Complete transformer substations are block. Rigid busbar complete Mounting table flexible busbar 110 kV

Selection of busbars RU-10 kV

RU-10 kV busbars are selected according to the following conditions:

Permissible current:

Estimated busbar current, A.

The rated busbar current is determined according to (8.1.3).

By rated voltage:

Thermal resistance:

The choice of 10 kV busbars is presented in table 18.

Table 18 - Selection of 10 kV busbars

equipment identification

Estimated data

Technical details

Busbars KRUN-10 kV (MT-50x5)

Choice of conductor 10 kV

6-10 kV current conductors are designed for electrical connection of the transformer with switchgear cabinets (KRU) installed in three-phase alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 and 60 Hz. Conductors can be used at other objects of energy, industry, transport, Agriculture etc.

Conductors are selected according to the following conditions:

Permissible current:

where - long-term permissible load current of tires, A;

The maximum rated current of the half-hour maximum load, which occurs when one of the two circuits of the double-circuit busbar fails and the entire load is switched to the remaining circuit, A.

The maximum rated current of the conductor is determined by (8.1.3).

By rated voltage:

By electrodynamic resistance:

Thermal resistance:

On the 10 kV side, we accept for installation a closed three-phase current duct of the TKS-10 kV type (T - current duct; K - round; C - symmetrical). Producer: PJSC "ABS ZEiM Automation" (Cheboksary).

The choice of 10 kV conductor is presented in table 19.

Table 19 - Selection of 10 kV conductor



Estimated data

Technical details


Selection of flexible busbars for outdoor switchgear-110 and outdoor switchgear-35 kV and support insulators

Descents and jumpers between the equipment are made with a flexible uninsulated wire of AC brand.

Let's determine the economically feasible conductor cross-section:

where - economic current density, A/mm2;

Estimated continuous current of the network, A.

Estimated continuous network current is determined by the formula:

where: - the sum of the rated power of consumers, kV;

Coefficient of load distribution on the tires (- with the number of connections less than five).

Rated network voltage, kV.

For the 110 kV side, the economically viable conductor cross section will be:

The resulting cross section is rounded to the nearest standard value: . However, according to the PUE, the minimum allowable wire diameter for a 110 kV overhead line under corona conditions is. Based on this, we select the AC-70 brand wire.

Similarly, we determine the economically feasible conductor cross-section for the 35 kV side:

The resulting cross section is rounded to the nearest standard value: . We choose one wire brand AC-50.

Flexible busbars of outdoor switchgear-110 and outdoor switchgear-35 kV are selected according to the following conditions:

By heating:

where: - permissible current of the selected wire section, A.

For 110 kV:

Thermal stability test

The calculation for checking the flexible uninsulated wire of the AC brand for thermal resistance will be carried out according to.

The calculation is carried out in the following sequence:

In Figure 8.9, we select the curve corresponding to the material of the tested conductor, and using this curve, based on the initial temperature of the conductor, we find the value of the value at this temperature. The initial temperature is taken as - , then:

The Joule integral under the calculated short circuit conditions is determined by the formula:

where: - three-phase rated short-circuit current on the line, A;

Relay protection action time, s;

Equivalent time constant of attenuation of the aperiodic component of the short circuit current, s.

Let us determine the value of the quantity corresponding to the final heating temperature of the conductor, according to the formula:

where: - cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor,

Based on the value found, using the selected curve in Figure 8.9, we determine the heating temperature of the conductor by the time the short circuit is turned off and compare it with the maximum allowable temperature (for a steel-aluminum wire).

The thermal resistance of the conductor is ensured, since the following condition is met:

Checking the section for electrodynamic resistance at short circuit

The calculation for checking the flexible uninsulated wire of the AC brand for electrodynamic resistance will be carried out according to.

When checking flexible conductors for electrodynamic resistance, the calculated values ​​are the maximum tension and the maximum convergence of the conductors during short circuit.

The electrodynamic resistance of flexible conductors is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where is the permissible tension in the wires, N;

Distance between phase conductors, m;

Estimated displacement of conductors, m;

The smallest allowable distance between phase conductors at the highest operating voltage, m;

Phase splitting radius, m

When checking flexible conductors for electrodynamic resistance during short circuit, in which the sag exceeds half the distance between the phases, the value of the parameter is determined:

where: - the initial effective value of the periodic component of the two-phase short circuit current, kA;

Estimated short circuit duration ();

Distance between phases ();

Linear weight of the wire (taking into account the influence of garlands), N/m;

Dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the influence of the aperiodic component of the electrodynamic force.

The chart is in .

Decay time constant of the aperiodic component of the short circuit current, s.

If the condition is met, then the calculation of the displacement of the conductors can be omitted, since there is no danger of their excessive convergence:

For 110 kV:

The maximum possible tension in the conductor should be determined, assuming that all the energy accumulated by the conductor during the short circuit is transformed into the potential energy of tensile strain when the conductor falls after the short circuit current is turned off, raised by electrodynamic forces above the initial equilibrium position.

