSB tightly fenced off from the country. They have everything of their own: operational services, investigation, aviation, navy, building management, design institutes, fire service, educational establishments, medicine, rest homes, sanitary and epidemiological service and the press.

In 1993, by decree of Boris Yeltsin, the FSB Investigation Department was dissolved, and the Lefortovo prison was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But two years later, under pressure from the Chekists, Yeltsin "surrendered", and the SU was revived again. Immediately, criminal cases against ecologists, scientists and especially recalcitrant businessmen accused of espionage began to shoal. Moreover, the prosecutors supervising the Chekist investigation almost never found violations.

The system itself also began high-profile scandals. The most recent happened in Nizhny Novgorod. According to the materials of the criminal case, Oleg Yefremov, head of the investigative department of the Federal Security Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and his predecessor Vladimir Obukhov traded heroin (39 kg) seized from drug dealers in 2002 for six years. Both security officers were detained in 2008, but a year ago Yefremov was killed in solitary confinement. The circumstances of the death of Efremov leave a lot of questions. For example, on what basis was he transferred to a special colony without being convicted? Do you know how they killed him? I quote: “... Having previously opened the cell, detective Kruchinin, prisoners Arkhipov and Toropov (former sparring partner of the Klitschko brothers) wrapped Efremov with tape, hung him on a rope to the ceiling so that his legs barely touched the floor, and inflicted at least 70 punches, kicks and rubber club…”

Rumor has it that before his death, Efremov allegedly was going to tell the investigators who else from the leadership of the FSB was in the share. According to other sources, the opera and urks beat out of him the location of caches with "grandmothers" and drugs.

The widow has her own version: “Oleg was forced to testify at former leader UFSB for the Nizhny Novgorod region Vladimir Bulavin (now the head of the staff of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee), but he refused. That's why he suffered."

The control service of the FSB conducts financial checks within the department, monitors the moral character and catches werewolf Chekists. The service is led by an old acquaintance of Putin - 62-year-old Yuri Ignashchenkov, who at one time worked as the head of the security service of the Sheraton Nevsky Palace hotel, and then the head of the St. Tübingen was working on her dissertation: "Neural Mechanisms Underlying Secret Altered Attention")

The Control Service includes five departments: financial and economic, inspection, control and audit, information support operational-investigative activities and management of own security (CSS).

Little is heard about the first four, but about CSS - I had to. At one time, even the head of the special unit, General Alexander Kupryazhkin, “distinguished himself”, in fact divulging the secret of the investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. If you remember, in 2007, on the eve of the arrests of the main suspects, Kupryazhkin unexpectedly appeared on the air and named the name of one of the defendants - Lieutenant Colonel Ryaguzov, an employee of the capital's UFSB.

General Kupryazhkin was born in 1957 in the Voronezh region. Wife - Olga Nikolaevna - is engaged in business. The son worked at OJSC MMZ Vympel, there is also a daughter.

Several subordinates of Kupryazhkin appeared in a criminal case, according to which Far East Whole convoys of Chinese contraband were delivered to the address of the FSB warehouse (military unit 54729) (criminal case No. 290724). The special officers and generals of the central apparatus associated with this case were either fired or reinstated, in the end they turned out to be vice presidents and heads of the Security Council in large banks and state corporations. But the criminal case was quietly blown away.

Another important body is the Organizational and Personnel Work Service (SOCR). The head is Colonel General Evgeny Lovyrev (part-time director of the Dynamo women's volleyball club). His wife Anna Viktorovna and son work at Zarubezhneft JSC. The SOCR includes three departments: special registrations, organizational and planning management and personnel management.

We have heard a lot about the sports successes of the girls from Dynamo. But many are tormented by doubts about the state of affairs with the FSB personnel. For example, do all employees follow the covenants former director FSB Patrushev (now Secretary of the Security Council)? I quote from the last interview: “Security officers have always been characterized by such qualities as patriotism, a sense of civic responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, loyalty to the military oath. For them, honor, courage, courage and readiness for self-sacrifice are not in simple terms, but with concepts filled with deep inner content, the moral basis of life"

SEB and management "M"

One of the key structures is the Economic Security Service (SEB). The service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of industrial enterprises (department "P"), for counterintelligence support for transport (department "T"), for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department "K"), for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Justice (department "M"), organizational and analytical, to combat smuggling and drug trafficking (department "N") and administrative service.

