Coal industry. Career in a quarry: equipment and technologies for open pit coal mining Open pit coal mining is carried out in

“I will sell Kuzbass coal” - publications and websites are full of such ads Altai Territory. However, for good reason. More than half of the region's population are rural residents. And because the weather in the house in winter they largely depend on what kind of coal they are heated. It is Kuzbass coal that is in great demand in Altai, as it has a very high heat transfer. To find out how it is mined, the correspondent went to the Kemerovo region to the Chernigovets mine, one of the top three coal industry Russia.

The Chernigovets mine is part of the SDS-coal. This is a whole city with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. km. About 170 km are located on the territory of the section. highways and 100 km. railway tracks. Almost 3 thousand people work here. About 6 million tons of coal are mined annually at the mine.

The length of the coal mine is more than 10 km. Depth - up to 300 meters. When you stand on the observation deck and look down, all the equipment seems like a toy. Everything here is so huge… Impressive!

Coal is mined by blasting, as the rocks are very hard. After the rock has been blasted, huge mining excavators with a bucket capacity of up to 33 m³ (a whole railway car) load coal into dump trucks.

Chernigovets uses the entire arsenal of dump trucks available in the world today. Small 40-ton machines and a 450-ton BelAZ, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dump truck in the world, work in the mine faces. He's really huge. With my height of 158 cm, I do not even reach half the height of the wheel of this colossus! Here is the power!

This summer, an American Liebherr T 264 ultra-class dump truck with a carrying capacity of 220 tons was delivered to the mine. The first in Russia.

Dump trucks are delivered unassembled to the cut. It takes about three weeks to assemble one machine. One of the most experienced crews of the mine will work on the new Liebherr T264. Similar machines are used in quarries in Australia and America. Soon the new dump truck will start working. By the end of the year, four more similar machines will be delivered to the mine.

Huge BelAZ trucks take away the “prey” along the serpentine of the cut to a special site. From there, coal is loaded into wagons or sent to a processing plant. One BelAZ consumes about three tons of diesel fuel per shift. Fuel, by the way, is produced directly at the enterprise. The average speed of dump trucks is 35-38 km/h.

Most of the coal mined at the mine is transported to the Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya processing plant. The company is equipped with the latest technology. The factory produces thermal coal used largest enterprises Russia and abroad. The main consumers of Chernigovets export products are Turkey, Ukraine, Great Britain, South Korea and Finland.

The factory has implemented a unique, environmentally friendly cleaning technology that prevents emissions of polluted air into the atmosphere.

Video surveillance is carried out on the territory of the mine and the processing plant, the picture is broadcast on a screen in the administrative building. The operator monitors mining, production, loading operations online, if necessary, at any time, he can examine in detail every square centimeter of the cut, assess the condition of the equipment, etc.

Communication at the section is provided by MegaFon. Especially for this, two masts of 70 and 30 meters were erected on the territory of "Chernigovets" to accommodate communications equipment, base stations 2G/3G, fiber-optic cable for Internet access. As part of the MegaFon project, connected and provided access to global network not only Chernigovets, but also all SDS-Ugol enterprises, which are located at a distance of 30 to 300 km from each other. Each unit of administrative and economic equipment (and there are more than 200 of them at the enterprise) has SIM-cards installed, with which you can control the movement, fuel consumption, tire pressure, vehicle performance level, etc. Thanks to stable communication, even on geographically complex in areas with many pits and height differences, the owner can manage the technological processes online.

- MegaFon provides more than 2,500 employees of the section mobile communication, our voice communication is directly in the pits, where mining operations are underway at a depth of almost 300 meters, and the so-called Internet of things - M2M for the economic park and the fleet of vehicles, - says Mark Malakhov, director of the Kuzbass branch of MegaFon.

In plans for the future mobile operator– providing communication in the agricultural sector: combine harvesters, harvesting equipment, etc. By the way, this direction is very promising for the Altai Territory, since we are an agricultural region.

By the way, it is worth noting that coal mining at the Chernigovsky open-pit mine is carried out around the clock. Works are suspended only on the night of December 31 and on the day of January 1.

