Translation of pressure units. Using the Converter "Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Food and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Cooking Recipe Converter Temperature Converter Pressure Converter mechanical stress, Young's Modulus Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Economy Converter Number to various systems calculus Converter of units of measurement of the amount of information Exchange rates Sizes women's clothing and footwear Sizes of men's clothing and footwear Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion (by mass) Converter of energy density and specific heat of combustion of fuel (by mass) Volume) Temperature Difference Converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Converter specific heat Energy Exposure and Thermal Radiation Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Solution Mass Concentration Converter Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Converter surface tension Vapor Permeability Converter Vapor Permeability and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Graphics Resolution Converter Frequency and Wavelength Converter Optical Power in Diopter and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volumetric Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter Electrical Resistance Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Resistivity Converter Conductivity Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), Watts, etc. Units Magnetomotive Force Converter Magnetic Field Strength Converter Magnetic Flux Converter Magnetic Induction Converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculation of Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

Initial value

Converted value

pascal exapascal petapascal terapascal gigapascal megapascal kilopascal hectopascal decapascal decipascal centipascal millipascal micropascal nanopascal picopascal femtopascal attopascal newton per sq. newton meter per sq. centimeter newton per sq. millimeter kilonewton per sq. meter bar millibar microbar dynes per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. meter kilogram-force per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. millimeter gram-force per sq. centimeter ton-force (short) per sq. ft ton-force (short) per sq. inch ton-force (L) per sq. ft ton-force (L) per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch lbf/sq. ft lbf/sq. inch psi poundal per sq. ft torr centimeter of mercury (0°C) millimeter of mercury (0°C) inch of mercury (32°F) inch of mercury (60°F) centimeter of water column (4°C) mm w.c. column (4°C) inch w.c. column (4°C) foot of water (4°C) inch of water (60°F) foot of water (60°F) technical atmosphere physical atmosphere decibar wall per square meter pieze barium (barium) Planck pressure meter sea water foot sea ​​water (at 15 ° C) meter of water. column (4°C)

Specific heat

More about pressure

General information

In physics, pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area of ​​a surface. If two identical forces act on one large and one smaller surface, then the pressure on the smaller surface will be greater. Agree, it is much worse if the owner of studs steps on your foot than the mistress of sneakers. For example, if you press the blade of a sharp knife on a tomato or carrot, the vegetable will be cut in half. The surface area of ​​the blade in contact with the vegetable is small, so the pressure is high enough to cut through the vegetable. If you press with the same force on a tomato or carrot with a blunt knife, then most likely the vegetable will not be cut, since the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knife is now larger, which means the pressure is less.

In the SI system, pressure is measured in pascals, or newtons per square meter.

Relative pressure

Sometimes pressure is measured as the difference between absolute and atmospheric pressure. This pressure is called relative or gauge pressure and it is measured, for example, when checking the pressure in car tires. Measuring instruments often, although not always, indicate relative pressure.

Atmosphere pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the air pressure in this place. It usually refers to the pressure of a column of air per unit surface area. A change in atmospheric pressure affects the weather and air temperature. People and animals suffer from severe pressure drops. Low blood pressure causes problems in people and animals of varying severity, from mental and physical discomfort to fatal diseases. For this reason, aircraft cabins are maintained at a pressure above atmospheric pressure at a given altitude because the atmospheric pressure at cruising altitude is too low.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. People and animals living high in the mountains, such as the Himalayas, adapt to such conditions. Travelers, on the other hand, should take the necessary precautions so as not to get sick because the body is not accustomed to such low pressure. Climbers, for example, can get altitude sickness associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood and oxygen starvation of the body. This disease is especially dangerous if you stay in the mountains for a long time. Exacerbation of altitude sickness leads to serious complications such as acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, high altitude cerebral edema and the most acute form of mountain sickness. The danger of altitude and mountain sickness begins at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. To avoid altitude sickness, doctors advise not to use depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills, to drink plenty of fluids, and to climb to altitude gradually, for example, on foot rather than in transport. It's also good to eat plenty of carbohydrates and get plenty of rest, especially if the climb is fast. These measures will allow the body to get used to the lack of oxygen caused by low atmospheric pressure. If these guidelines are followed, the body will be able to produce more red blood cells to transport oxygen to the brain and internal organs. To do this, the body will increase the pulse and respiratory rate.

First aid in such cases is provided immediately. It is important to move the patient to a lower altitude where atmospheric pressure is higher, preferably lower than 2400 meters above sea level. Drugs and portable hyperbaric chambers are also used. These are lightweight, portable chambers that can be pressurized with a foot pump. A patient with mountain sickness is placed in a chamber in which pressure is maintained corresponding to a lower altitude above sea level. This camera is used only for providing the first medical care, after which the patient must be lowered.

Some athletes use low blood pressure to improve circulation. Usually, for this, training takes place under normal conditions, and these athletes sleep in a low-pressure environment. Thus, their body gets used to the high altitude conditions and begins to produce more red blood cells, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and allows them to achieve better results in sports. For this, special tents are produced, the pressure in which is regulated. Some athletes even change the pressure throughout the bedroom, but sealing the bedroom is an expensive process.


