Ensuring safety when working with personnel. Building an enterprise security model. Construction site safety

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Course work

Ensuring the safety and health of personnel, organizations



Annex A


In recent decades, major changes in the management of companies have been taking place all over the world. An increasing number of facts and research results indicate that the human factor is coming to the fore in terms of influencing the long-term success of enterprises and organizations. The approach to the issues of reliability and security of the administrations of companies and enterprises that have recognized this is dominated by the role of personnel and its impact on reliability and security. A well-trained, properly organized and motivated staff determines the fate of an enterprise, this is recognized by all the leading and developed companies in the world. At the same time, management, having realized this, seeks to implement measures that ensure the safety of activities and the preservation of the health of personnel.

Coursework objectives include the following:

to analyze the economic literature, literature in the field of management, in terms of defining the concepts of "personnel safety" and "personnel health";

study the principles of ensuring occupational safety and health of personnel;

analyze the effectiveness of the system of labor safety and health of the personnel of Superkadry LLC;

Object of study: JSC "Superkadry".

Subject of study: the system of occupational safety and health of the personnel of JSC "Superkadry".

Research methods: theoretical - analysis and generalization of information literary sources on the research topic; empirical - content analysis.

1. Theoretical basis concepts of personnel safety and health

health staff safety labor policy

1.1 Terms, definitions of the concepts of "personnel safety" and "personnel health"

The security of an organization is the state that is achieved by ensuring and maintaining the protection of its personnel and the vital interests of the organization from internal and external threats in order to reduce the negative consequences of undesirable events and achieve the best results of operations.

1.2 Principles for ensuring occupational safety and health of personnel

As practical experience shows, ensuring occupational safety and health of personnel must comply with the following principles:

continuity - the implementation of security measures should be based on constant readiness to reflect both internal and external threats to the organization's security. At the same time, the heads of organizations should be clearly aware that the security process does not allow interruptions, otherwise you will have to start all over again;

complexity - the use of all means of protecting financial, material, information and human resources in all structural divisions of the organization and at all stages of its activities. At the same time, the complexity is realized through a set of legal, organizational and engineering measures without their priority allocation;

timeliness - ensuring safety using proactive measures. At the same time, the principle of timeliness implies the setting of tasks for integrated security at all stages of the development of a security system, as well as the development of effective measures to prevent encroachments on the interests of the organization;

legality - ensuring security on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations approved by government bodies within their competence. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the question of the permissibility of certain methods of detecting and suppressing offenses within the framework of the current legislation and a large number of by-laws currently remains open in most cases;

activity - ensuring the security of the organization with a sufficient degree of perseverance and with the wide use of the maneuver of the available forces and means;

universality - ensuring security through the application of measures and the implementation of such activities that have a positive effect regardless of the place of their specific application;

economic feasibility -- a comparison of possible damage and the cost of ensuring security. At the same time, in all cases, the cost of the security system should not exceed the amount of possible damage from any type of risk;

specificity and reliability - the definition of specific types of resources allocated to ensure security. At the same time, reasonable duplication of methods, means and forms of protection while ensuring the security of the organization is mandatory;

professionalism - the implementation of security measures should be carried out only by professionally trained specialists. At the same time, in the context of the rapid development of means and security systems, it is necessary to constantly improve the measures and means of protection based on the training of personnel;

interaction and coordination - the implementation of security measures based on a clear relationship between the relevant units, services and responsible persons. At the same time, the issue of interaction and coordination concerns not only the units and persons directly responsible for security, but also their relationship with other units of the organization;

centralization of management and autonomy - ensuring the organizational and functional independence of the process of organizing the protection of all objects of protection and centralized management of the security of the organization as a whole.

1.3 Types of occupational safety and health of personnel

The physical security of an object is the protection of material and financial resources from emergency circumstances (fire, natural disaster, terrorism) and from unauthorized entry into the territory (vandalism, theft, embezzlement, etc.)

This type of object security is ensured by the activities of security service employees by observing the access, object and intra-object modes using appropriate security technical means and systems. The technical and engineering security facilities and systems include: perimeter security systems; security alarm systems; fire alarm, fire extinguishing and warning systems; security television systems; access restriction systems; access control systems; means of operational communication; protective engineering means (lattices, blinds, armored glass, etc.).

The physical security of personnel is subdivided into the personal security of the management and leading specialists of the organization and their families.

The personal safety of the management and leading specialists is their physical protection, as well as the protection of housing and vehicles of the leaders and leading specialists of the organization and their families. Personal security is ensured by a whole range of operational and technical measures for the protection of such a person, both in ordinary everyday and extreme conditions. Carrying out measures to ensure the personal security of a protected person is regulated by the Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in Russian Federation».

The physical safety of personnel is a system of labor protection and safety in an organization based on industrial sanitation and psychology business relations. Safe and healthy working conditions in the organization are ensured by the complex interaction of both the management of the organization and, last but not least, the efforts of the organization's personnel themselves. Occupational health and safety systems in the organization are regulated Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basics of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

Economic security is the state of protection of the economic interests of the organization from internal and external threats by minimizing commercial risks, economic, legal and organizational systems, other administration of the organization. Economic security is characterized by a combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators and includes the following functional components: financial, property, currency, credit, political and legal, etc. Economic security is the basis for solving almost all problems related to the functioning of the organization.

Information security is the protection of channels for the receipt, storage, processing and transmission of information, the protection of any information resources by access levels. Subject to protection: any documentary information, misuse of which may cause damage to its owner, user or other person. The information protection regime is established in relation to confidential documentary information - by the owner of information resources, i.e. the organization itself. The result of the implementation of information threats can be: loss (destruction, destruction), leakage (extraction, copying, eavesdropping), distortion (modification, forgery), blocking.

There are two main principles of information security: separation of duties and minimization of privileges. The principle of separation of duties prescribes to distribute roles and responsibilities in such a way that one person cannot disrupt a process that is critical for the enterprise. The principle of least privilege dictates that users should be granted only the access rights they need to perform official duties. At the same time, a high level information security organizations are provided with a whole range of administrative measures and operational and technical measures.

Legal security is the protection of the rights, procedure and conditions for the implementation of competitive entrepreneurial activity organizations within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. If we consider legal protection In more detail, it can be conditionally divided into three main areas:

relationships with public authorities;

protection against actions of unscrupulous partners, customers or contractors;

creating conditions for successful production activities organizations.

Intellectual security -- protection of rights to scientific works, industrial designs, trademarks, commercial names. On the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 138), “an exclusive right (intellectual property) is recognized ... legal entity on the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization equated to them ... The use of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization can be carried out by third parties only with the consent of the right holder.

