When will the New Year discounts on electronics begin. How to get a discount on buying a car from a dealer and where to save. What items can you get the biggest discounts on?

When it comes to buying a car, timing is everything. But the formula for figuring out the perfect time to make a purchase is quite complicated. If you want to buy a car in the showroom, and keep in mind the statistics.

Beginning of the week

Most consumers go to salons on weekends. You should avoid crowds of customers, in which case you can talk to the dealer about additional discounts without haste.

End of the day

At the end of the day, salespeople tend to submit a sales plan and may not want to waste time negotiating a sale. Keep in mind that such a time is suitable for concluding a deal with an already selected car, and not for inspection and selection. End of the working day for can save time and money.

End of month or quarter

Dealers must meet monthly and quarterly sales targets to earn a certain bonus tier. Thus, the end of the month or quarter will be a good time to go to car dealerships. If you are lucky, you can get real discounts on cars. The issue price ranges from 5 to 10%.

End of calendar year

As the new calendar year approaches, dealers are trying to meet sales quotas. In addition, they are trying to get big holiday bonuses. All this is ideal with a discount, the value of which sometimes reaches 20%.

Catch offers

Dealers very often use the tactics of pressure on the buyer, offering discounts on cars. However, this approach has changed a little with the advent of the Internet with its price transparency. However, experienced dealers rely on some tricky sales tactics to try anyway.

The main goal of a dealer who uses this tactic is to lure customers into the showroom. They will do and say almost anything as long as you physically walk into the showroom of that brand. And once you get inside, they will put pressure on you until you agree to buy a car.

The video lists the main types of fraud when buying a new car:

Common tactics used by dealers include:

  • various baits;
  • change of several sellers who will try to negotiate with you;
  • deposit offers;
  • beautiful advertising, huge banners, decoration with balloons and more.

If you really want to buy a car and do not want to suffer financially, which dealers use in their work. When planning a trip to the salon, do not forget about some of the nuances that will help you save your money.


You saw an ad that in one of the salons there is a car for which a very low price is set, much lower than that of competitors. You go there, arrive, and - oh horror! - Literally 5 minutes ago it was sold. The mixture of disappointment and anticipation whets the client's appetite. And then the dealer offers a similar car, but the price for it is much higher than you expected.

Moral of the story: If an offer looks too good to be true, think about it.

Expected car

You've probably seen it in an ad, you're waiting for it to come out, you go to a salon where they tell you you have to wait three months. And in order not to lose a client, the dealer announces that one of them is already on the way! You, mentally getting into the car, pay a deposit. However, you are soon informed that, unfortunately, the waiting period is extended by a month. A week later, a call is heard in which the dealer informs you that the delivery of the car is delayed for another month or two. Such entrepreneurship is in the hands of the car dealership itself, and not you. After all, time goes by and if you decide to change dealers, you will again have to go back to the end of the line and wait again. So you reluctantly agree to wait for the car...

Moral of the story A: If the dealer does not have the vehicle in stock, the delivery time for all dealers will be almost the same. Therefore, it is worth comparing prices.

Demonstrator car

The dealer offers you to buy a demonstrator car that has a measly 2,000 km on it. Do you agree that, in fact, new car and the price may be slightly reduced. However, before making a deal, remember that such cars are used in. That is, this means that two hundred people have already passed through the car, using its maximum capabilities. To put it simply, such a car has a difficult history.

Moral of the story: Compare the prices of a show car and a new car and make an informed decision.

Every car dealer is eager to have you as a customer, many of them will try to sell you packages or scam you into paying you more and will offer what suits them. You can sit back and end up paying more. Or you can fight back and bargain for a decent discount. All in your hands.

Logically and judiciously, without allowing unnecessary emotions. Of course, buying a car before the New Year could be a nice gift for your household, especially if you were going to change your old car for a new one in the near future. But let's try to consider this issue from the point of view of reasonableness and benefits for the family budget.

Before the New Year, dealerships are ready to make customers good offer for some car models. This is by no means connected with the desire to please customers with New Year's gifts (although in most cases this is exactly how it is presented in advertising), but with the need to urgently sell the cars of the current year before the new year begins. In the new season, cars with the previous year of manufacture in the passport vehicle will sell even harder than at the end of the current one. So, if you are going to buy a car model that is not very running, you can, starting from the beginning of winter, feel free to demand a big discount on the car from the car dealership.

As for running car models, at the end of the year you have a chance to "snatch" out of line a car that was refused by the buyer who ordered it almost six months ago. Especially now it has become a common phenomenon, since when ordering a car in July, a person counted on the thirteenth salary or bonus, which will significantly help the purchase. In the current economically unstable times, premium expectations are often not justified, and as a result, expensive purchases have to be refrained from. Salons give an advance payment without problems, because they know that there will be a lot of people who want to buy a scarce car. In the case of buying such a car, you should not be afraid of the previous year of manufacture in the vehicle passport, since in the coming year you will be able to sell the car for almost the price of a new one (subject to perfect condition), just because of the queues.

