“There are many areas of work, but the task is one. Ooo "ovd" Head of the mob decryption

In February of this year, the 15th anniversary of the formation of the public security police (MSB) was celebrated, and in November the service of district police officers, which is structural unit MOB. What other units are part of the public security police, are there any positive trends in its work, what are the main tasks facing employees today - we are talking about this with the deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District - the head of the MOB, police colonel Vitaly SEMENOV.

Please tell us which departments ensure law and order and public safety in the Southwestern District, what are the results of their activities this year?

The MOB includes 12 divisions: PPSM, OODUUM and PDN, traffic police department, separate traffic police battalion, licensing and permitting service, inquiry department, MOTOTRER, department for combating offenses on consumer market, environmental police, private security units. In addition to their specific tasks, all subdivisions pay great attention to anti-terrorist preventive measures. The staff of our service is more than 70% of the total personnel of the District Internal Affairs Directorate, that is, we work in almost all areas of activity of the system of internal affairs bodies. Despite the fact that the units of the MPS have many areas of work, the main task for all is the same - by professional actions, through legal methods, to stop attempts to violate law and order and ensure the safety of citizens in the district.

Starting from the middle of last year, for the first time in many years, the Public Security Militia of the Department of Internal Affairs managed to leave the stable “below average” position in terms of performance and move closer to the front lines. Now we are in fourth place among similar units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. In the current year, we have managed to significantly increase the detection of such crimes as burglaries, robberies, robberies, car thefts. According to the materials of the Ministry of Defense, several serious criminal cases are being processed in the Investigation Department at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-West Administrative District. Thanks to the preventive work of employees in the district, the number of crimes and other offenses on the streets and in public places has decreased.

In all districts, the functional tasks of the public security police are the same, they are well known to me. Their essence is reflected in the very name of the service. My new colleagues helped me orient myself in the operational and service environment on the territory of the South-West Administrative District and adapt in the team. Clear requirements, a real interest in improving the work of the Ministry of Defense of the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Major General of Militia Andrei Pavlovich Puchkov, his practical assistance and professional support helped me to begin solving this problem without delay.

It is solved mainly by strengthening the control (both open and covert) of the leaders of all levels over the work of personnel, primarily the units of the PPSM and the service of district commissioners. In addition, we have increased the demands on duty units in terms of timely response to reports of crimes and incidents. We are trying to pay more attention to the quality of personnel training in the system of combat and service training. Our employees are encouraged to study at departmental universities. It should be noted that thanks to the interaction of the leadership of the ATC of the district and the prefecture, our fleet has been significantly updated Vehicle, technical re-equipment is underway, issues of providing employees with housing are being resolved. How can, help and district councils.

What problems do you, as the head of the MOB, consider the most relevant?

Today one of actual problems- recruitment of personnel. This is especially noticeable in the subdivisions of the patrol service and the service of district police officers. The reasons for this situation are well known, the main one being the low level of wages and social security. Let me clarify that in quantitative terms, we have a small shortage, but I am concerned about the qualitative indicators of employees, that is, their professional level.

Despite the fact that district commissioners today are in a more privileged position in providing housing than employees of other services, we now have about 15 vacancies for positions in the UUM service (this is a working shortage). Not everyone can cope with the tasks and the amount of work that precinct officers are required to perform. To do this, it is not enough to have professional skills, you need to have a vocation for such work, or, to put it simply, you need to be a policeman in your soul. Fortunately, there are such employees not only among experienced law enforcement officers, but also among yesterday's graduates of police colleges, who are interested in learning the specifics practical work with senior colleagues.

Currently, 402 precinct police officers are working in the district. The UUM Department of Internal Affairs services work most effectively in the regions of Yuzhnoye Butovo and Teply Stan, positive trends have been outlined in the Department of Internal Affairs in the regions of Cheryomushki and Yasenevo.

November will mark the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the institute of precinct police officers in Russia. The other day, on this occasion, we held a working meeting with the Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate, discussed the key points of preparation for the holiday, and outlined a plan for anniversary events.