Environmental safety -- security environment, providing safe work environmentally hazardous facilities of the enterprise, prevention environmental disasters. AT general view issues of environmental safety of organizations are regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. The environmental component of safety in the structure of enterprise safety is a rather specific phenomenon and is mainly significant for enterprises that have environmentally hazardous industries or are engaged in subsoil development, etc.

2. The main directions of the state policy in the field of ensuring labor safety and personnel health

The main directions of the state policy in the field of ensuring labor safety and personnel health are:

ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of workers;

adoption and implementation of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, as well as federal target, departmental target and territorial target programs for improving working conditions and labor protection;

public administration labor protection;

state supervision and control over compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;

state examination of working conditions;

establishing the procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions and the procedure for confirming the compliance of the organization of work on labor protection with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;

promotion of public control over observance of the rights and legitimate interests of employees in the field of labor protection;

prevention of accidents and damage to the health of workers;

protection of the legitimate interests of workers affected by accidents and occupational diseases, as well as members of their families on the basis of compulsory social insurance of employees against accidents at work and occupational diseases;

establishing compensation for hard work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor;

coordination of activities in the field of labor protection, environmental protection and other types of economic and social activities;

dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign experience work to improve working conditions and labor protection;

participation of the state in the financing of labor protection measures;

training of specialists in labor protection and improvement of their qualifications;

organization of state statistical reporting on working conditions, as well as on industrial injuries, occupational morbidity and their material consequences;

ensuring the functioning of a unified information system for the protection of the pile;

international cooperation in the field of labor protection; pursuing an effective tax policy that stimulates the creation safe conditions labor, development and implementation of safe equipment and technologies, production of means of individual and collective protection of workers;

establishing a procedure for providing employees with personal and collective protective equipment, as well as sanitary facilities and devices, medical and preventive means at the expense of employers.

The implementation of the main directions of the state policy in the field of ensuring occupational safety and health of personnel is ensured by the coordinated actions of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, employers, associations of employers, as well as trade unions, their associations and other representative representatives authorized by employees labor protection authorities. One of the directions of the state policy in the field of labor protection is also the establishment of uniform regulatory requirements for labor protection for organizations of all forms of ownership, regardless of the scope economic activity and departmental subordination. The state regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on labor protection establish rules, procedures and criteria aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the process labor activity. The procedure for the development and approval of by-laws on labor protection, as well as the timing of their revision, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The federal law of July 17, 1999 provides for the delimitation of the competence of state authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

The powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection include:

determination of the main directions and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of labor protection on the territory of the Russian Federation;

development and adoption of federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation on labor protection;

determination of the foundations of state management of labor protection;

development and implementation of federal target and sectoral target programs for improving working conditions and labor protection and control over their implementation;

determination of expenditures on labor protection at the expense of the federal budget;

determination of the structure, tasks, functions and powers of the bodies of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements;

establishment of a unified procedure for investigating accidents at work and occupational diseases;

formation of bodies carrying out state examination of working conditions, and determination of the procedure for the activities of these bodies;

organization and certification of work on labor protection in organizations;

organizing training for labor protection specialists, establishing uniform requirements for testing the knowledge of persons responsible for ensuring labor safety;

ensuring the interaction of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, employers, associations of employers, as well as trade unions, their associations and other representative bodies authorized by employees in the implementation of state policy in the field of labor protection;

coordination of research work and dissemination of advanced domestic and world experience in improving working conditions and labor protection;

organization of state statistical reporting on working conditions, industrial injuries, occupational morbidity and their material consequences;

international cooperation in the field of labor protection;

other powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection include:

implementation of the state policy in the field of labor protection in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

adoption of laws and other normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on labor protection;

state management of labor protection in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

participation in the development and implementation of federal targeted programs to improve working conditions and labor protection;

development and approval of territorial target programs for improving working conditions and labor protection, monitoring their implementation;

determination of expenses for labor protection at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

development and implementation of measures of economic interest of employers in ensuring safe working conditions;

organizing training for labor protection specialists, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements by persons responsible for ensuring labor safety;

organization of state examination of working conditions of employees, certification of work on labor protection in organizations;

transfer, if necessary, to local governments of certain powers for the state management of labor protection in the territories of municipalities;

other powers not related to the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Local self-government bodies ensure the implementation of the main directions of state policy in the field of labor protection within their powers, as well as the powers transferred to them by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in in due course.

Thus, ensuring the safety of the organization's personnel is carried out at three main levels of management:




3. Analysis of the system of labor safety and health of the personnel of LLC "Superkadry"

Society with limited liability"Superkadry", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", for more than 10 years has been carrying out professional recruitment based on integrated approach(formation of a team of specialists who complement each other with their professional and personal qualities), personnel consulting, organizes and conducts seminars and trainings.

"Superkadry" is recruitment, training, consulting. Behind these dry words are people. These are professionals, each of whom has a unique personality, brings their own values ​​to the company and requires attention and motivation. Each time, starting to get acquainted with a new company, first of all, attention is drawn to the people, ideology and corporate culture of the company.

As of today, the number of "professionals" of the Company is 20 people (Appendix A).

The analysis of the safety and health system of the Company's personnel was carried out in the following areas:

1. Analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise.

2. Analysis of documents related to the issues of ensuring the safety and health of personnel.

As mentioned above, the number of the Company's team is 20 people (Appendix A).

The organizational structure of the Company is linear-functional.

It is based on the principle of building and specializing the management process by function. It is not a complex system of subordinate levels. For each of the functional subsystems (production and technical department, economic sector, financial sector, contract work and property management, etc.) a hierarchy of services has been formed, penetrating the entire hierarchy from top to bottom.

All subsystems are strictly subordinated to a specific higher one, that is, each of the activities in the Directorate is controlled, which ensures the effectiveness of the implementation of activities, but, as you know, there is no such organizational structure of an enterprise in which there would be no shortcomings. Of course, some of the shortcomings are compensated by the advantages, and yet, I consider it appropriate to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the organizational structure of the Society.


Rational combination of linear and functional relationships;

Stability of consolidation of powers and responsibility for personnel.


Duplication of functions of managers and specialists in the process of management activities;

Inadequate response to changes in external and internal environment object;

Lack of department of labor protection and industrial safety.

Due to the fact that the structure of the Company does not have a department of labor protection and industrial safety, the regulatory and legal framework for safety issues is also poorly developed. Only in a number internal documentation there are links to the following documents (Table 1).