The coal reserves at the mine will last at least another 50 years, - says CEO JSC "Chernigovets" Yuri Deryabin. - Speaking in numbers, there are more than 600 million tons of coal in the bowels.

coal industry is engaged in the extraction and primary processing (enrichment) of hard and brown coal and is the largest industry in terms of the number of workers and the cost of production fixed assets.

Russian coal

Russia has various types of coal - brown, black, anthracite - and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of reserves. The total geological reserves of coal amount to 6421 billion tons, of which 5334 billion tons are standard. More than 2/3 of the total reserves are coal. Technological fuel - coking coal - is 1/10 of the total amount of hard coal.

Coal distribution throughout the country uneven. 95% reserves account for eastern regions, of which more than 60% - to Siberia. The main part of the general geological reserves of coal is concentrated in the Tunguska and Lena basins. In terms of industrial coal reserves, the Kansk-Achinsk and Kuznetsk basins are distinguished.

Coal mining in Russia

In terms of coal production, Russia ranks fifth in the world (after China, the USA, India and Australia), 3/4 of the coal produced is used for the production of energy and heat, 1/4 - in metallurgy and chemical industry. A small part is exported, mainly to Japan and the Republic of Korea.

Open pit coal mining in Russia is 2/3 of the total volume. This method of extraction is considered the most productive and cheapest. However, this does not take into account the severe disturbances of nature associated with it - the creation of deep quarries and extensive overburden dumps. Mine production is more expensive and has a high accident rate, which is largely determined by the depreciation of mining equipment (40% of it is outdated and requires urgent modernization).

Russian coal basins

The role of this or that coal basin in the territorial division of labor depends on the quality of coal, the size of the reserves, the technical and economic indicators of extraction, the degree of preparedness of the reserves for industrial exploitation, the size of the extraction, and the peculiarities of the transport and geographical position. Together, these conditions stand out sharply interdistrict coal bases— The Kuznetsk and Kansk-Achinsk basins, which together account for 70% of coal production in Russia, as well as the Pechora, Donetsk, Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo and South Yakutsk basins.

Kuznetsk basin located in the south of Western Siberia in Kemerovo region, is the main coal base of the country and provides half of the all-Russian coal production. Here lies the coal High Quality, including coking. Almost 12% of mining is carried out by open pit mining. The main centers are Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Prokopievsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Kansko-Achinsk basin located in the south of Eastern Siberia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory along the Trans-Siberian Railway and provides 12% of coal production in Russia. The lignite of this basin is the cheapest in the country, since it is mined in an open pit. Due to the low quality of coal, it is not very transportable, and therefore powerful thermal power plants operate on the basis of the largest mines (Irsha-Borodinsky, Nazarovsky, Berezovsky).

Pechora basin is the largest in the European part and provides 4% of the country's coal production. It is remote from the most important industrial centers and is located in the Arctic; mining is carried out only by the mine method. Coking coal is mined in the northern part of the basin (Vorkuta and Vorgashorskoye deposits), while in the southern part (Intinskoye deposit), mainly energy coal is mined. The main consumers of Pechora coal are the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, enterprises of the North-West, the Center and the Central Chernozem Region.

Donetsk basin in the Rostov region is the eastern part of the coal basin located in Ukraine. This is one of the oldest coal mining areas. The mining method of extraction led to the high cost of coal. Coal production is declining every year and in 2007 the basin produced only 2.4% of the total Russian production.

Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo basin in the Irkutsk region provides a low cost of coal, since mining is carried out in an open way and provides 3.4% of coal in the country. Due to the great distance from large consumers, it is used at local power plants.

South Yakutsk basin(3.9% of the total Russian production) is at Far East. It has significant reserves of energy and process fuels, and all mining is carried out by an open method.

The promising coal basins include the Lensky, Tungussky and Taimyrsky, located beyond the Yenisei to the north of the 60th parallel. They occupy vast areas in the poorly developed and sparsely populated areas of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

In parallel with the creation of coal bases of inter-district significance, there was a wide development of local coal basins, which made it possible to bring coal production closer to the areas of its consumption. At the same time, in the western regions of Russia, coal production is declining (Podmoskovny Basin), while in the eastern regions it is sharply increasing (deposits of the Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Primorye.

