Job description of the seller of the consultant of perfumery and cosmetics. What are the duties of a sales assistant in a mobile phone shop? The main tasks assigned to sales consultants

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The most important responsibilities of a furniture store sales assistant

sales consultant in furniture storekey person, which assumes the entire burden of communication with customers.

What is included in it job responsibilities What is strictly prohibited? To whom does this employee report, for what is he responsible? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

The seller - consultant of a furniture outlet must perform the following duties:

Advise potential buyers, explaining the features of a particular model of furniture nomenclature;

Know and understand the order of assembly, the cost of time;

Provide clarifications regarding wood species, properties of fiberboard, chipboard or other. materials used to make furniture;

Monitor the safety and cleanliness of samples;

Know what product flaws are related to marriage;

Generate a receipt on the computer;

Prepare holiday documents issued to customers;

Keep control of callbacks;

Always be polite, avoid conflicts;

Make a schedule for the delivery of furniture;

In the absence of a cashier, accept money from customers;

Report at the cash desk or by bank transfer;

Prepare the proceeds for transfer to collectors, etc.

If the furniture sample you like is left only in a single copy, then the seller must place an order, taking into account the time required for manufacturing.

When the buyer wishes to make adjustments to typical dimensions and order furniture according to individual parameters, the seller needs to calculate the consumption of materials and labor costs in order to correctly calculate the cost.

It is important for an employee of a furniture salon-shop to start his work every day by clarifying the range available in the warehouse in order to know exactly when to offer the client delivery.

In reality, a furniture store employee spends the whole day on his feet, demonstrating furniture models of interest to customers, showing the presence of drawers, commenting on the quality of fittings or the difference in the cost of a particular model of a cabinet, sofa, wall, slide, etc.

It is worth reminding the buyer what size of the place allotted for the purchased furniture, the style and color of the interior decoration of the room, so that the purchase fits perfectly and does not dissonate with the overall design.

What should be done and what should not? The sales consultant must do what is included in the list of his duties, as well as: follow the instructions of the management; promote promotional offers; assist in the selection of furniture; to be friendly, benevolent; take on the solution of issues at a level accessible to his competence, etc.

But there is something that, under no circumstances, a sales assistant in a furniture store should not do.

These are the actions:

Deny customer service;

Get involved in disputes, conflicts with scandalous visitors;

Give incorrect information to customers regarding materials, quality, cost of furniture nomenclature;

To impose stale furniture samples without listening to the wishes of buyers;

Conduct dishonest calculations, cheating customers;

To be rude, to allow rudeness and insults.

A decent, well-mannered person holding such a position will never allow an enterprise to be sued as a defendant through his fault

What must you know?

The knowledge of the furniture seller covers a huge range of different information in a variety of ways:

Basic requirements of the RF Law and Procedure Regulations;

Corporate rules for the furniture trade (if any);

Properties of materials used for frame furniture, as well as for upholstery of upholstered furniture, as well as the difference between them in service life, strength, performance;

Differences between different styles registration of housing, offices, etc.;

Rules for paperwork, etc.

It is also important to know and understand the psychology of people, to determine immediately which contingent this or that client belongs to. It is also impossible not to take into account the need to be able to handle and use a computer, copier, cash register, bank terminal.

You can also explore the responsibilities of other sales consultants trade organizations: in clothing, furniture, footwear stores, household appliances, cosmetics and perfumes, in the salon cellular communication, pharmacy.

What is responsible for?

The furniture seller is responsible for the following:

Failure to fulfill their duties included in the job description;

Failure to comply with orders, orders of management;

Preservation of exhibition samples of furniture;

Preservation Money(in the absence of a cashier);

The correctness of the execution of documents issued to the client as a result of the completed act of purchase and sale of furniture;

Offenses, if any.

For any illegal actions, the sales assistant must be responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To whom is it subordinate?

Depending on the structure of the enterprise selling furniture, an employee in such a position may report to:

senior seller; hall manager;

Point of sale manager.

Through the immediate superior, the employee must receive assignments and report on the implementation, make suggestions, report problems, etc.


In a furniture store, the sales assistant must spin like a squirrel in a wheel, otherwise there will be no proper results, and the trading plan will not be fulfilled. To be neatly dressed, armed with a mass of knowledge, always friendly and ready to help, trying to constantly expand your horizons - this is exactly what a salesman who intends to rise through the ranks should do.