As far as I know, school police inspectors have begun to work quite successfully in your district.

Yes, we assigned PDN employees to these positions for each school. They are there every day - until 15 o'clock, then their workplace becomes the precinct police stations. School inspectors interact with deputy directors of schools for educational work, for safety, with psychologists, class teachers, give lectures on jurisprudence to students, and advise teachers. In general, they are actively preventive work. It can be unequivocally said that the order in these educational institutions became more. About three months ago, thanks to our inspectors, a pedophile from among the teachers was identified in one of the schools. A criminal case was initiated against him, the materials were sent to court.

And during the summer holidays, as usual, PDN units within integrated programs and events, as well as during daily work in cooperation with the relevant services of the prefectures and municipalities, they are engaged in the prevention of delinquency among minors, identify neglected and homeless children. In addition, PDN employees help provide preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and holiday camps for children from socially unprotected or disadvantaged families. In these divisions, intensive specific work is carried out in the summer.

Perhaps the intensity of the work of other departments of your service is also affected by the peculiarities of the summer season?

In the summer, the public security police increase the amount of work in many areas. One of them is the suppression of burglaries and their disclosure. Police squads patrol the courtyards. The work is supported by video surveillance systems, interaction with the workers of the LCM. District inspectors, together with employees of private security, conduct preventive conversations with residents of the district regarding the installation of security systems in apartments. Explanatory work is being carried out on cable television and in the print media. By the way, among the metropolitan districts, our district is a "silver winner" in equipping the residential sector security systems. In this area, we fruitfully cooperate with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana.

It should be noted that, in addition to the protection of facilities, the subdivisions of the UVO under the UVD for the South-West Administrative District make a worthy contribution to improving the work of police squads in the system of a single deployment for the suppression of crimes and offenses in the district.

Practice shows that with the onset of warm weather, the number of not only burglaries increases, but also street robberies, car thefts. Increased attention of law enforcement officers is demanded by the favorite places of rest of the townspeople - Troparevsky and Vorontsovsky parks, in which public events are often held. In Bitsevsky Park, in addition to the foot detachments of the teaching staff, mounted police are on duty. The issue of installing CCTV cameras here is being resolved. During this period, cases are added to the departments of the traffic police and traffic police. There are more and more cars, motorcycles, bicycles on the roads.

Vitaly Anatolyevich, in the light of the current events related to the arson of cars in the district, the assessment of the work of your employees has not decreased?

I won't be surprised if some inhabitants, out of habit, attribute the inaction of police officers to the causes of this incident. This is fundamentally wrong. Law enforcement officers are not required to act as car park guards. In addition, it is precisely in connection with these crimes that the workload of the MPS employees has increased many times over. All are aimed at finding and detaining arsonists and preventing new crimes. For the sake of performing this task, the personnel do not take into account either time or physical fatigue.

Analyzing this situation, I would like the residents to first of all evaluate their behavior. Some of those who first noticed the smoke coming from under the car simply closed the window vents and calmly lay down to sleep. Of course, these were not car owners. Similar behavior of others happens during burglaries, and during auto thefts, during domestic and street crimes. Indifference, an isolated way of life in their own "shell", the unwillingness of citizens to try to prevent someone else's misfortune unties the hands of criminals who rely in their deeds on the apathy of outsiders.

I hope that the situation will still change for the better, as we have more and more helpers. Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs help us to maintain public order and prevent offenses, and to implement anti-terrorist measures. The precinct officers constantly interact with the OBOR councils, activists from among the residents. Employees of the PPS often go out to patrol the territory in the evening and at night, together with representatives of the people's squads. active participation public organizations and citizens with active life position in ensuring law and order and security - an important factor that directly affects the state of the criminal situation in the district.




