Corporate enterprise management system capital. Elaboration of the development strategy of JSC "ISS" Corporate systems with a regulated structure

Spacecraft created in the company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev", form the basis of the Russian orbital fleet. Videoconferencing and TV broadcasting, telephony and broadband access on the Internet - these services are available to residents of our country and other countries thanks to high-tech developments of the company's employees. ISS JSC is the only domestic manufacturer of coordinometric satellites that provide solutions for navigation and geodetic tasks.

For more than half a century of work, the company has formed a stable cooperation of business partners, as well as a system that allows you to control the quality of work at all stages of project implementation and guarantee the fulfillment of contractual obligations to customers.

The complex production and experimental base of ISS JSC is equipped with the latest technology and continues to be replenished annually with new high-performance equipment, and the company's staff has the full range of competencies necessary to create innovative products space destination.

JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" - the first enterprise of the Russian space industry which entered the international market. In 2000, the SESAT telecommunications spacecraft was launched, created under a contract with the international satellite communications operator Eutelsat. From this project, the company began to work in the interests of foreign customers. Demand spacecraft enterprises in the foreign market serves as an indisputable proof of their high quality and competitiveness.

The company is rapidly mastering the world's best technologies and developing its own technologies. At present, when creating products, ISS JSC follows the course of import substitution and the use of components of domestic manufacturers. One of the main promising directions enterprise activities– development and production of own payloads for space vehicles.

Working on new projects, the company's specialists focus not only on improving specifications satellites, but on a new quality of services that will be provided with their help. This allows you to constantly expand the scope of spacecraft created at ISS JSC and improve their consumer properties.

Satellite connection

Company "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev has more than half a century of experience in the development and production of communication spacecraft. This allows the company to lead domestic market and be one of the key players in the world in this area.

Communication satellites "ISS" serve to maintain the national security and independence of the state, as well as to develop the information infrastructure of Russia and other countries. They provide:

  • greater bandwidth of information channels;
  • extensive service areas specified by the customer;
  • high quality and reliability of data transmission.

Spacecraft for this purpose include low-orbit satellites for personal communications, whose tasks include providing telephone and facsimile communications, collecting and transmitting data on the state of mobile objects and the location of subscribers. They are also used for environmental and scientific monitoring purposes.

One of the main areas of the company's work is the development and production of geostationary telecommunications spacecraft. Such satellites provide television and radio broadcasting, telephony, Internet access, video conferencing, mobile presidential and government communications. To date, the company's specialists have created more than 200 spacecraft of this type.

ISS JSC also develops and manufactures repeater satellites. They are used to provide communication with low-flying objects of rocket and space technology (carrier rockets, upper stages, low-orbit satellites) and the International Space Station.

Satellite coordinometry

JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev develops and manufactures all Russian coordinate metric spacecraft. These include satellites designed to solve navigation and geodetic tasks.

The enterprise is responsible for the creation of the space complex of the GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System, which includes modern satellites, rocket-space and ground control complexes. With the help of this system, a high-precision determination of the coordinates and speed of movement of objects equipped with special receivers is carried out. Today GLONASS operates on a global scale and provides services to consumers around the globe.

To update the cartographic model of the Earth and refine its geophysical parameters, ISS JSC creates geodetic spacecraft. The tasks of such satellites include determining the parameters of the gravitational field of our planet, building a high-precision geodetic network in geocentric system coordinates, determination of the marine geoid, movement of continental plates, earth tides, coordinates of the poles. On the basis of the data obtained with the help of these satellites, fundamental geodetic networks are specified and regional geodetic networks are created.

Industrial base

Thanks to a modern production base designed for complex applications the latest technologies, JSC "ISS" is among the best satellite-building enterprises in the world. The company carries out a wide range of work on machining, instrumentation, assembly of spacecraft, application of galvanic-chemical and paint coatings.

More than 1,000 units of specialized and general machine-building equipment operate at the production facilities of the enterprise. Technical re-equipment is proceeding at a high pace, which ensures continuous modernization of all stages of the creation of space technology. A significant part of the equipment was manufactured specifically by order of ISS JSC.