Pilots and cosmonauts have to work in a low pressure environment, so they work in spacesuits that allow them to compensate for low pressure. environment. Space suits completely protect a person from the environment. They are used in space. Altitude compensation suits are used by pilots at high altitudes - they help the pilot breathe and counteract low barometric pressure.

hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of a fluid caused by gravity. This phenomenon plays a huge role not only in engineering and physics, but also in medicine. For example, blood pressure is the hydrostatic pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries. It is represented by two values: systolic, or the highest pressure, and diastolic, or the lowest pressure during the heartbeat. Devices for measuring blood pressure are called sphygmomanometers or tonometers. The unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury.

The Pythagorean mug is an entertaining vessel that uses hydrostatic pressure, specifically the siphon principle. According to legend, Pythagoras invented this cup to control the amount of wine he drank. According to other sources, this cup was supposed to control the amount of water drunk during a drought. Inside the mug is a curved U-shaped tube hidden under the dome. One end of the tube is longer, and ends with a hole in the stem of the mug. The other, shorter end is connected by a hole to the inner bottom of the mug so that the water in the cup fills the tube. The principle of operation of the mug is similar to the operation of a modern toilet tank. If the liquid level rises above the level of the tube, the liquid overflows into the other half of the tube and flows out due to the hydrostatic pressure. If the level, on the contrary, is lower, then the mug can be safely used.

pressure in geology

Pressure is an important concept in geology. Without pressure, it is impossible to form gemstones, both natural and artificial. High pressure and high temperature are also necessary for the formation of oil from the remains of plants and animals. Unlike gems, which are mostly found in rocks, oil forms at the bottom of rivers, lakes, or seas. Over time, more and more sand accumulates over these remnants. The weight of water and sand presses on the remains of animal and plant organisms. Over time, this organic material sinks deeper and deeper into the earth, reaching several kilometers below the earth's surface. The temperature rises by 25°C for every kilometer below the earth's surface, so at a depth of several kilometers the temperature reaches 50-80°C. Depending on the temperature and temperature difference in the formation medium, natural gas may be formed instead of oil.

natural gems

The formation of gemstones is not always the same, but pressure is one of the main components of this process. For example, diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle, under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. During volcanic eruptions, diamonds move to the upper layers of the Earth's surface due to magma. Some diamonds come to Earth from meteorites, and scientists believe they were formed on Earth-like planets.

Synthetic gems

The production of synthetic gemstones began in the 1950s and is gaining popularity in recent times. Some buyers prefer natural gemstones, but artificial gemstones are becoming more and more popular due to the low price and lack of problems associated with mining natural gemstones. Thus, many buyers choose synthetic gemstones because their extraction and sale is not associated with the violation of human rights, child labor and the financing of wars and armed conflicts.

One of the technologies for growing diamonds in the laboratory is the method of growing crystals at high pressure and high temperature. In special devices, carbon is heated to 1000 ° C and subjected to a pressure of about 5 gigapascals. Typically, a small diamond is used as the seed crystal, and graphite is used for the carbon base. A new diamond grows from it. This is the most common method of growing diamonds, especially as gemstones, due to its low cost. The properties of diamonds grown in this way are the same or better than those of natural stones. The quality of synthetic diamonds depends on the method of their cultivation. Compared to natural diamonds, which are most often transparent, most artificial diamonds are colored.

Due to their hardness, diamonds are widely used in manufacturing. In addition, their high thermal conductivity, optical properties and resistance to alkalis and acids are highly valued. Cutting tools are often coated with diamond dust, which is also used in abrasives and materials. Most of the diamonds in production are of artificial origin due to the low price and because the demand for such diamonds exceeds the ability to mine them in nature.

Some companies offer services to create memorial diamonds from the ashes of the deceased. To do this, after cremation, the ashes are cleaned until carbon is obtained, and then a diamond is grown on its basis. Manufacturers advertise these diamonds as a memory of the departed, and their services are popular, especially in countries with a high percentage of wealthy citizens, such as the United States and Japan.

Crystal growth method at high pressure and high temperature

The high pressure, high temperature crystal growth method is mainly used to synthesize diamonds, but more recently, this method has been used to improve natural diamonds or change their color. For artificial cultivation diamonds use different presses. The most expensive to maintain and the most difficult of these is the cubic press. It is mainly used to enhance or change the color of natural diamonds. Diamonds grow in the press at a rate of approximately 0.5 carats per day.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Food and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Recipe Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Converter thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in different number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Dimensions of women's clothing and shoes Dimensions of men's clothing and shoes Angular velocity and rotation frequency converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific calorific value converter (by mass) Energy density and fuel specific calorific value converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Radiant Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Transmission Converter Vapor Permeability and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Resolution Converter graph Frequency and Wavelength Converter Power to Diopter x and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volumetric Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter Electrical Resistance Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculation of Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

1 bar [bar] = 1.01971621297793 kilogram-force per sq. centimeter [kgf/cm²]