In Russia, the Siberian Federal District produces more than 80% of coal from the total volume in the country. Coal production has been on the rise in recent years. The industry leader is OAO SUEK.

The largest industry (in terms of the number of workers and the value of production fixed assets) fuel industry is coal mining in Russia. The coal industry extracts, processes (enriches) coal, lignite and anthracites.

How and how much coal is produced in the Russian Federation

This mineral is mined depending on the depth of location: open (in cuts) and underground (in mines) methods. Between 2000 and 2015, underground production increased from 90.9 to 103.7 million tons, while open-pit production increased by more than 100 million tons from 167.5 to 269.7 million tons. The amount of the mineral mined in the country during this period, broken down by production methods, see fig. one.

According to the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) in Russian Federation in 2016, 385 million tons of black mineral were mined, which is 3.2% higher than the previous year. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the positive dynamics of the industry growth in recent years and about the prospects, despite the crisis.

The types of this mineral, mined in our country, are divided into power and coking coals. In the total volume for the period from 2010 to 2015, the share of energy production increased from 197.4 to 284.4 million tons. See fig. 2.

Source: Coal magazine according to Rosstat

How many black minerals are in the country and where is it mined

According to Rosstat, the Russian Federation (157 billion tons) ranks second after the United States (237.3 billion tons) in the world in terms of coal reserves. The Russian Federation accounts for about 18% of all world reserves. See figure 3.

Source: Rosstat

Information from Rosstat for 2010-2015 suggests that mining in the country is carried out in 25 subjects of the Federation in 7 Federal Districts. There are 192 coal enterprises. Among them are 71 mines, and 121 coal mines. Their combined production capacity is 408 million tons. More than 80% of it is mined in Siberia. Coal mining in Russia by region is shown in Table 1.

Source: Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

In 2016, 227,400 thousand tons. mined in the Kemerovo region (such cities with one industry affiliation are called single-industry towns), of which about 125,000 thousand tons were exported.

Kuzbass accounts for about 60% of domestic coal production, there are about 120 mines and cuts.

At the beginning of February 2017, a new open-pit mine was launched in the Kemerovo region - Trudarmeisky Yuzhny with a design capacity of 2,500 thousand tons per year.

In 2017, it is planned to produce 1,500 thousand tons of minerals at the open pit, and, according to forecasts, the open pit will reach its design capacity in 2018. Also in 2017, three new enterprises are planned to be launched in Kuzbass.

The largest deposits

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 22 coal basins (according to Rosstat for 2014) and 129 individual deposits. More than 2/3 of the reserves of those that have already been explored are concentrated in the Kansk-Achinsk (79.3 billion tons) and Kuznetsk (53.4 billion tons) basins. They are located on the territory of the Kemerovo region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Also among the largest basins are: Irkutsk, Pechora, Donetsk, South Yakutsk, Minusinsk, and others. Figure 4 shows the structure of explored reserves for the main basins.

Source: Rosstat

Import Export

The Russian Federation is in the top three largest exporters coal after Australia (export volume 390 million tons) and Indonesia (330 million tons) in 2015. The share of Russia in 2015 - 156 million tons of black fossil went for export. This indicator for the country has grown by 40 million tons in five years. In addition to the Russian Federation, Australia and Indonesia, the top six countries include the United States of America, Colombia and South Africa. The structure of world exports is shown in fig. 5.

Rice. 5: Structure of world exports (largest exporting countries).

Coal mining as an industrial sector became widespread in the early twentieth century and to this day continues to be one of the most profitable species extraction of mineral deposits. Coal is mined in industrial scale around the world.

Contrary to popular belief, this fossil is used not only as a quality fuel. In the middle of the twentieth century coal industry gave a powerful impetus to the development scientific research for the extraction of hydrocarbons from minerals.

Where is mining

Most major countries, extracting coal - China, USA, India. ranks 6th in the world ranking in terms of its production, although it is in the top three in terms of reserves.

