What is more economical to heat the greenhouse in winter. Ways to heat a greenhouse, or how to harvest non-stop all year round. Types of infrared heating

If you plan to use your greenhouses in the winter, consider arranging heating before the first cold weather approaches. The easiest way to solve the problem is when a heating main is laid under the site. In such a situation, it remains only to choose a place to connect and install suitable batteries in the greenhouse.

In other cases, the problem of heating has to be solved on its own. There is nothing difficult in this. A wide variety of systems are available, so you can easily organize the most efficient heating that best suits your particular greenhouse.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of any kind of heating, the greenhouse must be properly insulated.

First step. Dig over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, or at least in free places hole about 15 cm deep.

Second step. Cover the bottom of the pit with thermal insulation material. Usually foam boards are used.

Third step. Cover the insulation with a waterproofing film, polyethylene is usually used.

Fourth step. Fill the resulting "pie" with a small layer of sand, and then the earth dug at the very beginning.

Thanks to such a device, satisfactory conditions will be maintained in the greenhouse even at a temperature outside the window of -5-10 degrees. However, this solution cannot be considered as a full-fledged heating. This is elementary thermal insulation, which must be used in combination with other heating methods.

Small greenhouses can be heated with primitive air units. All the necessary elements are available at any summer cottage or are sold at a hardware store for a penny.

First step. Buy or find an unwanted steel pipe on the farm. A product with a length of about 250 cm and a diameter of about 60 cm is suitable.

Second step. Insert the end of the pipe into the greenhouse room. The other end of the pipe must be brought outside. A fire is made under the "street" end of the pipe.

The outdoor air will be heated by the flame of a fire and get into the greenhouse through a pipe. Heating is really very simple in its organization, but you can’t call it convenient. First, for the system to work, you need to keep the fire burning. Secondly, it will not work to regulate the intensity of heating and the temperature in the greenhouse.

Heating with gas

Gas-based heating has many advantages. On the modern market a wide variety of units and devices are presented, with the help of which it is possible to organize the most efficient heating in accordance with the needs of a particular user. In addition, gas is one of the most cost-effective sources of energy.

If you plan to constantly heat your greenhouses with gas, you will have to buy a boiler and lay the necessary pipes. This will require a relatively large amount of money. Additionally, you will have to spend money on the installation of a high-quality ventilation system.

If there is no need for a full-fledged gas heating device, buy several cylinders of fuel and equip the heating system based on them.

Traditional stove heating is characterized by high efficiency and relatively simple arrangement. For example, you can without special financial investments build oven with a horizontal chimney.

First step. Lay out the firebox of the stove in the vestibule of your greenhouse. Performed traditional brickwork.

Second step. Lay a chimney under the beds or along the length of the greenhouse. It can also be laid under the racks.

Third step. Lead the chimney through the greenhouse wall. Consider the placement of the pipe so that it can effectively remove the products of combustion of the fuel, while passing over areas that need heating.

Place the stove in such a way that its firebox is at a distance of at least 25-30 cm from the end wall of the greenhouse.

You can also make a furnace from a metal barrel.

First step. Prepare a metal barrel with a volume of about 250 liters. Cover the inner walls of the container with two layers of paint so that the material does not rust.

Second step. Mark and cut holes for the stove, chimney, drain cock (installed at the bottom) and expansion tank (placed at the top).

Third step. Weld the stove (usually they make a rectangular structure of sheet steel in accordance with the dimensions of the barrel) and install it in a container.

Fourth step. Remove the chimney from the barrel. The length of the "street" part of the pipe must be at least 500 cm.

Fifth step. Attach the expansion tank to the top of the barrel. You can buy a ready-made container or weld it yourself from sheet metal. A tank of 20-25 liters will suffice.

Sixth step. Weld heating units of suitable length from profile pipes with dimensions of 400x200x15 (focus on the dimensions of the greenhouse). The pipes themselves must be laid on the ground with a step of about 120-150 cm.

Seventh step. Buy and install a hydraulic pump. The system will be heated using water, so it will not be possible to do without a pump.

Any firewood is suitable for the firebox of such a stove. For maximum efficiency, install an electronic temperature sensor in the greenhouse, and for greater convenience, place it in a house or other suitable place digital control panel.

A simple and fairly effective greenhouse heating can be built on the basis of an empty fire extinguisher with a cut off top.

First step. Fix on the bottom of the case a heating element (heating element) with a power of about 1 kW. Usually, heating elements of electric samovars and other similar devices have the same power, so there will be no problems finding the necessary part.

Second step. Attach the cut off top of the fire extinguisher to its body with the help of loops.

Third step. Connect two water pipes to the fire extinguisher body. The second ends of these pipes will be connected to the heating battery. Use nuts and rubber seals to fasten pipes.

Fourth step. Install the necessary automation tools. The optimal scheme is using a relay. For example, the MKU-48 model is suitable.

When the temperature in the greenhouse drops below the allowable value, the temperature sensor will close contacts K1 and water heating will begin. The liquid will give the generated heat to the greenhouse. When the water reaches the required temperature, the relay will be powered off and the heater will turn itself off.

You can try to make heating from a heating element and a number of pipes. Even used pipes will do. Recommended pipe sizes are given in the previous section.

The arrangement of such heating will require you to have skills in working with a welding machine.

For heating, a 50 l boiler with a 2 kW heater is suitable. When heated, the liquid will rise into the expansion tank installed above, and from there it will be fed into the laid pipes. Pipes should be laid with a slight downward slope.

First step. Prepare the base for the boiler. The functions of the base can be performed by a piece of pipe of a rather large diameter. A bottom with a flange must be welded to one side of such a pipe.

Second step. Connect the heating elements with an electric wire to the working plug. The wires must be insulated.

Third step. Install a sealing gasket at the joints of the boiler body with the flange.

Fourth step. Make an expansion tank out of metal sheets. A capacity of 25-30 liters will suffice. From both end sides and from the bottom of the tank, weld couplings through which the tank will be connected to the heating system and the riser of your homemade boiler.

Fifth step. Cut out a lid for adding water to the expansion tank.

Sixth step. Prepare the threads at the ends of the heating pipes and connect the pipes into a single system.

Seventh step. Ground the boiler. Grounding is carried out using a copper cable with 3 cores. Two of its cores are connected to the phases of the heating element. The remaining core is launched onto the body of the heating unit.