Initial value

Converted value

pascal exapascal petapascal terapascal gigapascal megapascal kilopascal hectopascal decapascal decipascal centipascal millipascal micropascal nanopascal picopascal femtopascal attopascal newton per sq. newton meter per sq. centimeter newton per sq. millimeter kilonewton per sq. meter bar millibar microbar dynes per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. meter kilogram-force per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. millimeter gram-force per sq. centimeter ton-force (short) per sq. ft ton-force (short) per sq. inch ton-force (L) per sq. ft ton-force (L) per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch lbf/sq. ft lbf/sq. inch psi poundal per sq. ft torr centimeter of mercury (0°C) millimeter of mercury (0°C) inch of mercury (32°F) inch of mercury (60°F) centimeter of water column (4°C) mm w.c. column (4°C) inch w.c. column (4°C) foot of water (4°C) inch of water (60°F) foot of water (60°F) technical atmosphere physical atmosphere decibar wall per square meter pieze barium (barium) Planck pressure meter sea water foot sea ​​water (at 15 ° C) meter of water. column (4°C)

More about pressure

General information

In physics, pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area of ​​a surface. If two identical forces act on one large and one smaller surface, then the pressure on the smaller surface will be greater. Agree, it is much worse if the owner of studs steps on your foot than the mistress of sneakers. For example, if you press the blade of a sharp knife on a tomato or carrot, the vegetable will be cut in half. The surface area of ​​the blade in contact with the vegetable is small, so the pressure is high enough to cut through the vegetable. If you press with the same force on a tomato or carrot with a blunt knife, then most likely the vegetable will not be cut, since the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knife is now larger, which means the pressure is less.

In the SI system, pressure is measured in pascals, or newtons per square meter.

Relative pressure

Sometimes pressure is measured as the difference between absolute and atmospheric pressure. This pressure is called relative or gauge pressure and it is measured, for example, when checking the pressure in car tires. Measuring instruments often, although not always, indicate relative pressure.

Atmosphere pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the air pressure at a given location. It usually refers to the pressure of a column of air per unit surface area. A change in atmospheric pressure affects the weather and air temperature. People and animals suffer from severe pressure drops. Low blood pressure causes problems in people and animals of varying severity, from mental and physical discomfort to fatal diseases. For this reason, aircraft cabins are maintained at a pressure above atmospheric pressure at a given altitude because the atmospheric pressure at cruising altitude is too low.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. People and animals living high in the mountains, such as the Himalayas, adapt to such conditions. Travelers, on the other hand, should take the necessary precautions so as not to get sick because the body is not accustomed to such low pressure. Climbers, for example, can get altitude sickness associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood and oxygen starvation of the body. This disease is especially dangerous if you stay in the mountains for a long time. Exacerbation of altitude sickness leads to serious complications such as acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, high altitude cerebral edema and the most acute form of mountain sickness. The danger of altitude and mountain sickness begins at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. To avoid altitude sickness, doctors advise not to use depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills, to drink plenty of fluids, and to climb to altitude gradually, for example, on foot rather than in transport. It's also good to eat plenty of carbohydrates and get plenty of rest, especially if the climb is fast. These measures will allow the body to get used to the lack of oxygen caused by low atmospheric pressure. If these guidelines are followed, the body will be able to produce more red blood cells to transport oxygen to the brain and internal organs. To do this, the body will increase the pulse and respiratory rate.

First aid in such cases is provided immediately. It is important to move the patient to a lower altitude where atmospheric pressure is higher, preferably lower than 2400 meters above sea level. Drugs and portable hyperbaric chambers are also used. These are lightweight, portable chambers that can be pressurized with a foot pump. A patient with mountain sickness is placed in a chamber in which pressure is maintained corresponding to a lower altitude above sea level. Such a chamber is used only for first aid, after which the patient must be lowered.

Some athletes use low blood pressure to improve circulation. Usually, for this, training takes place under normal conditions, and these athletes sleep in a low-pressure environment. Thus, their body gets used to the high altitude conditions and begins to produce more red blood cells, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and allows them to achieve better results in sports. For this, special tents are produced, the pressure in which is regulated. Some athletes even change the pressure throughout the bedroom, but sealing the bedroom is an expensive process.


Pilots and astronauts have to work in a low pressure environment, so they work in spacesuits that allow them to compensate for the low pressure of the environment. Space suits completely protect a person from the environment. They are used in space. Altitude compensation suits are used by pilots at high altitudes - they help the pilot breathe and counteract low barometric pressure.

hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of a fluid caused by gravity. This phenomenon plays a huge role not only in engineering and physics, but also in medicine. For example, blood pressure is the hydrostatic pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries. It is represented by two values: systolic, or the highest pressure, and diastolic, or the lowest pressure during the heartbeat. Devices for measuring blood pressure are called sphygmomanometers or tonometers. The unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury.