This amounts to:

where: - modulus of elasticity ();

Cross-sectional area of ​​the wire, m2;

Energy accumulated by the conductor, J;

Tension (longitudinal force) in the conductor up to short circuit, H;

Span length, m

The energy accumulated by the conductor is determined by the formula:

where: - mass of the wire in the span, kg;

Estimated electrodynamic load on the conductor with a two-phase short circuit, N.

where: - span length, m.

where: - wire sag in the middle of the span ();

The length of the conductor in the span, which is allowed to be taken equal to the length of the span, m.

For installation, we select suspension insulators of the LK 70/110-III UHL1 type with a minimum breaking load. The permissible load on the insulator is:

For installation, we select suspension insulators of the LK 70/35-III UHL1 type with a minimum breaking load. The permissible load on the insulator is:

Corona check:

where: - initial critical electric field strength, kV/cm;

Electric charge intensity near the wire surface, kV/cm;

The initial critical electric field strength is determined by the formula:

where: - coefficient taking into account the roughness of the wire surface hole ();

Wire radius, cm;

The intensity of the electric charge near the surface of the wire is determined by the formula:

where: - line voltage, kV;

The geometric mean distance between the wires of the phases, see.

Let's make a calculation for a flexible conductor 110 kV:


Similarly, we will calculate for a flexible conductor 35 kV:


Based on the above calculations, we can conclude: the selected wires and suspension insulators for flexible busbars 110 and 35 kV satisfy all conditions.

Open switchgear (ORU) - distribution

device whose equipment is located outdoors. All

outdoor switchgear elements are placed on concrete or metal bases.

The distances between the elements are selected according to the PUE. At a voltage of 110 kV and above under devices that use oil for operation

(oil transformers, switches, reactors) oil receivers are created - recesses filled with gravel. This measure is aimed at reducing the likelihood of fire and reduce damage when

accidents on such devices. The busbars of the outdoor switchgear can be made both in the form of rigid pipes and in the form of flexible wires. Rigid pipes are mounted on racks using support insulators, and flexible pipes are suspended on portals using suspension insulators. The territory on which the outdoor switchgear is located is mandatory fenced off.

Advantages of outdoor switchgear:

Outdoor switchgear allow the use of arbitrarily large electrical

devices, which, in fact, is due to their use at high voltage classes.

During the production of outdoor switchgear, no extra construction costs are required


Open switchgears are more practical than switchgear in terms of modernization and expansion

Visual control of all outdoor switchgear devices

Disadvantages of outdoor switchgear:

Difficulty working with outdoor switchgear under adverse weather conditions.

The outdoor switchgear is much larger than the switchgear.

As conductors for outdoor switchgear busbars and branches from them

stranded wires of grades A and AC are used, as well as rigid

tubular tires. At voltages of 220 kV and above, splitting is necessary

wires to reduce corona losses.

The length and width of the outdoor switchgear depends on the chosen scheme of the station, the location

switches (single-row, double-row, etc.) and power lines. In addition, access roads for automobile or

railway transport. The outdoor switchgear must have a fence with a height of at least 2.4 m. In the outdoor switchgear, live parts of devices, busbar conductors and

branches from busbars in order to avoid intersections are placed on

different heights in two and three tiers. With flexible conductors busbars

placed in the second tier, and the branch wires in the third.

Minimum distance from the conductors of the first tier to the ground for 110 kV

3600 mm, 220 kV - 4500 mm. Minimum vertical distance between

wires of the first and second tiers, taking into account the sag of wires for 110 kV - 1000 mm, for 220 kV - 2000 mm. The minimum distance between the wires of the second and third tiers for 110 kV is 1650 mm, for 220 kV - 3000 mm.

Minimum permitted clear clearances (in centimeters)

on air open installations between bare wires of different

phases, between current-carrying parts or insulation elements located

under voltage, and grounded parts of structures:

Complete switchgear with SF6 insulation


Complete switchgear with SF6 insulation are cells whose space is filled with SF6 gas under pressure, connected into various switchgear schemes in accordance with technical design standards. KRUE cells are made from standardized parts, which makes it possible to assemble cells for various purposes from the same elements. These include: poles of switches, disconnectors and grounding switches; measuring

current and voltage transformers; connecting and intermediate compartments; busbar sections; pole and distribution cabinets, pressure control cabinets and voltage transformer cabinets. Each cell type consists of three identical poles and control cabinets. Each pole of a linear, sectional or busbar connecting cell has a circuit breaker with a drive and its control elements, a disconnector with a remote electric drive, manual earthing switches,

current transformers and pole cabinets. Cells of voltage transformers do not have switches and current transformers. Cells and their

the poles are connected by one or two single-pole or three-pole busbar systems.

Linear cells have terminals for connection to current conductors and

outgoing cables. Cells are connected to power cables using cable glands of a special design, and to overhead lines using gas-filled glands.

