Presentation fuel and energy industry. Presentation for the lesson "tech of Russia" Presentation on the topic of the fuel and energy industry

The presentation examines the composition of the fuel and energy complex. The role, significance and problems of the complex are formulated. Connections with other intersectoral complexes are shown. The concept of "fuel and energy balance" is revealed

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"Presentation for the lesson "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia""

Lesson Plan 1. Composition of the fuel and energy complex 2. Significance of the fuel and energy complex 3. Fuel and energy balance 4. Problems of the fuel and energy complex

Fuel and energy complex- a set of industries related to the production and distribution of energy

The composition of the fuel and energy complex


Power industry


Oil production

Oil refining


As of 2009 Russia

1st in oil and gas production

3rd in coal mining

(after USA and China)

4th in terms of electricity production

(after USA, China, Japan)

Importance of FEC

  • The fuel and energy complex is the basic industry that produces more than 30% of the total Russian industrial output and the main industry of Russia's specialization in the world market;
  • The export of energy resources provides more than 65% of all foreign exchange earnings to the state budget;
  • Region-forming role of fuel and energy industries: a powerful industry is being formed near energy sources;
  • The fuel and energy complex is not only based on its own fuel and energy resources, but also provides a number of industries with these resources.

Communication of the fuel and energy complex with other industries






Structure of fuel and energy production

Transportation of electricity to the consumer

Power generation

Fuel extraction and processing enterprises

Fuel and energy balance

This is the ratio of prey different types fuel and generated electricity (income) and their use in the national economy (expenditure)

Incoming part of the fuel and energy unit

Expendable part of the thermopile

Fuel import

Balance at the end of the year

Energy generation from various kinds fuel

Fuel extraction

Balance at the end of the year

Household and technological needs

Power generation

Calorific value of various types of fuel

Type of fuel

Calorific value

1 kg of oil

11 thousand calories

1 kg coal

7 thousand calories

1 kg brown coal

up to 3.5 thousand calories

1 kg of peat, shale, firewood

up to 3 thousand calories

1 cu. m natural gas

9 thousand calories

Problems of the fuel and energy complex

1. Uneven distribution of fuel and energy resources across the country.

2. Pollution environment


In the conditions of the transitional economy in Russia, the fuel and energy complex remains the most stable industry and industry of specialization in the world market, which means it is the base in the country's economy

Electricity Electricity is an industry that produces electricity at power plants and transmits it over a distance through power lines. The electric power industry is the avant-garde branch of industry, since no enterprise can work without energy. Electricity is produced in various types of power plants. Russia ranks 4th in terms of electricity generation. The main types of power plants are distinguished: thermal power plants - 66%, hydroelectric power plants - 18%, nuclear power plants - 16%

Thermal power plants run on coal, gas, fuel oil, peat, so they can be built in different parts of the country. Large thermal power plants are called GRES (state district power plants). The largest thermal power plant in Russia is Surgutskaya. A variety of thermal power plants are thermal power plants. (They are built in cities where, in addition to electricity, water vapor and hot water are generated) Disadvantages: they work on non-renewable resources, they give a lot of waste energy is expensive

HPPs (Hydraulic), build on rivers with a fast current and high banks, and a large flow of water. Advantages in cheapness and environmental friendliness (no smoke). The largest power plants were built on the Yenisei and the Angara. A cascade of hydroelectric power stations was created on the Volga. Disadvantages long and expensive construction(20 years) flooding of huge areas of the reservoir change the regime of rivers, affect the climate

Nuclear power plants run on nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium). The share of nuclear power plants in production is 16%. They are building where there are no traditional fuels, hydropower resources, no roads, but energy is needed. For the production of an equal amount and energy, a nuclear power plant needs 1 kg of nuclear fuel, and a thermal power plant needs 3,000 tons of coal. Disadvantages risk environmental disasters very large. An example of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 The problem of processing and storage of radioactive waste.

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Topic: Fuel and energy complex of Russia

Training questions The structure of the fuel and energy complex. The value of the fuel and energy complex in the Russian economy. Structure of fuel and energy production in Russia. Fuel industry Russia: coal, oil, gas. Modern level development of the fuel and energy complex. By regions of Russia. Features of the electric power industry in Russia. 7. Structure of electricity production in Russia. Literature: Geography of Russia. Population and economy.: textbook, Dronov V.P. - M.: Drofa, 2010. 2. Statistical Review of World Energy 2010 ( 3. "Industry of Russia", 2010 ( 4. www

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1. The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is a complex intersectoral system of extraction and processing of fuel for the production of electricity, their distribution, transportation and delivery to the consumer. It includes the fuel industry and the electric power industry.