The Pythagorean mug is an entertaining vessel that uses hydrostatic pressure, specifically the siphon principle. According to legend, Pythagoras invented this cup to control the amount of wine he drank. According to other sources, this cup was supposed to control the amount of water drunk during a drought. Inside the mug is a curved U-shaped tube hidden under the dome. One end of the tube is longer, and ends with a hole in the stem of the mug. The other, shorter end is connected by a hole to the inner bottom of the mug so that the water in the cup fills the tube. The principle of operation of the mug is similar to the operation of a modern toilet tank. If the liquid level rises above the level of the tube, the liquid overflows into the other half of the tube and flows out due to the hydrostatic pressure. If the level, on the contrary, is lower, then the mug can be safely used.

pressure in geology

Pressure is an important concept in geology. Without pressure, it is impossible to form gemstones, both natural and artificial. High pressure and high temperature are also necessary for the formation of oil from the remains of plants and animals. Unlike gems, which are mostly found in rocks, oil forms at the bottom of rivers, lakes, or seas. Over time, more and more sand accumulates over these remnants. The weight of water and sand presses on the remains of animal and plant organisms. Over time, this organic material sinks deeper and deeper into the earth, reaching several kilometers below the earth's surface. The temperature rises by 25°C for every kilometer below the earth's surface, so at a depth of several kilometers the temperature reaches 50-80°C. Depending on the temperature and temperature difference in the formation medium, natural gas may be formed instead of oil.

natural gems

The formation of gemstones is not always the same, but pressure is one of the main components of this process. For example, diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle, under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. During volcanic eruptions, diamonds move to the upper layers of the Earth's surface due to magma. Some diamonds come to Earth from meteorites, and scientists believe they were formed on Earth-like planets.

Synthetic gems

The production of synthetic gemstones began in the 1950s and has been gaining popularity in recent years. Some buyers prefer natural gemstones, but artificial gemstones are becoming more and more popular due to the low price and lack of problems associated with mining natural gemstones. Thus, many buyers choose synthetic gemstones because their extraction and sale is not associated with the violation of human rights, child labor and the financing of wars and armed conflicts.

One of the technologies for growing diamonds in the laboratory is the method of growing crystals at high pressure and high temperature. In special devices, carbon is heated to 1000 ° C and subjected to a pressure of about 5 gigapascals. Typically, a small diamond is used as the seed crystal, and graphite is used for the carbon base. A new diamond grows from it. This is the most common method of growing diamonds, especially as gemstones, due to its low cost. The properties of diamonds grown in this way are the same or better than those of natural stones. The quality of synthetic diamonds depends on the method of their cultivation. Compared to natural diamonds, which are most often transparent, most artificial diamonds are colored.

Due to their hardness, diamonds are widely used in manufacturing. In addition, their high thermal conductivity, optical properties and resistance to alkalis and acids are highly valued. Cutting tools are often coated with diamond dust, which is also used in abrasives and materials. Most of the diamonds in production are of artificial origin due to the low price and because the demand for such diamonds exceeds the ability to mine them in nature.

Some companies offer services to create memorial diamonds from the ashes of the deceased. To do this, after cremation, the ashes are cleaned until carbon is obtained, and then a diamond is grown on its basis. Manufacturers advertise these diamonds as a memory of the departed, and their services are popular, especially in countries with a high percentage of wealthy citizens, such as the United States and Japan.

Crystal growth method at high pressure and high temperature

The high pressure, high temperature crystal growth method is mainly used to synthesize diamonds, but more recently, this method has been used to improve natural diamonds or change their color. Different presses are used to artificially grow diamonds. The most expensive to maintain and the most difficult of these is the cubic press. It is mainly used to enhance or change the color of natural diamonds. Diamonds grow in the press at a rate of approximately 0.5 carats per day.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Food and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Recipe Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Converter thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in different number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Dimensions of women's clothing and shoes Dimensions of men's clothing and shoes Angular velocity and rotation frequency converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific calorific value converter (by mass) Energy density and fuel specific calorific value converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Radiant Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Transmission Converter Vapor Permeability and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Resolution Converter graph Frequency and Wavelength Converter Power to Diopter x and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volumetric Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter Electrical Resistance Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculation of Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

1 technical atmosphere [at] = 1.00000000000003 kilogram-force per sq. centimeter [kgf/cm²]

Initial value

Converted value

pascal exapascal petapascal terapascal gigapascal megapascal kilopascal hectopascal decapascal decipascal centipascal millipascal micropascal nanopascal picopascal femtopascal attopascal newton per sq. newton meter per sq. centimeter newton per sq. millimeter kilonewton per sq. meter bar millibar microbar dynes per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. meter kilogram-force per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. millimeter gram-force per sq. centimeter ton-force (short) per sq. ft ton-force (short) per sq. inch ton-force (L) per sq. ft ton-force (L) per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch lbf/sq. ft lbf/sq. inch psi poundal per sq. ft torr centimeter of mercury (0°C) millimeter of mercury (0°C) inch of mercury (32°F) inch of mercury (60°F) centimeter of water column (4°C) mm w.c. column (4°C) inch w.c. column (4°C) foot of water (4°C) inch of water (60°F) foot of water (60°F) technical atmosphere physical atmosphere decibar wall per square meter pieze barium (barium) Planck pressure meter sea water foot sea ​​water (at 15 ° C) meter of water. column (4°C)

More about pressure

General information

In physics, pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area of ​​a surface. If two identical forces act on one large and one smaller surface, then the pressure on the smaller surface will be greater. Agree, it is much worse if the owner of studs steps on your foot than the mistress of sneakers. For example, if you press the blade of a sharp knife on a tomato or carrot, the vegetable will be cut in half. The surface area of ​​the blade in contact with the vegetable is small, so the pressure is high enough to cut through the vegetable. If you press with the same force on a tomato or carrot with a blunt knife, then most likely the vegetable will not be cut, since the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knife is now larger, which means the pressure is less.