Table 1. List of legal acts of the Company

Name of the type of regulatory legal act

Full title


State standards

Gosstandart of Russia

Occupational safety standards systems

Sanitary regulations

Goskomsanepidemnadzor of Russia

Sanitary standards

Goskomsanepidemnadzor of Russia

Hygiene standards

Goskomsanepidemnadzor of Russia

Sanitary rules and regulations

Goskomsanepidemnadzor of Russia

Safety regulations

Federal supervisory authorities in accordance with their competence

An analysis of the Company’s personnel safety and health system indicated a number of shortcomings:

1. Absence of a labor protection and industrial safety department;

2. Imperfection of the legal and regulatory framework for security issues.

To improve the system of occupational safety and health of personnel, it is necessary to:

1. Clearly define the obligations of the employer and employee in the field of safety;

2. Develop a system for creating safe jobs.

The employer must ensure:

The safety of workers during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, implementation technological processes, as well as tools, raw materials and materials used in the production;

Use of certified means of individual and collective protection of workers;

Working conditions corresponding to the requirements of labor protection at each workplace;

The mode of work and rest of employees in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law;

Acquisition and issuance at own expense of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing agents in accordance with established standards for employees employed in work with harmful and (or) other working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution;

training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, conducting labor protection briefings, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection;

prohibition to work of persons who have not undergone training and instruction in labor protection, internships and testing of knowledge of labor protection in the prescribed manner;

organization of control over the state of working conditions at workplaces, as well as over the correct use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees;

certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, followed by certification of the organization of work on labor protection;

preventing employees from performing their labor duties without passing mandatory medical examinations(examinations), mandatory psychiatric examinations, as well as in case of medical contraindications;

informing employees about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the risk of damage to health and the compensations and personal protective equipment due to them;

providing federal authorities executive power to the federal executive authorities authorized to carry out state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, to other federal executive authorities exercising functions of control and supervision in the established field of activity, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, trade union control bodies for compliance with labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms, information and documents necessary for the exercise of their powers;

taking measures to prevent accidents, preserve the life and health of workers in the event of such situations, including the provision of first aid to victims;

investigation and recording of accidents at work and occupational diseases;

obligatory social insurance workers from accidents at work and occupational diseases;

development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another authorized by employees in the prescribed manner;

availability of a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of their activities.

The employee is obliged:

comply with labor safety requirements;

correctly apply personal and collective protective equipment and undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, briefing on labor protection, internships at the workplace, testing knowledge of labor safety requirements;

immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of any accident that occurs at work, or of a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease.

2. The development of a system for creating safe jobs includes the following steps:

Identify hazards for workers at work.

How to do it? The following simple principles must be followed:

Start by saying that safety is your top priority. Employers should prevent their workers from getting hurt in any way, value neat work, and company leaders should be held accountable for safety. Failure to do so may result in legal liability.

Communicate with employees more often, check everything and make sure that nothing poses a potential threat. To do this, you can create a security plan. Study the past of your company, what kind of injuries the workers had in history and what they had complaints about.

Analyze your industry. What are the causes of these injuries and incidents? Not all injuries are too simple, you need to study the influence of other factors as well, for example, the effect of chemicals on your workers.

By following these steps and identifying potential hazards, you are taking a big step towards avoiding hazards in the workplace.

Determine the severity of the consequences of a potentially hazardous location.

First of all, you need to take care of those threats that can damage the health of workers and those around them. For example, some hazards can cause cuts and bruises, but these are not as serious as fatal wounds and injuries. Some injuries are unavoidable and therefore occur frequently, but some may occur only once after a long time. Each hazard must be dealt with in accordance with the possible injury and the partiality of its occurrence. To get started, take them out and make a list, where the most dangerous problem in your workplace comes first.

Solve security problems in your workplaces.

This is the most important part. You are involved in safety and insure your employees against injury. After that, ensure that all safety items are followed. From some sources of danger, you can simply get rid of. For example, a torn cable, it is easy to cut it off and eliminate the danger. Chemicals can be put away in special shelves where they will not be available to everyone.

But there will always be the possibility of a risk of misfortune, so it is simply impossible to take everything into account. But the safety of workers should be one of the highest priorities for a company. By providing workers with protective uniforms and protective equipment against possible work hazards, you increase the rating of your enterprise.


Occupational safety and health of personnel - a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of employees in the course of their work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

As a basis for developing measures aimed at creating safe and healthy working conditions, it is advisable to be guided by the Convention and the ILO recommendations on safety and health in the working environment, which define health as a component of a person's labor potential.

Safe and healthy working conditions are influenced by factors that can affect workers not in isolation, but in various quantitative and qualitative combinations: legal, technical, organizational, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological, aesthetic, socio-psychological, ergonomic, therapeutic and prophylactic, rehabilitation. The regulation of safe and healthy working conditions is carried out on the basis of labor legislation. Failure to comply with the requirements of labor protection regulations can lead to accidents and injuries.

The study proved that there are organizations in which the security system there and the health of the staff is practically absent.

List of used literature

1. Gerasimov B.N. Personnel management. Rostov n / D., 2003.

2. Gordienko Yu.F. Personnel Management. Rostov n / D., 2004.

3. Muzychenko V.V. Personnel Management. M., 2003.

4. Prigogine A.I. Modern sociology of organizations. M., 1995.

5. Fedoseev V.N. Organization personnel management. M., 2003.

6. Shapiro S.A. Personnel management in modern organizations. M., 2005.

7. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. M., 2000.

8. Personnel management of the organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M., 2006.

9. Personnel management in production. M., 2003.

10. Personnel management in production / Ed. N.I.Shatalova. M., 2003.

Annex A

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social or corporate orientation);

awareness in different areas and willingness to unconditionally give practical advice to colleagues;

maintaining a dossier on everyone who enjoys a certain authority in the organization, and, if necessary, putting pressure on them;

stake on a promising employee: to prove himself the person he needs, to promote his promotion to the leaders;

− - identification of ill-wishers and, if necessary, turning them into supporters (the "carrot and stick" method) or discrediting

(methods: spreading rumors, distorting information). Disinformation methods:

direct concealment of facts;

biased selection of data;

violation of temporal and logical connections between events;

a mixture of truth with false facts and allusions;

presentation of facts against the background of distracting information;

a mixture of heterogeneous opinions and facts;

the use of words of double meaning;

failure to mention the key details of the fact;

transmission of part of the message;

retelling in your own words;

inclusion of personal judgments.

