Class hour "September 8 - International Literacy Day". Presentation on the topic: International Literacy Day Classroom for International Literacy Day

Elena Antipova
Literacy Day Presentation

The history of the mind presents two main era: the invention of letters and typography; all others were their consequence. Reading and writing open a new world to a person ... "N. M. Karamzin

International literacy day, which was declared in 1966 by UNESCO, is celebrated on September 8th. It is in this day In 1965, the International Conference of Ministers of Education was solemnly opened in Tehran, the main theme of which was the elimination illiteracy.

The purpose of creating this holiday is to call on the society to intensify efforts to spread literacy.

Today more than 860 million people remain illiterate; more than 100 million children are out of school; many children, youth and adults who have completed school and other educational programs in the conditions of the modern world, do not correspond to the level necessary to be considered literate.

right: Lie down!

"Don't undress your coat!"

right: coat (does not lean)

New coat. Autumn, rain, umbrellas around - it's time to put on a finger .... We go to the store under an umbrella with my mother for a finger .... Here is the end of all tights - I’m going in a new finger .... Oh, what the beauty: five pockets at the finger! And when I grow up, I will give the finger to my brother ....

“Don't take this one! Labuda! Millet!” “Take this: a valuable thing. There one gives soot!”

“Here is this terribly powerful book!”

In Russia, as part of the celebration of the International Day literacy in large cities, dictations and tests in the Russian language are held among schoolchildren and students. Anyone can take part in the dictation to check their level literacy.

We are holding a promotion "Check your literacy

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International Literacy Day (in other official UN languages: English InternationalLiteracyDay, Spanish DíaInternacionaldelaAlfabetización, French laJournéeinternationaledel "alphabétisation) - celebrated on September 8. The annual International Literacy Day was declared by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the "World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy", held in Tehran in September 1965. September 8 is the day of the inauguration of this conference.

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Statistics Despite notable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school. Countless children, young people and adults enrolled in school or other educational programs do not meet the level required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world. Fewer than 50 countries provide universal access to primary education .About 20% of the world's adults are illiterate.

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Literacy and Peace The theme for International Literacy Day 2012 is Literacy and Peace. This theme was chosen in the context of the United Nations Literacy Decade to demonstrate the great value of literacy and the benefits it brings to people. Literacy contributes to the spirit of peace, because it helps people gain personal freedom, better understand the world around them, and prevent and resolve conflicts. The link between literacy and peace also works in reverse: in countries with fragile democracies and prone to military conflicts, it is much more difficult to develop and maintain a literate population.

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Why is it important to be literate? Literacy is a human right, a means of expanding personal freedoms and opportunities, as well as a tool for the development of individual human potential and society as a whole. Opportunities for further education are also determined by the level of literacy. Literacy is at the core of basic education for all, it is a sine qua non for eradicating poverty, limiting population growth, achieving gender equality and achieving sustainable development, peace and democracy. Education for All (EFA) is based on literacy, and for good reason. A quality basic education gives students the skills they need for later life and for further learning. Literate parents are more likely to send their children to school. A literate person has more opportunities for lifelong, continuing education, and literate societies have better mechanisms to adapt to emerging development challenges.

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LITERATURE, grammar. ability to read and write; sometimes only the first, the ability to read. The people say: to know literacy. || Grama name. any royal letter, the writing of a sovereign person; now rescript; || a certificate for granting rights, possessions, awards, distinctions to a person or community. || The people call every letter or note, and even every piece of paper, a grammar or grammar. Live in silence, and write grammar to us. He writes grammar, but asks for memos. Learning to read and write is always useful. The letter is firm, but the tongue is lisping. According to old memory, that according to grammar. According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given. And he himself is not happy that he is much literate. Literacy is not dry. Living literacy, oral speech. Dead grammar (fortress) is not freely given. Grammar, gramatin (k) and well. sowing paper. Gramotnik m. -nitsa f. grammarian m. ‑chitsa f. literate m. literate, literate well. literacy vol. or literate adj. who is literate, able to read, or to read and write; the first is called semi-literate, semi-literate or poorly literate; but not able at all: un- or illiterate. Literate, literate is also a literacy teacher. Literate, not a plowman, not a worker. Take a literate woman, she will sort out the holidays. More smart people, less fools. Don't be literate, be memorable. Now there are many literate, but few well-fed. People are illiterate, and we eat hand-written gingerbread. Literate, illiterate. Trade literates the peasant, forces him to learn to read and write: gradually everyone becomes literate, becomes literate. Grammar science, knowledge of speaking and writing correctly; a collection of the rules of the language, established by custom and in the order set forth. Grammatical, -tic, -tical, consonant with grammar; related to her in general. Grammar, grammar. grammatical correctness. Grammar, grammarian m. versed in this science, compiler of grammars.

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The annual International Literacy Day was declared by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the "World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy", held in Tehran in September 1965. September 8 is the day of the grand opening of this conference.
This day is intended to intensify the efforts of society to spread literacy.

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“International Literacy Day is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to achieving the goal of ensuring that all people can read and write. By achieving this, we will strengthen the dignity of the people and advance the common cause of peace” From the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the Day.