Let us dwell on the department "M", which "herds" the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Justice. The guys are so secret that even the address of their office in the center of Moscow is a state secret. Although it was shown to me by ordinary sergeants from the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District.

After the execution head of the police department"Tsaritsyno" Yevsyukov of innocent people lost their posts almost two dozen generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There was also a personnel purge in the “M” department: the direct police curator, the head of the department, Nikolaev, lost his post. But the head of department "M" Vladimir Kryuchkov, on the contrary, went on promotion and became deputy head of the organizational and inspection department. In his place, Patrushev's protégé, Alexei Dorofeev, who previously held the position of head of the FSB in Karelia, was appointed. The structure has also been changed. Previously, the "M" department was subordinate to Smirnov, now - directly to the director of the FSB Bortnikov.

After the historical publication of data on the income and property of the Chekists, I dare to ask a couple of questions to the director of the FSB:

Dear Alexander Vasilyevich! As one knowledgeable person said, your subordinates from the “M” department caught many police chiefs in unseemly acts, and now they not only “knock at the office”, but also allegedly unfasten part of the profits to their curators. This is true?

A MUR operative told me about another problem:

In order to track all the movements of Ded Khasan (the oldest thief in law Aslan Usoyan. - See the Novaya’s certificate), we put a “gatehouse” on him at airports and train stations (the Rozysk-Magistral system). We used to know where he went and where he came from. And recently Grandfather Hasan paid "working visits" to Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. But the border service of the FSB did not inform us about this. I wonder why?

By the way, how is the search for Vladimir Volkov, who has been on the federal wanted list since 1992 (nicknamed Volchar, Volodya the Slap), who escaped from ITK-2 in Tatarstan, going? According to your and police file cabinets, he is listed as a "regular killer of Ded Khasan." The online references indicate addresses in Eastern Europe where he may be hiding. Including there are references that as soon as Volchara appears in Russia, contract killings necessarily occur. I wonder where the surveillance reports for Volkov go and who supplies him with fake passports of Serbia, the Czech Republic and Poland and gives him a "green corridor" when crossing the border? And how does he, in fact, pass the border control?


With the beginning of the 2000s, under the slogan of fighting crime, corruption and the mess, the FSB sent its career officers to various ministries, departments, and even to commercial structures- strengthen staff. What came out of it is well known: drug addiction has become a national disaster, it is better not to mention the increase in crime, and in terms of corruption, Russia has dropped to 147th place and ranks with Kenya, Syria and Bangladesh.

Of course, you can’t list all the “strengtheners”, but you can list the most noticeable ones.

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko (served in the KGB of Leningrad), Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga District Grigory Rapota (since 1966 in the ranks of the KGB).

The former head of the inspection department of the FSB is now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev, the head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a native of the KGB Draguntsov, the head of the administrative department is Chekist Maidanov.

Head of Gosnarkokontrol - former boss CSS FSB - Ivanov, head of the Moscow department of this department - security officer Davydov, St. Petersburg - security officer Shesterikov, Orenburg - security officer Ivanov. And this list can be continued indefinitely.

By the way, I really want to ask Comrade Davydov how the story ended with the discovery in the office of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Closed Joint-Stock Company of Moscow of the bodies of detectives Dmitry Mazanov and Vakhtang Gvakharia (son-in-law of Yeltsin's former security guard, now State Duma deputy Korzhakov), who died from a heroin overdose? Did you find out where the deceased got the drugs and who “protected” this place? And what high rank was trying to prevent the autopsy of the bodies in order to establish the cause of death?

Well, the head of customs - a former KGB officer and friend of Putin Belyaninov - readers already know.

In addition, a whole army of undercover comrades settled in the local authorities, large enterprises, in state corporations, the oil and gas complex (for example, another friend of the prime minister is Mr. Tokarev), the leadership of state television channels, newspapers, universities and even theaters. And all this, not counting the numerous agents and anonymous people.

* The editors, for security reasons, naturally omit the names of children and numbers of personal vehicles.