Brown coal, hard coal (including coking coal) and anthracite are mined in Russia. The main coal-mining regions in Russia are the Kemerovo region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk region, Chita, Buryatia, and the Komi Republic. There is coal in the Urals, the Far East, Kamchatka, Yakutia, the Tula and Kaluga regions. There are 16 coal basins in Russia. One of the largest - more than half of Russia's hard coal is mined there.

How coal is mined

Depending on the depth of the coal seam, its area, shape, thickness, various geographic and environmental factors selected method of coal mining. The main methods include the following:

  • mine;
  • developments in a coal quarry;
  • hydraulic.

In addition, there is open-pit coal mining, provided that the coal seam lies at a depth of no more than one hundred meters. But this method is very similar in form to quarry coal mining.

mine method

This method is used from great depths and has an undeniable advantage over open methods coal production: coal at great depths is of better quality and contains practically no impurities.

To access the coal seams, horizontal or vertical tunnels (adits and mines) are drilled. There are known cases of coal mining at a depth of up to 1500 meters (Gvardeyskaya, Shakhterskaya-Glubokaya mines).

Underground coal mining is one of the most difficult specializations due to a number of dangers:

  1. Constant threat of groundwater breakthrough into the mine shaft.
  2. The constant threat of a breakthrough of associated gases into the mine shaft. In addition to possible suffocation, a special danger is explosions and fires.
  3. Accidents due to high temperature at great depths (up to 60 degrees), careless handling of equipment, etc.

In this way, approximately 36% of the world's coal reserves are extracted from the earth's interior, which is 2625.7 million tons.

open way

According to their classification, developments in a coal quarry belong to an open method of coal mining, since they do not require drilling mines and adits to a great depth.

This method of mining consists in undermining and removing overburden (a layer of excess rocks above coal deposits) from the mining site. After that, with the help of excavators, water guns, bulldozers, crushers, draglines and conveyors, the rock is crushed and transferred further.

This method of coal mining is considered less safe than closed (mine). But he also has certain risk factors associated with careless handling of equipment and large-sized vehicles, the possibility of poisoning with exhaust gases and substances accompanying machine activity.

A significant disadvantage of this method is considered to cause great harm environment due to the removal of a large area of ​​the land layer and its accompanying natural elements.

The open-pit method is considered one of the most widespread in the world - it produces more than 55% of coal per year, which is 4102.1 million tons.

It was first used in the Soviet Union in the 30s of the twentieth century. It involves the extraction of coal in deep mines, while transporting coal to the surface occurs with the help of water jets under tension. This method made it possible to use the lack of underground coal mining - groundwater - to their advantage.

AT recent times hydraulic coal mining is considered one of the most respectable methods. It is able to replace the laborious and dangerous process of coal mining by miners, instead of which water will act as a destructive and lifting force.

The disadvantages of this method of coal mining include the following:

  • constant contact of working tools and mechanisms with water and rock;
  • certain difficulties in replacing or repairing working equipment;
  • dependence of the process of coal mining on the thickness, angle of inclination and hardness of the rock.

This method produces approximately 7.5% of coal annually, which is 545.5 million tons.

The most ancient method of mining minerals are open pits. mine workings . So, aboutVI millennium BC. e. the first primitive mining tools appeared, and in In the 4th millennium on the territory of Northern Ethiopia, the Caucasus, India and the Sinai Peninsula, polymetallic ores were extracted in order to obtain bronze.

From manual labor to widespread mechanization

During the active construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt, the first large quarries appeared; in the ancient period, marble was mined in open areas. In the Middle Ages, there was a trend of open mining of non-ferrous metals. The territories of modern Spain, Italy and the Russian Urals became the centers of workings. Already to XVIII century open pit mining of alluvial deposits in the Urals and Siberia has gained particular popularity.