Developed industrial base enterprise is one of the most important factors in creating competitive products and allows you to apply and develop such modern technologies satellite industry, such as:

  • production of honeycomb panels with aluminum and carbon fiber skins;
  • production of parts from polymer composite materials;
  • deposition of film coatings with optical and radio-reflecting properties by the magnetron method;
  • development and production of a three-dimensional unified onboard cable network of spacecraft;
  • application of galvanic-chemical and paint-and-lacquer coatings;
  • development and production of energy-converting complexes;
  • creation of thermal control systems based on a two-phase circuit for satellites with high energy;
  • production of waveguide paths.

Test base JSC "Information satellite systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev" allows to carry out all types of ground experimental testing of spacecraft and their components. In the process of creation, satellites do not leave the manufacturing plant, on the territory of which they undergo a full cycle of tests. This reduces both the time for creating spacecraft and their final cost. Multi-stage ground experimental testing, during which the functioning of individual devices, parts and components, then systems, and ultimately the assembled satellites, is checked, serves as a guarantee of high reliability of the manufactured products and a long service life.

A full range of spacecraft testing is provided using advanced high-tech equipment, such as:

  • cryogenic-vacuum installations (volume 400 and 120 m 3) and horizontal vacuum installation (volume 600 m 3) for thermal vacuum and thermal balance tests;
  • vibration stands for simulating vibration loads that affect the spacecraft during launch;
  • acoustic chamber for sound load testing;
  • a transportation test bench for testing the spacecraft design for the impact of loads during transportation to the launch site;
  • weightlessness simulation stand to test the deployment of transformable satellite systems;
  • electrical test stand to confirm the serviceability of the spacecraft equipment;
  • an anechoic chamber for testing the satellite's electrical and radio equipment for electromagnetic compatibility.

In-flight satellite control

An important area of ​​activity of JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev" is the control of spacecraft in flight. To this end, the company has created a special Information and Computing Complex (ICC), which provides support for satellites developed and manufactured by the enterprise from the moment of launch to the end of their operating life in orbit. Specialists of JSC "ISS" subdivisions control the state of spacecraft during launching into the calculated orbit, conduct their flight tests, prepare for normal operation, and transfer to specified points. In addition, in a similar way, technical support during the entire period of spacecraft operation, including orbital maneuvers of varying complexity, parrying emergency situations.

The enterprise has unique experience in operating both individual satellites and multi-satellite systems in all types of orbits. The Zheleznogorsk Central Command and Measuring Point (TsKIP) has been set up here, from which socio-economic spacecraft manufactured by JSC ISS and other Russian companies are controlled.

Modern hardware and software tools allow, using specially organized communication channels, to quickly transfer information about the state of spacecraft to the MCCs of customer operating organizations from the IVK and Zheleznogorsk TsKIP.


To ensure high quality in the process of implementing projects for the creation of spacecraft in JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev” introduced the Quality Management System. It is designed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of interstate, national and industry standards.

Building and ensuring the functioning of the Quality Management System of JSC "ISS" is based on the implementation of the principles of quality management in accordance with the methodology of the ISO 9000 series standards:

  • consumer (customer) orientation;
  • application of the process approach in the activities of the organization;
  • leadership of the head (organization, process, unit);
  • involvement of personnel in solving problems and achieving goals;
  • consistency in the organization of quality assurance processes;
  • fact-based decision making to prevent nonconformities;
  • continuous improvement;
  • mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and subcontractors.

The company has approved a “Standard Program for Product Guarantee” developed on the basis of the listed standards and standards of the ECSS series (European Cooperation for Space Technology Standardization). The document records all the actions taken to achieve and maintain the required quality of platforms and spacecraft that are developed and manufactured by ISS JSC, and also reflects the company's rules tested in the latest projects for the creation of communication satellites, television broadcasting, relaying, navigation and geodesy. The Standard Product Warranty Program describes the policy, organization and regulatory support of work at all stages of the creation of spacecraft for various purposes and other space products in the following areas:

  • organization of the product guarantee management system;
  • subcontractor product warranty management;
  • design and development control;
  • guarantee of reliability, safety, maintainability;
  • ensuring the resistance of products to external influences;
  • quality control program for the components of the production of electrical and radio products;
  • on-board software quality assurance;
  • quality assurance of materials and technological processes;
  • quality assurance in the manufacture and testing of products;
  • configuration management (requirements and documentation).