This heater, as already noted, can be placed in a convenient corner of the greenhouse. You can also allocate a place for the boiler in another room.

Heating with underfloor heating

If you have sufficient funds, you can organize the heating of the greenhouse with the help of a “warm floor”. Modern designs of heated floors are presented in several variations. Choose a suitable system, taking into account the area of ​​​​the greenhouse and the main conditions for the further operation of heating. The most commonly used systems are made in the format of a waterproof heating mat.

First step. Remove about 40 cm of soil.

Second step. Fill the bottom of the resulting recess with a layer of sifted sand. A 5-10 cm layer of backfill will suffice.

Third step. Place insulation in the hole. It is best to use moisture-resistant materials such as polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam, etc.

Fourth step. Lay waterproofing material on the insulation. Usually polyethylene film is used.

Fifth step. Spread about 5 cm of sand over the waterproofing. Moisten the filling with water. Wet sand must be compacted with high quality.

Sixth step. Lay the "warm floor" wire on top of the compacted sand backfill. Usually the heating element is laid in a "snake". Lay the cable in increments of about 15 cm.

Seventh step. Fill the installed heating system with a 5-10 cm layer of sand.

Eighth step. Lay a chain-link mesh on the backfill.

Ninth step. Fill the resulting "pie" with previously dug soil.

To ensure better and safer operation of the heating, it is recommended to connect a thermostat and a temperature control sensor to the warm floor.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in self-arrangement of heating a greenhouse. You just need to choose the appropriate option and do everything in accordance with the instructions.

Successful work!

Heating the greenhouse is the key to a rich harvest

Video - Do-it-yourself heating of a greenhouse in winter

Support for optimum temperature play important role in the operation of structures of closed ground. It is not easy to equip a greenhouse with your own hands, since for this you need to take into account the peculiarities of the climate, plants and the structure of the protected ground itself. The best greenhouse heating projects with hot water, gas or stove heating can be found in this article.

A detailed description of the various heating methods will tell you how to heat the greenhouse in winter. Both traditional and alternative heating methods are presented, so you can easily choose a project that suits your performance and labor costs.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating

At first glance, heating the soil in a greenhouse is not a necessity, because the sun's rays with the advent of spring will help to warm the covered ground. However, this is not entirely true, since the spring soil is quite frozen, and a large amount of energy will be needed to melt it. Therefore, the sun alone cannot cope with such a difficult task, especially if the structure is covered with a film or glass.

The situation with polycarbonate is a little simpler, because it is the warmest covering material, and therefore it is much easier to heat such a room. This article describes how to heat greenhouses at different times of the year.

The main methods of heating a greenhouse, greenhouse

There are several ways to maintain optimal temperature conditions with your own. The best heating projects using warm air, gas, biofuels and water will be detailed below.

With gas

This method is implemented using gas heaters that burn gas inside the greenhouse (Figure 1). In such a heating system, air, mixing with external and recirculation flows, enters the places of heating. Air streams can be supplied both with the help of separate gas burners, and with the help of special hoses. To increase efficiency, a whole complex of burners is used, which are located throughout the premises.

Note: It is important to know that during the operation of gas equipment, carbon dioxide and steam are released into the airspace of the greenhouse, which can lead to drying out of the air and burning out oxygen. This phenomenon is quite dangerous for plants, so it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of ventilation systems, especially in greenhouses covered with polycarbonate.

When operating a small home greenhouse, you can use gas cylinders; large structures industrial scale connected to the general gas pipeline system. In any case, great care must be taken when heating with gas, because in the event of a leak due to a malfunction of the appliances, a person working inside can burn out.

Figure 1. Arrangement of gas heating

The advantage of gas heating is the stability of the gas supply. In addition, modern heaters are equipped with special protective devices that give a signal when the gas supply to the burner stops. The most efficient are heating devices with a grid. In them, carbon dioxide is burned up to its complete oxidation, which means that it can no longer harm a person in an unventilated room.

Ground heating with air

Do-it-yourself winter heating can also be equipped with the help of warm air supply. The use of air heating of the soil makes it possible at low cost to quickly achieve the desired result, that is, to warm the soil to the required temperature.

Figure 2. Fans for heating the greenhouse with air

Heat sources can be both mobile convectors and thermal fans equipped with thermostats (Figure 2). These devices warm the air well, but they penetrate shallowly into the ground. Their significant disadvantage is the drying of the air, therefore, such heaters can only be used in combination with a humidification system.


The biological method is considered the oldest and most reliable. In addition, it is the simplest and easiest. It is necessary to change the compost from time to time (Figure 3).

Note: It is known that in the process of decay a large amount of heat is released. Horse manure is best suited for this purpose, which can warm up to + 60-70 degrees in just a week and keep this temperature for about 4 months. It is important to know that adding straw to horse manure reduces its effectiveness, and such an additive is required in pig and cow manure.

In the absence of manure, various improvised materials can be used: tree bark, straw, sawdust. The so-called artificial manure is widely used: finely chopped straw, lime-ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (10:0, 2:0.3 kg) are laid in layers, spilling each layer with hot water and compacting. All layers are covered with earth, resulting in a layer of biofuel 25 cm high.

Figure 3. Biological heating device

To obtain vegetable humus, you will need a barrel or a wooden box. Freshly cut grass is placed in the prepared container with the addition of a 5% solution of carbamide or other nitrogen fertilizer. The container is closed with a lid and placed under a press. After 2 weeks, vegetable humus is ready for use.

Another type of biofuel is domestic waste, half of which consists of paper and rags. Such a fertilizer warms up for a long time, but then it reaches the same high temperatures as horse manure, and retains heat for a long time.

A significant advantage of the biological method over the others is the fact that with this method the atmosphere is saturated not only with carbon dioxide, but also with other trace elements that are no less important for plants. At the same time, the air does not dry out and the normal level of humidity is maintained.


Solar heating is new and promising. A significant advantage of this method is its environmental safety and low cost. The essence of this method is that the sun's rays penetrate through the transparent coating, warming up the soil and structural elements well, which in turn give off heat to the air, thereby warming it up. The heat cannot return back due to the dense construction and the quality of the covering material (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The order of arrangement of solar heating

A significant disadvantage of this method is called the inconsistency of solar energy. Therefore, the main task of the owner of a greenhouse with solar heating is to maximize the use of solar heat and skillfully retain it. Therefore, the location of the structure, its shape, the quality of the coating, design features, as well as the use of various methods of energy accumulation are of no small importance.