Over time, the extraction of large volumes of resources in mines and quarries became widespread, and to this day this method of extraction is prevalent. But when it comes to shallow rock, cuts and quarries are more profitable. The popularity of open mining is primarily due to its economic efficiency. Thus, the extraction of minerals in quarries is three times cheaper for coal and two times cheaper for ore deposits than mine. In addition, when developing deposits in a quarry way, there is no need for such costly and labor-intensive stages as equipping mines or laying tunnels. In addition, in terms of productivity, quarries are two or even three times ahead of mines, and the volume of mineral losses is reduced by five times!

Of course, real progress in the industry would not have been possible without the creation of full-fledged mining machines and the establishment of basic production processes, such as excavation, loading, transportation and dumping.

The first excavators began to be used in quarries starting from the 19th century, and the onset of the 20th century was marked by the rapid development of open-pit mining in the USA and Germany. In Russia, things were not so rosy: almost until the middle of the last century, manual labor, partially mechanized through the use of wheelbarrows as transport.

On the territory of the USSR, the first large quarries for the extraction of coal, non-ferrous and ferrous metals were equipped from 1928 to 1941. At the same time, blasting methods were also improved. So, in the 1920s, miners abandoned the medieval poroz in favor of ammonal, in the 30s they replaced it with dynamon, during the Second World War, during which there was a significant increase in production, they used oxyliquite. In the post-war period, when the economy was actively recovering, the scale of mechanization of processes in quarries expanded, excavator and transport equipment was unified, and igdanite began to be used in blasting.

At present, open pit mining makes it possible to satisfy about 65% of the global consumption of raw materials of both ore and non-metallic origin, as well as 35% of solid fuels. About 90% of brown and 20-30% of hard coals are also extracted in sections, 75% of iron ores and about 80% of non-ferrous metal ores, 90% of other minerals and building materials mined in quarries. Open-pit mining is widely used in the USA, China, Australia, Canada and a number of European countries. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the share of extraction of ores of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals in quarries accounts for up to 93%, coal - 66% and almost 100% of building materials.

Coal Klondike

In general, the coal industry of the Russian Federation is one of the most important industries that determine the energy security and sovereignty of Russia. About this in August 2017 at the event, dedicated to the Day miner, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the latest data provided by the Central Dispatching Directorate of the Fuel and Energy Complex (CDU of the Fuel and Energy Complex), coal production in Russia in March 2018 increased by 8.3% compared to March 2017 - up to 36.962 million tons, exports grew by 0.9% - to 15.638 million tons. Deliveries of Russian coal to the domestic market increased by 17.8% to 17.275 million tons. At the same time, in March 2018, coal imports fell by 41.5% to 1.253 million tons.

Production of the largest coal companies for reporting period amounted to: SUEK - 9.865 million tons (+6.5%), UK Kuzbassrazrezugol (part of UMMC) - 3.921 million tons (+3.2%), HC SDS-Ugol - 2.133 million tons (-3, 8%), Vostsibugol - 1.283 million tons (+5.4%), South Kuzbass Management Company (part of Mechel) - 635.3 thousand tons (-12.4%), HC Yakutugol ” (part of Mechel) - 704.1 thousand tons (-10%). significant portion domestic market, as well as export accounts for the Kuznetsk coal basin - one of the largest in Russia and in the world.

In the basin, located in Western Siberia on the territory of the Kemerovo region, there are 58 mines and 36 coal mines.
largest company in Kuzbass, which specializes in open-pit coal mining, is OAO UK Kuzbassrazrezugol. It includes six coal mines: Kedrovsky, Mokhovsky, Bachatsky, Krasnobrodsky, Taldinsky, Kaltansky. The balance reserves of the UK are more than two billion tons of coal. Annually, the company's enterprises produce over 45 million tons of fuel.

About 50% of the coal produced is exported. Active consumers of Kuzbass coal on the foreign market are the Netherlands, Korea, China, Asian countries, on the domestic market - residents of Western Siberia, the Urals, the European part of Russia. Due to the increase in the scale of open-pit coal mining, the popularity of the products of the Kuznetsk coal basin is increasing. Coal mined in cuts is cheaper than from buried deposits in mines, therefore this species products are preferred by individuals and small businesses. Both high-quality and low-grade coal is mined, which allows consumers to purchase products that meet their goals.

