How to sell unwanted items online. How to get rid of unnecessary things through the Internet? "Group of Anonymous Shopaholics"

Since you have landed on this page, you have probably already heard about the popular Internet site Yula for submitting free ads about the sale of goods. Therefore, I will not explain what Yula is. There are no ads there - they sell furniture, telephones, and even apartments. To be honest, I put a lot of electronics that come for review on Yulia, as it is very convenient and, most importantly, free of charge, unlike Avito, on which, in order to sell faster, you need to invest money and buy service packages by highlighting or raising ads in the list.

Also, a distinctive positive feature of Yula is its search algorithm, made in such a way that first goods are searched for that are close to your current location - the data is taken from GPS navigation data. As a result, you will be able to buy or sell without wasting time on the road.

Registration in Julia

So, how to sell things on Yulia faster? First of all you need to download mobile app, which is available in versions for Android and iPhone. And although this service also has its own website with a web version, I will talk about mobile version, since Yula was originally conceived as a platform for working from smartphones, and it’s more convenient to sell things, monitor their status and communicate with the buyer from a mobile phone.

After installation, the first time you launch the application, you must go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, first select your region where you want to sell or buy goods on Yulia.

After that, the main program window will open - you can search for something, but you won’t be able to sell a thing on Yulia - for this you need to create an account. Click on the "Plus" or "Profile" icon to open the registration page

There are three ways to open an account

  • By your phone number
  • Through a profile in VK
  • Using a profile in Odnoklassniki

How to add a product on Julia?

After Account started, you can add your first product. To do this, click on the large blue Plus icon and select the product category.

After that, the main page will open, where you will need to

Let's take a closer look at the last two points. First of all, the application prompts us to refine the category to best match your product to the search query of a potential buyer.

Let's say you sell your phone on Yulia. Then click on the "Category" link, select "Phones and tablets" and specify the detailed characteristics - the company, model, storage capacity, screen size, number of SIM cards, and so on ...

After that, our phone will appear in the ads.

Finally, in the last step, we specify your location. If the smartphone did this automatically, and you want to specify another point from where you can pick up the goods, then click on the point with the address and put the point on the map in the right place.

How to sell a thing on Julia faster?

Now about the most urgent thing - how to speed up the process of selling goods on Yulia? At the beginning of the article, I said that this can be done for free, but in fact, not only. There are two ways - paid and free.

I use the second option, and so far it has not disappointed me at all - equipment on Yulia is sold very quickly and does not lie down for more than one or two weeks. By the way, if you use my promo code uHb713 during registration, you will receive an additional 15 bonuses - do not miss this opportunity!

I wish you successful sales!

If you like to declutter, then you have probably already cleaned your closet (and maybe more than once) of unnecessary things. Me too. And the unnecessary clothes that I found at home were not just a lot, but a lot. Why?

Personal experience: where to sell unwanted clothes?

When I just realized that unwanted clothes can be sold, I was faced with a choice: where to do it? I outlined 3 options - to give paper ads, hand it over to a thrift store or sell used items via the Internet.

The first option is paper ads.- brushed aside immediately because of its time consumption.

The second option is to take it to a commission. I tried once and gave up. The story turned out to be comical, to be honest: I wanted to sell shoes that I wore only 1 or 2 times. I came, I gave. For three months no one bought my shoes, they called me and offered to come pick them up (they have such conditions). On the spot, it turned out that in order to pick up my shoes, you also need to pay for "their storage in the store" (so I was told). This is how we got "mutually beneficial" cooperation) We had to pay a penny, but ... the story "How I sold shoes" turned out to be ridiculous, don't you think?))

And finally, the third option is to sell unwanted clothes on the Internet. I stopped on it. The optimal solution is minimum time and maximum audience. Almost no hassle. By the way, mine just came out.

In the case of excess in the wardrobe, the option with the social worked for me. networks: unwanted clothes were sold very quickly through ads in groups such as "Flea market", "Sell" and "Sell cheap". I also place ads in Belarus on or In Russia, there is,,,

If you decide to sell unwanted clothes and shoes…

If you start selling excess clothes, you will very often receive questions like: “Can I come and try it on?”. Be prepared that you will have to let a stranger into the house. You can offer the option to come home to him if it's convenient for you. Or a compromise - to meet near a hypermarket or a place where there is a fitting room or a toilet - so that the buyer tries on the thing there.