In the SI system, pressure is measured in pascals, or newtons per square meter.

Relative pressure

Sometimes pressure is measured as the difference between absolute and atmospheric pressure. This pressure is called relative or gauge pressure and it is measured, for example, when checking the pressure in car tires. Measuring instruments often, although not always, indicate relative pressure.

Atmosphere pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the air pressure at a given location. It usually refers to the pressure of a column of air per unit surface area. A change in atmospheric pressure affects the weather and air temperature. People and animals suffer from severe pressure drops. Low blood pressure causes problems in people and animals of varying severity, from mental and physical discomfort to fatal diseases. For this reason, aircraft cabins are maintained at a pressure above atmospheric pressure at a given altitude because the atmospheric pressure at cruising altitude is too low.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. People and animals living high in the mountains, such as the Himalayas, adapt to such conditions. Travelers, on the other hand, should take the necessary precautions so as not to get sick because the body is not accustomed to such low pressure. Climbers, for example, can get altitude sickness associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood and oxygen starvation of the body. This disease is especially dangerous if you stay in the mountains for a long time. Exacerbation of altitude sickness leads to serious complications such as acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, high altitude cerebral edema and the most acute form of mountain sickness. The danger of altitude and mountain sickness begins at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. To avoid altitude sickness, doctors advise not to use depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills, to drink plenty of fluids, and to climb to altitude gradually, for example, on foot rather than in transport. It's also good to eat plenty of carbohydrates and get plenty of rest, especially if the climb is fast. These measures will allow the body to get used to the lack of oxygen caused by low atmospheric pressure. If these guidelines are followed, the body will be able to produce more red blood cells to transport oxygen to the brain and internal organs. To do this, the body will increase the pulse and respiratory rate.

First aid in such cases is provided immediately. It is important to move the patient to a lower altitude where atmospheric pressure is higher, preferably lower than 2400 meters above sea level. Drugs and portable hyperbaric chambers are also used. These are lightweight, portable chambers that can be pressurized with a foot pump. A patient with mountain sickness is placed in a chamber in which pressure is maintained corresponding to a lower altitude above sea level. Such a chamber is used only for first aid, after which the patient must be lowered.

Some athletes use low blood pressure to improve circulation. Usually, for this, training takes place under normal conditions, and these athletes sleep in a low-pressure environment. Thus, their body gets used to the high altitude conditions and begins to produce more red blood cells, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and allows them to achieve better results in sports. For this, special tents are produced, the pressure in which is regulated. Some athletes even change the pressure throughout the bedroom, but sealing the bedroom is an expensive process.


Pilots and astronauts have to work in a low pressure environment, so they work in spacesuits that allow them to compensate for the low pressure of the environment. Space suits completely protect a person from the environment. They are used in space. Altitude compensation suits are used by pilots at high altitudes - they help the pilot breathe and counteract low barometric pressure.

hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of a fluid caused by gravity. This phenomenon plays a huge role not only in engineering and physics, but also in medicine. For example, blood pressure is the hydrostatic pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries. It is represented by two values: systolic, or the highest pressure, and diastolic, or the lowest pressure during the heartbeat. Devices for measuring blood pressure are called sphygmomanometers or tonometers. The unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury.

The Pythagorean mug is an entertaining vessel that uses hydrostatic pressure, specifically the siphon principle. According to legend, Pythagoras invented this cup to control the amount of wine he drank. According to other sources, this cup was supposed to control the amount of water drunk during a drought. Inside the mug is a curved U-shaped tube hidden under the dome. One end of the tube is longer, and ends with a hole in the stem of the mug. The other, shorter end is connected by a hole to the inner bottom of the mug so that the water in the cup fills the tube. The principle of operation of the mug is similar to the operation of a modern toilet tank. If the liquid level rises above the level of the tube, the liquid overflows into the other half of the tube and flows out due to the hydrostatic pressure. If the level, on the contrary, is lower, then the mug can be safely used.

pressure in geology

Pressure is an important concept in geology. Without pressure, it is impossible to form gemstones, both natural and artificial. High pressure and high temperature are also necessary for the formation of oil from the remains of plants and animals. Unlike gems, which are mostly found in rocks, oil forms at the bottom of rivers, lakes, or seas. Over time, more and more sand accumulates over these remnants. The weight of water and sand presses on the remains of animal and plant organisms. Over time, this organic material sinks deeper and deeper into the earth, reaching several kilometers below the earth's surface. The temperature rises by 25°C for every kilometer below the earth's surface, so at a depth of several kilometers the temperature reaches 50-80°C. Depending on the temperature and temperature difference in the formation medium, natural gas may be formed instead of oil.

natural gems

The formation of gemstones is not always the same, but pressure is one of the main components of this process. For example, diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle, under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. During volcanic eruptions, diamonds move to the upper layers of the Earth's surface due to magma. Some diamonds come to Earth from meteorites, and scientists believe they were formed on Earth-like planets.