In 1989, Vitaly Semenov graduated from the Ordzhonikidze Higher Military Red Banner Command School. CM. Kirov Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1996, he, the chief of staff of the battalion of the division. Dzerzhinsky, went to serve in the internal affairs bodies. He was appointed to the position of an inspector of the MOB service, then - a senior inspector of the service for interaction with the KM ATC in the Central Administrative District. Further, in his official biography, leadership positions appear in the territorial police departments and departments of internal affairs. He was the deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs for KiVR, the deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs - the head of the MOB of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Zyablikovo district. In 2003, he headed this department, and four years later - the Department of Internal Affairs for the Danilovsky district. In June 2007, police colonel Semyonov was appointed to the post of head of the MOB - deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-West Administrative District.

The other day Vitaly Anatolyevich is finishing his studies at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1st faculty). And on next year his youngest son, Nikita, is going to enter the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

From January 1, 2010, police officers and members of their families will be required to provide information about their income and property.

This is good news for Russian citizens (except for some police officers and their families), given the fact that many police departments have long turned into commercial structures.

And although only a half-hearted decision has been made so far (information about income will be transferred to the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and will not become public), “ New Newspaper” firmly believes that someday the activities of the police will become transparent, and the policemen themselves will live on one salary. Good, but the salary.

In the meantime, these good times have not come, police officers are forced to do business. And if every businessman in uniform honestly paid taxes on criminal proceeds, perhaps Russia would have managed to avoid a budget deficit during the crisis years. That is, it would definitely work.

This statement is easy to believe after reading the dispassionate research of our crime reporter Sergei Kanev. He figured out the intricacies commercial activities one department of internal affairs (OVD). And how many of them there are in the country... And how many bosses over them...

It’s not for me to tell you what you feel when you enter the police station: as if you were on another planet with hostile or, at best, indifferent aliens. Even the employees themselves sometimes call their neighborhoods contemptuously - "garbage heaps": truth-seekers and all sorts of smart people in the service do not stay long. However, despite its apparent primitiveness, the “office” of the Department of Internal Affairs is a complex organism that lives according to its own concepts and layouts.

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs

The head of the police department is the owner of the land. Without his knowledge, no one will dare to set up a trading tent or organize a point with prostitutes. A person from the outside will never be hired for the position of head of the department - the queue is scheduled for years to come. The candidate is either a protege of his clan in the head office, or in the ministry itself, or has patrons in other structures. If you want to skip the line, pay from 50 to 150 thousand dollars. The amount depends on the number of markets, banks, commercial structures, warehouses, etc. Money for the position, as a rule, is collected by friendly businessmen or fraternity. They buy the head of the police department another military rank, pay loans, family expenses and make expensive birthday gifts.

Therefore, the head of the police department must constantly spin and bring income not only to himself, but also to his patrons and creditors. This affects the performance of the department and further promotion. He also solves the "problems" that arise with the right people, with the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee and the security service. Each “problem” has a certain fee. For example, among Moscow policemen it is believed that 30 thousand dollars should be unfastened for a positive outcome of a planned prosecutor's check.

The range of business interests of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs is unlimited. The main rule: at first, do not aim too much at large "projects", but calmly harvest from the territory under your jurisdiction. It is very important to have good relations with the city
authorities, to understand the layouts and not to climb into someone else's garden. When the boss takes root, he can acquire shares through nominees commercial enterprises and participate in raider captures. Spouses of police chiefs are often among the co-founders of medium-sized firms, markets, restaurants, supermarkets ...

To find out who is friends with the boss, see how he celebrates his birthday. Among the guests you will see directors of local markets, middle-class merchants and management from the district government. I have a video in which the head of the police department of a city near Moscow sings "Murka" at the birthday party of a local "watcher" from thieves.

After the resignation, the heads of the police department often become the heads of the security services of banks, commercial organizations or head private security companies.