How to sell unwanted clothes and shoes: the nuances

  1. Be sure to add a real photo of your item! Not taken from the Internet, but my own! If it is clothes, it is best to take a picture of yourself in this thing - from different angles. In the description, indicate your parameters, weight and height - so that a person understands how and on what figure this piece of clothing looks.
  2. How long have you been wearing this item? (either it's brand new, or you've just tried it on). Write in such a way as not to mislead the buyer: if you have a coat for two years, and you have worn it for a total of 1 month, indicate this in the ad. If you remember exactly that you wore the thing 1-2-3 times, also indicate - this is a plus!
  3. Show defects in the photo: small hole, stain, broken zipper. Be honest with buyers!
  4. Specify item parameters: sleeve length, back length, waist width, insole length - for shoes. The more precise parameters in the ad, the better.
  5. Consider seasonality! Do not waste your energy and do not publish an ad for the sale of summer dresses in winter or knitted hats in summer. Post an ad in season - then the clothes will be much more likely to sell quickly.
  6. Specify the price. A lot of people post ads labeled "price negotiable", but I'm not a fan of this approach: the buyer will have to do too many steps (write you a message or call) to agree on a price. And why do this if there is another ad where the price is indicated and you don’t need to make extra gestures? And yes - an interested buyer will write to you, even if the price is high - they will ask for a discount.
  7. If there are price tags left, don't cut them off. And if there is a price, and you sell much cheaper, it’s generally good: the buyer immediately sees his benefit!
  8. Wipe the dust, glue, clean the pellets, remove the stain- such trifles not only speed up the sale of unnecessary clothes, but also make its value higher. Don't neglect it. Or honestly point out that the thing is not so hot, that's why it's so cheap.
  9. If you meet on the street, take care of the package for the buyer: so he doesn't have to walk around with your skirt in his hands all day.

What unwanted clothes can be sold?

  • Holiday dresses, even if you have worn them several times, as well as men's suits
  • Any new items with a reduced cost: not only clothes, but also shoes,
  • Used children's clothes
  • Seasonal items - in season
  • Used clothing in excellent or good condition - be sure to indicate how long you have used it

What unwanted clothes are definitely not worth selling?

  • Linen. You can try to sell second-hand linen only in one case: if these are little things for newborns, and they are carefully washed. The second option for selling unwanted underwear is if it is brand new.
  • dirty things
  • Heavily worn items. You should not give frank rags to charity (think, can this thing be worn?). Very old things (but clean!) Can be attached to a shelter for homeless animals.

Have you sold used items or new clothes from your own closet?

Greetings, dear reader. If you are wondering how to sell used items online, then you definitely need to get rid of excess personal items quickly. Use global network in this business it is quite profitable, because millions of users spend their hours there every day, who may be interested in your products.

I bring to your attention a review that will include:

  • the advantages of selling via the Internet are considered;
  • ways of sale are shown;
  • popular sites for placing goods are indicated.

Interested? Then read carefully and do not forget about the unique selling proposition, which will become a real magnet for Internet users and will allow you to get rid of unnecessary goods in the shortest possible time.

Why the Internet

When sorting out a closet, pantry or garage, many people find a bunch of things and items that were acquired spontaneously, thoughtlessly. Have you had it? Noticing such a product, a person begins " brainstorm"("Where did I buy it?", "Why did I stop wearing it?" etc.). Having found answers to all sorts of questions, some decide to leave the thing, while others decide to get rid of it.

I will say right away that I am on the side of the second half, because unnecessary trash in the apartment serves not only as a place for dust accumulation, but also as a vessel that attracts negative emotions. No wonder they say: “... if a person does not have free space, then the Universe will not contribute to filling it ... ". Have you noticed that after you get rid of the trash, you have additional income, new opportunities? If not, then it's time to experience this principle for yourself.

So why is it more profitable to sell things, even bu, via the Internet? The answers to this question are benefits this way of selling goods:

  1. High speed making a deal. This is due to the fact that most modern society uses the Internet in everyday life, therefore, it is easier for them to look at ads and purchase goods in this way than to run around the shops in search of the right thing.
  2. There is no need to search and visit commission stores to return the goods, and then return to it in order to receive the proceeds of banknotes. Appreciate your time and do not waste it on unnecessary activities.
  3. The value of a thing is set only by you and no one else. If you turn to the same thrift store, then they choose such an indicator based on the existing rules (taking into account the markup for their work, according to external state products, etc.).

You can continue this list for quite some time, but it seems to me that you have understood and appreciated the advantage of selling goods via the Internet.

Ways to sell things online

So, you have decided to sell a thing through the Internet, but do not know how to do it? Everything is quite simple, because there are several ways to implement it:

Currently, on the Internet you can find a lot of resources on which Internet users place all kinds of ads. Naturally, they are divided into appointment(work, hobbies, personal items, real estate, etc.). Among them: (section "Announcements"),, etc.