Synthetic gems

The production of synthetic gemstones began in the 1950s and has been gaining popularity in recent years. Some buyers prefer natural gemstones, but artificial gemstones are becoming more and more popular due to the low price and lack of problems associated with mining natural gemstones. Thus, many buyers choose synthetic gemstones because their extraction and sale is not associated with the violation of human rights, child labor and the financing of wars and armed conflicts.

One of the technologies for growing diamonds in the laboratory is the method of growing crystals at high pressure and high temperature. In special devices, carbon is heated to 1000 ° C and subjected to a pressure of about 5 gigapascals. Typically, a small diamond is used as the seed crystal, and graphite is used for the carbon base. A new diamond grows from it. This is the most common method of growing diamonds, especially as gemstones, due to its low cost. The properties of diamonds grown in this way are the same or better than those of natural stones. The quality of synthetic diamonds depends on the method of their cultivation. Compared to natural diamonds, which are most often transparent, most artificial diamonds are colored.

Due to their hardness, diamonds are widely used in manufacturing. In addition, their high thermal conductivity, optical properties and resistance to alkalis and acids are highly valued. Cutting tools are often coated with diamond dust, which is also used in abrasives and materials. Most of the diamonds in production are of artificial origin due to the low price and because the demand for such diamonds exceeds the ability to mine them in nature.

Some companies offer services to create memorial diamonds from the ashes of the deceased. To do this, after cremation, the ashes are cleaned until carbon is obtained, and then a diamond is grown on its basis. Manufacturers advertise these diamonds as a memory of the departed, and their services are popular, especially in countries with a high percentage of wealthy citizens, such as the United States and Japan.

Crystal growth method at high pressure and high temperature

The high pressure, high temperature crystal growth method is mainly used to synthesize diamonds, but more recently, this method has been used to improve natural diamonds or change their color. Different presses are used to artificially grow diamonds. The most expensive to maintain and the most difficult of these is the cubic press. It is mainly used to enhance or change the color of natural diamonds. Diamonds grow in the press at a rate of approximately 0.5 carats per day.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Food and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Recipe Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Converter thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in different number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Dimensions of women's clothing and shoes Dimensions of men's clothing and shoes Angular velocity and rotation frequency converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific calorific value converter (by mass) Energy density and fuel specific calorific value converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Radiant Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Transmission Converter Vapor Permeability and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Resolution Converter graph Frequency and Wavelength Converter Power to Diopter x and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volumetric Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter Electrical Resistance Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculation of Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

1 psi = 0.0703069579640175 kilogram-force per sq. centimeter [kgf/cm²]

Initial value

Converted value

pascal exapascal petapascal terapascal gigapascal megapascal kilopascal hectopascal decapascal decipascal centipascal millipascal micropascal nanopascal picopascal femtopascal attopascal newton per sq. newton meter per sq. centimeter newton per sq. millimeter kilonewton per sq. meter bar millibar microbar dynes per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. meter kilogram-force per sq. centimeter kilogram-force per sq. millimeter gram-force per sq. centimeter ton-force (short) per sq. ft ton-force (short) per sq. inch ton-force (L) per sq. ft ton-force (L) per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch kilopound-force per sq. inch lbf/sq. ft lbf/sq. inch psi poundal per sq. ft torr centimeter of mercury (0°C) millimeter of mercury (0°C) inch of mercury (32°F) inch of mercury (60°F) centimeter of water column (4°C) mm w.c. column (4°C) inch w.c. column (4°C) foot of water (4°C) inch of water (60°F) foot of water (60°F) technical atmosphere physical atmosphere decibar wall per square meter pieze barium (barium) Planck pressure meter sea water foot sea ​​water (at 15 ° C) meter of water. column (4°C)

Bulk charge density

More about pressure

General information

In physics, pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area of ​​a surface. If two identical forces act on one large and one smaller surface, then the pressure on the smaller surface will be greater. Agree, it is much worse if the owner of studs steps on your foot than the mistress of sneakers. For example, if you press the blade of a sharp knife on a tomato or carrot, the vegetable will be cut in half. The surface area of ​​the blade in contact with the vegetable is small, so the pressure is high enough to cut through the vegetable. If you press with the same force on a tomato or carrot with a blunt knife, then most likely the vegetable will not be cut, since the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knife is now larger, which means the pressure is less.

In the SI system, pressure is measured in pascals, or newtons per square meter.

Relative pressure

Sometimes pressure is measured as the difference between absolute and atmospheric pressure. This pressure is called relative or gauge pressure and it is measured, for example, when checking the pressure in car tires. Measuring instruments often, although not always, indicate relative pressure.