As we said above, open-pit coal mining is impossible without the use of specialized equipment that is adapted specifically for this type of industry. However, everything is not so simple here either: there are many criteria for choosing machines and equipment.

Mining technologies

Let's start with the fact that open pit mining is carried out using different approaches and technologies. In turn, the choice of one or the other production process influenced by a number of factors.

Firstly, depending on the position and shape of deposits relative to the surface of the earth, the following methods of field development are distinguished:

  • Surface. This method provides for the development of the site and the processing of the maximum volume of both minerals and overburden. In this case, the latter are placed in the worked-out space of the quarry.
  • Deep. With it, overburden rocks are extracted in descending order in layers.
  • Upland. AT this case there is a movement of overburden rocks and minerals from top to bottom to deeper levels.
  • The upland-deep method is used as a variant of the upland method with a rather complex relief.
  • The underwater mining method is used when the deposit and its roof are located under water.

Secondly, according to the criterion of the position of the working area, as well as the movement of the work front, the following methods are distinguished:

  • Solid. The ore is mined in deposits of a horizontal or gently dipping type, while the waste rock is located both in the mined-out space and outside the quarry.
  • Deep. Development of steep and inclined deposits with the placement of overburden in external dumps.
  • Mixed. It includes both methods to varying degrees, and is used in the extraction of minerals in complex mountainous, geological and topographic conditions.

Thirdly, according to the types of mining and transport equipment used, the following technologies are distinguished:

  • Cyclic. The processes of extraction and transportation of ore take place with pauses, which is associated with the peculiarities of the use of specific equipment.
  • Cyclic flow, in which the mechanisms of continuous and cyclic action are used. At the same time, rock excavation is carried out by machines of a cyclical principle of operation - single-bucket excavators, as well as loaders, and transportation - by continuously operating devices, including conveyors and automatic sorting plants.
  • Streamline. It uses mostly mountain and transport vehicles with a continuous principle of operation, for example, hydromechanical devices, belt conveyors, bucket-wheel excavators. If for cyclic and cyclic-flow technologies it is characteristic automated control separate processes, then for the in-line process, automated systems management.

Regardless of the type of development of deposits in quarries, an identical general scheme of work is inherent. The layers of waste rocks are divided into ledges, which are removed from top to bottom, while the upper layers are ahead of the lower ones. The goaf increases as the working benches move. In general, technological processes provide for the separation of rocks from minerals, the loading and removal of rock mass, and the placement of waste rock in dumps.

It all starts with exploration. After the approval and launch of the project, preparatory work: felling and uprooting of forests, watering or drainage of the area, construction of warehouse, administrative and industrial facilities, communications, water supply and sewerage networks. The complexity of the process depends on the topographic features, climatic conditions, the degree of watering.

At the stage of capital mining and opening of the deposit, the structural components of the quarry are equipped: internal and external trenches, mining, technological and transport equipment is mounted. Stripping is the separation of rock that interferes with the extraction of minerals by mechanical loosening or using explosives. A feature of work with overburden is the constant movement of faces and unloading points on dumps.

In order to drill blast holes, drilling rigs weighing up to 130 tons are used. explosives ammonium nitrate-free granulites and grammonites are used, as well as water-filled components for wells with watering. Loosening is carried out by rippers with a power of up to 735 kW. Also at the stage of stripping operations, draglines and mechanized shovels with a bucket capacity of about one and a half hundred cubic meters are involved. m.

Then comes the direct mining, which includes the extraction of minerals, their transportation and shipment to warehouses or processing plants using special equipment.

What is the strength in, brother?

As we said earlier, a modern quarry is a high-tech enterprise with a high degree of mechanization. High-performance machines designed for excavation, crushing, transportation and storage of rocks and minerals operate at the deposits. These processes are carried out both by different mining machines and complex units that perform several functions at once.

The most common types of mining equipment used in the construction/mining industry are various types of excavators, heavy/medium duty dump trucks, tractors, loaders, bulldozers, graders. All of them differ in type, power, load capacity and technical parameters, providing a certain range of tasks, high performance, simplification technological process and a host of other benefits.

