Scheme of the organization of development of the territory of the garden partnership. The administration does not approve our plan for the holiday village. What are the consequences? Requirements for residential buildings

There is no master plan, there is only a decision to withdraw. 55 plots, 3 ha. It is necessary to coordinate adjacent borders. We want to put all gardening on the cadastral register. Not the entire territory of gardening is included in the master plan of the settlement.

Individual plots are a type of cadastral work formed by division, while maintaining the changed boundaries of the original land plot. With the following documents that you have on hand, individual plots are made by forming from your conditional cadastral number. At the same time, the cadastral number that you have is not specified within the boundaries; he stands out. This is called the division of a land plot with preservation within the changed boundaries.

It is divided on the basis of the approved land surveying project. This is now the name of the document, or in the old master plan. Registration of individual land plots It's not a problem. A land surveying plan is formed for each land plot in accordance with the approved land surveying project. Earth common use are also formed, as individual plots, on the basis of an approved land surveying project.

The cost will be in the order of 150 thousand rubles. cost the project.

Agree on boundaries?

You need to agree on the boundaries when there will be cadastral work, already registration.

Approval and drafting of a land surveying project for the territory of the DNP does not require agreement with adjacent land users. Adjacent land users of approval You are suitable when the land surveying project is approved and it is necessary to form a land survey plan for individual plots of common land, then approval acts are required, the location of the boundaries of the land plot is an integral part of the land survey plan.

And all gardening does not require approval?

If we look in accordance with Order No. 66 on horticultural non-profit partnerships, then you filmed, provided the survey, the designer designed the DNP territory project, the land surveying project and the territory. It consists of a text part and a graphic part in accordance with the order. We have drawn up all this and send it with a letter with your statutory documents and title documents for approval in architecture. The architecture considers, makes comments, corrections, we correct and resubmit for approval.

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After that, when adjustments are made, the data is further reviewed accordingly. I don't know how it depends rural settlement, some have public hearings and some don't, ie. there, a commission meeting takes place that they are considering this project for surveying the territory of the DNP and issue you an extract at the meeting of the commission that they approve the project for surveying the territory of the DNP or SNT. After that, when the extract is received, we wait there for 30 days and the district administration must issue a resolution approving this survey project. Based on this resolution, even then you can start performing cadastral work on individual land plots and actually request the second document that you need to receive to conclude a lease agreement with the municipality for public lands, driveways, passages.

What does it mean if the administration writes to us that we allegedly fall into the sanitary protection zone of the red stop, but there are no documents?

When the administration writes like this, it means that state property is not demarcated, i.e. the boundaries are not established in accordance with the requirements of land legislation. They formally wrote such a letter because they cannot determine the category of land due to the fact that your original land plot is not specified in the boundaries, i.e. his

the location is not determined in accordance with the requirements of land legislation and you need to survey the land, roughly speaking, the square must be set in coordinates.

When they write that the lands are not demarcated, this means that the boundaries are not specified in coordinates because you only have a decision on the provision and withdrawal of a land plot, the boundaries have not been defined. If you provide them with a cadastral passport for your original land plot in coordinates, it turns out that

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the location of the land plot is determined in accordance with the requirements and here they already have no options, as soon as they bring the land plot to a certain category of land.

What if I give them a photo?

Filming is filming, and the information of the KGN to the cadastral chamber with the introduction of coordinates is carried out only on the basis of a boundary plan. In our country, in accordance with the legislation under 221 of the Federal Law on entering information about the coordinates of turning points, it is carried out only on the basis of one document - this is a boundary plan prepared in in electronic format, which is handed over to the cadastral registration authority and which is prepared by a cadastral engineer.

It turns out that you need to clarify the boundaries of the original land plot, form a boundary plan, determine the boundaries of your original plot, roughly speaking a square, enter the coordinates of the turning points of the boundaries. In fact, this can be done in parallel with the submission of documents for approval of the land surveying project.

What do you need first? Make a plan?

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You first need to clarify the boundaries of the original site, then correct all the characteristics on the basis of title documents and prepare a land surveying project.

Click on review to enlarge

  • - Boundary plan
  • - Removal of borders
  • - Cadastral passport
  • - The work of surveyors
  • - Topographic works

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Land surveying, removal of boundaries, geodesy


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Free legal advice:

What documents are needed for surveying a land plot in SNT: a sample of a territory planning project

Thanks to land surveying, it is possible to draw up borders and formalize them.

Processes are regulated by several laws. The main one is 78-FZ, adopted on June 18, 2001 "On land management".

According to him, the demarcation is possible by specialists of geodetic services, as well as the Bureau of Technical Inventory (hereinafter BTI).

Documents for land surveying in SNT

What documents are needed for land surveying? You must provide the following documents:

  • owner's passport;
  • if it is an organization founding documents host;
  • documents for the right to use the site;
  • other documentation (cadastral document, certificate from the technical information bureau on the absence of buildings).

Documentation received by the site owner after the procedure

In the course of work, documents are developed that are issued to the owner upon completion for registration with state bodies.

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First, a comparison of data about the site is made. Then work is carried out on the spot:

  1. examination and verification of points of the boundary network;
  2. fixing the required points on the cadastre coordinate system;
  3. inspection of the boundaries of the plots;
  4. checking the condition of the markers.

To approve the boundaries, all owners of neighboring plots are notified. To contact them, the cadastral engineer will find out contact information from the owner of the surveyed area or from the register.

A general meeting of all owners is held and a protocol is drawn up.

In cases where it is not possible to find neighbors, the notification goes through local newspapers, radio, and television.

At the very end, a boundary plan is drawn up. It consists of:

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  • information about the boundaries and area of ​​the study area, as well as neighboring ones;
  • methodology for determining boundaries and areas;
  • on the establishment of easements;
  • surveying act;
  • data on changes in boundaries, areas;
  • about the time of carrying out surveying works.

Survey project: how is it drawn up?

The project is produced in accordance with the forty-third article of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation published December 29, 2004. It contains documents containing information about the layout of the plots and the location of the boundaries.

These documents state:

  • areas of plots that are formed and changed;
  • the type of permitted use of these sites, in accordance with the planning project;
  • information about the areas that will be related to the public area.

Planning project: sample

The planning and development project of the SNT territory serves to obtain a building permit.

This document is drawn up at the same time as the survey project.

It contains the areas of placement of existing objects, the parameters of these objects, the types of construction permitted on the site, as well as the drawing, on the basis of which urban planning plans are formed.

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The difference between a planning project and master plan that the project is more detailed than the plan. And also in the master plan there is no assessment of the possibility of construction.

The act of land surveying

The surveying act is an act of agreeing on the surveying plan. When compiling this document, the cadastral engineer is guided by articles thirty-ninth and forty 221 of the Federal Law "Regulations on the state cadastre".

After compiling all required documents there is a meeting of all owners of adjacent plots in order to sign the act.

In cases where instead of the owner there is his legal representative, the documents remain the same.

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Is it possible to obtain a cadastral passport without a procedure

The cadastral passport contains data on the lot numbers that are now or were there before, land category, area, date of registration, about the cadastral engineer who made the demarcation, data on the boundaries of the lot.

In accordance with 221-FZ, it is impossible to obtain a cadastral passport for a garden plot without surveying.

The distinction is necessary for those owners who are going to make transactions with the territory.

Do not forget that in the event of a dispute, the rights will be the owner who performed this procedure earlier.

(St. Petersburg)

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Please help us make the site better! Leave a message and your contacts in the comments - we will contact you and together we will make the publication better!

Is it necessary to provide an agreement signed by neighbors if they have done a land survey? (TSN)

Hello Oksana! According to Article 40, the agreement must be signed by all interested parties. So, so that there would be no further overlaps, it is better that all the neighbors sign it, otherwise later contentious issues will have to be decided in court.

According to the law, the land surveying act must be agreed with the nearest citizens in the neighborhood. But there is an exception, if the act does not contain their signature, and the neighbors did not show up for the survey of the site, then the act is considered in your favor.

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what documents are required for land surveying in snt? there is only a membership card

Not so many documents are needed, of course, a passport, and if an organization, then you will need documents for the owner, in addition, you definitely need a document for the right to use the land, that is, confirming your rights to the site, as well as a cadastral document and a certificate of absence of buildings on the site, that's all

  • Alexander - How to survey a garden plot and where to start? 3
  • Andrey - Solving the problem: what to do if the survey was done incorrectly and how to fix the mistake? 5
  • anton - What to do if the area increased / decreased during land surveying: causes and corrective measures 4
  • Olesya Kuznetsova - The procedure for agreeing on boundaries when surveying a land plot: how to do it without the consent of neighbors? 2
  • Anna - How is a commensurate fee for an easement to a land plot established and collected: what should the owner be aware of? 3
  • Alexander - Dispel doubts: is it necessary to do land surveying in gardening, why is this necessary if there is a cadastral passport? 27
  • Alexander - Does the mother have the right to live at the place of registration of the child? Is it possible to evict the mother of a minor after a divorce if he is registered with his father? 9
  • Anna - How to discharge a person from a municipal or privatized apartment without his consent through the court? What documents are needed and how much does a court order extract cost? Arbitrage practice on this issue 16
  • Irina - The rules for determining the boundaries of the local area, or how many meters from a private house can you put the boundary of the site? 2
  • Olga - Apartment for sale with installment payment between individuals: preparation of sample documents, drawing up a sales contract and registering a transaction 10

Moscow St. Petersburg Other regions:

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The project of surveying the territory of the gardening partnership

Development of a project for surveying the territory of a horticultural non-profit association is it necessary to be a member of any SRO

Lawyers Answers (1)

Hello Konstantin, according to the Urban Planning Code,

Article 43

1. Preparation of land surveying projects is carried out in relation to built-up and development areas located within the boundaries of the elements of the planning structure.

