Patriot media. Cossack Information and Analytical Center - patriotic Internet resources. Memoirs, fiction

Patriotic Internet Resources

Communities, forums and organizations

Made by us

The motto is "We have something to be proud of." The community keeps a daily chronicle of the development of Russia, where very important events for us from the life of the country are recorded. The opening of new factories and hospitals, the success of farmers, the introduction of new technologies. The community is a strong and universal response to liberal assaults like "nothing is being built in Russia."

Truth and Myths: foreign world and Russia

The site provides an opportunity to speak out and dispel myths for those who have really been, lived and live and work abroad, who have an objective view of the world. In blogs and on the open area of ​​the site, comments from official information sources.
Our motto is an objective view of life!

Internet Militia

The portal for counteracting the information war against Russia is the Internet Militia. Project by Nikolai Starikov.

telegraph operator

News patriotic site - a look at the world and Russian news different from the liberal mainstream.


Information-analytical center "Aftershock". Chronicle and analysis of developments in the world. It favorably differs by the high level of most of the presented analytical materials, as well as by the traditionally balanced, calm and respectful manner of conducting polemics.

Panarin Igor Nikolaevich

Russian political scientist, doctor political science, member Expert Council Committee for CIS Affairs of the Federation Council.
He repeatedly took part in news and analytical programs on leading Russian TV channels and radio, commenting on acute and actual problems modern world politics and our Russian reality.

Sergey Kurginyan

Founder and head of the virtual club "Essence of Time". Known, in particular, for his struggle against the introduction of Juvenile Justice in Russia.

Together we will win

operational, true information- the main weapon of the information war!
This site collects the most valuable and relevant information in one place, giving it out in a convenient form, free from flooding, trolls and empty chatter.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Reports of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on human rights - publications on human rights in the United States, Canada and a number of European countries. In them, Russian diplomats note numerous violations of human rights in the United States and European countries.

Andrey Ilyich Fursov

Russian historian, sociologist, publicist. Author of the study "Information War against Russia". Modern Russia—occupying one-eighth of the earth's land mass and possessing the world's second-largest army—is embroiled in a series of informational conflicts with the most different countries. Our main opponents are the so-called "Western countries".

Other communities

Writer, historian, leader of the Trade Union of Citizens of Russia. The blog logically and clearly explains what and why is happening in our country. What is really behind the beautiful words and historical clichés. Patriot.

Pavel Shipilin

Analyst blogger, who clearly and with evidence analyzes liberal myths and other misinformation about Russia in his blog.

Evgeny Fedorov

MP State Duma. On the pages of his journal, he publishes speeches on the problems of Russia's sovereignty and other topical issues of the development of our country. He is the initiator of amendments to the Law of Dima Yakovlev.

Fritz Morgen

The 20,000th LiveJournal maintains a blog where he writes about Russia, its achievements, its enemies and its friends.

Stanislav Apetyan - Politrash

Runet cleaner: regularly pleases the public with coverage of the dirty deeds of our opposition. It is to Stas that we owe multiple revelations.

Other bloggers , analyst, regularly reviews on the tag "politics";, Egor Baklanov; , Ilya Smirnov; , Anatoly (Onotole) Wasserman; , Irina; , Eugene; , Dmitry Belyaev; , Lev Vershinin;

Home Social Security Media

Information service in the Armed Forces of Russia

Military media are publications, radio stations and TV channels, the history of which is directly connected with the best pages in the history of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Among them are the well-known throughout the country newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, the magazines Army Collection and Military Thought, and the Zvezda TV channel.

At the moment, the Russian Ministry of Defense not only talks about the Russian army on television and radio, but also releases more than 20 periodicals printed publications. Have their own newspapers and magazines Air force, Navy, Railway Troops. The main task of these media is to maintain the morale of military personnel even in the most isolated garrisons and military camps.

The main topics of publications are military-patriotic, social, educational and historical. Thus, the "Military Historical Journal" tells about the development of military science and technology, outstanding Russian and Soviet commanders; "Warrior of Russia" publishes literary and artistic materials on the topics of military education, heroism and patriotism, as well as essays and articles about the daily life of the Russian army and navy.

