Profession designer - fashion designer presentation for the lesson (grade 9) on the topic. Presentation on the topic: "Profession designer" Presentation on the topic of the profession designer fashion designer

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The designer is the creator of the surrounding world. He seeks to cover all spheres of life of a modern person, and he is interested not only in the appearance (shell) of objects, but also in their inner essence and functional interconnection.

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Varieties of DESIGN

There are about 10 areas of design and the same number of specializations in each of them. We will consider the most popular trends in modern design.

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Industrial Design

(industrial design, object design, industrial design) - a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

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landscape design

This is the creation of artificial and living, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed landscapes, decorative dendrology, landscaping of the environment and residential premises, floristry.

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Architectural design

Architectural design has more to do with the work of an architectural engineer than with the work of a designer. The qualification of an architect requires more knowledge than is given in the study of the specialty "Architectural Design". Therefore, when choosing the profession of an architectural designer, it is worth evaluating your strengths as an engineer. If you are not confident in yourself, you will have to take advanced training courses or unlearn again, but already as an architect.

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Fashion designer

Fashion industry worker. A highly demanded specialty, however, many specialists are faced with the fact that finding the best job in this field is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. You can earn good money, but the glory is likely to go to the owner of the brand.

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What should a graphic designer know?

In order for sites to be not just a set of texts and photographs, but a real work of design art, you need to learn special programming languages ​​such as Perl, JavaScript, php, etc., be able to work with Photoshop, understand text encodings, know markup languages ​​(HTML and XML), as well as ways to represent graphics (vector and raster formats).

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What is the job of a graphic designer?

To design a website or book, the designer uses photographs, texts, graphics made by others. It is this division of labor that allows us to achieve the best result: work is carried out with high quality material. A designer does not have to be a photographer or a writer of texts. To create "something" with a computer, you need to know "how" it is created. Moreover, modern computer programs provide a huge number of new opportunities, without knowing about which it is impossible to "design at the level", create a product that can compete with the best samples. Conclusion. A designer in any direction is a good profession. Some people think it's easy. This is not so… Not everyone can become a designer!

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Pros and cons: The designer can work not only in the office, but also at home, on his own computer, on which the necessary programs will be installed. Any mistake in the design is not fatal, it can always be corrected. The designer has the opportunity to see the result of his work, to receive aesthetic pleasure from the process.

Why I want to become a designer Each of us wants to become a successful person in terms of work. In my opinion, the main thing is to love your work. And in order to love the work, it must be to your liking. But it's even better that the work benefits society, so I want to become a designer. I will create beauty. And I believe that this profession has a beneficial effect on society. For me, design is a part of my life, I love to draw and create some different ideas. Being a designer is helping people create beautiful ideas on various topics. Since childhood, I dreamed of this profession and soon my dream will become a reality!

"My future profession" Fashion designer - designer.