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LITERACY - a certain degree of proficiency in reading, writing in accordance with the grammatical norms of the native language. (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary)
To be literate today means to be educated, to constantly acquire more and more new knowledge, to improve oneself as a person, to be able to correctly assess one's intellectual level and the dignity of the interlocutor.

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Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
They don't write with a pen, they write with their minds.
Reading to learn is always (forward) useful.
Literacy is a second language.
Not the one who knows how to read is literate, but the one who listens and understands.
Without a letter, as in the dark.
Illiterate means uncultured.
Proverbs and sayings about the importance of literacy.

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There are 4 billion literate people in the world. More than 860 million adults remain illiterate. And more than 100 million children do not go to school. Fewer than 50 countries provide universal access to primary education. About 20% of the adult population of the world is illiterate.

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Completely illiterate live in Africa, partly in Asia and Latin America
In modern society, it is impossible to survive illiterate
There are no completely illiterate people in Russia, the USA and Europe

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Nevertheless, the level of education in Russia is falling.
In 1991, UNESCO ranked Soviet higher education third in the world. By 2007, the Russian Federation had dropped to 27th place in the same ranking.

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It is believed that literacy is an “innate concept”.
But a completely literate person cannot be born! Together with the ability to correctly write and express one's thoughts, a person builds up the principles of grammatical logic.
A literate person is not born, a literate person becomes!

Target. Introduce students to the history of the holiday.

Instill a desire to be literate.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your country.

Class hour progress.

Teacher: Every day of life gives us knowledge. How do we acquire them?

(Through books, TV, computer).

Teacher: Yes, that's right. But there is another way to acquire knowledge - this is travel. I invite you to make an unusual journey - virtual.

During the first centuries of their existence, the pagan Slavs did not know writing. True, there is evidence that they tried to create it and even used "features and cuts", that is, some kind of badges. But the fact remains: Slavic writing was created and began to spread only after the adoption of Christianity.

Why Slavic writing arose (conversation)
- What do you think, what connection existed between the emergence of writing among the Slavs and their adoption of Christianity?
- How were books produced in Russia until the middle of the 16th century? (Printing appeared in our country in 1564. Ivan Fedorov was the first printer.)
- How do you understand the expression "read the book from blackboard to blackboard"?
- What did the old books look like?
- Could a poor person in Rus' afford to buy a book? Why?
- What were the rules for handling books in ancient Rus'?

Which of these rules have survived to this day?

Watching a movie "Writing and books in Rus'"

Teacher: Personal freedom, mutual understanding with the outside world, independence, development of one's own potential, conflict resolution. All this gives literacy. She even has her own day on the calendar.

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally, the word "literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. In a modern sense, this means the ability to write according to established norms of grammar and spelling. People who can only read are also called "semi-literate".

Teacher: The celebration of International Literacy Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that, despite the role of literacy in human empowerment and its importance for development, there are still 776 million illiterate adults in the world and 75 million children out of school.

The history of the holiday

Student 1. There are over 700 million illiterate adults in the world, and more than 72 million among children. The problem of illiteracy is most widespread in countries where there are wars, civil unrest, and in the countries of the "third world". This became the prerequisite for the emergence of the International Literacy Day, designed to draw public attention to this problem.

The world conference of ministers of education, the theme of which was "Eradication of illiteracy", opened and took place on September 8, 1965 in the capital of Iran, the largest city of Tehran. At the suggestion of this conference, UNESCO in the following year, 1966, proclaimed International Literacy Day ( International Literacy Day - 8 September.

Student 2. The United Nations has designated 2003-2013 as the "Decade of Literacy" and UNESCO has been designated as the coordinator of all activities.

The main objectives of the Decade were announced: a significant increase in literacy rates, the provision of affordable and universal primary education and the promotion of equality between women and men in education.

Every year on this day, international conferences are held on a variety of topics (“Literacy ensures development” (2006), “Literacy and health” (2007), etc.).

Student 3. And Literacy Day begins to acquire its own customs.

Literacy Day Traditions

On September 8, Olympiads, open lessons, quizzes, and Russian language competitions are held in schools in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, the purpose of which is to highlight diligent and diligent students.

Lectures on the problem of people's illiteracy are recited. Conferences and meetings of teachers are arranged, outstanding teachers are awarded.

Libraries organize literacy lessons on this day, special books are selected to improve the quality of literacy.

In Russia, activists distribute leaflets that describe the elementary rules of the Russian language.

Librarians arrange actions right on the streets, distribute books and magazines to people at bus stops and just passers-by. Entertaining grammar lessons are held before entering the library.

Interesting Literacy Facts

1. In the world, only 19 countries have a higher literacy rate for women than for men. And out of 143 states in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.

2. Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt, Brazil, China.

3. In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have a basic general education.

4. The All-Russian population census showed that in Russia in 2010, 91% of Russians have a secondary school and higher education.

You should never forget about your own literacy, you always need to improve it.

Literacy is a kind of “face” of a person. In society, literate people are always valued. To be literate is to be prestigious.