The safety and reliability of the power supply depends on circuit breakers,

protecting electrical networks from short circuits. Traditionally on

power plants and substations installed circuit breakers with air

insulation. Depending on the rated air voltage

circuit breaker, the distance between live parts and earth can

be tens of meters, resulting in the installation of such an apparatus

a lot of space is required. In contrast, the SF6 circuit breaker is very compact and therefore the GIS takes up relatively little usable volume. The area of ​​a substation with GIS is ten times smaller than the area of ​​a substation with air circuit breakers. The current conductor is an aluminum pipe in which a current-carrying bus is installed, and is designed to interconnect individual cells and gas-insulated equipment of the substation. Measuring current and voltage transformers, voltage limiters (OPN), grounding switches and disconnectors are also built into the GIS cell.

Thus, the cell contains all the necessary equipment and

devices for the transmission and distribution of electricity of various voltages. And all this is enclosed in a compact, reliable case. Cells are controlled in cabinets installed on the side wall.

The distribution cabinet contains all equipment for remote electrical control, signaling and blocking circuits.

cell elements.

The use of switchgear allows to significantly reduce the areas and volumes,

occupied by the switchgear and allow easier expansion of the switchgear compared to traditional switchgear. Other important benefits of GIS include:

Multifunctionality - busbars are combined in one housing,

switch, disconnectors with earthing disconnectors, current transformers, which significantly reduces the size and increases

reliability of outdoor switchgear;

Explosion and fire safety;

High reliability and resistance to environmental influences;

Possibility of installation in seismically active areas and areas with high pollution;

Absence of electric and magnetic fields;

Safety and convenience of operation, ease of installation and dismantling.

Small dimensions

Pollution resistant.

Cells, individual modules and elements allow the possibility of GIS layout according to various electrical circuits. Cells consist of three poles, cabinets and busbars. The cabinets contain equipment for alarm circuits, blocking, remote electrical control, control of SF6 gas pressure and its supply to the cell, supply of drives with compressed air.

Cells for rated voltage 110-220 kV have a three-pole

or single-pole control, and 500 kV cells - only single-pole


The cell pole includes:

Switching devices: switches, disconnectors, grounding switches;

Measuring current and voltage transformers;

Connecting elements: busbars, cable glands ("SF6 oil"), bushings ("air-SF6 gas"), SF6 busbars and

The cost of switchgear is quite high compared to traditional types of switchgear, therefore, it was used only in cases where its advantages are extremely necessary - this is during construction in cramped conditions, in urban areas to reduce noise levels and for architectural aesthetics, in places where it is technically impossible to place outdoor switchgear or ZRU, and in areas where the cost of land is very high, as well as in an aggressive environment to protect live parts and increase the life of the equipment and in seismically active zones.

STO 56947007-


Guiding document for the design of rigid busbars for outdoor switchgear and indoor switchgear 110-500 kV

Introduction date 2007-06-25


Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for applying the standard of the organization - GOST R 1.4-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Standards of organizations. Basic provisions".

About the Guidance Document

1 DEVELOPED BY: Research and Production Association "Technoservice-Electro" LLC

2. PERFORMERS: A.P. Dolin; M.A. Kozinova

3. INTRODUCED: Current Planning Department Maintenance, repairs and diagnostics of equipment, Directorate of technical regulation and ecology of JSC FGC UES

4. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT: by order of JSC FGC UES of 25.06.2007 N 176


1. Introduction

1. Introduction

Application area

The guidance document is intended for designing a rigid busbar for open switchgear and ZRU 110-500 kV and defines the scope of its application, as well as the requirements for the main elements and assemblies: busbars, branches, insulating (busbar) supports, busbars, compensators of temperature deformations.

The guidance document is recommended for use by design organizations, manufacturing plants, testing centers, as well as operating and installation enterprises.

Normative references

This Guidance Document uses normative references to the following standards:

, 7th ed.

Electrical Installation Code, 6th ed.

GOST 10434-82. Welded contact electrical. Classification. General technical requirements.

GOST 14782-86. Connections are welded. Ultrasonic methods.

GOST 15150-69. Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the environment.

GOST 1516.2-97. Electrical equipment and electrical installations of alternating current for a voltage of 3 kV and above. General methods for testing the electrical strength of insulation.

GOST 16962.1-89

GOST 16962.2-90. Electrical products. Test methods for resistance to mechanical external factors.

GOST 17441-84. Electrical contact connections. Acceptance and test methods.

GOST 17516.1-90. Electrical products. General requirements in terms of resistance to mechanical external factors.

GOST 18482-79. Pipes extruded from aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications.

GOST R 50254-92 *. Short circuits in electrical installations. Methods for calculating the electrodynamic and thermal effects of short-circuit current.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 52736-2007 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST R 51155-98. The armature is linear. Acceptance rules and test methods.

GOST 6996-66. Welded connections. Methods for determining mechanical properties.

GOST 8024-90. Apparatus and electrical devices of alternating current for voltages over 1000 V. Norms of heating during continuous operation and test methods.

SNiP 2.01.07-85. Loads and impacts.

SNiP 23-01-99. Building climatology.

RD 34.45-51.300-97. The volume and standards of testing electrical equipment.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used in this Guidance Document:

Rigid busbar- busbars of outdoor switchgear and indoor switchgear, made with rigid tires, as a rule, from aluminum alloy pipes.

