How to get rid of excess junk. Learning how to get rid of junk with benefit. They buy trash cans

Usually, when people clean up, they don’t think about the fact that by throwing out unnecessary things, they are doing two useful things at once. Every unnecessary or broken little thing moves us away from success in all areas of life.

Earlier we wrote about the energy of old things, which must be disposed of correctly. These tips are based on the knowledge of the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, which helps to make your home cleaner and more conducive to living in it.

The danger of old things

Not only feng shui says that old things have no place in the house. Folk signs also say that you need to get rid of trash and everything that can no longer be useful to you.

According to Eastern practitioners, unnecessary or old things can in some specific way make your home less suitable for the circulation of positive Chi energy. Everything around is in harmony, but what we do not need accumulates negativity and takes away positive energy from home. The human aura in this case suffers greatly, becoming exhausted and losing its strength.

How does clutter removal help?

Each discarded thing in its own way directs our lives in the right direction. For example:

  • Old furniture is a powerful magnet for bad luck, illness and bad mood. By throwing away old chairs, tables, cabinets, beds, you are also throwing away your health problems. Do not be stingy, because the accumulation of rubbish is not at all economical or far-sighted. An exception may be a rarity, but its energy is similar, so find a place for it where people do not live at least temporarily. After you deal with the trash, rearrange the furniture to create harmony.
  • Also pay attention to unnecessary papers of a financial nature. If your TV is out of warranty, throw away the receipt. The same goes for tickets, overdue financial papers, housing bills, and so on. All this deprives you of monetary luck, which is very important in our life. This also includes torn wallets, old bank cards, tickets - everything that has at least some relation to the money already spent.
  • Now that you've taken care of your health and money, throw away or repair broken electronics. Old, non-working headphones prevent you from “hearing” your loved ones and yourself, depriving you of intuition. An old TV does attract evil spirits, and non-working Cell phones extremely negative impact on mutual understanding in the family.
  • Also throw away dishes that are broken or seriously damaged. This also includes all glass: windows, decorations, mirrors. Damaged things of this type are very dangerous for love balance, for health, and can also be used by someone to induce damage.

Feng Shui is universal teacher in the struggle for success and good mood. Finish this home cleansing ritual with the creation or purchase of a longevity and good luck charm. We wrote earlier about all such talismans related to Eastern philosophy. Be happy, don't hoard old things and don't forget to push buttons and

09.06.2016 07:12

We live in the age of technology, but we don’t even suspect how dangerous Appliances. ...

From the point of view of the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, many things have negative energy. To unblock the circulation of energy...

A person who was born in the era of queues on the Romanian walls, a total shortage and goods "on coupons", in principle, cannot easily part with things. We still do not have the habit of auditing and regularly getting rid of rubbish. What to do so that the apartment does not turn into a temporary storage warehouse?

How to find what is long overdue

Imagine that you offer your residential interior in the “Apartment of the Week” section. To do this, you will have to send a filming of the project. So do it - snap all the rooms at least on the mobile camera. And now look at the result on a large monitor - this is what your apartment looks like from the outside. The photographs will immediately reveal things that do not fit well into the interior, things that are not in their places or have been asking for a long time in the trash. Another bonus of photography is that you have immortalized your sentimental trash in the picture. Now it’s not so pity to throw away a dozen souvenirs from the last trip: they clog space, but you stopped noticing them anyway.

In addition to the photographic, one can apply the chronological principle of ejection. Get rid of everything that has not been used for more than a year: spices with an expired shelf life, half-empty perfume bottles, blisters with a couple of pills (there must be a full first-aid kit), jars with the remnants of a cream that still won’t run out. Boldly clear the space from stale things.

The third principle of searching for the unnecessary is spatial-volumetric. Initially, determine the amount of things that you are ready to store. For example, children's crafts and drawings, the first scribbles: allocate a container or box for them. When it is full, together with the child, select the most interesting work, and discard the rest - free up space for storing new ones. Resist the temptation to buy large cabinets against the advice of the shop assistants. Remember: their task is to sell you furniture and get their percentage. And yours is to learn how to store things in the available volume and not introduce yourself into the temptation of a high-capacity closet.