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2. A land surveying project is being developed in order to determine

location of the boundaries of the formed and changed land plots.

3. Preparation of land surveying projects is carried out as part of

planning projects of territories or in the form of a separate document.

4. When preparing a project for land surveying, determining the location

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the boundaries of the formed and changed land plots is carried out in accordance with urban planning regulations and norms for the allocation of land plots for specific types of activities established in accordance with federal laws, technical regulations.

The land surveying project is carried out by a cadastral engineer who must have a license

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Free legal advice:

Territory survey project - sample and cost

Among all urban planning documentation, acts relating to land are considered the most important. Before erecting any structure on a certain site, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for surveying the territory.

This event includes:

  • determination of the boundaries of the land allotment;
  • the establishment of the relief features of this area;
  • accounting for all buildings that are already in the area;
  • legal consolidation of all the above points.

About what the project is, about its cost and legislative framework, read in the presented article.

Territory survey project

From March 1, 2016, everyone who owns land real estate must draw up a land plan in accordance with current legislation. The development of this documentation is within the competence of special engineering and cadastral organizations. The initiators of the procedure may be municipal authorities, legal organizations, horticultural partnerships, as well as individuals.

The event itself is carried out in three stages:

  • 1- The decision of the municipality is issued on the implementation of work and the development of a plan for the facility, signed by the head of the local administration. This decision in without fail is published.
  • 2- A drawing is being developed - the cadastral engineers of specialized companies act as executors.
  • 3- The plan is agreed with the manager. Without fail, the drawing is checked and approved by the administration, which reconciles this act for compliance with technical standards, land area planning, legislative order use of territories and buildings.

The project of surveying the territory of a horticultural partnership - a sample

Land surveying project horticultural partnership based on the following documentation:

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  • a statement from the entity applying for the event;
  • his personal document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate confirming the rights to this land property;
  • technical certificates and acts from the BTI and the Cadastral Chamber.

A sample of this document can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the link:

Territories of a linear object - a sample project

When designing a plan and determining the boundaries of a linear object, they are guided by the following legislative acts:

  • Town Planning Code of Russia - Art. 42, 43, 45, 46;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 77 dated February 15, 2011
  • SNiP3 on the rules for the creation of expertise and approval of town planning acts;
  • RDS instruction on the norms for the design of red lines in cities and regions of the Russian Federation.
  • By order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 388 of 03.08. 2011

A sample project for surveying the territory of a linear object can be downloaded from the link:

Explanatory note to the project

As a rule, an explanatory note is attached to the main document, which discloses certain provisions on the protection of territories from emergencies, ensuring their fire safety, as well as the features of conducting civil defense operations.

This act contains the exact characteristics of the planned work, containing information about the systems of engineering and technical support for the population, types of transport and public services.

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You can download a sample explanatory note to the land surveying project for free at the link:

Urban planning code and land surveying project

In the Town Planning Code, the main norms for carrying out land surveying activities are defined in article 43. In particular, it says how the preparation of the project is carried out - the boundaries of the land object, its structure, purpose and other factors should be taken into account.

In paragraph 5 of Art. 43 of the Town Planning Code sets out in detail what the design drawings include and what is displayed on them - the boundaries of the site, its area, as well as conditional numbers, zones, and so on.

You can download the entire Urban Development Code for free and familiarize yourself with its provisions at the link:

The cost of the land surveying project

There is no fixed price for developing a plan, but its calculation depends on the following factors:

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  • on the size of geodetic and engineering works;
  • the size of the land area;
  • level of design difficulty;
  • the number and area of ​​structures that are already located at the facility;
  • from the purpose of the garment and from many other components.

The estimated cost of this procedure is determined by the amount of rubles and more. These costs are borne by the customer of the land survey, which, as a rule, is the municipal government, but if economical funds are not available, an organization or an individual can become.

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Ziminsky District Administration

Municipal formation "City of Sayansk"

Municipal institution "Service of preparation and

ensure urban planning activities

municipality"City of Sayansk"

The project of surveying the territory of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy"

Kimiltei municipality

Ziminsky district of the Irkutsk region

Customer: Chairman of the board of the horticultural

non-profit partnership "Berezovy" T.A. Osipova

Head: I.V. Polyntsev

Developed by: A.V. Matveeva

Territory survey project

Information about the materials used

Description of the proposed design solutions

Establishment of easements and encumbrances

Drawing of land surveying M 1: 2000

Territory survey project

Materials for the justification of the survey project

Drawing of the boundaries of existing land plots M 1: 2000

Zone boundary drawing with special conditions use of territories M 1: 2000

A copy of the cadastral extract on the land plot dated March 15, 2017 No. 3800/601/

Copy of the Extract from the protocol general meeting members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "SNT Berezovy" dated June 11, 2016. (item 3)

A copy of the Extract from the minutes of the general meeting of members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "SNT Berezovy" dated May 13, 2017. (item 3)

The draft survey of the territory of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy" (hereinafter referred to as the project of surveying the territory) was prepared on the basis of the statement of the Chairman of the Board of SNT "Berezovy" on the division of the land plot and in accordance with the decision of June 11, 2016 adopted at the general meeting of members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy" . "On the inventory of horticulture".

The preparation of a land survey project is carried out in relation to a land plot with a cadastral number 38:05:081201:4, with a total area of ​​​​sq. agricultural land (hereinafter referred to as the initial land plot). According to the USRN, there is no information on the registration of rights in relation to the original land plot.

The preparation of the land surveying project was carried out for:

Determination of the location of the boundaries of the formed land plots, which are used within the boundaries of the original land plot by members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy" and execution of title documents in relation to the formed land plots;

Establishment (change) of red lines for the built-up area of ​​the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy".

A land surveying project is prepared without a planning project for the specified territory.

  1. 2. Information about the materials used
    1. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ;
    2. Rules for land use and development of the Kimilteysky municipality of the Ziminsky district of the Irkutsk region, approved by the Decision of the Duma of the Kimilteysky municipality of May 28, 2014 No. 66 "On approval of the rules for land use and development of the Kimilteysky municipality of the Ziminsky district of the Irkutsk region";
    3. Land Code of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001 N 136-FZ
    4. the federal law dated 15.04.1998 N 66-FZ “On horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations citizens";
    5. Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 “On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”;
    6. Code of Rules SP 53.13330.2011 "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF GARDENING (COUNTRY) ASSOCIATIONS OF CITIZENS, BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES". Updated version of SNiP* (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2010 No. 849).
    7. SP * The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens (approved by the Protocol of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 19.08.1997 No. 23-11 / 3;

The following initial data were used to develop the land surveying project:

  1. Topographic survey, scale 1:500, carried out with an electronic tacheometer 3Ta5R2 No. GRgeodesists of the department of geodesy, land surveying and topographic monitoring of the State Institution "Service for the preparation and support of urban planning activities of the municipal formation" City of Sayansk ".
  2. Cadastral extract on the land plot with cadastral number 38:05:081201:4 dated March 15, 2017 No. 3800\601\.

The resulting land plots as a result of the division of the original land plot are located within the boundaries of the territorial zone SH-3 "Zone for conducting dacha economy, horticulture, horticulture and personal subsidiary farming”, information about which was entered in the USRN on the basis of the Decision of the Duma of the Kimilteysky municipality dated May 28, 2014 No. 66 “On approval of the rules for land use and development of the Kimilteysky municipality of the Ziminsky district of the Irkutsk region”.

The size and boundaries of the land plots formed as a result of the division of the original land plot are established taking into account the actual use of the land plots by members of the SNT "Berezovy".

The land surveying project was approved by the members of the SNT "Berezovy" in accordance with the decision of May 13, 2017 adopted at the general meeting by the members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Berezovy". “On the approval of the project for land surveying, in accordance with which the distribution of land plots between members of the SNT “Berezovy” is carried out.

As a result of the preparation of a land surveying project, taking into account the materials used, as a result of the division of the original land plot, 96 land plots were formed, namely:

88 land plots (conditional numbers on the Land Surveying Drawing from: ZU1 to: ZU96, with the exception of: ZU5, : ZU9, : ZU45, : ZU48, : ZU49, : ZU51, : ZU53) with the planned type of permitted use - country houses (not capital), total area - sq.m.

1 land plot (conditional number on the Land Surveying Drawing: ЗУ5) with the planned type of permitted use - an object of the road network (passages), with a total area of ​​​​sq.m., which is planned to be attributed to public areas or public property.

3 land plots (symbolic numbers on the Land Surveying Drawing: ZU9 - fire tank, : ZU45 - a facility for storing fire extinguishing equipment (portable motor pump), : ZU53 - fire tank) with the planned type of permitted use - engineering and technical support facilities: water supply (fire fighting reservoirs), with a total area of ​​1167 sq.m., which are planned to be classified as public areas or public property.

1 land plot (conditional number on the Land Surveying Drawing: ЗУ51) with the planned type of permitted use - an object of trade, with a total area of ​​139 sq.m., which is planned to be attributed to public areas or public property.

1 land plot (conditional number on the Land Surveying Drawing: ЗУ49) with the planned type of permitted use (auxiliary) - a site for garbage collectors, with a total area of ​​96 sq.m., which is planned to be attributed to common areas or common use property.

1 land plot (conditional number on the Land Surveying Drawing: ЗУ48) with the planned type of permitted use - a building for individual labor activity(without violating the principles of good neighborliness), with a total area of ​​115 sq.m., which is planned to be attributed to common areas or common property.