7.3. Methods for ensuring safety when working with the personnel of the enterprise

Threats to safety when working with the personnel of the enterprise arise on the basis of:

polyrole behavior of a person in relation to the resources of the organization (possession, disposal, use);

moral and ethical attitudes and economic preferences of a person (motivation, professionalism);

- - the human psyche, i.e., the properties of his personality (the nature of interpersonal relationships, volitional qualities).

The purpose of checking an employee is to minimize the risks of the implementation of threats related to personnel at all stages " life cycle» worker.

The employer wants answers to the following questions:

Does the candidate have vacant position harmful inclinations;

whether there is a criminal record and (or) being under investigation;

whether he correctly reported data on previous places of work;

whether he is loyal to the management of the company;

whether it has any connections with competitors;

does not harbor criminal intentions.

Hence the serious and constant attention human factor in the system of measures that ensure safety in society, in the organization.

History testifies:

the Arabs offered the suspect to touch the red-hot sword with his tongue. If a person burned his tongue, he was found guilty. It has been noticed: the saliva in the mouth of the guilty person dries up, and he gets burned;

in China, the same principle was used, only the suspect answered questions with dry rice in his mouth. If the rice did not get wet, then the person was found guilty;

in India, a number of words were called to the suspect, including words related to the crime. The person had to answer with any word and at the same time beat the gong. Noticed: when answering a key word, the pause is longer, the blow is stronger;

in Africa, suspects were given a bird's egg and told to pass it on to each other. It has been observed: the guilty of a crime will crush a fragile egg;

in Europe, “judicial slice” was practiced - dry bread. If the suspect had difficulty swallowing, he was found guilty;

Ibn Sina (Central Asia) suggested monitoring the pulse of the suspect during the transfer keywords related to the crime. If the pulse was interrupted, the person was recognized as involved in the crime;

Cesare Lombroso (Italy) measured the suspect's blood pressure during interrogation, thereby determining his involvement in the crime. It has been noticed: a liar has physiological changes in the body (pressure, pulse);

Leonard Keeler (USA) simultaneously recorded the suspect's breathing, relative blood pressure, electrical activity of the skin on the world's first polygraph "Keeler".

These methods of verification are irretrievably a thing of the past. In modern organizations, the leading place is occupied by the verification of information reported by the employee, including documented. These procedures are carried out with the written consent of the employee on behalf of the organization by the security service or the personnel management service. In this case, the method of official requests is used.

However, direct communication with a person who is a candidate for a vacant position, with some preparation and observation, can provide answers to many questions, in particular, whether the interlocutor is truthful. Let's illustrate this with examples.

Verbal diagnostic techniques:

option to "catch on contradictions". In the interview, insert questions that match in meaning, but differ in wording. The answers must match;

trap option. A number of questions are asked in the specialty (on language proficiency, computer).

Non-verbal diagnostic techniques:

gesture option. Covering the mouth, touching the mouth, nose, rubbing the eyes, scratching the neck - evidence of difficulty in answering;

option "gaze aversion or frequent blinking." If a person does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor for less than half the time of the conversation, then he is considered insincere;

option "nervous movements". If a person suddenly begins to make small uncontrolled movements (straighten clothes, hair, brushing something, rearrange small objects, change position), this should alert;

variant of "hoarseness and coughing". Lying creates a throat muscle spasm;

option "raising the timbre of the voice." It is generally accepted that a high timbre voice comes from the head, from the mind, and a low timbre voice comes from the heart, from feelings. If a person makes an effort to "construct" a phrase, his voice rises (insincerity?);

option "unfinished phrases". A person does not say some phrases and makes pauses after that. This indicates an internal collision with an obstacle in the form of information that

which you would like to hide.

Diagnostic technique during the interview with the candidate:

"Tell us a little about yourself" question. Pay attention to how the candidate sets out biographical data: emphasizes his desire to work or talks about his qualifications, speaks briefly, accurately, clearly, is calm, confident;

the question “What difficulties do you see in life and how do you cope with them (how you look at life)?” Possible conclusions: a pessimist is an optimist, knows how to interact with people or not;

the question “What attracts us to work in this position?” The interlocutor should give serious and specific arguments, and not common phrases like “I am attracted by a serious company, growth prospects, etc.”;

the question “Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position, what are your advantages over other candidates?” best question for the candidate to show his main virtues without false modesty. It is alarming if here the candidate will operate only formal biographical characteristics;

question "Name your strengths? The interlocutor argued, specifically lists his own strengths necessary for this work. It is alarming if you hear verbal clichés like: “I am sociable, neat, executive”;

question "Name your weak sides? A smart one will definitely expose his shortcomings as virtues (a workaholic - instead of: disorganized);

the question “Why did you leave your previous job?” The habit of conflict is a stable characteristic and will definitely manifest itself in the answer. A positive fact - the interlocutor will emphasize the positive reasons for leaving (the desire to fully realize their potential);

the question “Have other job offers been received?” The opinion about the employee will increase if there is a positive response with an interest in this particular job;

the question “Will personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (non-standard working hours, long business trips)?” The question is more often asked to women, bypassing the law, they try to set additional stringent conditions (not to issue a sick leave, not to take vacations without pay);

the question “How do you imagine your position in 5 (10) years? A positive fact if a career is planned;

the question “What changes would you make in your new job?” The initiative is good with knowledge of the issue, otherwise - idle talk;

the question “Who can I contact for feedback on your work?” Withholding such information will immediately reveal the absence of positive

the question "What salary do you expect?" Judgment - "who does not know his own price, he will always sell too cheap."

The methods of ensuring security include the activities of the personnel management service for assessing, promoting, stimulating the work of the personnel of the enterprise.

The security problem becomes most acute during certification, official movements, incentives, and the release of workers, that is, in the implementation of procedures known as personnel management.

The normative regulators of the behavior of employees in the organization here are:

corporate culture - the system of values ​​adopted in the organization;

personnel policy - a system of measures and norms for working with personnel. Attestation is a procedure for evaluating an employee and making a decision about

its further use in the organization. In fact, this is the current check of the employee, during which the following are evaluated:

professional skills (knowledge, experience);

moral attitudes (principality, honesty);

volitional qualities (energy, perseverance, efficiency);

business qualities (initiativity, independence, purposefulness)

tenacity, diligence, efficiency). Certification methods:

biographical method of assessing employees by their biographies and characteristics;

comparative method, or the method of standard assessments, when the actual data of an employee is compared with the required (standard) or a set of qualities (matrix);

the method of summed estimates with the accrual of conditional points for the intensity of the manifestation of certain qualities;

a method of testing employees based on assessing the degree of success of answers to the questions asked (situations);

game method, which is a more complex variation of the testing method, when an employee is offered a problem situation to solve;

ranking method, when an employee is assigned a certain rank among other persons;

graphical method for constructing a personality profile.