Buying a car at the end of the year has and back side: no one ever gives a discount just like that, and there is an explanation for this: with the onset next year in a few weeks, your new car will already be one year old. You should not be afraid of this if you plan to operate your car for a long period. For example, within four or five years. By this age, the car is already assessed by its technical condition rather than by the year of manufacture, so do not forget to take care of your car.

Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: Vladimir does not affect important topic: buying a used car before or after the New Year. In this case, almost the same laws come into force as when buying a new car, but additional factors are added. If you buy a car older than three years, then look first of all at its condition, and not at the fact that the calendar year will change soon. True, you can use this as an argument for additional bargaining.

But if the new year has already arrived, and you still haven’t bought a car, then you can travel around the salons and see which of the cars you are looking for are available. If suddenly there is still a car of the last year of manufacture, now you can feel like a full-fledged master of the situation, and make the most daring discount offers to sellers in the car dealership. Believe me, they will consider them, since these cars are now a sore spot for them: the money of a car dealership is “frozen” in them, and every day there will be fewer and fewer people who want to buy an “old” new car.


Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: As I wrote above, many buyers count on additional premiums, so they make a purchase for the New Year, and wealthy people sometimes buy cars as a gift. For these reasons, car dealerships in the outgoing year are rarely generous with discounts, as they are waiting for a surge in sales, but at the beginning of the new year, you can really “click” on sales consultants with the most daring discount offers on cars of the last year of manufacture.

If you called all the dealers, but there was no new car of the last year, then buying a new car of the year that has just begun is also not a bad option. This path is worth going if you are a supporter of changing the car, let's say, every year. Then it is unlikely that even a good “New Year's” discount will compensate you for the loss when selling a two-year-old, rather than a one-year-old car in about a year.

There is another important point to consider when buying a car during this period. As we all know, every few years all car brands update their models, but buying a car under New Year, and even at the time of updating the model - it is very unprofitable. For example, cars of the same year of manufacture, but different models - new and old - can differ in price by 20-30 percent. So do not forget to find out in detail whether the brand you have chosen is going to update the lineup in the very near future. If a new model already on the way, it is worth waiting for her.

But once again I emphasize: my reasoning is extremely practical. And if you use emotions, then the keys to the new car look just great under the Christmas tree!

In the Russian car market, it's time for New Year's sales, when the biggest discounts are offered on new cars. The generosity of sellers, of course, has nothing to do with the pre-holiday mood, but has quite prosaic justifications. The fact is that distributors have to report to the headquarters on the implementation of the annual sales plan, and for this they encourage dealers with bonuses (3-10% of the cost of the car, depending on the brand). For dealers, in turn, this is a significant budget item, so in the end fiscal year they strive to clear the warehouses as much as possible in order to show the implementation or. The best discounts can be found in car dealerships of large holdings, because the manufacturer's bonus in most cases depends on the dealer's sales volume.

As Alexey Kuzmich, an analyst at Avtomir Group of Companies, notes, the December surge in consumer activity is typical for many industries, and car business this is far from an exception. At the same time, during the New Year holidays, there are very few customers to buy new cars in car dealerships. According to Avtomir Group estimates, sales in December are usually 20-30% higher than the average monthly figures, and in January - 30-40% lower.

“Manufacturers, together with dealers, traditionally launch New Year promotions at the end of the year. For dealers, this is important, because in the event of a transition to the coming year with overstocked warehouses during the period of low customer activity in January, a “heavy” warehouse will require significant resources to maintain it. Therefore, it is preferable for a dealer to provide a similar benefit to the client in the form of discounts or gifts, this is especially true for low-turnover models and their modifications,” the expert states.

According to Igor Bader, Sales Director of Terra Auto Group, dealers are also pushed to sell out warehouses by the conditions that apply, as a rule, to cars with the current year’s PTS, so it becomes much more difficult to sell cars with an “expired” passport.

For buyers, the year of manufacture of the car has practically no practical value, since the guarantee for it begins to operate from the moment of transfer to the customer, and not from the date of production. Thus, buying last year's car during the sales season is really very profitable, especially when you consider that cars of the new model year will certainly rise in price, and dealers usually do not provide discounts for them. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the year of manufacture affects the value of the car for its further resale, indirectly providing information on the warranty expiration date, mileage and model line.

“With the change of the calendar year, the car, according to the documents, becomes a year older, and its liquidity decreases. However, when the machine is used for a period of 2 years or more, this indicator does not play a significant role in the residual value. The sale price will depend on the mileage and condition of the car,” explains Alexander Zinoviev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of AvtoSpetsCentre Group of Companies.