1 land plot (conditional number on the Land Surveying Drawing: ЗУ97) with the planned type of permitted use - engineering and technical support facilities: power supply (transformer substation), with a total area of ​​7 sq.m., which is planned to be attributed to common areas or common use property .

Information about the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries of the above land plots is given below:

Catalog of coordinates of individual land plots formed for country houses (not capital ones) as a result of the division of a land plot with a cadastral number 38:05:081201:4

one). Land plot No. 170 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ1), total area = 1589 sq.m.

2). Land plot No. 168 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ2), total area = 1536 sq.m.

3). Land plot No. 166 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ3), total area = 1495 sq.m.

four). Land plot No. 173 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ4), total area = 2476 sq.m.

5). Land plot No. 47 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ6), total area = 939 sq.m.

6). Land plot No. 45 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ7), total area = 1015 sq.m.

7). Land plot No. 204 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ8), total area = 1357 sq.m.

eight). Land plot No. 150 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ10), total area = 1559 sq.m.

9). Land plot No. 202 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ11), total area = 974 sq.m.

ten). Land plot No. 148 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ12), total area = 1465 sq.m.

eleven). Land plot No. 200 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ13), total area = 1311 sq.m.

12). Land plot No. 146 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ14), total area = 1530 sq.m.

13). Land plot No. 196 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ15), total area = 995 sq.m.

fourteen). Land plot No. 144 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ16), total area = 1523 sq.m.

fifteen). Land plot No. 198 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ17), total area = 1052 sq.m.

16). Land plot No. 194 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ18), total area = 1607 sq.m.

17). Land plot No. 142 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ19), total area = 1442 sq.m.

eighteen). Land plot No. 192 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ20), total area = 1038 sq.m.

19). Land plot No. 140 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ21), total area = 1525 sq.m.

twenty). Land plot No. 190 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ22), total area = 546 sq.m.

21). Land plot No. 138 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ23), total area = 1480 sq.m.

22). Land plot No. 188 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ24), total area = 1218 sq.m.

23). Land plot No. 136 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ25), total area = 1402 sq.m.

24). Land plot No. 186 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ26), total area = 933 sq.m.

25). Land plot No. 184 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ27), total area = 1224 sq.m.

26). Land plot No. 134 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ28), total area = 1941 sq.m.

27). Land plot No. 182 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ29), total area = 1238 sq.m.

28). Land plot No. 132 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ30), total area = 1574 sq.m.

29). Land plot No. 128 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ31), total area = 612 sq.m.

thirty). Land plot No. 130 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ32), total area = 689 sq.m.

31). Land plot No. 180 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ33), total area = 915 sq.m.

32). Land plot No. 126 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ34), total area = 1261 sq.m.

33). Land plot No. 178 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ35), total area = 924 sq.m.

34). Land plot No. 124 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ36), total area = 1059 sq.m.

35). Land plot No. 122 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ37), total area = 796 sq.m.

36). Land plot No. 120 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ38), total area = 1493 sq.m.

37). Land plot No. 118 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ39), total area = 1480 sq.m.

38). Land plot No. 116 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ40), total area = 1648 sq.m.

39). Land plot No. 114 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ41), total area = 1488 sq.m.

40). Land plot No. 112 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ42), total area = 1663 sq.m.

41). Land plot No. 110 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ43), total area = 1622 sq.m.

42). Land plot No. 108 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ44), total area = 1201 sq.m.

43). Land plot No. 104 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ46), total area = 1223 sq.m.

44). Land plot No. 119 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ47), total area = 1139 sq.m.

45). Land plot No. 193 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ50), total area = 652 sq.m.

46). Land plot No. 48 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ52), total area = 910 sq.m.

47). Land plot No. 131 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ54), total area = 1331 sq.m.

48). Land plot No. 50 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ55), total area = 1230 sq.m.

49). Land plot No. 133 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ56), total area = 1313 sq.m.

fifty). Land plot No. 52 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ57), total area = 1238 sq.m.

51). Land plot No. 69 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ58), total area = 1215 sq.m.

52). Land plot No. 58 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ59), total area = 1252 sq.m.

53). Land plot No. 143 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ60), total area = 2441 sq.m.

54). Land plot No. 60 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ61), total area = 1169 sq.m.

55). Land plot No. 62 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ62), total area = 1195 sq.m.

56). Land plot No. 145 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ63), total area = 1234 sq.m.

57). Land plot No. 64 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ64), total area = 1134 sq.m.

58). Land plot No. 147 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ65), total area = 1276 sq.m.

59). Land plot No. 66 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ66), total area = 1206 sq.m.

60). Land plot No. 149 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ67), total area = 1230 sq.m.

61). Land plot No. 68 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ68), total area = 1219 sq.m.

62). Land plot No. 151 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ69), total area = 1266 sq.m.

63). Land plot No. 70 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ70), total area = 1283 sq.m.

64). Land plot No. 153 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ71), total area = 1212 sq.m.

65). Land plot No. 72 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ72), total area = 1212 sq.m.

66). Land plot No. 155 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ73), total area = 1212 sq.m.

67). Land plot No. 74 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ74), total area = 1178 sq.m.

68). Land plot No. 157 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ75), total area = 1252 sq.m.

69). Land plot No. 76 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ76), total area = 1047 sq.m.

70). Land plot No. 159 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ77), total area = 1253 sq.m.

71). Land plot No. 35 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ78), total area = 1205 sq.m.

72). Land plot No. 31 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ79), total area = 2099 sq.m.

73). Land plot No. 26 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ80), total area = 1113 sq.m.

74). Land plot No. 25 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ81), total area = 1108 sq.m.

75). Land plot No. 21 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ82), total area = 1164 sq.m.

76). Land plot No. 17 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ83), total area = 1069 sq.m.

77). Land plot No. 13 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ84), total area = 1139 sq.m.

78). Land plot No. 12 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ85), total area = 1382 sq.m.

79). Land plot No. 14 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ86), total area = 1364 sq.m.

80). Land plot No. 18 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ87), total area = 1069 sq.m.

81). Land plot No. 20 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ88), total area = 1287 sq.m.

82). Land plot No. 85 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ89), total area = 1307 sq.m.

83). Land plot No. 83 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ90), total area = 1096 sq.m.

84). Land plot No. 81 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ91), total area = 1277 sq.m.

85). Land plot No. 79 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ92), total area = 1215 sq.m.

86). Land plot No. 77 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ93), total area = 1154 sq.m.

87). Land plot No. 87 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ94), total area = 1214 sq.m.

88). Land plot No. 89 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ95), total area = 1351 sq.m.

89). Land plot No. 91 (designation on the drawing: ЗУ96), total area = 1351 sq.m.

Land plots related to territories (lands) of common use

or public property:

90). Land plot (red lines) of driveways, including sidings

(designation on the drawing: ЗУ5), total area = sq.m.

91). Land plot for the placement of a fire-fighting reservoir, with a capacity of 25 m3

(designation on the drawing: ЗУ9), total area = 491 sq.m.

92). Land plot for the placement of a fire-fighting reservoir, with a capacity of 25 m3

(designation on the drawing: ЗУ53), total area = 527 sq.m.

93). Land plot for placing a portable motor pump for fire fighting purposes (designation on the drawing: ЗУ45), total area = 150 sq.m.

94). Land plot for the placement of the gatehouse with the board of the partnership (designation on the drawing: ЗУ48), total area = 115 sq.m.

95). Land plot for placing a platform for installing a garbage container (designation on the drawing: ЗУ49), total area = 150 sq.m.

96). Land plot for a mixed trade store

(designation on the drawing: ЗУ51), total area = 139 sq.m.

97). Land plot for TP placement ( transformer substation)

designation on the drawing: ЗУ97, total area = 7 sq.m.

98). Power line poles (TL) within the boundaries of the partnership passages:

Catalog of coordinates of power transmission poles within the boundaries of passage No. 1, length = 779 m.

Catalog of coordinates of power transmission poles within the boundaries of passage No. 2, length = 524 m.

Catalog of coordinates of power transmission poles within the boundaries of passage No. 3, length = 537 m.

Catalog of coordinates of power transmission poles within the boundaries of passage No. 4, length = 487 m.

Catalog of coordinates of power transmission poles within the boundaries of passage No. 5, length = 233 m.

Catalog of coordinates of the indentation lines from the red lines in order to determine the location of the permissible placement of buildings, structures and structures

The need to establish a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory - the security zone of the power grid facility, is due to the location of the existing 0.4 kV power transmission line on the formed land plot: ZU5.

The basis for establishing a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory - the security zone of the power grid facility of the power transmission line 0.4 kV., is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24.02.2009. No. 160 "On the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones."

According to the Appendix to the Rules for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones, security zones are established along overhead power lines - as part of the surface of the land and airspace (to a height corresponding to the height of overhead power transmission line supports ), bounded by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires with their undeflected position at a distance of 2 meters with a nominal intensity class of up to 1 kV.

When developing the project for land surveying, public easements were not established, information about the characteristic points of the boundaries of land plots of buildings, structures, structures located within the boundaries of the formed land plots with the type of permitted use - country houses (not capital) were not determined, since they are not included in the list of works terms of reference for the development of documentation for land surveying.

When developing a project for land surveying in accordance with the Code of Rules SP 53.13330.2011 "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF GARDENING (COUNTRY) ASSOCIATIONS OF CITIZENS, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES". The updated version of SNiP * (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2010 No. 849) were established and reflected in the Drawing of the survey of the territory of the indentation lines from the red lines of the passages in order to determine the location of the permissible placement of buildings, structures and structures. The catalog of coordinates of which is presented in section 3. Description of the proposed design solutions for the project of land surveying on page _____

At the same time, this section contains catalogs of the coordinates of the land plot for the placement of a transformer substation (transformer substation) and power transmission line poles (TL) within the boundaries of the passages of the SNT "Berezovy".