If your home greenhouse is already equipped with stove heating, it can easily be converted to water heating. To do this, a water-heating boiler is installed on the furnace, from which pipes are laid to the water intake tank. Hot water flows from the tank to the inside through a pipe located under the roof ridge (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Features of water heating

The central pipe branches at the far wall into four more, which go down along the walls, and then return back to the boiler. This ensures continuous circulation of hot water through the pipes, which allows you to maintain a constant temperature in the greenhouse.

With infrared heater

Now the most popular are special infrared heaters, which operate on the same principle as the sun's rays (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Infrared heating device

Unlike solar heating, infrared evenly distributes heat over the entire surface of the soil, moreover, it does not depend on weather conditions. Modern infrared heaters consume little electricity, besides, they do not occupy usable space, because they are mounted on the ceiling.

Using electricity

Today, ground heating with the help of electricity is increasingly used. The convenience of this method is that the heat generation device is located underground, which means that it does not take up a separate place. As a result of electric heating, both the soil and the air warm up well. In addition, it is possible to use different temperature regimes at different stages of plant development or set automatic temperature control (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Types of devices for electric heating

A separate option for electric heating is the use of heaters. However, it is worth knowing that when using them there is no normal air circulation, as a result, some areas receive less heat. Therefore, preference should be given to heaters with already built-in fans for proper air circulation.

Greenhouse heating on solid fuel (stove heating)

You can also heat the room with a solid fuel boiler or stove that runs on wood waste, firewood, oil waste, sunflower husks (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Installation of stove heating in a greenhouse

Ease of use is that the fuel is readily available, and the heating itself does not depend on either weather or economic conditions and opportunities.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating in winter

When wondering how to heat a greenhouse in winter, there are a few key features to consider.

Winter heating depends, first of all, on the characteristics of the climate in which the structure is located. However, there are several points that do not depend on this factor (Figure 9):

  1. The coating must be transparent and clean - this ensures the preservation of heat inside.
  2. Windows should be equipped with at least double glazing for better thermal insulation.
  3. It is better to make the coating double, for example, use cellular polycarbonate, consisting of a large number of closed cells filled with air.

If the greenhouse is located in a warm climate zone, then only good thermal insulation is required in winter. This can be achieved through the correct selection of the coating material. Cellular polycarbonate, double glazing, or plastic film stretched in two layers will work best. main work the sun is responsible for maintaining the heat, but you should stock up on a fan heater with a thermostat in case of a significant drop in temperature. The shape of the greenhouse and its location relative to the sides of the horizon also play an important role. It is best if it has an elongated shape and is located in the direction from east to west.

Note: If the temperature during the winter months drops slightly below zero, that is, you live in a warm temperate climate, then the best option would be a biological heating method using manure or compost under the beds. One such bookmark is enough for three cold winter months. For safety, it is desirable to organize a backup source of heating in case of severe frosts.

In a temperate climate, that is, when the temperature drops to -20 degrees in winter, infrared heaters and thermal air pumps will be the most effective. You should be aware that automatic adjustment of heating in infrared heaters is difficult, but heat pumps are able to maintain a constant temperature of 15-17 degrees.

Figure 9. One of the options for winter heating

In a cold, harsh climate, it is most difficult to organize greenhouse heating in the winter. Here, the best option would be a capital structure covered with polycarbonate. It will be great if you can arrange it adjacent to one of the sides of the house, which is heated by water heating. In this case, for heating, you can use a metal-plastic pipe laid in the ground, which opens the return pipeline of the heating system.

A household gas boiler with low power and an underground soil heating system will be more expensive. The advantage of such heating is the complete autonomy of the greenhouse. With the same success, you can use a conventional solid fuel boiler and convectors located around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse.

The video shows in detail how you can make winter heating for a greenhouse.

How to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse in spring

The spring heating of a greenhouse, as well as winter heating, depends on a number of factors, including: the size of the greenhouse, the type of cover and operating conditions, as well as technical and financial capabilities. Only taking into account all the nuances will it be possible to choose the most acceptable heating option in the spring. Among the methods described below, various combinations are possible depending on specific needs. So, let's take a closer look at some of them.

Solar heating is effective only during the period of active solar heat, that is, in late spring and summer. A polycarbonate greenhouse well passes the heat of the sun, which first heats the soil and then the air. In it, you can build a special stone oven. The principle of operation of the solar furnace is that the stones are heated during the day from the sun, and at night they give off heat.

It is worth considering that when choosing this heating option, the location of the greenhouse relative to the sides of the horizon is important. The most optimal is the south side of the site. An important role is played by the shape of the structure itself: arched, spherical structures are best warmed up by the sun.

To enhance the effect of heating by sunlight, it is advised to make the northern side of the greenhouse opaque: paint over with white paint or cover with foil.

The biological method of heating is laborious, but low-cost. It can be used all year round, including spring. The essence of the method is the preparation of raw materials that generate heat. Manure mixed with chopped straw is best suited for these purposes. In the spring, even before laying the biofuel, it must be preheated. To do this, the manure is stacked in a pile, in which holes are made. Hot water is poured into the holes obtained, then the stack is covered with dense material and left for 3-4 days before the decomposition process begins. After that, the biological material is ready for use.

An important point of biological heating is the observance of a certain technology:

  1. Removal of the soil layer from the racks;
  2. Laying out organic matter at the bottom, filling it with a third of the racks in height;
  3. Covering manure with a layer of soil.

You should be aware that the duration of maintaining the temperature depends on the material used as fuel: from 2 weeks for sawdust and up to 4 months for horse manure.

The biological method of spring heating of the greenhouse has its undeniable advantages.:

  • Helps to saturate the soil with nutrients;
  • The soil is naturally moistened by evaporation from decay processes;
  • Does not dry out the air;
  • Ideal for spring heating to maintain temperature.

If the greenhouse is operated seasonally, that is, only in spring or autumn, it would be irrational to install expensive technical devices for heating in it. Here simple means, for example, stoves, will fit perfectly.