Specialists of JSC "ISS" participate in design reviews, monitor the compliance of the created products with the established requirements at all stages of the production of spacecraft. They also conduct audits and routine reviews of subcontractors' quality management systems to assess the completeness and sufficiency of activities related to the assurance of their products.

The quality management system of JSC "ISS" is certified for compliance with the requirements defined in GOST R ISO 9001-2011 (similar to the international standard ISO 9001), registration number: FSS KT dated December 23, 2014.

To date, the owner of almost every Russian enterprise, of course, is faced with the problem of obtaining complete, prompt and reliable information about the situation that is happening in his company. For a qualitative solution of this problem, corporate information systems (CIS) will come to the rescue.

Naturally, this must be done when the enterprise has a problem in systematizing data and automating processes. A corporate information system (CIS) is, in fact, a management ideology that combines a specific enterprise business strategy (with an already established structure) with progressive information technologies.

When you need a corporate information system

Like any program, a corporate information system has a number of tasks that need to be implemented in the process of its implementation. In particular, they include:

  • Ordering and optimization of information flows
  • Ensuring information security
  • Remote interaction of enterprise branches using the Internet
  • Compilation and recording of statistical data
  • Control over the fulfillment of assigned tasks
  • Improving the performance of all personnel of the enterprise

Like any information system, CIS has its own specific advantages:

  • the possibility of obtaining any information about the activities of all branches and divisions of the enterprise
  • improvement of the company management system
  • more rational use of working time when performing tasks
  • improving the quality of the company

Which corporate information system to choose?

The most important stage in the implementation of CIS in an enterprise is the understanding by the enterprise for what purposes it needs this information system. This moment is the key, because it allows the company not to make a mistake when choosing a CIS.

Since the further development of the structure of the plan for the implementation of the information system in the enterprise depends on the type of CIS chosen by the enterprise, Corporate information systems are divided into 2 classes:

  • Financial management systems
  • Manufacturing systems

The first class contains a subclass of small systems. Systems of this kind are designed to systematize accounting in one or more areas (accounting, warehouse, personnel records, etc.) Financial and management systems are more suitable for the needs of a particular enterprise, they are universal and you can implement them yourself

Today, almost any enterprise can use the first class system.

The second class, which are also called systems production management, contain subclasses of medium and large systems. With the help of these systems, it is quite convenient to plan and manage the production process. Production systems often involve the management of one and / or several types of production: serial assembly, small-scale and experimental, discrete, continuous.

Corporate information system after implementation

Analysis economic efficiency CIS is needed to minimize losses from the implementation of CIS. Analysis should be carried out before and after implementation.

1. Ex ante analysis is carried out to plan the effectiveness of CIS.
2. Ex post analysis - to manage the effectiveness of CIS.

The advantage of financial methods is the availability of a base. These methods use generally accepted financial indicators (net present value, internal rate of return, etc.), which allows executives to discuss financial issues along with CFOs.

One of the main issues in the implementation of ERP-systems is the question of return on investment. Also, the maximum benefit from using any new system is easier access to qualified personnel, which in turn contributes to:

  • freeing employees from routine tasks
  • increased developer productivity
  • accelerating business application development

Possible enough qualitative assessment with an exact indication of the purpose during implementation. That is, the implementation is not carried out in order to obtain an indefinitely global result, but so that from certain tasks that are associated with the replacement of certain areas of management and accounting, it would be possible to assess the consequences of such an implementation much easier, and the implementation project would become more manageable .

Business automation in the online program Class365

For small and medium-sized businesses, a complexly organized "desktop" CIS may not be so necessary, since big investment on the introduction and adaptation of personnel may not bring the desired income. The Class365 online program allows you to automate all the main processes of your business without spending a lot of time and money.