  • Performed: student 5"A" class, school number 3
  • Koklevskaya Nadia.
  • is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of the model of clothing, accessories and artistic additions that were not there before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that embodies the flight of fancy to the maximum, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own developments or those proposed by the couturier at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.
  • In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him in this, so there was a need for his services.
  • A fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: patches of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic beginning directly. into our life.
Delicate profession
  • The fashion designer considers the main principle in his work - do no harm. Such a delicate approach is always needed. For example, when creating a costume, you need to feel another person, look at the world around him through his eyes and then do something. Otherwise, the customer will feel uncomfortable and constrained, having spent his own money. At the same time, the designer must satisfy his hunger for beauty, so an artistic compromise has to be found.
Professionally important qualities:
  • The activities of a fashion designer require:
    • creation;
    • individuality and imagination;
    • the ability to draw, sketch clothes and accessories for different styles;
    • build a pattern, cut the fabric;
    • have certain knowledge in the world of fashion and aesthetic taste.
Need to know:
  • Need to know:
    • types of fabrics and their characteristics;
    • formulas for building patterns;
    • color combinations and features of their perception by a person;
    • technology for the production of fabrics and tailoring;
    • fashion history;
    • human psychology.
Where can you get a job?
  • You can learn to be a fashion designer in Krasnoyarsk:
  • 1. Krasnoyarsk Technological College (Address: 660055 Krasnoyarsk, Rokossovsky st. 17).
  • 2. Krasnoyarsk Higher School of Cutters-Fashion Designers (Address: Krasnoyarsk 660020 Shakhterov 2A).
  • Education in Novosibirsk:
  • 1. Novosibirsk Technical School of Light Industry (Address: 630081 Novosibirsk, Krasny Ave 74).
  • 2. Professional lyceum 49 of light industry (Address: 630106 Novosibirsk, Zorge st. 12).
Abilities and Opportunities:
  • I can and love to draw, draw;
  • developed imagination, fantasy, sense of color and visual perception;
  • I can concentrate;
  • fine motor skills and hand coordination are well developed;
  • organized, workable;
  • I have intuition, I study psychology;
  • developed aesthetic taste;
  • I love and can create accessories for clothes of different styles;
  • my family provides me with material support in buying fabrics, accessories and other things to create and implement my creative ideas.
Sketches of youth clothing created by me. The requirement of the labor market for a fashion designer - designer.
  • Higher or vocational education;
  • Work experience of at least 1 year;
  • Age from 23 to 40 years;
  • Ability to draw on paper (pencil, watercolor, ink) and on a computer;
  • Knowledge of working with different fabrics;
  • Employment full-time, full-time;
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Presentation of the lesson on technology Grade 9 GKOU RO N 42 Rostov-on-Don teacher Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna Profession designer - fashion designer

Profession - designer The concept of "design" is applicable to any kind of human activity. That is why this profession exists in such a variety of forms: a printing designer (creating layouts, layout), a phytodesigner (landscaping houses and offices, creating winter gardens), a landscape designer (landscaping), an interior designer (improving apartments and offices, improving functionality and quality level of interiors), web designer (creating websites, banners), clothing designer (embodiment of current fashion trends), food designer (creating beautiful images of dishes for various menus and cookbooks), clothing print designer, etc.

Fashion designer. Description of the profession. The fashion designer is engaged in the creation of new models of clothes, underwear, shoes, accessories and hats. At the same time, the fashion designer needs to take into account fashion trends, gender and age characteristics and the needs of those who will “wear” their ideas, the climatic features of the region and the seasons. In Russia, the path from a novice fashion designer to a famous couturier is thorny and long, most designers consider their own career to have taken place already when they begin to receive orders for the production of sketches of models. Those fashion designers who managed to make a brand out of their name and open a fashion house are engaged not only in creativity, but also in doing business, controlling the process of manufacturing branded products.

Necessary qualities: an original, unconventional view of situations, objects; the presence of figurative thinking; the ability to see the finished product as a whole; sociability; ability to listen and hear the client's request; creativity - the ability to approach any task creatively, generate ideas; perseverance - sometimes you have to redo the same thing several times; diligence - constant practice is necessary, only in this way can skills be honed; patience - even in case of failure, you should not give up, you need to go forward, no matter what, overcoming all obstacles in your path.

Designer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions today. Still, who, if not designers, make our life more beautiful. And few people want to save on beauty.

A fashion designer is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of the model of clothing, accessories and artistic additions that were not there before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that embodies the flight of fancy to the maximum, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own developments or those proposed by the couturier at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.

Demand. In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him in this, so there was a need for his services. A fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: patches of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic beginning directly. into our life.

Fashion designer Fashion designer


Presentation for the lesson of labor Grade 9

Subject: Career choice.

Teacher Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna.

The purpose of the lesson :

development of attention, associative thinking and creative imagination of students, development of speech, the ability to work in a group, listen to their classmates, express their opinion and summarize the knowledge gained in the lesson;

work with key concepts.

Lesson objectives:


to form students' understanding of the work of a designer, cook, photographer.


development of horizons, artistic taste of students;

development of students' speech;
development of cognitive interest in the subject.

to develop the ability to competently build a monologue statement, to master the culture of dialogic speech;

develop the ability to think independently, analyze,

develop the ability to compare the visual image of the subject with their practical application.


development of moral, aesthetic qualities of the individual.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:
material and technical equipment:equipment for training workshops, a computer, a multimedia system, materials for making a fabric bag.
didactic equipment:workbook, visual illustrative material, media presentation of the topic of the lesson, electronic textbook on technology.