The land plots formed as a result of the division of the original land plot are not included in the established boundaries of the zone with special conditions for the use of territories No. 4 ( of the land management facility of the 110 kV overhead line Novoziminskaya CHPP - Oka substation, branch line at the Ziminsky agricultural complex substation, information about which was entered in the USRN on the basis of the Order of JSC "IESK" on the determination of the boundaries of the security zones of electric grid facilities No. 216 dated 10.07.2012.

During the development of the project for surveying the territory of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises within the boundaries of the formed land plots, it was not revealed.

There are two entrances to the territory of SNT "Birch" from the access road, which has access to highway public use "Winter - Sayansk".

Travel to all garden plots and to public facilities, provided.

The presented project of land surveying contains materials on the justification of the land surveying project, namely:

  1. Drawing of the border of existing land plots in M ​​1: 2000.
  2. Drawing of the border of zones with special conditions for the use of territories in M ​​1:2000.

Drawings showing the location of existing objects capital construction, are not presented, since the terms of reference for the development of documentation for the land surveying project do not provide for the establishment of the boundaries of capital construction objects located on the land plots being formed.

In addition, in the presented project of land surveying there are no drawings showing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas and the boundaries of the territories of cultural heritage objects, since the land plots formed as a result of the division of the original land plot are not located within the boundaries of such zones.

2.1 The organization and development of the territory of the Partnership is carried out in accordance with the land surveying project approved by the local government administration, the Town Planning Code, building codes and rules in accordance with SP 53.13330.2011 "Planning and development of territories of horticultural (country) associations of citizens, buildings and structures" and SP 11-106 -97. The development of the "surveying project" of the Partnership is carried out by legal entities and individuals who have a license for urban planning.

It should be borne in mind that many partnerships that received land before the adoption of Federal Law-66 "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" actually missed this norm. In other words, before today most SNTs do not have an approved land surveying project for their territories. This leads to a chaotic process of building up the territory of partnerships and a decrease in the territory of common land.

2.2 The construction of buildings on the land plot by the members of the Partnership and individuals engaged in individual horticultural activities is carried out in accordance with the approved by the local government body "surveying project" of its territory, which is a legal document binding on all participants in the development and development of the territory of the Partnership.

This paragraph expands the norm of Law No. 66-FZ, Art. 34, item 1. The article also replaced the term "territory organization and development plan" with "surveying plan" in accordance with the norms of 171-FZ of 06/23/2014. This undoubtedly makes life easier for gardeners, because the land surveying plan requires less funding and fielding costs.

2.3 Members of the Partnership begin the development of land plots after fixing their boundaries in kind in accordance with the approved "surveying project" of the Partnership and approval by the general meeting of its members of the distribution of garden plots among gardeners.

The attention of gardeners who own their plots should be drawn to the fact that not all SNTs have been surveyed. This is especially true of those partnerships that appeared before the publication of FZ-66. If there is no planning and development project, then do not be lazy before erecting a building or installing a capital fence on your site, call an organization that has a license to carry out land surveying (in Kaliningrad, BTI is now engaged in land surveying). Conduct a survey, determine exactly the boundaries of your site, and then build whatever you want.

2.4 The erection of buildings and structures on the land plot that are not provided for by the Partnership’s “surveying project” or that exceed the dimensions established by the project is allowed only after the approval of these changes by local governments in agreement with the architecture and urban planning authorities, the Gosarchstroynadzor of Kaliningrad and the Board of the Partnership.

This article begins to work only after the approval of the SNT surveying plan. However, the need to include such an article in the charter is dictated by the fact that the development of a land surveying plan and its subsequent approval by the general meeting, together with the distribution of individual plots, will certainly be carried out taking into account the norms of Chapter 3 "Provision of land plots for gardening, horticulture and dacha farming" 66-fz from 04/15/2014 and on the basis of SNiP (clause 2.1 of the Charter). The chapter was put into effect on March 1, 2015 by FZ-171 of 06/23/2014.

2.5 Control over the implementation of the "surveying project" of the territory of the Partnership, over compliance with the requirements for the construction of buildings and structures by citizens on land plots is carried out by the Board of the Partnership, local bodies of architecture and urban planning, Gosarchstroynadzor, as well as the administration of the self-government of the Moskovsky district of Kaliningrad.

The item complies with Art. 34 p. 2 FZ-66.

2.6 Violation of the requirements of the "surveying project" of the territory of the Partnership is the basis for bringing such a Partnership, as well as its members who committed the violation, to liability in accordance with applicable law.

This item is in line with Art. 34 p. 5 FZ-66 and is included in the Charter to emphasize the fact that non-compliance with the norms and rules of urban planning and the relevant SNiPs can lead to liability and the subsequent demolition of your building. Truly, stupid and raspaltsovanny will pay twice.

2.7 Each member of the Partnership on his or her garden plot can build a garden house for seasonal or year-round use, outbuildings and structures, including buildings for keeping small livestock and poultry, greenhouses and other structures with warm soil, a garage or a carport, which must comply with the norms of the Town Planning Code and the relevant SNiP. The garden house must be at least 5 meters from the red line of the streets; from the red line of passages - not less than 3 meters. In order to ensure fire safety, the distance between garden houses must comply with the requirements of Art. 75, Appendix 11 of the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008

It is necessary to clarify under this article that the concept of "red line of the street, passage" means the border separating the land of common use, in this case allotted for a street or driveway, from land intended for development, i.e. individual garden plot. It should also be borne in mind that the minimum distances between houses in neighboring areas are usually more than 3 meters, and depend on the material of the walls, which is detailed in Federal Law-123 of 07/22/2008.

2.8 The territory of the Partnership is protected by a common fence. The fences of individual garden plots in order to minimize the shading of neighboring plots should, as a rule, be mesh, unless otherwise agreed between the owners of neighboring individual plots. It is allowed to install blind fences from the side of streets and driveways.

This paragraph from SNiP 30-02-97 was included in the Charter to clarify the types of fences used in the partnership. The general meeting can, of course, decide to install only mesh fences between the sites. But such an approach would be contrary to SNiP. In addition, one should take into account the fact that two owners of adjacent plots may well agree and arrange a blank fence along the border of their plots. Such a case can also be when breeding bees on your site. This is done in order to protect the neighbors. Those. when approaching the hive, bees are forced, in the case of a high deaf fence, to fly above the neighbors' plots. This will ensure the safety of those around you.

2.9 In order to ensure cleanliness and order on the territory of the Partnership and adjacent territories in common areas, the Partnership uses the available sites for garbage containers in the urban area adjacent to the Partnership with the conclusion of contracts with the local administration for garbage removal.

It should be emphasized that on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, the organization of the collection, removal, disposal and processing of household waste relates to issues of local importance of the urban district (link to this material On the page: ). SNT is ready to conclude a contract for garbage collection, provided that the city administration organizes garbage collection, from the equipment of garbage collection sites, the installation of containers, to the delivery of garbage to a landfill or processing plant.
In addition, the norm of the paragraph binds the partnership to the surrounding and already used by the population of adjacent streets garbage sites. This is exactly what the partnership should do if, according to local conditions, it is impossible to equip garbage sites on the territory of SNT without violating sanitary standards.

SP 53.13330.2011


Updated edition of SNiP 30-02-97*

Moscow 2011

Introduction date 2011-05-20


1.1 This set of rules applies to the design development of territories of horticultural, country non-profit associations citizens (hereinafter - horticultural, dacha association), buildings and structures located on them, and also serves as the basis for the development of territorial building codes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.1 The list of referenced documents is given in Appendix A.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the operation of reference standards and classifiers in information system general use - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the referenced document is replaced (modified), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.


3.1 The terms used in this regulatory document and their definitions are given in Appendix B.


4.1 Organization territory of a horticultural, dacha association is carried out in accordance with the approved by the local self-government body the project of planning the territory of the horticultural, dacha association, which is a legal document binding on all participants in the development and development of the territory of the horticultural, dacha association. All changes and deviations from the project must be approved by the local government.

The project can be developed both for one and for a group (array) of adjacent territories of horticultural and dacha associations.

For a group (array) of territories of horticultural, country associations, occupying an area of ​​​​more than 50 hectares, a concept of a master plan is being developed that precedes the development of planning projects territories of horticultural, dacha associations and containing the main development provisions: external relations with the system of settlements; transport communications; social and engineering infrastructure.

List of basic documents required for development, coordination and approval project documentation on the planning and development of the territories of horticultural, dacha associations, is given in the set of rules.

4.2 When establishing the boundaries of the territory of a horticultural, dacha association, the requirements for protection must be observed environment, to protect the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, industrial facilities, from electrical, electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth and other negative impacts.

4.3 Placement of territories of gardening, country associations is prohibited in sanitary protection zones industrial enterprises and other protected areas with special conditions for the use of the territory.

4.4 The territory of a horticultural, dacha association must be separated from railways any categories and public roads I, II, III categories a sanitary protection zone with a width of at least 50 m, from motorways of category IV - at least 25 m, with the placement of a forest belt with a width of at least 10 m in it.

4.5 The territory of a horticultural, dacha association must be separated from the extreme thread of the oil product pipeline at a distance not less than that specified in SNiP 2.05.13.

4.6 It is forbidden to place the territories of gardening, summer cottage associations on lands located under high-voltage transmission lines of 35 kVA and above, as well as with the intersection of these lands by main gas and oil pipelines. Horizontal distance from the extreme wires of high-voltage lines (with their greatest deviation) to the border of the territories horticultural association accepted in accordance with the rules.