Stove heating is best suited for the winter period and early spring. In addition, with the help of the stove, you can warm up the room from time to time after the onset of warm spring days to maintain the microclimate.

You should know that it is customary to install stoves at the end of the building with a horizontal chimney laid around the perimeter of the building. Thus, the heat is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the building. However, stove heating is not able to warm the ground. Therefore, racks with soil must be isolated from the main soil, the temperature of which can be maintained using biological or technical means.

Stove heating can be easily turned into water heating by installing a water-heating boiler on the stove. It is also possible to ensure the circulation of water around the entire perimeter using a solid fuel, gas or electric boiler, while the pipes can pass not only on the surface of the soil, but also under it. It is also possible to connect the greenhouse to the heating system of a residential building, provided that it is located close to it (no more than 10 m), and the boiler has sufficient power.

Figure 10. Using candles for heating

If warm air is used as a heat carrier, then we are dealing with air heating of the greenhouse. In this heating system, heated air is distributed through a system of air ducts laid out around the entire perimeter of the building. In this way, rapid heating is provided, but the level of humidity is significantly reduced.

If possible, you can use gas burners or heaters placed throughout the room. To ensure even distribution of heat, it is also necessary to equip the building with fans. The positive side of gas heating is its convenient use specifically for seasonal greenhouses. But the constant monitoring of gas appliances, the problem of uniform heat distribution and the need for ventilation largely overshadow the attractiveness of this method.

If there is access to the electrical network in the greenhouse itself or not far from it, you can use electric heaters. In spring, the electric method is the easiest, because you have the opportunity to change heat flows by simply rearranging electrical appliances. Among the shortcomings are the uneven heating when using only one device. In addition, you need to constantly ensure that the hot air from the electric heaters does not fall directly on the plants.

When the soil is still frozen and unsuitable for planting, it will be effective to use a heating cable that is laid in advance under a layer of soil. The advantages of this method are that it significantly reduces energy consumption, and the system itself allows you to evenly distribute thermal energy heating both the soil and the air.

More economical than electrical appliances is heating with special infrared lamps or thermal film.

Is it possible to heat the greenhouse with candles and bottles

When deciding how to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse in the spring, many owners use unconventional methods, for example, with the help of bottles.

Often in the spring there is a situation when a cold snap sets in sharply. What if the heating has not yet been started, and the plants have already been planted? For such cases, there are emergency ways to increase the temperature. Among them there is a fairly simple method that uses plastic bottles filled with water. They are placed throughout the room, while the caps on the bottles do not twist. During the day, bottled water is heated by the sun's rays, and at night heat is released, accompanied by the evaporation of moisture.

Quite interesting is the method of heating with candles (Figure 10). Arcs are installed on the bed with plants, which are covered with dense material, for example, spunbond. Inside such a cover, a lit candle is installed, protected by a cap made of metal cans, located at a height sufficient for burning. The cap is necessary for protection against an open flame and for heat accumulation. Heated metal walls give off heat to the environment.

Do-it-yourself emergency heating methods for the greenhouse are shown in the video.

Which greenhouse heating option is better to choose

Summing up, we can say that the choice of heating method depends on many factors, including climatic conditions, design features and the quality of the coating of the structure itself, the purposes for which it is used, as well as the technical and financial capabilities of the consumer.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: Heating a greenhouse in winter is probably the biggest expense item. Consider how to organize the heating of a greenhouse in winter, if possible without investing large amounts of money.

Without a doubt, a greenhouse on a personal plot is a necessary building.

This building, indispensable for the gardener, acquires even greater value when the possibility of heating it is provided.

Growing early vegetables, greens, strawberries and seedlings, and with year-round use of a heated greenhouse - and obtaining such products in the winter - is this not an obvious benefit?

Especially for those who make money in this way: vitamins in winter and early spring are not cheap pleasure and the demand for them is great.

The ability to harvest 2-3 crops makes this business even more profitable.

The cultivation of tropical and ornamental plants has now become a fashionable hobby. And to provide them with appropriate climatic conditions throughout the year is possible only in a greenhouse or winter garden, where there is heating.

How to build a greenhouse with heating? or make heating in an existing one?

How to make heating in a greenhouse?

There are many ways to heat a greenhouse with your own hands. For these purposes, different schemes are used:

  • greenhouse heating furnace
  • greenhouse gas heating
  • greenhouse electric heating
  • steam heating in the greenhouse
  • hot water

It is possible, for example, when laying the foundation of a greenhouse, to fix an electrical circuit in it using heating cables for underfloor heating. This option practically does not occupy the space of this building, while providing good heating, both air and soil.

But the use of electric heaters is not a very convenient solution.

The fact is that in the absence of normal air circulation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse will warm up unevenly, that is, if one part of the space turns out to be excessively overheated, then the heat will not reach the other at all.

You can normalize the movement of air flow by mounting a fan. However, the very process of its operation also leads to air cooling. There is another negative point here - the cost of electricity will increase significantly.

To make the heating of the greenhouse with your own hands rational, to create comfortable conditions for the growth of plants, especially if you are heating the greenhouse in winter, you should choose a type of it that will provide full heating of the soil and air.

Choosing a heating system

Choosing a greenhouse heating system should take into account:

  • building dimensions
  • method of heating the house itself
  • their financial possibilities.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It is important that the heating system is combined with the type of greenhouse.

It is known that heating film greenhouses, for example, requires more heat than heating greenhouses made of polycarbonate - a material that itself is a worthy heat insulator.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the system. For example, some of them, due to their high cost, are completely unsuitable for standard, small area greenhouses. Other systems require professional installation and configuration.

This is especially important when it comes to heating industrial greenhouses, where advanced technologies are used, such as heat pumps, infrared heating and others.

Having decided on home-made heating of the greenhouse, the first thing you need to do is to “feel” the entire technology of the process, take into account all the pros and cons of the chosen heating system.

It is necessary to correctly calculate the heating of the greenhouse in order to achieve the most rational distribution of heat in this room.

Now briefly about each method of heating.

Water heating

It is possible to install hot water heating of the greenhouse, operating both on electricity and on gas.

The heat source is hot water circulating through pipes that run inside the greenhouse or under the floor.

The scheme and principle of operation of water heating of a greenhouse is as follows: a coolant (heated water) circulates through pipes closed in the system, which, having given off heat to the atmosphere, again enters the boiler, where it is reheated.

