Current production control is carried out for the period. Production management. Place of operational control


1. Functions of the directorate for the production of the company.

2. Role (PMO) in ensuring an inextricable link between planning and implementation of production.

3. The structure of the directorate for production.

4. Central control room, OUP point.

5. Functions of the main dispatcher and ordinary dispatchers

6. Structure and interconnection of elements of the production management system.

7. Information, technical and software production management systems.

8. Organization automated control production.

9. Changes affecting the formation and implementation of the production program.

10. Managing the process of adjusting production programs.

Operational production management includes a set of works on the organization: development and implementation of operational calendar plans production of products; shift-daily tasks at the level of workshops, sections and workplaces; providing jobs with everything necessary; control and regulation of the course of production.

Thus, the operational management of production is carried out on the basis of continuous (daily) monitoring of the progress of production, exerting a targeted impact on the teams of workshops, sections, as well as on workers to ensure the unconditional implementation of approved production programs. This is achieved by fulfilling the following conditions:

strict distribution of work for short periods of time (decade, week, day, shift) in workshops, on production sites(teams) - in the detail and nodal sections, and for jobs in the detail-by-operational form;

clear organization of the collection and processing of information on the progress of production;

complex use of computer technology for the preparation of options management decisions;

· daily analysis and possession by management personnel of the production situation in each link of the enterprise;

timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations in the course of production or to quickly restore it in case of deviation from the planned tasks.

Drawing up an operational calendar plan (OKP) for the launch-release of parts for workshops series production- complex, time-consuming work that requires a preliminary in-depth analysis of the actual production conditions in each workshop, identifying characteristic features and rational elements in the existing planning system.

This implies the need to identify the features and establish the main factors that determine the process of developing the most rational version of the OKP for the launch-release of parts:

1. In serial production, for each batch of parts, the number of starts or the frequency of batch starts for processing is determined. For each batch, the number of starts may be different. If the number of launches is more than one, then in the OKP the release of each batch of parts should be alternated with the frequency of launch-release, achieving equal time intervals between the releases of a batch of parts of the same name.

2. Time spent on changeover of equipment should be minimal. This is achieved by strictly assigning structurally and technologically similar parts to the same machines.

3. An important criterion for the effectiveness of the OKP is the provision of a full load of machine tools and employment of workers. To this end, in our opinion, it is recommended to analyze the principles rational organization production processes, to introduce a brigade form of labor organization, which ensures the combination of professions, multi-machine service, reducing the monotony of labor by ensuring the change of type of activity.

4. If all or the main types of processing of parts are performed in the workshop, then the parts can be divided into leading ones, which have the longest technological cycle of processing, and components. It is necessary to strive to adhere to the schedule for the release of leading parts.

5. In the conditions of a stable nomenclature, the planning of the production of parts is organized according to the principle of supply to the pantry of the workshop, and in some cases directly to the central warehouse of finished parts of the plant. It is important to clearly define the order of launch and release of parts.

6. The operational schedule is developed on the basis of a detailed production program and, in essence, is a work schedule by day of the week, in which each batch of parts has specific dates for its launch and release from processing.
OKP can be developed with varying degrees of detail: enlarged in the context of batches of parts in accordance with the estimated cycles of their processing and the frequency of launch; differentiated, i.e. in the operational context for each batch of parts.

7. The development of a plan is a very complex matter. At the same time, it should be taken into account to what extent the plan is provided with everything necessary for its immediate implementation. Serial production workshops are equipped with universal and partially semi-automatic equipment. The workers serving it, in fact, ensure the normal (according to the schedule) course of the production process. The OKP is developed in the context of each batch of parts, indicating the deadlines for performing those operations that must be controlled by planners and foremen and which must be strictly adhered to.
This provision simplifies the process of developing the CES and allows the use of heuristic rules in calculations that take into account rational methods in solving problems.

8. OKP is developed before the start of the next planning period, taking into account the existing backlog in production.

9. The size of the batch of parts in the course of the process can be broken down for technical, organizational, production reasons.

So, the development process of the OKP consists of determining the order of launching batches of parts for processing and the calendar dates for launching and releasing batches of parts.

Determination of the sequence of launching batches of parts for processing, calendar plans for their launch-release is carried out by technologists and production organizers based on specific conditions.

The final stage of the production management process is the accounting, control and regulation (dispatching) of the progress partial processes. Let's consider this question according to the same source /14/.

In the process of developing production programs, OKP and shift-daily tasks, information about the current production progress is used. This information, reflecting the results of the work of workshops, warehouses (storerooms) for the past shift, day and other periods of time, is continuously accumulated at collection points, periodically processed and finally formed for each new planning period in the form of corresponding summary data. The timeliness of information receipt at collection points, its completeness and reliability directly affect the quality of the developed programs and tasks, therefore these factors are taken as criteria for creating an operational accounting system at the enterprise.

Information about the progress of production is used not only for planning, but at the same time is the basis for effective control and regulation of production processes. No matter how stable the workshop production programs and operational tasks for sections or individual workers are, changes and deviations inevitably occur in the course of production, requiring adjustments to previously drawn up plans. These include the absence of materials, blanks, finished parts, fixtures, tools or the occurrence of mass defects in the warehouse or pantry of the workshop, the absence of workers, absenteeism in comparison with the schedule of machines from repair, etc.