How to find the right place

Take advantage of the main rule of the merchandiser - a beautiful display of goods. Yes, you have a lot of cosmetics, a lot of shampoos, a lot of keys on the chest of drawers. But this is not a reason to hide everything in boxes where you will not find anything or it will be inconvenient to use. But it’s trite to wipe the dust under all the good, carefully group it (you can put it in baskets or put it on decorative plates) or simply arrange it beautifully - it definitely won’t hurt.

Chaos creates not only the number of objects, but also how they are adjacent to each other. For example, if outerwear, and scarves, hats, and bags, and a dog leash, and children's removable shoes, and much more, hang on the wall in the hallway, then a feeling of a hopeless mess is created. It is important that things are not just kept in their places, but are kept surrounded by their own kind. Let only outerwear remain on the hanger in the hallway. Send hats to the hat shelf, shoes to the cabinet. Well, for a dog leash, get a personal hook.

There are always reserves for storing things, in any apartment. The main thing is to see them and use them.

Under the ceiling. If you need somewhere to store rarely used items, the easiest way is to raise the storage furniture above eye level. We usually don't put our heads up to the ceiling - this is a great place to place bookshelves. Along the perimeter of the room with an area of ​​12 square meters, a pair of voluminous bookcases will enter.

Above the door. We hang a shelf here 20 centimeters above the door jamb (to avoid the tunnel effect), put things in boxes on it.

Between wall and closet. If you think that only an ironing board will fit in these 15 centimeters, you are wasting precious space. A system of shelves on a rail (narrow, but the entire depth of the cabinet) and flower containers for balcony plants will come to your aid. You will be surprised how many children's cars, cubes, soft bunnies will go into such an impromptu floor-to-ceiling storage system. And the ironing board can be rearranged behind the curtain.

How to put things together rationally:

Hang whatever you can on the wall. Clear the countertop of spice jars, throw away the bulky knife holder (the magnetic strip on the wall is harder for a child to reach and easier to keep clean). Even blenders are sold with holders for fixing on the wall - probably not in vain? We hang cleaning products under the sink on the railing by the trigger of the sprayer.

We hang scarves and belts in the closet. To do this, we buy a dozen rings for curtains, we cling to the crossbar of the hanger with crabs - we carefully thread a scarf into each ring. Such a hanger with scarves can already be hung on the rod of an ordinary wardrobe. You can do the same with belts.

Instead of jumbled-up boxes, place your rings on a vertical paper towel holder. By the way, a cardboard cylinder from a used roll is an excellent organizer for earrings: just fill the required number of holes with an awl. On the second one, you can wear bracelets. Well, or just buy a decorative tree-stand for jewelry - decorate your house with decorations.

No more mismatched pillowcases and duvet covers: Stack them inward instead of on top of each other so that the set remains a set.

Marina Busel


The most correct furniture for storing a large number of different things is built-in furniture. It is made to order, and therefore allows you to take into account exactly your storage needs, style and space of the room.

There is no way to make furniture to order, but there is nowhere to store things? Buy dressers! Fits in boxes great amount things, much more than on the shelves. In addition, the chests of drawers are decorative. A lot of things can be placed on racks, large and small. Especially if you complement the shelves with roomy and beautiful boxes.

Make the most of the space in each room: raise the bed to a small podium and use it as a closet. Or place flat boxes on wheels under the bed. You can make a closet under the stairs, use any niches. Where possible, put bedside tables, hang small cabinets. Use chests, boxes, baskets, stools with opening tops. All this can be easily moved and put in different places, using any free space. And the last tip: do not store unnecessary things!

In any family there are many necessary and unnecessary things that we keep. Dosed, you can put things on display, but it is better, of course, not to keep them in plain sight, not to spoil the appearance of the apartment. Modern furniture allows you not to create unnecessary trash in the apartment - use built-in wardrobes hidden under wall panels (both in classic and in modern style). Get beds with a lifting mechanism that frees up storage space, coffee tables with interior space. Do not forget that the kitchen can also have mezzanines: cabinets can be hung in two rows, taking up space under the ceiling, which is usually empty. In the living rooms, you can use suitcases, chests, ottomans or banquettes with storage. It decorates the interior! Buy boxes that can be folded neatly under the bed, over the closet, or just stacked in the corner. The boxes come in different sizes and colors, so it's easy to match them with the color scheme of the interior.