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One of the most popular professions, according to statistical studies of job sites, is a salesperson. What is the role of a sales consultant? What are the functional responsibilities of his fiefdom? Let's find out!

In order to become a successful seller, it is not at all necessary to study for a long time, receive higher education, highly specialized skills or gain a lot of experience. No, of course, an experienced seller has great opportunities, but even if the seller is a novice, but has the necessary qualities and some talent, he will be able to quickly prove himself in this business.

Sales consultant functionality

The functions of a sales consultant are not limited to selling products. He also must not only punch the check and wrap the goods, but provide consulting services, which is called "persuading" the buyer that he needs this particular product and needs it very, very urgently. Consulting services are information support, persuasion, and even skillful overcoming of possible objections.

The professional skills of a sales consultant include knowledge of the basic methods of psychological influence and verbal interaction with the buyer, knowledge of sales techniques and technologies. With a complete lack of work experience, there is nowhere to get such knowledge, so many companies provide preliminary training for employees, as well as regular seminars and trainings to improve sales skills.

Also, the professional skills of a sales assistant include the ability to work with documents in order to properly process purchases and product accounting programs, as a rule, these are programs of the 1C system (“1C: Trade and Warehouse”). This is necessary in order to control and track the movement of goods, to be able to determine whether the goods requested by the buyer are in stock.

Ideally, it is good if a specialist by nature is endowed with the gift of speaking eloquently and convincingly, competently persuading potential clients, then the functions of a sales assistant will be performed most effectively from the first days of work. But, even if there is no such pronounced talent, you can develop the necessary skills. In any case, for successful promotion in this area you need to have certain personal qualities and a penchant for this particular type of activity. Personal qualities are needed such as competent, delivered speech, sociability, knowledge of etiquette, politeness, goodwill, self-control. Also, sales assistants usually spend a lot of time on their feet, do not have the opportunity to move away or rest. This point must also be taken into account - good endurance and good health are important requirements for this work. Required quality for the seller, also, determination and the ability to make independent decisions, as well as to do it quickly.

The professional skills of a sales consultant include knowledge of a foreign language, there are organizations where it is simply necessary, for example, shops in places frequently visited by tourists.

Also, as a rule, an excellent knowledge of the product being sold, its properties and characteristics is required, especially if it is some kind of complex product, for example, electronics. Sometimes the gender of the seller is also important. For example, they prefer to take women to decorative cosmetics stores.

Functional responsibilities of a sales assistant

The duties of a sales consultant usually include:

  • Communication and negotiations with clients of different levels;
  • customer service, using sales technologies in the work;
  • providing advice to customers about the product being sold, its properties, rules of use, care;
  • calculation of the purchase price;
  • packaging of the purchased goods;
  • work with claims;
  • exchange of goods;
  • receiving and distributing goods;
  • warehouse accounting, work with an electronic database;
  • pre-sale preparation.

This is a short and basic list of seller functionality, which may vary in different organizations, stores or trading companies. It happens that it is supplemented with other skills in related areas. For example, sometimes they are charged with the obligation to monitor demand, although this is rather the responsibility of a marketing specialist.

home functional duty seller-consultant - providing the buyer with complete and correct information about the goods being sold, providing consulting assistance in choosing the goods and, as a result, the sale of the goods. Since, as a rule, sales assistants work more for a percentage and at the same time have very modest salaries, those sellers who do well in the first two stages of working with a buyer have a large number of sales and, accordingly, a good percentage of them as an addition to wages.

This is one of the most sought-after professions, since salespeople are needed not only in numerous outlets, but also in almost all manufacturing companies that produce and sell a variety of goods, from dump trucks to computer programs. good sellers have the same good income.

In most cases, the duties of a sales consultant include a wide range of functions, some of which may not be directly related to the sale of goods.

The duties of a sales consultant may include the preparation of reporting documentation, the return of defective goods, the decision conflict situations and many other questions.

The profession of a sales assistant does not require any narrowly focused skills and professional specialized education. But do not forget that there are certain sales consultant requirements as a person on whom the success of work depends commercial enterprise. In most cases, these include general wishes that are related to the nature of the applicants and their lifestyle:

  • Restraint
  • Availability of communication data
  • benevolence
  • Politeness
  • Grammatically correct speech
  • Knowledge of etiquette

In addition, the responsibilities of a sales assistant include constant communication with people and a long stay on their feet, with minimal opportunity for relaxation during the working day. Therefore, it can be rightly argued that the requirements for excellent health, endurance and non-conflict can be considered reasonable and fair.