The choice of specific machines depends on a number of conditions, such as the degree of hardness of the rocks, the shape of the mineral layers, geological conditions, topography and even climate. The field development system and the mode of mining operations also have an impact. Not the last role is played by capital expenditures, profit volumes and labor productivity.

In order to increase the efficiency of deposit development in quarries, complex mechanization is being introduced, characterized by the continuity of communications from the point of slaughter to the points of ore unloading. Another required condition- machines involved in drilling, excavation and loading, dumps and auxiliary tasks must match each other in terms of performance and power.

An interesting fact: the choice of a particular technique is greatly influenced by the national traditions of the industry. For example, in the United States, open-pit mine operators prefer large excavators, while in Germany they more often use dump trucks. Excavators, straight shovels and articulated loaders are used in most cases for excavation and loading of rock around the world.

feature flow technology open-pit mining is the widespread use of bucket wheel excavators and self-propelled crushers, the mass of which can reach 600 tons. The use of crushing units, both mobile and stationary, located at unloading and receiving points, allows operators to make wider use of conveyor systems.

The main transport unit in the quarries is still dump trucks. The prevailing number of such machines has a carrying capacity of up to 155 tons, to a lesser extent, giants (200-300 tons) participate in open-pit mining. In addition, 360-ton railway units, dump cars with a carrying capacity of about 180 tons are actively used. Among mining machines, there are real colossi, world champions in size and power among excavators, loaders and dump trucks. It is clear that the involvement of a large number of expensive and powerful machines, the colossal amount of work predetermine not only the fact that quarrying is extremely effective, but also that it is a rather costly process. We will talk more about dump trucks later on the pages of the magazine.

The next most popular are powerful excavators that provide clearing the territory, digging pits, loading and a lot of other work. For the most part, two types of equipment are used - diesel and electric modifications of excavator-type machines, but the latter of them cause a lot of difficulties in operation, therefore diesel-powered machines are considered the most common types. Although among the advantages of an electric excavator is a large carrying capacity, which reduces the cost of mining.

As good example Let us turn to the Bachatsky section already mentioned above - one of the largest in the Kuznetsk basin. Its construction began in 1948, seven kilometers from the ancient village of Bachaty, along which the Bolshoy (Chernovaya) Bachat River flows. To date, its annual production is over 8 million 700 thousand tons.

The technical base of the section includes a fleet of the necessary main and auxiliary equipment, as well as repair facilities - a complex of repair, storage buildings and structures, and power supply facilities. According to the latest data, 29 excavators, nine locomotives, three drilling rigs, 24 bulldozers are involved in the mine heavy type, as well as 63 dump trucks, including the largest in the CIS countries in its segment BelAZ-75600 with a payload capacity of 320 tons and a weight of 560 tons.

In 2011, a 35 cubic meter Chinese excavator WK-35 and an American P&H-4100 KhRS with a bucket capacity of 57 cubic meters were put into operation at the mine. Thermal coals have been processed since 2002 at the Bachatskaya Energetskaya enrichment plant with a capacity of three million tons of coal per year and two sorting complexes DSK-1 and DSK-2, each of which processes 1.5 million tons of coal per year. Coking coal has been processed since 2008 at the Bachatskaya Koksovaya concentrator with a processing capacity of 3 million tons of coal per year. Diluted coal from the faces of the autoscheme is transported by dump trucks to the warehouses of the processing and enrichment site. The reconstruction of the enrichment plant complex with the Batak jigging machine is nearing completion, which will increase the extraction of marketable coal from the coal-bearing mass of the RGM from 350 thousand to 750 thousand tons per year.

Import trends

Due to the high demand for quarry equipment, this area of ​​mechanical engineering now occupies an extremely serious niche. Among the manufacturers of mining equipment, the Belarusian and Mogilev Automobile Building Plants stand out, for many years they have been producing powerful special equipment for various purposes. Among foreign concerns, the leading manufacturers are Hitachi-Euclid, Liebherr, Caterpillar, Terex and Komatsu, producing a wide range of the lineup mining machines and equipment.