Text: Svetlana Volina
Illustrations: Nastya Yarovaya

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state. So maybe in order to improve your personal life, improve your health, change jobs, change your lifestyle, you should start by getting rid of unnecessary things in our house?


Rubbish is not only frankly old and worn out things, but also all that unnecessary that has not been used for years and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, but continues to be stored in the far corners of cabinets, in closets and mezzanines. Such things not only take up precious space, but also attract new trash.

After many years of total shortages, it is very difficult for us to change our mentality, to learn how to rationally approach household items. We can't easily part with unnecessary things, accumulating them in the bowels of his house.

Banal laziness also becomes the cause of clutter - at first you can’t force yourself to keep the house in order every day, and then, when the trash grows into an unthinkable pile, you don’t have the strength to fight it at all.

In addition, human values ​​change over time, and already what made us happy just a year ago has no value today or even interferes with it.


Of course, it is not so easy to take and throw away all the unnecessary accumulated over the years. Firstly, we have already become related to all these useless things, we do not notice their unattractiveness. To take off your rose-colored glasses, try looking at your home through the eyes of a stranger. Or take pictures of the rooms from several angles and imagine that these photos are placed in a magazine - all the flaws will immediately catch your eye.

Secondly, getting rid of trash is not such a quick and easy thing, it cannot be done in one go. Therefore, if you are determined to end the mess once and for all, plan this action. For example, decide that you spend one day off a month on sorting out one corner and mercilessly getting rid of everything that is superfluous. Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place. If you want to get the mess out of the way quickly, do some trash removal every weekend for a month, or even for a couple of weeks in the evenings. The main thing here is not to stray from the intended course and to bring the matter to the end.

Another approach helps someone - walk around the apartment, quickly collect and throw away 15, 30, 50 unnecessary things. In this way, of course, you cannot get rid of all the rubbish, but you can part with some part of it. In addition, this method is good to use as a warm-up to reconcile yourself with getting rid of excess.

Even when you are determined to say goodbye to rubbish, you will be tormented by the question: what to throw out after all, and what to leave? The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Get rid of any clothes that are worn out, out of style, out of size or tired of you have not worn for the past couple of years and are not going to wear. Some strong and comfortable things can be sent to the country or left in case of cleaning or repair, but the rest is better to throw away or give away.

Broken or damaged items that can no longer be repaired and used for their intended purpose should also be thrown away. An exception may be items that can be given a second life right now (for example, plant a flower in a cracked but pretty mug). Look, maybe it's time to update the frying pan, tablecloth or bedding?

When traveling, it is very difficult to resist buying some kind of souvenir, and acquaintances strive to bring a memorable gift. Before you have time to look back, these cute little things have already occupied all the free surfaces and attract a lot of dust. Remove all knick-knacks from shelves and cabinets - this will save the apartment from unnecessary "noise", and you will save a few precious minutes during cleaning.

Re-gift or give away unwanted gifts. Even if you do not need them, there will definitely be someone to whom they will bring joy and benefit. Sort through old letters and greeting cards, collect only the most valuable messages in a separate box, and get rid of the rest.

Review documents, printouts, abstracts. If some of them are hopelessly outdated or have not been used for a long time, throw them away without regret. Put the rest of the papers in a box or on a shelf designated for them.

Sort through the available medicines and cosmetics, throw away all expired jars and packaging.

Leave in your home library only worthwhile copies, and it is better to give fiction to someone after reading it. Don't buy more books than your bookshelves can hold. Do not hoard old magazines, throw them away, give them to someone, or hand them over to waste paper. Sort old discs, keep only those that contain important information or favorite movies for you.

Don't get too many storage spaces. Putting things in order, get rid of not only trash, but also an unnecessary closet, chest of drawers or whatnot, in which it was so convenient to store everything that you don’t need, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

If you are going to buy something, ask yourself if you really need this thing and you will use it. Often we buy something new just because we can't find it at home. Get your own storage place for each thing, then they will not seem like an immense pile, it will be easy to navigate in them.

In order not to receive another batch of unnecessary gifts on your birthday, hint about what you would like to receive. Your friends will only be happy to get rid of the problem of choice.

Get one place in the house (bedside table, closet, basket) where you will put rubbish - everything that should be thrown away, but it's a pity. Once every three months, get rid of the contents of this place.