Manadgement Department

The Office of the Chief of Internal Affairs includes: personnel service and office. The heads of the office and personnel officers in most cases are very close people of the “sheriff”. In some divisions, there is a fee for any piece of paper from the office. personnel officer,
as a rule, he takes offerings for the speedy execution of some documents. A lot depends on the personnel officer when hiring, but the final word is still not his: other people are paid for bread places. Although there are incidents: recently in one department in the north of the capital there was a scandal: a personnel officer hired a drug addict. Fortunately, his colleagues quickly figured it out. As for the office, it is a bottomless source of information.

Criminal Police (KM)

The head of the criminal police in the structure of the Department of Internal Affairs is man No. 2. The main tasks of the Cabinet of Ministers are: detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes, organization and implementation of the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading the execution of criminal punishment, missing ...

Among the chiefs of the criminal police, there are still those who have gone through all the stages of operational work and participated in the disclosure of high-profile cases. But these are becoming less and less. The bulk are henchmen of one or another clan, "who did not sniff gunpowder." Rumor has it that in the center and in the south of Moscow, you can become the head of the KM for 25-30 thousand dollars. There is a story in police circles that the head of the KM from one department of internal affairs decided to go for a promotion and to pay the right people scored

Debts for 75 thousand dollars. But at the top he was “thrown”, appointing another person in his place. In short, the poor fellow took a deep drink and almost put a bullet in his forehead. It is good that the wife returned home and took away the gun.

Sometimes "criminals" are in conflict (on financial grounds) with the chiefs of the public security police (MOB). When the conflict escalates, the parties can sit down on the enemy or “bet on money”, since they have extensive compromising information on almost everyone.

The criminal police service includes a criminal investigation department and a department of operational-search information.

Criminal investigation. Approximate number of 15 people. The cost of the post of head of SD in the "bread" departments is from 10 to 15 thousand dollars. In most neighborhoods, the “criminal” is divided into hard-working operas and thieves. Workers plow from morning to evening,

But their leadership is still unhappy. But the son of some bigwig from the Internal Affairs Directorate does not even need to come to the service - the indicators will do it for him.

Business of employees of the criminal investigation department: custom-made raids on merchants, extortions from those who are wanted, search for stolen cars (for a fee), operational-search activities (ORM) by order of merchants. As well as the roofing of the saloon

Prostitution, drug dens, underground auto repair shops, gangs of car thieves, scammers, scammers, blackmail of relatives of those arrested and trade in operational information. In some branches, each employee must bring to the "common fund" from
three hundred to three thousand dollars a month.

Recently, an operative from one police department crashed to death on a Yamaha motorcycle on the Moscow Ring Road. During the life of the operative, his colleagues were perplexed, where did he get such an expensive toy from? And a month ago, in the Northern District, a Georgian borsetist was caught red-handed, and he said during interrogation that he had been working under the “roof” of the deceased for the last three years. It turns out that in his spare time, he worked as a security guard in an exchange office and gave tips on citizens changing large sums.

The spouses of the heads of the UR own small firms, car washes, workshops, cafes, etc.

ORI (department of operational-search information). Number from 1 to 3 people. Tasks: photograph and roll the fingers of the detainees. Then the data is entered into the operational database. Business: trade in operational information, search for debtors and disappeared lovers. In some departments, ORI employees charge colleagues 100-200 rubles for urgent information. You can also pay with a bottle of vodka. After dismissal, databases are often leaked to detective agencies, security services, private security companies.

Public Security Police (MOB)

Tasks of the MOB: ensuring the security of the individual, public security, protection of property, public order, detection, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses. Disclosure of crimes in which the production of a preliminary investigation is not necessary. According to the instructions, the public security police assist the criminal police.

The head of the public security police can be either a protege of his clan or a countryman of the head of the district. It has all the fluff. The price for the position ranges from 15 to 30 thousand dollars. In some departments, the heads of the MPS have more weight than the heads of the KM. The structure of the MOB includes: a duty unit, a district police service, an inquiry and a department for juvenile affairs.