Who and how is called upon to control all this restless economy - in the next issues.

Help "New"

Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich(Ded Khasan) was born on February 27 (28), 1937 in Tbilisi. By nationality - a Yezidi Kurd. Professional criminal. From 1980 to 1992, he served a prison term in the Urals for selling counterfeit gold coins (he was arrested in Kazakhstan). He has extensive connections among corrupt officials in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. In almost every region of Russia, from Ded Hasan, there are “watchers” who control commercial banks, illegal cash flows, drug trafficking, gambling, apartment robberies, robberies and theft of foreign cars.

In 1998, at a thieves' gathering in Moscow, for cooperation with the authorities and a departure from the "thieves'" traditions, Usoyan was "crowned". The initiator was the famous thief in law Rudolf Oganov (nicknamed Rudik - he was soon killed in the capital).

As it became known to "Kommersant", the head of the "M" department of the FSB of Russia Sergey Alpatov went on promotion. The general and his subordinates initiated the most high-profile anti-corruption investigations, as a result of which, in particular, police billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko, deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov, as well as high-ranking officials of the TFR and FCS were arrested. After Mr. Alpatov became deputy head of the economic security service (SEB) of the FSB, even more large-scale revelations may follow.

Several sources told Kommersant at once about the transfer of Lieutenant General Sergei Alpatov to the post of First Deputy Head of the Economic Security Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Now Mr. Alpatov, who is awaiting an official presidential decree on the appointment, which, most likely, will not be made public for reasons of secrecy, is completing his work in his former post and is gradually getting acquainted with his new official duties.

Sergey Alpatov is a native of the FSB CSS. Department "M", which deals with combating corruption in law enforcement, he headed about three years ago. During this time, the most famous revelations of emshchikov were criminal cases against ex-head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Reimer, convicted of a scam with overpricing of electronic bracelets, who was recently arrested for fraud and bribes along with subordinates of the deputy head of the prison department Oleg Koshunov. The operatives revealed large-scale theft in the creation of an intellectual system for supporting the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, facts of corruption in the FCS, and also exposed billionaire colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko from GUEBiPK. And one of the latest developments of the “M” department led not only to the arrests for bribes of officials of the TFR - Major General Denis Nikandrov, as well as Colonels Mikhail Maksimenko, Alexander Lamonov and Alexei Kramarenko, but may also end with the reform of the Investigative Committee of Russia, which they want to merge with police investigation.

It should be noted that all this time there was a certain rivalry between the employees of the “M” department and the “K” department (countering abuses among officials and in the credit and financial sphere), which is headed by another native of the FSB CSS, Ivan Tkachev. Previously, departments "M", "K" and a number of others were part of the SEB, but later, according to some reports, the fighters against corruption in law enforcement and law enforcement agencies were directly subordinate to the director of the FSB.

Recall that it was General Tkachev who was responsible for the operational development of the employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, which ended with the fact that his ex-head Denis Sugrobov, along with a number of subordinates, were convicted of organizing a criminal community and participating in it. According to Kommersant's sources, thanks to other operational measures, including in relation to the ex-head of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Alexei Ulyukaev, who was sentenced for corruption, General Tkachev can also count on an increase. Moreover, the SEB FSB is now headed by the former head of the CSS, Sergei Korolev.

The position of deputy head of the SES involves the assignment of the rank of colonel general - Yuri Yakovlev, who led the service for a long time, has even risen to the rank of army general - and is a launching pad for further career advancement. The last two directors of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev and Alexander Bortnikov, came to the post at the time from the SEB.

A new leader. He was the former vice president of the United shipbuilding corporation» (OSK) Anatoly Tyukov. Earlier, in particular, he headed the FSB department for the Novgorod region, but left this post a year after the Nevsky Express train was blown up in the region. Alexei Dorofeev, the former head of the M department, became the head of the FSB department for Moscow and the Moscow region.

As a source in the special services told Rosbalt, last week Anatoly Tyukov was introduced to the employees of the M Department as a new leader. The press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation told the agency that Tyukov left the post of vice president of this structure a week ago. However, they do not know anything about his new place of work.