A larger number of pipes allows you to lower the temperature of the water heating. It should be noted that the pipe system tends to heat up rather slowly.

The boiler is the main element of such heating for greenhouses. Its choice is determined by the specific situation.

In the area where the gas pipeline is laid, gas boilers are more often in demand, as the most economical option.

While the heating is powered by the mains, the following happens: the water heated in the boiler is fed through a circulation pump into pipes that can be laid along the walls of the greenhouse or between plants.

When installing a water heating system, copper, steel and plastic pipes are used. The latter is just what is needed in this case. They are light, affordable and do not rust.

The circulation of water in the system is usually forced, which is facilitated by the installed pump, less often - natural.

When connecting thermostats to pipelines and radiators, it becomes possible to maintain a certain temperature automatically.

When laying pipes for underground heating, it must be borne in mind that steel is not suitable for these purposes. Metal corrosion will destroy and disable such a heating system.

The disadvantages of hot water heating of a greenhouse include the complexity of installing a pipe system, a high price and the need for constant monitoring.

The positive side is that there is a simultaneous heating of air and soil.

Connection to an existing heating system

Before doing anything, you need to make sure that the boiler can provide the required pressure.

In addition, it makes no sense to connect to an existing system if the greenhouse is located at a distance of more than 10 m from the house.

And since the pipes laid to it must be insulated, then it will cost quite a lot. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that most of all heating is needed for a greenhouse at night. Just at this time regulated systems heating can lower the temperature. It is important to take into account the priority of connecting to the greenhouse.

infrared heating

For infrared heating of greenhouses use:

  • infrared lamps for greenhouses
  • infrared heaters

If we take into account the fact that such an energy carrier as electricity is the most expensive, then it becomes clear why the plan heating system is gaining momentum.

With high efficiency, they heat plants and soil without heating the air.

Then, the already heated soil and the structure of the room give off heat to the surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, it is warmer below, that is, the soil warms up well.

Savings become possible because the infrared heater does not work constantly. It can be equipped with a thermostat that controls temperature regime. The infrared heater is turned on only to maintain the required temperature.

It is essential that infrared radiation is completely harmless to humans and plants. Using infrared heating in a greenhouse, you can create different temperature bands for different types of plants, which is very comfortable for planting.

Such heating is ideal when it is required to raise the temperature in the greenhouse in a short period of time. Heaters reach the set temperature in just ten minutes.

air heating

Do-it-yourself air heating of a greenhouse is easier to build than water heating.

This method uses air as the heat carrier.

It is injected between the walls of the boiler and the furnace, while heating up, and then it is distributed through the duct system.

A polyethylene perforated sleeve is laid around the perimeter of the entire room. Warm air flows through it, which evenly warms the soil.

The advantage of this method is the rapid heating of a greenhouse of any area.

The disadvantage of this heating system is that you have to constantly monitor the humidity in the greenhouse. This method of heating contributes to a sharp decrease in it.

wood heating

When choosing a heating option for a greenhouse, taking into account the growth in electricity and gas tariffs that is happening with enviable regularity, you should pay attention to alternative way- heating the greenhouse with firewood.

Furnaces such as Buleryan are very suitable for this purpose. Their use allows you to organize the heating of the greenhouse in such a way that night trips for the next laying of firewood are not required. The room quickly heats up, and the temperature is maintained at a given level for a long time.

One bookmark of firewood is enough for 6-8 hours. The body of the stove does not heat up, which fully ensures safety.

You can build a stove for heating greenhouses with your own hands, as an option, a stove with a horizontal chimney.

Its device is as follows: a firebox is made of bricks in the vestibule, and in the greenhouse, in its entire length, a chimney is laid under the racks. It is through it that carbon monoxide passes and leaves the room through a pipe on the other side.

The heat released at the same time heats our building.

Combined heating method

Combined boilers are used quite widely. They are convenient in that they make it possible to instantly respond to changing operating conditions.

At the same time, the disadvantages of one heating method can be successfully closed by the advantages of another. For example, a power outage will not take you by surprise if heating is provided that operates on wood, gas, coal.

When there is a backup heat source, you can safely calculate the future profit from a rich harvest.

Which way to heat the greenhouse to choose, everyone decides for himself.

In order to choose the optimal method of heating, which is so necessary in a suburban area, structures, each available option should be carefully calculated. And in the end, to understand for yourself what kind of heating is better for the greenhouse, more economical, more profitable and more convenient. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The very word greenhouse hints directly and unambiguously: it should be warm there. But gloomy autumn or spring weather, short daylight hours, rain and snowmelt, piercing winds, damp and cold land - all this prevents it from justifying its name. That is why it is so important to take care of additional heat generation.


Heating a greenhouse is fundamentally different from generating heat for a private house, bath or garage. There are many more options, and therefore it is extremely important to understand all their features. Most systems for heating greenhouses in winter can be done by hand. But it is important to remember that it will not work to control heating as carefully as at home - you cannot “live” in a greenhouse. That is why it is so important to create not just a powerful system, but one that eliminates temperature jerks.

When choosing the best option, pay attention to:

  • energy efficiency;
  • fire safety;
  • formation of an optimal microclimate for plants;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • system reliability.

Pros and cons of ways

There are many options for heating greenhouses. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


The rising cost of all fuels is a trend that will continue for years and even decades to come. Therefore, among the electric methods of heating greenhouses, it is the film options that have a clear priority. The thinnest (a layer from 0.04 cm) film is a selection of current-transmitting strips, which are stacked according to a special pattern.

Its advantages are:

  • the possibility of fixing on any solid foundation;
  • ease of connection to the mains;
  • application safety;
  • excellent efficiency.

As for weaknesses, the minimum film thickness is the primary disadvantage. A small footprint translates into a high risk of damage. Errors in the use of infrared coatings may lead to the need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

A more mechanically resistant option is a heating cable. It is able to work from 20 years in a row, the system is turned on both in a large area and in isolated areas.

Cable loops in the "warm floor" format are the best choice compared to water systems. To switch equipment from general heating to local, you only need to perform 1 action with the simplest control apparatus. The classic resistive cable is simple and cheap, the type of insulating sheath and external mechanical protection determines the period of operation.