Business: protection of merchants, share in local markets, street prostitution, scams with apartments of alcoholics and lonely old people. Most of the "proceeds" go to patrons in the district offices. Otherwise, you will hang in the office until the very

Duty department. The number of DCH 12 people (4 shifts). The tasks of the shift supervisor include receiving and registering applications, receiving and accounting for operational information, managing patrol units, organizing the departure of the investigative team and keeping the detainees in the “monkey”.

After a year and a half of communication with the criminal contingent, the duty officers can no longer talk normally with ordinary people. Families often have fights. After leaving the service, most of the former duty officers become drunkards.

Last month, I received a letter from an officer in charge of the administrative detention cell (KAZ): “Our “monkey” was blinded from the office opposite the duty unit, with a barred room in half. In one part
sit delivered, and in the other I. There are no living conditions: there is no washbasin, the toilet is often clogged. My table is next to the detainees at a spitting distance (the cells of the bars, contrary to the requirements of the order, are not closed). During the day
I listen to abuse. Once a detainee climbed up the bars of the grate and pissed on me. The management occasionally looks in with dissatisfied faces and asks: “Why do you stink so much?”.

Business: go to any police station and look into the "monkey". This is the main business: who to "accept", who to "let go" ... Although in the mid-90s I knew a duty officer in the center of Moscow, who had his own six hundredth Mercedes.

Precinct. The number of 10-15 people. There are quite decent people. True, they do not stay in the service for a long time. Here is the message sent to me by an unknown head of the district police service: “I have been working for more than 10 years. I think that if they stop demanding “sticks” from precinct officers (detection rates, one thing is one “stick.” - Ed.) and change the criteria for evaluating performance, everyone will sigh. The district police officers will start working normally on prevention among the population and will be closer to the people. Last week, messengers arrived from Sukhodolsky (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - Approx. ed.). Smooth and well-fed faces. In the evening, the management took them to the restaurant, caught up with the girls. And the next day they were angry with a hangover and pretended to study the materials. And so from year to year.

Business: requisitions from Muscovites who illegally rent apartments to people from other cities, from “persons of Caucasian nationality” for living without registration; fraud with the living space of lonely old people and alcoholics, extortion from guest workers at construction sites. In some cases, protection of small drug dens and brothels, jointly with the criminal investigation department.

Temporary detention facilities (IVS). Business: extortion from relatives of those arrested, sale of alcoholic beverages, drugs, cigarettes and products to "clients". Those who want to call home bring a good income to the guards: the cost of a call on a mobile phone for a prisoner is 100-300 rubles. For a fee, they can also deliver a "night butterfly" to the temporary detention facility.

Patrol service and immediate response group. The most impoverished and "limitless" unit. Most often, they are imprisoned for crimes. Every day we see PPS fighters on the streets, robbing citizens. They take anyone in the teaching staff.

Peeps people have the largest percentage of alcoholics and gambling addicts.

Business: extortion from citizens in crowded places, protection of points with "night butterflies" and "distribution" of their clients under the threat of detention. If an ordinary employee wants the company commander to put him on a “good” route (market, railway station), you need to unfasten 500 rubles. For a shift, a PPS fighter usually winds up 5-7 thousand rubles.

Inquiry. Seventeen years ago, interrogators were separated into a separate service. More than half are women or young people. Engaged in the disclosure of small things. Although you can break a decent jackpot if you competently intimidate a rich "sucker" who has committed a petty criminal offense. But this rarely happens. More and more ordinary hard workers and migrant workers who got into a drunken fight are brought to the police. Plus, there's too much writing. A place where you can “wash” 2-3 thousand dollars a month is considered successful.

Juvenile department. One of the poorest divisions. Interrupt than necessary. It’s good if several wealthy businessmen live on the site, who have idiot children. And the rest - at best they will give
a box of chocolates on March 8.