"Business" is not

During the years of crisis in the Russian car market, manufacturers have become more cautious in their approach to sales. Under these conditions, the growth in demand, which began largely due to government support, did not contribute to the formation of large warehouse stocks from dealers, which would have to be sold by the end of the year. Moreover, there is a shortage of the most popular models on the market. Therefore, you should not count on significant New Year's discounts this year, and they may not be available at all for hits of sales.

According to Yulia Dytchenkova, director of the Rolf Khimki cluster, each dealer's situation is individual, including with regard to filling warehouses. Of course, large stocks for a particular model will be an additional factor for the dealer to provide a discount. The most liquid models and demanded configurations rarely stay in warehouses, so it is more difficult to get a discount here. Meanwhile, many car dealerships are now running special promotions, designed to compensate for the early completion of some state programs to stimulate demand.

Thus, Hyundai dealers of the Avtorus Group of Companies currently offer the most favorable conditions for the Hyundai Elantra and Santa Fe models. In the Lada showrooms of the Terra Auto Group of Companies, the most interesting offers can be obtained for Lada XRAY cars. At the same time, the company assumes that during the period of New Year's sales, the minimum benefit will be observed on budget cars and cars that are used by buyers.

“Dealers do not currently have brands with overstocked warehouses. Producers are reacting very cautiously to the recovery of consumer activity; rather, there is a local deficit in a number of modifications. The statistics of the last two years show that the size of New Year's discounts and benefits has become much more moderate, and significant discounts can be observed pointwise against the background of a change in the generation of a model, or a sale of overstocked warehouses by a certain dealer or brand,” comments Alexey Kuzmich.

Time to buy

Indeed, the specials launched in recent months show that automakers are moving away from direct discounts on their models and offering discounts exclusively through trade-in schemes or branded car loan programs. In the latter case, the benefit for buyers becomes especially unobvious, given the further overpayment of interest to the bank. But on the models leaving the market, you can find really favorable conditions for the purchase. Today, for example, dealers are selling out, after which the Czechs will have only the older Kodiaq of crossovers in Russia. The pseudo-crossover DFM H30 Cross is also available with savings - it should be replaced by a new model AX3. In addition, Mitsubishi recently announced significant discounts on a batch of 400 L200 pickups.

New items that have just gone on sale are now in high demand, and you can not even dream of pre-New Year discounts on them. Dealers not only have no problems with the implementation of new models - they often line up in queues for months. The AvtoSpetsCentre Group of Companies names the Porsche 911 GT3 among the scarce models, Hyundai Creta from the mass segment, noting that only novelties and exclusive cars that have entered the market are sold without discounts or with a symbolic discount. According to the Terra Auto Group of Companies, among AVTOVAZ models, the largest shortage is observed in the new Lada Vesta SW Cross, as well as Lada Largus Cross, for which discounts should not be expected. One of the reasons for the lack of cars is the fact that the overall growth of Lada sales exceeded forecasts and not all suppliers were able to quickly increase production. According to Anton Shmelev, head of sales at Hyundai Losiny Ostrov, Hyundai Creta and the new Solaris are in the greatest demand, and significant discounts are not planned for them, including due to the lack of support programs from the importer for these models.

In any case, the coming months will be a good time to buy a new car, because 2018 cars will initially be more expensive. As practice shows, cars of the new model year begin to arrive to dealers in December, and the models produced in Russia are the first to arrive. The timing of the appearance of imported foreign cars varies depending on the place of production - for example, they arrive from Japan and the USA only in March-April. Thus, last year's cars can usually be found at dealers until February, and it is best to buy them in December-January, when the maximum possible discounts are offered and there is still a choice of such cars.

New year - new prices

According to Anton Shmelev, the vast majority of dealers will try to sell stock as quickly as possible, attracting buyers with interesting and great deals in order to move into the new financial year 2018 with the least burden. In December, for some models, the discount can reach up to 15-20% of the cost, which, in turn, should further spur the growth of the car market by 3-7%.

“Maximum discounts usually occur in March on the remains of cars from the previous year. On the other hand, as a rule, these are not the most liquid configurations and colors, so buyers will have to compromise between desires and reality,” says Alexander Zinoviev.

As for the prices of cars produced in 2018, in addition to the traditional currency and inflation risks, automakers will include in their cost, which should increase by 15% from next year. So the government intends to compensate for the reduction in customs rates for the import of new cars in the framework of Russia's obligations to the WTO. In September 2017, we recall that they decreased from 23 to 20%, and the target figure for 2019 is 15%. At the same time, some automakers are coming to the end of the industrial assembly agreements next year, which set the rates for the import of auto components to zero. With the termination of the preferential regime, the cost of production in Russia will increase, which, in turn, will certainly affect the price tags. Against this background, the government is systematically reducing the amount of state support for the car market, depriving consumers of guaranteed discounts. For example, next year it has already been decided to abandon the recycling and trade-in program, which is still very popular.