You can also understand an employer looking for an experienced employee who is able to make prompt decisions in case of unforeseen situations.

Depending on the type of activity the company is engaged in, a number of additional requirements may be presented to the applicant invited to the position of a sales consultant. For example, knowledge of the characteristics of the goods being sold, knowledge of foreign languages, etc. The gender of the future employee can also play a significant role. For example, in a building tools store it is more appropriate to invite a man who understands the intricacies of the goods to work.

Key skills of a sales consultant, his capabilities and skills

Let's see who is a sales assistant? He is a sales consultant. For example, transactional sales are characterized by the fact that the buyer himself takes the initiative to purchase and selects the desired product. In contrast, consulting sales involve the fact of information support, the use of methods to convince the buyer.

In some cases, a method for overcoming objections will be required. The duties of the sales consultant imply the presence of these moments.

In other words, he must master the basic techniques and methods of verbal and psychological interaction with potential buyers. In addition, the sales consultant must be familiar with existing sales techniques. It is clear that if the job seeker does not have the necessary experience, it becomes unrealistic to acquire such skills. It is for this reason that many firms have made it a rule to conduct practical exercises with employees. Preliminary training includes all kinds of seminars, theoretical courses, trainings, etc.

Productive work requires another professional skill of a sales assistant - the ability to work with product accounting programs (for example, "1C: Trade and Warehouse") and documentation. If these skills are not available, then this is fraught with the fact that the seller may provide the buyer with false information regarding whether the necessary product is available in the store.

Key Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant

In most cases, in official duties sales assistant includes the following functions:

  1. Negotiations with clients of various levels;
  2. Packaging of goods;
  3. Receipt of goods and, if necessary, their exchange;
  4. Customer service taking into account sales technology;
  5. Activity with ;
  6. Calculation of the final cost of the purchase;
  7. Advising buyers regarding the characteristics, properties of goods, rules for caring for them. Assistance in matters of pre- and after-sales service;
  8. Checking the health of goods. Visual inspection, conformity of the goods to the name printed on the package. In other words, this includes a set of actions regarding pre-sales preparation.

This list is not exhaustive - it all depends on the trading policy of the company, its scope of activity and a whole range of other factors. For example, often job description sales assistant includes a clause on monitoring consumer demand, despite the fact that this is more related to the competence of marketing department specialists.

Sales assistant resume example

The main responsibilities of a Sales Consultant include:

  • Providing customers with consulting and practical assistance in the selection of goods;
  • Providing the client with reliable and complete information about the goods;
  • The final job of the sales consultant is to complete the sales cycle. In other words, it is the sale of goods.

For this reason, in order for an employer to be interested in a potential employee, a resume of a sales assistant must include information about the ownership of the subject of sales. Simply put, knowledge of the purpose of the product, its characteristics, the main target audience And so on.

If the future consultant has experience in a similar or related field, then in his resume he needs to focus on this point and describe in detail his achievements at the previous place of work.

In addition, the image of the store (company) depends on the sales assistant. And this means that the degree of customer loyalty to it. So, in the resume it is necessary to prescribe compliance with the requirements that apply to employees whose labor activity involves interacting with customers. This is friendliness, goodwill, patience, attentiveness, lack of conflict, and so on.

A future sales assistant can sometimes resort to some tricks to get the desired vacancy. As a rule, when an employer places a vacancy announcement, it fully prescribes the requirements for a future employee in it. And the applicant for the position of a sales consultant only needs to rephrase the agreed qualities a little. And the result is that the applicant meets the specified requirements - the perfect resume! But such a trick can be resorted to only if, in fact, your qualities do not significantly contradict the requirements specified by the employer. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

If you have difficulty describing your merits at a previous job and wording, you can download a sales consultant - this will help you achieve the desired result.

The profession of a sales assistant does not require specialized education or highly specialized skills. However, a number of requirements for the identity of the applicant applying for this position still exist. Most often, these include general wishes related to the lifestyle and character of the applicant:

  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • restraint;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • courtesy and knowledge of etiquette.

Besides, Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant, as a rule, provide for the need for a long stay on your feet without the possibility of rest during the working day. Therefore, the requirements of endurance and excellent health can be considered quite fair.