Investigation Department (CO)

The head of the investigative department is an important figure in the police department. They try not to quarrel with him. Business: the main "grandmothers" are made on the collapse or initiation of criminal cases. "Ruin" usually goes like this. A businessman under investigation comes to the head of the SO and says: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich, I’m getting a five here. Can't everything be done differently?" "Can! the investigator answers. “Just talk to the applicant and witnesses first, and then we will decide what to do next.” And miracles begin. Suddenly, the applicants are lost and the material evidence is lost. And the witnesses completely change their testimony. He ruined a dozen such cases - and you can leave the service with a clear conscience.
Department of Licensing and Permit Work (OLRR)

The department carries out licensing of non-state (private) security and detective activities, control over the circulation of military, civilian and service weapons. Issues licenses for the purchase of weapons and renews permits for their possession.

Business: the main thing is to create a queue and confusion during the reception hours of the population. There will definitely be a person who has no time to sit in lines. A good place is considered to be a place where you can "wash" 100-300 dollars a day. But this is not the main business.

Every boss security company should bring a plump envelope to the LRRR at the end of the month. Otherwise, a check may suddenly come to the private security company - then "forgetfulness" will cost ten times more.

Home front service

With a meager budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can’t really clear up. It is necessary to spin all the time and look for sponsors in your area.

Business: the rear services are "in chocolate" when the police department is undergoing repairs. For example, twenty thousand rubles are allocated for paint. Of course, they will buy for five, and the money will be divided in half with the heads of the police department. I knew a Moscow pimp from

The southern district, to which messengers from the rear of the police department came every evening and asked for money to refuel the cars on duty with gasoline.

Psychological service. Only after the massacre in the supermarket, arranged by the head of the Tsaritsyno police department, Yevsyukov, did they finally pay attention to this service. How long? And from a business point of view, the service is completely unpromising.

Each department has one more head - the deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs for cultural and educational work (CWR). In the old way - political officer. He monitors the moral qualities of employees. There is a paragraph in the CWR methodological manual: “Educational work is the most important component of all managerial and organizational activities in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Working with people in modern conditions is designed to help the employee to correctly navigate in life, conscientiously fulfill the tasks assigned to him job responsibilities, to form in him love for his Fatherland, a respectful, benevolent attitude towards citizens, high professional and moral qualities, an inner need to comply with the Law.

No comment. And without money, unless the political officer is a friend of one of the real bosses - then he is able to "resolve" some problems.

To complete the picture, let me remind you that police departments do not work “by themselves”. Above them is the Internal Affairs Directorate, with whose leadership it is customary to share a percentage of income.

In the town Moscow included in system of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation- Russia.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is subordinate to the Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and he is to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation. The main tasks of the department are to ensure the security, rights and freedoms of citizens, the suppression and disclosure of crimes, and the protection of public order.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is headed by a chief who is appointed and removed from office President of Russian Federation on the advice of the Minister of the Interior. Prior to submitting a candidacy to the President of the Russian Federation, the opinion of Mayor of Moscow. Control over the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Mayor, the Government of Moscow and Moscow City Duma. At present, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is Lieutenant General of Police Oleg Baranov(appointed 22 September 2016).


The need to create special bodies dealing exclusively with criminal investigation was recognized in Russia by the beginning of the 20th century. In July 1908 a law on the organization of the detective unit is adopted, in accordance with which detective departments are created in the city and county police departments. Their task included the production of inquiries in criminal cases with the necessary operational-search measures. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian criminal investigation department was recognized as one of the best in the world, since it used in its practice the latest techniques. For example, a registration system based on the systematization of information about persons into 30 special categories. Albums of photographs of violators were actively used (the first Russian photography cabinet was organized back in 1889). At the time when West methods of photography and fingerprinting were only mastered by special services, Russian police already had at its disposal more than 2 million photos and 3 million fingerprints. Moreover, the centralized circular tracing system criminals embedded in a criminal investigation Russian Empire to 1st of January 1915, was borrowed first Scotland Yard and then received general recognition.

Women's Mounted Police in Alexander Garden

The second operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow

2nd Operational Police Regiment of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow(2nd OPP) - formed in 2004 by the merger of three operational regiments of the Moscow police, which were at one time parts of the city patrol (PG) - the basis of service 02.