One of the recognized leaders in the global automotive industry in the field of production, which is occupied by mining special equipment, are the American companies Caterpillar and Terex, well known in Russian market. The next in terms of the capacity of the machines produced, their high productivity and technical parameters are such concerns as the German company Liebherr and the Japanese equipment manufacturers Komatsu Hitachi. The main manufacturers of specialized equipment in Russia are the Tractor Plants concern ( trademark Chetra), Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation, Izhorskiye Zavody OJSC and the GAZ Group (Special Equipment Division) are a trademark of TVEKS and ChSDM.

According to experts, samples of foreign production currently prevail in the market for quarry equipment and machinery. In order not to be unfounded, let's turn to the numbers. Data on imports in the mining equipment market in 2017 are provided by ID-Marketing ( The following positions are considered in the study: heavy hydraulic excavators, large hydraulic mining excavators, heavy wheel loaders, heavy crawler dozers. Data on the volume of imports of another career workers - dump trucks, we will disclose in a separate article.

The results are presented in the table. The red color highlights the total volume of imports for a specific type of equipment for the year, pcs. Green - the growth rate of 2017 to 2016,%.

So, according to ID-Marketing research , The largest increase in supplies is observed in the segment of heavy hydraulic excavators (147.60%). The total volume of deliveries is 827 units of equipment The leading positions are occupied by Korean-made machines (43.53%) of the market, 33.49% are occupied by Japanese excavators, the share of Chinese cars accounts for 18.86%, and only 4.11% of the market is represented by machines manufactured in other countries. If we talk about brands, then this year there has been an interesting trend. 44.38% of the total market is occupied by cars of various brands, increasing the share of presence by 198.37% compared to 2016. This is followed by HYUNDAI - its share is 24.06%, increasing its share by 145.68% compared to 2016, then KOMATSU (17.78%), the increase was 133.33%. A large share of supplies (38.57%) falls on Moscow, another 14.87% - on the Moscow region. 20.31% off total number machines were purchased by Primorsky Krai, which is 2300% more than in 2016.

A significant increase is also observed in the segment of large hydraulic mining. In 2017, 155 units of equipment were delivered to Russia, which is 118.31% more than in 2016. The largest market share (61.94% and 96 vehicles, respectively) is occupied by equipment made in Japan, then France (market share - 14, 19 %, the volume of supplies - 22 cars.The main importer among the regions is Moscow (123 cars and 79.35% of the market, respectively), 20% of the market falls on the share of Primorsky Krai - 31 cars with an increase of a record 416.67%. deliveries to the Kaluga region.

Among the companies, KOMATSU has a leading position. In 2017, the brand increased its market growth by 122.5%, delivering 89 vehicles and thus occupying 57.42% of the market. The LIEBHERR concern increased its presence by 214.29% (up to 14.19%) by supplying 22 excavators.

In 2017, 45 heavy wheel loaders were delivered to Russia, which is 55.17% more than in 2016. 16 of them are Swedish-made (35.56% of the total market, which is 166.67% more than in 2016). 33.33% is occupied by Japan (15 cars). Increasing its share by 15.38% compared to 2016. 50% increase in US deliveries - 12 vehicles, which accounted for 26.67% of the total market share. Moscow is also the main buyer (15 cars and 33.33% of the market, respectively). Then follows the Kaluga region (13 cars, 28.89% and an increase in the share by 116.67%). For the first time, deliveries to the Novosibirsk Region began - 5 vehicles (11.11%). The share of other regions accounts for 26.67% (12 cars). Among the brands, VOLVO is in the lead (16 cars, 35.56 of the market with an increase in share by 167.76% compared to 2016). 13 cars were delivered by KOMATSU (28.89 with an increase of 85.71%). 20% for CAT (9 machines, an increase of 85.71%).

The import market of heavy crawler bulldozers in 2017 increased slightly - by 35.83% and amounted to 254 machines. Among the countries-suppliers of cars of this class, Japan is still in the lead - 39.76%, although the positions decreased by 4.72% compared to 2016.