Outdoor switchgear (ZRU) with rigid busbar- switchgear (RU), in which busbars and/or busbars of intracellular connections are made of rigid busbars.

2 Scope of rigid busbar

2.1 Rigid busbars can be used in outdoor switchgear of all voltages. The choice of busbar type for outdoor switchgear and indoor switchgear (rigid or flexible) is determined by technical and economic requirements and depends on the parameters of the electrical installation: voltage, operating current, short circuit current (SC), electrical wiring diagram, requirements for outdoor switchgear structures, as well as expected climatic influences .

2.3 Structurally, a combination of flexible and rigid conductors, such as rigid busbars and flexible intracell connections, may be justified.

3 Technical requirements for rigid busbar elements

3.1 Rigid busbars include rigid busbars, busbar supports, thermal expansion joints, slopes or branches, insulators or insulating supports, building structures and other components.

3.2 All elements of a rigid busbar must meet:

- the level of the rated voltage of the electrical installation;

- the established level of surges;

- the highest operating current;

- maximum currents of one-, two- and three-phase short circuits (SC);

- conditions environment , ;*
* Hereinafter, a link to the list of references.

- the expected maximum wind pressure;

- the expected largest ice deposits;

- maximum and minimum air temperatures;

- the highest (summer) level of solar radiation;

- degree of air pollution;

- the permissible level of radio interference and the absence of a common corona.

3.3 Rigid busbars must satisfy the aesthetic and psychological aspects. In particular, the tires must not have significant deflection from their own weight (including the weight of the branches), as well as their own weight and the weight of ice deposits, causing a negative reaction from operating personnel.

Stable wind resonant vibrations of tires (across the air flow) caused by vortex shedding at relatively low wind speeds should be effectively suppressed (even in cases where such vibrations do not pose a danger to the tire structure in terms of mechanical strength).

3.4 High technical and economic indicators of outdoor switchgear with a rigid busbar can be achieved as a result of using the following solutions:

- industrial busbar structures of high factory readiness, including block complete substations (switchgears), fast-mounted modules, etc.;

- outdoor switchgear layouts that allow to reduce the occupied area, as well as material consumption, due to the use of structures with rigid tires, in combination with other progressive equipment (SF6 circuit breakers, pantographic and semi-pantographic disconnectors, combined instrument transformers, etc.);

- metal structures of supports and portals made of corrosion-resistant steels or steels with a reliable anti-corrosion coating, as well as lightweight pre-stressed reinforced concrete racks and beds;

- reduction of construction time for outdoor switchgear, reduction of volumes or complete refusal to carry out welding work at the installation site, low busbar profile, etc.;

- convenience of diagnostic control, which ensures the reliability of the busbar.

4 Choice of material, cross-sectional shape, span of busbars, branches and intracell connections

4.1 In outdoor switchgear or switchgear (hereinafter referred to as switchgear) with a voltage of 110-500 kV, it is recommended to use rigid tubular tires (ring-section tires) that are the most optimal in terms of corona, radio interference, material consumption, cooling, wind and electrodynamic resistance.

It is possible to use flat and spatial tire-trusses (made from pipes of a relatively small diameter), primarily when creating long-span structures. The use of such structures requires a separate feasibility study.

4.2 Aluminum alloys with high strength and good electrical conductivity should be used as the material for rigid busbars of 110 kV and higher switchgears. These requirements are met primarily by the 1915T alloy, as well as AVT1 (and their foreign counterparts).

4.3 Busbars can be rigid, as well as intra-cell connections of the lower tier. Intracellular communications of the upper tier, as a rule, are carried out by flexible (steel-aluminum) wires. Separate sections of busbars and intracellular connections of the lower tier can also be flexible. The question of choosing the type of tires is determined, first of all, by design considerations and technical and economic indicators.

It should be taken into account that the permissible distances between phases, as well as between current-carrying parts and grounded equipment in a switchgear with rigid conductors are significantly lower than with flexible ones. At the same time, the distances between the conductors of intracellular connections, as a rule, are determined by the distance between the phases of the switches. Therefore, the choice of the type of conductors here is determined by design considerations, ease of installation and construction, taking into account technical and economic indicators.

4.4 Rigid tubular tires in outdoor switchgear should have plugs in the end parts that prevent birds from nesting. It is advisable to provide holes in the busbar plugs for air circulation or drainage holes in the lower part of the busbars in places of their greatest deflection from their own weight and the weight of the branches to drain condensate.

4.5 The span length of the busbars (the distance between adjacent insulating supports) is usually chosen to be equal to the cell pitch. It is allowed to use spans that are multiples of the cell step or equal to half (or less) of the cell step.

4.6 The maximum span length (distance between supports) is determined by design considerations and technical and economic indicators, taking into account the strength of tires, insulating supports, the value of mechanical loads, the presence of rigid and flexible branches. It is limited by the allowable deflection of the tire from its own weight, as well as from its own weight, taking into account the weight of ice (clause 9.11 of this Guidance document).