The activities of the 2nd OPP are aimed at ensuring the protection of public order during mass events in Moscow. Also, employees of the 2nd OPP are involved in the power support of various units of the criminal police.

The unit reports directly to the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the UOOP of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow - the Department for the Protection of Public Order.

It is the second largest unit in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow after the Moscow OMON.

Zonal dog service center

The zonal dog service center is the largest center for training dogs and employees for work. Dogs are trained in different areas: the search for drugs, explosives, search for firearms and detention. Dogs are kept in enclosures, divided by areas of work. Gun hunting dogs live separately from detention dogs. Breeds such as German Shepherd, Labrador, and others are used. On the territory of the center there is a veterinary unit, a training ground for detention, a training ground for the search for explosives, a "maternity hospital" and " Kindergarten”, as well as a “nursing home” for retired dogs. One cynologist works with one dog. They work all their lives together.


Job title Chief of Police put in, with obeyed governor general. Supervised the activities of police chiefs, was responsible for peace and order in the city, headed the fire brigade, oversaw trade, urban improvement and sanitary conditions Moscow, monitored the observance of laws and regulations of higher and central institutions, the implementation of decisions of the judiciary. The position was abolished in connection with the establishment of the city administration in Moscow.

Moscow police chiefs

FULL NAME. Title, rank, rank Position replacement time
Grekov Maxim Timofeevich colonel, brigadier 11.04.1722-23.12.1728
Pozdnyakov Ivan Davidovich State Councillor 03.11.1729-1731
Grekov Stepan Timofeevich Brigadier, Chief of Police 17.02.1731-22.12.1732
Obolduev Nikita Andreevich colonel 11.01.1733-1739
Golokhvastov Ivan Martynovich State Councillor 1749-1753
Divov Ivan Ivanovich 09.01.1762-1762
Yushkov Ivan Ivanovich Privy Councilor, Chief of Police 10.1762-17.04.1764
Arseniev Taras Ivanovich Colonel, State Councilor 17.04.1764-10.02.1765
Tolstoy Vasily Ivanovich count, brigadier, state councilor 1765-1770
Bakhmetev Nikolay Ivanovich foreman 1770-1771
Arkharov Nikolay Petrovich colonel (major general) 1771-01.01.1781
Ostrovsky Boris Petrovich foreman 1781-1785
Tol Fedor Nikolaevich colonel (major general) 1785-1790
Glazov Pavel Mikhailovich colonel, brigadier 1790-02.09.1793
Kozlov Pavel Mikhailovich Brigadier, Major General 22.10.1793-1796
Kaverin Pavel Nikitovich state councilor (actual state councilor) 31.03.1797-09.12.1798
Ertel Fedor Fedorovich major general 09.12.1798-12.03.1801
Kaverin Pavel Nikitovich Acting State Councilor, Major General 12.03.1801-13.12.1802
Spiridov Grigory Grigorievich Brigadier, State Councilor 13.12.1802-20.12.1804
Balashov Alexander Dmitrievich major general 20.12.1804-24.11.1807
Gladkov Ivan Vasilievich major general 29.11.1807-17.04.1809
Ivashkin Petr Alekseevich major general 17.04.1809-08.03.1816
Shulgin Alexander Sergeevich major general 08.03.1816-02.08.1825
Shulgin Dmitry Ivanovich major general 02.08.1825-06.04.1830
Mukhanov Sergey Nikolaevich colonel, adjutant wing 06.04.1830-27.09.1833
Tsynsky Lev Mikhailovich major general, 29.11.1833-01.02.1845
Luzhin Ivan Dmitrievich Colonel, His Majesty's Retinue Major General, Adjutant Wing 13.12.1845-12.05.1854
Timashev-Bering Alexey Alexandrovich major general 12.05.1854-31.12.1857
Kropotkin Alexey Ivanovich prince, guard colonel, major general, adjutant wing 01.01.1858-12.11.1860
Potapov Alexander Lvovich Retinues of His Majesty Major General 12.11.1860-15.12.1861
Kreutz Heinrich Kiprianovich Count, His Majesty's Retinue Major General (Lieutenant General) 16.12.1861-03.01.1866
Arapov Nikolai Ustinovich 03.01.1866-14.10.1878
Retinues of His Majesty Major General 14.10.1878-13.08.1881
Yankovsky Evgeny Osipovich major general 13.08.1881-18.07.1882
Kozlov Alexander Alexandrovich Retinues of His Majesty Major General, Lieutenant General 26.07.1882-11.01.1887