The experts involved in the certification process, at the stage of making a decision on the assessment of an employee, use the following methods:

simple: the principle of the majority, the principle of the dictator;

complex: the Delphi method (multi-round), the Pareto principle (a decision is made that is unprofitable to change for everyone), the Cournot principle (the decision is rational and does not infringe on the interests of everyone), the Edgeworth principle (the optimal decision among coalitions of experts is

The results of certification along with personal data are included in the database (dossier) of the employee, providing a regime for minimizing risks.

Service travel - it is the implementation of measures defined as an employee's career. Career - the promotion of an employee up the career ladder: a change in profession, specialty, qualifications, status (position), role (duties).

A career is realized in the form of vertical and horizontal movements of an employee in an organization or outside it.

Vertical movements are accompanied by changes in position, horizontal - changes in the nature and content of labor.

Career models that neutralize the risks of employee demotivation:

"ladder" - each rung of the service ladder the employee takes a fixed time;

"snake" - the constant movement of an employee within the organization;

"crossroads" - the movement of an employee based on the results of certification conducted regularly.

Career development problems that increase the risks of the implementation of threats related to the personality of the employee:

early career: clash of initiative and routine, dissatisfaction due to inability, incorrect assessment of their role, functions, incorrect assessment by the head;

in the middle of a career: lack of vacancies, the effect of internal


Conditions for risk neutralization: realistic job information, proactive appointments, greater autonomy.

Release of staff- a process aimed at terminating an employment relationship.

Security conditions:

guarantees of non-dissemination of confidential information;

guarantees of loyalty to the enterprise and management after dismissal.

Methods of working with a dismissed employee:

- at the initiative of the employee - in the form of a "final interview",

during which the true reasons for dismissal, bottlenecks in the organization are revealed, an attempt is made to influence the decision of the employee to dismiss;

but on the initiative of the administration - in the form of sending a notice of dismissal (official stage). When an employee is made redundant or the organization is closed after an official announcement, the dismissed employee is consulted with the provision of possible assistance in self-assessment and employment;

upon retirement - in the form of a gradual preparation of the employee for retirement, followed by a transition to a flexible work schedule, counseling, mentoring.

Retrenchment management programs (staff release planning), including:

timely movement of employees within the enterprise;

preventive retraining of workers;

termination of hiring for vacancies;

socially oriented selection of candidates for dismissal. Types of programs that reduce risks:

"golden parachute", the dismissal of an employee with the provision of financial support to him to open his own business;

"graceful age", the dismissal of an employee to retire a few years earlier with the payment of a pension from the enterprise's funds;

"graceful window", the dismissal of an employee in certain period(for several months) with the preservation of many social

al benefits operating at the enterprise.

Stimulation - rewarding an employee based on the results of work or in the course of labor process. The purpose of incentives is to provide a given employee motivation to work. The stimulation is based on administrative, economic, socio-psychological methods.

Administrative are built on the basis of the use of normatively established methods of punishment and encouragement. Focused only on formal organizations and formal relationships. Administrative methods of punishment cause a natural reaction of escaping punishment, they are effective only for workers with low labor qualifications and degraded labor consciousness. Administrative methods of encouragement are effective, but not flexible enough. The expected encouragement is taken for granted. The lack of administrative methods is a limited set of methods of influencing the employee, high inertia and subjectivism.

Economic methods use techniques that create positive and negative motivation. Based on the results of economic

the mental activity of the employee, the organization as a whole. Neutral to the nature of social relations in the group. Effective for all categories of workers. The range of methods of influence on the worker is wide. Distinctive features - efficiency, the ability to establish a direct connection "labor - payment" (association "fairness / injustice").

Socio-psychological methods are based on a system of values ​​enshrined in the norms corporate culture organizations and moral standards society as a whole. Used to form an electoral work motivation for certain categories of workers. Ineffective for persons with pronounced economic and deviant behavior. Focused on informal relationships in the organization. The range of methods is unusually wide. Very operational. Perception depends on the personality of the leader and the social status of the employee.

Socio-psychological features of incentive systems: Time wages.

Advantages - prostate, taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee, the possibility of comparison (by analogy). Disadvantages - bureaucracy, lack of direct connection with the results of the enterprise as a whole. The consequences of the application: conformism and impersonality in the team, the emergence of a “swamp” or a militant minority, the development of the “internal dismissal” syndrome in a number of employees, an increase in frustration (irritation), cases of flattery, intrigue, “extortion” of salaries and bonuses. Psychologically, the “fair” amount of the bonus is 30% of the salary (tariff).

Piece wages.

Advantages - taking into account personal results, the possibility of using standards for work. Disadvantages - limited application, focus on quantitative results, negative impact on the level of professionalism and team spirit in the group. The consequences of the application: a decrease in the professional and qualification level, the difficulty of forming a team spirit in a group, regular conflicts in the distribution of work and the calculation of earnings. The award is perceived as a "handout".

Variable wage systems.

Advantages - flexibility, accounting for economic results, the possibility of comparison (fact / base). Disadvantages - subjectivism, complexity of perception, lack of regulatory framework. The consequences of the application: the formation of authoritarianism under the guise of democracy, the possibility of emotional outbursts and tough lobbying for the amount (conditions) of payment, the growth of instability in the group. Bonuses are effective by the type of bonuses (gifts).

Competency payment systems.

Consider the principles of the phased construction of a security model industrial enterprise(large logistics complex), consisting of several modules, typical for this field of activity.

Let's first describe this imaginary object:

  • large property;
  • consists of an administrative office and industrial premises- several terminals, some of which have special conditions environments for certain types of goods;
  • each terminal has expensive fixed assets: racks, automated system loading and computer system for recording the movement of goods;
  • the total volume of goods in storage is up to 20 billion rubles, the daily movement of goods (receipt - issue) is at least 200 million rubles;
  • each terminal has several loading and unloading gates;
  • the staff consists of 300 people.

From the description of the logistics complex, it follows that this is a large property, equipped with expensive equipment and carrying out the logistics processing of high-value goods owned by customers. Potential risks enterprises are primarily operating. Of these, we single out the threat of loss of material values ​​due to fire, other natural disaster or theft. We understand that the risks of possible fire and theft of property belong to the category of potential risks, however, we firmly know that if we do not take appropriate measures, then Negative consequences(in the form of direct damage) will come with a high probability. We will counter threats with physical and engineering security measures. This means that the facility must be equipped with a comprehensive technical protection system, including a fire extinguishing system, an intrusion protection system, an access control system (ACS), and an alarm system. This system will be controlled and responded to by the physical security service of the facility, working in cooperation with the fire extinguishing services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) and private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Subject to the described measures, the logistics complex and the goods located in it can be insured.