I. Organizational part

Attendance control. Check readiness for the lesson.

II. Presentation of new material

^ Teaching Methods:
verbal, written, practical work, creative work, independent work.

This stage of the lesson takes place in the form of a conversation on the following issues: the profession of a designer, stylist, fashion designer.

Profession - designer

The concept of "design" is applicable to any kind of human activity. That is why this profession exists in such a variety of forms: a printing designer (creating layouts, layout), a phytodesigner (landscaping houses and offices, creating winter gardens), a landscape designer (landscaping), an interior designer (improving apartments and offices, improving functionality and quality level of interiors), web designer (creating websites, banners), clothing designer (embodiment of current fashion trends), food designer (creating beautiful images of dishes for various menus and cookbooks), clothing print designer, etc.

Required qualities:
original, unconventional view of situations, objects;
the presence of figurative thinking;
the ability to see the finished product as a whole;
ability to listen and hear the client's request;
creativity - the ability to approach any task creatively, generate ideas;
perseverance - sometimes you have to redo the same thing several times;
diligence - constant practice is necessary, only in this way can skills be honed;
patience - even in case of failure, you should not give up, you need to go forward, no matter what, overcoming all obstacles in your path.

Designer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions today. Still, who, if not designers, make our life more beautiful. And few people want to save on beauty.

MODEL DESIGNER is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of the model of clothing, accessories and artistic additions that were not there before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that embodies the flight of fancy to the maximum, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own developments or those proposed by the couturier at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.

Demand. In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him in this, so there was a need for his services. A fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: patches of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic beginning directly. into our life.

Practical work.

Handbag design. Cutting fabrics and sewing handbags.

VII. Lesson summary

The teacher grades, conducts a mini-interview about whether the information that the students learned in the lesson was interesting, where you can apply this knowledge in practice, thanks the children for productive work.

Lesson type:

combined: learning new material, consolidating new material, practical creative work.


  1. fashion designer
  3. Fashion designer
  5. Photo

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A presentation on the topic "My future profession is a DESIGNER" (Grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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My future profession


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The designer is the creator of the surrounding world. He seeks to cover all spheres of life of a modern person, and he is interested not only in the appearance (shell) of objects, but also in their inner essence and functional interconnection.

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Varieties of DESIGN

There are about 10 areas of design and the same number of specializations in each of them. We will consider the most popular trends in modern design.

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Industrial Design

(industrial design, object design, industrial design) - a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

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landscape design

This is the creation of artificial and living, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed landscapes, decorative dendrology, landscaping of the environment and residential premises, floristry.

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Architectural design

Architectural design has more to do with the work of an architectural engineer than with the work of a designer. The qualification of an architect requires more knowledge than is given in the study of the specialty "Architectural Design". Therefore, when choosing the profession of an architectural designer, it is worth evaluating your strengths as an engineer. If you are not confident in yourself, you will have to take advanced training courses or unlearn again, but already as an architect.

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Fashion designer

Fashion industry worker. A highly demanded specialty, however, many specialists are faced with the fact that finding the best job in this field is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. You can earn good money, but the glory is likely to go to the owner of the brand.

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What should a graphic designer know?

In order for sites to be not just a set of texts and photographs, but a real work of design art, you need to learn special programming languages ​​such as Perl, JavaScript, php, etc., be able to work with Photoshop, understand text encodings, know markup languages ​​(HTML and XML), as well as ways to represent graphics (vector and raster formats).

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What is the job of a graphic designer?

To design a website or book, the designer uses photographs, texts, graphics made by others. It is this division of labor that allows us to achieve the best result: work is carried out with high quality material. A designer does not have to be a photographer or a writer of texts. To create "something" with a computer, you need to know "how" it is created. Moreover, modern computer programs provide a huge number of new opportunities, without knowing about which it is impossible to "design at the level", create a product that can compete with the best samples. Conclusion. A designer in any direction is a good profession. Some people think it's easy. This is not so… Not everyone can become a designer!