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Structure of the fuel and energy complex

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2. The fuel and energy complex is the leading intersectoral complex in Russia, it provides 30% of GDP (as of 2009). Fuel and energy products are Russia's main export item (about 66% in 2009) and provide a significant part of foreign exchange earnings. In addition, the fuel and energy complex ensures the development of other sectors of the country's economy, providing them with fuel and energy.

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3. Structure of fuel and energy production in Russia in 2009

For comparison (worldwide): oil-34.1 coal-29.6 gas - 26.5 HPP-5.2 NPP-4.6

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4. Fuel industry of Russia

Oil industry

Gas industry

coal industry

uranium industry

Others (oil shale, peat)

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Peculiarities coal industry Russia

Russia ranks 2nd in the world in terms of explored coal reserves Russia ranks 6th in coal production (2009); 71% of the coal mined in Russia is hard and 29% is brown; Russia is one of largest exporters coal (6th place); ¾ of the coal mined for own consumption is used as fuel in thermal power plants, and ¼ is used as technological raw material in chemical industry and fuel in metallurgy The main disadvantage of Russian coal deposits is their uneven distribution across the country

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European part 18%

Ural 7% Siberia 64% Far East 12%

Territorial distribution of coal reserves in Russia

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Dynamics of changes in production capacities and volumes of coal production

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Distribution of coal production by basins in 2009

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Features of coal basins in Russia

The Kuznetsk Basin is located in Kemerovo region. Coal is mined here High Quality. This pool requires large investments, since most of the mines built during the years of the pre-war five-year plans need to be reconstructed. 42% of coal here is mined in an open way. The main disadvantage of this basin is its considerable remoteness from the main areas of consumption.

The Kansk-Achinsk basin is located near the Kuznetsk basin in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Brown coal is mined here. This is one of the youngest areas of coal mining. Coal is mined here in an open way, so its cost is the lowest in Russia. However, the quality of coal is quite low (40% ash, a lot of sulfur) and its transportation is inefficient, coal from this basin is used locally as fuel for thermal power plants.

The Pechora basin is located in the north of the Komi Republic, in the region of Vorkuta. High quality coal. This basin began to be actively developed during the years of the Great Patriotic War, after the capture of Donbass by fascist troops. Currently, its share in coal production is constantly decreasing. The main reason for this is the high cost of production (mining + difficult climatic conditions). In addition, this basin is quite remote from the main consumers, so the consumption of its coal is mainly limited to the European North of Russia.

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Irkutsk (Cheremkhovo basin) began to develop even before the revolution to supply fuel to steam locomotives of the Trans-Siberian Railway. 4.5% of Russian coal is mined here by open pit mining. The cost of coal is quite low. The significance of this basin is great for supplying thermal power plants and boiler houses in Eastern Siberia.

The South Yakut basin has rich reserves of coking coal. About 4% of the country's coal is mined here, a significant part of which is exported to Japan.

The Donetsk basin is mostly located in Ukraine, and the smaller part is in Russia, in the west of the Rostov region. This Russian coal basin produces about 2% of high quality coal, although the coal is deposited in deep and thin seams.

Coal mining in the Moscow Basin (Tula region) is of local and decreasing importance (0.5%), since the quality of coal is low

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Subjects of the Russian Federation are leaders in coal mining

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Features of the Russian oil industry

In terms of proven oil reserves (more than 10 billion tons in 2009), Russia ranks sixth in the world. Currently, Russia ranks first in oil production (494 million tons in 2009) ahead of Saudi Arabia Russia ranks first in oil exports (over 300 million tons per year)

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Dynamics of oil production in Russia

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Distribution of oil production by basins

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The subjects of the Russian Federation are leaders in oil production

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Features of the Russian oil refining industry

Refineries are located mainly in areas of consumption. The main disadvantage of the oil refining industry is a high level of concentration. There are 26 refineries in Russia, of which 20 are located in the European part. Although it's pretty large enterprises(average capacity is 12 million tons per year) and in terms of their total capacity (300 million tons per year) they can fully meet the needs of Russia, but they are often far removed from the consumer. For comparison: there are 190 refineries in the USA with an average capacity of 3-5 million tons per year

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Features of the Russian gas industry

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of gas reserves, production and export; 93.7% of produced gas is natural, 6.3% is associated oil. There are about 700 explored gas fields in Russia Among consumers of Russian gas, the share of countries of Foreign Europe is growing most rapidly, the share of CIS countries is decreasing

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Dynamics of gas production in Russia

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Distribution of gas production by regions

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Subjects of the Russian Federation are leaders in gas production