4.7 The distance from buildings on the territory of horticultural associations to forest areas must be at least 15 m.

4.8 When crossing the territory of a horticultural association, engineering communications should provide for sanitary protection zones in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 /

4.9 The territories of gardening, country associations, depending on the number of land plots located on them, are divided into:

  • small - up to 100;
  • medium - from 101 to 300;
  • large - 301 or more plots.


5.1 A fence is provided along the border of the territory of a horticultural, dacha association. It is allowed not to provide for a fence in the presence of natural boundaries (river, edge of a ravine, etc.)

The fencing of the territory of a gardening, dacha association should not be replaced by ditches, ditches, earthen ramparts.

5.2 The territory of a horticultural, dacha association must be connected by an access road to a public highway.

5.3 To the territory of a horticultural, dacha association with a number garden plots up to 50, one entry should be provided, more than 50 - at least two entries. The width of the gate must be at least 4.5 m, the gates - at least 1 m.

5.4 The land plot provided to the horticultural, dacha association consists of public lands and lands of individual plots.

Public lands include lands occupied by roads, streets, passages (within the red lines), fire reservoirs, as well as sites and sections of public facilities (including their sanitary protection zones).

The minimum required composition of buildings, structures and sizes of public areas are given in Table 1.

Table 1

The minimum required composition of buildings, structures and the size of public areas

Object name Specific sizes of land plots, m² per 1 garden plot on the territory of horticultural, summer cottage associations with the number of plots
up to 100 (small) 101-300 (medium) 301 and more (large)
Gatehouse with association board 1-0,7 0,7-0,5 0,4-0,4
Mixed store 2-0,5 0,5-0,2 0.2 or less
Buildings and structures for storage of fire extinguishing means 0,5 0,4 0,35
Garbage bins 0,1 0,1 0,1
Parking area at the entrance to the territory of the horticultural association 0,9 0,9-0,4 0.4 or less

1. The composition and area of ​​the necessary engineering structures, the size of their land plots, the security zone are determined by specifications operating organizations.
2. The types and sizes of buildings and structures for the storage of fire extinguishing agents are determined in agreement with the bodies of the State Fire Service. The room for storing a portable motor pump and fire-fighting equipment must have an area of ​​at least 10 m² and fireproof walls.

5.5 At the entrance to the common territory of a horticultural, dacha association, a gatehouse must be provided, the composition and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises of which are established by the charter of the horticultural, dacha association.

5.6 The planning decision of the territory of a horticultural, dacha association should ensure the passage of vehicles to all individual garden plots and public facilities.

5.7 On the territory of a horticultural, dacha association, the width of streets and driveways in the red lines should be, m:

  • for streets - at least 15 m;
  • for driveways - at least 9 m.

The minimum radius of curvature of the edge of the carriageway is 6.0 m.

The width of the carriageway of streets and driveways is accepted for streets - at least 7.0 m, for driveways - at least 3.5 m.

5.8. On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway. The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end passage should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end passages are provided with turnaround areas of at least 15x15 m.

5.9 To ensure fire extinguishing, in the absence of a centralized water supply, on the territory of common use of a horticultural, dacha association, fire-fighting reservoirs or reservoirs with a capacity, m³, should be provided, with the number of sites: up to 300 - at least 25, more than 300 - at least 60 (each with platforms for installation of fire equipment, with the possibility of water intake by pumps and the organization of the entrance of at least two fire trucks).

The number of reservoirs (reservoirs) and their location are determined by the requirements of SP 31.13330.

Gardening, country associations, including up to 300 garden plots, for fire-fighting purposes must have a portable motor pump; with the number of sections from 301 to 1000 - a trailed motor pump; with more than 1000 sites - at least two trailed motor pumps. For the storage of motor pumps, it is necessary to build a special room.

5.10 Buildings and structures for common use must be separated from the boundaries of garden plots by at least 4 m.

5.11 It is prohibited to organize waste dumps on the territory of horticultural, dacha associations and beyond. Household waste should generally be disposed of at garden, summer cottages . For non-recyclable waste (glass, metal, polyethylene, etc.) on the territory of common use, sites for the installation of containers should be provided. The sites must be fenced on three sides with a blind fence at least 1.5 m high, have a hard surface and be located at a distance of at least 20 and not more than 500 m from the boundaries of the sites.

5.12 The removal of surface runoff and drainage water from the territory of horticultural, dacha associations into ditches and ditches is carried out in accordance with the planning project for the territory of the horticultural, dacha association.


6.1 The area of ​​an individual garden plot is assumed to be at least 0.06 ha.

6.2 It is recommended to install a mesh fence along the perimeter of individual garden plots. By mutual written consent of the owners of neighboring plots (agreed by the board of the horticultural, dacha association), other types of fences can be installed.

It is allowed, by decision of the general meeting of members of the horticultural, dacha association, to install deaf fences from the side of streets and driveways.

6.3 In the garden, suburban area, a compost site, pit or box should be provided, and in the absence of a sewerage system, a latrine.

6.4 A residential building or a residential building, outbuildings and structures, including greenhouses, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse (sauna), a shower, a shed or a garage for cars, can be erected on a garden, summer cottage.

It is allowed to erect outbuildings of various types, determined by local traditions and conditions of arrangement. The order of construction, composition, size and purpose of outbuildings for keeping small livestock and poultry, as well as the requirements for compliance with sanitary and veterinary rules, are established in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of local governments. Members of horticultural and dacha associations who have small livestock and poultry on their plot must comply with sanitary and veterinary rules for their maintenance.

6.5 Fire distances between buildings and structures within one garden plot are not standardized. Fire-prevention distances between residential buildings or residential buildings located in neighboring areas, depending on the material of the supporting and enclosing structures, must be at least those indicated in Table 2.

It is allowed to group and block residential buildings or residential buildings on two adjacent plots with a single-row building and on four adjacent plots with a two-row building.

At the same time, fire-prevention distances between residential buildings or residential buildings in each group are not standardized, and the minimum distances between the extreme residential buildings or residential buildings of groups are taken according to Table 2.

table 2

Minimum fire distances between extreme residential buildings (or houses) and groups of residential buildings (or houses) on plots

Material of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building Distances, m
BUT Stone, concrete, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials 6 8 10
B The same, with wooden floors and coatings protected by non-combustible and slow-burning materials 8 10 12
AT Wood, frame enclosing structures made of non-combustible, slow-burning and combustible materials 10 12 15

6.6Residential building or residential building must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, and at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. buildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m. In agreement with the board of the gardening, dacha association, a carport or garage for a car can be placed on the site, directly adjacent to the fence from the side of the street or driveway.

6.7 The minimum distances to the border of the neighboring site for sanitary conditions should be:

  • from a residential building (or house) - 3 m;
  • from the building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4 m;
  • from other buildings - 1 m;
  • from the trunks of tall trees - 4 m, medium-sized - 2 m;
  • from the bush - 1 m.

The distance between residential building(or house), outbuildings and the border of the neighboring plot is measured from the basement or from the wall of the house, building (in the absence of a basement), if the elements of the house and building (bay window, porch, canopy, roof overhang, etc.) protrude no more than 50 cm from the plane of the wall. If the elements protrude by more than 50 cm, the distance is measured from the protruding parts or from their projection on the ground (cantilevered roof, elements of the second floor located on poles, etc.)

When erecting outbuildings in a garden, suburban area, located at a distance of 1 m from the border of a neighboring garden, suburban area, the roof slope should be oriented in such a way that rainwater runoff does not enter the neighboring area.

6.8 Minimum distances between buildings according to sanitary and living conditions should be, m:

  • from a residential building or residential building to shower, bath, (sauna), restroom - 8;
  • from the well to the latrine and compost device - 8.

Specified distances must be respected between buildings located in adjacent areas.

6.9 In the case of adjoining outbuildings to a residential building or residential building, the distance to the border with a neighboring plot is measured separately from each blocking object, for example:

  • house-garage (at least 3 m from the house, at least 1 m from the garage);
  • house-building for livestock and poultry (at least 3 m from the house, at least 4 m from the building for livestock and poultry).

6.10. Garages for cars can be freestanding, built-in or attached to the garden, country house and commercial buildings.

6.11 In garden, suburban areas with an area of ​​0.06-0.12 hectares, no more than 30% of the territory should be allocated for buildings, blind areas, paths and hard-surfaced areas.


7.1 Residential buildings or residential buildings are designed (erected) with a different space-planning structure.

7.2 Under a residential building or residential building and outbuildings, a basement and a cellar are allowed.

7.3 The height of living quarters is taken from floor to ceiling at least 2.2 m. runs). When designing houses for year-round living the requirements of SP 53.13330.2011 should be taken into account.

7.4 Stairs leading to the second floor (including the attic) can be located both inside and outside residential buildings or residential buildings. The parameters of these stairs, as well as stairs leading to the basement and basement floors, are accepted depending on the specific conditions and, as a rule, subject to the requirements of SP 55.13330.

7.5 It is not allowed to organize the runoff of rainwater from roofs to a neighboring site.


8.1 The territory of a horticultural, dacha association must be equipped with a water supply system that meets the requirements of SP 31.13330.

Domestic and drinking water can be supplied both from a centralized water supply system, and autonomously - from shaft and small-tube wells, springs capturing in compliance with the requirements set forth in SanPiN According to SP 30.13330, the device for entering water supply into residential buildings and residential buildings is allowed if there is a local sewerage system or when connected to a centralized sewerage system.

The free pressure of water in the water supply network on the territory of the horticultural association must be at least 0.1 MPa.