Timely, complete and accurate accounting of the listed deviations allows not only to control, but also to quickly regulate the course of production, directing its flow in accordance with the developed plan. These conditions can be provided only with the rational organization of the operational accounting system on the scale of the entire enterprise based on the integrated use of modern computer technology and peripheral facilities.

It follows from this that the main task of operational accounting is to obtain information about the results of the work of production shops and their divisions for certain period time in order to use it to control and regulate the current course of production. In a synthesized form, this information is used for the purposes of planning production in each of the shops for longer periods of time: a month, a quarter.

The implementation of this task, subject to the timeliness of receipt, completeness and reliability of the information taken into account, can be carried out by creating a comprehensive automated system operational accounting in the enterprise.

Such a system must meet the following requirements:

· have a high efficiency in the collection and processing of information;

Eliminate duplication in the work of each link in the system;

· provide preliminary processing of information at the points of its collection for the purpose of using the results of processing at the places of its occurrence;

· exclude the transfer of redundant information to the ITC of the enterprise;

provide the possibility of synthesizing the information received in the sections necessary for management;

Eliminate and minimize manual labor when filling out the primary accounting documentation;

· to be cost-effective in comparison with the operating accounting system operating at the enterprise.

Production management requires a certain list of data characterizing the results of the work of each workshop and its divisions, their registration for the relevant technical media and transfer to the ITC for further processing. When determining the list of recorded data, it is necessary to strive to minimize it by keeping records not for all parameters, but for deviations (we believe that such an approach is possible only in operational regulation).

Information on the course of production includes: production of products and their components by year, broken down by quarters and months by the assembly, processing and procurement shops of the plant; receipt of finished parts and assembly units to the central warehouse of the plant and their issuance to assembly shops; the receipt of processed parts in the storerooms and their issuance to the assembly areas; movement of parts and products for operations technological process indicating the time of issue of the task and the completion of the work performed; movement of backlogs of parts at workplaces; transfer of parts and assembly units between the sections of the workshop and the workshops of the enterprise; marriage of all kinds; the receipt of materials, blanks, equipment and tools in the workshop pantries and issuance to workplaces; operating time and equipment downtime; exit of equipment for repair and out of repair; consumption of electricity, fuel, water, steam, fuels and lubricants, emulsions and other types of resources.

In order to organize and carry out work on the registration of information at the places of its appearance in workshops, warehouses (storerooms), information collection points are created, which not only register information about the results production activities shop, but some preliminary processing is also carried out. The types and quantity of peripheral equipment that information collection points are equipped with are determined based on the volume and complexity of the work.

Dispatching control and regulation of the production process is carried out on the basis of the collected information on the implementation of production programs and tasks. The actual data on the progress of production are compared with the planned ones, then the identified deviations are analyzed and measures are determined to ensure the uniform and integrated implementation of the program for the production of parts, assembly units and products.

Control over the course of production is carried out by dispatchers of the enterprise's workshops in the following areas: control over the implementation of the nomenclature plan for the production of products; control of components, control of intershop backlogs; control of operational preparation and production support; monitoring the work of lagging units, etc.

The supervisory control system of the production process must meet the following requirements:

Rely on a clear organization operational planning production, the direct continuation of which it is;

offer continuity of control and monitoring of the progress of production;

· carry out prompt and accurate execution of orders of the management;

be based on clear responsibility and continuity of operational management of production.

All current work on dispatch management enterprise-wide production lies with the staff of the central dispatch office (shift dispatchers and operators), who is subordinate to the chief dispatcher (who, in turn, reports to the deputy production manager).

The organizational structure of the dispatching apparatus of the enterprise depends on the type, nature and scale of production. On the large enterprises a central dispatching bureau is formed as part of the planning and dispatching department of the enterprise. As part of the central dispatching bureau, dispatching groups are created according to the types of production or stages of the production process.

The main dispatcher service performs the following main functions:

· monitoring the progress of the production program for the main types of products and stages of the production process;

taking measures to prevent interruptions in the production process;

Accounting and analysis of intra-shift downtime of equipment;

Accounting and control of the provision of jobs with everything necessary.

AT recent times great attention is paid to the application within the framework of operational management systems of operational regulation (power systems), bordering on the psychological aspects of management.

V. R. Vesnin considers four ways of exercising power by a leader, which range from its direct use to the almost complete rejection of it. We are talking about orders, popularization, participation in management and transfer of authority and responsibility /6/.

The essence of the order or task is that the leader indicates to the subordinate that in certain conditions he must perform or, conversely, not perform certain actions. The manager carefully instructs employees, explains in detail what he expects from them, sets them up with the help of promises or threats for effective work. The guidelines apply primarily to groups or individual employees unwilling or unable to work independently. First of all, these are beginners or those who have already given up.

The manager must give clear instructions, give frequent briefings, check the performance of work, note errors and Good work, to punish when necessary, to be tactful, but tough, demanding of results and at the same time, without ceasing, to teach people everything that he knows himself.

Orders should always be consistent with the goals of the company and be feasible, especially since their implementation is followed by rewards, and non-compliance is punished in one way or another. In a situation where it is not known exactly what the real ways of carrying out the order are, its wording should be general enough so that employees have a certain freedom of action.

