Test "Fuel industry" test in geography (Grade 9) on the topic. Test "Fuel industry" test in geography (Grade 9) on the topic Test work on the topic of the fuel industry

1 option.

in descending order

a) underground c) fountain

b) open d) pumping

B) Ural; d) Far East.

B) Pechorsky d) Moscow Region

Test " Fuel industry»

Option 2.

in ascending ordertheir shares in the total volume of coal production in Russia:

a) Pechorsky b) Kansko-Achinsk c) Kuzbass

A) 1st place; b) 2nd place; c) 3rd place.

5. The cheapest, environmentally friendly type of fuel is:

a) coal; b) natural gas; c) oil.

A) South Yakut c) Kuznetsk

B) Pechorsky d) Moscow Region

A) Samotlor b) Tuymazy c) Surgut d) Romashkinskoye

Test "Fuel industry"

1 option.

1. In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks:

A) 1st place; b) 2nd place; c) 3rd place.

2. Distribute the main coal basinsin descending ordertheir shares in the total volume of coal production in Russia:

a) Pechorsky b) Kansko-Achinsk c) Kuzbass

3. The cheapest way to mine coal:

a) underground c) fountain

b) open d) pumping

4. The main area for oil, gas and coal production in Russia is:

a) North Caucasus; c) Western Siberia;

B) Ural; d) Far East.

5. The cheapest, environmentally friendly type of fuel is:

a) coal; b) natural gas; c) oil.

6. The basin, a significant part of whose coal is exported, is

A) South Yakut c) Kuznetsk

B) Pechorsky d) Moscow Region

7. The main way of transporting oil in Russia:

A) by railway B) through pipelines C) in tankers

8. Most oil refineries are located in:

A) consumption of petroleum products b) oil production

9. Identify oil fields located in Western Siberia

A) Samotlor b) Tuymazy c) Surgut d) Romashkinskoye

Test "Fuel industry"

Option 2.

1. The main part of Russia's oil is produced:

a) in the European Center c) in the Volga region

b) on Far East d) in Western Siberia

2. Refineries are located in the following areas:

A) consumption of products of its processing b) in areas of oil production

3. Distribute the main coal basinsin ascending ordertheir shares in the total volume of coal production in Russia:

a) Pechorsky b) Kansko-Achinsk c) Kuzbass

4. In terms of gas production, Russia ranks:

A) 1st place; b) 2nd place; c) 3rd place.

5. The cheapest, environmentally friendly type of fuel is:

a) coal; b) natural gas; c) oil.

6. Most of the reserves and production of natural gas in Russia are:

A) in the Urals c) in the north of Western Siberia

B) in the Lower Volga region d) on Sakhalin.

7. The first place in Russia in terms of coal mining is occupied by the basin:

A) South Yakut c) Kuznetsk

B) Pechorsky d) Moscow Region

8. The coals of the Kansk-Achinsk lignite basin are of low quality, but the production volumes here are the largest in the country because:

BUT) open method production will significantly reduce its cost

B) the availability of transport routes for its transportation

C) the pool is favorably located in relation to consumers

9. Determine the oil fields located within the Volga-Ural oil base.

A) Samotlor b) Tuymazy c) Surgut d) Romashkinskoye

The fuel industry includes several industries, but the main ones are: ______________________________________________________________________________

Oil industry

In terms of oil reserves, Russia occupies ________________________ in the world, and in terms of production ______________

Problems oil industry _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The main oil base of Russia ______________________________ . The second largest oil production base _____________________________ .

Large oil reserves have been discovered at ______________________________.

Location Factors for Oil Refineries ______________________________________

Problems of oil refining 1. _____________________________, 2.___________________________, 3.______________________________.

Gas industry.

In terms of gas reserves and production, Russia occupies _____________ place.

Most of the gas production comes from the fields _________________________________________________________________________. The second largest gas production base is ________________________________________________.

In the future, the formation of a gas production base _____________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________ was created to transport gas to consumers.

Coal industry.

Use of coal: 1. _____________________________________,

2. _____________________________________________________.

The cost is

In terms of coal production, Russia occupies ____________________________ place in the world.

1. 2. 3.

Independent work on the topic "Fuel industry" Grade 9.

Fuel and energy complex is a group of industries thatextraction, processing and transportation of fuel, as well as the processing of electricity and its transmission to the consumer.

The fuel industry includes several branches, but the main ones are:oil, gas, coal industry .

Oil industry. In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranksfourth place in the world, but in terms of productionfirst place in the world.

Problems of the oil industry:1. Due to the lack of funds, the development of oil production is underdeveloped. 2. Half of the drilled wells are not in operation. 3. Without modern equipment, part of the oil reserves is lost in the bowels and is not extracted to the surface.

Russia's main oil baseWest Siberian . Second largest oil production baseVolga - Ural. Large oil reserves discoveredon the shelf of the seas washing Russia .

Location Factors for Oil Refineries (ORs)they are located in areas where oil products are consumed.

Problems of oil refining1. Depreciation of equipment. 2. large factories strongly influence environment, 3. Main part (refinery) in major cities which poses a threat to human life. Gas industry.

In terms of gas reserves and production, Russia ranks in the worldfirst place .

Most of the gas production comes from fieldsWestern Siberia . The second largest gas production base isOrenburg - Astrakhan .

In the future, the formation of a gas production basenorth of the Irkutsk region, Yakutia, Sakhalin.

To transport gas to consumers, aunified gas pipeline system .

Coal industry.

Coal use:1. Fuel in industry and at thermal power plants, 2. Raw materials for ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry.

Cost price -the value of the cost of obtaining a unit of output, expressed in monetary terms .

What determines the cost of coal?From the method of its extraction, the quality of coal, the depth and thickness of the seams, the quality of equipment, the availability modern technologies prey .