8.2 On the common lands of a horticultural, dacha association, sources of drinking water must be provided. A sanitary protection zone with a radius of 30 to 50 m is organized around each source (it is established by hydrogeologists for artesian wells).

For an artillery well in combination with a water intake unit, zone I of the belt, in agreement with the local bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service, can be reduced to 15 m.

8.3 With centralized water supply systems, the quality of water supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with SanPiN With non-centralized water supply hygiene requirements to the quality of drinking water must comply with SanPiN

8.4 Calculation of water supply systems is based on the following norms of average daily water consumption for household and drinking needs:

  • when using water from standpipes, wells, shaft wells - 30-50 l / day per 1 inhabitant;
  • when providing internal water supply and sewerage (without baths) - 125-160 l / day per 1 inhabitant.

For watering plantings on personal plots: vegetable crops - 3-15 l / m² per day; fruit trees - 10-15 l / m³ per day.

If there is a water supply system or an artesian well, the installation of meters should be provided for the accounting of consumed water on water-folding devices.

8.5 Territories of gardening, country associations must be provided with fire-fighting water supply by connecting to external water supply networks or by installing fire-fighting reservoirs or reservoirs.

On external water supply networks, every 100 m, connecting heads should be installed for water intake by fire engines.

Water towers located on the territory of gardening, country associations must be equipped with devices (connecting heads, etc.) for water intake by fire engines.

By agreement with the state fire service authorities, it is allowed to use natural sources located at a distance of no more than 200 m from the territories of horticultural and dacha associations for fire extinguishing purposes.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing should be taken as 5 l/s.

8.6 The collection, removal and disposal of sewage can be non-sewered, with the help of local treatment facilities, the placement and arrangement of which is carried out in compliance with the relevant standards and coordination in in due course. Sewerage of sites with the amount of wastewater up to 5 thousand m³ / day is allowed for a single closed-type treatment plant with modern technology and bringing treated water up to standard indicators with a sanitary protection zone of 20 m to residential buildings.

It is also possible to connect to centralized systems sewers subject to the requirements of SP 32.13330. In exceptional cases, in case of centralized sewerage of the territory in areas located in low places of the relief, it is allowed to install local treatment facilities.

8.7 In case of non-canalized removal of feces, it is necessary to provide devices with local composting - powder closets, dry closets.

It is allowed to use backlash closets and outdoor latrines, as well as one and two-chamber septic tanks located at least 1 m from the site boundaries. Backlash closets are not allowed in the IV climatic region and III B subdistrict.

On each individual site, it is allowed to use local treatment facilities with a capacity of up to 1-3 m³ with further discharge to a lower place.

8.8 Collection and treatment of shower, bath, sauna and household wastewater should be carried out in a filter trench with gravel and sand backfill or in other treatment facilities located at a distance of at least 1 m from the border of the neighboring site.

It is allowed to discharge household wastewater into an external cuvette through a specially organized ditch, upon agreement in each individual case with the sanitary supervision authorities.

8.9 In heated houses heating and hot water supply should be provided from autonomous systems, which include: sources of heat supply (boiler, stove, etc.), as well as heating appliances and water fittings.

8.10 Gas supply of houses can be from gas-cylinder installations of liquefied gas, from tank installations with liquefied gas or from gas networks. The design of gas systems, the installation of gas stoves and gas flow meters should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules and SP 62.13330.

8.11 Cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 liters for supplying gas to kitchen and other stoves should be located in an annex made of non-combustible material or in a metal box near a blank section of the outer wall no closer than 5 m from the entrance to the building.

8.12 Power supply networks on the territory of a horticultural, dacha association should be provided, as a rule, by overhead lines. It is forbidden to conduct overhead lines directly above the sites, except for individual piping.

8.13 Electrical equipment and lightning protection of houses and outbuildings should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the rules and instructions.

8.14 In a residential building (house), it is necessary to provide for the installation of a meter to account for the consumed electricity.

8.15 On the streets and driveways of the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association, outdoor lighting should be provided, which is usually controlled from the gatehouse.

8.16 The gatehouse must be provided telephone connection or mobile radio, allowing emergency calls medical care, fire, police and emergency services.

Annex A* (mandatory)

  • Federal Law No. 66-FZ of April 15, 1998"On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens."
  • Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 73-FZ dated May 7, 1998
  • Water Code of the Russian Federation.
  • SP 30.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"
  • SP 31.13330.2010 “SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water supply. External networks and facilities»
  • SP 32.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and facilities»
  • SNiP 2.05.13-90 Oil product pipelines laid on the territory of cities and other settlements
  • SP 62.13330.2011 "SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems"
  • SP 55.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-02-2001. Residential single-apartment houses»
  • SanPiN Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines for domestic and drinking purposes
  • SanPiN Requirements for water quality of non-centralized water supply, sanitary protection of sources
  • SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects

Annex B (informative)


The terms used in this regulatory document and their definitions are given below:

dry closet: A device for converting fecal waste into organic fertilizer by using a biological oxidation process activated by electrical heating or chemical additives.

Veranda: Glazed unheated room with a roof, attached to the house or built into it.

Country plot: A land plot provided to a citizen or acquired by him for the purpose of recreation (with the right to erect a residential building or residential building, utility buildings and structures, as well as the right to grow crops).

Residential building: A building erected on a garden, dacha land plot for temporary residence without the right to register.

House: A building erected on a dacha plot for temporary or permanent residence with the right to register.

Capture: Construction (rockfill, well, trench) for the interception and collection of groundwater in places where they are brought to the surface.

Red lines: The boundaries of streets, driveways along the lines of fences of garden and summer cottages.

Porch: External extension at the entrance to the house with a platform and stairs.

Backlash closet: Intra-house warm restroom with an underground cesspool, into which feces enter through a sewer (fan) pipe. Ventilation is carried out through a special backlash channel adjacent to the heating devices, and the cesspool is located outside.

Outdoor restroom: Lightweight building placed over a cesspool.

The total area of ​​a residential building, a residential building: The sum of the areas of its premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storage rooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0.3, for verandas and cold storage rooms - 1 .0; The area occupied by the oven is not included in the area of ​​the premises. The area under the march of the intra-apartment staircase with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of 1.6 m or more is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises where the staircase is located.

Directions: An area reserved for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including a single carriageway, verges, ditches and reinforcing berms.

Powder closet: A toilet in which faecal waste is treated with a powdered composition, usually peat, and kept dry in an insulated container (tar box with a lid) until compost is formed.

Horticultural (dacha) association of citizens: Non-profit organization, established by citizens on a voluntary basis to assist its members in solving common social and economic problems of gardening or dacha farming.

Garden land: A land plot provided to a citizen or acquired by him for growing crops, as well as for recreation (with the right to erect a residential building, utility buildings and structures).

Terrace: A fenced open area attached to a house, located on the ground or above the floor below, and usually having a roof.

Common area: Territories freely used by an unlimited circle of persons.

The outside: Common area intended for traffic and pedestrians, including a two-lane carriageway, shoulders, ditches and reinforcing berms

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SNiP 30-02-97
(inactive edition, since 2011 SP 53.13330.2011 is in force)


SNiP 30-02-97*

(as amended by Change No. 1,
adopted by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2001 No. 17)
Introduction date 1 January 1998


  1. Developed by TsNIIEPgrazhdanselstroy, Glavmosoblarchitectura, TsNIIEPzhilishcha. Contributed by TsNIIEPgrazhdanselstroy.
  2. Prepared for approval and submitted by the Department of Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Territorial Development State Committee Russian Federation on housing and construction policy.
  3. Adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 10, 1997 No. 18-51.
  4. Instead of VSN 43-85**.
  5. SNiP 30-02-97* is a reissue of SNiP 30-02-97 with amendment No. 1, approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia No. 17 of 03/12/2001 and put into effect on 04/01/2001.
    Sections, paragraphs and tables that have been amended are marked in these building codes and rules with an asterisk.


1.1*. These norms and rules apply to the design of the development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens (hereinafter referred to as the horticultural (dacha) association), buildings and structures, and also serve as the basis for the development of territorial building codes (TSN) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.1*. These rules and regulations have been drawn up taking into account the requirements of the following laws and regulations:

  • On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-commercial associations of citizens. Federal Law No. 66-FZ of April 15, 1998
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 73-FZ dated May 7, 1998
  • SP 11-106-97*. The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens.
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings.
  • SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. External networks and structures.
  • SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures.
  • SNiP 2.04.05-91*. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
  • SNiP 2.04.08-87*. Gas supply.
  • SNiP 2.05.13-90. Oil product pipelines laid in the territory of cities and other settlements.
  • SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.
  • SNiP 2.08.01-89*. Residential buildings.
  • SNiP II-3-79*. Construction heat engineering.
  • SNiP 3.05.04-85*. External networks and facilities for water supply and sewerage.
  • SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures.
  • VSN 59-88. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards.
  • NPB 106-95. Individual residential buildings. fire safety requirements.
  • PUE. Rules for the installation of electrical installations. 6th ed., 1998, 7th ed., chapters 6, 7.1, 2000
  • RD 34.21.122-87 has actually become invalid due to the introduction of the "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial structures" SO 153-34.21.122-2003, approved. Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2003 No. 280.
  • RD 34.21.122-87. Guidance document. Instructions for the device of lightning protection of buildings and structures.
  • Instead of SanPiN, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2001 No. 14 put into effect sanitary rules “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas. SanPiN"
  • SanPiN became invalid due to the entry into force on June 1, 2002 of SanPiN (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2002 No. 11)
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for ensuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas.
  • SanPiN Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines for domestic and drinking purposes.
  • SanPiN became invalid due to the entry into force on March 1, 2003 of SanPiN (Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2002 No. 41).
  • SanPiN has actually become invalid due to the publication of the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2001 No. 24, which put into effect on January 1, 2002 new SanPiN
  • SanPiN Requirements for the quality of non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources.
  • SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control.
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ became invalid due to the publication of the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2001 No. 15. Since June 15, 2003, SanPiN 2.2. State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2003 No. 38).
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.
  • Instead of SanPiN 4630-88, on January 1, 2001, SanPiN was put into effect, approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 06/22/2000
  • SanPiN No. 4630-88. Sanitary rules and norms for the protection of surface waters from pollution


3.1. In these rules and regulations, terms are used in accordance with


4.1*. The organization of the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association is carried out in accordance with the project for planning the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association approved by the local government administration, which is a legal document binding on all participants in the development and development of the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association.
All changes and deviations from the project must be approved by the local government.
The project can be developed both for one and for a group (array) of adjacent territories of horticultural (dacha) associations.
For a group (array) of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations, occupying an area of ​​​​more than 50 hectares, a master plan concept is being developed that precedes the development of planning and development projects for the territories of horticultural (dacha) associations and contains the main development provisions:

  • external relations with the system of settlements;
  • transport communications;
  • social and engineering infrastructure.