A cable with one core will have to be laid so that both ends are near the power source. There is only one alternative - an additional cable to connect the far end.

Resistive type cables can adjust the generated amount of heat to the heating of the earth. But even on two adjacent beds, the actual temperature of the earth can vary quite a lot. Therefore, one has to either adjust everything “one size fits all”, or create complex expensive systems. Self-regulating cables are considered more modern, further saving current. The individual segments adapt the heat release under specific task; if a certain fragment is already warmed up, the cable will not work there.

However, there is another option - using heating panels.

The panel method of heating greenhouses allows the installation of basic systems both near the ceiling and in the walls. The electric version of the panels performs well if the greenhouse area is limited to 25 m2. Over a larger area, they are not economical enough. You will need to stretch a serious cable route and spend a lot of energy. In addition, in many dacha associations and suburban settlements, the amount of current consumed per household is limited.

Speaking of heating with electricity, one cannot ignore such an option as a carbon cord. Compared to other cables, it has thermal inertia (it is 0), eliminates thermal shocks and helps to smoothly adjust conditions to emerging needs. Carbon cable is compatible with all known types of thermostats. Even when contour length adjustment is required, it is very easy and simple to do so.

The heat gun also has its advantages.

All electrical systems allow you to do without such an element as a chimney, but the “gun” is simpler than the rest in terms of device. The need for additional devices is completely eliminated. Start-up is carried out immediately after purchase


Solar heating is considered the most natural solution, and modern methods allow you to use it in the winter greenhouse, and in the dark period of the day. It is imperative to create a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or glass. But you will have to form a structure in the form of an arch and maintain an orientation from east to west. To compensate for the short daylight hours, the greenhouse is equipped with a solar collector. It is formed in the form of insulated trenches, over which coarse sand is covered, an additional layer of soil is created.

If we compare such a scheme with air heating, it becomes clear that even the addition of improvised batteries does not increase efficiency enough. The intake of heated air provides both stronger and faster heating. The only problem is that a lot of fuel will be used up during the harsh winter.


Since ancient times, farmers have used manure and a number of other organic substances to heat the land. During the decomposition of organic matter, a significant amount of heat is released. In many cases, preference is given to horse manure, which reaches 70 degrees in a week and maintains this figure for months to come. If there is no such significant need, a combination of it with straw is used. You can also mix manure with tree bark, sawdust and kitchen waste.

The disadvantages of biofuels are:

  • subjective discomfort;
  • risk of hygiene violations;
  • unsuitable for heating for more than 4 months in a row.


In many summer cottages and country houses, they are trying to install gas stoves. And this suggests another way to correct the shortcomings of the greenhouse. The relative economy and simplicity of the system, the possibility of creating it from factory components - these are the main positive aspects. However, along with an accurate calculation, it will be necessary to prepare drawings and a package of permits. It is impossible to implement the project without the consent of the registering state bodies, and each alteration of it entails new costs.

Natural gas is flammable, explosive and toxic. When using it, the greenhouse becomes an unnecessarily humid place, and the concentration of carbon dioxide rises excessively. In addition, the saturation of the air with oxygen is reduced. Installation of ventilation further complicates the matter and requires additional calculation, and in winter the supply of fresh air devalues ​​the generated energy.

To reduce the cost of using gas a little, a monorail type of water heating is practiced (with the connection of a pipeline coiled into a ring to the pump).

Benefits of water

Heating a greenhouse with water heating is good because this option allows you to transfer heat to both the ground and the air.


Unlike solar heat generation, it is possible to heat a large room according to a year-round scheme. Most importantly, the appearance of overdried air is completely excluded. But ventilation is critically important, since the stillness of the air can lead to overheating of the plants.

If you use the classic air circuit, it is technically simpler, but it consumes more energy and achieves an identical result at a noticeably higher cost.

Boiler selection

It is worth paying attention to the correct choice of the boiler so that it satisfactorily performs the tasks. In greenhouses, the installation of the same heating means as in houses and other buildings is practiced.

Greenhouse boilers can work on:

  • waste from the timber industry;
  • quality firewood;
  • stone and brown coal;
  • peat;
  • household combustible litter;
  • natural and liquefied gas;
  • diesel fuel.

In many ways, the selection of a suitable system is determined by personal taste and the range of available energy sources. If the area has main gas pipelines, it is best to connect to them. Even bureaucratic bastions do not detract from the efficiency of the "blue fuel".

Boilers running on electricity or solid fuels can also be used. It is also necessary to carefully select the total capacity of the configuration so as not to freeze plantings and pay only for the heat that is really needed.

System installation

In addition to the boiler itself, pipelines and associated radiators will also have to be installed. The role of expanding tanks, chimneys and pumps that support circulation is great. Experts recommend forming a pair of heating circuits, and not one. One line is being built underground, which is made of plastic pipes that serve to migrate water with a temperature of about +30 degrees. It is required to lay such pipes as close to the roots as possible.

The second tier is located under the dome and is made on the basis of radiators. Most often, forced pump circulation is used in greenhouses, the gravitational flow of water is much less often used.

It is useful to supplement the heating circuit with thermal regulators that allow you to control the operation of the system in automatic mode. There will be no need to fear that during your long absence the greenhouse will overheat or overcool. Radiators in greenhouses are made of cast iron, aluminum or bimetallic.

For your information: there are systems in which there are no radiators at all. Then the space under the dome is heated using a round steel pipe of significant cross section. Expansion tanks are made either open or closed, but without them, unlike radiators, systems cannot be mounted. It turns out to save money when expanders are not bought, but cooked from metal sheets at home. As for the chimney, along with traditional brickwork, the creation of asbestos-cement channels and the use of steel pipes of round or square section is practiced.

If possible, it is recommended to take pipes in sandwich format. This is the most modern and practical solution. As for circulation pumps, here, too, not everything is as simple as most summer residents think. In budget-class greenhouses, if a pressure difference is provided, the gravitational pumping mode can also be used. Again, the choice of components is determined primarily by considerations of a material nature.

Furnaces or heating boilers are mainly placed in the vestibules of greenhouses, much less often they are given a place inside. The advantage of the external location is that the fuel stacked nearby does not interfere with movement in the greenhouse and does not create problems during operation. But internal placement also has its plus - it contributes to obtaining an additional amount of heat. We must weigh the pros and cons, evaluating the available space. Any boiler and any furnace definitely deserve the installation of a foundation.