The length of the whole (or welded) section of the tire is usually taken equal to the span length (Fig. 1, a). It is allowed to use whole (or welded) tires, the length of which is equal to two or more spans (Fig. 1, b, c). It is justified to use such tires as intracellular connections.

Fig.1 Tire structures with single, double and multi-span solid tires

Fig.1 Busbar structures with one-, two- and multi-span solid tires: 1 - insulators; 2 - tires; 3 - tire holders; - thermal expansion compensators

4.7 The height of the busbars is determined by the requirements and is selected taking into account the passage of repair mechanisms, the level of electric field strength at a height equal to the height of a person, the parameters of the equipment used, the features of the electrical connection diagram and the layout of the equipment, as well as the task of reducing the overall profile (height) of the outdoor switchgear.

4.8 Busbars can be directly mounted on support insulators, instrument transformers or electrical apparatus (Fig.1, Fig.2, a), on extensions fixed on insulators (Fig.2, b, c) or rigid busbars of the lower tier.

Fig. 2 Options for installing busbars on support insulators: direct installation on insulating supports; fastening on vertical racks; fastening on V-shaped extensions. supports, insulators, tires, extensions

Fig. 2 Options for installing tires on support insulators: a- direct installation on insulating supports; b- fastening on vertical racks; in- fastening on V-shaped extensions. 1 - supports, 2 - insulators, 3 - tires, 4 - extensions

4.9 The material and profile of extensions are generally similar to tires. Extensions can be made in the form of vertical posts, V-shaped and other structures located in the plane of the axes of the insulators of each phase (Fig. 2, b, c, Fig. 3, a) or in the form of inclined posts (Fig. 3, b, c ). Extensions can be made in one, two or three phases, depending on design considerations.

Fig.3 Busbars on vertical and inclined extensions

Fig.3 Busbars on vertical a) and inclined b), c) extensions: 1 - insulator, 2 - busbar; 3 - branch; 4 - disconnector.

It should be taken into account that the installation of busbars on extensions leads to an increase in bending moments on insulating supports under electrodynamic and wind effects, as well as to additional consumption of busbar material.

4.10 Branches from rigid tubular busbars, as well as connections of individual sections of busbars, must be carried out by welding, crimping (for flexible conductors of slopes) or certified prefabricated crimp connectors. Detachable connections (including busbar supports - compensators) must be available for diagnostic thermal imaging control with thermographic devices from ground level. Welded connections must be made in the factory. In exceptional cases, these works can be carried out at the installation site under the supervision of representatives of the manufacturer.

4.11 When making welded joints of tires made of aluminum alloys, it should be taken into account that as a result of annealing, a decrease in the strength of the material occurs (clause 9.14). It is not recommended to make welded joints on the section of the tire with the highest bending moment (mechanical stress) under static and dynamic loads.

4.12 The distances between the rigid busbars of 110 kV switchgear and above, as well as between current-carrying parts and grounded equipment, must meet the requirements, taking into account the possible largest deviations of conductors and insulating supports at the highest design wind speed and after disconnecting two- and three-phase short circuits.

4.13 Porcelain and polymer support insulators and insulating supports are used to fasten the rigid busbar.

As an exception, it is allowed to use busbar fastenings on hanging garlands of insulators to portals (Fig. 4). This solution allows to reduce the distance between phases compared to flexible busbars (wires). However, as a rule, the solution with rigid busbars on suspended strings of insulators is inferior in terms of technical and economic indicators to traditional solutions with flexible conductors.

Fig.4 Mounting of rigid busbars on suspension insulators

Fig.4 Mounting of rigid busbars on suspension insulators

4.14 Tires must meet the conditions of heating in operating conditions (load capacity), thermal, electrodynamic and wind resistance, as well as meet the conditions of the corona test, detuning from stable resonant vibrations (clause 4.6, section 8 of this Guidance Document).

5 Design of damping devices and methods for suppressing wind resonance oscillations

5.1 Tubular tires in outdoor switchgear are subject to vortex excitations (wind resonances, aeolian vibrations), which are accompanied by vibrations across the air flow. Such vibrations cause fatigue damage, primarily of contact joints, weakening of the bolted fasteners of the structure, as well as a negative psychological impact on the operating personnel.

5.2 To combat wind resonant vibrations, technical solutions should be used that provide an increase in energy dissipation when the tire vibrates in a vertical plane (across the air flow).

5.3 Decreasing the oscillation amplitude level and increasing the efficiency of detuning from stable wind oscillations is facilitated by a reduction in tire diameter, a decrease in the frequency of natural oscillations (for example, by installing additional weights on the tire).

5.4 For detuning from resonances, it is possible to install special elements on the tires (for example, spoilers) that prevent the synchronous shedding of vortices along the length of the tire.

The use of spoilers is permissible only after full-scale tests (trial operation of individual spans), since their incorrect placement can provoke vortex excitations.

The tire (section of the tire) with installed spoilers must be tested for the absence of corona and radio interference in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.13.

5.5 Sufficient energy dissipation and effective suppression of stable resonant oscillations are ensured by:

- a wire, cable or rod installed inside the tire;

- structural damping in the tire attachment points (in the tire holders).