Do not overdo it in an effort to get rid of everything superfluous! If you are going to throw out this or that thing, ask your household members if it is worth doing it. It may turn out that in your opinion a useless item will be valuable for a husband or child.

There are also things that there is no power to part with - for example, a prom dress, a gift from a beloved but long-dead grandmother, a grandfather's notebook, clothes sewn by one's own hands, a daughter's first drawing, a page from a son's diary, old letters from mom , a newspaper with a note about dad ...

In order not to torment yourself, organize a place where all this could be really carefully stored, so that later you can show it to your children and grandchildren. Let it become your "grandmother's chest" - after all, for some really memorable and valuable things, it is very important that they remain safe for as long as possible and be passed on from generation to generation.

It's time to start cleaning up! Again, you turn the contents of all cabinets and bedside tables onto the floor and start sorting through heaps of rubbish. “It seems that this box is not needed, but it is so beautiful! But this blouse reminds me of my student years... The magazines of the early 2000s seem to be no longer relevant, but there beautiful pictures and the recipes are interesting, although there is absolutely no desire to cook.

This is how mountains of garbage accumulate in the house, from which there has been absolutely no use for many years, and they take up plenty of space. How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment?

In every house there is a bag or two of unnecessary things. Most often, the following items fall under this concept:

  • old dishes, extra sets;
  • outdated or broken equipment;
  • clothes;
  • toys;
  • magazines, newspapers, notebooks with notes;
  • empty jars and boxes;
  • stationery;
  • shoes;
  • all sorts of little things like accessories and hats;
  • expired cosmetics;
  • pieces of furniture.

Get ready to get rid of everything that does not benefit you and only interferes with your life, because it takes up free space and spoils the atmosphere of comfort.

Getting rid of excess: 10 unusual ways

To begin with, it does not hurt to do a general cleaning and throw away everything that is not a pity. But this is only the beginning, and it will be more difficult to part with things further. Therefore, we offer you 10 tricks that will help you master the art of getting rid of unnecessary things.

Decisive 12 months

Most The best way find out what things to throw away - track what you use during the year. Going through the boxes, try to remember when you last encountered each item.

With things in the closet, in general, everything is simple: hang clothes on hangers and unfold them reverse side. Turn every item you wear at least once to the right side. In a year, you'll see what's left untouched. If you haven’t put it on all this time, you’re unlikely to put it on later. The same applies to other items.

Imaginary relocation

Imagine that it's time to move into a modest comfortable apartment. There is little space in the boxes, so you can only take with you what you really need. Can you do without a juicer and a toaster? There is a reason to get rid of them. In the "new" house, you are also unlikely to need clippings from magazines. ten years ago and cute dresses from school days. But put your favorite shoes and a folder with documents away from the trash can!

Psychology of poverty

There is a theory according to which people who lack finances to arrange their lives are prone to hoarding, but not money, but garbage things. This is due to the desire to leave something “for a rainy day, what if it comes in handy?”

If you do not consider yourself to be poor and are striving to improve the quality of your life, immediately eradicate this habit.

Soon you will notice that life really began to improve. Positive thoughts and a new environment in the apartment are powerful prerequisites for achieving well-being.

Create comfort

It is impossible to achieve a warm cozy atmosphere if the dwelling is littered with rubbish. From this pile, select items with which you can make the house more comfortable and cozy. For example, hang old family photos on the wall, put a blanket on the chair, make a panel of memorable little things. And don't forget to read.

And here's everything that turns out to be superfluous, send it to the trash. Believe me, the apartment will become more spacious and much more comfortable.

Down with broken things!

Remember the main rule: never store broken things. These include torn clothes or broken dishes. If something was not repaired immediately, it is unlikely that the situation will change in the future.

Tights with an arrow, even after darning, will look “not so hot”. You don’t need to try to glue a broken favorite cup or vase - all the same, the seams will be noticeable, and such objects attract bad energy. In addition, there is a good reason to buy a new thing.

Rule of ten

This is a very useful and clever trick. Its essence lies in the fact that every week you need to throw away 10 unnecessary items. For example, in 7 days, used cosmetic jars, dead batteries, a stack of scribbled papers, holey socks, etc. can accumulate. The rest will be found in the depths of the closet or on the mezzanine.