The list of basic documents required for the development, approval and approval of project documentation for planning and development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations, is given in SP 11-106*.

4.2*. When establishing the boundaries of the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association, the requirements for environmental protection, protection of the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, industrial facilities, from electrical, electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth and other negative impacts must be observed.

4.3*. The placement of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations is prohibited in the sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises.

4.4*. The territory of a horticultural (dacha) association must be separated from railways of any category and public roads of categories I, II, III by a sanitary protection zone at least 50 m wide, from category IV roads - at least 25 m with the placement of a forest belt in it with a width of at least 10 m

4.5*. The territory of the horticultural (dacha) association must be separated from the extreme thread of the oil product pipeline at a distance not less than that specified in SNiP 2.05.13.

4.6*. It is prohibited to place the territories of horticultural (dacha) associations on lands located under high-voltage transmission lines of 35 kVA and above, as well as with the intersection of these lands by main gas and oil pipelines. The horizontal distance from the extreme wires of high-voltage lines (with their greatest deviation) to the border of the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association is taken in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE).

4.7*. The distance from buildings in the territories of horticultural (dacha) associations to forest areas should be at least 15 m.
SanPiN 2.2.1 / became invalid due to the publication of the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2001 N 15. Since June 15, 2003, SanPiN 2.2.1 / 2.1.1. State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2003 N 38).

4.8*. When crossing the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association, engineering communications should provide for sanitary protection zones in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 /

4.9*. The territories of horticultural (dacha) associations, depending on the number of land plots located on them, are divided into:

  • small - from 15 to 100;
  • medium - from 101 to 300;
  • large - 301 or more plots.


5.1*. As a rule, a fence is provided along the border of the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association. It is allowed not to provide for a fence in the presence of natural boundaries (river, edge of a ravine, etc.).
The fencing of the territory of a horticultural (country) association should not be replaced by ditches, ditches, earthen ramparts.

5.2*. The territory of a horticultural (dacha) association must be connected by an access road to a public highway.

5.3*. One entrance should be provided for the territory of a horticultural (country) association with up to 50 garden plots, and at least two entrances for more than 50. The width of the gate must be at least 4.5 m, the gates - at least 1 m.

5.4*. The land plot provided to the horticultural (dacha) association consists of lands for common use and lands of individual plots.
Public lands include lands occupied by roads, streets, passages (within the red lines), fire reservoirs, as well as sites and sections of public facilities (including their sanitary protection zones). The minimum required composition of buildings, structures, public areas is given in Table 1*, the recommended one is in SP 11-106*.

Table 1*

The minimum required composition of buildings, structures, public areas

Object name Specific sizes of land plots, sq. m. per 1 garden plot on the territory of horticultural (dacha) associations with the number of plots
15-100 (small) 101-300 (medium) 301 and more (large)
Gatehouse with association board 1-0,7 0,7-0,5 0,4-0,4
Mixed store 2-0,5 0,5-0,2 0.2 or less
Buildings and structures for storage of fire extinguishing means 0,5 0,4 0,35
Garbage bins 0,1 0,1 0,1
Parking area at the entrance to the territory of the horticultural association 0,9 0,9-0,4 0.4 or less
Note. The types and sizes of buildings and structures for the storage of fire extinguishing agents are determined in agreement with the bodies of the State Fire Service. The room for storing a portable motor pump and fire fighting equipment must have an area of ​​​​at least 10 m 2 and fireproof walls.

5.5*. At the entrance to the territory of common use of a horticultural (dacha) association, a gatehouse is provided, the composition and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises of which are established by the charter of the horticultural (dacha) association.

5.6*. The planning decision of the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association should ensure the passage of vehicles to all individual garden plots, united in groups, and public facilities.

5.7*. On the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association, the width of streets and driveways in the red lines should be, m:

  • for streets - at least 15 m;
  • for driveways - at least 9 m.

The minimum radius of curvature of the edge of the carriageway is 6.0 m.
The width of the carriageway of streets and driveways is accepted for streets - at least 7.0 m, for driveways - at least 3.5 m.

5.8. On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway. The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.
The maximum length of a dead-end passage in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01 and NPB 106 should not exceed 150 m.
Dead-end passages are provided with turning areas of at least 12 x 12 m in size. The use of a turning area for parking is not allowed.

5.9*. To ensure fire extinguishing in the common area of ​​a horticultural (country) association, fire-fighting reservoirs or tanks with a capacity, m 3, should be provided, with the number of sites: up to 300 - at least 25, more than 300 - at least 60 (each with sites for the installation of fire equipment, with the possibility of water intake by pumps and the organization of an entrance for at least two fire trucks).
The number of reservoirs (reservoirs) and their location is determined by the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02.
Horticultural (dacha) associations, including up to 300 garden plot c, for fire-fighting purposes, they must have a portable motor pump, with the number of sections from 301 to 1000 - a trailed motor pump; with more than 1000 sites - at least two trailed motor pumps.
For the storage of motor pumps, it is necessary to build a special room.

5.10*. Buildings and structures for common use must be separated from the boundaries of garden (summer) plots by at least 4 m.

5.11*. On the territories of horticultural (dacha) associations and outside it is prohibited to organize waste dumps. Household waste, as a rule, should be disposed of in garden (country) areas. For non-recyclable waste (glass, metal, polyethylene, etc.) on the territory of common use, sites for garbage containers should be provided.
Venues for garbage containers located at a distance of not less than 20 and not more than 100 m from the boundaries of the plots.

5.12*. The removal of surface runoff and drainage water from the territory of horticultural (country) associations into ditches and ditches is carried out in accordance with the planning project for the territory of the horticultural (country) association.

5.13*. When organizing a warehouse for mineral fertilizers and chemicals in a common area, it should be borne in mind that their storage is prohibited under open sky, as well as near open reservoirs and water wells.


6.1*. The area of ​​an individual garden (country) plot is taken to be at least 0.06 ha.

6.2*. Individual garden (country) plots, as a rule, must be fenced. Fences for the purpose of minimal shading of the territory of neighboring plots should be mesh or lattice 1.5 m high. It is allowed, by decision of the general meeting of members of the horticultural (dacha) association, to install deaf fences from the streets and driveways.

6.3*. In the garden (suburban) area, a compost site, pit or box should be provided, and in the absence of a sewerage system, a latrine.

6.4*. On the garden (suburban) plot can be built residential building (or house), outbuildings and structures, including buildings for keeping small livestock and poultry, greenhouses and other structures with insulated soil, an outbuilding for storing inventory, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse (sauna), a shower, a shed or a garage for a car.
In the regions, it is possible to erect types of outbuildings, determined by local traditions and conditions of arrangement. The construction of these facilities should be carried out according to the relevant projects.

6.5*. Fire distances between buildings and structures within the same area are not standardized.
Fire distances between residential buildings (or houses) located in neighboring areas, depending on the material of the supporting and enclosing structures, must be at least those indicated in table 2*.

Table 2*

Minimum fire distances between extreme residential buildings (or houses) and groups of residential buildings (or houses) on plots

Material of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building Distances, m
BUT Stone, concrete, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials 6 8 10
B The same, with wooden floors and coatings protected by non-combustible and slow-burning materials 8 8 10
AT Wood, frame enclosing structures made of non-combustible, slow-burning and combustible materials 10 10 15

It is allowed to group and block residential buildings (or houses) on two adjacent plots with a single-row building and on four adjacent plots with a two-row building. At the same time, fire-prevention distances between residential buildings (or houses) in each group are not standardized, and the minimum distances between the extreme residential buildings (or houses) of groups are taken according to Table 2*.

6.6*. A residential building (or house) must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. At the same time, the fire-prevention distances indicated in the table 2*. The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m.

6.7*. The minimum distances to the border of the neighboring site for sanitary conditions should be:

  • from a residential building (or house) - 3;
  • from a building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4;
  • from other buildings - 1 m;
  • from the trunks of tall trees - 4 m, medium-sized - 2 m;
  • from the bush - 1 m.

The distance between a residential building (or house) and the border of a neighboring plot is measured from the basement of the house or from the wall of the house (in the absence of a basement), if the elements of the house (bay window, porch, canopy, roof overhang, etc.) protrude no more than 50 cm from wall planes. If the elements protrude by more than 50 cm, the distance is measured from the protruding parts or from their projection on the ground (cantilevered roof, elements of the second floor located on poles, etc.)
When erecting outbuildings on a garden (country) plot, located at a distance of 1 m from the border of a neighboring garden plot, the roof slope should be oriented to your site.