Orders are oral and written in form. It is advisable to use oral in small, stable teams with a good moral and psychological climate, where everyone trusts each other. In urgent cases, especially if the order is provisional, it can be given by telephone. True, then it is desirable to confirm it in writing.

Depending on the moral and psychological climate of the company, the order may be formal or informal, but in any case, it should be given calmly, correctly, in a respectful tone, in a businesslike and friendly atmosphere and be the result of a deep study by the head of the whole problem.

Popularization as a way of exercising power lies in the fact that the center of gravity is transferred from direct indications to initiatives in which the leader is more active. He instructs, controls, discusses ways to solve problems and results, educates, rewards positive behavior. Orders and punishments are used only as a last resort.

For effective delegation of authority, it is necessary to follow some rules: determine the authority for each type of activity; avoid too detailed instructions, because this means the actual withdrawal of authority; do not draw conclusions for subordinates, which hinders their initiative; calmly look at some of their inevitable mistakes; encourage initiative and quality of work.

In the production process, certain production relations and management relations are established between the shops, which reflect the links between the direct producers of products, management personnel and the organization. joint activities production participants. Final Goals for the enterprise as a whole and for each workshop, they determine the directions for the transformation of relations between production and management, thereby presenting requirements for the organizational structure, organization and management process.

Goals and objectives are those final milestones towards which the activity of the workshop team is directed. Each division has its own tasks. The task can be represented as the final result of the implementation of the production program, and the goal - as quantitative and qualitative indicators of work. For the current month, the foreman of the production site can be assigned the task of producing a certain range, quantity, quality and cost of parts.

Qualitative indicators of the goal reflect the tasks of the team in general view for a certain period: year, quarter, month. These include the following goals:

Improvements in the organizational structure of production management in connection with the creation of automated jobs using a PC;

Implementation of retraining of personnel of the functional services of the enterprise, workshops;

Elimination of non-productive time losses of workers and employees.

The tasks of each production unit may be different, but the main management goal remains the same for each of them - the unconditional fulfillment of the tasks of the production program for the release of products and the achievement of the minimum cost of materials, labor, time and money.

The production management process can be represented as a set of successive actions of managerial personnel to determine the goals and the actual state of control objects based on the registration and processing of relevant information, the formation and approval of economically sound production programs.

Management principles: unity of command, optimal distribution of responsibilities, optimal number of levels, information security of the manager, control, unity of primary information, optimal information load, the contractor's interest in the result.

Production shops require clear and strict regulation of their work, coordinated interaction of their teams in manufacturing products and achieving goals, specific tasks for achieving goals based on studying the actual state of production and developing solutions for their practical implementation. Therefore, an important factor in the management process is the assessment of the actual state of production in each workshop and the determination of ways to overcome the contradictions that arise during production between the goal and the current production situation.

final stage management process is the development and adoption of managerial decisions in which the above contradictions are eliminated, ways are outlined organizational support to complete tasks.

The implementation of the management process is expressed in periodically recurring work on the formation of production programs for workshops, operational shift-daily tasks for sections, teams and continuous monitoring of their implementation.

The first part of these works relates to production planning, it is carried out in accordance with the established planning periods (once a quarter, month, week, day, shift). The second is related to execution control. planned assignments, with the collection and use of the information received to regulate the course of production.

Particularly difficult, time-consuming and responsible work in this process is the timely registration of information at the places of its occurrence, in workshops and divisions that provide production with all types of resources and documentation. The complexity of this task lies in the fact that information is diverse in form and content and is subject to registration after the completion of each control operation of the technological process in procurement, processing or assembly shops. These procedures can be carried out either documented, which is quite laborious, or - more efficiently - with the help of computer technology, which is more complicated and expensive.

The implementation of the adopted management decisions requires appropriate organizational support, which is accompanied by the regulation of the work of units, the creation regulatory framework, planning, briefing of performers, organization of interaction (coordination of work) of links and levels of management.

The above actions of managerial personnel should provide for a certain measure of responsibility of the heads of departments and their functional bodies for a possible disruption in the implementation of production programs and tasks.

The main (general) functions of production management are: organization, regulation, planning, coordination, motivation, control and regulation.

The function of the organization in relation to a production unit or a separate workshop reflects the management structure that ensures the production process and the impact on people implementing this process.

The normalization function should be considered as a process of developing scientifically based calculated values. Scheduled standards calculated by this function (production cycles, batch sizes, backlogs of parts, etc.) regulations(instructions, methods) characterizing the rights and obligations of various levels of management.

The planning function occupies a central place among all management functions, since it is designed to regulate the behavior of the managed object in the implementation of its goals. This function provides for the definition of specific tasks for each unit for various planning periods and the development of production programs.

Developed on the basis of calendar-planning standards for the movement of production, programs for the production of parts and products provide for the fullest use of advanced equipment and technology, production capacity, material and moral incentives for labor productivity. The use of computers and economic and mathematical methods, their coordination in all departments, consistency with the available material, financial and labor resources characterize the high quality of the developed plans and programs.

The coordination function allows you to achieve coordinated and well-coordinated work of the production and functional divisions of the enterprise and workshops involved in the process of fulfilling the planned targets. This function is realized in the form of impact on groups of people by the managers and functional services of the enterprise and workshops, which regularly and promptly coordinate their activities.