No less fair is the desire of the employer to get an experienced employee who is able to quickly make decisions in the event of emergency situations.

Depending on the direction of activity of the enterprise, inviting a sales consultant to work, may be nominated Additional requirements. For example, freehold foreign language, knowledge of the characteristics of the product being sold, etc. Sometimes the gender of the employee also matters (for example, in a women's underwear store, a woman seller would be more appropriate).

Don't know your rights?

Key skills of a sales consultant, skills and abilities

A Sales Consultant is a sales consultant. Unlike transactional sales, when the buyer independently takes the initiative to buy and chooses a product, consulting sales involve information support, the use of persuasion methods, and sometimes overcoming objections. All this is included in duties of a sales consultant.

That is, he must master the basic methods and techniques of psychological and verbal interaction with customers, as well as have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existing sales technologies. Of course, in the absence of work experience, it is almost impossible to acquire such skills, which is why many companies practice preliminary training for employees: theoretical courses, seminars, trainings, etc.

Another professional skills of a sales assistant necessary for successful work is the ability to work with documents and products accounting programs (for example, "1C: Trade and Warehouse"). Otherwise, the seller runs the risk of providing the customer with incorrect information regarding the availability of the desired item in the store.

The main responsibilities of a sales consultant: for a resume and successful work

As a rule, in Job Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant includes the following functionality:

  • negotiating with clients of all levels;
  • customer service in accordance with sales technologies;
  • providing consulting assistance to buyers regarding the properties, characteristics of goods, rules for their use, pre- and post-sales service, care;
  • calculation of the total cost of the purchase;
  • packaging of goods;
  • work with complaints;
  • acceptance and exchange of goods;
  • checking the serviceability of the goods, compliance with its name printed on the package, visual inspection, etc. (that is, pre-sale preparation).

This list is by no means exhaustive – it all depends on the trading policy of the company, the direction of its activities and many other factors. For example, often official sales assistant instructions contains a clause on monitoring consumer demand, although this is more within the competence of a marketer.

Content and example of a sales assistant resume

Main Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant is the provision of complete and reliable information about the product to the buyer, the provision of practical and consulting assistance in choosing it, and ultimately the completion of the sales cycle, that is, the sale of the product.

Therefore, in order to potential employer showed interest sales consultant resume should contain information about the possession of the subject of sale, that is, knowledge of its characteristics, purpose, main target audience, etc. If you have experience in a similar or related field, you should dwell on this in more detail and describe your own achievements in the same place.

In addition, the image of the company (store), and hence the level of customer loyalty to it, directly depends on the sales assistant. Thus, in the summary it is worth pointing out the compliance with the requirements for employees whose work involves interaction with customers: lack of conflict, friendliness, etc.

Sometimes a little trick helps to increase the chances of getting the desired position: usually, when placing a vacancy announcement, the employer quite fully indicates the requirements for the applicant in it; when compiling a summary, it is enough to paraphrase the indicated qualities a little - and here it is, compliance! But this is permissible only if it does not contradict the truth too much - otherwise you can get into an awkward situation.

Overcoming difficulties with the wording and description of previous merits will easily help sales assistant resume sample. Finding him on the Internet is easy, but it’s better to specify the request and indicate the sales area in which employment is planned: for example, “ sales consultant resume sample home appliances store.

Reading time: 4 min

Each of us, and more than once, had to communicate in a mobile phone store with a sales assistant, and with very different results, which is explained different levels the professionalism of the man behind the counter.

What duties should this employee perform, what is he responsible for and what should he not do under any circumstances?

Job Responsibilities

Visitors to a mobile phone salon do not always know exactly what they want to buy, and here a highly professional sales assistant will be just a godsend.

Not all clients understand the intricacies of gadgets, and not at all from the scarcity of the mind: the occupation of people often has nothing to do with cellular devices.

The seller - consultant in the mobile phone salon is obliged to:

  1. consult the buyer in detail about various models of gadgets, explain the difference in functions, cost offers;
  2. to bring to the attention of the client the essence of various tariffs;
  3. conduct a dialogue in such a way that the consumer chooses one of the phones, smartphones, tablets;
  4. write a check and transfer the amount through the cash register;
  5. at the request of the client, insert a card and demonstrate the operation of the device;
  6. tell how and when to charge the phone;
  7. fill out the warranty card, mark the store;
  8. conclude a contract for subscription services;
  9. extradite full package documents, and put all accessories and packaging in a bag with a company logo;
  10. keep records of funds, prepare for transfer for collection;
  11. prepare internal reports;
  12. accept goods;
  13. decorate windows according to all the rules of merchandising, etc.