According to Igor Bader, there has been a steady upward trend in prices in the car market in recent years, and there is no reason to believe that cars will become cheaper in the future. The average increase in the price of Lad for the next year is 2%, which should not particularly affect the brand's sales volumes.

In general, in the market, the adjustment of price lists in the absence of price shocks will be comparable to inflation growth and will not exceed 10% on average in 2018, Alexei Kuzmich believes. “Manufacturers are forced to raise prices, as the current market size and production cost structure do not allow them to receive the expected positive profit. A significant part of the costs is denominated in foreign currency and depends on the exchange rate. It must be understood that during the crisis years of 2015–2016, some manufacturers were guided by strategic goals to retain market share and attract and retain loyal customers to the brand. With the recovery of the market and consumer activity, manufacturers, focusing on the elasticity of demand and the competitive environment, will continue to gradually raise prices,” the expert sums up.

Thanks to our article, you will not miss the sales on Aliexpress. We are constantly updating it to tell you about the best discounts and promotions that are happening right now.
The article describes the main sales and promotions taking place on Aliexpress in 2020.

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What coupons are available and where to apply them

In preparation for big sales, there is usually an opportunity to collect quite a lot of different coupons. But, it often happens that people do not know how to apply these coupons. What items are eligible for discounts? Here is a table to help you answer these questions.

From the table it is clear that the best option is the red Aliexpress coupons. They are suitable for any purchase. However, special coupons and store coupons will also come in handy if you managed to get them for exactly the thing you need. Also, be sure to pay attention to the amount that the product must cost so that the coupon can be applied to it.

So, we present a list of the best seasonal sales from January to December 2020.


The best time for shopping. And at this time, several wonderful winter sales have been prepared for buyers.

This is worth celebrating

The first sale of 2020 started right after the new year!
The emphasis is on masculine and women's clothing, household goods, accessories…
The sale is small, coupons and coins, this time, unfortunately, they do not give.

Winter discounts

From 11:00 on January 6 to 10:59 on January 11 (Moscow time), the first big sale of the year on Aliexpress takes place - Winter discounts.
Here everything is already adult - a lot of categories and discount coupons.
Promo codes for the "Winter Discounts" sale:
winter200— 200 rubles from 2000 rubles;
winter400— 400r from 4000r;
winter600— 600r from 5000r;
winter1200— 1200 rubles from 9800 rubles.

Cyber ​​Monday on Aliexpress

At the end of January, Cyber ​​Monday began at Aliexpress!
From 11:00 (MSK) on January 20 to 11:00 (MSK) on February 1, a sale is taking place, where all categories of goods are presented, but, first of all, electronics, computers, Cell phones, tools, and also, fashionable clothes and accessories.


There are several small and large sales during the summer.


The summer sale in Aliexpress this year will supposedly take place in June in two stages.
During this time, there will be great discounts on all product categories and the opportunity to apply previously collected coupons for additional benefits!
Details, exact dates and a link to the sale will be published later.

Brand Week

At the end of August, Aliexpress hosts the main summer sale - Brand Week!
This year, the largest online hypermarket announces discounts up to 50%!
The sale will traditionally be held in 2 stages. Details, exact dates and a link to the sale will appear closer to the case.


As you may have guessed, autumn sales from Aliexpress are waiting for us in the fall.

Sale 11.11

Sale 11.11 is the biggest event of the year! Everything is for sale at this time. Discounts reach incredible percentages, designer items go for a penny. Do not forget about prizes, coupons, gifts and flash games that allow you to get additional discounts.
In the 11.11 sale, good and inexpensive items can end very quickly. Therefore, it makes sense to buy in the first hours of the sale.
And if you switch to Aliexpress from, then you will also receive a refund of part of the amount spent, after the full payment of the order.
The first, preparatory stage The sale will start at the end of October.

Black Friday

Favorite and popular Black Friday. The first Friday after Thanksgiving was a real holiday. Black Friday lasts five days. These days, all boutiques and shops in the world arrange sales.
In our you will find all the details and dates important events.

Until the end of the year

The results of the year are the last large-scale sale of 2020 from Aliexpress, which traditionally takes place in December.
On it you can get a special $2 coupon at the very top of the page and you can also notice the floating coupon icon. If you click on this icon, you can get a set of five special Aliexpress coupons worth two US dollars.

Permanent discounts

Sometimes you can't wait for the big sale to come.
The Aliexpress website gives you the opportunity to buy some products at any time and at a good discount. These are special trading offers, the promotion on which continues almost always.

Hot Products

All goods can be bought for rubles.

Remember that buying goods on Aliexpress during the 2020 sale season is the key to successful savings.
Appreciate own time and enjoy quality items at low prices.

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