The function of motivation has an impact on the team of the workshop, site in the form of incentive measures for efficient work, social impact, collective and personal incentive measures, etc.

The control function is manifested in the form of influencing people by identifying, summarizing, analyzing the results of the production activities of each department and management services, bringing the results to managers in order to prepare management decisions. This function is implemented based on the analysis of information on the progress of the implementation of planned targets (data of operational, statistical and accounting, identifying deviations from the established performance indicators (monitoring the execution of tasks) and analyzing the reasons for the deviation.

The regulation function is directly related to the coordination and control functions. This function affects the teams of people involved in production by taking prompt measures to prevent or, if this fails, to eliminate the identified deviations and interruptions in the course of production. At the same time, there is coordination of the current work of interconnected links of production, managers and subordinates.

The production management system is a set of interrelated structural elements of information, its processing, technical means, specialists, management departments (bureaus), connections and relationships between them, relevant functions, methods and management processes that ensure the implementation of the goals set by the production departments.

Management decision is the result of analysis, forecasting, business case and choosing an alternative from a variety of options to achieve specific purpose management systems. So, operations managers make decisions in order to achieve the goals of their organization: managers must understand how decisions are made and know what important decision-making methods are available.

The production process is a combination of objects and tools of labor, as well as living labor in space and time, functioning to meet the needs of production. This is a complex systemic concept, consisting of a set of the following particular concepts: the object of labor, the tool of labor, living labor, space, time, satisfaction of needs.

Production processes are divided into the following types:

1) basic; 2) auxiliary; 3) serving.

In turn, the main production processes are divided into: a) preparatory (procurement); b) transforming (processing); c) final (assembly).

Types and relationships of production processes in the organization go horizontally and vertically. Vertically, production processes can take place at the workplace, in the department and between departments of the organization. Horizontally, production processes are shown in the form of a "matryoshka": organization, divisions, jobs.

Types of production processes, their essence and interrelations are characteristic of all main, auxiliary and service production processes, regardless of the branch of the national economy and the place of their occurrence.

The organization of the production process in space is a way of combining the main, auxiliary and service processes on the territory of the organization to process its "input" into "output".

Since the "input" and "output" of the organization refer to its immediate external environment, then in accordance with the rules for applying the system approach "input" process and "output" should be considered as interrelated components of a single system.

It follows from this that the parameters of the lines and feedback at the "input" they determine the parameters of the functioning of the processes, and the parameters of the processes, in turn, determine the parameters of the "output".

To provide High Quality of the process in the system, first (at the first stage) it is necessary to analyze: a) the strength of competition at the input of the system; b) the validity of the "entry" parameters, as far as they meet the requirements of competitiveness; c) the degree of influence on the process parameters external environment(political, economic, technical), as well as the infrastructure of the region; d) competitiveness of suppliers of components, raw materials, materials, etc.

Then, at the second stage, the process parameters in the system are analyzed. The task is to ensure the competitiveness of all components of the system. If, for example, an organization has competitive technology, highly qualified personnel, the latest technical means, and its suppliers (the "input" of the system) cannot produce high-quality components, then the product will be of poor quality at the "output" of the system.

Two rules follow from this: 1) the quality level of the final stage of any process is determined by the quality level of the intermediate stage, which has the worst quality indicator; 2) the process should be worked out starting from the system entry, from the first stage (object, component, etc.), having previously analyzed the entire process.

The organization of production processes in space is implemented in the production structure (horizontally and vertically), i.e., in order to represent the production process in space, it is necessary to impose organizational structure on production and determine spatial (territorial) connections.

For example: The main departments reporting to the marketing director might be information centre, strategic marketing department and tactical marketing department. The commercial director may have a performance analysis department, a planning department, and a financial department subordinate to him. At technical director- a special design bureau (SKB), a chief technologist department (OGT), a chief mechanic department (OGM). The director of production has a department of an automated production control system (APCS), a department of production and scheduling, a department of operational production management.

In the structure of the main production, consisting of certain types production shops, which include several sections. For example, the preparatory production may consist of a material warehouse, where the storage and preparation for the transfer of steel billets to the main production, as well as a foundry and forging and pressing shops are carried out.

Transformative industries can be designed both according to the objective principle, specializing in the manufacture of the final product, and according to the functional one. The final production may consist of an assembly shop, a test shop, a packaging shop and a certification shop.

To comply with the principle of direct flow, i.e. reducing the path of passage of the subject of labor in the organizational and production structures, it is necessary to locate units on the territory in the course of management and production processes. In addition, units of the same functional and production purpose on the territory should be located nearby. For example, first the departments of the marketing director should be located in an arc behind the other, then the departments of the commercial director, and so on.

The main factors for optimizing the direct flow of processes are:

* the location of the units of the organizational and production structures in the course of the relevant processes;

* concentration of processes under one "roof";

* reducing the distance between the components of the processes;

* system analysis and optimization of the coefficient of directness of individual management and production processes;

* process automation;

* Ensuring the proportionality of partial processes;

* analysis of the rationalization of structures and processes.

Organization of the production process in time.