The decision to establish September 8 as International Literacy Day was made in 1966 at the 14th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Beginning January 1, 2003, UNESCO assumed the role of coordinator for the international implementation of activities carried out within the framework of the United Nations Literacy Decade initiative. This year marks the end of a multi-year program to promote the development of education in the world, during which about 90 million people have become literate thanks to the help of different countries, communities and international organizations.

Let's try not to make mistakes!
Let's respect ourselves and others
So that the rules are not forgotten by us,
Learn to conscience and only "5"!
Wrong write - waste another's time!
Don't let yourself be mocked.
Writing without errors is the basis of the foundation!
Let's love our language

St. Razdorskaya

municipal budgetary educational institution

Razdorskaya secondary school

Classroom hour


Teacher: Kostina T.A.

2017-2018 academic year

Class hour "September 8 - International Literacy Day"

Target. Introduce students to the history of the holiday.

Instill a desire to be literate.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your country.

Class hour progress .

Teacher. Every day of life gives us knowledge. How do we acquire them?

( Through books, TV, computer).

Teacher. Yes, that's right. But there is another way to acquire knowledge - this is travel. I invite you to make an unusual journey - virtual.

During the first centuries of their existence, the pagan Slavs did not know writing. True, there is evidence that they tried to create it and even used "features and cuts", that is, some kind of badges. But the fact remains: Slavic writing was created and began to spread only after the adoption of Christianity.

Why Slavic writing arose (conversation)
- What do you think, what connection existed between the emergence of writing among the Slavs and their adoption of Christianity?

How were books made in Russia before the middle of the 16th century? (Printing appeared in our country in 1564. Ivan Fedorov was the first printer.)
- How do you understand the expression "read the book from blackboard to blackboard"?
- What did the old books look like?
- Could a poor person in Rus' afford to buy a book? Why?
- What were the rules for handling books in ancient Rus'?

Which of these rules have survived to this day?

Watching a movie "Writing and books in Rus'"

Teacher. Personal freedom, mutual understanding with the outside world, independence, development of one's own potential, conflict resolution. All this gives literacy. She even has her own day on the calendar.

On September 8 the whole world celebratesLiteracy Day.

Today, September 8, the whole world celebrates International Literacy Day.

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally under the word"literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. In a modern sense, this means the ability to write according to established norms of grammar and spelling. People who can only read are also called"semi-literate".

Teacher. The celebration of International Literacy Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that, despite the role of literacy in human empowerment and its importance for development, there are still 776 million illiterate adults in the world and 75 million children out of school.

The history of the holiday

Student 1. There are over 700 million illiterate adults in the world, and more than 72 million among children. The most commonilliteracy problemin countries where there are wars, civil unrest, and in third world countries. This became the prerequisite for the emergence of the International Literacy Day, designed to draw public attention to this problem.

World Conference of Ministers of Education, the theme of which was "Eradication of Illiteracy", opened and took placeSeptember 8, 1965in the capital of Iran, the largest city of Tehran. At the suggestion of this conference, UNESCO in the following year, 1966, proclaimedInternational Literacy Day (International Literacy Day- 8 September.

Student 2. The United Nations has designated 2003-2013 as the "Decade of Literacy" and UNESCO has been designated as the coordinator of all activities.

The main objectives of the Decade were announced: a significant increase in literacy rates, the provision of affordable and universal primary education and the promotion of equality between women and men in education.

Every year on this day, international conferences are held on a variety of topics (“Literacy ensures development” (2006), “Literacy and health” (2007), etc.).

And Literacy Daybegins to acquire its own habits.

Literacy Day Traditions

On September 8, Olympiads, open lessons, quizzes, competitions in the Russian language are held in schools in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, the purpose of which is to highlight diligent and diligent students.

Lectures on the problem of people's illiteracy are recited. Conferences and meetings of teachers are arranged, outstanding teachers are awarded.

Libraries organize literacy lessons on this day, special books are selected to improve the quality of literacy.

In Russia, activists distribute leaflets that describe the elementary rules of the Russian language.

Librarians arrange actions right on the streets, distribute books and magazines to people at bus stops and just passers-by. Entertaining grammar lessons are held before entering the library.

Interesting Literacy Facts

1. In the world, only 19 countries have a higher literacy rate for women than for men. And out of 143 states in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.

2. Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt,Brazil, China.

3. In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have a basic general education.

4. The All-Russian population census showed that in Russia in 2010, 91% of Russians have a secondary school and higher education.

You should never forget about your own literacy, you always need to improve it.

Literacy is a kind of “face” of a person. In society, literate people are always valued. To be literate is to be prestigious.

The decision to establish September 8 as International Literacy Day was made in 1966 at the 14th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Beginning January 1, 2003, UNESCO assumed the role of coordinator for the international implementation of activities carried out within the framework of the United Nations Literacy Decade initiative.

Let's try not to make mistakes!
Let's respect ourselves and others
So that the rules are not forgotten by us,
Learn to conscience and only "5"!
Wrong write - waste another's time!
Don't let yourself be mocked.
Writing without errors is the basis of the foundation!
Let's love our language!