An employee in a mobile phone store deals with expensive and fragile goods, and therefore must be careful not to allow careless attitude to gadgets, and also monitor the safety of goods

The price range of goods in a mobile phone store is impressive, so it is important that the store employee immediately understands exactly what level of cost is available to each of the representatives of a certain contingent of buyers, and at the same time does not prevent the client from choosing independently, regardless of the price of gadgets.

What should be done and what should not?

The seller - consultant in the mobile phone salon must:

  1. start a dialogue with the store visitor, providing assistance and trying to persuade them to purchase;
  2. daily check the availability of models of audio and video equipment, as well as adjust prices when they change;
  3. study the features and differences in brands, models;
  4. understand which defects of the goods are related to obvious marriage, and draw up certificates for culling;
  5. resolve disputes without letting them get out of control;
  6. when returning gadgets, act in accordance with the requirements of the RF Law and Procedure Regulations, in difficult cases refer consumers to management;
  7. be polite, neatly dressed, have a badge.

There are also restrictions on the actions of a communication store employee. So, Salon worker must not:

  1. rude, insult customers;
  2. use profanity, thieves in speech;
  3. provide advice or demonstration of goods;
  4. express disdain for those customers who came to buy an inexpensive simple phone, or those who do not know how to handle devices;
  5. quarrel with clients, develop a conflict;
  6. give false information;
  7. to cheat by embezzling money, etc.

Nobody changed the rules corporate ethics, therefore, it is unacceptable to throw mud at and criticize the store itself, pricing policy, their colleagues, administration

What must you know?

The field of knowledge of the sales consultant is extensive, but at the same time, special education and even experience are not required, the main thing is that the applicant for such a position must know:

  • the requirements of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation relating to work, as well as the rules and standards adopted in the network of branded mobile phone stores or in a separate store;
  • contract rules, warranty cards etc.;
  • gadget device various kinds and manufacturers, their features;
  • how to issue a return of goods, send them for examination, etc.;
  • rules of sales technique, basics of merchandising;
  • instructions for using the cash register, depositing cash;
  • how an invoice is formed in the program "1 C" Trade and Warehouse ";
  • full range, price level, etc.

Knowledge of the device and operation of a PC at the level of a confident user is not even discussed, this is a self-evident requirement.

Literacy in oral speech and in writing - the most important of the conditions for successful activity in the field of trade.

Also, the sales assistant must be a good connoisseur of the psychology of buyers and know exactly when to shut up and wait until the client “ripens”, that is, decides to choose and purchase a communication device.

What is responsible for?

The sales assistant is a financially responsible person, and this applies not only to cash or non-cash funds received on the account of the salon, but also to the entire range of gadgets that are in trading floor, for integrity commercial equipment, office equipment, etc.

When a deficiency is found, material damage it is possible to bring to criminal responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

The employee in this position is also responsible for:

  • failure to perform their functions and duties;
  • violation of labor and executive discipline;
  • non-observance of confidentiality (leakage of information about the amount of proceeds, time and mode of collection, etc.);
  • incorrect documentation;
  • misinforming buyers and management;
  • unethical behavior, etc.

If a mobile phone salon was fined by representatives of inspection bodies through the fault of the seller, then such an employee will have to answer with both the ruble and punishment up to and including dismissal.

Any misconduct or offense will result in adequate punishment in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

You can also study the duties of sales assistants of other trade organizations: in clothing, furniture, footwear, household appliances, cosmetics and perfumery stores, in a mobile phone shop, and a pharmacy.

To whom is it subordinate?

The subordination of a sales assistant in a store selling cellular communications is provided directly to the manager or director, manager.

Useful video

We offer for viewing an interesting video on how to behave as a sales assistant in a communication salon. Filming is being carried out in one of the salons of the famous mobile operator.


The work of a sales assistant in a communications gadgets salon is responsible and serious, so those young people who are not fully aware of the vastness of the requirements and the degree of responsibility may pay for their frivolity.

It is not easy to work in such a place, you will have to memorize a huge amount of information, to be always in good mood, despite their state of mind, and fulfill the sales plan.

We invite those who had experience of working in a mobile phone salon or bought a phone, smartphone, tablet for themselves or as a gift.