Such an organization is a way of combining in time the main, auxiliary and service processes for processing the "input" of the organization into its "output".

Duration production cycle consists of working time and break time. Consider the content of the individual components of the production cycle.

The working period for the manufacture of an object of labor consists of the time of technological operations, transport and storage operations and control operations. In turn, the time of technological operations consists of preparatory and final time and piece time.

The preparatory and final time is spent at the beginning of the work shift on preparing the workplace, debugging equipment, fixtures, installing tools, and at the end of the work shift - on removing fixtures, tools, etc. This time is spent on a batch of objects of labor processed during the shift.

Breaks in working time are divided into natural processes (drying, normalization after heat treatment and other operations that occur without human intervention), organizational breaks (waiting for the vacancy of the workplace, delayed delivery of components, etc.), regulated breaks (breaks for lunch, rest, etc.). P.).

The duration of the production cycle of manufacturing the product as a whole is calculated after plotting the flow of a complex process of assembling the product and calculating the duration of the production cycles for manufacturing piece parts or their batches.

This work is done by technologists. For example, the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a batch of parts of the same name is defined as the sum of all operations of the preparatory and final time, piece time (this takes into account the simultaneous execution of the same operation at several workplaces, the parallelism of all operations, the planned coefficient of overfulfillment of production standards), time of natural processes, transportation, quality control, breaks.

The main factors for reducing the duration of production processes are:

* simplification kinematic scheme products, their designs, increasing the level of blockiness for products of large-scale and mass production;

* simplification and improvement of technological processes for the manufacture of products;

* unification and standardization of the components of the product, its structural elements, elements of technological processes, equipment, tooling, production organization;

* deepening of detailed, technological and functional specialization on the basis of unification and increase in the program for the production of products and its components;

* reduction specific gravity machined parts;

* analysis of compliance with the principles of rational organization of production processes: proportionality, parallelism, continuity, direct flow, rhythm, etc.;

* mechanization and automation of time tracking, control and transport and storage operations;

* reducing the time of natural processes by replacing them with appropriate technological processes;

* reduction of interoperative breaks;

* increase in the share of technically justified norms of time, norms of service, norms of resource consumption. Incentive to save time in meeting quality requirements.

The organization of production processes in time is based on the analysis of compliance with the principles of proportionality, continuity, parallelism, direct flow, rhythm, etc.

Proportionality - the principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of different jobs of one process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, frames, etc.

Continuity is the principle of rational organization of processes, determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process.

Parallelism is the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the degree of overlapping of operations in time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-serial.

Straightness is the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the optimality of the path of passage of the object of labor, information, etc.

Rhythm - the principle of rational organization of processes, characterizing the uniformity of their implementation in time.

One of the possible ways to improve the listed indicators of the rational organization of production and management processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. In turn, the method of increasing the frequency of processes is the unification and typification of diverse partial processes. The benefits of increasing the repeatability of processes are related to the fact that the end results in mass production are better than in single production.

The listed principles of rational organization of processes are the main factor in increasing the organization of the management system, which is characterized by the degree of quantitative certainty of relationships (entropy) between the system components.

Conclusion. To reduce uncertainty, it is necessary in all management documents (plans, programs, assignments, standards, regulations, instructions, etc.) to clearly record the links between management bodies and managed objects. Links in the management system are established after building a tree of goals up to level IV, transferring qualitative requirements into quantitative ones. To improve the clarity of coordination work, it is recommended to apply network methods management.

Operational production management includes a set of works on the organization: development and implementation of operational calendar plans for production; shift-daily tasks at the level of workshops, sections and workplaces; providing jobs with everything necessary; control and regulation of the course of production.

At the intershop level, operational management is carried out to address the fundamental issues of removing, replacing products put into production, including new products in the production program, ensuring external supplies of components, using internal material, labor and financial resources.

For the operational management of production in the shops, strict regulation of the execution of work in time for each item of the production program and the nomenclature-calendar plan is characteristic, depending on the actual production situation. Works on the operational management of production are carried out in real time, which does not allow interruptions in the process of manufacturing parts and assembling products. The time horizon of operational management for the workshop can be within a month, the site (team) and jobs - within the interval of a week - a shift. For the interdepartmental level, this interval expands from a month to a year.

At present, operational management procedures are increasingly intertwined with technology and regulation (dispatching) of production. The functions of operational accounting, control and analysis of the production progress, which are routinely performed by management personnel, are the basis for developing options for regulatory impacts on the production progress.

Thus, the operational management of production is carried out on the basis of continuous (daily) monitoring of the progress of production, exerting a targeted impact on the teams of workshops, sections, as well as on workers to ensure the unconditional implementation of approved production programs. This is achieved by fulfilling the following conditions:

Strict distribution of work for short periods of time (decade, week, day, shift) in workshops, at production sites (teams) - in detail and nodal sections, and for workplaces in a detail-by-operational form;

clear organization of the collection and processing of information on the progress of production;

· the complex use of computer technology for the preparation of options for management decisions;

· daily analysis and possession by management personnel of the production situation in each link of the enterprise;

timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations in the course of production or to quickly restore it in case of deviation from the planned tasks.

Drawing up an operational calendar plan(OKP) start-up production of parts for serial production shops is a complex, laborious work that requires a preliminary in-depth analysis of the actual production conditions in each shop, the identification of characteristic features and rational elements in the existing planning system.