In terms of coal production, Russia rankssixth place in the world.

Name the main coal basins:

1. Kuznetsky. 2. Kansko - Achinsk . 3. Pechorsky.

The fuel industry is a system that includes a set of industries and processes that produce, convert, transport and consume various types of fuel.

The active development of the energy complex is closely related to the environment, due to the adverse impact of production on the atmosphere and surface waters. In our article, we will consider the main branches of the fuel industry and environmental problems in the form of a table.

Main industries:

  • oil industry;
  • coal industry;
  • gas industry;

Oil is not used in its natural form, after its processing it is obtained different kinds fuels: gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel, and are also used as raw materials used in the production of chemical products.

The origin of the oil industry in Russia falls on the first half of 19th century, during the period when the Baku Khanate entered the country (in 1813). The first oil in Russia was produced in the Baku field, a factory for oil refining and the production of kerosene was soon built, the length of the oil pipeline was only 12 km, from the field to Baku.

But in those days there was no particular need for a new type of fuel due to the development of industry at a low level.

Only at the beginning twentieth century with the development of rail transport and ships, Russia develops the topics of oil production and takes the lead, leaving behind the United States.

Over time, new deposits were discovered, today Russian industry oil refining is represented by 28 enterprises, the largest of them: Surgut, Megion, Samotlor. Oil reserves have also been explored on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Caribbean, where oil production is expected in the near future.

Most oil refineries are concentrated in the European part of Russia, therefore, for the convenience of transportation, an oil pipeline network has been built, through which oil from western Siberia enters here. Through the Druzhba pipeline, part of the produced oil is transported to many European countries.


  • Depreciation and obsolescence of oil-producing equipment.
  • Most of the pipeline has been built about 30–50 years ago, in connection with this frequent gusts occur, the annual loss of oil is from 10 to 15 million tons, the most difficult situation in western Siberia, severe natural conditions drastically shorten the service life. In this region, most of the water bodies are polluted. The level of harmful substances in rivers and lakes has increased tenfold. Along the pipeline, thousands of hectares of land are literally saturated with oil.
  • Oil reserves are located in remote places (Arkhangelsk region, Yakutia, Nenets Autonomous Okrug), in connection with this, an increase in the cost of production is noted.
  • Taking into account the environmental problems of Russia, the fuel industry, with its active development in this region, can cause irreparable harm to the Arctic Ocean.

Oil still remains the main source in the energy industry and petrochemistry today. No wonder it is called "black gold", but humanity continues to search for new and cheaper energy sources, natural gas in this sense is the best fit.

It is considered a cheaper type of fuel (compared to oil - twice cheaper), and gas is also less destructive to the atmosphere.

Gas is used as a fuel and as a valuable chemical raw material. Russia takes the lead in gas reserves and production. More than 700 gas fields, including 47% of them developing. The main production volumes fall on the West Siberian base (Yamburg, Urengoy) - 92% , Orenburg-Astrakhan base - 6% (this field differs in gas composition, it contains such valuable components as helium, sulfur, ethane).

In the future, gas production is expected in Yakutia, the Irkutsk region, and Sakhalin. Five fields have been explored in Yakutia, the gas produced in this territory is characterized by high thermal conductivity (1 ton of gas replaces 2.3 tons of coal). For the purpose of gas transportation, a single gas pipeline system was built, the length of which reaches 150 thousand km.

The largest gas pipeline is Soyuz, which is used to export gas to the Baltic countries, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Western and Eastern Europe.

Industry issues

  • Enterprises engaged in gas production and processing significantly pollute the atmosphere with hydrocarbons, especially when drilling wells during the exploration of gas fields.
  • Despite the fact that gas is considered an environmentally friendly fuel, its development pollutes open water bodies and soil.
  • On the roads along the entire length main gas pipeline there is a violation of the vegetation cover, an increase in the depth of freezing of the soil, erosion processes are actively developing, the relief and landscape are irreversibly changing.
  • Further development of deposits in the northern region requires large financial costs.
  • To maintain the balance of ecology and the natural environment, land transport in this area can only move in winter period. In summer, movement is prohibited, due to the preservation of the vegetation cover of reindeer pastures.

Coal is a fuel of plant origin, found in nature in two varieties:

  • brown;
  • stone (coking is more valued);

Coal is used as a fuel, as well as a raw material used for the chemical industry and metallurgy. Compared to oil and gas reserves, gas reserves are much larger. However, the extraction process is more expensive, for this reason the share of coal in the fuel industry has declined sharply.

Most economical way– coal mining open method(in quarries) 59% production is concentrated in the east of Russia. At the same time, the open method is the most destructive for the environment.

The second method, coal mining, is more expensive. Today, many mines are unprofitable due to the depreciation of machinery and equipment.

On the territory of our country over 200 deposits and coal basins, which is about 23% world coal reserves.

Major coal basins

Consider the main coal deposits and the problems of this industry in the form of a table:


  • equipment requires modernization, the introduction of technologies that provide maximum safety for both people and to maintain the ecological balance;
  • coal mining has Negative influence on the state of the environment: deep quarries, a large number of dumps require reclamation, the mine method is unsafe for humans, collapses and explosions often occur;
  • the coal industry makes a huge contribution to atmospheric pollution, for example, in the Neryungri coal mine, dust pollution exceeds the standards 300 times, soot - 1.5 -2 times, which cannot but affect the rivers Chulman, Neryungri, Timpton;

The impact on the environment due to changes in the engineering and geological environment during the extraction of oil, gas or coal occurs everywhere and always. Even with modern methods development to avoid them completely is not possible. Therefore, the main task is to minimize the negative impact on the environment, as well as to use the riches of nature as rationally as possible.

Watch the video: The main environmental problems of the fuel industry