In recent years, the television and radio company of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Zvezda has been actively developing, which includes a TV channel, a radio station and Internet sites. Zvezda began broadcasting in 2005. During this time, she managed to find her face and her viewers and listeners, who prefer news, programs, songs, documentaries, films and TV shows that glorify the courage of the Russian soldier and the strength of Russian weapons.

The further development of the military media is aimed at ensuring the greatest possible access to publications various categories population, but first of all - military personnel and members of their families. This is especially true for residents of closed military camps and remote garrisons. The Ministry of Defense is making every effort to provide them with access not only to all-Russian TV channels and radio stations, but also to the Zvezda TV channel, Zvezda-FM radio, and regional electronic media. To do this, it is necessary to provide military families satellite equipment, television and radio receivers with the ability to receive a digital signal, as well as to create a wide network of Internet access points in the troops (forces). Such points will be located in dormitories, barracks, libraries of cultural and leisure centers and officers' houses.

The implementation of these measures will allow the Armed Forces of Russia by 2020 to reach the indicators of the world's leading armies in the field of information services.

    “Everyone has long understood that the ongoing outflow of finance is the main scourge of the domestic economy. This phenomenon has many reasons. These are stereotypes about instability domestic markets, especially in light of the massive sanctions attack. And a whole generation of bourgeois that arose back in the nineties, who perceive the country as a springboard for making money, but do not associate long-term prospects with it, therefore they invest and spend their money not here.

    “With all the above advantages, how long did the bill allowing to obtain Russian citizenship without formal renunciation of the citizenship of another country lie without movement? What are they all afraid of? Strengthen yourself? Return your homeland? That there will be more around the world Russian citizens loyal to Russia? Isn't Israel, Poland, Germany and many other countries following this path? With our demographic situation, for a long time we should have studied the Israeli experience with their Ministry of Absorption or the Polish one with their “Polish card” and implement it as quickly as possible in our country.”

    A new comedy series is coming out on TNT from the creators of Voronins, Call DiCaprio!, Eighties and other hits. The director of the project under the sonorous name "Patriot" was Nikolai Burlak, known for the TV series "Street", and debutant Anton Zhizhin played the main role in the film. In the center of the plot - the adventures of the commando Sanya. He returns after serving native city and sees a depressing picture: friends drink too much, the police do not work, and the beloved takes part in the famous reality show and takes naked selfies. Filled with a sense of duty, the guy decides to fix the moral character of the city.

  • “The official and most important language is Russian. The state-forming people are Russian. In other words, the people of Russia are all those who speak Russian. No matter what nationality a person is, Russian is a supranational, almost metaphysical concept. To be Russian, you need to want to be and speak the appropriate language - thus, the Constitution leaves the right of every person in the world to become Russian and to remain so forever. Because this is, in general, a good prospect - mobile, but reliable. In our country, of course, they are changing the Constitution, but they are changing it in the direction of sustainability.”

    “Now the children eat as God puts on the soul. Well, or parents - in a briefcase. Organized meals schools are almost a thing of the past. Some will have something to eat in the school cafeteria, others - at “breakfasts” and dry rations brought from home, and others remain completely hungry. In the canteens themselves, there is also often a race for food conjuncture (this requires the concept of “healthy eating”), and far from being healthy: burgers, hot dogs, shawarma ... Now the law requires putting things in order in this matter as well.”

    “Times have changed. Russia is no longer a colony of the West, but its main opponent, at least in the foreign policy arena. Russia has regained sovereignty and is helping many others regain it. Russia is the source of peace and legitimacy, be it the Middle East or Latin America. Russia again has the best weapons and is able to ensure its security by building geopolitical alliances with China, India, Iran, driving the West into minority status on the way to a multipolar world.

    “Recall that the largest, as the president said, geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century happened after a massive historical “artillery preparation” in the press. Exposure of real and imaginary "crimes" in various publications gradually inspired a guilt complex in Soviet society, and it was no longer able to resist the actions of the liquidators in the party elite. How would we now not step on the same rake. I hope that the State Duma will be able to preemptively stop any attempts to dismantle the people's memory.