Unlike shops large-scale production with a stable nomenclature of parts, here we are dealing with parts whose production in each of the planned months may not always be stable. This means that the launch and release of each batch of parts will be subject to certain requirements, either assembling the product, or maintaining the circulating and insurance reserves at the standard level in the workshop storerooms and the central warehouse of finished parts of the enterprise.

This implies the need to identify the features and establish the main factors that determine the process of developing the most rational version of the OKP for the launch-release of parts:

1. In serial production, for each batch of parts, the number of starts or the frequency of batch starts for processing is determined. For each batch, the number of starts may be different. If the number of launches is more than one, then in the OKP the release of each batch of parts should be alternated with the frequency of launch-release, achieving equal time intervals between the releases of a batch of parts of the same name.

2. Time spent on changeover of equipment should be minimal. This is achieved by strictly assigning structurally and technologically similar parts to the same machines.

3. An important criterion for the effectiveness of the OKP is the provision of a full load of machine tools and employment of workers. To this end, in our opinion, it is recommended to analyze the principles of the rational organization of production processes, to introduce a brigade form of labor organization that ensures the combination of professions, multi-machine service, and reduces the monotony of labor by ensuring the change of type of activity.

4. If all or the main types of processing of parts are performed in the workshop, then the parts can be divided into leading ones, which have the longest technological cycle of processing, and components. It is necessary to strive to adhere to the schedule for the release of leading parts.

5. In the conditions of a stable nomenclature, the planning of the production of parts is organized according to the principle of supply to the pantry of the workshop, and in some cases directly to the central warehouse of finished parts of the plant. It is important to clearly define the order of launch and release of parts.

6. The operational schedule is developed on the basis of a detailed production program and, in essence, is a work schedule by day of the week, in which each batch of parts has specific dates for its launch and release from processing.
OKP can be developed with varying degrees of detail: enlarged in the context of batches of parts in accordance with the estimated cycles of their processing and the frequency of launch; differentiated, i.e. in the operational context for each batch of parts.

7. The development of a plan is a very complex matter. At the same time, it should be taken into account to what extent the plan is provided with everything necessary for its immediate implementation. Serial production workshops are equipped with universal and partially semi-automatic equipment. The workers serving it, in fact, ensure the normal (according to the schedule) course of the production process. The OKP is developed in the context of each batch of parts, indicating the deadlines for performing those operations that must be controlled by planners and foremen and which must be strictly adhered to.
This provision simplifies the process of developing the CES and allows the use of heuristic rules in calculations that take into account rational methods in solving problems.

8. OKP is developed before the start of the next planning period, taking into account the existing backlog in production.

9. The size of the batch of parts during the process can be broken down for technical, organizational, production reasons

In the process of developing production programs, OKP and shift-daily tasks, information about the current production progress is used. This information, reflecting the results of the work of workshops, warehouses (storerooms) for the past shift, day and other periods of time, is continuously accumulated at collection points, periodically processed and finally formed for each new planning period in the form of appropriate summary data. The timeliness of information receipt at collection points, its completeness and reliability directly affect the quality of the developed programs and tasks, therefore these factors are taken as criteria for creating an operational accounting system at the enterprise.

Information about the progress of production is used not only for planning, but at the same time is the basis for effective control and regulation of production processes. No matter how stable the workshop production programs and operational tasks for sections or individual workers are, changes and deviations inevitably occur in the course of production, requiring adjustments to previously drawn up plans. These include the absence of materials, blanks, finished parts, fixtures, tools or the occurrence of mass defects in the warehouse or pantry of the workshop, the absence of workers, absenteeism in comparison with the schedule of machines from repair, etc.

Timely, complete and accurate accounting of the listed deviations allows not only to control, but also to quickly regulate the course of production, directing its flow in accordance with the developed plan. These conditions can be provided only with the rational organization of the operational accounting system on the scale of the entire enterprise based on the integrated use of modern computer technology and peripheral facilities.

It follows from this that the main task of operational accounting is to obtain information about the results of the work of production shops and their divisions for a certain period of time in order to use it to control and regulate the current course of production. In a synthesized form, this information is used for the purposes of planning production in each of the shops for longer periods of time: a month, a quarter.

The implementation of this task, subject to the timeliness of receipt, completeness and reliability of the information taken into account, can be carried out by creation of an integrated automated system of operational accounting at the enterprise.

Such a system must meet the following requirements:

· have a high efficiency in the collection and processing of information;

Eliminate duplication in the work of each link in the system;

· provide preliminary processing of information at the points of its collection for the purpose of using the results of processing at the places of its occurrence;

· exclude the transfer of redundant information to the ITC of the enterprise;

provide the possibility of synthesizing the information received in the sections necessary for management;

Eliminate and minimize manual labor when filling out primary accounting documentation;

· to be cost-effective in comparison with the operating accounting system operating at the enterprise.

Production management requires a certain list of data characterizing the results of the work of each workshop and its divisions, their registration on the appropriate technical media and transfer to the information and processing center for further processing. When determining the list of recorded data, it is necessary to strive to minimize it by keeping records not for all parameters, but for deviations (we believe that such an approach is possible only in operational regulation).