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5. Subjects of the Russian Federation - leaders in the fuel industry

Tyumen region - 51% Tatarstan - 7.4% Bashkortostan - 5.4% Kemerovo region - 4.2%

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Economic regions are leaders in the fuel industry

West Siberian - 56.4% Urals - 13.5% Volga - 12.8% Northern - 4.3% Central - 4.3% (mainly due to the processing industry, the fuel industry is not an industry of specialization district)

summary of presentations

Fuel and Energy Complex of the Russian Federation

Slides: 16 Words: 711 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fuel and energy complex of Russia. Fuel and energy complex. The fuel and energy complex consists of three major links. Fuel and energy balance. Reserves and production of natural gas. The main part (85%) of explored reserves is concentrated on land. The main mining area is Western Siberia. Use of natural gas. Russia is also rich in petroleum gas. Transportation of natural gas. Most of the largest gas pipelines in the country. Part of the gas is pumped into underground storage facilities. It is planned to build the Nord Stream and South Stream gas pipelines. Impact of the gas industry on the environment. - TEK RF.ppt

fuel and energy complex of the world

Slides: 22 Words: 775 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

Fuel and Energy Complex of the World. Fuel and energy complex. The role of the fuel and energy complex. The composition of the fuel and energy complex. Development. Fuel and energy balance. The value of TEB. Group work. Plan for the characteristics of the electric power industry. open mining coal. Underground coal mining. Mine. Mining combine. Characteristics of oil. Derrick. Types of offshore drilling rigs. Fuel and Energy Complex of the World. Fuel and Energy Complex of the World. Types of power plants. Alternative energy sources. General problems of fuel and energy industries. Problems of fuel and energy industries. - fuel and energy complex of the world.ppt

Fuel industry

Slides: 24 Words: 554 Sounds: 0 Effects: 91

fuel industry of the world. Stages of the fuel industry. England, 17th century. Origin of coal. The main methods of coal mining. Coal industry. World coal consumption (million tons). Coal industry. Traumatism at the enterprises of the coal industry. The impact of the coal industry on nature. Oil industry. The occurrence of oil in nature. The occurrence of oil in nature. Evolution technological process drilling. Oil industry. Data on the import and export of oil by regions of the world (million tons). Consumption of oil and oil products. Year. Distribution of proven oil reserves by regions. - Fuel Industry.ppt

Fuel and energy resources

Slides: 33 Words: 951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fuel and energy resources (FER) and their role in human life. Content. Energy saving. Types of FER. Primary FER. Organic FER. Heat of combustion of fuel. Fuel and energy resources. Liquid fuel. gaseous fuel. Nuclear fuel. Biofuel. The energy of falling water. Tidal energy. geothermal energy. Wind energy. Fuel and energy resources. Structure of world energy consumption. Fuel and energy resources. Fuel and energy resources. Thermal energy. Generation of thermal energy in Russia by various sources. Working out electrical energy various types of power plants. - Fuel and energy resources.ppt

Fuel industry of Russia

Slides: 15 Words: 482 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fuel industry. The ratio of the use of different types of fuel. How is coal mined in the Pechora basin. Choose from the listed promising deposits for development. The ratio of the use of different types of fuel. What place does Russia take in gas production. What is the place of Russia in coal mining. Center for oil production and processing. New types of fuel and energy raw materials. Open pit coal mining. Major gas fields. Question 11. Choose from the listed lignite pools. Thank you for your work. - Fuel industry of Russia.ppt

coal industry

Slides: 30 Words: 654 Sounds: 0 Effects: 23

Russian coal industry. Coal industry. Types of coal. Brown coal. Coal. Anthracite. The use of coal. Delivery of Russian coals. Delivery of Russian coals to the main consumers in January-September. Coal mining methods. Extraction methods. Monitoring data. Coal mining. Coal deposits. Specific gravity. Kuznetsk basin. Kansk-Achinsk basin. Pechora basin. Coal mining in permafrost. Coal mining in the main basins. Export of coal. Problems of the coal industry. Permafrost. Environmental problems. Waste rock dumps. The mine and quarry funds are worn out. - Coal industry.ppt

Oil production

Slides: 11 Words: 810 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Oil production. Oil production is a branch of the economy engaged in the extraction of a natural mineral - oil. Russia has one of the largest fuel and energy resources in the world. EVN installation of an electro-screw pump (UEVN) SHGN (rod pumps). other. Gas lift is divided into two types: compressor and non-compressor. Gas lift diagram. ESP - centrifugal, submersible pump. The need to operate an ESP in a well imposes restrictions on the diameter of the pump. Extensions are screwed onto the cylinder, one on each side. In terms of connecting dimensions and threads, all pumps are modified for domestic downhole equipment. - Oil production.pptx