    “Is it necessary to react at all to such escapades of the Japanese? Do not we, Russia, give their words more weight in this way? Who are these mysterious "Japanese communists" to listen to them? Maybe there are only one and a half of them, declaring, having drunk sake, their geopolitical "Wishlist"? Some Russian politicians and experts really suggest ignoring the informational provocations of the neighbors. Like, the dog barks - and let him bark. However, primitive communal mores still reign in international politics. If Moscow stops responding to such claims, Tokyo may decide that we don’t care.”

    “The memory of Rzhev is the memory of our people. And everything that happens or happened to the people happened to us too - not on the same scale, fortunately, but grains settled in the soul. That is why the topic of war has such an impact on us - it is not just a part of the genetic code, it is the whole gallery of Russian types that got there according to the law of large numbers. They hit and mostly died. But perhaps not gone forever. The war in the film "Rzhev" is shown as an inevitable fate - there is simply nothing more left, but it is impossible to somehow worry about this, because you have to fight and die all the time, and there can be no other things in the war.

    Official site state program. The Internet site "Gospatriotprogram.RF" of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (Rosvoencenter) was created in accordance with the implementation of the Third State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, Ministry of Sports of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia.

    The main goal of the Program is the further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education of citizens, which ensures the development of Russia as a free democratic state, the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among the citizens of the Russian Federation, loyalty to the Fatherland, and readiness to defend the Constitutional system. According to strategic goals state to ensure a stable and sustainable social development, strengthening the country's defense capability The program determines the content and main ways of developing the system of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and is aimed at further shaping the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as the most important value, one of the foundations of the spiritual and moral unity of society.

    Websites for magazines and newspapers
    Memoirs, fiction

    Military literature [Military history] - Great Patriotic War
    The site called "Military Literature" contains sections such as: "Primary Sources", "Diaries and Letters", "Military Memoirs", "Biographies", "Living History", "Military History", " General history"," Pioneer", "Military Thought", "Research", "Propaganda", "Publicism", "Prose of War", "Poetry of War", "Technique and Weapons", "Charters and Laws", "Spetskhran", " Alternatives".

    Great Patriotic War: True stories about the war
    The task of the site is an attempt to form an objective picture of the Great Patriotic War. Unbiased coverage of the heroic and tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. The site is an archive of audio, video and text files, as well as rare wartime photographs (including from family albums).
    The peculiarity of the site is the availability of translated materials: memories of participants
    wars from other countries: Germans, British, Americans, Italians.

    The Great Patriotic War and its artistic comprehension in Russian literature and literature of other peoples of Russia. The site is intended for schoolchildren and teachers.

    Military literature
    The site presents all genres of literature reflecting the theme of the Great Patriotic War: documentary historical research, diaries and letters, memoirs, fiction. Arrangement in the alphabet of authors and titles.

    I remember. Heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War. Memory Book
    Memoirs of participants in the Great Patriotic War, which are
    living book of remembrance. Memories are presented by military affiliation to
    military branches and services: scouts, machine gunners, tankers, snipers, partisans,
    doctors, etc. The site "I remember" helps to publish literature on military history.

    Monuments and memorials

    Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Hill
    Poklonnaya Gora: official site

    Documentaries, newsreels

    Archive of documentaries and newsreels
    Electronic archive of newsreel and documentary films. Contains great amount film materials dedicated to the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War: newsreels of 1939-1945, films about the greatest battles of the war, military leaders, the exploits of soldiers, rear work, actions
    Soviet army and so on.

    Photo documents, photo archives

    Military album - photo archive of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War
    More than 2000 photographs of 1939-1940, 1941-1945 about the war are presented.
    Chronology of World War II in photographs. All campaigns and battles
    wars by theater of operations: Eastern, Western,
    African, Pacific.

    Victory. 1941-1945 - photographic materials
    Information on the state archives of the Russian Federation storing photographic documents
    period of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Archival photographs.

    Immortal Regiment
    The idea of ​​creating the "Immortal Regiment" belongs to Tomsk journalists. "Record grandfather in the regiment" - this is the name of a special section on the website of the "Immortal Regiment". Here you can talk about your hero, post a photo of your grandfather or great-grandfather who fought, his biography and military path. Participation in Immortal regiment implies that everyone who remembers and honors his veteran of the army and navy, partisan, underground fighter, resistance fighter, home front worker, prisoner of a concentration camp, on May 9 takes to the streets of the city with a photograph of a soldier.