But that's not all, the complex has a computer system for recording the movement of goods, which in modern conditions must be reliably protected from possible hacker attacks and other offenses in the field of computer information. Risks in the field of information security should be minimized by taking the necessary measures to protect against external and internal threats in this area. They will be versatile and include software, network, hardware protection measures, uninterruptible power supply protection measures, protection measures against possible attempts to penetrate the system from outside, as well as against possible incidents by company personnel. In addition, measures in this area will be aimed at protecting other functions.

The staff of the logistics complex consists of 300 people, most of whom are engaged in various works with material assets. The management of the enterprise is interested in the fact that these are qualified specialists, among whom there are no persons with criminal inclinations. This state is achieved by measures in the field of personnel security of the enterprise, which allow avoiding the hiring of undesirable persons and monitoring personnel in order to prevent mercenary offenses and minimize their possible negative consequences.

In addition, the logistics complex may have contractors whose business reputation and conscientiousness in the performance of contractual relations are of fundamental importance for this enterprise. This threat belongs to the category of typical phenomena in the field of business relations: it may be associated with the optional behavior of the counterparty in compliance with contractual obligations, the lack of intention to fully and with the required level of quality to fulfill the terms of the contract, or the intent to commit fraud or other illegal actions. To minimize such risks, our company must take measures to ensure economic security. These measures can be of a versatile nature, from checking and monitoring counterparties to protecting an enterprise from illegal economic activities and conducting business (competitive) intelligence activities.

3.2 Occupational safety measures

In the conditions of modern production, individual measures to prevent injuries and diseases are not effective enough. It is necessary that they be carried out in a complex manner, forming a subsystem of labor safety management in the production management system. This opens up the possibility for purposeful regulation of the process of formation of safe working conditions in the workplace.

Starting the preparation of one or another measure to ensure labor safety, it is necessary to determine: why it will be carried out, for whom it is intended, what results are expected. Depending on the goal, they choose methods to achieve it, give instructions to employees, create commissions (groups, councils, etc.). The composition of the commission (working group) for the preparation and implementation of measures to ensure labor safety must include representatives of those for whom the measures are primarily intended.

One of the important principles of building and functioning of the labor safety management system is the principle of a systematic approach. It is expressed in the fact that on the basis of program-target management, a complex of interrelated organizational, technical, sanitary and individual measures is carried out aimed at creating conditions for highly productive and safe labor at all sites and stages of production.

Organizational measures are part of the general system of organizing labor and production; provided for by regulations. These include:

Fulfillment of the requirements of the scientific organization of labor;

Attestation and certification of workplaces;

Instruction of personnel on protection;

Professional selection and organization of medical examinations;

Social insurance;

Arrangement of personnel in accordance with qualifications;

Development of plans to eliminate the consequences of accidents;

Development and implementation of plans for the inspection and repair of equipment;

Development of a cleaning schedule for workplaces;

Drawing up a list of hazardous work;

Investigation, recording and analysis of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Organization of special meals;

Promotion of labor protection;

Development of a system of incentives and punishments.

At hazardous production facilities, organizational measures for labor protection also include:

Licensing of hazardous work;

Equipment certification;

Investigation of accidents and liquidation of their consequences;

Forecasting emergency situations;

Examination and declaration of industrial safety; liability Insurance.

Technical measures include ensuring compliance with safety requirements for production equipment, its location, pipelines and communications, lifting and transport vehicles, technical means of personnel protection, methods and instruments for monitoring environmental parameters and the level of hazardous and harmful factors. General activities: automation and mechanization of work; remote control; use of control machines; blocking and alarm. Private events: installation of fences; shielding from radiation; compliance with electrical safety requirements, etc.

Sanitary measures are developed mainly at the stage of building design, provided and improved as necessary in the course of the current activities of the organization. These include: compliance with the requirements of labor protection and safety in the planning and maintenance of the territory, main and auxiliary buildings, warehouses, individual workshops and premises; ensuring the necessary microclimate parameters and air purity in the working area (ventilation, heating, air conditioning); ensuring the quality of lighting; provision of sanitary facilities and sanitary facilities; compliance with the requirements of industrial aesthetics and sanitary protection of the environment.

Measures for individual protection include: choice effective means personal protective equipment (PPE) of workers; ensuring proper storage and serviceability of PPE; training of personnel in the use of PPE.

The analysis of information on the enterprise under study showed that the working conditions at the enterprise are less safe. But at the enterprise, 80-90% of the equipment is obsolete, as a result, it is necessary to increase the technical level of production. Namely, the introduction of new, progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production processes; improving the use and application of new types of raw materials and materials; design changes and specifications products; other factors that increase the technical level of production.

In order to ensure the safest working conditions, reduce the number of injuries, as well as in order to prevent injuries, I would suggest that the company take a number of basic measures:

Improve control over compliance with safety requirements and instructions;

Improve the organization of workplaces, equip them with a technological mark;

Pay special attention to and conduct coursework on occupational health and safety with workers;

To test the knowledge of safety measures for personnel servicing production equipment;

Eliminate design flaws in the equipment, the consequences of which can lead to injuries;

Perform work to improve the reliability of protective and safety equipment equipment;

Provide mandatory testing for production machinery;

Monitor the implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;

Measure the resistance of grounding devices of equipment, insulation of electrical installations, devices, the enterprise's power grid with paperwork in time and norms;

Immediately report all identified deficiencies to the chief engineer and take urgent measures to eliminate them.

Labor protection measures for a particular workplace are aimed at minimizing the existing hazardous and harmful factors, such as noise, vibration, insufficient (unsatisfactory) lighting, dustiness, chemical factors, etc. The establishment of a functional relationship between production (chemical, physical, biological, psychophysiological) and economic factors will allow us to assess the scale of costs or savings on labor protection measures, i.e. get a forecast of the expected efficiency.

3.3 Effectiveness of proposed measures

An objective assessment of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures makes it possible to develop recommendations when choosing equipment, technological processes (ergonomic approach) and strategic guidelines in the development of investment programs to improve working conditions at the enterprise.

The result of the assessment of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures is a quantitative assessment of the costs and income of the enterprise related to the issues of labor protection and safety. These data can serve as a rationale for making managerial decisions to optimize (improve) the working conditions of employees.