If the stove is made of brick, a concrete base is poured under it. But it is enough to put metal heat generators on a sheet of steel or asbestos cement. In any case, you should take care of the most reliable installation of the system.

When installing the chimney, attention is paid to ensuring that any joint and turn are thoroughly sealed. Even the best cement cracks when heated significantly, so clay mortar should be used instead.

Connection to the inlet and outlet pipes of the boilers must be made using steel pipes strictly identical in diameter. Only after 1-1.5 m they can be replaced with plastic elements. Expansion tanks are placed in the highest places of buildings near furnaces and boilers. They must be preceded in the hydraulic circuit by an automatic blocking valve and a pressure gauge. When equipping radiators with cut-off valves, the inlet and outlet pipes must be separated by jumpers, then one stopped battery will not paralyze the entire system.

Soil heating is recommended to be provided with pipes based on cross-linked polyethylene. It is very good when a circuit that performs a similar task is supplemented by control automation. It should set the modes of operation corresponding to the specifics of certain plants. The very device of soil heating in greenhouses is quite close to the well-known "warm floor". Those who have already installed such a floor are unlikely to encounter special difficulties.

An insulating layer of waterproof material helps to avoid heat loss in the ground, most often it turns out to be polystyrene foam. Polyethylene film helps to enhance the waterproofing properties. The pipes are laid out on a sand cushion, which are pre-washed and compacted after backfilling. The thickness of the pillow should be 100-150 mm, this will ensure both uniform heating and zero risk of overdrying the earth; 300-350 mm of fertile soil must be placed above the heating layer.


One of the popular solutions summer cottages- stove heating of greenhouses, however, it also has its pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

Suppliers of all boilers and other heating elements for the greenhouse industry focus on high efficiency. But modern stoves show an equally impressive efficiency. Therefore, it is naive to consider them frivolous rivals of boiler equipment.

  • low cost of heating on solid fuel, wood or waste oil;
  • simplicity of the system itself (ease of installation and maintenance);
  • wide availability of necessary fuel.

Most often, iron stoves are installed in greenhouses, which warm up quickly, but quickly lose their heat charge. The disadvantage of such devices can be considered their "tendency" to dry the air. Even for plants that are accustomed to a dry and hot atmosphere, this is unlikely to be beneficial.

The use of water circuits in the form of radiators or registers helps to reduce the sharpness of temperature jumps.

Selection and installation of the furnace

The classic solid fuel potbelly stove is in demand mainly in greenhouses used in spring and summer.

Such structures are much more mobile than brick ones and remove the obligation to form a foundation. Another important circumstance is the minimum absorption of usable space. It is worth considering such advantages of metal stoves as low cost, the ability to install with your own hands without mastering the art of laying bricks. As for the weaknesses, it is necessary to mention the unsuitability of such stoves for automation. Chimneys from metal stoves should be placed at an angle of at least 15 degrees to enhance heating.

The metal pipe itself must be devoid of any insulation. But at the intersections with the top or wall, it is required to mount a box impervious to heat. Any steel oven must be installed in such a way that it is absolutely impossible for it to fall. Many times such events have caused fires and loss of property.

In regions with harsh weather conditions, charcoal stoves can be used, which produce more heat and retain it longer.

But the problem is the increased amount of waste and increased toxicity of combustion products when using coal fuel. Some of its types are capable of igniting on their own and deserve specific conditions when accumulated. In recent years, the popularity of stoves on sawdust or fuel briquettes has grown, which are becoming standard in design and emit a minimum amount of smoke.

But diesel ovens are not suitable at all. They emit poisonous smoke, besides, the slightest oversight can cause an emergency.

What to be guided by when choosing?

Speaking about the best projects for heating a greenhouse, it is worth noting that they do not include the use of convectors. By themselves, they heat only the air, and the soil layer remains cold, as it was before the system was turned on. Therefore, you have to take care of biological heating, which is extremely important during frosts in early spring. But there is a better strategy - this is the use of a system of heaters in the form of mats or cable laying (heating tapes). For winter, this solution is just perfect, especially because it allows you to warm only those places that are really needed.

The risk is that the slightest mistake in calculating the required temperature can burn the roots of plants. Geothermal heating of greenhouses in a small private household is completely unprofitable, since it requires very large investments in equipment and begins to give returns too late. The use of solar batteries or heating lamps is auxiliary. The former cope mainly with the effects of a cold summer, while others are needed to create optimal conditions for seedlings. Therefore, a serious choice arises only between electric heating (including infrared) and boilers (furnaces) on various types fuel.

Popular types

If you need to heat the greenhouse economically and simply without electricity and without gas, the choice naturally leans in favor of the biological method. Gardeners who are accustomed to working in the ground and in contact with dirty substances, such heating will not cause much mental anguish. In addition, it is completely environmentally friendly and allows you to heat the beds. In northern latitudes and in places with an unstable, unstable climatic regime, heating a greenhouse space can only be done relatively cheaply, because one or another fuel will still have to be spent. If the site is gasified and the greenhouse area is small, you can feed the burners or heaters from cylinders.

If the heated beds are very large, this method cannot be considered economical. You will have to connect to a centralized heating system for the site or look for other ways. The high cost of electric current, as already mentioned, has a slightly lesser effect on the costs of gardeners when choosing a rail scheme. Instead of an infrared film or a “warm floor”, you can still use water pipes connected to an electric boiler. But here the system becomes more complicated, and it is rarely possible to mount it without the help of professionals.

For water heating in a greenhouse with your own hands, see the following video.

Having your own land plot, makes you think about its rational use not only in summer, but also in winter. The most common option is the arrangement of greenhouses and even greenhouse complexes that can provide fresh fruits, vegetables and berries all year round. If you approach the issue of building a greenhouse competently and take into account even the slightest nuances of operating such a structure, you can grow a rich harvest of not only local crops, but also tropical ones.

The most popular and suitable for such purposes are greenhouses built from polycarbonate panels. A special condition for a quality building is the presence of heating. Having studied the issue of installing a heating system, it becomes clear that all work can be easily done by hand. The main thing is that the effect of the heating system made should meet expectations, you need to think carefully in advance what type of heating should be present in the greenhouse, clarify the features of its installation, and only then start work.