The online solution allows you to work in any convenient place and from any device with Internet access, as well as to shorten the implementation period as much as possible. To get started, simply register and log into your personal account, where you can get comfortable in no more than 15 minutes. The system is completely ready to work and you do not need to finish it "for yourself".

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What are corporate governance systems? For what purpose are they implemented in enterprises?

general information

What are enterprise systems? Enterprise management systems are integrated software complexes. Their functioning is based on various data analysis algorithms, electronic document management, decision support modules and other useful tools. Also, enterprise management systems can be defined as a set of software and technical means companies that bring the ideas of automation to life.

To designate a practically implemented complex, various designations such as ACS, ISU, IIS and ISUP can be used. At first glance, it may seem that they differ only in name, due to the numerous cases of neglect of classification requirements. This is largely due to the similarity to the untrained eye. But the difference will be explained later.

Why are corporate systems created?

Management systems are needed primarily for the effective management of resources that are at the disposal of the organization. And it doesn't matter which ones. So, work can be carried out with financial, technological, intellectual, labor, material and technical resources. And all this is aimed at only one goal - to get the maximum profit and satisfy the needs of the owners and employees of the enterprise.

Simple explanation: how does it work?

Let's take the case of accounting. This choice was made in connection with the wide automation of this activity. The most important thing in the program is the algorithm. It lays down the basic procedure for the implementation accounting. What should be understood by this? This refers to a certain sequence of accounting actions that is performed during the registration and processing of available data with the ultimate goal of forming a financial and tax reporting, as well as have access to the real state of affairs in the enterprise through the creation of up-to-date management reports.

If this is not clear, then let's look at the same situation from a different point of view. System building corporate governance requires modeling. In this case, the object of mathematical equations and systems is the method of accounting. At the same time, it is possible to keep under control the facts of economic life, as well as ongoing processes. And in this case, the operations themselves are not displayed directly, but their description and images. In this case, the most important characteristics are presented in symbolic form. By the way, when corporate systems, resource management systems, and others are being introduced, it is useful to take care not only about preparatory stage, but also provide for the possibility of reconfiguring the system for emerging needs.

When is the need for automation tools?

If the enterprise is small, then often there is no need to implement the considered software and technical equipment. By the way, the word “corporate” is not in vain in the designation of these systems. Initially, they were used only by large associations of enterprises operating under centralized control, which solved common problems. Corporate management at the first stages of implementation was quite expensive and costly, so it was used only for large volumes of work and significant working capital.

Implement your system as it becomes cheaper automatic control smaller economic entities were also able to do so. The question is sometimes only in expediency. And we should not forget that the software and hardware complex in question was originally created specifically for effective control over large enterprises.

Some terminology

To better understand the topic, let's learn new words. Initially, we will expand the concept of "corporate governance". Under it, we will now understand the system of relationships that are established between shareholders, the board, the board of directors, internal regulatory documents and employees. This is based on the business model, which is essentially a description of the company, where it is presented as a complex system, but with a significant level of accuracy. What should be here? All objects, entities, rules for performing operations, processes, development strategy and performance evaluation criteria. Important is the information model, which describes all existing, albeit not in a formalized or undocumented form, channels, rules and algorithms for processing, as well as the transfer of all data that is transmitted within the enterprise. Let's get closer to the main object of interest to us in the article.

Information system

This is the name of the entire infrastructure that is used by the enterprise to manage data flows. It includes:

  1. information model. This is a set of algorithms and rules of operation. Includes, for example, forms, data structure, details for sending, and the like.
  2. Development regulations and the procedure for making changes to the information model.
  3. Human resources responsible for generating data.
  4. Software that allows you to meet the requirements that are put forward by the enterprise.
  5. Regulations for making changes to structures that are configured. These may be the configuration of the software, its functional modules, databases, and the like.
  6. Hardware and technical base that meets the requirements of the software.
  7. System personnel resources whose task is to maintain and maintain the work of the IS.
  8. Rules and regulations for training, certification and use.