Occupational safety is one of the most important factors in increasing production efficiency. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of work on labor safety is an important element for mobilizing the efforts of the management and working personnel in improving working conditions, as well as the formation of a psychology of priority work on ensuring labor safety. The main goal is to optimize work on labor safety, identify priority measures by assessing their economic efficiency.

The enterprise has a standard "SSBT. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of work on labor safety". It is a layout of a local regulatory act in the system of labor safety standards at the enterprise, contains documents regulating the procedure for implementing, evaluating and further analyzing the economic efficiency of labor protection measures. The standard regulates the procedure for the implementation, evaluation and further analysis of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures. The results obtained on this basis should be a universal quantitative toolkit for the management system in the field of labor protection. The block diagram of the enterprise standard is shown in Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3 "SSBT. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of work on labor safety"

The economic interest of enterprises in improving working conditions and labor protection is achieved by reducing material losses associated with a decrease in occupational risks. Reducing the level of risks will reduce the number of accidents, which are the most costly sources of possible losses.

The introduction of measures to improve the organization of labor is carried out in stages:

Identification of problems to be solved;

Establishing the causes of these problems, setting goals;

Development of measures to achieve the set goals;

Description of the consequences of the proposed measures;

Determining the cost of their implementation and the economic effect of their implementation.

Let's evaluate the efficiency on a specific example and calculate the annual economic effect, as well as the payback period. The annual economic effect is calculated by the formula:

E g \u003d E r - E n * Z ed, (3)

where Er - the amount of savings in implementation costs from the introduction of measures to improve the organization of labor;

E n - normative coefficient of comparative economic efficiency = 0.15

Z ed - one-time costs associated with the development and implementation of the event.

A progressive brigade form of labor organization was introduced in the workshop of steel enameled products. Welders on resistance welding machines were united in a specialized team and new equipment was purchased, since the old one did not meet the labor safety conditions. As a result, the number of welders was reduced from 8 to 5 people.

Let's compare the costs of the implementation of activities with the income from their implementation. The costs and benefits are presented in the following table:

Tab. 3.1 Costs and benefits of implementing activities.


Thousand roubles.


Work and materials

New equipment

Workshop interruptions


Reducing work breaks

Reducing absenteeism

Saving energy consumption

Payback period \u003d Value of costs / Annual income or savings \u003d 7180/2620 \u003d 2.7 years. Therefore, it is recommended to take a payback period of 2.7 years. Measures are considered effective if the payback period of one-time costs is not higher than the standard.

The average salary of one welder per year is 1300 thousand rubles. The payroll savings will be: 1300 * 3 = 3900 thousand rubles, the savings in social contributions at a rate of 39% will be: 3900 * 39/100 = 1521 thousand rubles. Total savings in implementation costs from the introduction of measures to improve the organization of labor: 3900 + 1521 = 5421 thousand rubles. Therefore, the annual economic effect will be:

E g \u003d 5421 - 0.15 * 7180 \u003d 4344 thousand rubles.

Thus, we can say that the calculation of the annual economic effect allows the enterprise to decide on the appropriateness of using the proposed measures. Judging by the calculations, we see that the introduction of new safe equipment at the enterprise gives an economic effect of 4344 thousand rubles. in year.


Occupational safety is the creation of healthy and safe working conditions by various means.

Occupational safety is a state of working conditions under which the impact on the worker of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded or the impact of harmful production factors does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

Safety and labor protection provide for technical and organizational measures that ensure safe work at the enterprise. Violations of safety rules and production instructions by personnel can cause injuries and occupational diseases.

Creating safe working conditions at enterprises of various forms of ownership is one of the main priorities.

The high level of organization of labor protection at the enterprise contributes to the growth of labor productivity of workers, and thereby the growth of production, and increase its efficiency; reduction of loss of working time, reduction of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, etc.

The presence of a safety system makes it possible to make production more efficient and less adversely affecting human health. Modern systems security systems allow you to prevent possible failures in a timely manner.

To date, the problem of labor safety of personnel at the enterprise is particularly relevant, since it is on good and safe working conditions that the mood and working capacity of the employee and, as a result, the growth of labor productivity, which is reflected in the final financial and economic results, depend.

The main purpose of the analysis of labor safety of personnel at the enterprise is to determine the most effective ways and measures. Ensuring labor safety at the enterprise includes the identification, analysis and assessment of existing threats, the development of a subsystem of countermeasures based on them.

object in this term paper the analysis of the financial and economic results of the enterprise OJSC "Santep" is presented.

When writing a term paper, the following tasks were set and subsequently solved:

Considered labor safety and factors determining it;

Studied the principles, means and methods of ensuring the safety of personnel;

The organizational and economic characteristics of OJSC "Santep" are given;

Analyzed human resources and safety measures at the enterprise;

The most effective ways and measures to ensure the safety of personnel have been identified.

In this work, I have revealed the meaning and essence of the principles of ensuring labor safety and their implementation at the enterprise, and also examined in detail the main criteria and indicators. An assessment of the human resources potential and analysis of the financial and economic results of the activities of the JSC "Santep" enterprise was carried out.

Composition and structure analysis labor resources, analysis of profit and profitability, which are directly related to the functioning of the organization, show that the enterprise I am considering is, unfortunately, financially untenable.

The company is small, that is, it does not have a significant amount of labor resources. In 2010, the total staff was 223 people. Rational use of workforce is an indispensable condition for ensuring the continuity of the production process and the successful implementation production plans and business processes.

As a result, for the enterprise OJSC "Santep" we see that profit in 2010 decreased by 25% compared to 2009, of which net profit fell by 85.7%. Compared to 2008, it decreased by 82.7%, of which net profit - by 99.5%. This is a consequence of a decrease in demand for manufactured products.

The profitability of production activities, calculated on the basis of profit from sales in 2009 compared to 2008 increased by 33.2%, and in 2010 compared to 2009 by 6.8%. But the profitability of production activities, calculated on the basis of net profit, gradually decreased over these periods.

An analysis of the state of occupational safety of personnel revealed to us information about accidents, morbidity and the condition of equipment. In this regard, it can be noted that working conditions have become better and safer, and hazardous impact factors are decreasing. The equipment is modernized, safety briefings are conducted in a timely manner. In 2010, there is a decrease in the incidence of occupational diseases and the absence of accidents, which indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken in the organization's policy to ensure health and safety.

In the third chapter, ways to ensure the safety of personnel at the enterprise of Santep OJSC were considered, a new management strategy and measures to ensure labor safety were proposed. I also calculated the economic effect of the proposed measures to improve the organization of labor in order to ensure safety, which is equal to 4344 thousand rubles. per year, which gives reason to talk about the feasibility of introducing and using the proposed measures.