Production progress information includes: production of products and their components by year, broken down by quarters and months by the assembly, processing and procurement departments of the plant; receipt of finished parts and assembly units to the central warehouse of the plant and their issuance to assembly shops; the receipt of processed parts in the storerooms and their issuance to the assembly areas; the movement of parts and products according to the operations of the technological process, indicating the time of issuing the task and completing the work performed; movement of backlogs of parts at workplaces; transfer of parts and assembly units between the sections of the workshop and the workshops of the enterprise; marriage of all kinds; the receipt of materials, blanks, equipment and tools in the workshop pantries and issuance to workplaces; operating time and equipment downtime; exit of equipment for repair and out of repair; consumption of electricity, fuel, water, steam, fuels and lubricants, emulsions and other types of resources.

To organize and carry out work on registering information at the places of its appearance in workshops, warehouses (storerooms), information collection points are created, at which not only information on the results of the production activities of the workshop is registered, but also some preliminary processing is carried out. The types and quantity of peripheral equipment that information collection points are equipped with are determined based on the volume and complexity of the work.

Dispatch control and regulation the course of production is carried out on the basis of the collected information on the implementation of production programs and tasks. The actual data on the progress of production are compared with the planned ones, then the identified deviations are analyzed and measures are determined to ensure the uniform and integrated implementation of the program for the production of parts, assembly units and products.

Production control is carried out by dispatchers of the enterprise's shops in the following areas: control over the implementation of the nomenclature plan for the production of products; control of components, control of intershop backlogs; control of operational preparation and production support; monitoring the work of lagging units, etc.

Supervisory control system the course of production must meet the following requirements:

Rely on a clear organization of operational planning of production, of which it is a direct continuation;

offer continuity of control and monitoring of the progress of production;

· carry out prompt and accurate execution of orders of the management;

be based on clear responsibility and continuity of operational management of production.

All day-to-day dispatch management of plant-wide production lies with the staff of the central dispatch office (shift dispatchers and operators) reporting to the chief dispatcher (who, in turn, reports to the deputy production manager).

The organizational structure of the dispatching apparatus of the enterprise depends on the type, nature and scale of production. At large enterprises, a central dispatching bureau is formed as part of the planning and dispatching department of the enterprise. As part of the central dispatching bureau, dispatching groups are created according to the types of production or stages of the production process.

The organization of work on the operational management of production depends on the size and production structure of the enterprise, on the type of organization of production and the nature of the technological process.

Issues of operational management of production small firm, which does not have production units, is engaged in the operational management of production ("production engineer")

At larger scales of production, at enterprises with many production units, each of them usually has its own head of operational production management.

AT big firm or in the production department, a department for the operational management of production is created, including the following groups or sectors:

master scheduling,

centralized control,

placing orders,

dispatching, transportation,

work in progress


The Production Operations Department carries out "coordination" and contacts between the production departments and the sales department and serves as a source of information that enters the shops or, conversely, is sent to customers through the sales department.

The functions of the Production Operations Department include:

obtaining production orders, production planning,

reproduction of copies of orders and schedules and their distribution,


maintaining a control file,

operational control,

keeping records of workload,

product shipment,

operational reporting.

Let's consider these functions in more detail.

Getting production orders - First stage work of the department of operational management of production. The form and procedure for compiling production tasks depend on the type of production at a given enterprise.

The production order can come from different sources: from the Customer from outside, from the sales department of the company, from other enterprises or production departments of the company, from picking warehouses for parts and assemblies.

Production orders can be in the form

application, contract or order

schedule of delivery or order

An order from a consumer (or from other factories, production departments or warehouses) received by the sales department is executed in the form accepted in this company. This is done in the regional sales office or in the central sales department by a group (sector) of orders.

Such a reissued order has many names (hereinafter referred to as the order), and the order for it is referred to as the monthly calendar plan.

When developing an order form, the procedure for filling it out and passing it, its construction (details), design and completeness of information is of great importance, since it is used not only by the production management department, but also by all interested departments of the enterprise. The production order is assigned a number. The order is made in the original and a certain number of copies, which are sent to the operational production management department: tool department, chief mechanic department, design department, accounting department.

Basic details of a production order:

Customer's name, address,

Form number (form No. 101-10 t),

Product index (valve),

Order date,

Quantity (200 thousand pieces at 20 thousand pieces per week, starting from 10. VI),

Place of destination (company warehouse), address,

Shipping (by trucks),

Order number received from the customer (21230), date (10.VI),

Contract No. (S - 2301),

Customer drawing number (716875),

Condition of the contract (2/10),

Detail (No. 7168),

Packing Instructions: (Lubricant, Wrapper, Packing, Size cardboard box, the number of parts in the box),

preliminary technical data,

Heat treatment,

Customer's calendar plan (date, quantity),

Manufacturer's schedule.

Preliminary general planning begins after receiving an order for its re-registration at the enterprise. It is essential for companies working on the basis of individual orders or according to customer drawings, as well as in the production of non-standard products. In cases where monthly orders or product delivery schedules are received from the customer, preliminary general planning consists in determining the possibility of accepting the order for execution.

Production management is a whole range of activities aimed at ensuring uninterrupted and effective work any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and production capacity.