Variety of systems

At the beginning of the article, such abbreviations as ASU, ISU, IIS and ISUP were mentioned. Now let's look at what they are and what they mean:

  1. ACS - automated control system. This is the name of the complex hardware and software, as well as the necessary technical staff, whose tasks include support and maintenance, the ultimate goal of which is to provide operational management over various processes that are implemented within the enterprise or in its separate division.
  2. ISU - integrated management system. It unites many interrelated elements (for example, enterprises), forming a stable unity and ensuring the integrity of the group. It has integral properties, regularities and functions to obtain the required maximum result.
  3. IIS - integrated information systems. A complex of hardware and software aimed at creating an integral infocommunication environment.
  4. ISUP - enterprise management information system. A complex of hardware and software. Ensures the functioning of the enterprise management, management of production, sales, supply, inventory control, as well as the work of financial, accounting, and advertising services.

These are the main models of control systems that exist.

How are they arranged?

Of course, each system discussed earlier has its own characteristics. But they also have something in common. Conditionally, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. Operations planning. it general position, which displays the functioning of the enterprise, while setting the volume finished products, the required raw materials, demand assessment. The main production plan is also formed, which provides for the quantity and timing of the manufacture of goods or the provision of services.
  2. Planning necessary resources. Provides what is necessary to complete the tasks. What are needed labor resources, production facilities, materials, etc. Thanks to this moment, it is possible to assess the capabilities of the enterprise in the implementation of the tasks set, as well as the time, raw materials and personnel required for this.
  3. Plan execution management.

What does an enterprise management system do?

From all of the above, we can say that no matter how the information shell is called, in fact it is a software and hardware platform that can acquire both universal and specialized features. This provides for integration into a certain homogeneous system that can best solve a unique problem for each of the industries. Now it is difficult to call it a complex completely independent of people. It would be more accurate to use the concept of a human-machine system, the task of which is to support the intellectual activity of employees. With its help, it is carried out:

  1. Accumulation of certain experience and formalization of knowledge.
  2. Continuous improvement and development.
  3. Quick adaptation to the constantly changing conditions of the outside world and meeting the new needs of the enterprise.

Theoretical justification

What happens and is the goal when corporate systems are implemented? Management systems translate all the main business processes of the organization into the plane of computer technology. Firmware and hardware are used to provide information support all aspects of activity. Wherein organizational systems corporate governance allow you to integrate various tools. A unified information system is being formed. This is used to solve the problems of coordinating the interaction of both individual employees and entire departments by providing all the necessary information and monitoring their executive discipline. An added bonus is that management can quickly access accurate and reliable information that is needed at a particular point in time. Thanks to this, it can make adequate and successful decisions.

How to protect yourself?

If all corporate governance is based on a single server, then someone may want to take important data into their own hands. How to avoid it? There are several tools for this purpose:

  1. Differentiation of access to data and control functions.
  2. Introduction of a password access system.
  3. Creation of several backups at different intervals (every day, week and month), to which only the most reliable employees should have access.
  4. A multi-level data protection system that includes automation tools for entering or correcting information, as well as recording the time of work, data modification and a personal identifier indicating who did it.

It's no secret that often the weakest point of enterprises is people. Therefore, participants in the corporate governance system should only have access to the data that is in their area of ​​direct responsibility. Everything else creates potential risks, including accidental deletion.


So the concept of a corporate management system was considered. It should be noted that this topic is quite interesting. Entire books have been written dedicated to her. True, they will be of interest only to specialists for whom this is their bread. After all, the main functions of the corporate governance system, construction models, various interesting aspects and nuances were considered within the framework of this article. Finally, I would also like to point out the fact that different countries formed their own schools and major players who own most of the market. So, such a system of corporate governance in Russia as "1C: Enterprise" is quite well known to many. This is very good example implementation, although quite complex at the same time.

Effective management of a modern enterprise is a rather non-trivial task, given the variety of resources used and the high speed of change in the operating environment.