Atmosphere pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the air pressure at a given location. It usually refers to the pressure of a column of air per unit surface area. A change in atmospheric pressure affects the weather and air temperature. People and animals suffer from severe pressure drops. Low blood pressure causes problems in people and animals of varying severity, from mental and physical discomfort to fatal diseases. For this reason, aircraft cabins are maintained at a pressure above atmospheric pressure at a given altitude because the atmospheric pressure at cruising altitude is too low.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. People and animals living high in the mountains, such as the Himalayas, adapt to such conditions. Travelers, on the other hand, should take the necessary precautions so as not to get sick because the body is not accustomed to such low pressure. Climbers, for example, can get altitude sickness associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood and oxygen starvation of the body. This disease is especially dangerous if you stay in the mountains for a long time. Exacerbation of altitude sickness leads to serious complications such as acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, high altitude cerebral edema and the most acute form of mountain sickness. The danger of altitude and mountain sickness begins at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. To avoid altitude sickness, doctors advise not to use depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills, to drink plenty of fluids, and to climb to altitude gradually, for example, on foot rather than in transport. It's also good to eat plenty of carbohydrates and get plenty of rest, especially if the climb is fast. These measures will allow the body to get used to the lack of oxygen caused by low atmospheric pressure. If these guidelines are followed, the body will be able to produce more red blood cells to transport oxygen to the brain and internal organs. To do this, the body will increase the pulse and respiratory rate.

First aid in such cases is provided immediately. It is important to move the patient to a lower altitude where atmospheric pressure is higher, preferably lower than 2400 meters above sea level. Drugs and portable hyperbaric chambers are also used. These are lightweight, portable chambers that can be pressurized with a foot pump. A patient with mountain sickness is placed in a chamber in which pressure is maintained corresponding to a lower altitude above sea level. Such a chamber is used only for first aid, after which the patient must be lowered.

Some athletes use low blood pressure to improve circulation. Usually, for this, training takes place under normal conditions, and these athletes sleep in a low-pressure environment. Thus, their body gets used to the high altitude conditions and begins to produce more red blood cells, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and allows them to achieve better results in sports. For this, special tents are produced, the pressure in which is regulated. Some athletes even change the pressure throughout the bedroom, but sealing the bedroom is an expensive process.


Pilots and astronauts have to work in a low pressure environment, so they work in spacesuits that allow them to compensate for the low pressure of the environment. Space suits completely protect a person from the environment. They are used in space. Altitude compensation suits are used by pilots at high altitudes - they help the pilot breathe and counteract low barometric pressure.

hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of a fluid caused by gravity. This phenomenon plays a huge role not only in engineering and physics, but also in medicine. For example, blood pressure is the hydrostatic pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries. It is represented by two values: systolic, or the highest pressure, and diastolic, or the lowest pressure during the heartbeat. Devices for measuring blood pressure are called sphygmomanometers or tonometers. The unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury.

The Pythagorean mug is an entertaining vessel that uses hydrostatic pressure, specifically the siphon principle. According to legend, Pythagoras invented this cup to control the amount of wine he drank. According to other sources, this cup was supposed to control the amount of water drunk during a drought. Inside the mug is a curved U-shaped tube hidden under the dome. One end of the tube is longer, and ends with a hole in the stem of the mug. The other, shorter end is connected by a hole to the inner bottom of the mug so that the water in the cup fills the tube. The principle of operation of the mug is similar to the operation of a modern toilet tank. If the liquid level rises above the level of the tube, the liquid overflows into the other half of the tube and flows out due to the hydrostatic pressure. If the level, on the contrary, is lower, then the mug can be safely used.

pressure in geology

Pressure is an important concept in geology. Without pressure, it is impossible to form gemstones, both natural and artificial. High pressure and high temperature are also necessary for the formation of oil from the remains of plants and animals. Unlike gems, which are mostly found in rocks, oil forms at the bottom of rivers, lakes, or seas. Over time, more and more sand accumulates over these remnants. The weight of water and sand presses on the remains of animal and plant organisms. Over time, this organic material sinks deeper and deeper into the earth, reaching several kilometers below the earth's surface. The temperature rises by 25°C for every kilometer below the earth's surface, so at a depth of several kilometers the temperature reaches 50-80°C. Depending on the temperature and temperature difference in the formation medium, natural gas may be formed instead of oil.

natural gems

The formation of gemstones is not always the same, but pressure is one of the main components of this process. For example, diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle, under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. During volcanic eruptions, diamonds move to the upper layers of the Earth's surface due to magma. Some diamonds come to Earth from meteorites, and scientists believe they were formed on Earth-like planets.

Synthetic gems

The production of synthetic gemstones began in the 1950s and has been gaining popularity in recent years. Some buyers prefer natural gemstones, but artificial gemstones are becoming more and more popular due to the low price and lack of problems associated with mining natural gemstones. Thus, many buyers choose synthetic gemstones because their extraction and sale is not associated with the violation of human rights, child labor and the financing of wars and armed conflicts.

One of the technologies for growing diamonds in the laboratory is the method of growing crystals at high pressure and high temperature. In special devices, carbon is heated to 1000 ° C and subjected to a pressure of about 5 gigapascals. Typically, a small diamond is used as the seed crystal, and graphite is used for the carbon base. A new diamond grows from it. This is the most common method of growing diamonds, especially as gemstones, due to its low cost. The properties of diamonds grown in this way are the same or better than those of natural stones. The quality of synthetic diamonds depends on the method of their cultivation. Compared to natural diamonds, which are most often transparent, most artificial diamonds are colored.