Types of greenhouse heating

There are many ways to make heating in a greenhouse with your own hands, we will take a closer look at the most popular of them.

solar heating

Heat from sun rays- an easy way to warm a room that does not require any material costs. Sunlight, penetrating through the transparent coating of the walls of the greenhouse, heats not only the air inside the room, but also the soil. AT summer time, the hot and bright sun provides enough energy to warm the air in the greenhouse. The main thing is to make the structure in a place protected from the wind, away from the shade of trees.

The disadvantage of this method of heating is insufficient heat in winter, when daylight hours are reduced, and the sun no longer gives such luminous intensity. To provide warmth in the greenhouse of the desired level in winter, as a rule, several other heating methods are used.

air heating

This method involves the operation of heating and ventilation devices. They can be purchased both factory-assembled and do-it-yourself. To do this, a small steel pipe is installed as follows: one end is located inside the room, the second is taken out through the chimney. This method has one minor minus, in order for warm air to enter the greenhouse in winter, it is heated with fires, which is very fire hazardous.

Use of stoves

This method is the oldest for space heating. Various options for using fuel make it quite economical. The boiler is installed inside the greenhouse, and only the chimney is output to the outside. There is one rather significant disadvantage of using such a heating system - the risk of fire due to excessive heating of the boiler walls.

Heating with biofuels

Waste products of animals and birds (dung, bird droppings, mullein), rotting and decomposing, emit heat. This can be used to heat the room.

Important ! It should be noted that biological waste in the process of decomposition humidifies the air and creates a very favorable microclimate for the growth and development of plants.

Gas heating

The trend of constant growth in the cost of gas makes this method very expensive, and growing vegetables and fruits in such conditions is economically unprofitable. Gas can be brought to the greenhouse from centralized system, or you can use liquefied gas in cylinders. One of the indisputable advantages of gas heating is the possibility of continuous heat supply to the greenhouse.

Use of electrical energy

A fairly easy-to-use method, today it is losing its popularity due to an increase in electricity prices. However, a variety of heating appliances operating from the network allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

One such device is a convector. It is a device equipped with a heating element in the form of a spiral. Warm air, evenly distributed throughout the greenhouse, warms up mainly the air. Unfortunately, the heat from the convector is not enough to warm the soil.

A heater is a small fan that is equipped with an air heating function. Attracts with its inexpensive price and ease of use. The heater is not only able to warm the air, but also to ensure its circulation.

Cable as a heating element. The principle of using the cable, in order to warm up the greenhouse, is as follows: it is placed around the perimeter of the greenhouse, and the location of the beds. A cable connected to the network blocks the passage of cold air through the soil, thereby keeping warm air inside the room.

Water heating. Quite difficult to install and costly method. A system of pipes is installed through which heated water circulates. Thus, not only the surface of the pipes is heated, but also the air in the room. It is also worth noting that in order for the water heating system to function efficiently, only professionals should be involved in its installation.

How to choose a heating system

To choose and make heating in the greenhouse correctly, you need to correctly approach the issue and take into account the following factors:

  • greenhouse dimensions;
  • type of heating that is used in a residential building;
  • the amount of money that makes up the budget for the installation of the future heating system.

If the greenhouse already has a place to be, then do future system heating is necessary taking into account the already finished structure. Example: it is not rational and not practical to make an expensive heating system in a small greenhouse.

Important ! Heat consumption should be rationally calculated and distributed over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse.

Water heating installation

In order to make heating using a water system quickly, and the result was justified by expectations, you should follow a fairly simple installation instruction:

  1. As a heater, you can use an old fire extinguisher, which has already fulfilled its intended purpose. For further use, the top of the fire extinguisher will need to be cut off.
  2. Heating elements are installed at the bottom of the flask, the power of which should not exceed 1 kW. For such purposes, electric heating elements taken from an old samovar are perfect.
  3. We make a cover for the heater housing from any available improvised means.
  4. We connect two pipes from the radiator to the base of the heater. To do this, you need to use nuts, and special rubber seals that will prevent water leakage.
  5. In order for the assembled device to work in automatic mode, it will be convenient to make a special relay with a voltage of 220 V. This mechanism allows you to block the operation of electric heaters when the water reaches the desired temperature.

Installation of air heating

To make heating using an air system, you must use the following work algorithm:

  1. We select a steel pipe, the length of which is about 25 meters, the diameter is 600 mm.
  2. One end of the pipe is brought outside the greenhouse, and the other is left inside the room.
  3. From the outside, in the area located under the pipe, a fire is lit, the burning of which must be constantly maintained. Due to the flame, the air in the pipe heats up and enters the greenhouse.

Attention ! This method is very simple to perform, the only thing that requires free time is to maintain the strength of the flame in the fire.

Installation of electric heating

This heating system can be made based on the principle of functioning of the "warm floor".

In this case, instead of the floor, the surface of the soil in the greenhouse protrudes. An electric cable or water heating pipes are located in the thickness of the soil, on a previously prepared surface. To do this, remove the top layer of soil with a depth of about 30 cm. A heat-insulating material is laid on the bottom, over which sand is poured and heating elements are laid.

Advice ! So that in the process of loosening the soil, they are not accidentally damaged, a special protective mesh must be made over the pipe or cable. At the last stage, it is necessary to backfill the soil and plant the plants.

Greenhouse heating with infrared heaters

In the greenhouse, along its length, you can place several infrared heaters that will help warm the plants. On a greenhouse 3 meters wide, 6 meters long and 2 meters high, it will be enough to mount 3 devices. Be sure to mount a temperature sensor and an electrical panel with a thermostat together with the heaters.

Heating a polycarbonate greenhouse

Due to the fact that polycarbonate retains heat better than glass or polyethylene, such structures have become widespread among gardeners and gardeners. It is also worth noting that this synthetic material is very light and affordable. Installation of a heating system in polycarbonate greenhouses is no different from any other greenhouses.


It is very difficult to answer the question which heating is the most profitable in economic terms and efficient in terms of heat output. Each of the known methods has its positive and negative sides. So do right choice heating can only be a consumer who, to the best of his financial capabilities, will be able to choose the ideal option for himself.

What mistakes gardeners and gardeners make when installing heating in a greenhouse, we will consider in the next video