From the point of view of a systems analyst, all organizations are very similar to each other. The structure of each of them, regardless of the type of activity, includes numerous subdivisions that directly carry out one or another type of company activities, as well as the directorate, accounting, office, etc. The divisions of the company are permeated with vertical and horizontal links, they exchange information among themselves, and also perform fragments of the main business process. At the same time, some of the divisions, for example, the directorate, financial and supply services interact with external partners (bank, tax office, suppliers, etc.), as well as branches of the company itself.

KIS features

The main functions of management are planning, organization, activation, coordination, control and analysis, which are carried out in a multidimensional space of various areas of the enterprise. Formed in the course of performing the above functions, management decisions serve as a starting point for specific performers. Due to the fact that the automation of the performance of official duties and individual assignments has actually become recent times de facto standard, the problem of automating direct management functions becomes especially acute. Thus, the most essential feature of the CIS should be obtaining a closed, self-regulating system, capable of flexibly and quickly restructuring the principles of its functioning.

Thus, any enterprise is a set of interacting departments, each of which can have its own hierarchical structure of several levels. The divisions are functionally interconnected, i.e. they perform certain types of work within a single business process, as well as information, exchanging documents, faxes, written and oral orders, etc. CIS cover, as a rule, all financial, economic and production activities of the enterprise, incl. having branches and subsidiaries, included in holding companies and concerns. In addition, these elements interact with external systems, and their interaction can also be both informational and functional. And this situation is true for almost all organizations, no matter what type of activity they are engaged in - for a government agency, a bank, an industrial enterprise, commercial firm etc.

Composition of a computer information system

Obviously, the CIS should include funds for documentation support business processes, information support of subject areas, communication software, tools for organizing the collective work of employees and other auxiliary (technological) products. Such a wide-ranging system should equally, to the maximum extent possible, satisfy all departments of the organization, and, if possible, preserve existing business processes, as well as methods and management structure. Without the involvement of automation, it is practically impossible to control constantly changing business processes.

The CIS should include software products of at least three classes.

Classes of CIS software products

    integrated enterprise management systems (automated information systems for supporting managerial decision-making),

    electronic document management systems,

    products that allow you to create models of the functioning of the organization, analyze and optimize its activities. This also includes systems of the APCS and CAD class, data mining products.

With all the generality described, each enterprise has its own specifics (subject part), which depends on the profile of the enterprise, so the choice of specialized IS largely depends on this specificity. For example, for companies associated with oil production, it is important to have geographic information systems (GIS) as part of IS. For industrial enterprises - automation systems for design and technological preparation of production (CAD / CAM / CAE / PDM). For economic services desirable to have systems financial analysis, planning and forecasting, for commercial - customer accounting systems, etc. In this case, old developments can be used (for example, accounting, a system for registering goods in a warehouse, etc.), the integration of which into the CIS will not be too laborious. It is possible that it will be necessary to develop separate specialized components and integrate them into a single system.

Some part of the CIS is determined by such characteristics as the scale of the organization and the volume of information work. With their increase, it becomes relevant to introduce specialized office work and archival storage modules that are able to support large electronic archives of mixed documentation while ensuring the required level of reliability and security of information storage.

In the modern sense, the CIS of a business object (firm or enterprise) may include ...

The composition of the corporate information system

    enterprise resource management system (ERP - system)

    distributed logistics management system (SCM system)

    Purchasing, sales and after-sales management system

    product data management system manufacturing enterprises(PDM)

    CAD/CAM/CAE system

    document management system (DocFlow)

    workspace organization system (Workflow)

    Internet / Intranet environment

    e-commerce system (E-commerce)

    information resource management system

    data warehouse system

    data mining system

    OLAP data analysis system

    Management Review Reporting System (MIS)

    specialized workstations for autonomous users

    systems for modeling and representing business processes

    systems of mathematical and simulation modeling of processes

    systems of mathematical (including statistical) data analysis

    specialized products or systems for the implementation of particular tasks

Moreover, each of the components can also be quite complex and consist of several software products and methods of managing them. You should also pay attention Special attention that a number of the above components of CIS have been formed only recently, and a number still continue to be formed. It is unlikely that in such a situation at least one product can claim the ability to single-handedly implement the entire range of tasks related to the maintenance of CIS. Moreover, even a full-fledged solution of the first two tasks in all cases without exception cannot be claimed by any product, including SAP R / 3.

