Job Responsibilities of the Equipment Manager. Job description for pipe production equipment adjuster Kinematic diagram of the elevator control panel

Job Description. Doing technological processes by dialing from the control panel of the elevator technological routes for receiving grain from railway cars and road transport, delivery of grain and grinding products with weighing on automatic scales, movement of grain. Maintenance, control of work, participation in the repair and adjustment of remote-controlled equipment, automation equipment, control and signaling equipment. Accounting for the loading of silos with grain products, the release of finished products into flour trucks. Regulation of the operating mode of dispensers. Ensuring uniform supply of products to conveyors. Accounting for the weight of products entering the warehouse, without regrading. Systematic check of the balance. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the serviced equipment.

Must know: technological scheme placement and movement of grain and grain products in the elevator and warehouse; schemes of aspiration networks and installations; kinematic diagram of the elevator control panel; purpose, principle of operation and arrangement of technological, handling, aspiration equipment, aerosol transport lines, taking into account the control mode from the remote control; ways to identify and eliminate possible problems in the operation of the serviced equipment; the order and sequence of inclusion and selection of optimal technological routes for the movement of grain; rules for organizing and conducting technological processes at elevators and warehouses.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Elevator control panel operator» are used for billing works and assigning tariff categories according to article 143 Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above characteristics of work and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for the operator of the elevator control panel is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see


Calibration falsification

It is possible to adjust the balance incorrectly already at the calibration stage. An unscrupulous owner of a measuring device can negotiate with a commissioning engineer or state verifier at the stage of metrological verification. This is the easiest and, fortunately, the most rare way. Although the scales can be recalibrated even after checking. If you find such a loophole, then the scales will show incorrectly all the time. It is clear that if they are set up to lie openly, customers will notice, so those who resort to such tricks set them up for small deviations in plus or minus. This can be especially true with scales “in years” that have been repaired.

To protect yourself from deception, you need to know one more thing. Scale calibration can be done with uneven readings at the edges of the platform. When the scale has a large platform with 4 to 8 electrical sensors, one side may not be set correctly.

The same can be done if the enterprise has several scales. Some can be maximally positive, others maximally negative, especially if the elevator has separate scales for receiving and shipping.

Influence on the readings of the scales

If the scales are calibrated correctly, this does not mean that you are completely protected from deception. Measuring devices may be temporarily affected and display incorrect data.

Most often, we are faced with the fact that certain mechanisms act on the scales. This may be the simplest device with a few parts, say the weigher has a small switch that adjusts the scale up or down. Such methods are rarely used, because they can be very easily detected by the enterprise security service, but such options cannot be ruled out. There are entire sites on the Internet dedicated to such devices. They can be both quite simple and inexpensive, and made using very serious technologies of remote exposure, the Internet, and so on.

The device is connected to the scales in some inconspicuous place to one of the cables and allows you to smoothly and almost imperceptibly for the person who is watching this, influence the measuring equipment. Moreover, the impact can be up to 300 kg plus or minus. At the moment when the balance is being verified, the device turns off.

Another option for tricks is to change the mass after loading. That is, the weighing is correct, but the results are distorted.

From organizational means, you can highlight the wrong location Vehicle on the platform. If the wheels are on the edge, then the mass is already changing.

Care must be taken to ensure that there is no additional weight on the platform that changes the readings of the scales.

And, of course, you should track the movement of cars. They can be replaced when weighing, or even more banal, a car can pass without weighing.

All of these methods can be used, provided that the balance and the weighing procedure are not closely monitored.

Change in vehicle tare weight after loading or unloading

Cars may have additional niches in which a sandbag or some heavy thing is hidden - additional ballast, a water tank, and so on. With this load, the car is tarred, and then theft occurs for this weight.

Ballast can also be used when loading with grain.

The load can be removed or placed even after weighing, depending on what goals are being pursued.

How to avoid?

All these tricks can be done both by employees of the elevator or the company, and their customers who bring grain. So all parties need to be extremely careful when going through the weighing procedure.

Job description equipment adjuster in production food products

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the equipment adjuster in the production of food products.

1.2 An equipment adjuster in food production belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3 An equipment adjuster in the production of food products is appointed to a position and dismissed in in due course current labor law by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

Head of Canned Products Department


Additional submission


Gives orders


The employee replaces

Person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise


The employee replaces

  1. Qualification requirements for the adjuster of equipment in the production of food products:





work experience

At least 1 year



structure and design features of multi-node machines, equipment for semi-automated and mechanized lines;

rules for debugging, interaction and synchronization of nodes and mechanisms;

the reasons that will cause malfunctions in the operation of the equipment, ways to identify them;

disassembly, assembly and regulation; instructions for the operation and repair of equipment; the structure of the instrumentation and instruments used;

development of sketches for awkward parts.




Additional requirements

For an equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category

Requirements for the adjuster of equipment in the production of food products:

2nd category: Vocational education or complete general secondary education and professional training in production. No work experience requirements.

3rd category: Vocational education. Training. Work experience in the profession of an equipment adjuster in food production 2 categories - at least 1 year.

  1. Documents regulating the activities of the equipment adjuster in the production of food products

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulations regarding the work being done.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise (head of the department for the production of canned products); Regulations on the department for the production of canned products, Job description of the equipment adjuster in the production of food products, Rules of internal work schedule.

  1. Responsibilities of the equipment adjuster in the production of food products

4.1. Sets up, regulates and repairs semi-automated and mechanized lines, multi-node machines and automatic machines, high-speed centrifugal separators.

4.2. Checks the state of interaction of equipment nodes.

4.3. Prevents, detects and eliminates technical malfunctions in the operation of equipment.

4.4. Regulates knots and mechanisms in the course of work.

4.5. Takes part in the implementation different types repair, equipment testing and commissioning under working load.

4.6. Provides training to workers involved in the operation of the equipment.

  1. Rights of the equipment adjuster in food production

The adjuster of equipment in the production of food products has the right to:

5.1. Familiarize yourself with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

5.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

5.3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

5.4. To request personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor from the heads of enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

5.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibility of the equipment adjuster in food production

The equipment adjuster in food production is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of an equipment adjuster in food production

The mode of operation of the equipment adjuster in the production of food products is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the labor of an equipment adjuster in the production of food products are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order CEO enterprises.

Head of the structural subdivision


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


Elevator control panel operator

§ 31. Operator of the elevator control panel of the 4th category

Job Description. Conducting technological processes by dialing from the control panel of the elevator technological routes for receiving grain from railway cars and road transport, dispensing grain and milled products with weighing on automatic scales, moving grain. Maintenance, control of work, participation in the repair and adjustment of remote-controlled equipment, automation equipment, control and signaling equipment. Accounting for the loading of silos with grain products, the release of finished products into flour trucks. Regulation of the operating mode of dispensers. Ensuring uniform supply of products to conveyors. Accounting for the weight of products entering the warehouse, without regrading. Systematic check of the balance. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the serviced equipment.

Must know: technological scheme of placement and movement of grain and grain products in the elevator and warehouse; schemes of aspiration networks and installations; kinematic diagram of the elevator control panel; purpose, principle of operation and arrangement of technological, handling, aspiration equipment, aerosol transport lines, taking into account the control mode from the remote control; ways to identify and eliminate possible problems in the operation of the serviced equipment; the order and sequence of inclusion and selection of optimal technological routes for the movement of grain; rules for organizing and conducting technological processes at elevators and warehouses.