6.8*. The minimum distances between buildings according to sanitary conditions should be, m:

  • from a residential building (or house) and a cellar to a latrine and a building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 12;
  • to the shower, baths (saunas) - 8 m;
  • from the well to the latrine and compost device - 8.

The specified distances must be observed both between buildings on the same site, and between buildings located on adjacent sites.

6.9*. In the case of adjoining outbuildings to a residential building (or house), premises for small livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.
In these cases, the distance to the border with a neighboring parcel is measured separately from each blocking object, for example:

  • house-garage (at least 3 m from the house, at least 1 m from the garage);
  • house-building for livestock and poultry (at least 3 m from the house, at least 4 m from the building for livestock and poultry).

6.10. Garages for cars can be freestanding, built-in or attached to the house and outbuildings.

6.11*. Members of horticultural (dacha) associations that have small livestock and poultry on their plot must comply with sanitary and veterinary rules for their maintenance.

6.12*. Insolation of living quarters of residential buildings (houses) in garden (country) plots should provide its own continuous duration for the period from March 22 to September 22 - 2.5 hours or a total of 3 hours, allowing one-time discontinuity during the day.

6.13. When developing a garden (country) plot with an area of ​​0.06 - 0.12 hectares, no more than 25 - 30% of the area should be allocated for buildings, paths and sites.


7.1*. Residential buildings (or houses) are designed (erected) with different space-planning structure.

7.2*. Under a residential building (or house) and outbuildings, a basement and a cellar are allowed. Under the premises for small livestock and poultry, a cellar is not allowed.

7.3. The height of living quarters from floor to ceiling is taken to be at least 2.2 m. runs).
When designing houses for year-round use, the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01 and SNiP II-3.

7.4*. Stairs leading to the second floor (including the attic) are located both inside and outside residential buildings (or houses). The parameters of these stairs, as well as the stairs leading to the basement and basement floors, are taken depending on the specific conditions and, as a rule, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01.

7.5. It is not allowed to organize the runoff of rainwater from the roofs to the neighboring site.


8.1*. The territory of a horticultural (country) association must be equipped with a water supply system that meets the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02.
SanPiN became invalid due to the entry into force on June 1, 2002 of SanPiN (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2002 No. 11).
Domestic and drinking water can be supplied both from a centralized water supply system, and autonomously - from shaft and small-tube wells, springs capturing in compliance with the requirements set forth in SanPiN
The device for entering water supply into houses according to SNiP 2.04.01 is allowed if there is a local sewerage system or when connected to a centralized sewerage system.
The free pressure of water in the water supply network on the territory of the horticultural association must be at least 0.1 MPa.

8.2*. On the territory of the common use of the horticultural (dacha) association, sources of drinking water must be provided. A sanitary protection zone is organized around each source:

  • for artesian wells - with a radius of 30 to 50 m (set by hydrogeologists);
    SanPiN became invalid due to the entry into force on June 1, 2002 of SanPiN (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2002 No. 11).
  • for springs and wells - in accordance with the current sanitary rules and norms SanPiN
    SanPiN became invalid due to the entry into force on March 1, 2003 of SanPiN (Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2002 No. 41).
    SanPiN has actually become invalid due to the publication of the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2001 No. 24, which put into effect on January 1, 2002 new SanPiN

8.3*. With centralized water supply systems, the quality of water supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with sanitary rules and norms SanPiN With non-centralized water supply, hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

8.4*. The calculation of water supply systems is based on the following norms of average daily water consumption for household and drinking needs:

  • when using water from standpipes, wells, shaft wells - 30-50 l / day per 1 inhabitant;
  • when providing internal water supply and sewerage (without baths) - 125-160 l / day per 1 inhabitant.

For watering plantings in household plots:

  • vegetable crops - 3-15 l / m 2 per day;
  • fruit trees - 10-15 l / m 2 per day (watering is provided 1-2 times a day, depending on climatic conditions, from a seasonal water supply network or from open reservoirs and specially provided pits - water storage).

If there is a water supply system or an artesian well, to account for the consumed water on water-folding devices in the common area and at each site, it is necessary to provide for the installation of meters.

8.5*. Territories of horticultural (dacha) associations must be provided with fire-fighting water supply by connecting to external water supply networks or by installing fire-fighting reservoirs or reservoirs.
On external water supply networks, every 100 m, connecting heads should be installed for water intake by fire engines.
Water towers located on the territory of horticultural (country) associations must be equipped with devices (connecting heads, etc.) for water intake by fire engines.
By agreement with the state fire service authorities, it is allowed to use natural sources located at a distance of no more than 200 m from the territories of horticultural (dacha) associations for fire extinguishing purposes.
Water consumption for fire extinguishing should be taken as 5 l/s.

8.6. The collection, removal and neutralization of sewage can be non-sewered, with the help of local treatment facilities, the placement and arrangement of which is carried out in compliance with the relevant standards and coordination in the prescribed manner. It is also possible to connect to centralized sewerage systems subject to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03.

8.7. With non-canalized removal of feces, devices with local composting should be provided - powder closets, dry closets.
It is allowed to use cesspools of the backlash-closet type and an outhouse latrine. The use of cesspools must be agreed in each individual case at the stage of project development with local environmental authorities for the regulation, use and protection of groundwater, with institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service. It is not allowed to install backlash closets in the IV climatic region and III B subregion.

8.8. The collection and treatment of shower, bath, sauna and household wastewater should be carried out in a filter trench with gravel-sand backfill or in other treatment facilities located at a distance of at least 4 m from the border of the neighboring site.
It is allowed to discharge household wastewater into an external cuvette along a specially organized ditch, subject to agreement in each individual case with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

8.9. in heated houses heating and hot water supply should be provided from autonomous systems, which include: sources of heat supply (boiler, stove, etc., when installing stoves and fireplaces, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05 should be met), as well as heating appliances and water fittings.

8.10. The gas supply to the houses can be from liquefied gas cylinder installations, from liquefied gas tank installations or from gas networks. The design of gas systems, the installation of gas stoves and gas consumption meters should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules in gas industry"and SNiP 2.04.08.

8.11*. Liquefied gas cylinders should be stored in an intermediate storage of gas cylinders located on a common area. Storage of cylinders in garden (suburban) areas is not allowed.

8.12. Cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 liters for supplying gas to kitchen and other stoves should be located in an annex made of non-combustible material or in a metal box near a blank section of the outer wall no closer than 5 m from the entrance to the building. In the kitchen, according to the requirements of NPB 106, it is allowed to install a cylinder with combustible gas with a capacity of not more than 12 liters.

8.13*. Power supply networks on the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association should, as a rule, be provided by overhead lines. It is forbidden to conduct overhead lines directly above the sites, except for individual piping.
RD 34.21.122-87 has actually become invalid due to the introduction of the "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial structures" SO 153-34.21.122-2003, approved. Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2003 No. 280.

8.14. Electrical equipment and lightning protection houses and outbuildings should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), RD 34.21.122, VSN 59 and NPB 106.

8.15*. In a residential building (house), it is necessary to provide for the installation of a meter to account for the consumed electricity.

8.16*. On the streets and driveways of the territory of the gardening (dacha) association, outdoor lighting should be provided, which is usually controlled from the gatehouse.

8.17. The gatehouse premises must be provided with telephone or radio communication with the nearest settlement, which allows calling emergency medical assistance, fire, police and emergency services.

Annex A* (mandatory)


Dry closet - a device for processing fecal waste into organic fertilizer by using a biological oxidation process activated by electrical heating or chemical additives.

Veranda - a glazed unheated room attached to the house or built into it.

Residential building - house, erected on a garden (dacha) land plot, without the right to register residence in it.

House- a house being built on a garden (dacha) land plot, with the right to register residence in it.

The living area of ​​a residential building (or house) is the sum of the areas of living rooms.

Captage - a structure (rockfill, well, trench) for the interception and collection of groundwater in places where they are brought to the surface.

Red lines - the boundaries of streets, driveways along the lines of fences of garden plots.

Porch - an external extension at the entrance to the house with a platform and stairs.

Luft-closet - an intra-house warm restroom with an underground cesspool, into which feces enter through a sewer (fan) pipe. Ventilation is carried out through a special backlash channel adjacent to the heating devices, and the cesspool is located outside.

Outdoor latrine - a light building placed above a cesspool.

The total area of ​​​​a residential building (or house) is the sum of the areas of its premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storerooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0, 3, for verandas and cold storerooms - 1.0. The area occupied by the oven is not included in the floor area. The area under the march of the intra-apartment staircase with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of 1.6 m or more is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises where the staircase is located.

Passage - an area intended for traffic and pedestrians, including a single-lane carriageway, shoulders, ditches and reinforcing berms.

Powder-closet - a toilet in which fecal waste is treated with a powdered composition, usually peat, and kept dry in an insulated container (tarred box with a lid) until compost is formed.

FROM gardening (dacha) association of citizens- a legal form of a voluntary organization of citizens for gardening, gardening and recreation on an individual (family) basis, with facilities and structures for both seasonal and year-round use, created and managed in accordance with applicable federal and regional laws and acts of local self-government.

Terrace - a fenced open area attached to the house, placed on the ground or above the floor below and, as a rule, having a roof.

Street - an area intended for traffic and pedestrians, including a two-lane carriageway, shoulders, ditches and reinforcing berms.