Modern business process management systems allow you to integrate various software, forming a unified information system. Thus, the problems of coordinating the activities of employees and departments, ensuring their necessary information and control of performance discipline, and the management gets timely access to reliable data on the progress production process and has the means to promptly adopt and implement its decisions. And, most importantly, the resulting automated complex is a flexible open structure that can be rebuilt on the fly and supplemented with new modules or external software.

Joint stock company. In 1932, in the works of A. Burley and G. Minza, the following questions were first considered and answered:

  • How to separate ownership from management?
  • How to separate control from ownership?

As a result, a new layer of professional managers emerged and the stock market developed.

Enterprise systems- enterprise management systems, which are aimed at the implementation of specific functions. First, they are designed to regulate the interactions between managers and owners of companies. Secondly, through management systems, the goals of all stakeholders are aligned. This ensures the efficient functioning of the organization.

Depending on the directions and goals of the corporate governance system, there are several basic models. Let's describe the main ones.

American model

American corporate systems - management systems that are typical for the US, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and the UK. This model works subject to the following laws:

  • market mechanisms of corporate control are applied or external control over the management of the company;
  • the interests of shareholders are supported by a significant number of small investors who are isolated from each other;
  • the role of the stock market is increasing.

German model

German corporate systems are management systems that are based to a greater extent on the application of internal methods. This model is popular in Central Europe, Scandinavian countries, less common in France and Belgium. Within its framework, the development of corporate management systems is carried out in the form of self-control methods.

This model works subject to the following laws:

  • the main principle is social interaction when any interested party (managers, auctioneers, banks, public organizations) has the opportunity to make a joint decision;
  • weak focus on shareholder value in management and stock markets.

Corporate enterprise management systems, which are based on the German model, contribute to the fact that the company itself is able to control the results and competitiveness.

The selected models are two opposite systems. Between them, there are now a large number of national variants, which laid the foundation for the predominant dominance of one or another system.

Japanese model

This system was formed in the postwar years on the basis of financial and industrial groups. The principles on which it is based are the following:

  • the model is completely closed;
  • relies on full banking control.

Given the highlighted features of its functioning, little attention is paid to the problem of managerial control.

family model

Family corporate systems are management systems in which management is carried out by members of the same family. This model is widespread in all countries.

The family model differs from others in the presence of a pyramid structure. Shareholders are also often involved. But this is done in order to get additional capital. If, of course, there is a need for this. Shareholders generally do not receive a majority vote. Although the family pools its capital with others and shares the risks with them, the control is entirely hers. The main tools to help achieve this are:

  • the presence of a pyramidal structure of the group;
  • cross ownership of shares;
  • the use of a dual class of shares.

Model of corporate governance in Russia

This system in our country is only being formed and does not adhere to any of the forms outlined above. The basic principle is that the principle of separation of ownership and control rights is not recognized in the domestic system. Business development in the future will be directed to other models of corporate governance.

Therefore, the choice of the base model will depend on the following features:

  • national characteristics of a particular country and its economy;
  • tasks facing the board of directors;
  • the basic mechanism for protecting the rights of shareholders.

Corporate project management system

In order to improve the efficiency of planning and management, company managers are encouraged to develop and implement CPMS. This system is a complex that includes methodological, organizational, software, technical and information tools.

To create it, you need the following components:

  • regulatory and methodological support (standard);
  • technical and;
  • organizational and staffing.

KSUP will allow managers to:

  • create an optimal portfolio of projects focused on the strategic objectives of the organization;
  • to analyze the implementation of the portfolio of projects, correcting the existing deviations;
  • get an objective picture of the implementation of projects;
  • control the process of achieving the strategy, coordinating the use of company resources, deadlines, budgets and the overall course of the project;
  • conduct regular audits of the company's activities and take corrective actions in a timely manner.