1. Frolov, A. V. Life safety. Occupational safety: textbook.

allowance for universities / under. total ed. A. V. Frolova. - Ed. 2nd, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a.: Phoenix, 2008. - 750 p.

2. Life safety: textbook / ed. prof. E.A. Arustamov. - 10th ed., revised. and additional - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006, - 476 p.

3. Alekseev, V.S., Muradova, E.O., Davydova, I.S. Life safety in questions and answers. - M.: TK Velby, 2006. - 208 p.

4. Belov, S.V., Ilnitskaya, A.V. Life safety. - M.: Higher school, 1999. - 448 p.

5. Zotov, B.I., Kurdyumov, V.I. Life safety at work. - M.: Kolos, 2006. - 432 p.

6. Sapronov, Yu.G., Sysa, A.B., Shakhbazyan, V.V. Life safety. - M.: ITs Academy, 2004. - 320 p.

7. Zhuravlev, P.V., Kartashov, S.A., Mausov, N.K., Odegov, Yu.G. Technology of personnel management: Handbook of a manager. - M .: "Exam", 2000. - 576s.

8. Management of the organization: textbook / ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina, - M., New knowledge, 1999. - 450s.

9. Tsvetaeva, V.M. Personnel management - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 192 p.

10. Personnel management of the organization: textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: Infra-M, 1998. - 512s.

11. Personnel management: textbook / ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina, M., - Minsk, New Knowledge, 1998, - 320s.

12. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Textbook / ed. P.V. Shemetova.- M.: INFRA-M: Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1999. - 312p.

13. Organizational psychology: reader / comp. and general edition by L.V. Vinokurova, I.I. Skripyuk - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 512 p.

14. Personnel management: encyclopedic dictionary / under. ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000, - 461 p.

15. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel Management. - Novgorod.: NIMB, 2000, - 607 p.

16. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel planning and hiring. - M:, Int-sintez, 1997, - 80 p.

17. Dessler, G. Personnel management: per. from English, - M.: BINOM, 1997, - 432 p.

18. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. - M .: Int-sintez, 2000, - 336 p.

19. Durakova, I.B. Personnel management: selection and hiring. - M .: Center, 2000, - 160 p.

20. Hwang T.A., Hwang P.A. Fundamentals of life safety. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2002. - 320 p.

21. Savitskaya, G.V. Economic analysis: studies. / G.V. Savitskaya. - M.: New knowledge, 2007. - 679 p.

Personnel and the complexity of the equipment of the enterprise. ... more offers and way improve efficiency Maintenance... main activities for ensuring security labor are mandatory instructions...

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    harmful conditions labor from other jobs: security security labor. When ... intersect with transport ways. Access way should be designed so that ... enterprises, service training personnel safe working methods, conducting...

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    All variety of forms and methods security ensure security personnel, customers and business activities... Code of Fundamentals about labor; Law of the Russian Federation "On security"; Law of the Russian Federation "On ... channels of threat security hotel stay through use...

  • Each organization has a lot of different information resources: knowledge and skills of employees, know-how, unique technologies, hardware and software, databases, documentation (including those containing confidential information). The leakage of important information causes significant damage to the organization and may even cause its bankruptcy. This phenomenon, unfortunately, is widespread: according to research by the company Scarchinform, which specializes in information leakage protection, in 2015 in Russia more than half of the surveyed companies (52%) encountered confidential information leaks.

    In 2015, the InfoWatch Analytical Center registered 1,505 cases of confidential information leakage. This is 7.8% more than in 2014. The main share of information leakage falls on personal data and information that has potential or actual commercial value - financial reports, intellectual property, business plans, details of specific transactions, etc.

    In 2015, in 51.2% of cases, the perpetrators of information leaks were real or former employees - 48.9% and 2.3%, respectively. In more than 1% of cases, the fault of the heads of organizations (top managers, heads of departments and departments) was recorded. The share of leaks that occurred on the side of contractors, whose personnel had legitimate access to protected information, increased by 3.5 and. p., amounting to 7.6%.

    Therefore, ensuring the protection of personal data and trade secrets in the personnel management system is of the utmost importance. practical value. At the same time, the security measures applied in the organization to protect against the risks of information leakage should guarantee confidentiality, integrity, timely reporting and access control. Security measures include technical, organizational and managerial. In turn, they are provided with procedural, physical, system, communication and management security systems.

    In this chapter, we will consider the management aspect of information security.

    Several types of secrets can apply and demand protection at the same time in an organization. In addition, dozens of third parties receive and use confidential enterprise information.

    The legal definition of confidential information follows from a number of regulatory legal acts: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 “On information, information technology and on the Protection of Information”, Federal Law No. 98 of July 29, 2004 “On Trade Secrets”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1997 No. 188 “On Approval of the List of Confidential Information”, Government Decree No. 35 of December 5, 1991 “On the List of Information , which cannot be trade secret" and etc.

    Information in general is information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation. All information is divided into public and the one access to which is limited in accordance with various regulations. Restricted information can be documented, so undocumented. Documentation of information is prerequisite inclusion of information in information resources.

    Documented information (document)- information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified. Undocumented restricted information includes family and personal secret as well as the secrecy of voting and the secrecy of confession.

    Documented information with restricted access under the terms of its legal regime is divided into information classified as a state secret, and information of a confidential nature.

    Confidential information, according to the decree of the President, includes:

    • 1. Information about facts, events and circumstances privacy citizen, allowing to identify his personality (personal data), with the exception of information to be disseminated in the media mass media in cases prescribed by federal laws.
    • 2. Information constituting the secrecy of the investigation and legal proceedings, as well as information about protected persons and measures of state protection carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 119-FZ “On State Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Participants in Criminal Proceedings” and others normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
    • 3. Official information, access to which is restricted by public authorities in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws (official secret).
    • 4. Information related to professional activities, access to which is limited in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws (medical, notarial, lawyer secrets, privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal items, telegraphic or other messages, etc.).
    • 5. Information related to commercial activities, access to which is restricted in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws (commercial secret).
    • 6. Information about the essence of the invention, utility model or industrial design before the official publication of information about them.

    Federal laws establish the conditions for classifying information as information constituting a trade secret, official secret and other secret, the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such information, as well as responsibility for its disclosure. The procedure for access to personal data of citizens (individuals) is established by the federal law on personal data.

    Information received by citizens ( individuals) when executed by them professional duties or organizations when they carry out certain types of activities (professional secret), is subject to protection in cases where federal laws impose obligations on these persons to maintain the confidentiality of such information.