Due to their hardness, diamonds are widely used in manufacturing. In addition, their high thermal conductivity, optical properties and resistance to alkalis and acids are highly valued. Cutting tools are often coated with diamond dust, which is also used in abrasives and materials. Most of the diamonds in production are of artificial origin due to the low price and because the demand for such diamonds exceeds the ability to mine them in nature.

Some companies offer services to create memorial diamonds from the ashes of the deceased. To do this, after cremation, the ashes are cleaned until carbon is obtained, and then a diamond is grown on its basis. Manufacturers advertise these diamonds as a memory of the departed, and their services are popular, especially in countries with a high percentage of wealthy citizens, such as the United States and Japan.

Crystal growth method at high pressure and high temperature

The high pressure, high temperature crystal growth method is mainly used to synthesize diamonds, but more recently, this method has been used to improve natural diamonds or change their color. Different presses are used to artificially grow diamonds. The most expensive to maintain and the most difficult of these is the cubic press. It is mainly used to enhance or change the color of natural diamonds. Diamonds grow in the press at a rate of approximately 0.5 carats per day.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

The owner of the car regularly has to service the wheel tires - this is a replacement and pumping. When buying a modern air pump, many motorists are lost because of the strange “PSI” indicator. This is especially true for Chinese units. If you have a budget compressor at home, you can be sure that it says "300 PSI". This is an alternative pressure indicator used in European countries.

In the photo, a pneumatic pump is necessary when servicing rubber

Atmospheres (Atm) became the most familiar indicator for a driver from a CIS country. In order not to make a mistake with tire inflation, you need to be able to translate PSI into atmospheres. Convenient tables and simple ratios help in this. As for PSI, this is a measure of the air pressure in the wheels, under three letters the expressions are hidden pounds per square inch - lbf / in². China indicates the pressure in this way, because it is suitable for most modern foreign cars.

Explanation of converting Atm to PSI; PSI to Bar PSI in kg/cm²

Translation may not be required if the driver has a foreign car at his disposal - on the bodies of foreign cars, the pressure is indicated precisely in PSI, the most common indicators for cars- these are 29 and 35. However, "Russified" foreign cars, which are produced in the CIS, come out with the "technical atmosphere" indicator. A striking example is Renault Logan or Kia Rio. by the most convenient way a translation to one indicator is considered, which is 1 bar (a unit of pressure and gravity):

  • If you translate 1 Bar into 1 Atmosphere, then the figure will be approximately the same
  • When translating PSI into Bar, the following ratio will be obtained: 1 Bar \u003d 14 PSI
  • 1 Atmosphere equals 14 PSI

Video about optimal tire pressure

In the case when the pressure on pneumatic pumps is measured in Bar, it must be remembered that this indicator corresponds to the Atmospheres generally accepted in the CIS, and the minimum variation is not taken into account.

The conversion can be made from PSI to kg/cm²:

  • 1 pound equals 0.453 kilograms. This is not an exact figure, but for technical work she will fit
  • 1 square inch equals 6.4516 cm²

With these two indicators, you can find out how many kg / cm² in PSI. Result: 1 PSI = 0.0702 kg/cm²

Accordingly, 20 PSI will be equal to 1.4 kg / cm²

These two indicators have a ratio: 7.03 * 10-2

Alternative tire pressure indicator in Europe - PSI

In order not to waste time calculating the proportion, you can use a simple table that shows the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the pressure in the wheels of a car - here the driver will find various options for measuring pressure. There are also handy unit calculators where you can also convert Bar to PSI. If you want to know how many atmospheres should be in a particular tire, you can perform an independent calculation, the reporting point will be 1 PSI = 0.07 Atm.

Sometimes it may be necessary to convert PSI to kg/cm² or vice versa. The calculation here will be more complicated, so it will be easier and more rational to use a ready-made table, where there are basic indicators for cars, bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds. Instead of Bar, you can substitute atmospheres - the indicator will not change. These ratios and the table should give a clear answer to the question: "how to convert PSI to Atm?".

psi kPa kg/cm2 bar
20 138 1.4 1.4
21 145 1.5 1.4
22 152 1.5 1.5
23 159 1.6 1.6
24 165 1.7 1.7
25 172 1.8 1.7
25.5 176 1.8 1.8
26 179 1.8 1.8
26.5 183 1.9 1.8
27 186 1.9 1.9
27.5 190 1.9 1.9
28 193 2.0 1.9
28.5 197 2.0 2.0
29 200 2.0 2.0
29.5 203 2.1 2.0
30 207 2.1 2.1
30.5 210 2.1 2.1
31 214 2.2 2.1
31.5 217 2.2 2.2
32 221 2.2 2.2
32.5 224 2.3 2.2
33 228 2.3 2.3
33.5 231 2.4 2.3
34 234 2.4 2.3
34.5 238 2.4 2.4
35 241 2.5 2.4
35.5 245 2.5 2.4
36 248 2.5 2.5
36.5 252 2.6 2.5
37 255 2.6 2.6
37.5 259 2.6 2.6
38 262 2.7 2.6
38.5 265 2.7 2.7
39 269 2.7 2.7
39.5 272 2.8 2.7
40 276 2.8 2.8
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