Anatoly Tyukov is a career officer of the FSB of the Russian Federation. At various times he served in counterintelligence units in the Bryansk and Amur regions, from the latter region he went on business trips to China and Korea. In 1998, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Ingushetia. As the counterintelligence officer said in an interview, in the North Caucasus, among other things, he was engaged in the release of hostages (in particular, a citizen of Slovenia, the wife of the former head of the State Standard, the son of an official from Tatarstan, officers of the 137th border detachment, etc.). Tyukov told reporters that he even had to somehow communicate with Shamil Basayev. With the leader of the militants, the issue of releasing the head of the FSB of Ingushetia, Yury Gribov, who was captured by the bandits, was discussed. Following the results of his service in the North Caucasus, Tyukov was awarded the Order of Courage.

In 2000, Nikolai Patrushev, then director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, called Tyukov to him and announced his appointment as head of the FSB of the Novgorod region. He served in this position for eight years. During the period when Tyukov headed the FSB, a major terrorist attack was committed on the territory of the Novgorod region. On August 13, 2007, attackers blew up the Nevsky Express train, injuring about 60 passengers. A year later, Tyukov was removed from his post as head of the FSB and transferred to work in the central office of the FSB of the Russian Federation. And in the summer of 2009, he was appointed vice president for security at the United Shipbuilding Corporation. Apparently, while holding this position, Tyukov continued to be a career employee of counterintelligence. “Anatoly Pavlovich was seconded from the FSB to USC at the request of the then Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who oversaw the activities of the shipbuilding corporation,” said a Rosbalt source in the special services.

In June 2012, Tyukov was considered as one of the candidates for the USC presidency. “However, it was decided to give preference to a person directly from the shipbuilding industry - Andrey Dyachkov,” a source close to USC told the agency. In December, Tyukov returned to the FSB, where he became the head of the M Department.

In the department for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Justice (Department "M") of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the third head has changed over the past two years. Until February 2010, this unit was headed by Vladimir Kryuchkov, who was later transferred to the position of deputy head of the organizational and inspection department of the FSB of the Russian Federation. He was replaced by Alexei Dorofeev, who previously headed the FSB of Karelia and was transferred from there to the central office of the FSB after the pogroms in Kondopoga. Recently, Dorofeev was appointed head of the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow region. Now Anatoly Tyukov will control the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergencies in counterintelligence.

Alexander Shvarev

Some acting officers of the Russian special services patronize the "cadres" of international criminals