The process itself is carried out by a group of people who belong to the middle and top management.

Depending on the internal organization of the company, this may be the direct owner, director and heads of departments.

The modern fast-growing market of goods and services dictates its own rules, and in order for the company to develop successfully, it is necessary to introduce new production technologies.

Existing types of production in metalworking

Depending on the type and quantity of products produced, five main types of production can be distinguished:

  • design. The main characteristic is the transfer of equipment directly to the place of production. A vivid example is the construction industry, when all the necessary equipment, personnel and consumables are located at the site of the future facility;

  • products on order. The organization is engaged in the manufacture of piece products based on the needs of a particular client. In the vast majority of cases, the product produced is unique;

  • batch production. This type is the most common among small and medium producers. Products are made in a specific quantity and are the same within their lot;

  • serial or mass production. AT this case the main criterion is the volume of output. Most often, a separate line is allocated for specific products, which can produce the required number of goods;

  • continuous. This type of production has a narrow specificity and is typical for wastewater treatment plants, steel mills and oil companies. Due to certain features, the production process cannot be stopped until the completion of the task.

Regardless of the size of the enterprise and its field of activity, proper organization and production management guarantees a stable and profitable operation of the company.

Methods and principles of production management in metalworking

Efficient and modern production management processes are mainly aimed at solving several key tasks:

  • increase in profitability;

  • reduction of time spent on a specific production process;

  • reduction in the cost of production;

  • combating manufacturing defects and illiquidity;

  • optimization of work processes.

To successfully solve the tasks set, it is necessary to use production management methods, which are based on several key principles:

  • proportionality. The manager must calculate a uniform load on all production lines, avoiding situations where processes are performed evenly and quickly in one area, and the other sector is forced to idle or be overloaded;

  • parallelism. An important criterion for streaming production. Effective implementation automatic lines and optimization of processes can significantly reduce the time spent on the manufacture of specific products. Depending on the scale of the enterprise and the workload of production facilities, there may be several identical lines that simultaneously produce the same type of products;

  • continuity. Guided by this principle, the manager reduces the number of auxiliary operations between production processes and optimizes time and other resources. The best solution is the modernization and maximum automation of production processes;

  • straightness. The main principle is to optimize and shorten the path from the semi-finished product or workpiece to the final product;

  • rhythm. Production planning management is one of the most important criteria that allows you to optimize work processes and rationally use resources. This can be a uniform distribution of the load at each production site, the organization of timely and stable replenishment consumables, raw materials or semi-finished products, optimization of work shifts and their duration;

  • flexibility. Modern market constantly changing, forcing management personnel any company to take into account the criterion of flexibility. This allows in as soon as possible and with minimal costs to reorient production to the manufacture of another type of product within its industry. We are not talking about the fact that the dairy will immediately begin to produce glass containers. As an example, we can name modern enterprises that are engaged in metal processing. If necessary, production is reorganized to desired view metalworking (from welding to pressing or milling) with minimal time costs.

Production management at an enterprise is a complex process that must take into account not only the specifics of the company and its field of activity, but also the maximum balance between the above criteria.

Types of production management structures

There is no universal option, since the formation of the production management structure largely depends on a number of criteria:

  • scope of the company;

  • the number of employees;

  • production volumes;

  • practical experience of the owner and heads of departments;

  • degree of automation of production.

The main goal of any structure is to ensure effective management methods, stable and break-even operation of the company.

There are several most common varieties of building an effective workflow management structure that affect the effectiveness of production management:

  • linear. The most common variety. The principle of construction is direct subordination to one leader through his deputies (heads of departments). A simple and efficient structure that allows you to achieve effective control and the fastest possible execution of orders. The main drawback is that the manager actually independently manages all processes, he alone makes decisions and must constantly be aware of any situation, which leads to excessive workloads;

  • functional. A more complex system, which is based on the division of units by type. In practice, it looks like this - the head gives orders to his deputies, who are responsible not only for their field of activity, but can also influence directly the performers of related departments. The main advantage of such a production management system is to increase flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions in specific functional units, and not in the entire enterprise as a whole;

  • combined. Management of production activities, which is based on a combined structure, allows you to monitor all current processes as efficiently as possible and quickly make the necessary decisions. In fact, such a system combines the advantages of a linear and functional structure. To date, this is the most effective and rational way.

The main targets in the management of production processes

Properly thought out and implemented, the main tasks of production management allow us to achieve two key goals:

  • ability to meet consumer demand. The result of the activity of any production is the final product (goods, services). Effective production management allows you to provide the consumer with a product required quality at an affordable price and in the shortest possible time, which makes the company competitive and stable.

  • rational use of resources. We are talking about several areas at once - optimization of production processes, saving electricity, water and other resources, maximum consumption of raw materials or semi-finished products, combating substandard conditions and reducing the percentage of factory defects. Successful production quality management allows us to solve all the tasks.

The development of production management is not only an opportunity to use modern effective methods, but also a key step towards the success of an enterprise against the backdrop of high competition in a single market segment.

New technologies for production management in metalworking at the exhibition

Learn more about the organization of production processes and methods effective management production is possible.

The international format event will be held on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

The wide thematic focus of the exhibition and a large number of participants from around the world will highlight the most popular problems and find successful solutions in each profile area.