It is advisable to use specially designed busbar holders that increase the energy dissipation during tire vibrations.

5.6 It is allowed to check the effectiveness of the adopted constructive solutions to suppress stable resonant oscillations (due to sufficient energy dissipation) based on the experimental determination of damping decrements during tire oscillations in the vertical plane (with oscillation amplitude equal to 1 to 5 tire diameters) and calculation results, according to the instructions of clause 2.6 of GOST R 50254-92 . The calculation should be carried out without taking into account ice deposits, since the presence of ice due to an increase in mass contributes to a decrease in the level of the amplitude of resonant oscillations.

5.7 If the level of energy dissipation is insufficient to suppress wind resonant vibrations of tires, it is necessary to increase the length of the cable laid inside the tire to a value equal to the span length, use tire holders of a different design that provide higher friction in the supporting section of the tire, use tires of greater mass or the recommendations of paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of this Guidance Document.

6 Design of intra-cell links and branches

6.1 Lower intracellular connections and branches can be made with rigid pipes or steel-aluminum wires. The choice of conductors is determined, first of all, by constructive and technical and economic considerations, taking into account the ease of installation. It is advisable to make the upper cell connections flexible. It is allowed to use rigid conductors, taking into account the recommendations of paragraphs 4.11 and 4.14 of this Guidance Document.

6.2 Requirements for rigid conductors of intracellular communications are set out in sections 4 and 5 of this Guidance Document, flexible conductors are selected in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents.

6.3 Rigid branches from busbars are L-shaped (upper, lower), arched and others (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 Variants of rigid branches: L-shaped top; L-shaped top in two directions; arched top; L-shaped bottom; insulator; tires; branch; disconnector

Fig. 5 Variants of rigid branches: a - L-shaped top; b - L-shaped top in two directions; in - arched top; g - L-shaped bottom; 1 - insulator; 2 - tires; 3 - branch; 4 - disconnector

6.4 Connections of busbars and rigid branches should be made with certified factory-made crimp-type fasteners or by welding, which is carried out at the factory. Elements with welded joints are used during installation in the form of complete units.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to carry out welding work at the installation site under the supervision of representatives of the manufacturer.

It is expedient to perform welded joints at the factory and use them as branch units of a complete type.

6.5 Branches from busbars with flexible conductors can be made with pressed clamps welded to rigid busbars at the factory or using special factory-made certified crimp-type fasteners, shown in fig. 6.

Fig.6 An example of a flexible conductor branching unit from a busbar, made using a prefabricated crimp type connection

Fig.6 An example of a flexible conductor branch assembly from a busbar, made using a prefabricated crimp type connection.

6.6 Connection of rigid tubular tires to flat clamps of the apparatus can be carried out by adapters connected to the bus by welding or factory-made busbar adapters that provide the necessary electrical contact (Fig. 7), and, if necessary, compensation for thermal deformations of the rigid bus. Electrical devices should not experience additional loads from temperature deformations of tires.

Fig. 7 Option for connecting the tubular tire to the apparatus

Fig. 7 Option for connecting the tubular tire to the device

6.7 The span of the intracellular connections of the lower tier is usually less than the span of the busbar. In this case, rigid intracellular connections experience less resultant loads (electrodynamic, wind, ice, self-weight) than busbars. Therefore, it is allowed to use less durable materials as the material of intracellular bonds. aluminum alloys than in busbars, but with greater electrical conductivity (AVT1, AD33, etc. instead of 1915T), if the use of different alloys reduces the material consumption of the busbar and meets all other requirements.

6.8 The span of the busbars of the lower tier of intra-cell communications is determined by the distances between the devices, other cell equipment and design considerations.

7 Design of thermal expansion joints and busbar supports

7.1 Temperature deformations (elongation and compression) of the tires should not lead to additional forces on insulating supports, apparatus, instrument transformers and other equipment, as well as to additional mechanical stress in tire material.

7.2 Free longitudinal movement of tires in the entire possible range of their temperatures is provided by thermal deformation compensators. Compensation of temperature elongations due to deformation in the nodes of turns is not allowed.

7.3 The lowest tire temperature is equal to the minimum air temperature in the area of ​​the outdoor switchgear. The highest bus temperature occurs at a fault with the highest expected current and duration. With a margin, the highest tire temperature can be taken equal to allowable temperature tires at a short circuit of 200 ° C (clause 9.9 of this Guidance document).

7.4 Thermal deformation compensators are installed in the supporting sections of the tire and can be made as a single unit with a bus support.

7.5 Compensation for temperature elongation of tires is provided by flexible connections, which are recommended to be made of steel-aluminum or aluminum wires. The number of wires must be at least two. The total cross section of the wires is determined by their total load capacity and thermal resistance.

7.6 Flexible connections (wires) of thermal expansion joints can be attached directly to the busbars or to factory-made crimp busbars (Fig. 8). In the latter case, the longitudinal movement of the tires is ensured by the possibility of moving individual elements of the tire holders.