Oil industry

Slides: 15 Words: 563 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Oil industry. The purpose of the lesson. Tasks. Lesson plan. Geologists. Oil industry. Oilmen. Chemists. Rectification. Fractions. Journalists. Shukhov Vladimir Grigorievich (1853-1939). Ecologists. Homework. Bibliography. - Oil industry.ppt

Oil and gas of Western Siberia

Slides: 31 Words: 1927 Sounds: 0 Effects: 78

The largest oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. Western Siberia is famous for its oil and gas reserves. Content. What is oil. What are natural and associated gases. History reference. List of all oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. The origin of the names of some oil and gas fields. Bakhilovskoe. Vysokoostrovskoye. Karamovskoye. Maiskoe. Muravlenkovskoye. Permyakovskoe. Povkhskoye. Sutorminskoe. Semakovskoe. Fedorovskoye. Anniversary. general characteristics. Bystrinskoye oil and gas condensate field. East Surgut oil field. - Oil and gas of Western Siberia.ppt

Development of mineral deposits

Slides: 15 Words: 2078 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Legal regulation of designing the development of deposits of solid minerals. Law Russian Federation"About the bowels." Requirements to project documentation. Continuation. Composition and normative number of geological and mine surveying services. Design documents. Control service. Annual Plans development. Nomenclature of main and associated components. Coordination of design and technical documentation. Order of the Federal Agency. Preliminary consideration. Regulations. Temporary guidelines. Refined standards. - Development of mineral deposits.ppt

Geophysical exploration methods

Slides: 16 Words: 1284 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of deposits. History of geothermal research. Basic ideas of geothermy. Heat transfer. Convection and conduction inside the Earth. Heat flow and temperature. Thermal conductivity of rocks. Continental lithosphere and radioactivity. Global heat flow and geothermal energy. geothermal energy. natural steam. Hot water. Hot dry rocks. Geothermal models of the territory of the Russian Federation. Conclusions about the parameters of the structure and composition of the lithosphere. Estimation of the amount of melt in the asthenosphere. - Geophysical exploration methods.ppt

Gravity exploration

Slides: 22 Words: 1435 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Geophysical methods. Forces of gravity as the basis for the formation of the solar system. Forces of gravity as the basis for the formation of the Earth. The role of gravitational forces in the formation of the Moon. Gravimetry studies the field of gravity. Newtonian force of attraction. Gravity field units. Calculation of the mass of the Earth. Centrifugal force and its attraction. Earth shape. The concept of "gravity potential". Level surface. Gravity potential derivatives. Anomalies and reductions in gravity. Intermediate layer correction (Bouguer correction). Relief correction. Gravity anomalies in the Bouguer reduction. Density of rocks and ores. - Graviprospect.ppt

Bratskoe field

Slides: 14 Words: 272 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

Bratsk gas condensate field. Located 30 km. from the village of Hydrostroitel. The Bratsk gas condensate field was discovered in 1983. The relief is a slightly hilly plain, with wide flat areas. Absolute heights do not exceed 350 - 400 m above sea level. Chemical properties gas. Component composition of BGCM: Condensate. Lighting kerosene. Diesel fuel. Fuel oil. Petrol. In the Bratsk gas field - 0.36% helium! The content of helium in our field is one of the highest in Russia! H e l and y. Helium is a valuable gas. Space. Electronic. Chemical. - Bratskoye deposit.ppt

Power industry

Slides: 17 Words: 1511 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Electric power industry of Russia. The situation in the electric power industry of Russia today is close to a crisis - the decline in production continues. Types and types of power plants. Advantages and disadvantages. Thermal power industry About 75% of all electric power in Russia is produced at thermal power plants. Most Russian cities are supplied with thermal power plants. The placement of thermal power plants is mainly influenced by fuel and consumer factors. The most powerful thermal power plants are located in the places of fuel extraction. Modern hydroelectric power plants can produce up to 7 million tons per year. Nuclear power. The world's first nuclear power plant - Obninsk was launched in 1954 in Russia. - Power industry.ppt

Russian power industry

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Production of electrical energy

Slides: 16 Words: 1238 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Production of electrical energy. Unusual ways to generate electricity. American Inventors. Ideas for generating electricity in unusual ways. Power generation. Unusual sources of energy. Waste from chocolate factories. Wastewater. Star energy. Air. Running water. Production. Production and use of electricity. Ideas for generating electricity. The turbine drives a generator. The steam turns into water. -