AT In February of this year, former senior foreign intelligence and FSB officers A. Demenchuk, A. Suponinsky, L. Skyaev, V. Tsymbal, V. Beznosenko wrote to the head of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB of Russia. In their statement, they revealed a specific pattern of criminal actions by an international criminal group that caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to our country.
Former intelligence officers now working in business have directly encountered corruption and, probably, out of old habit, turned to the Lubyanka for help. They informed the acting Chekist brothers that they had materials about the illegal, in their opinion, activities in Russia of US citizen Yakov (Yan) Tilipman, about his alleged corrupt ties with the officers of the GUBEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Mishin and Alymov, as well as with one of the officers of the Russian FSB .
The FSB registered the application, and the then head of the internal security department, Smirnov, sent this document for verification to the “M” department. The “M” division was created within the FSB structure less than a year ago and is engaged in counterintelligence support for the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a number of other departments important for the life of the state. It can be assumed that come to grips with checking the facts set out in the statement former colleagues, should have been the head of the 1st department of department "M" Pronyakin (it is the 1st department that "leads" the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation).
Six months have passed since then, but the retired scouts have not received a response - neither positive nor negative. They did not even wait for a call from the secretary from "M" Natalya Borisovna.
All this is very strange. If the former knights of the cloak and dagger slandered the American Tilipman, policemen Mishin, Alymov, then why did they not answer for the slander according to the law?
If the invoice is correct, then why was it not implemented by the investigators from Lubyanka in the criminal case?
For the life of me, I don’t believe that our FSB is even one iota interested in Yan Tilipman, who was prosecuted three times in the United States (in 1982 he served a year for theft, in 1987 he earned 5 years of probation and 9 months of house arrest for fraud, in 1990 he was also punished by the American Themis for extortion and fraud). The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is also well aware of his criminal exploits: in May last year, the head of the main department for combating economic crime, V. Kozlov, clearly reported to one of the Russian legislators: “... Given the information received from the US FBI about Ya. Tilipman, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs cooperation with Interpol and foreign colleagues regarding the specified person will be continued.”
But while the Ministry of Internal Affairs is “exchanging information”, and the FSB is blindly ignoring the alarms from their former employees, Jan Tilipman and his police “companions” are on the alert, trying to get their hands on the Moscow CJSC Konsto, which employs colonels who turned to the FSB. For example, on July 21 of this year, the first forceful attempt was made to seize Konsto by some of the shareholders of this CJSC. It is just right, of course, to assume that this is a commercial showdown that is common these days, but, as Y. Mikhailov, a member of the board of directors of Konsto, noted, the faces of Messrs. Mishin and Tilipman flickered in the crowd of invaders ...
Further more. On August 15, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs searched the premises of Jan-Ron CJSC, which, like Konsto, is part of the international group of affiliated companies G-Group. Captain S. Bogachev, the detective of the GUBEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was looking for documents relating to transactions for the alienation valuable papers"Consto", but "in passing" withdrew founding documents four other G-Group firms.
I deliberately evade a detailed description of the disputes between the shareholders of Konsto - neither the newspaper nor the law enforcement agencies, I think, should interfere in someone else's business. But, apparently, those officers of the GUBEP who, in all this unsightly history, protect the interests of the American citizen Tilipman, do not agree with my opinion, spending their official time on this, paid from the skinny Russian treasury.
Let me remind the senior officers of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the old proverb: tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. It follows from the statement of the intelligence officers that Russian law enforcement officers Mishin, Alymov, FSB officer Oleg Nikolaevich M., the leader of one of the Russian criminal groups - a certain Monya, an American citizen Ricardo Fanchini (aka Richard Kozina, aka Jerzy Bank), on which entire detective volumes are collected in the FBI database, in which robberies, fraud, diamond scams, etc. are described in detail.
This is how the company came together. What unites them all is also indicated in the statement. But "response" is expressed only in one form - the police began to suppress the applicants and their firms with terrible force. "Family" is immortal?
Maybe the leadership of the FSB of Russia will still answer its veterans, and at the same time " Novaya Gazeta”, why does the “M” department not moo, does not calve, what exactly is the counterintelligence support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed in? After all, in the end, Russian taxpayers have the right to ask how THEIR money is spent. I tried to figure it out over the phone by calling "M". But they answered me with an iron voice: “You have the wrong number” ...
Mr. Director of the FSB Patrushev, maybe you can get through to the "non-existent" department "M"? I'll tell you the telephone numbers: 224-17-24, and by internal communication - 89-06-45, by "completely internal" - 61-27 and 52-948. I would like to believe that Jan is not listening to these phones yet ...

Yesterday it became known that the head of the department for counterintelligence support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Justice (Department "M") of the FSB of Russia was replaced. According to Kommersant, instead of Vladimir Kryuchkov, Alexei Dorofeev, a native of Leningrad and the former chief Chekist of this city, was appointed to this post. Officially, the FSB of Russia refused to confirm the information about the replacement of the head of department "M". However, the newspaper managed to find out that Kryuchkov was transferred to the FSB organizational inspectorate on the orders of FSB director Alexander Bortnikov. According to the publication, several other high-ranking employees of the "M" department also lost their posts. At the same time, Bortnikov himself decided to supervise the administration personally - previously one of his deputies was engaged in this. General Alexei Dorofeev was appointed to replace Vladimir Kryuchkov. He is known for being the head of the FSB of Karelia, in 2006 he was dismissed by the then President of Russia Vladimir Putin for mass anti-Caucasian pogroms in Kondopoga. State Duma deputy Alexander Korzhakov, in an interview with the newspaper, noted that Dorofeev was appointed to a new position in connection with the place of his birth and previous service. The publication reminds that Dorofeev was born in Leningrad and at one time headed the FSB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. "This appointment has nothing to do with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I can say frankly: Petersburgers continue to advance and place their own in leadership positions," Korzhakov said.