Don't forget that different types waste must be disposed of in different ways. In particular, this applies to batteries and accumulators, plastic and glass containers.

Thanks to this technique, you will soon get rid of most unnecessary things, and absolutely “painlessly”.

Gifts for no reason

Another way to part with unnecessary things is to give them as a gift. Surely, in your closets there are purchases that are useless for you, gifts that have never been tested and other nonsense. Think about it, maybe some of your friends would be more useful. For example, almost new food processor maybe a friend who loves to cook much more than you do. Well, what if your gift doesn't do her any good? Well, then relax, it's not your problem anymore :)

Learn to share

Children's things, read books, toys are memorabilia, but it is quite possible to do without them. But there are people who lack precisely these things that are useless to you. Learn to share, no need to arrange a junk warehouse at home.

    Find out if someone you know needs the items that you have in your "reserves".

    Call the orphanages and clarify the list of necessary things or directly hand them the packages with the selected “goods”.

    Take things to the volunteer center, so people in need have the opportunity to get what they lack.

So you will do a good deed and parting with the accumulated will not be so hard.

Source of additional income

There is another very useful way to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. Organize a sale! To do this today is very simple, you do not need to stand in the market or in the courtyard of the house and offer goods to passers-by.

    Create an ad on free sites for the sale of things. If the thing is expensive, it will not be superfluous to advertise it for a symbolic price.

    Post an ad on your social media page. You can ask friends to repost or send a message to thematic flea market groups.

    Hand over things to the commission center. This is especially true for electronics and household appliances, as well as children's things and furniture.

An alternative option is to arrange a barter. You can negotiate with friends or on special sites. For example, this way you can exchange a skirt that bothers you for beautiful jewelry or a blouse in a fashionable shade.

Limit space

To prevent garbage from accumulating again after a general cleaning, limit the space available for its storage. Closets should be spacious and comfortable. Leave a separate box or bedside table for the most expensive and memorable things, select a suitcase or a beautiful box, but nothing more. Balcony, mezzanine, attic, top cabinet shelves, chest of drawers - this is not a place to store trash! Keep only what you really need here.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk throwing away something really important and necessary. To prevent the accumulation of trash in the future, reorganize the storage system. Surely you will free up a lot of space, so there is a reason to make a small rearrangement and update the interior.

Our apartments have been turning into warehouses of unnecessary things over the years. Probably, many have noticed that there is so much trash accumulating in the house that no matter how you put things in order, it still doesn’t get clean in the rooms.

Things are packaged throughout the apartment, dust and dirt settle on them. Personally, I don’t like this state of affairs at times, and I begin to feel discomfort. It even becomes difficult for me to breathe, but I do not dare to start cleaning right away. It seems to me that such a revision of obscene things will take a lot of time.

Then I realize that it's time to throw out the trash. After all, unused good accumulates and accumulates, I shift it from one corner to another, sweep away the dust, spend my precious time on this. Time is precious to me, and I am ripe for decisive action.

I like the actions of the Italians. They are great, because on the eve of the New Year they try to throw away household worthless and unnecessary things, rubbish. Starts with the New Year new life! So why not arrange a holiday for getting rid of everything that began to interfere with our lives?

After all, by throwing away rubbish, we free up our living space, filling it with air and light!


I know how hard it is to let go of the things we get used to. I myself am a frugal and economical housewife who grew up in times of general shortages, when there was nothing in stores, and many goods had to be bought on coupons.

Out of a sense of frugality, I keep things for decades. Things are lying on the shelves, in fact, this is rubbish. And I argue in such a way that this thing may come in handy for me, now it is small for me, but I will try to lose weight, I will alter or redo something. And so, I continue to accumulate different trash.

Each of us has clothes on the shelves and mezzanines, in the pantries there is an abundance of broken household appliances. Surely, not only the apartment is crammed with acquired goods, but also balconies and loggias. Furniture is piled up there - broken chairs, bedside tables. All this is unlikely to ever come in handy, but out of a sense of thrift, we continue to store household rubbish.

Why are we so frugal? It seems to me that we are afraid of losing our belongings. Discarded trash causes us anxiety and a sense of loss.