In order to place your ad, you will have to go through a small registration, then enter Personal Area and from there make a sale. Be sure to post high-quality photos of the goods being sold, because this way you increase the likelihood of its early sale.

If you do not want to register on the proposed resources, then you can use your social media profile. Now Facebook, VK, Instagram provide excellent opportunities for additional income. I talked about this in previous articles, so read, explore new features. modern business and most importantly, use the acquired knowledge in practice.

In social networks, you can find a lot of groups in which it is enough to place an ad to sell any product. You yourself know that such resources have a million audience, therefore, someone will be interested in your offer.

For example, your baby has grown, therefore, there are children's things left. What to do with them? There are 3 options: put in a closet, give to the needy and sell. To do this, just find a community with a relevant theme (U-MAMA, My baby, Goods for newborns, etc.) and post a photo of the things you want to sell there.

When creating a post, be sure to indicate the size and condition of the product, its cost, area of ​​​​residence (not everyone is convenient to get to the other end of the city). Why am I talking about this? It's just that when your proposal is published, you will start receiving a bunch of messages with questions, but is this what you need?

Your task is to create a profitable unique selling proposition and duplicate it on your page. So this ad will be seen by a large number of users and in the near future you will sell your product.

For those who do not want to use the first 2 methods, they are perfect trading platforms. The thing is that on these sites you can sell goods in different ways:

  • at a fixed cost (you place an ad and wait for a buyer);
  • put the goods up for auction (naturally, this should be a unique and high-quality product);
  • choose a buyer according to his proposal (you put up a lot, and people - the amount they are willing to pay).

The implementation methods presented are quite interesting, but you will have to choose one. To do this, it is enough to carefully study the offer agreement that you accept upon registration, or continue reading the review and get brief description famous sites.

Popular sites for selling things

On the Internet you can find a large number of sites that allow you to sell goods of any value, however, each of them has its own characteristics. I will focus only on a couple of popular ones to point you to those moments that few people notice. a free resource that provides excellent opportunities for the sale of any goods. Even an unregistered user can view posted ads - this is a great plus. To sell an item, you need to go through the registration procedure and gain access to your personal account.

Ads are placed completely free of charge and are stored for 50-60 days, however, there is an offer from the creators: “if you want to fix your offer at the top of the page, purchase a package of services.” You don't have to agree to this.

Ebay is a global platform for the implementation various goods. Its sellers are not only ordinary people with unnecessary things but also entire corporations. Free registration is a definite plus of the resource, however, for each lot put up, you will have to pay a small percentage. Unfortunately, this is a significant downside.

Bag. RU- a resource that provides the opportunity to put things up for auction for free. To do this, you will have to register on the official website, select high-quality photos of your product and carefully consider the description. For the transaction, the seller needs to give 2-3% of the earned amount to the owners of the site for the opportunity to sell the goods.

If you have accumulated quite a lot of things and you want to start selling them, then you can create your own online store, because then you won’t have to share honestly earned money with anyone. To implement this idea, you can use the proposal of Evgeny Popov "Quick creation of an online store on the InSales platform"

That's all. If you still have questions regarding the sale of used things or have suggestions about profitable ways to sell on the Internet, then, of course, leave your comments. Well, I say goodbye to you, but not for long, because in the near future I plan to publish a new review that will help many Internet users find the answer to their question.

Sincerely, Elena Izotova.

Greetings! Do you believe in Feng Shui? Personally, I'm not very. But you can still get a couple of sound ideas there. For example, before the coming New Year, Feng Shui strongly recommends clearing all the rubble in the house and throwing away all the accumulated rubbish. Esotericists believe that this quickly and effectively cleanses the energy of the apartment.

I don’t know about energy... But I know for sure that such a “shaking up” of cabinets and bedside tables usually ends with a mountain of unnecessary things on the floor. Which can be thrown into a landfill, given away to friends or given away for free to the nearest volunteer center. And you can ... sell - and buy everyone good gifts for the New Year.

In general, today I will write about how to sell things online!

Basically, anything can be sold online! Clothes in good condition (especially for children), accessories, working gadgets, books and paintings, a collection of stamps or coins, furniture, bags and purses, handmade, toys and tourist gadgets (such as a compass or tent).

As for the question, everything is a little more complicated. Each country has its own Internet flea markets.

Ukraine is primarily associated with the Aukro auction and the OLX site (based on Slando, and a couple of other smaller sites).