Fig. 8 Examples of temperature compensators with different ways of fastening flexible connections: to tires; to busbars

Fig. 8 Examples of temperature compensators with different ways of fastening flexible connections: a) to tires; b) to the busbars

7.7 When mounting the busbar, two types of busbar holders are used:

1) providing a fixed mounting of the tire (preventing its longitudinal movement);

2) having free fastening (with free longitudinal movement) tires.

7.8 A continuous (solid, welded) section of a tire must have only one fixed fastening unit.

If the continuous section of the tire is equal to the span length (Fig. 1, a), then a fixed fastening unit is installed on one support (insulator) of the span, and a free fastening unit is installed on the other support.

7.9 In the nodes of fixed fastening of split tires (Fig. 1, a), flexible conductors perform the functions electrical communication, and in the nodes of free fastening, in addition, thermal deformation compensators.

7.10 In addition to the main purpose (clause 7.9), the flexible connections of the compensators perform the functions of screens in the tire attachment unit. Shielding effectiveness is tested according to the guidelines in 9.4 of this Guidance Document.

In the absence of flexible links, as well as unsatisfactory corona test results with flexible links, a separate electrostatic shield must be installed.

7.11. Tire holders (thermal deformation compensators) in the free fastening points of the tire must ensure the longitudinal movement of the tire in case of icy deposits.

7.12 Preference should be given to busbar supports that provide the least labor-intensive installation of the busbar (including excluding or minimizing the amount of welding work and pressure testing of flexible structural elements). These requirements are best met by crimp-type busbar holders, which have thermal deformation compensators in the nodes of free fastening (Fig. 8, b).

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Rigid error-new set of production from T-ENERGIA LLC pre-on-sign-on for you-full-of-electricity co-unit-non-niy between you-so-ko-volt-us-mi app-pa-ra-ta-mi open-air (ORU) and closed-door (ZRU) dis-pre - de-li-tel-ny devices 35-500 kV. Rigid error-new-ka can be used together with flexible, for example, in the form of combination of rigid busbars with bend-ki-mi inside-ri-i-whose-to-you-mi connections.
A set of tough errors for no-mi-nal currents from 630 A to 4000 A from-go-tav-li-va-yut-sya as for ty-po-outs , and for neti-po-vy schemes of races-pre-de-li-tel devices.

In a co-hundred-ve-hard-error-nov-ki use-pol-zu-yut-sya uni-kal-nye, from the point of view of reliability, combine tel-nye elements-men-you - li-thye shi-no-der-zha-te-li with flexible connections. Shi-no-der-zha-te-li serve for the perception of me-ha-ni-che-efforts, rising-no-ka-yu-shih in knots with single, flexible connections are used for the creation of reliable electric-three-che-so-to-to-to-to -ve-du-schi-mi-cha-mi. Li-tye shi-no-hold-zha-te-li with bend-ki-mi connections are used to connect the tires between each other and for joining-not-to-ob-ru-to-va-nia. For the best adaptation to the conditions of mutually-im-no-th races-on-the-same-connection-of-one-e-my tires, specific especially ben -to-stym of the construction of you-with-voltage app-pa-ra-tov and other times-ra-bo-ta-but a few mod-di-fi-ka-tsy shi -but-keep-zha-te-lei. In dis-pre-de-li-tel-ny devices of 220 kV, the connection of tires is bend-ki-mi connections, you-half-ny-yut-sya me-to-house about - press-ki.

Tech-no-che-sky ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki up to 110 kV

6(10) kV OZHK 35 kV OZHK 110 kV
6 (10) 35 110
7,2 (12) 40,5 126
No-mi-nal current, A up to 2500, 3150, 4000 1000, 1250, 1600,
2000, 2500, 3150, 4000
3 3
up to 50 up to 50
<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 128
32 32
20 20
Ka-te-go-riya raz-me-shche-niya 1 1,3
16 16
up to 9 up to 9

Tech-no-che-sky ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki 220 - 500 kV

On-name-no-va-nie pa-ra-met-ra
OZHK 220 kV OZHK 330 kV OZHK 500 kV
No-mi-nal voltage, kV 220 330 500
The largest working voltage, kV 252 363 525
No-mi-nal current, A 1000, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150 1600, 2500, 3150
Time for pro-te-ka-niya then-ka ter-mi-che-stay, sec. 3 3
No-mi-nal short-carpet-change current of thermal resistance (3 sec.), kA up to 50 up to 63
The greatest current of electro-di-na-mi-che-resistance (shock value<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 160
Maxi-small speed-growth pressure of the wind, m / s 32 36
To-pu-sti-may thickness-on-walls of ice, mm 20 25
Ka-te-go-riya raz-me-shche-niya 1,3 1
Kli-ma-ti-che-is-full-non-tion and ka-te-go-riya diversification according to GOST 15 150 U, HL, UHL U, HL, UHL
Maxi-small speed-growth pressure of the wind at go-lo-le-de, m / s 16 16
Seismicity of paradise-o-on in points according to the MSK-64 scale up to 9 up to 9