MOSCOW, August 28 - RIA Novosti. The head of the Moscow police department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, told RIA Novosti that he had removed Khamid Abdryakhimov, the head of the public security police (MOB) of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern Administrative District (SAO), from his post.

This happened after four policemen were detained on Saturday on suspicion of involvement in the kidnapping of a person in the capital.

"General Kolokoltsev decided to dismiss the head of the MOB of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the SAO in connection with the detention of his subordinates," Zhanna Ozhimina, deputy head of the information department of the capital's police department, told RIA Novosti.

Ozhimina previously told RIA Novosti that a woman called the police and said that four unknown men in camouflage had kidnapped her husband when they were leaving the entrance of their house together. The unidentified men pushed the man into a black Ford Focus and drove away in an unknown direction.

To search for the kidnapped person in Moscow, the "Interception" plan was introduced, and the indicated car was stopped in the Krylatskoye area. The immediate response group detained four men in the car, three of whom are employees of the patrol service of the Northern District of Moscow. A law enforcement source said that all four detainees, three sergeants and a lieutenant, are active police officers.

Recently, a number of serious incidents involving police officers have occurred in Moscow. The loudest of them is the crime of Major Denis Yevsyukov, head of the Tsaritsyno Department of Internal Affairs, which received a wide response not only in Russia, but also in the world. On the night of April 27, 2009, Evsyukov fired at the Ostrov supermarket in the south of Moscow. As a result, nine people were injured, three of them died. On February 19, 2010, the Moscow City Court sentenced the ex-policeman to life imprisonment. After the emergency in the supermarket, the heads of the Moscow police department and the police department of the southern district of the capital lost their posts.

On the evening of November 23, 2009, near the Kuzminki metro station, police sergeant Anver Ibragimov, being in a state of alcohol intoxication, beat two natives of Abkhazia, one of whom later died. He was charged under the articles "abuse of power" and "causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim."

At the end of December 2009, police lieutenant colonel Anatoly Maurin collided with a snow loader in a foreign car on Sevastopol Avenue in Moscow. There was a quarrel between the drivers, during which a policeman fired a gas pistol at the loader driver Vladimir Demidov. The bullet hit the victim in the area of ​​the left knee and damaged the artery. The man died from blood loss in the car. Maurin left the scene of the crime, and the gun was dismantled and thrown away. The court sentenced him to six years in a strict regime colony.

In February of this year, MUR operatives in the center of Moscow detained suspects in the preparation of a robbery. Among them were two detectives of the police department for the Presnensky district of Moscow - Alexander Zubkov and Alexander Trukhanov. The suspects are being tested for involvement in a number of robberies in the capital.

In mid-February, senior district police officer "Basmanny" police major Alexander Razumnykh, while driving a personal Mercedes car in a state of intoxication, knocked down a woman pedestrian, who was hospitalized with fractures. At the same time, the major was in the form of a policeman, behaved defiantly and refused to undergo a medical examination. This crime led to the dismissal of a number of heads of the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District.

At the end of March, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that a number of police officers in Yakimanka were suspected of falsifying criminal cases and illegally arresting citizens in these cases. Later, a criminal case was initiated against the head of the criminal police of the Krasnoselsky police department and the detective of the internal security department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, who are suspected of receiving large bribes from policemen under investigation.