How to get rid of trash

To get rid of rubbish, first of all you need to understand that this thing is of no value to you, in fact, it is rubbish. Well, if you have given yourself a positive answer to this question, find the strength in yourself and throw away the obscene thing. Get rid of it not with a sense of loss and regret, but with a sense of joy in your soul.

It is necessary to distinguish between unnecessary things and rubbish.

Very often unused things are unique and useful, but we just do not use them. Remember, you were not given such things?

I still have an electric waffle iron in my closet, which my husband brought me from the Baltics. At that time I dreamed of such a miracle device, and how many delicious waffles I baked then! Gradually, I forgot about the device, and it turned out to be seemingly unnecessary. A good thing, but in today's time, it is considered useless for me.

Then what is rubbish? What can be mercilessly thrown away? Here is the list I made:

  • broken and broken household items,
  • outdated good but unnecessary things,
  • unused household items that are dead weight,
  • items that I have not used for many years, and the existence of which I simply forgot,
  • clothes that are out of fashion do not suit me, I do not wear them, they do not suit me or I do not like them.

It often happens to me that I am in doubt - is it worth throwing away a thing?

Then I mentally answer the following questions:

  • Do I really need this item?
  • perhaps I have things more modern than this instance,
  • When was the last time I used this thing
  • Can I safely throw away this item?

If I answer yes to all the questions posed, I get rid and throw away the rubbish without regret.

It is necessary to tune in to the analysis of the rubble. I usually start such a responsible event in good mood which allows me to complete the planned event.

Most often, I carry out such events for the release of trash in the spring, before Easter. It is for some reason that in this spring time I have a desire to throw away everything superfluous. In the spring, we often look into our wardrobes, put away winter clothes for storage, take out things for the off-season.

The reasons can be very different - apartment renovation, reception of important guests, purchase of new and comfortable furniture.

To start cleaning up unnecessary trash, you need to have a good attitude. Don't forget to prepare boxes and trash bags.

If a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated, start freeing one zone, best of all, where more rubbish has accumulated. This is where you start. Then, gradually, you can move on to other parts of your living space. Gradually you will put things in order in the whole apartment!

Throwing away unnecessary things, do not forget that, perhaps, to some of your family members, they are memorable and valuable. Such things may not have much practical value, but for some it is memory and nostalgia! Everyone has different things - for example, favorite and expensive photos, letters, or a broken chair where your beloved grandfather once sat.

From my own experience I can say that I never put things in order in my husband's storage. There is a place in the house where bolts, nails, screws, nuts are stored. I always want to throw all the deposits in the trash, but for my husband, this is considered a treasure that he will not acquire anywhere else! In order not to run into a scandal, I bypass its places. Let him put things in order!

I do not call for throwing everything away, because some things can be given a second life. But this applies more to creative people who can make original things out of scraps, old magazines. Remember, in the past, very often good housewives sewed unnecessary things from adults, clothes for their children. The result was beautiful, solid things. Moreover, they were unique, inimitable, you will not find such clothes in anyone. And what a family budget savings!

Not everything can be considered rubbish. Some unused items can be sold by posting ads on forums and websites on the Internet or in newspapers. Something can be taken to social centers or given to low-income families. Many people with great pleasure will accept toys, dishes, household appliances in a good condition.

Previously, I practiced taking out unnecessary trash to the country. Gradually, the dacha turned out to be cluttered, and therefore now I don’t try to send unnecessary belongings to the dacha.

Do you have doubts about the usefulness of the item? Then do not throw away, leave the little thing for a year. If during the year you have not used it, throw it away without regret!

When buying another item, mentally ask yourself:

  • I really need this purchase,
  • where will I store it and how often will I use it,
  • is it worth buying, maybe I have something similar,
  • Will this item bring me joy and comfort?

After all the answers, you may change your decision to buy, and your money will remain safe and sound!

If you bought a product and were disappointed in it, do not forget that there is a certain time during which you can return it.

If you are celebrating a birthday, do not hesitate to tell your loved ones what gift you are dreaming of. They will not think what to give you, and you will get rid of unnecessary household items.

It's nice to have trash cans around the house, even if they are in different places. In them you can put all the things that may come in handy, or maybe not? Throw away rubbish within a week without regret, as you can choose the necessary things from the basket during this time.

Find the courage to throw away the rubbish. Perhaps your life will become more joyful and change for the better.