Russia, until recently, could boast of a very high-quality Internet auction The site has been working very successfully since 1999 (and not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries). But on August 20, 2015, the site of the largest online auction in Russia was officially closed. Allegedly because of its low profitability…

The Russian "hoarders" had to urgently look for a replacement for their beloved "Hammer". A lot of people switched to (an online auction site), (a representative office of an American company) and (a site for free ads).

In addition, you can sell things on the Web through thematic groups in any social networks. For some reason, there are especially many such groups on VKontakte.

The specifics of selling things online

Of course, each Internet platform has its own nuances: ways to protect the buyer and seller from fraud, the size of the commission, the conditions for placing an ad, and much more.
But any sale via the Internet has its own specifics. Here are the basic rules of online sales:

  • We are looking for analogues of our product on this or other sites and set the price 5-10% below the average
  • We prepare the item for sale in advance (we wash, iron, polish, dry-clean)
  • Correctly compose an ad (more on this later)
  • We offer a bonus to the buyer (either something related to the main product, or just a nice little thing like a chocolate bar or a bottle of beer)
  • Before submitting an ad, carefully study the rules of a particular site
  • We will consider the nuances of payment and delivery
  • Update your listing periodically

How to sell things online quickly?

As many photos as possible

Proven by the experience of millions of users: things with clear, high-quality photos are sold much faster than without them!

Photos should be many and different. For example, if you are selling a suit, you will have to take photos from different angles and a few more close-ups (to assess the texture of the fabric and the quality of the seams). By the way, it is always better to take a picture of clothes on a live “model”, and not on a dull hanger on the wall.

Detailed description

It is worth writing about the item for sale in detail. If it is clothes: where and when you bought it, size and color, fabric and accessories, how it differs from analogues. As an answer to the last question: “real Italy”, “ handmade or even “good energy”.

Yes, and do not forget to indicate the reason why you are parting with such a treasure. For example: “the size didn’t fit”, “they gave it as a gift, the thing is good, but not at all in my style” or “they didn’t send what they ordered”.

By the way, descriptions are best made accurate and honest, but not too formal. And of course, write down the details of payment and delivery in detail. This is where it is better not to demonstrate your sense of humor.

Respond to potential buyers' questions as soon as possible

Responsiveness is indeed very important when selling online. If you are not at the computer all the time, connect the notification of new letters to your phone. Often, the contact details of the seller include a phone number. But as practice shows, it is easier for many users to write a message on the site than to call a stranger.

Well, nobody canceled the elementary rules of courtesy either. Especially when you agree on a personal meeting or the nuances of payment. Asking for another photo in daylight? Please! Need to estimate the weight of the table? No problem!

Set a price slightly higher than what you really expect

And in the description of the ad, write "bargaining is appropriate." It seems to be a primitive and easily calculated move on the part of the seller, but buyers still like it.

Have you ever sold things online? Subscribe to updates and share links to the most interesting posts with your friends on social networks!


You can sell unwanted clothes through a thrift store. Today, thrift stores are becoming more and more popular, as they began to sell quite high-quality items bought abroad, including from the collections of famous fashion designers or just clothes. popular brands. With a more than democratic price of clothes, buyers have a chance to find very high quality and often even new things.

This method of selling unnecessary items has been known since Soviet times, and since then the rules for receiving goods have not changed much: you need to bring clean items, if possible, attach labels to them if the items are still new or a dry-cleaning coupon if we are talking about suits, jackets , coats or fur coats. It is best to contact specialized thrift stores - this way there is a greater chance that they will buy a thing.

For the seller among the pluses consignment shops, first of all, we can name the following: fast sale of things, communication with each buyer is not required. Among the minuses will be the low selling price of the product, its markdown if it is not sold, and the size of the commission.

You can sell things yourself, for this it is worth asking your friends if they need your former things and to whom they may be suitable. However, it is usually not so profitable to sell to acquaintances, they rely on big discounts or even ask to give them things for free. Therefore, you can use the services of free ads and place several in the newspapers of your city. Usually, with the help of "From Hand to Hand" or similar publications, things are sold quite quickly and successfully, if prices are not overstated.

Another option to quickly get rid of unwanted clothes is to sell them at a flea market or flea market. Such markets usually work on weekends, you can set the prices for things yourself, and the time of all things will depend on their condition, price, originality and how actively you will paint the benefits of each thing. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of losing more than earning, because you have to pay for a place.

In the spread of the Internet, flea markets are also mastering this space. Numerous groups appear on social networks, where everyone can post a photo, price for their own things. Then it remains only to take calls from customers and agree on a convenient time for the sale. You can also place such ads on special sites - general bulletin boards that sell used goods, for example, Slando, Avito, eBay, and others. For the success of the sale, you should use the services of several services at once.