This project considers construction, electrical solutions, busbars and equipment for 110 kV outdoor switchgear

In the archive KM, KZh, EP ORU 110 kV. pdf format

Outdoor switchgear 110 kV decoding - open switchgear 110000 volt substation

List of drawings of the EP kit

common data
Substation plan.
Combined tires. Cell 110 kV W2G. TV2G
Cell 110 kV C1G, TV1G. Section switch
Cell 110 kV 2ATG. input AT2
Cell 110 kV 1ATG. input AT1
Summary specification
Installation of a PASS MO 110 kV cell
Installation of disconnector RN-SESH 110 kV
Installation of three voltage transformers VCU-123
Installation of surge arresters OPN-P-11O/70/10/550-III-UHL1 0
Installation of the tire support SHO-110.I-4UHL1
Installing a set of two outdoor cabinets
Installation of a remote control unit for 110 kV disconnectors
Insulator garland 11xPS70-E tension single-circuit for fastening two wires AC 300/39
Knot for connecting two wires to a disconnector
Node for connecting wires to the output of a voltage transformer
Connection of conductors
Mounting tension and wire sag AS-300/39

KZh outdoor switchgear 110 kV (reinforced concrete structures)

common data
The layout of the foundations for the equipment supports of outdoor switchgear-220 kV
Foundations Fm1 Fm2 FmZ Fm4, Fm5, Fm5a, Fm6 Fm7, Fm8
Sheet of steel consumption,

KM outdoor switchgear 110 kV (metal structures)

common data
Scheme of the arrangement of supports for the equipment of outdoor switchgear-220 kV Support OP1 Support OP1. Node 1
Supports Op3, Op3a. Section 1-1. Node 1
Supports Op3, Op3a. Cuts 2-2, 3-3, 4-4
Supports Op3, Op3a, Section 5~5. Nodes 2-4
Support 0p4
Supports Op5, Op5a
Support Op7
Support Op8
Service platform P01

Basic design solutions for outdoor switchgear-110 kV

Busbar 0RU-110 kV made with flexible steel-aluminum wires 2xAC 300/39 (two wires in phase). The connection of the wires in the branches is provided with the help of appropriate pressing clamps. The descents to the devices are made 6-8% longer than the distance between the wire connection point and the device clamp. Connection of wires to the devices is carried out using the appropriate pressed hardware clamps.

Paired wires are mounted with a distance between them of 120 mm and fixed using standard spacers installed every 5-6 m.

According to chapter 19 of the EMP (7th edition), the II degree of atmospheric pollution was adopted. The wires are fastened to the portals using single garlands of 11 glass insulators of the PS-70E type.

The specified mounting sags are calculated in the "LEP-2010" program and are determined taking into account the suspension of wires at an air temperature during installation within -30 ° ... + 30 ° С.

The interpole distance of all devices is taken in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers and standard materials.

Laying cables within the outdoor switchgear adopted in ground reinforced concrete cable trays. The exception is laid in trenches and in ducts branches to devices remote from cable lines.

On layout drawings cells 110 kV filling schemes are given.

Installation drawings are made on the basis of factory documentation.

The main equipment used at the 110 kV outdoor switchgear:

Gas-insulated complete switchgear for outdoor installation of the PASS MO type for a voltage of 110 kV. The gas-insulated cell of the PASS MO series consists of a circuit breaker, built-in current transformers, busbar and line disconnectors, grounding knives and high-voltage SF6-air bushings, ABB plant;
- Three-pole disconnector PH SESH-110 with two grounding knives, Zaboda ZAO "GK "Zlektroshchit" -TM Samara". Russia,-
- Voltage transformer VCU-123, Zaboda K0NCAR, Croatia;
- Surge arrester OPN-P-220/156/10/850-III-UHL1 0, plant of OAO Positron, Russia;
- Tire support Ш0-110.Н-4УХ/11, ZAO ZZTO plant. Russia.

Connect all equipment to be installed to the ground loop of the substation with round steel Ø18 mm. Grounding Perform in accordance with SNiP 3.05.06-85, standard project A10-93 "Protective grounding and zeroing of electrical equipment" TPZP, 1993 and a set of EP.

Fastening elements:

3.2.1 The dimensions of the welds should be taken depending on the forces indicated on the diagrams and in the lists of structural elements, except for those specified in the units, and also depending on the thickness of the elements to be welded.
3.2.2 The minimum force of attachment of centrally compressed and centrally stretched elements is 5.0 tons.
3.2.3 All mounting fasteners, tacks and temporary devices after installation must be removed, and the places of tacks must be cleaned.


3.3.1 Materials accepted for welding shall be taken according to Table D.1 of SP 16.13330.2011.
3.3.3 The dimensions of the welds should be taken depending on the forces indicated on the diagrams and in the list of structural elements, except for those specified in the nodes, as well as on the thickness of the welded elements.
3.3.4 Lowest attachment force ± 5.0 t.
3.3.5 Minimum legs of fillet welds should be taken according to Table 38 of SP 16.13330.2011.
3.3.6 The minimum length of fillet welds is 60 mm.